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(Engineering Division) HERCULES Engineering (SEA) Sdn Bhd Structural & Mechanical Bearings * Expansion Joints ¢ Acoustic Vibration Isolation ¢ Structural Repairs & Maintenance * Heavy Lifting / Sliding & Jacking * Steel Form Work HERCULES ENGINEERING ProoucT LIST 1 Hercules Slipjoint Composite 2 Neoprene Bearing Strips 3 Hercules Sliding Bearings 4. Hercules Pot-type Bearings 5. Bridge Launching Bearings 6. __ Hercules Spherical Bearings 7. Hercules Rocker/Roller Bearings 8. Hercules Thrust-type Bearings 9. Laminated Elastomeric Bearings 40. Vibration/Acoustic Pads/Springs 11, Hercules Expansion Joints 12. Hercules Shear Pin/Dowels 43, Hercules Compression Seals Continuous Slipjoints for movernent control joints in building ‘Simple neoprene shear strip as load bearing & isolation Teflon elastomeric pad for point load on corbels Alltypes with or without uplift restraints Using temporary launched pads/permanent pottype bearings Large rotation capacity In steel sintered withhwithout thermal insulation Resisting large horizontal loads eg. seismic forces Laminated with M.S, Plates for precast structures {deal solution to vibration & acoustic problems Heavy duty, large movement capacity & watertight eg, Type 132, HRJ = Rubber Joint, HAJ = Aluminum Joint Low friction sliding pin to accommodate high vertical shear ‘Simple watertight joint on slabs in building structures ches |__| | ue | 2 | = HERCULES POT=TYPE BEARING | HERCULES VIBRATION MOUNT | HERCULES SLIDING BEAR HERCULES SPHERICAL BEARING Part No: HPT Part No: HVB Part No: HLO & HLMO Part No: HSB t 4 L im =I ‘HERCULES LAMINATED ~ F i -ELASTOMENC BEARING CULES ROCKER BEARING | HERCULES anug | HERCULES Tubes 11 Part Nor LEB Part Wo: HR Part Nosh Pact Nos Us SHEARSTRN mao, Poet Noss ey pte i compose | MERCULES RUBGER JONT HERCULES EXPANSION JOWT [HER cTURA act Nos HSC HLM Pact No: RL Part Not) Pact Ho: HAS : HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD ConTENTs (IssuE F) Descriptions Section Page Company History and Services Malaysian Project Reference Appendices - Quality Assurance ISO 9001 : 1994 Certification - _NATA Mechanical Testing Certificate = Shimizu Corporation Letter of Recommendation o> vii vii Hercules Engineering Product List Hercules Stipjoint Composite, HSC Application, materials, design Installation instructions Notes to structural engineers and architects Range available and shipping weights Hercules Shearstrip & Bearings, HSS. Application, design Installation instructions Range available & shipping weights NNNN VNN wana ene Hercules Modified Type B Bearings, HLMB Application, design, installation instructions Range available (standard), shipping weights Range available (seismic), shipping weights ROo Hercules Type D Bearings, HLD Application, materials, design, sizes available Range of free-float bearings, HLD/FF Installation in concrete structures & in steel structures Guided & Fixed bearings in steel structures Guided & Fixed bearings in concrete structures Shipping weights Tank top bearings, materials, design, installation Range available BADR AD AD EBNHOvONS= Hercules Modified Type D Bearings, HLMD/FF Application, material, design, sizes available, installation Range available (standard and seismic), shipping weights oo on Pace IT HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) Son BHD Conrents (Issue F) Hercules (Mechanical) Pot-type Bearings, HPT ‘Application, standard types, design features 6 1 Standard designs & limitations 6 4 Definitions 6 6 Reference axes, terminology & sign conventions 6 8 Fixed Bearings (Series A), HPT/FXA 6 "1 Fixed Bearings (Series 8), HPT/FXB 6 12 Sliding Guided Bearings (Series A), HPT/SGA 6 13 Sliding Guided Bearings (Series 8), HPT/SGB 6 14 Free-float / Sliding Bearings (Series B), HPT/FFB 6 15 E-Series 6 7 Shipping weights 6 19 Proposed Specification for Hercules Pot-type Bearings 6 20 Hercules Neoferma Compression Seal, HN Application, material, design a 1 Installation, range available, shipping weights 7 2 Hercules Expansion Joint Series 13 Design features and details 8 1 Altemative design 8 3 Installation details 8 4 Hercules Honel 161 8 5 Specification for Hone! Joints 8 6 Hercules (heavy duty) Finger and Cushion Joints 8 7 Hercules Longitudinal Joints for Widening Bridges 8 9 Other Single Element Expansion Joints 8 10 Hercules Pre-compressed and non Pre-compressed Rubber Bearings and Vibration Isolators Standard types, applications 9 1 Definitions 9 2 Principles, standard designs, nomenclature 9 4 Testing and Notes for structural engineers and architects 9 5 HVB/7Hz Series and Laminated Elastomeric Bearings 9 7 Hercules Shear Pin and Dowel Systems, HSP Application, material specification, dimensions 10 1 Case History and Remedial Works Repairs to Mult-storey Car Park with Hercuslip 4 1 Questionnaires and Design Data Sheet ‘Structural and Mechanical Pot-type Bearings 12 1 Expansion Joints 42 2 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD Pace IV HERCULES SLIPJOINT COMPOSITE [ HSC ] ; SECTION 2 - HERCULES SLIP JOINT COMPOSITE [ HSC ] APPLICATION HERCULES SLIPJOINT COMPOSITE [ HSC ] has been developed to fill the need for a reliable, easily applied slip joint material on load bearing brickwork and under cast concrete slabs. HSC is specifically designed to centralise loads hence avoiding crashing of concrete cover. It is also designed to accommodate initial shrinkage and subsequent thermal ‘movements. It is ideal for cast in-situ post tensioned and precast concrete slabs. MATERIALS HSC consists of a polished stainless steel sheet sliding against a teflon [P.T.F.E.] bonded natural rubber strip blocked out either side with expanded polystyrene spacer strips or high density polyethylene strips. Upon request, special HSC can also be designed with fire protection material to the required fire rating (* see detail on Page 2.2) DESIGN LIMITATIONS ‘The following design limitations are recommended 3.1 Coefficient of friction 0.06 - 0.07 3.2 Movement capacity Up to # 50 mm, Larger movements can be custom designed if required 3.3. Vertical Load Capacity Four basic types of slip joint are available Table #2.1 - HSC Design Parameters Thickness Teflon Maximum SLS | Maximum Type (mm) Width (mm) Load (kN/m) | Rotation (rads) HSC /2 7 50 200 0.015 HSC /3 7 75 300 0.015 HSC/4 7 100 400 0.015 HSC/5 7 125 500 0.015 Each of these types can be provided in a variety of overall widths and movement capacities. 4 IMPORTANT DESIGN NOTES HSC is primarily designed for use as a continuous slip joint under concrete slabs. In some cases, it may be convenient to use it in small lengths. If these lengths aré less than 200 mm, the material may become overloaded. In this case, it may be better to use a small HERCULON BEARING [Section 3] The standard slipjoint should ‘INVERTED to prevent damaging the stainless ste! sliding plate when used to support precast structures eg. hollow core slabs and etc, Please contact your local representative of Hercules Engineering if in doubt or should you need any details to be e-mailed to your erlyineer, PAGE 2-1 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHO HERCULES SLIPJOINT COMPOSITE [ HSC] INSTALLATION METHOD STATEMENT 5.1 The Hercuslip Composite is normally supplied in one meterlengths. Other lengths can also be manufactured to suit the required seating area. 5.2 Prepare the concrete seating or brickwork with a wood float mortar finish so that itis reasonably level over the complete length of the slipjoint. A meter straight edge should show no more than 3mm variation in level along its length. 5.3 Hold the slipjoint in position with Hercules adhesive type HBA (a small area, at either ends sufficient) and mask the butt joints with adhesive tape. Hercules adhesive type HBA is available in 320 gram cartridges. Each cartridge will be enough for S metres of strip. (Cartridge guns are available if required) 5.4 Make sure that the corbel or seating is completely covered with slipjoint and polystyrene or polyethylene so that there is no chance of concrete ‘shorting out the slipjoint during the pour. 5.5 Care should be taken to prevent damage of slipjoint while tying the steel reinforcement. 