Self-Tensioning Spherical Structures: Single and Double Layer Spheroids

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Self-Tensioning Spherical

Structures: Single and Double

Layer Spheroids
David Emmerich

37 Avenue de Breteuil, 75007 Paris, France

(Received 30th May, 1989; revised version received 2nd November 1989)

ABSTRACT: A self-tensioning framework is made up of bars and ties, where

the compression bars are isolated from each other, and the tension ties form a
continuous polyhedric network. Every regular and semiregular polyhedron can
be realised in such a manner, thus giving 'as many regular single layer
spheric structures.
Some basic self-tensioning simplexes can be connected together to form dou-
ble layer frameworks. Thus using the composite polyhedra as building patterns
larger spherical structures can be realised.
In all these configurations, compression members are "floating" in a con-
tinuous tensional network, all components being rigidly spread out and at the
same time united together under the effect of prestress, without the necessity of
anchorage or other forces external to the system - the same as in a self-
supporting structure - hence our term: self-tensioning.

Single and Double Layer Spheroids additional segmentation, giving the bracing
elements necessary for their stability, to obtain
finally a space structure composed in an
Polyhedral patterns give the best possibilities to
articulated manner. This is only possible on the
build spherical structures by equal components,
basis of a genuinely rigid constructive geometry
with the advantage of repetitive, industrialised
[4, 5].
methods. The so called geodesic dome starts also
Among these autostable or self-supporting
from a polyhedron, the icosahedron, but the
structures belonging to different morphological
further subdivision of the twenty spherical
classes, one can distinguish two main categories:
triangles of this polyhedron leads to a more and
more unequal elements [7]. It is easier to use the Indifferentiated structures; where the members
seventeen other convex polyhedra, many of which are subject to inversion of internal forces, thus
have a greater number of faces at the outset, or in they are subjected alternatively either to com-
the case of greater spans, composite polyhedra pression or tension and therefore every bar has
having a double layer composition. to be rigid. Most three dimensional space
This basic but enlarged morphologic repertory frames built today belong to this category.
gives only geometric schemes. Among them some Differentiated structures; where the members
are directly applicable as space frameworks, that are permanently either compressed or stressed
is to say made up of linear elements. However the by tension. Therefore only the compressed
majority of the schemes have to be completed by members, subject to buckling, must be rigid, the

International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990 353

SelfTensioning Spherical Structures

remammg elements can be realised by ten- The last type of configurations are the most
sional members, thus with a greater economy in economical, strongest or lightest, with the heavy
self weight. elements being reduced to a minimum, therefore
This differentiated category itself can be these structures composed principally of tension
divided into three large classes: elements are more interesting technically, avoid-
ing any secondary moments by the lack of contact
Structures having a continuous rigid skeleton
among rigid components and any necessity of
stabilised by some discontinuous tension
elaborate connectors as joints.
elements or a group of tension elements..
Many well known mostly mechanical struc-
Structures having continuous rigid frames tures belong to the self-tensioning type of struc-
interlaced by a continuous system of tension tures: for instance the bicycle wheel, the umbrella,
members. some folding chairs are their primitive forms. In
Structures having discontinuous compression the building science the existence of such
components inserted in a continuous tension articulated static configurations were also known
net, known as self-tensioning, originally in and classified as "instantaneously rigid" network
French "autotendant". systems, called in French literature "trellis criti-

Fig. 1. Testing model of a self-tensioning tetrakaidekahedron.

354 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

D.G. Emmerich

ques ou surcritiques" with the understatement 1950's, have since been subjected to numerous
that it is better not to use them in practice [8]. investigations concerning their topological
Whereas at the time of their discovery, the stati- aspects and the analysis of their mechanical
cal calculation of these configurations was pro- behaviour. Among others these questions are
blematic, this seems to have been resolved today. developed, in cooperation with a research group
However, the object ofthe present paper is limited at Nantes [1, 2].
to their morphological study. Their mechanical The first patent of industrial propriety for self-
behaviour namely the degree of pre-stressing to tensioning structures was obtained by the author
obtain an optimal stability, as well as their in France, registered on June 27th 1959 under the
economical advantages, will not be investigated No 1,238,308. Two other patents followed in April
here. Nevertheless, the stability of every self- 10th 1963; No 1,377,291 bearing the title
stressing configuration was tested experimentally, "Construction de Reseaux Autotendants" con-
e.g. Fig. 1. cerns the building method of self-tensioning dou-
ble layer structures with straight or double curved
Characteristics of Self-Tensioning shapes, including domes and No 1,377,292 named
Structures "Structure Lineaires Autotendantes" concerns the
construction of all kinds of oblong frames,
The simple self-tensioning configurations par- straight or curved, for the use of mast, beam, tower,
ticularly useful as easily associable building or bridge frameworks. Simultaneously on the
blocks have an antiprismatic shape, the simplest basis of similar depositions, the corresponding
among them being the triangular antiprism, the patents were granted to the author in England
others having square, pentagonal, hexagonal, or under the No 1,060,446; in Germany, No 1,484,173
any convex polygonal bases (Fig. 2). These basic named "Selbstspann Strukturen"; in Italy, No
simplexes invented by the author at the end of the 719,403 named "Structure ad Autotensione",

