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ITALERI riferimento reference

Via Pradazzo, 6/b

40012 Calderara di Reno - Bologna - Italy 1:48 scale No 2691

World War II
German Aircraft Weapons
During World War II the Luftwaffe used an enormous number of dropping weapons, in a huge variety of weight, dimensions and uses. It should not be forgotten,
however, that Germans bomber planes had construction and use features that influenced the size and type of bombs. And so, for example, in the German arsenal,
differently from that of other countries, we find a countless series of perforating devices, which overcome by far in number and variety, those used by all the others
belligerents put together. This was due to the confidence that the Germans had in dive-bombing. One limit was in the fact that the bomb hold, except in the case of
the Dornier 217 and Heinkel 177 Greif, were dimensioned for a maximum of 500 kg of explosives, and therefore bigthe bomb hold, except in the case of the Dornier
217 and Heinkel 177 Greif, were dimensioned for a maximum of 500 kg of explosives, and therefore bigger bombs would fit only on the outside of the airplane, with
all the limitations attached.
The most commonly used German bombs can be divided in three fundamental groups:
fragmentation bombs, or those of generic use - SC (Sprengbombe Cyiindrich) weighing 10, 50, 250, 500,1000,1800,2000 and 2500 kg;
thick casing fragmentation bombs, or semi-piercing - SD (Sprengbombe Dickwandig) weighing 1, 2,4,10, 50, 70, 250,500,1000 and 1700 kg;
anti-armour fragmentation bombs - PC (Panzersprengbombe Cyiindrich) weighing 500,1000,1400,1600 and 1800 (also equipped with rocket acceleration, when
they have the RS ending- Ruck Stoss antrieb).
Then the following types existed which had more specific use:
armour-piercing bombs • PD (Panzer Durchschlagbombe) weighing 500 andlOOO kg;
napalm incendiary bombs - FLAM (Flammbombe) weighing 250 and 500 kg;
white phosphorus incendiary bombs - B (Brandbombe) weighing 1,2,4,10, 50 and 250 kg;
high power splinter bombs - SB (Splitter Bombe) weighing 1000,1800 and 2500 kg;
smoke bombs - NC (Nebelbombe Cyiindrich) weighing 50 kg;
flash bombs and bengala bombs - LC and BL (Leuchter Cyiindrich e BeLeuchter) weighing 50 kg;
cement drill bombs - ZC (Zielbombe Cyiindrich) weighing 10,50, 250 and 1000 kg.
There was as well a whole series of dropping containers, like cluster bombs, which could be loaded with various types of ammunition, explosives, incendiaries, shaped
charge piercing explosives or even with pamphlets. They can all be recognised by the initials AB (Abwurf Behalter). They were: AB 36, AB 70, AB 250, AB 500 and AB
1000, with the number indicating more or less the payload. Inside of them many explosives were inserted weighing 1, 2 and 4 kg.
Finally a series of explosives existed as well, little used or of special use, like the air-launched naval mines, the torpedoes, mine bombs and torpedo bombs. At last
there were the KC bombs (Kemische Cyiindrich) with a variety of weights from 50 tolSOO kg, destined for chemical war, fortunately never used. The list is not complete
because the locally conceived explosives or those modified impromptu are missing. We can cite some modifications coded as StaBo, StacheBomben, that is the pole
bombs and the Zar, Zunder Abstand Rohr, which means spacer pole. While the first were destined to permit the bombs to lodge and explode at the right spot, the
others were used to prevent that the bombs would get buried too deep in wet ground, reducing their effect considerably. Both were used only on the SC 50 and 250.
The Dinort Stab, or that is, the Dinort "needle" poles, named after the official of the Luftwaffe who invented them, lieutenant colonel Oskar Dinort, ace of the Stuka.
They were a further modification for "nailing" bombs between the beams on the railway. It should be remembered that the 50, 250 and 500 bombs looked the same
outside as if they were SC, SD, FLAM, B, NC, LC, BLC and ZC. The forms and dimensions were unified to facilitate loading them on the planes.
Model notes
German bombs tended to be painted with different colours according to size.
For the 10,50,250 and 500 kg explosives generally the colour was Dunkelgrun RLM71; but sometimes Grau RLM02 was used as well especially for smaller calibre.
For the bigger bombs fundamentally RLM65 was used and then ever more often RLM76. The reason is due to the fact that the large calibre bombs were loaded on
the outside of the aircraft and therefore it was necessary that they be the same colour. Often the bigger explosives, hooked up beneath the night bombers, received
a coat of flat black to make them the same as the parts underneath the aircrafts. The containers of the AB group were painted RLM02, for the AB36 and 70, RLM65
or 76, for the AB 250, 500 and 1000.
Finally a note on the colour codes which distinguished the various types of explosives. They were carried on the outside of the bomb with stripes, or arrows, coloured
according to a preordined code, and generally placed between the vanes, but also with stripes all around the bomb.
At times the entire tail cone could be the same colour.
The basic colours are:
RLM04 yellow: SC bombs
RLM23 red: SD bombs
RLM24 blue: PC bombs
There were also the added codifications.
RLM23 red:
on the warhead with the black coat of arms of a glass on B bombs;
with two circular stripes at 1/3 of the bomb nose on FLAM bombs;
The higher calibre bombs then had the type and weight of the explosive stamped in black characters.
WARNING: Model for adult collector age 14 and over
ATTENZIONE: Modello per collezionisti adulti di eta superiore ai 14 anni
ATTENTION: Modele pour modeiistes de 14 and et plus.
ACHTUNG: Modellbausatze Fur Modelibauer uber 14 Jahre.
WAARSCHW1NG: Geschikt voor 14 jaar en ouder.
ATENCION: Modelo paramodelistas mayors de 14 anos.