5.6 Direct blows with shovels, footwear or vibrators should be avoided during pouring of conerete. 5.7 High density polyethylene blocks is recommended in lieu of brittle polystyrene in the case of deep reinforced concrete edged beams. 5.8 Hercules slipjoints are to be INVERTED to prevent damaging the stainless steel sliding plate when used to support precast structures eg. hollow core slabs and ete, HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 2-2 HERCULES SLIPJOINT COMPOSITE [ HSC ] PAGE 2-3 HERCULES JOINT SEALENT HERCULES P-E. JOINT FILLER [— CONCRETE SLAB OR BEAM OVERALL JOINT WIDTH (am) TAPED TOGETHER BY HERCULES OPTION #1 BY HERCULES P'S. SEALENT (ANACRYLIC INTUMESENT TEFLON ELASTOMERIC PAD WIOTH (mm) + ONSILICON PUTTY) HBA ADHESIVE TEFLON ELASTOMERIC PAD {STAINLESS STEEL SLIDING PLATE [NON-SHRINK LEVELING GROUT POLYSTYRENE /POLYETHYLENE (SUPPLIED WITH HERCUSLIP) ", =-2|__ CONCRETE SEATING (9. CORBEL / DROP PANEL) {= opmion #2 REPLACED POLYSTYRENE MATERIAL WITH HERCULES. P.S. STRIP(AFIRE RETARDANT FOAM STRIP) HERCULES SLIPJOINT DETAIL * FIRE PROTECTION DESIGN OPTIONS HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES SLIPJOINT COMPOSITE [ HSC]. 6. NOTES FOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS 64 6.2 63 64 Hercules Slipjoint- Design Procedure 6.1.1. Determine the load to be imposed on the slipjoint in terms of kN/metre run of joint. Select the next highest load capacity 6.1.2. Determine movement requirement of the slipjoint. Select from table in page 2-4 in catalogue (issue F) for the suitable slipjoint. The design movement capacity of slipjoint is indicated as the last figure in the Part Number. 6.1.3. Determine the required corbel width. This must be either equal or greater than the stainless steel width of the chosen slipjoint. 6.1.4. Determine the required rotation at the joint. This must not be greater than 0.015 rads. Custom design slipjoint can be made to accommodate larger rotation. Specification of Hercules Slipjoint Composite HERCULES slipjoint should be specified as follows: Slipjoint materials tobe HSC/ / / (eg. Part No. HSC/2/200/10 would be for the design limitations below) or suitable equivalent. Slipjoint is to consist of @ polished Stainless steel sliding against a P.T.F.E. coated high grade natural rubber stip blocked out either side with expanded polystyrene spacer strips to the desired total corbel width. The design limitations of slipjoint are : Load capacity 100 kN/metre Movement capacity #10mm. Rotation capacity 0.015 rads Co-efficient of friction Not greater than 0.07 Overall joint width : 200mm, Installation Method Statement For Slipjoints For full information on the installation instruction for slipjoint, refer to page 2-2 of Hercules catalogue Supplier of Hercules Slipjoint Material Hercules Engineering (SEA) Sdn Bhd or other approved manufacturer 7. NOMENCLATURES Listed below are the available types of Hercules Composite slipjoints. Their part number is HSC 1 2 ! 130 / 10 Hercuslip Composite P.T.F.E. width Overall Joint width Movement Capacity (¢mm) HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD PAGE 2-4 HERCULES SLIPJOINT COMPOSITE [ HSC ] Table #2.2 - HSC Part Numbers = Par Numbers fr Heusip Compete joint _ om mre | nt Expansion Capcity (£ mn) {ee 5 10 6 2 0 “ 0 100 [Hscrtous | Hscranoa0 | Hscraoans NA NA NA NA 110 | Hscatios | Hscrnio1o | Hsorio1s | Hscerttom | NA NA NA 30 | Hscrtau6 | Hscrsoi0 | Hsoraons | Hsorrtsoeo | Hscranzw0 | NA NA 150 | Hsoznsos | Hscansao | Hsomsans | Hsonrtso20 | Hscrsoro | Hscrrsomo | Na. sce | 120 | Hscraeos | Hscraeara | Hscrreons | wscranenao | Hscrrreaso | Hscrtemo | Hscrrte0so 200 | Hscrerous | Hsciarooro | Hscraroors | wscraeoazo | Hscrarouo | Hscrezomo | Hscrarouso 20 | wsceesus | Hscazao0 | Hscraesos | Hscerzaozo | Hscreso0 | Hsciazaomn | Hscaresos0 250 | Hscapsus | Hscaesoi0 | Hscraesons | HscrRsoao | Hscrapsueo | Hscianson | Hscrvesns0 zo_| uscrnros | Hscrerono | Hsorerons | Hscrnromo | Hscreras0 | Hscranvoun | HScaxeTOSD 130 | Hscarsos | Hscrtao10 | Hscrvtaons NAL NA NAL NA 150 | Hscansns | Hscrtsot0 | Hsomtsons | Hscransaco | NA, NA NA je) | Hscraneus | Hscreaio | Hscrviaais | Hscartenz0 | HSca/exs0 | NA. WA soa | 2 | Hsca2008 | Hscanoare | wscaeons | Hscazeveo | Hscr0ve0 | Hscaaoneo | Hscrazeus0 20 | Hscrvesus | Hscraeso0 | Hscrvesos | Hscarcoro | Hscrveanao | Hscraasouo | Hscarzan0 20 | Hscraesus | Hscresaio | scraesu1s | Hscansoo | Hscrvzsoan | Hscraasouo | Hscaso0 300 | HSC/a3005 | HSCraaoo0 = | HSC/a;300/5 Hscrasoor20 | HSC/s30030 | HSC/aso0/40 | HSC/a/30050 aso | Hscazsos, | Hscazsor0 | Hsorvasans | Hsomresor0 | Hscrvasae0 | Hscrasoua | Hscras00 150 | Hscusus | Hscunsor0 NA NA NAL NA NA veo | Hscueus | Hscuneono | Hscuteons | Hsciaeomo | NA NA NA 2m | Hscious | Hsciwe0ono | Hscwzo0s | Hscwz0020 | Hscrwzooa0 | NA NA 20 | nsciazsos | Hscsoro | Hscursons | Hscuzeo0 | Hsclrsuo | HscMAsa | HScHeZanS) a 250 | HSC/4250/5 | HSCI4250/0 ‘Hsc/ar2soris | Hscraresoro | HSCIa2s0/0 | HSC/4/250/40 | HSC/4/250/50 00 | Hscis00 | Hscarono | Hsccoors | Hsciwaow0 | Hscwcoxco | HscMaono | HscMa0Oso 280 | Hsciqcsos | Hsciaesoro | Hscunsons | Hscwsor0 | HsclansoRo | Hsclwasae | HscreREO5 400 | Hscieoos | Hscrvooro | Hsciweonrs | Hscw00e | Hsciseooen | Hscieouo | HScINoNso veo | scans | Hscrsteon0 NA NA NA NA NA 200 | Hscavz0us | Hsciszoon0 | Hscrsoons | HScss2000 | NA NAL NA 20 | Hsom2205 | Hscezso10 | Hscrneos | Hscrs000 | HscIsz8000 | NA NA Hscs | 290 | Hscrsases | Hscsrsui0 | Hscszsors | Hscrsun0 | Hsisesoq0 | Hscaizs00 | Hsoszs060 zoo | Hscasa006 | Hscrsaom0 | Hscscoors | Hscxscou0 | Hscc000 | HscecOO0 | HsoRCOND a0 | Hscrsas0s | Hscszso0 | Hscsasots | Hscisasu20 | Hscscsoco | Hsceasn | HsoRasns0 400_| Hsceve00s | Hscrswoor | Hscauoos | Hscrv4o0ro | Hsciveon0 | HscsHooa | HScr¥ousO Table #2.3 - HSC Approximate Shipping Weights PART NO. kg/m PART NO kg/m PART NO kg/m HSCI2/1 10/5, os Hsc/2/110/20 07 HSc/2/110/50 09 HSCI3/150/5 0.9 HSC/3/150/20 0.9 HSC/3/150/50 12 HSC/4/200/5 44 HSC/4/200/20 1.2 HSC/4/200/50 1.5 HSC/S/200/5 14 HSC/5/200/20 15 HSC/5/200/50 1.7 PAGE 2-5 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD 3. Hercues SHEARSTRIP [HSS ] HERCULES SHEARSTRIP [ HSS ] APPLICATION HERCULES SHEARSTRIP [ HSS ] has been developed to fill the need for a reliable, Sconomical bearing strip under short span cast concrete slabs. HSS is designed to centralise oads and accommodate very small movements and rotations. MATERIALS HSS consists of a natural rubber strip blocked out either side with ‘expanded polystyrene spacer strips taped top and bottom with adhesive tape On request, special HSS can be designed or manufactured with ire protection material to the required fire rating (* see detail on Page 2.6) DESIGN LIMITATIONS “The following design limitations are recommended Table #2.4 - HSS Design Parameters y Maximum Maximum Shear Type ae ent SiS Load | Rotation | Capacity (nim) (rads) (mm) HSC /2 7 50 200 0.015 2.0 HSC /3 7 5 300 0.015 20 HSC /4 7 100 400 0.015 20 HSC/5 7 125 500 0.015 2.0 Gach ar these lypas Can Be provided in a variely of overall widihs [see Table on Page 27 IMPORTANT DESIGN NOTES HSS is primarily designed for use as a continuous shearstrip under conerete slabs. in some cases, it may be convenient to use itin small lengths. I these lengths are less than 200 mm, the material may become overloaded. inthis case, itmay Pe better to use a small plain rubber pad. Please contact your local representative of Hercules Engineering if in doubt or should you need any details to be e-mailed to your engineer. HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) Son BHD PAGE 2-6 HERCULES SHEARSTRIP [HSS ] 5A 5.2 53 5.4 INSTALLATION METHOD STATEMENT Prepare the concrete seating or brickwork with a wood float mortar finish so that it is reasonably level over the complete length of the strip. A metre straight edge should show no more than 3mm variation in level along its length. Lay the HERCULES SHEARSTRIP in position and cut mitre joints where the strip changes direction.