Fig. 2. Antiprismatic. self-

tensioning simplexes with
triangular, square, pentagonal
and hexagonal bases.

International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990 355

SelfTensioning Spherical Structures

Summarising the above mentioned documents: pie dwelling units, large-span decks, vaults and
in the case of all these items, a self-tensioning domes, to the most intricate space packings creat-
structure is built by combining two or more sim- ing overall building skeletons [6]. However, the
plexes which are antiprismatic solids having subject of this study according to the theme ofthis
rotational symmetry with edges made up of struts issue is limited essentially to the configurations
and ties, where the compression bars are isolated inscribed in one or two spherical surfaces.
from each other and the tension members form a
continuous polyhedric configuration. Two sim-
plexes are united by a common mesh which is a Single Layer Spherical Structures
polygon composed of ties: the base of the solids in
the case of superposition, the lateral face in the The overall scheme of the peripheral tension ties
case ofjuxtaposition. In an assembly the joints are is derived from the regular and semiregular
located on two or more levels. The bars are jointed polyhedra whose vertices can be inscribed into a
only by extremeties at the vertices of the solids sphere. In these flexible networks there are inser-
which receive in principle the extremity of a single ted a number of compression members without
compression bar. All the members are extended, any contact among them. The presence of several
at the same time held together under the effect of a simplexes here is less evident, the total number of
preconstraint produced by the internal stressing components being necessary for the rigidity of the
of the components, thus without the necessity of solid. However, their existence is recognisable
anchorage or buttresses, to transfer the stresses to around the triangular, square and pentagonal
the exterior of the system, as in a self-supporting meshes. In the majority of cases every compres-
structure. Hence the term "self-tensioning". sion bar belong to two neighbouring subsets
The construction method of self-tensioning which are interlaced instead of being simply jux-
structures, their advantages and their difficulties, taposed. Here the basic antiprismatic simplexes
their representation and analysis as well as their are deformed in a truncated antipyramidal
usage being then highly contestable relative to the shape.
state-of-the-art of that time, were presented by the Among the five Platonic polyhedra, the tet-
author during the First International Conference rahedron is unrealisable, the octahedron and the
on Space Structures, held in London, in 1965. The cube being variants of the triangular and square
exhibited models, posters, and the important and simplexes. The remaining two Platonic, the thir-
largely illustrated paper was then the only con- teen Archimedian polyhedra, and the two so
tribution dealing with such atypical structures. called psuedo solids make altogether seventeen
Since the publication of the proceedings of the regular solids which are all constructable as self-
Conference by Blackwell Scientific Publications tensioning compositions.
in 1966, it is frequently referred to in the In some cases the basic geometric con-
literature [3]. figurations has a slight rotational deformation in
Today considered as the latest development in the obtained structures which can be corrected by
structural research, self-tensioning structures some additional tension members, situated on the
have become the "high-tech" of the building cords of the polygonal faces. These configurations
science. Being the subject of many university and have the minimal number oftension members. Of
doctorate theses in the last decade, actually the course, additional connections can be added.
abundance of the material about these systems In the case of the cubocta-, psudo cubocta-,
created the necessity to dedicate special issues of dodeca-, and icosidodecahedron, where the sim-
engineering reviews to this matter. In brief what plexes are simply juxtaposed, the obtained solids
aroused then scarcely an echo, now thirty years are anisotropic, having a unique rotational axis.
later has become a challenge. Some solids are racemic i.e. self-enantio-
Practically, the morphology of self-tensioning morphous, all others being monogyratory struc-
combinations are extremely variable. It is possible tures thus existing in two enantiomorphic forms:
to build almost everything in this way, from sim- levogyre and dextrogyre.

