FRM01 - SLA - NDA Form - Overseas Vendors

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Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
FRM01: 2” 01.05.2018

Table of Contents
Service Level Agreement (SLA)............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Agreement Overview................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Objectives........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
3. Service Agreement....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Translation............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
3.1.1 Definition.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.1.2 Requirements.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
3.2 Revision.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
3.2.1 Definition.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2.2 Requirements.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
3.3 Proofreading......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.4 Feedback Implementation............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Transparent TM................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.1 Translation Memory Breakdown.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Invoicing and Payment Terms.................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
6. Penalties........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6.1 Quality Issues Penalty........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
6.2 Breaking the Deadline Penalty....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
In case of Agencies................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.3 Competences........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.4 Qualifications........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7. Preamble.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8. Definition of Confidential Information.................................................................................................................................................................. 5
9. Exclusions from Confidential Information............................................................................................................................................................ 5
10. Obligations of Vendor................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
11. Duration of This Agreement...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
12. Relationships................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
13. Severability...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
14. Integration....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Breaking the Agreement......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Waiver........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

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Service Level Agreement (SLA)

1. Agreement Overview
This agreement represents a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between 1st Party Company name and 2nd Party
vendor for the execution of services required.
This agreement remains valid until outdated by a revised agreement mutually endorsed by the stakeholders.

2. Objectives
The purpose of this agreement is to ensure the commitment of each party to the agreed terms.
The objectives of this Agreement are to:
 Provide clear reference of services ownership, accountability, roles and/or responsibilities.
 Present a clear, concise and measurable description of services requested.

3. Service Agreement
The 2nd party is requested to provide one and/ or all services listed below:

3.1 Translation
3.1.1 Definition
Render source language content into target language content in written form.
3.1.2 Requirements
 Compliance with specific domain and client terminology and/or any other reference material provided and
ensuring terminological consistency during translation;
 Semantic accuracy of the target language content;
 Appropriate syntax, spelling, punctuation, diacritical marks, and other orthographical conventions of the target
 Lexical cohesion and phraseology;
 Compliance with any proprietary and/or client style guide (including domain, language register, and language
 Locale and any applicable standards;
 Formatting;
 Target audience and purpose of the target language content;
 Self-check including self-revision of the target content for possible semantic, grammatical and spelling issue,
omissions and other errors, ensuring compliance with any relevant translation project specifications, completion,
accuracy, consistency and compliance with assignment instructions;
 Mark all items in task checklist on Transparent TM Transparent TM before completing task.

3.2 Revision
3.2.1 Definition
Bilingual examination of target language content against source language.
3.2.2 Requirements
 Examine the target language content against the source language content for errors and other issues and its
suitability for purpose;
 Comparison of source and target language content for requirements listed in 3.1.2;
 Self-check by ensuring completion, accuracy, consistency and compliance with assignment instructions;
 Mark all items in task checklist on Transparent TM before completing task,
 Evaluate translator based on the revision of target language content against source language content using
evaluation form on Transparent TM (if required).

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3.3 Proofreading
Monolingual examination of target language content and/ or examine the revised target language content and applying
corrections before printing.
Proofreader should list errors (if found) in proofreading error sheet.

3.4 Feedback Implementation

Implementing any feedback received from PM, reviewer and /or proofreader.

4. Transparent TM
It is obligatory to use Transparent TM for all communication, service handling and invoicing steps. Task ID represent the vendor
purchase order (PO).

4.1 Translation Memory Breakdown

Type  %
X-translated 0% of base rate
Repetitions 0% of base rate
100% 0 or 25% of base rate - based on the project manager request *
95% - 99% 25% of base rate
85% - 94% 50% of base rate
75% - 84% 50% of base rate
50% - 74% 100% of base rate
0 - 49 100% of base rate
Note 1: For 100% repetition; the rate should remain 0 %, unless a revision phase is requested by the project manager, the
percentage will be issued as 25% of the base rate.

5. Invoicing and Payment Terms

Only invoices sent through Transparent TM are acceptable, and the payments will be transferred within 45 days from the day of
submitting the invoice(s) on Transparent TM in the nearest 15th of each month.

Note 2: Tasks will remain available for invoicing for one year from the end date of the task. After that tasks will not be eligible
for invoicing, and you will no longer be able to invoice them.

6. Penalties

6.1 Quality Issues Penalty

If the quality does not meet the requested standards, the company has the right to deduct a minimum of 10% of the total
amount of the project, and up to the total amount of the project based on the severity of issues detected and the magnitude
of rework done by the company to resolve all quality issues made by the vendor.

6.2 Breaking the Deadline Penalty

If the vendor fails to meet a confirmed deadline, the company has the right to deduct a minimum of 10% of the total amount
of the project, and up to the total amount of the project in case the company fails to deliver to the customer due to the delay
caused by the vendor.

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In case of Agencies
Agencies must ensure the below competences and qualifications are met along with services requirements stated in section 3.