-(This can be done with a sharp knife). Hold the strip in position with Hercules adhesive type HBA and mask the butt joints with adhesive tape, making sure that there are no conerete "shorts". Hercules adhesive type HBA is available in 320 gram cartridges. Each cartridge will be enough for 10 metres of strip. (Cartridge guns are available if required), Pour concrete taking care not to damage the strip. Direct blows with shovels or footwear should be avoided. HERCULES JON SEALENT HERCULES PE, ONT ALLER _SHEARSTRIP TAPED TOGETHER BrHeRcuues eres [eeetereereres RUBBER OTH (rm) sexes em + ape Seb One rane) on Sram LEVELING OROUT POLYSTYRENE POLYETHYLENE (SUPPUED WITH HERCUSLP) HERCULES SHEARSTRIP DETAIL + FIRE PROTECTION DESIGN OPTIONS PAGE 2-7 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD SHEaRSTRIP [ HSS ] 6.0 PART NUMBERS errs ee follows : HSS t 2 / 130 Hercules Shearstrip Width of natural overall width of Rubber element joint ‘Table # 2.5 - Part Numbers and Approximate Shipping Weight TYPE OVERALL JOINT WIDTH PART NO. KGimm (mm) 100 HSS /2/ 100 110 HSS /2/ 110 130 HSS /2/ 130 . 150 HSS /2/ 150 Hssiz 180 HSS /2/ 180 0s 200 HSS /2/ 200 230 HSS /2/230 250 Hiss /2/ 250 270 Hss/2/270 130 HSS/3/ 130 150 Hiss /3/ 150 180 HSS /3/ 180 20 Hs /3/200 ae 230 Hs /3/230 oe 250 HSS / 3/250 300 Hs /3/ 300 350 HSS /3/350 150 Hiss /4/ 150 180 HSS /4/ 180 200 Hs / 4/200 230 HSS /4/230 ue 250 HSS / 4/250 a +300 HSS 141300 360 HSS /41'350 400 HSS /4 1400 180 HSS /5/ 180 200 HSS /'5/:200 230 HSS /5/ 230 Hssis 250 HSS / 5/250 1.25 300 HSS / 5/300 360 Hs /5/ 350 400 HSS /'5 / 400 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON Bro PAGE 2-8 HERCULES MopiFiep TYPE B BEARINGS [ HLMB ] SECTION 3 - HERCULON MODIFIED TYPE B BEARINGS, [HLMB] APPLICATION HERCULON MODIFIED TYPE B, HLMB bearings have been developed to fulfil the need for 2 simple, low friction bearing on corbels and columns where a continuous slip joint is inappropriate. ‘They can be used under cast in-situ and post-tensioned slabs and beams. They should not normally be used under steel structures. MATERIALS HERCULON MODIFIED TYPE B, HLMB bearings consist of a stainless steel top plate roughened on the upper surface and polished on the lower. This plate slides against a PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) coated natural rubber pad. DESIGN LIMITATIONS The following design limitations are recommended : 3.1 Coefficient of friction 0.06 - 0.07 3.2 Expansion capacity ‘Standard bearings up to + 20 m. Non standard bearings can be made to accommodate larger expansions 3.3. Maximum contact stress 3 MPa 3.4 Maximum rotation Standard bearings up to 0.006 radians 3.5 Maximum temperature 80 °C SIZES AVAILABLE The table overleaf lists a range of standard sizes available. Top plates have been designed to accommodate the design expansion at right angles to the pad’s major axis. Please contact our Technical Department if these sizes do not suit your requirements. INSTALLATION METHOD STATEMENT (IN CONCRETE STRUCTURES) 5.1 The diagram below shows a HERCULON MODIFIED TYPE B, HLMB Bearing being cast into an in-situ roof slab, Before leaving our factory the bearing pad is blocked in with styrene strips or P.E. and the whole bearing assembly is sealed with paper tape. This tape excludes dirt and dust from the PTFE face and should on no account be removed, 5.2 Prepare concrete seatings with a 10 mm thick mortar pad with a wood float finish so that the level does not vary more than 2 mm from a straight edge placed in any direction across the seating. The horizontal plane of the seating should vary no more than 3 mm from the elevations shown on the plans. 5.3 Place the bearing in the position shown on the plans and cut any strips of expanded polystyrene required for blocking out around the bearing. Remove the bearing and the loose styrene strips and brush off any dust or grit. Apply Hercules adhesive type HBA and bond into position. In some cases it may be better to use Hercules Epoxy Grout, especially if the seatings are rough. Pace 3-1 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES MooiFiep Tyre B BEARINGS [ HLMB ] 5.4 5.5 Cover the joints between the bearing and styrene strips with polythene sheet or masking tape to prevent ingress of concrete during the pour. Pour concrete directly onto the roughened top surface of the stainless steel top plate. Herculon Modified Type B bearings are to be ‘INVERTED’ to prevent damaging the stainless steel sliding plate when installed to support precast structures eg. hollow core slabs or M-beams and etc. HERCULES JOINT SEALENT _ TAPED TOGETHER BY HERCULES HERCULES P.E, JOINT FILLER OPTION #1 By HERCULES P.S. SEALENT (AN ACRYLIC INTUMESENT ON SILICON PUTTY) [— CONCRETE SLAB OR BEAM OVERALL JOINT WIOTH (rom) wre” _TEFLON ELASTOMERIC PAD WIDTH (mm) THICKNESS. (en) CONCRETE SEATING (eg. CORBEL / DROP PANEL) HBA ADHESIVE a TEFLON ELASTOMERIC PAD [STAINLESS STEEL SLIDING PLATE NON-SHRINK LEVELING GROUT POLYSTYRENE /POLYETHYLENE PTION #2 REPLACED POLYSTYRENE MATERIAL WATH HERCULES P.S, STRIP (A FIRE RETARDANT FOAM STRIP) HERCULES MODIFIED TYPE B BEARING DETAIL + FIRE PROTECTION DESIGN OPTIONS HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD PAGE 3-2 HERCULON MopiFiep TYPE B BEARING [ HLMB J Table #3.1 - Herculon Modified Type B Bearings Load Top Plate Pad Dimensions Overall Dimensions (mm) (mm) Dimensions | Weight rt Number 7 Ge wt (For 220mm | (For 0.006 rads (mm) (9) fonnes | expansion) rotation) (nominal | 290 1801.5 HUMBIFF 125 HLMBIFF 150 340 x 170 x 12 HLMBIFF 175 2 | HLMBIFF 200 | 2 350 x 175 x 1: HLMB/FF 225 380 x 190 x 12 | 410 x 208 x 16 440x 255x1.5 | 430x215x16 | 440x255x 18 440x220x10 | 450x2600%18 | 490 x225x16 | 480x265x18 | 3.10 450 x 260x1.5 HLMB/FF 375 490 x 245 x 16 HLMB/FF 400 500 x 285 x 1.5 B10x200x1 | 500x250x 16 20x 255x 16 | 530x295x18 | 4.00 HLMBIFF 425 530 x 295 x 1.5 © §50x300x1.5 | §40x260x168 | 550x300x18 | 560x270x16 | 570x310x 18 HUMBIFF 450 HLMBJFF 475 570x310 x 1.5 870x280 x 16 HLMB/FF | 580 x320x18 580x290x 16 | 590x330x 18 610 x 340.x 18 HLMBIFF 525 610 x 340 x 620x345x1.5 | 610x305 16 630x350x1.5 | 620x310x16 | 690x350x18 HLMBIFF.550 | HUMBIFF 575, 345 x18 HUMB/FF 600 Material Specification 1 Top plates are 1.5mm thick stainless steel to BS.1449 Part 2 (Grade 316 S16) 2 PTFE (polytetrafluroethylene) coating is 0.25mm thick, to AS.1195 (Grade B) or BS 3784 (Gr A) to MS3.51:SMR Grade 5 & Type A or Type B tested. 3. Natural rubber at 55° durometer to ISO 48 method PAGE 3-3 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD HERCULON MopIFIED TYPE B BEARING [ HLMB J HERCULON MODIFIED TYPE B (SEISMIC) BEARINGS HERCULON SEISMIC BEARINGS use the same materials as the standard bearings except that they have greater alrround expansion capacity (50mm) to accommodate the larger movements which occur during seismic shock. Table #3.2 - Herculon Modified Type 8 (Seismic) Bearings Top Plate Load crop Fiate | Pad Dimensions Overall Dimensions | Weight Part Number (rum) (For (ev) ig ‘s5omm all round | (Fer 0.001 rads (rum) cc) rotation) (nominal) kN | Tonnes S expansion) 200 x 140x 12. | | 380x240x 1.5 410%255%18, |. 310x185x12, 420 x 260X1.5 440 x 270 x15 = 820x160x12_| 340 x 170 x 12 450x275415 | 950x175 x12 480x200 1,5. | 380x 190x 12. sioxansx1s | #0x205% 16. 530x315x1.5 | 430x215 x 16 540x320x1.5 | 440x220x16. | 550 x 325x 1.5 | 450x225% 16. 