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Approach & Volley: (intermediate/advanced kids/adults, 1+ player) Player hits a

DTL approach shot followed by a DTL or short CC angle volley on the opposite
wing. Either FH or BH.

Around the World: (intermediate/advanced kids, 5+ players) An even number of

players line up on each side of the court, hitting one shot and then running (to their
right) to the end of the line on the opposite side of the court. Whoever misses gets
a strike; 2 or 3 lives per player. Last 2 people standing play out a regular point.

Back-Up Game: (beginner kids, 2 to 4 players) Players take one step back each
time they hit a shot inside the court; one step forward if they miss. Object of the
game is to successfully hit a shot in the court from behind the baseline. Can use
cones/circles to mark their place. Either FH or BH.

Burglar Game: (beginner/intermediate kids, 4+ players) Coach places his racket

with balls (# of balls is exactly double the # of players, so 8 balls for 4 players) in
the middle of the court. Players spread out on the outside edge of the court and also
place their rackets on the ground. First person to get 3 balls on their racket wins.
Anyone can steal from anyone's racket. Carrying more than 1 ball at a time is NOT

Catch the Ball: (beginner kids, 1+ player) Coach throws the ball and child must
catch the ball with his non-dominant hand near the center of the strings. Teaches
hand-eye coordination.

Cone Catching: (beginner kids, 2-5 players) Players spread out on 1 side of the
court inside the service boxes, while holding a cone. Object is to catch a ball inside
the cone; each player has 2 or 3 lives. If catching from the air (w/o a bounce),
players are only allowed to use their dominant hand.

Hot Potato: (beginner/intermediate kids, 2+ players) Players stand in a circle on 1

side of the court (along with instructor) and try to pass the ball to the next person
without dropping it on the ground. If ball drops, instructor restarts. Players can
only take 1 or 2 steps. Each player must first stop the ball on his strings before he
can pass it. Once the ball is successfully passed to everyone, all players take a step
back. Variation for beginners/little kids is to allow the ball to hit the ground and
also to allow them to chase and 'save' the ball.
Jail: (beginner/intermediate kids, 4+ players) Each player tries to hit one shot
anywhere inside the court. If they make it, they're safe and go to the end of the line.
If they miss, they drop their racquet (by the netpost) and head to 'jail' on the other
side of the court. They have to catch a ball in order to get out of jail. Maximum of
1 bounce, however if they catch it on the fly, they get that person out. Variation is
to make the feeds tougher for better players; also, allow 2 bounces for little kids.

King of the Court: (intermediate/advanced kids/adults, 3+ players) The

"challengers" line up on one side of the court and play out a regular singles point
against the King. Whoever wins 2 points in a row against the King takes over his
spot. Variation is for each player to play out 1 point and first to get 3 points against
the King takes his spot.

Master: (beginner/intermediate kids, 2+ players) Players are trying to spell out the
word "Master" using different parts of the court. M - Right service box; A - Left
service box; S - Right side of no man's land; T - Left side of no man's land; E -
Right alley; R - Left alley. Either FH or BH. Each player gets 2 shots per turn.
From either service line or baseline, depending on skill level.

Popcorn: (beginner/intermediate kids, 3+ players) Similar to musical chairs.

Players spread out on one side of the court, instructor simultaneously launches 1
fewer ball than number of players in the air from the other side. Players can only
use their racquet (no hands) to stop the ball on their strings. Whoever doesn't catch
a ball is out. Keep going until only 2 players are left, whoever catches the last ball
wins. Players that are out can help throw the balls on the other side.

Relay Race: (beginner kids, 4,6 or 8 players) Players are evenly divided into 2
teams on the same side of the court, with 1 ball per team. There is 1 cone placed a
few feet from the net in front of each team. Object is to run from the baseline, go
around the cone and then back to the baseline while holding a ball on the strings.
Player must then pass the ball to the next person on his team w/o using their hands.
If ball drops at anytime, player must run and put it back on the strings before
continuing. Each player goes twice, first team to finish wins.

Release the Racquet: (beginner/intermediate kids/adults, 1+ player) Player

releases the racquet into his non-dominant hand on the follow-through. Helps
loosen the arm and grip on the racquet for players that are too stiff and mechanical.
Sandwich: (beginner kids, 4 or 6 players) Each team has 2 players who are
holding a ball "sandwiched" between their racquets. They start from the back
fence, and must run all the way to the fence on the opposite side of the court and
then back. First team to finish wins!

Scavenger Hunt: (beginner/intermediate kids, 3+ players) Before picking up balls,

have the players search for a certain ball (e.g. 'Wilson 2' or 'Dunlop 4'). Ball
cart/basket should be placed somewhere by the net. First player to bring said ball to
the cart wins. Variation is to have players look for 2 balls, or to eliminate whoever
brings a certain ball last (keep going until 2 players are left).

School Game: (beginner/intermediate kids, 2+ players) Players line up on either

service line or baseline (depending on skill level) and try to work their way up
from kindergarten to college. If ball lands past the service line, they go up a grade.
If ball lands in the boxes, they stay in the same grade. If ball lands out or in the net,
they go down a grade. First to get to college (pass 12th grade) wins. Variation is to
have alleys count as 'stay' for lower skilled players.

Short Ball: (intermediate/advanced kids/adults, 1+ player) Player hits a deep CC

shot from the baseline followed by a DTL approach/putaway on the opposite wing.
Player moves diagonally. Either FH or BH. Variation is to hit 2 deep CC shots.

Snowballs: (beginner kids, 4+ players) Players are evenly divided into 2 teams on
opposite sides of the court. Each team has the same number of balls (lying on the
T). Object is to have the fewest number of balls on their side of the court after a
certain amount of time (either 1:00, 1:30 or 2:00). Players can only touch one ball
at a time. 5 to 7 balls per team is a good number, depending on number of players.
Remind them constantly how much time is left and start counting down from 10

Three Across: (intermediate/advanced kids/adults, 1+ player) Player hits 3 FHs

moving across the baseline, starting from the left singles line. Variation is to have
an extra 4th shot as a short ball/approach. Target should be deep into opponent's

Three Across (Volleys): (intermediate/advanced kids/adults, 1+ player) Player hits

3 FH or BH volleys while moving across the court, starting from the singles
sideline. Target is opposite alley (ad side for FH and deuce side for BH).
Touch the Baseline: (advanced kids/adults, 3 players) Australian format, player
that's by themself has to win 3 points in a row in order to "escape". 1st point starts
with an approach shot, 2nd point with a FH volley, and 3rd point with a BH volley.
Whenever he loses a point, he must run back and touch the baseline with his
racquet before he restarts his attempt to escape with an approach shot. He can use
alleys. Once he wins all 3 points (in a row), it's the next person's turn. Variation is
to add a 4th shot (overhead).

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