356 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

D.G. Emmerich

Table 1. Self-Tensioning Polyhedra

Number of
N° Name Code
Vertices Ties Struts MOnOgyrJRaCemiJAnisotrop

1 icosahedron 33333 12 24 6

2 dodecahedron 555 20 3.0 10 • •
J snub cube J J J J4 24 60 12 •
pseudo snub cube
34 34
• • •
6 pseudo cuboctahedron 33 4 4 3434 12 18 6
• •
7 rhombicuboctahedron :l4 4 4 24 48 12 •
R snub dodecahedron J)J J5 60 90 30

9 small rhombicosidodecahedron 3454 60 1 20 30

truncated tetrahedron
46 6

truncated icosahedron
grd rhombicuboctahedron
566 60 90 30

truncated cube
468 48 72 24

grd rhombicosidodecahedron
38 8 24 36 12

truncated dodecahedron
461 0 1 20 180 60

17 31010 60 90 30

Fig. 3.Th e most regular self-tensioning space packing with perp endi cu la r co mpressi on bars inserted in a tetraikaidecah ed-
ral ten sion system. Large sca le model realised by the Ecole d'Arch itecture Paris La Villette, E.A.P.L.V. and pre sen ted in
War saw at the congress of Union Internationale des Architectes, U.I.A. in 1981.

International Journal of Sp ace Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990 357

SelfTensioning Spherical Structures


PLATE 1. Self-tensioning polyhedra

358 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

D.G. Emmerich

PLATE 1. co nti nu ed

Int em ati on al Jou ma l of Space Structures Vol. 359

5 Nos. 3&4 1990
Self- Tensioning Spherical Structures


360 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990

D.G. Emmerich


PLATE 2. co nti nu ed

International Journal of
Space Structures Vol. 5 361
Nos. 3&4 1990
5;"if-I<'l1sitllilng Spherical Structures

362 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990

D.G. Emmerich

Fig. S. The loosest self-tensioning space packing structure. having the maximal empty volume for a minimal built body.
realised in large scal e on the basis of truncated tetrahedron. at the Technion of Haifa. in 1986.

Fig. 6. Deck-like planar double layer space frame. composed from interlaced quadratic self-tensioning simplexes having
as a basic pattern an a utomorphic tessellation.

International Journal of Spa ce Stru ctures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990 363
SelfTensioning Spherical Structures

The characteristics of these self-tensioning a sheet of space frame having quadratic meshes
single layer polyhedra are recapitulated in Table I into a cylindrical shape by the elongation of
and their axonometric figures and photographs transversal ties corresponding to the exterior of
are shown on Plates I & 2. Beside its name, a con- the vault. As it is shown in Figs. 6 & 7, the shape of
figuration is designated also by its code, or the curve can be cylindrical as well as parabolic.
Schlafli Symbol, giving the number of sides of In creating a double layer framework having a
each face surrounding each vertex of the basic spherical shape, and at the same time keeping the
polyhedron. equal member lengths, it is better to start by using
Henceforth these volumes can be considered as a corrugated polyhedra, i.e. by a solid belonging to
building units in a higher level assembly, being one of the three classes of "composite polyhedra",
connected together to form a so called space pack- the corrugated one, as is explained in another
ing, creating a kind of crystallographic lattice. paper by the author in the present issue. These
Such structures, particularly adaptable as overall corrugations or lobes, having the shape of a trun- .
building skeletons, give the possibility to develop cated pyramid, can be realised by the deformed
flexible techniques in architecture and town- variants of the three elementary self-tensioning
planning. Without entering into the details, we patterns, or simplexes, whose application by jux-
mention herethe most regular system where the taposition on the faces of a basic polyhedron pro-
compression bars follow the cubic configuration duce a spherical double layer structure, called
with tensional members having a tet- self-tensioning hyperpolyhedron.
rakaidecahedral shape. This structure built in The application of the triangular, square, or
large scale was exhibited during the congress of pentagonal bases of a simplex on the faces of a
the Union of International Architects - u.I.A. - selected polyhedron, composed continuously by
held in 1981 in Warsaw (FigsJ and 4). Another hexa, octa-, or decagonal polygons, creates a
large scale example was made by the participants rotational rearrangement of the basic solid. The
of a seminar organised in 1986at the Technion of position of the subsets relative to the envelope of
Haifa, where the lightest loose-packing - partially the basic polyhedron can be either levogyre or
empty sponge-like space arrangement - was dextrogyre. This rotation is not to be confused
realised on the basis of truncated tetrahedral sim- with the constitutional internal rotation of each
plex (Fig. 5). simplex, which is of a different nature.
Actually L:~e simplex having a certain sense of
Double Layer Spherical Structures rotation can be applied on a support with either
an identical or opposite rotation. Thus in the case
By the manipulation of the length of tension of a hyperpolyhedron composed of one kind of
members, one can curve any flat, double layer self- simplex there exist two allomorph solutions, and
tensioning deck-like structure. The obtained cur- in the case of two kinds of simplexes we have four
vature can be simple or double, synclastic or even allomorphic configurations. Thus originally
an antic1astic one. This operation however derived from seven semi-regular solids, the num-
introduces a certain degree of dimensional in- ber of self-tensioning hyperpolyhedra can be
equality among the components. established as eighteen.
The simplest transformation consists of arching
Table 2. Self-Tensioning Hyperpolyhedra