570.x395x1.5 | 470x235 x16 590 x 345x1.5 | 490x245 x 16 900x380x15 | $00x 250 «16 HLMECSEVEF 425 620 x 355 x1 HLMB(GEYFF 450 HUMB(SE)/FF 475 | HLMB(SEVFF 500. HLMB(SE)/FF. $25, | HLMB(SE)/EF $50 HLMB(SEYEF 575 | 620x355x15 | $20%255 x16 §40.x260x 16 | 640x360 | 860x270x16 | 660 x370x 18 __810.x280x16 | 670x 380.x 18 ‘|, 640 x360x 1.5 660 x370x 1.5, 49.20 | 670x380x15_ 51.70 | 680x390x1.5 | 580x200x 16 | 680x390 x 18 700 x 400 x. 54.10 | 700x400x1.5 | 600 x300x 16 740x 400x145 | 640x300x 16 | 710x405.x 18 | 770 x400x1.5 | 670x300x16 | 720x410x 18 HLMB(SE)/FF 600 | 600 Material Specification 4. Top plates are 1.5mm thick stainless steel to BS.1449 Part 2 (Grade 316 S16) 2 _ PTFE (polytetratturcethylene) coating is 0.25mm thick, to AS.1195 (Grade B) or BS 3784 (Gr A) to MS3.51:SMR Grade 5 & Type A or Type B tested 3, Natural rubber at 55° durometer to ISO 48 method HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD Pace 3-4 HERCULON TYPE D BEARING [ HLD] SECTION 4 - HERCULON TYPE D BEARINGS [ HLD ] APPLICATION HERCULON TYPE D, HLD bearings have been developed to fulfill the need for a low friction bearing on corbels and columns where a continuous slip joint is inappropriate. They can be used under beams and slabs and also under pipes, ducts, conveyors, pressure vessels and small span bridges. MATERIALS HERCULON TYPE D, HLD bearings consist of a mild steel top plate to which is rivetted a polished stainless steel facing plate. This plate slides against a PTFE coated pad of reinforced rubber which in tum is bonded to a mild steel base plate (optional for HLD/FF) DESIGN LIMITATIONS The following design limitations are recommended 3.41 Coefficient of friction 0.05 3.2 Expansion capacity Up to 30mm for (HLD/FF) And 440mm for (HLD/SG) Non-standard bearings can be made to accommodate o larger expansions 33 Maximum contact stress 10 MPa 34 Maximum rotation Standard bearings up to 0.021 radians 35 Maximum temperature 80°C. Higher temperatures can be accommodated by thermally insulating the bearings. SIZES AVAILABLE 4.1. Free Floating Bearings (HLD/FF) Table | overleaf lists a range of standard sizes available. These can be supplied with or without base plates depending on the installation. Top slide plates have been designed to accommodate up to 30mm design expansion in the principal direction of movement and +7.5mm in transverse direction. Two grouting-in bolts are normally supplied with their centre line parallel to the pad's major axis, 4.2 Part Numbers The part number is made up of groups of letters and numbers as follows HLD / 7 1 OA / Ef 6G Herculon Capacity Expansion Rotational Base Plate Type D inkN Capacity Capacity (Optional) 43 19 Guided and Fixed Bearings (HLD/SG and HLDIFX) Tables Il - V list a range of standard sized available for steel and concrete connections. These bearings are designed to be removable and to accept lateral load of 30% of the vertical rated load. Other bearings having larger capacities than those listed can be designed by our Technical Department. End stops, wiper seals and uplift constraints can also be incorporated. PAGE 4-1 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD Hencuton Tyre D Bearinc [HLD] TABLE #4.1 - STANDARD HERCULON TYPE D (FREE FLOAT) BEARINGS Maximum Top Plate Dimensions (rim) Pad Dimensions (mm) Base Plate 7 Vertical | forthe following expansions (rm) forthe folowing rations (rads) | Dimension noes Working (Cx0xzZ2) (We xLe xt) ‘s(mm) Load (AxBx ay | Ateto) | B(220) | cez0) | oor) | Eqors) | FOX |Z MoreTe | 76 | secrzscie | stext2sit6 | raseraseas | roxio | 7osttox12 | Toxttoxte | esxt25x16 Tape 100 | 100 | soocisoxs | raoxtsoute | raoetsorts | roxtass | Toxtaset2 | T5xt95x16 | soxtsOet6 Torr | 25 | stortesere | raoxtesxi6 | rsoxtesa6 | ascisoxio | asxtsoxt2 | esetsoxt6 | tonetesx16 aorr teo | 150 | r25crescis | rasxtosxts | resetesut6 | toocsoxt0 | tooxtsoxt2 | tooxtsoco | 115et65x16 vuner Ts | 175 | saserroete | rosxaxte | r75xt75x16 | rrodsoxto | ttoxtennt6 | 1Y0xt6020 | 1254475416 ruore 200 | 200 | wsoxi7scte | sTout7sxt6 | rooxt7su16 | tasxaoxt0 | r2set60016 | 12516020 | r4oet75H16 vaore 75 | 225 | ssorte5et6 | r7oxrasx16 | teoxt96xt6 | rasaaoxo | r2sxteox16 | 125118025 | rAbet9sxt6 ruore 70 | 250 | reocoscis | reozcsui6 | 2o0xz05e16 | 1asxoox10 | rasetaont6 | tosxt9n2s | tsma05H16 vaper2 | 275 | veseztsete | resarsce | zosrztsxi6 | v4occons2 | samzooei6 | woaones | rs5x2t5x16 ruorran | 200 | rescaaocte | resxzanxi6 | 2osrza0n16 | tancrsit2 | aocisao | ncrsas | issesm16 Horas | ms” | iroaaons | teoreaxte | 210cdoxte | tesczsut2 | tescasco | 14512250 | s6nadoxte Tener | as | wTeasone | tesze06 | zis2s0x16 | tsocaskt2 | rsozasc0 | isos | tescas016 Morea | avs | resasece | zoscsse16 | z2scassete | tonzennt2 | reocuoce | reoxcdoxs0 | 17525516 Torran | amo | rescescie | zoscasxt6 | zas2esx16 | tenzsoxt2 | rencsmco | tenasnoa | 175128516 Horas | 2s | worse | 2iocrsns | 2s0a7se6 | 1escsoxs | 16525020 | t65:280:00 | 19027516 Horrase | aso | ros casne | 215056 | 2a5cescts | rTora7oxte | 7ox2r020 | 1Tor2TOas | te5x285K16 vorrars | a7 | 2oocescie | zanczasnie | 2xocssets | recess | t7s@en0s | 17520006 | 19029616 Horr sao | soo | zoocosce | z2ncsute | aaocosits | rraaencte | 7520025 | 175120085 | 18Ox306K16 raorres | ss | macarons | zasctoxe | 2asci0ns | teocoscs | 30295125 | teora5as | tesxstOr16 vaorrsso | sco _| aisarons | zascaronte | assctoxs | soaasets | tooae52s | ranassxas | 261at0x16 Morrers | 7s | zaocrede | 2orses | ronatsi | tesco0x | r95x20025 | 19510005 | atoratEKIe Hunrr eco | 000 | Zamaréate | asoarsn | z7oxa1616 | aasxaons | z05xa0020 | 20s:00040 | 22octsKt6 Material Specification 4 Two grouting-in bolts M16 x 100 steel to Australian Standard 1114 2 Topplate Stee! to Australian Standard 3678 : 250 3 Facing plate Stainless steel to Brtish Standard 1449 : Gr 316 4 Slide Face PTFE to Australian Standard 1195:Gr B (Hercufon) 5 Pad Reinforced rubber (Hercupad) 6 Base plate Steel to Australian Standard 2678:250 ‘Surface Finish Corrosion protection Steel git blasted to Australian Standard 1627. Part 4 Class 3 and sprayed 75 ym zinc-silicate primer. Top coats to client's specification PAGE 4-2 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHO Hercuton Tyre D Bearinc [HLD] D Tor PLATE < > 15 D/2 Top casy IN BOLTS 15 C/2 7 PANCPAL! Sonor | b supe | RN C/2 TRANSVERSE 7 tl t tl ll It i q q 54 52 53 54 SIDE ELEVATION B_ BASE PLATE END ELEVATION INSTALLATION METHOD STATEMENT (IN CONCRETE STRUCTURES) “The diagram below shows a HERCULON TYPE D, HLD Bearing being cast into an in-situ roof slab. Before leaving our factory the bearing pad is blocked in with styrene strips and the whole bearing assembly is sealed with paper tape. This tape excludes dirt and dust from the PTFE (polytetrafiuorethylene) face and should on no account be removed. Grouting-in bolts are Provided to screw into the tapped holes provided in the top plate. Prepare concrete seatings with a wood float finish so that the level does not vary more than 2 mm from a straight edge placed in any direction across the seating. The horizontal plane of the seating should vary no more than 3 mm from the elevations shown on the plans. Place the bearing in the position shown on the plans and cut any strips of expanded polystyrene required for blocking out around the bearing. Remove the bearing and the loose styrene strips and brush off any dust or grt. Apply Hercules adhesive type HBA and bond into position. in some cases it may be better to use Hercules Epoxy Grout, especially ifthe sealings are rough. Cover the joints between the bearing and styrene strips with polythene sheet or masking tape to prevent ingress of concrete during the pour PAGE 4-3 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HeRcuLoN TrPe D BEARING [ HLD ] HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR STEEL PLATE ——— STAINLESS STEEL [— PTFE. GROUTING IN BOLTS SUPPLIES WITH BEARING [— BEARING TAPED TOGETHER BY SUPPLIER CAST CONCRETE SLAB OR BEAM MORTAR PAD CORBEL OR EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE BLOCKS — SUPPLIED WITH BEARING SEATING REINFORCED RUBBER: INSTALLATION METHOD STATEMENT (IN STEEL STRUCTURES) 61 62 63 64 65 “The diagram below give examples of actual HERCULON bearing designs. Bolted or dowelled ree aeoae are preferable to welded ones because