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Name : Ave Angela Michelle Sudoyo

Student number : 18202244049

Class :P

Functions Information
Specific purpose :To persuade my audiences (high school students) to take a gap year before
entering a university.
Central Idea : By taking a gap year, you can be more mature and ready to enter the
college life.
Attention 1.Many students avoid taking a gap year and force themselves to go to the
university although they do not have interest in their chosen study majors.
2.Do you know that Harvard University suggest students to take a gap year
before entering a university?
3.A gap year can be very fruitful and life changing.

Need I. The lack of preparations by students before entering the college life
makes them overwhelmed in dealing with the college life.
A.They are not aware to the Importance of self concept.
B.They do not have a good plan for the future.
C.They do not have a good time management.
Satisfaction II. You should take a gap year before entering a university.
A. You should make a plan and a commitment.
B. You should learn some fundamental skills during their gap year
Visualization III. Taking a gap year can help you to be more ready in facing the college
A. Taking a gap year helps you to explore yourself more.
B. Taking a gap year helps you to chose the best decision for your life.
C. You will have more time to build a good time management.

Action 1. So, I encourage each of you to take a gap year before entering a
2. Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

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