ATTENTION - Useful advice! ATTENTION - Consells utiles!

Study the instructions carefully prior to assembly. Remove parts from frame with a sharp knife or a pair of scis- Avant de commencer le montage, etudier attentivement le dessin. Detacher avec beacoup de soin les mc-rr==_
sor and trim away excess plastic. Do not pull ol parts. Assemble the parts in numerical sequence. Use plastic moules en usant un massicot ou bien un pair de cisaux et couper avec une petite lame avec de papier de .~
cement ONLY and use cement sparingly to avoid damaging the model. Black arrows indicate parts to be glued ebarbages eventuels. Jamais detacher les mcrceaux avec le mains Monter les en suivant i'ordre de la nume>st>;y
together. White arrows indicate on which frame the parts must be assembled WITHOUT using cement. These tables. Eliminer de la moule ie numgro de la piece qui vient d'etre montee, en !e biffant avec une croix. Les "
letters (A-B-C..,) indicate on which frame the parts will be found. Paint small parts before detaching them from noires indiquent les pieces a coller, ies fleches blanches indiquent les pieces a monter sans colle. Employer ==-
frame. Remove paint-where parts are to be cemented. Crossed out parts must not be used. de la colle pourpofystirol. Les iettres ( A - B - C . . . ) aux cotes des numeros indiquent la moule ousetrouve iap^e
monter. Les pieces marquees par une croix ne sont pas a utiliser.
ATTENZIONE - Consigli ntlilil OPGELET • Belangrijke bemerkingen!
Prima di iniziare il montaggio studiare attentamente ii disegno. Staccare con molta cura i pezzi dalle stam- Bestudeer zorgvuldig het montageplan voor het bouwen. Breek nooit onderdelen van net kader. V=
pate, usantio un taglia-balsa oppure un paio di forbici e togliere con una piccola lima o con carta vetro fine los met een scherp mes of kleine nageltang. Verwijder daarna al het overtollige plastic en pas ce
eventual! sbavature. Mai staccare i pezzi con le mani. Montarli seguendo I'ordine delle numerazione delle alvoorens te lijmen. Gebruik alien lijm voor plastic modellen. Werk zorgvuldig en spaarzaam, tevee' '
tavole. Eliminare dalia stampata il numero del pezzo appena rnontato facendogli sopra una croce. Le frecce uw model beschadigen. Zwarte pijlen duiden dete lijmen defen aan. Witte pijlen verwljzen naarbe.'.ei
nere indicano i pezzi da incollare, le frecce bianche indicano i pezzi da montare senza colla. Usare solo coila delen weike nlet mogen worden geiijmd. Deze letters (A - B - C...) geven de kaders aan waarin c'e :
per polistirolo. Le lettere (A - B - C...) ai lati del numeri indicano la stampata ove si trova il pezzo da montare. delen zich bevinden. Schilder de kleine onderdelen voor ze van het kader te snijden. Verwijder de :=
I pezzi sbarrati da una croce non sono da utilizzare. de te lijmen opperviakten.
ATENCION - Consejos utiles!
ACHTUNG - Ein nfrtzlfcher Rat! Estudiar las instrucciones cuidadosamente antes de comenzar el montaje. Separar ias piezas c
Vor der Montage die Zeichnung aufmerksarn studieren. Die einzeinen Montageteile mit einern Messer oder bandejas con un cuchlffo afilado o un par de tijeras y retirar el exceso de plastico o rebada. No 5rr
einer Schere vom Spritzling sorfailing entfernen. Eventuelle Grate werden mit eicer Klinge oder feinem las piezes. Montar las piezas en orden numerico. Utilizar SOLAMENTE pegamento para plastico y er.
Schmirgelpapier beseitigt. Keinesfalls die Montageteiie mit den Handen entfernen. Bei der Montage der cantidad para evitar que se dane el modefo. Las fiechas negras indican las piezas que se debs~ "
Tafelnurnerieung folgen. Pfeile zeigen die zu klebenden Teile wahrend die weissen Pfeiie die ohne Leim zu juntas. Las flechas blancas indican las piezas que deben ensamblarse SIN usar pegamento. Las Islra
rnontierenden Teile anzeigen. Bitte nur Piastikkfebstoff verwenden. Die Buchstaben (A - B - C...) neben den B - C...) indican en que bandeja se encuentran las piezas. Pintar las piezas pequenas antes de sepa
Nummeren zeigt.auf welchem Spritzling der zu montierende Teil zu finden ist. Die mit einem Kreuz markierten de la bandeja. Retirar ia pintura de los lugares por donde se deban pegar las piezas.
Teile sind nicht zu verwenden.