of the possible damage tothe epoxy bonds coo on HERCULON bearings. If welded connections are unavoidable then the top plate and base plate should be thicker than normal and tack welding only should be employed Fabricated steel structures are sure to be distorted and should be checked for flatness at the bearing seats. A straight edge placed from comer to corner across the seating should show ne pean sd 25mm gap along its length If this fs exceeded the seats may require machining ote bearings chocking up. Alternatively, the gap can be filled with Hercules Epoxy Grout Make sure that the top plate is positioned so that it covers the PTFE pad at all concitions of Sxpansion, On no account should the top plate be aliowed to uncover the PTFE in service 2 Eee cause major damage. Base plates should be placed so that the PTFE and stainless weet faces come together as evenly as possible. Pad thickness is normally chosen {o see aodate a certain amount of rotation due to the fabricational and constructional a eceanoes but excessive misalignments shouldbe investigated at an early stage in erection Bearings are usually supplied with the top plate and lower pad taped together to protec’ the PTFE in transit It may be necessary to remove this tape during installation, in which case, make sure the PTFE and stainless steel surfaces are kept scrupulously clean. Some bearing assemblies are supplied with stee! straps holding the top and base plates together This is done to protect the bearing faces during transit and erection anor provide 2 particular offset between the two plates. Make sure that offset bearings are installed as Shown on the plans and remember to remove the straps after installation. HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD Pace 4-4 HERCULON TYPE D BEARING [ HLD ] ‘SUPPORTED STRUCTURE cp 1 ———— rh Li HE J ui [eae a GRouT ti PART ELEVATION (WITH M/S RUNNER BAR OMITTED} Herculon Type D Guided Expansion | 606d6de YWYdS END VIEW 15 mmGAP Ref HLD/S 350 Finish All steel surfaces to be blasted to AS 1627,Part 4, Class 3 and spray with 75ym zinc-in-silicate Project, Roof truss Bearing for Wrest Point Convention Centre - Drawing No. HI2193 Design Parametes Maximum Vertical Load 350 KN ‘Maximum Lateral Load 35 kN ‘Maximum Rotation 0.0041 rad Maximum Expansion 418mm Coeff of Friction 0.05 Slide Face Stress 97MPa ttem | Descripton Dimensions Matotial No OFF 43, | Seal Suppo 42x 10200 'AS 1204: 250 2 12 | Seat Assembly 210Lg Poyuretiane 2 11 | Lower Grout Bots with Washer Nut M20 550 100x006 (AS 1204 :250 4 10 | Costin Pate 480 «36020 AS 1204: 250 1 9 | Base Plate Securing Bot & Lock Washer wiexas ‘ASAT ZNPL 4 6 | Baer ‘360% 210x20 AS 1204: 250 1 7 | Rumer Bar 324324280 (AS 1204250 2 6 | Pas 200% 18020 “Viblor’ Reinforced Neoprene 1 5 | Side Face 200% 180% 16 "Rulon! Giass filed PTFE 1 4 | Facing Pla 280x210 16 AS 1429 308 t 3 | Side Pie 729026020 (AS 1204: 250 + 2 | Upper Securing Bok & Lock Washer Mi6x40 AS 11 ZWPL 4 + | Supported Structure By Contactractor 1 PAGES HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HeRcULON TyPE D Bearine [ HLD ] ween sea. Foxco g g iS a | DDD O Ownnse i ® | + : + TELS va a =? | Tit Tit TI | tsmmvom. | GAP . ELEVATION SIDE_VIEW {WITH WIPER SEAL REMOVED] {WITH UPLIFT CLAMP REMOVED! Herculon Type D Guided Expansion Bearing with Uplift Constraint Ref HLO/SU 236 Finish {All exposed steel to be grit blasted to AS 1627, Part 4, Class 3 and sprayed with 75um zinc-in-silicate primer Project Howick Project Drawing No. Hrsso2 Design Parameters” Maximum Vertical WL 236 KN Maximum Lateral WL 69 kN Maximum Uplift WL 65KN ‘Maximum Expansion Capacity 60mm Maximum Rotational Capacity 0.014 rad Coeff of Friction 0.05 tiem | Deseiption Dimensions Material No oft 11 | Wer Soppot 20x62 1 1208: 250 4 10 | WeerSeal ae Pryurotione 2 | Lower Securing Bot & Lock Washer wa0x40 1S 1252 MS (Cah) 4 8 | SpocerPae 1801 170%25 1AS 1204: 250 + 7 | ase Pie 220 180425 1S 1204: 250 1 © | Upttcianp Bar 60x70x20 1S 1204 250 2 3 | Pad 20x 10x Reinforced Neoprene 1 4 | side Pie 200% 13016 ‘Gass Filed PTFE 1 3 | Facing Pate 210x016 AS 149.04 1 2 | sie Pate HO x30 25 1S 1208: 250 1 7 | Upper Securing Bot & Lock Washer M2040 1S 1252 WIS (Cab) 4 ‘HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD Pace 4-6 HERCULON TYPE D BEARING [ HLD ] Table #4.2 - Standard Herculon Type D Guided Bearings (For Steel Connections) BLINDED TAPPED HOLES (Top & BOTTOM) FLANGE [THICKNESS See a | |FLANGE THICKNESS. — BOTTOM OF BEARING END ELEVATION VIEW WotkingLoad | TopPisle | Pad ase 7 Top and Botom Bots (240mm) | Oimensions | 2252 | Beating Ovrat Part Number Dimensions, | Dimensions, Expansion, | 0.02rads, = as See Vmax | Hmax | Pim ay eon} | Beton wapse 100 | 100 | 30 | 160x205 | 75x195 | soxts0 | teoxzzsxsa | mis | 40xs00 | 40x00 wupsc200 | 200 | 60 | 210x205 | 125x160 | t4oxs7s | aioxassxes | mie | sox1zs | 90x12 vinisc300 | 200 | 90 | 24oxs20 | saoxzts | 55x20 | 2xoxazox63 | mis | 105x160 | 105x100 rupsc 400 | 400 | 120 | 245x370 |-1e0x250 | 175x265 | a4sxa70x78 | mao | s15x205 | 115x205 wuose 00 | 00 | 160 | 2soxsio | 175x290 | 190x905 | asoxatox7e | mao | s30x245 | 190x245 rapisce00 | 000 | 100 | 20x20 | 205x300 | 220x315 | zaoxaaoxes | moo | t60x255 | 100x255 D top PLATE TOP pe OF DD top Bouts BEARING vo Pace 4-7 [HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD ‘Hencuton TvPe D BEARING [ HLD J. Table #4.3 - Standard Herculon Type D Fixed Bearings (For Steel Structures) Working Load _| To : “op and Bottom Bot ean Dieting | BatePiele | Beatng Ove! pannunber | foam) | Ceese® | Cine, | Omensons | sun Contes fa | mm (688) [~ qo | _Botiom vanexioo | 100 | a0 | soxtso | 75ers | ooxtoo | soxteoxss | Mb aoxioo | 402100 aorxan | 200 | 60 | woxis | oxtco | veoxi7s | woxt75x60 | WE gox126 | 90x12 vaprxaco | 000 | oo | 195x200 | vox2is | tsexz00_| 1ssxz0x60 | WE 105% 160 | 105x180 vaorxaon | aoo | 120 | 175x265 | rooxas0 | 175x265 | 175x266x78 | WP 115x205 | 115x205 vmomxaoy | oo | 150 | 180x005 | 175x200 | ts0xa05 | tooxsex7s | WO 130x246 | 130x245 vaomxeoo | ooo | wo | zzoxavs | zo5xo00 | zaoxavs | 220nsisxo0 | WO 150x256 | 160x255 D top PLATE —>| TOP DD top sgL}s oF 7 >| BEARING BLINDED TAPPED HOLES (oP & BOTTOM) ee o BB aims >| BEARING B BASE PLATE | PLAN VIEW SIDE ELEVATION [FLANGE [THICKNESS iG Ht “FLANGE THICKNESS END ELEVATION VIEW HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 4-8 HERCULON TYPE D BEARING [ HLD ] ‘Table #4.4.~ Standard Hercufon Type D Guided Bearings (For Concrete Structures) Working Load ‘Top Attachment plop rie! ed, ‘Base Piate Castin Plate Bearing ban Nunter Bae | ltr) | ened: | ren | Drees | Oi Vmax | Hmax. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) waoeioe | wo | w | wexzonm | ream | roar | ween | weniwxm | lesxnoso vanvesarec | 200 | eo | 21ex26sa00 | recess | iasnien | 200xtre | owxtTen20 | Zox2seeica vanecamc | a0 | 2 | zaxao0a | raoxsw | vaonaie | nxn | awexza0.20 | 26x20 108 vanecansc | aco | a0 | aesxavonas | sxsro | oven | mooxae | cmoxaesa2s | Zo0ssT0x iz8 ransceeos | so | ito | moxeioaas | amano | exam | msxons | moxsooxz | msxetoxze reonceooo | ow | ico | ssoxconrs | soar | rosxsoo | saaie | wsasions | conan Top ote Aachen Bs Top Baton Cast ate at nba Certs Cates Sie Gino 8 Sin Gre 88 Leng te coum Top tom aoa | ws | aco | tase teo wie cour) Teo vaca | ws | veexze | teoxtas wie 20 ices [ones vapscanc | mie | _seoxz70 | 196x100 we x20 vzoxzio | _esxra0 vaoscwoo | wm | mooxa10 | 20am ao x00 | toni vaoscwoo | wo | mmxso | rsa cox 60 ‘corm | 658 vaosceno | wo | atoxano | amass 2080 re Table #4.5 - Standard Herculon Type D Fixed Bearings (For Concrete Structures) ea : Pad | paren LA | Torrszorent | orae [onan | Seems | Genaee | Oeat max | Has (om) rei (mm) (om) ‘mony vanes | wo | a0 | woxnoxe | cova | tox | vent | wensox | vexzorss ruprxzooe | 200 | ao | vwowassxz0 | ones | zante | Z0ni7 | zaxiTsx20 | 204286100 raprxanoe | ao |e | vesusmxzo | seam | woz | méxzm | awxzix20 | 26x20, 100 vaorxaooc | wo | 20 | irexaroxze | senso | teon2eo | zeoaaes | zeoxasexzs | rooxaronias raprxecoo | eco | iso | ssonsoxzs | tena | vvexr00 | Dosa | cemxanes | moseai0xs raorxoonc | eo | veo | cxworze | moro | mssom | aoa | woxcisxzs | sooxoni Top & Bottom Attachment Botts: Top & Bottom Cast-in Botts | Po Huber centes cece sie Ga 88 Si Gade 88 Lengh @ ban Tee teen vaorK em | wie ex100 | ab 10 wie 0 oxo | Toxo veorKzec | wie woxzis | eo wie 12 conse | 20x08 ce wie 120 ‘wex160 | esa vaorKwoe | wo | _wexato | mavens 205160 6s] ton8 raprxsone | wo | oxo | sna 120380 vox | esas HLDIFX 6006 M20, 160x360 265 x 255 (M20 x 150 180x240, oes ‘Pace s-9 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULON TYPE D BEARING [ HLD ] PD _CAST-NPLATE rT BOLTS SITE FN BOLTS [BOTTOM MENT BOLTS |OF Lavecare (BEARING PLAN VIEW SIDE ELEVATION EB CONCRETE SUPERSTRUCTURE ATTACHMENT PLS ste vp, SOCKETS| SSUPERSTRUCTURE CONCRETE CONCRETE END ELEVATION VIEW ‘ALTERNATE BOTTOM CAST-IN BOLT DETAIL Alternate bottom cast-in belt detail can be designed with Grilled hale thraugh bottom cast-in plate as shown below. 