Trần Thị Bích Thi 4501751246

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Name: Trần Thị Bích Thi

Student code: 4501751246

According to the theoretical framework of semiotics, there are three translation
categorized, namely Intralingual translation, Interlingual translation and
Intersemiotic translation. Intralingual translation or we can all ‘’Rewording’’ is the
interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language. For
example, I have ST ‘’ The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence’’
and TT ‘’ it used to say that the things a person does not have always seem more
appealing than the things he or she does have’’. On the other hand, Interlingual
translation (Translation proper) is interpretation of verbal signs by means of other
signs of other languages. For instance, ST is ‘’Trời đang mưa to’’ and TT is ‘’It is
raining heavily’’. Last but not least, Intersemiotic translation (Transmutation) is
interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of non-verbal sign systems. For
example, when someone is waving hand, I can translate for others that he or she is
saying ‘’Hi’’.
Skopostheorie is the theory which applies the notion of ‘’skopos’’ to translation. It
is initiated by Vermeer (1978). To be exact, ‘’skopos’’ means purpose and it has 3
possible kinds. First, we have general purpose of translator, and then,
communicative purpose of the target text in the target situation. Finally, we have
purpose aimed at by a particular strategy itself. On the other hand, skopostheorie
also has the skopos rule. It is is translating or interpreting in a way that enables
your translation to function precisely in a situation where it is used and with the
people who want to use it. Eventually, we must note that A translational act is
principally determined by its purpose.
According to Vinay and Darbelnet (2000), transposition is one of the oblique
translation procedures. To be exact, in transposition, we replace one word class
with another without changing the meaning of message. Transposition can also be
applied within a language. In addition, it has two types including obligatory
transposition and optional transposition. In obligatory transposition, we have no
choices while in optional transposition, we have may choices in translation and
have to choose. Finally, in this oblique procedure, English is usually
nominalization whereas Vietnamese is verbal constructions. For example, ST is
‘’She is in love’’ and TT is ‘’Cô ấy đang yêu’’.
First of all, stylistic equivalence is functional equivalence of elements in both
original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of
identical meaning. For instance, ST is ‘’Look! That’s the gorgeous girl I told you
about’’ and TT is ‘’Nhìn đi, đó là cô gái lộng lẫy mà mình nói với bạn đó’’. Next,
connotation equivalence is equivalent elements in SL and TL, trigger the same
association in the mind of the speaker of both languages. For example, ST is ‘’một
giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã’’ and TT is ‘’Blood is thicker than water’’. Then, we
have partial equivalence. Basically, It is translating one element of a word. For
instance, ‘’start-up’’ means ‘’Khởi nghiệp’’. Next we have text- normative
equivalence. It is equivalent elements in SL and TL are used in similar contexts in
their respective languages. For example, ‘’best regards” (at the end of a letter)
means ‘’trân trọng’’ hay ‘’kính thư’’. Finally, NIL equivalence is no conceptual
equivalence. For instance, ‘’breadwinner’’ means ‘’người trụ cột gia đình’’.
The main difference between word for word and literal translation is grammatical
constructions. In WFW, translator only cares about words but in literal translation,
he or she also respect grammar in target language. On the other hand, the main
difference between faithful and semantic translation is the aesthetic value. To be
exact, In semantic translation, translator takes more account of the aesthetic value
of the SL text. And the main difference between free translation and others is
producing Tl text without the style, form or context of original.
a. Anh của cậu lập gia đình được bao lâu rồi.
WFW: Your brother create family how long already?
Literal: How long has your brother has already created family?
Free: How long has your brother been married?
b. It’s getting darker and darker out there.
WFW: Nó ngày càng tối và càng tối ngoài kia.
Literal: Ở ngoài kia nó càng tối
Free: Ngoài kia, trời ngày càng tối
Faithful: Trời càng tối ngoài kia
Semantic: Ngoài kia trời càng ngày càng tối

Thanks to this course, I can be more flexible in translating. At first, because I didn't
know how to translate that word exactly, I spent an hour thinking, but after
learning a few translation techniques, I realized that I don't need to pay too much
attention to a certain word. If I can't think of it, I can use its general meaning. In
addition, it completely makes me understand the translation deeply. Having to say
that, a dedicated teacher with a lot of useful knowledge that I have not known
Consecutive interpreting is a mode of interpreting in which the speaker makes a
speech (or says a few sentences) whilst the interpreter takes notes. Simultaneous
interpreting is a mode of interpreting in which the speaker makes a speech and the
interpreter reformulates the speech into a language his audience understands at the
same time (or simultaneously).

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