ER4 - ETC50 - SC 50

AB 70 (2x)


PC 1400






SC 250 Zar


SC500 12 12

12 12




900 It. Fuel Tank



300 It. Fuel Tank





51 52


Pfeife Gerate 43

Weapons Load Table

Examples Of must used weapons loads (Other combinations was possible, i.e.: Ju 88 2 SC 500 + 2SC 250 - Ju 87 1 AB 500 + 2SC 250)

Weapons iBiifj jjji r.nifii;M imwmt<&msmim i;c*i#] H in mi

SC 1000

SC 250 ZAR



SD 1700


PC 1400




300 L


900 L


*ER4 rack allowing to load '

Istruzioni per I'applicazione delle decalcomanie. Ritagliare le
decalcomanie occorrenti dal foglio, immergerie in un bicchiere di Transfers: knip het benodigde deel uit, dempel et ca. 10" onder
acqua pulita per circa 10", metterlein posizione sui modello efarle water, oudt het transfer tegen het model en schuif het vanaf het
papier op zijn plaats. Met een schoon doekje aandrukken.
scivolare dalla carta: per una migliore aderenza comprimerle con
una pezzuola puiita.

Direction for applying the decals: cut the required decals out of the
sheet; dip the into a glass of clean water for about 10"; position
the decals on the kit, letting them slide from the paper. For a better
adesion. press them by means of a clean rag.
(«M Macth np*amf, or
Pasattning au decaler: klipp ut den decal som shall anvandas och
doppa den i ett glas vatten under en 10". Satt decaien pa plats pa !cc6yM3*-
modellen och lat den sakta glida av pappret. For att den skal! sitta npoM3n««e agum, >W«;TO« T
ordentligt, tryck till med en torr dik.

19 21

AB70 AB250

ER4 ETC 50 PC 1400


PD500 SC50

- 2 (4x) 6(4x)

SC500 SD250
16 14

17 (4x) !8 (4:<

SC 1000 SD 1700



25 24


ITA MM I! - 2081 ITA MM II - 2086 ITA MM - 1405
ITA MM Acryl - 4681

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