154 FLAT WASHED id BTM CAST IN PLATE [GROUT PAD. = t [LEVELLING NUT ‘CORED HOLE ‘Standard Herculon Type D Detail (For Concrete Structures) a HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD Pace 4-10 HERCULON TYPE D BEARING [ HLD J PD casT-m PLATE DD To ATTACHMENT BOLTS POD cast-m 0 FIXING DOWELS psvours [BOTTOM MeN 80115 |BEARING| nw mLaTe sip PLAN VIEW SIDE ELEVATION . concneTe SUBERSTRUCTURE ATTACHMENT PLS SUPERS TRUCTURE " a "1 = H =e. 5 concnere concere END ELEVATION VIEW ALTERNATE BOTTOM CAST-IN BOLT DETAI Alternate bottom cast=in bolt detail can be designed with Arilled hole through bottom cast-in plate as shown below. 1254 fe FLAT WASHED BIM CAST IN PLATE (GROUT PAD. LEVELLING NUT ‘CORED HOLE Standard Hercuton Type D Detail (For Concrete Structures) PAGE 4-11 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULON TYPE D BEARING [ HLD ] Table #4.6 - Weight of Standard Herculon Type D Bearings Free Float Bearings HLD/FF * Free Float Bearings HLD/FF * Part Number Weight Range Wt, (kg) Part Number Weight Range Wt, (kg) HLDIFF 75 15-25 HLDIFF 350 6.0-8.0 HLDIFF 100 20-30 HLDIFF 375 65-85 HLDIFF 125 25-35 HLDIFF 400 7.0-9.0 HLD/FF 150 30-40 HLDIFF 425 75-95 HLO/FF 175 38-45 HLDIFF 450 8.0- 10.5 HLD/FF 200 35-50 HLDIFF 475 85-11.0 HLDIFF 225 40-55 HLD/FF 500 9.0-11.5 HLDIFF 250 45-60 HLDIFF 525 9.0- 12.0 HLDIFF 275 50-65 HLDIFF 550 95-125 HLD/FF 300 55-70 HLOUFF 575 10.0- 13.0 HUDIFF 325 60-75 HLDIFF 600 10.5-13.5 Table #4.7 -In Steel Structures. Sliding Guided Bearings HLD/SG * Fixed Bearings HLD/FX* Part Number Weight Range Wt, (kg) Part Number Weight Range Wt, (ka) HLDISG 100 1 HLDIFX 100 5 HLDISG 200 7 HLDIFX 200 9 HLDISG 300 23 HLD/FX 300 13 HLD/SG 400 36 HLDIFX 400 20 HLD/SG 500 44 HLDIEX 500 25 HLD/SG 600 50 HLDIFX 600 30 Table #4.8 - In Concrete Structures Sliding Guided Bearings HLD/SG * (C) Fixed Bearings HLD/FX * (C) Brg Btn Top Brg Btn Top arwnumber | Mgnt | Apel | al sit anwumoer [aR | APY) APY] ote eal | ko _| od | tea) | cea) | oy |“? HLD/SG 100(C) 14 5 10 29 HLD/FX 100(C) 9 5 5 19 HLDISG 200(C) 20 8 13, 41 HLDIFX 200(C) 14 8 7 29 ere ee ee rupseaone | 4 | 17 | 27 | _07_| muprxaooe) | 2 | 17 | 18 | 6 HLD/SG 500(C) 50 20 iM 101 HLD/FX 500(C) 35 20 17 72 HLDISG 600(C) 61 22 39 122, HLD/FX 600(C) at 22 20 83 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 4-12 HERCULON TYPE D TANK ToP BEARING [ HLD/TT ] HERCULON TYPE D TANK TOP BEARINGS, [HLD/TT] APPLICATION HERCULON TYPE D tank top bearings have been developed to fulfill the need for an easily installed low friction bearing under roof beams of water tanks. They are particularly useful where loads are small and both lateral and uplift forces need to be accommodated. They can also be used in other light structures. 2 MATERIALS HERCULON TYPE D tank top bearings consist of a thin stainless steel slide plate with two stainless steel studs flash welded to the upper face. The lower face is highly polished and the plate is provided with slotted holes for uplift through bolts. This plate slides against a PTFE coated pad of reinforced rubber which has two clearance holes drilled in it. 3. DESIGN LIMITATIONS The following design limitations are recommended 3.1 Coefficient of friction 0.05 3.2 Expansion capacity Standard bearings up to #20mm 3.3. Maximunt rotation Standard bearings up to 0.01 radians 3.4 Maximum temperature 80°C 4. SIZES AVAILABLE Table | overleaf lists a range of standard sizes available. These bearings are designed to fit standard UNIVERSAL BEAMS. The standard designs incorporate M20 bolts which should be adequate for most applications. The Engineer should check that these bolts can accommodate the required lft and lateral loads. 5. SPECIAL BEARINGS Bearings having larger capacities or of different dimensions than those listed can be designed by our Technical Department. 6 INSTALLATION METHOD STATEMENT 6.1 The diagram overleaf shows a Herculon Type D tank top bearing installed on a concrete water tank. Before leaving our factory, the two components are taped together to prevent damage to the low friction surfaces during transit. This tape should be removed before installation 62 — Cast-in bolts or chemset anchors should be installed as required by the Engineer and a 10mm thick mortar pad prepared such that the level does not vary more than 2mm from a straight edge placed in any direction across the seating 6.3 The beam flange needs to be provided with slotted holes and two 10 diameter through holes to locate the stainless steel studs. The cast-in bolts should be provided with a heavy steel washer, nut and locknut. The nuts should be pulled finger tight and then locked with the locknut PAGE 4-13 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) So BHD HERCULON TYPE D TANK ToP BEARING [ HLD/TT ] Table #4.9 Universal Beam Bearing Dimensions (mm) Working Pad ae |i range | 2% | tat | woe | swe | | overat number | ‘Eny | section | width | .bute,, | rads | Centres | Centres | Dimensions (approx) (wex | (H) (&) | (CxDxHt) (exo) | “Ye rupsoq | so | 20us | 133 | 120x130 | @0x125| 70 25 | 120x130x9 mupescn | ss | 250ue | 146 | 120x140 | e0x135| 90 30 | 120x140x9 wuveo cr | 60 | 263UB } 71 | 120x160 | 80x150 | 100 40 | 120x 160x9 ruesan | 6s | atous | 178 | 120x170 | e0x160| 110 50 | 120x170x9 vuproa | 70 | 4e0ua | 190 [120x180] eox170| 120 | so _| 120x180x8 p TOP PLATE SLOTTED HOLE 22x60 oO Le REINFORCED PAD PLAN VIEW ON BEARING DRILL -@i10 HOLE FOR g 8x10 STUD —_. ~E 10 i TER Le ra ist Li, | CE 10 Zaye te epee st = ate q Ud Ld ORILL B22 HOLE MORTAR PAD Hl I FOR M20 BOLT END ELEVATION HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD Pace 4-14 HERCULON MopIFiep TYPE D BEARINGS [ HLMD ] SECTION 5 - HERCULON MODIFIED TYPE D BEARINGS [ HLMD ] APPLICATION HERCULON MODIFIED TYPE D, HLMD bearings have been developed to fulfill the need for a simple, low friction, highly stressed bearing on corbels and columns where a continuous slip joint is inappropriate. They can be used under cast-in-situ and post-tensioned slabs and beams MATERIALS HERCULON MODIFIED TYPE D bearings consist of a stainless steel top plate roughened on the upper surface and polished on the lower. The plate slides against a PTFE coated reinforced rubber pad, 3 DESIGN LIMITATIONS The following design limitations are recommended 3.4 Coefficient of friction 0.05 3.2 Expansion capacity ‘Standard bearings up to + 20 mm. Seismic bearings up to + 50 mm (all round) Non-standard bearings can be made to accommodate larger expansions 3.3. Maximumcontact stress 10 MPa 3.4 Maximum rotation ‘Standard bearings up to 0.021 radians 3.5 Maximum temperature 80°C SIZES AVAILABLE Table VI and VII lists a range of standard sizes available for normal and seismic movements. Top plates have been designed to accommodate the design expansion at Principal Direction of Slide for normal condition and all round for seismic bearings. Please contact our Technical Department if these sizes do not suit your requirements. INSTALLATION METHOD STATEMENT (IN CONCRETE STRUCTURES) 5.1 The diagram below shows a HERCULON MODIFIED TYPE D, HLMD Bearing being cast into an in-situ roof stab. Before leaving our factory the bearing pad is blocked in with styrene strips and the whole bearing assembly is sealed with paper tape. This tape excludes dirt and dust from the PTFE face and should on no account be removed. 