6.3 Competences
1. Professional competences of translators should be :
 Translation competence: the ability to translate content, including the ability to address the problems of
language content comprehension and language content production and the ability to render the target language
content in accordance with the client-TSP agreement and other project specifications.
 Linguistic and textual competence in the source language and the target language: the ability to understand the
source language, fluency in the target language, and general or specialized knowledge of text-type conventions.
This linguistic and textual competence includes the ability to apply this knowledge when producing translation or
other target language content.
 Competence in research, information acquisition, and processing: the ability to efficiently acquire the additional
linguistic and specialized knowledge necessary to understand the source language content and to produce the
target language content. Research competence also requires experience in the use of research tools and the
ability to develop suitable strategies for the efficient use of the information sources available.
 Cultural competence: ability to make use of information on the behavioral standards, up-to-date terminology,
value systems, and locale that characterize both source and target language cultures.
 Technical competence: the knowledge, abilities, and skills required to perform the technical tasks in the
translation process by employing technical resources including the tools and IT systems that support the whole
translation process.
 Domain competence: the ability to understand content produced in the source language and to reproduce it in
the target language using the appropriate style and terminology.
2. Professional competences of reviewers are competences of translators (mentioned in 7.1-#1) along with translation
and/or revision experience in the domain under consideration.
3. Professional competences of proofreaders :
 Proofreader should be a domain specialist.

6.4 Qualifications
1. Qualification of translators are one of the following:
 A recognized graduate qualification in translation, linguistic studies or language studies from an institution of
higher education.
 A recognized graduate qualification in any other field from an institution of higher education plus two years of
full-time professional experience in translating.
 Five years of full-time professional experience in translating.
2. Qualification of reviewers are qualifications of translator (mentioned in 7.2 - #1) along with translation and/or revision
experience in the domain under consideration.
3. Qualification of proofreaders are having a relevant qualification in this domain from an institution of higher learning
and/or experience in this domain.

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Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

7. Preamble
The preamble hereto shall form an integral part of this non-disclosure agreement.
This nondisclosure agreement (the “agreement”) is entered into by and between:
1st Party: Company name

2nd Party: Vendor

In consideration of the disclosure of confidential information by the company, the vendor hereby agrees:

(i) To ensure the security, safe keeping, safe return and/or destruction of material (Data and Documents);
(ii) To take all reasonable precautions to protect confidential Information.

8. Definition of Confidential Information.

For purposes of this agreement, confidential information means any data or information that is released by the company and
not generally known to the public, whether in tangible or intangible form, including, but not limited to: (i) any glossary files,
TMS, source files, bilingual files, term base files, style guides, reference materials, account-related credentials; (ii) marketing or
business plans and performance results relating to the past, present or future business activities of such party, its affiliates,
subsidiaries and affiliated companies; (iii) plans for products or services, and customer or supplier lists; (iv) any scientific or
technical information, design, process, procedure, formula, improvement, technology or method; (v) any concepts, reports,
data, know-how, works-in-progress, designs, development tools, specifications, computer software, information and trade
secrets; and (vi) any other information that should reasonably be recognized as confidential information of the company.
Confidential information need not be novel, unique, patentable, and copyrightable or constitute a trade secret in order to be
designated confidential information.

9. Exclusions from Confidential Information.

Vendor’s obligations under this agreement do not extend to information that is: (i) publicly known at the time of disclosure or
subsequently becomes publicly known through no fault of the vendor; (ii) discovered or created by the vendor before
disclosure by company; (ii) learned by the vendor through legitimate means other than from the company or company’s
representatives; or (iv) is disclosed by the vendor with company’s prior written approval.

10.Obligations of Vendor
The vendor acknowledges that the confidential information is proprietary to the company.
Vendor shall hold and maintain the confidential information in strictest confidence for the sole and exclusive benefit of the
company. Vendor shall carefully restrict access to confidential information to employees, contractors and third parties as is
reasonably required and shall require those persons to sign nondisclosure restrictions at least as protective as those in this
agreement. Vendor shall not, without prior written approval of company, use for vendor’s own benefit, publish, copy, or
otherwise disclose to others, or permit the use by others for their benefit or to the detriment of company, any confidential
Immediately upon the written request by the company at any time, the vendor will return to the company all confidential
information and all documents or media containing any such confidential information and any and all copies or extracts
thereof, save that where such confidential information is a form incapable of return or has been copied or transcribed into
another document, it shall be destroyed or erased, as appropriate.
Vendor shall notify the company immediately upon discovery of any unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information
by vendor or its representatives, or any other breach of this agreement by vendor or its representatives, and will cooperate
with efforts by the company to help the company regain possession of confidential information and prevent its further
unauthorized use.

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11.Duration of This Agreement
The non-disclosure provisions of this agreement shall remain effective until the termination of this agreement, and vendor’s
duty to hold confidential information in confidence shall remain in effect until the confidential information no longer deemed
as a trade secret or until company sends vendor a written notice releasing vendor from obligation entailed by the agreement,
whichever occurs first.

Nothing contained in this agreement shall be deemed to constitute either party a partner or a joint venture of the other party
for any purpose.

If a court finds any provision of this agreement invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this agreement shall be interpreted
so as best to affect the intent of the parties.

This agreement expresses the complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all
prior proposals, agreements, representations and understandings. This agreement may not be amended except in writing
signed by both parties hereto.

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Breaking the Agreement
If the vendor mistreated or broke the agreement by any possible means, it would be considered a realizable violation. If
such penalty cannot be mutually agreed upon, it could be referred to court of law in country of residence of the vendor.

The failure to exercise any right provided in this agreement shall not be a waiver of prior or subsequent rights. This agreement
and each party’s obligations shall be binding on the representatives, assignees, and successors of such party. Each party has
signed this agreement through its authorized representative.
1st Party:

Company name

__ ____________________________

(Typed or Printed Name)

Ahmed Elsayed

Senior Regional Resource Manager___________________________



2nd Party:


(Typed or Printed Name)



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