Number of simplex Number of elements Corrugated polyhedra Numherof

N· Hyper. Derived from allomorphs
38 4B 5B Struts Ties Nodes .. 0

1 truncated tetrahedron 366 4 12 42 24 1 2 ~

te I rakaidccahedron
truncated icosahedron
truncated cube
• 2
5 truncated dodecahedron 31010 12 60 210 120 30 31 2
6 grd rhornhicubocta 460 8 6 40 160 96 11 12 13 14 4
7 grd rhornbiccsidodecahedron 4610 20 12 120 300 240 23 24 25 26 4

364 International Journal oj Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

Self-Tensioning Spherical Stru ctures

366 International Journal of Spa ce Stru ctures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990
D.G. Emmerich


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International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990 367

Self-Tensioning Spherical Structures


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368 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

D.G. Emmerich



International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990 369

Self- Tensioning Spherical Structures



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370 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990

D.G. Emmerich

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International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990 371

Setf-Lenstoning Spnencat Structures



CP13 CP14


372 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

D.G. Emmerich


.;1(;·1C.+~U.;;i;",';; +1~.;););)4



International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990 373

Self-Tensioning Spherical Structures

The characteristics of these structures can be 2. CHASSAGNOUX, A, CHOMARAT, A, SAVEL, 1.,

found in Table 2. Plates 3-9 show beside their Morphologie et applications des structures autoten-
photographs, the method of composition of each dantes. CERMA, EA Nantes, 1983.
3. EMMERICH, D.G., "Reseaux" First Int. Con! on Space
hyperpolyhedron by an exploded view with the
Structures, Blackwell, London 1965.
supporting polyhedron and the self-tensioning 4. EMMERICH, D.G., Cours de Geometric Constructive,
simplex, as well as the schematic views of the cor- ENSBA Paris 1967, Washington Univ. Press, Seattle,
rugated polyhedra, constituting the external 1970.
envelope of the obtained structures, The vertices 5. EMMERICH, D.G., Exercicesde Geometrie Constructive,
situated on the circumsphere can be interconnec- ENSBA 1970, EAPLV 1985.
6. EMMERICH, D.G., Structures Tendueset Autotendantes,
ted to produce, finally, a double layer spherical EAPLV Paris 1988.
network. The eighteen corrugated polyhedra, CP, 7. FULLER, R.B., Synergetics, Macmillan, New-York
are designated by their numbers correlated with 1975.
the plates. 8. TARDIVEAU, J., SIESTRUNCK, R., ROY M. Efforts'
These configurations have a relatively large et deformations en treillis critiques et surcritiques...
structural height. To obtain a shallower convex C.R. Academie des Sciences, Paris, 1975.

framework, or dome, one should replace each PROFESSIONAL REVIEWS

simplex by a planar or curved, self-tensioning,
double layer structure; very similar to the formerly Architecture d'Aujourd'hui. Paris
studied "Isotropic Domes", as is shown in the No 115/1964 141/1968 160/1972 224/1982.
paper on composite polyhedra. This method Architectural Design. London
allows the construction of domes with very large No 6/1965 8/19668/1967 1/19689/1970.
spans; up to several hundreds of metres (Fig. Techniques et Architecture. Paris
18). No 5/1963 1/19652/19665/1972 309/1976.



mulation d'une methode iterative applicable au calcul
des structures surcritiques. Revue Francaise de Mecani-
que No 77-78 1981.

374 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

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