5.2 Prepare concrete seatings with a 10 mm thick mortar pad with a wood float finish so that the level does not vary more than 2 mm from a straight edge placed in any direction across the seating. The horizontal plane of the seating should vary no more than 3 mm from the elevations shown on the plans. 5.3 Place the bearing in the position shown on the plans and cut any strips of expanded polystyrene required for blocking out around the bearing. Remove the bearing and the loose styrene strips and brush off any dust or grit. Apply Hercules Adhesive Type HBA and bond into position. In some cases it may be better to use Hercules Epoxy Grout, especially if the seatings are rough. 5.4 Cover the joints between the bearing and styrene strips with polythene sheet or masking tape to prevent ingress of concrete during pouring. Pour concrete directly onto the roughened top surface of the stainless steel top plate. PAGE 5-1 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD HercuLoN Moviriep TPE D Bearincs [ HLMD ] HERCULES JOINT SEALENT HERCULES PE, JOINT FILLER /— CONCRETE SLAB OR BEAM OVERALL JOINT WIDTH (mm) _ TAPED TOGETHER BY HERCULES TION #1 BY HERCULES P'S. SEALENT (AN ACRYLIC INTUMESENT + ON SILICON PUTTY) < TEFLON ELASTOMERIC PAD WIDTH (mm) 2 a —trnicxness m (mm) ee ° | CONCRETE SEATING atta {es, CORBEL /OROP PANEL) HOA ADHESIVE 2 HERCUPAD |__ -opnon sz ‘STAINLESS STEEL SLIDING PLATE REPLACED POLYSTYRENE NON-SHRINK LEVELING GROUT {_____ pos TyRENE /POLYETHYLENE MATERIAL WITH HERCULES P.S, STRIP (AFIRE RETARDANT FOAM STRIP) HERCULON MODIFIED TYPE D BEARING DETAIL + FIRE PROTECTION DESIGN OPTIONS HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 5-2 HERCULON MoopiFiep TyPE D BEARINGS [ HLMD ] Table #5.1 - Herculon Modified Type D Standard Bearings Maximum | rp iate (mm) | Pad (mm) for overat | Bearing Partnumber | y,Nertcal | "fors2omm 0.021 rads | Dimensions (mm) | Weight cng Expansion Rotation Nominal to) HLMDrT00 100 20x150x15 | 75xt96x16 | 120x150x10 | 04 HLMD/150 150 145 x 165 x 1.5 100 x 150 x 16 145 x 165x 19 06 HLlp/200 200 wToxt75x15 | 125x160x20 | woxt7sx2s | 08 HLMD/250, 250 180 x 205 x 1.5 135 x 190 x 25 180 x 205 x 28 1.2 HLMD/300_ 300 185 x 230x 1.5 140 x 215 x 25 185 x 230 x 28 14 HLMD/350, 350 195 x 250 x 1.5 150 x 235 x 30 195 x 250 x 33 1.8 HLMD/400° 400 205 x 265 x 1.5 160 x 250 x 30 205 x 265 x 33 24 HLMD450 450 2isx 205x158 | 1oxavoxss | 2isx205xs0 | 26 HLM/S00 500 w2oxa05x18 | 175x200x05 | a20xa0x00 | 20 HLMD/S50 550 235 x 310 x15 190 x 295 x 35 235 x 310 x 38 3.2 HLMD/600 600 250 x 315 x 1.5 205 x 300 x 40 250 x 315 x43 38 D TOP PLATE i a z aS - as a2 af ga PLAN VIEW 1.5. STAINLESS STEEL AS 1449(Gr316) 13 END ELEVATION REINFORCED RUBBER OUGHENED SURFACE fT te STYRENE BLOCKING ALL ROUND BEARING 1.5 P.TLFLE. AS 1195 (Gr B) SIDE ELEVATION PAGE 5-3 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HercuLON Movirieo TYPE D BEARINGS [ HLMD ] Table #5.2 - Herculon Modified Type D Seismic Bearings Maximum Vertical | Top Plate (mm) | Pad (mm) for Overall Bearing PartNumber | Working Load for #20mm 0.021 rads Dimensions Weight «kN) Expansion Rotation (mm) Nominal Oo) HLMD(SE)/100 100 475x235x15 | 75x135x16 | 175x235x19 o7 HLMD(SE)/150 150 200x250x1.5 | 100x150x16 | 200x250x19 09 HLMD(SE)/200 200 225x260x1.5 | 125x160x20 | 225x260x23 12 HLMD(SE)/250 250 | 235x290x15 | 135x190x25 | 235x200x28 16 HLMD(SE)/300 300 240x315x1.5 | 140x215x25 | 240x315x28 18 HLMD(SE)/350 360 250x335x15 | 180x235x30 | 250x335x33 23 HLMD(SE)/400 400 260x350x1.5 | 160x250x30 | 260x350x33 28 HLMD(SE)/450 450 270x370x1.5 | 170x270x35 | 270x370x38 a4 HLMD(SE)/500 500 275x390x1.5 | 175x290x35 | 275x390x98 34 HUMD(SE)/550 550 200x395x1.5 | 190x295x35 | 200x395 38 37 HLMD(SE)/600 600 305x 400x415 | 205x300x40 | 305x400 x43 44 Hercules Seismic Bearings use the same materials as the standard Herculon Modified Bearings except that they have greater all round expansion capacity of 50mm to accommodate the larger movements which occur during a seismic shock. D TOP PLATE 1.5. STAINLESS STEEL AS 1440(Gr316) PRINCIPAL | DIRN OF SUIDE DIRECTION STYRENE BLOCKING ALL ROUND BEARING _ pss 1.5 P.T.F.E. REINFORCED ee ee ede, RUBBER TRANSVERSE | PLAN VIEW ROUGHENED SURFACE ENO ELEVATION HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 5-4 HERCULES Pot-TyPE BEARING [HPT ] SECTION 6 - HERCULES POT-TYPE BEARINGS [ HPT ] Hercules Engineering Pot-Type (HPT) bearings can be used in steel or concrete structures. These low profile, compact bearings are particularly useful to transmit large vertical load while accommodating large movements and multi-directional rotations. Separate mechanisms for rotation and translation (where applicable) provide minimum eccentricity of the load and minimum frictional resistance to movement. High side loads can also be accommodated simultaneously. Their design advantages make them particularly suitable for medium to long span structures eg bridges, pipelines, power stations, off shore platforms and etc. The continuous research and development on Hercules Pot-type bearings combine simplicity, design efficiency, versatility and economy. They have gained successful track record for its quality and durability throughout the world since its introduction in 1972 4. STANDARD TYPES 1.4 Fixed Bearings Fixed { FX ] bearings consists of a steel! piston fitted closely inside a steel cylinder. Within this cylinder is trapped a rubber pad which, when under load, acts as a confined fluid, enabling the piston to til, attracting very little eccentricity of load. This bearing can resist simultaneous vertical and horizontal loads, as well as rotations about 4ny horizontal axis. 1.2. Expansion Bearings The Sliding Guided [ SG ] and Free Float [ FF ] bearings are expansion bearings, similar to the fixed bearing, but with the addition of a steel slide plate faced with stainless steel, which slides on a disc of PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) recessed into the cylinder or plate piston. In the case of the [ SG ] bearings, guides are incorporated to accommodate horizontal loads. These are faced with stainless steel, and slide against low-friction materials. 2. TYPICAL DETAILS Items and Materials ZZ. —(1) I S T) (1)_—‘Top Plate [ BN Io - Mild Stee! BS4360-43A or 50C. c (2) Sliding Plate UPRIGHT POT - Stainless Steel BS1449-316 S16 (E-Series) (3) Piston Rings - Brass/Stainless Stee! (4) Planar Bearing Surface - Dimpled PTFE Recessed into Piston 1) (8) Piston - Mild Stee! BS4360-43A or SOC 2) (6) Elastomer Pad a 13) = Rubber BS1154 4) (7) Cylinder Plate INVERTED POT 3) = Mild Stee! BS4360-43A, SOC or (A&B Series) 6) BS2783 PAGE 6-1 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD Hencutes Por-TYPE BEARING [ HPT] 3. CLASSIFICATION BY SERIES 34 3.2 3.3 34 Series A bearings provide for HIGH horizontal load Series B bearings provide for lesser horizontal loads with the additional feature of INTERCHANGEABILITY between some bearing types. This series is offered for the particular convenience of pre-cast girder designers. HPT-B/SG and HPT-BIFF of the same size and movement capacity are interchangeable (in bolt sizes and centres and heights), (At assumed to be #20mm) HPT-B/EX bearings are also interchangeable with SGB and FFB bearings (bolt sizes and centres not height) provided that As = +10mm, At = 420mm and Vmax is no greater than 1500kN The maximum horizontal loads and movements for A and B Series are shown in the Tables #6.1, 6.2 [ FX], 6.3, 6.4[SG] and 6.5 [FF] ‘The bearings meet the requirements of the Road and Traffic Authority of Australia and are also manufactured to meet Quality Assurance Standard AS 3901, Austroad Bridge Design Code. Serigs C bearings are CUSTOM DESIGNED for any special non-standard design load combination and requirements for specific application such as : Design Requirements. Applications ‘Skew Movements Skewed Sub-structures Temporary Longitudinal Keepers Launching / Erection Stages Adjustable Lateral Guides Re-alignment of Segments Load Monitoring (digital readout) Research & Development; Highway Weighing Bridge Fire Protection Materials Fire & Extreme Temperatures Higher/lower Rotation Large Gradient Structure Large Movements Long Span / Large Temperature Variation Durable Protective Coating Corrosive Environments Higher Horizontal Load Seismic / Impact Forces Uplift Restraints Seismic & Upward Forces Series E bearings provide an ECONOMICAL range of pot-type bearings designed to permit standard angular rotations of 0.015 rads about any axis. ‘The standard fixed, free and sliding guided bearings are designed with maximum vertical loads in serviceability limit state from 300 to 30,000 KN. ‘The maximum horizontal loads and movements for E Series are shown in the Tables #66 [FX], 6.7(SG] and6.8(FF] ‘The bearings meet the requirements of BS 5400 Part 9.1 and 9.2 and are also manufactured to meet Quality Assurance Standard ISO 9001 ‘The above series of Hercules Pot-type Bearings can be dimensioned in conformity with Particular specifications required by the clients or other standards or regulations eg. AASHTO, DIN and et cetera. HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD Part 6-2 HERCULES PoT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT] 4. aA 42 DESIGN FEATURES Convenient Designs - Design considerations for the ease of designers, pre-casters & site staff. Where possible, bearings of lke vertical load capacity are made to similar dimensions and bolt centres. This makes them especially convenient for pre-cast girder designers. Fixing bolts are placed in positions which are accessible, and permit removal of the bearing with minimum jacking of the structure. Attachment plates are fully detailed for the convenience of designers, although sockets are also available Quality Assurance - For consistency, traceability and longevity HERCULES ENGINEERING has always been committed to a high standard of quality in design, production, installation and after sales services. We use the principle of QUALITY AT SOURCE and the guidelines provided by AS 3901 and ISO 9001, backed by testing to NATA certification. Accuracy in machining (bolt centres in particular) is achieved with modern NC machineries. Stainless, steel (Gr 316) is polished to better than CLA.2um, and the virgin PTFE is epoxy- bonded, dimpled and greased for minimum friction and optimum life. Corrosion protection is available in a variety of systems to suit environment and colour requirements. Stee! components are grit or sand blasted before painting or galvanizing for maximum adhesion and protection, and stainless steel bearings can also be provided for extreme conditions. Prior to despatch and delivery, bearings are clearly labelled with serial numbers and individual identification showing locations and orientations. 200 r n HPT/FF BRG , HPT/SG BRG I | =o ATTACHMENT PLATE HPT/FX BRG Ss Ziad Yizay V4 —— Ef ue Suro Teenie © [seome cuore aS OS a (cssToweR al Hmox HORIZONTAL LOAD CAPACITY (to 160} 140 120) 80} & B Pa x SISRIS SRR {SERIES A 00 500 tao 2000 sooo! Vmax, VERTICAL LOLD CAPACITY ‘onnes} PAGE 6-3 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD HERCULES PoT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] 4.3 Flexible Design - To adapt to local preferences and conditions, all HPT-A and HPT-B Series bearings are provided with dust seals on both rotating and sliding mechanisms. The cylinder is INVERTED over the piston, and is thus self-draining in dust and flood prone conditions and other structures at low terrain areas. In the case of the more compact HPT-E Series bearings, the piston is contained in the cylinder pot on UPRIGHT position. The HPT-E/SG bearings consist of the central internal guide bar fitted in a slot in the piston. 44 Versatility / Optional Features - An option for special dust seal cases 4.4.1. Position-indicating scales indicate the slide plate's relative position with its limits. 44.2 Longitudinal keepers to lock the slide plate temporarily (or permanently) at any desired position. 4.43 Modified quides for lateral control in areas of mine subsidence and/or earthquake- prone areas. 4.44. Uplift restraint, using a spherical-seated centre bolt, which permits simultaneous full rotation and side load. 4.4.5. Electrical insulation for railway bridges. 4.4.6 Load monitoring with digital readout (#2% accuracy) STANDARD DESIGNS AND LIMITATIONS ‘A comprehensive range of capacities is available. Although the HPT bearings have considerable reserve strength and rotational capacity, the following design parameters (consistent with QA requirements) are recommended 5.1 Vertical Load Capacity Standard sizes range from 300kN to 30000kN capacity. While the bearings are checked to be perfectly serviceable at 150% of the rated load, they must also be designed to distribute this load to the sub- and super- structures. 5.2 Concrete StressiPressure Contact pressures for standard attachment plate designs have been based on concrete interfaces and vary up to 20MPa. Note that this pressure can be increased in steel structures for greater economy. Likewise, should a lower pressure be required, then the standard designs can again be amended accordingly. However on structures designed in accordance with BS 5400 the allowable concrete stress is dependent upon the relative dimensions of the bearing/structure interfaces, the total support areas and the characteristic strength of the concrete, The stresses on the bearing support structure should therefore be designed and checked against bursting and splitting to ensure that the full capacity of the bearing can be achieved 5.3. Design Loads ‘The designation of loading varies from one design engineer to another n different countries. With the introduction of BS 5400 Part 9.1, the practice of stating working loads and commonly practiced mean concrete stresses of 20 MPa become inappropriate on contracts designed in accordance with 8S 5400. In order to enable designers to select bearings for either the BS 5400, Limit State or working Load criteria our tables give the maximum loading each bearing is designed to accommodate under each designation of loading. HERGULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 6-4 HERCULES POT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Horizontal Load Capacity Hercules Pot Bearings of both series are available with high and moderate horizontal load capacities. Again, the bearings are checked to be serviceable at 150% of the rated load, Lateral load is assumed to be co-existent with sliding friction (vector sum) In sizing attachment bolts and cast-in anchors, we have adopted the principles of DIN4141, AUSTROADS BDC Part 4 and BS 5400 Part 9.1 permitting frictional assistance at the various interfaces. Serviceability friction factors of 10% at steel/steel and 33% at steel/concrete interfaces are assumed so that the bolts are only required to take the balance : aris Hyy - Hasse V008x ) ‘The importance of checking Vcoex is self-evident and light structures subject to vibration or earthquake may also need review. The top attachment bolts of large movement HPT/SG bearings should be checked at the limit of movement as an eccentric bolt group, and additional bolts provided accordingly. Co-efficient of friction, (ambient temperatures) Lubricated 0.01 (short term) 0.02 (long term) Unlubricated 0.03 (at full load) 0.05 (half load) Expansién capacity Standard SGL and FF bearings are offered with 450mm movement in the principal direction ‘of movement and 420mm in the transverse direction for SGT and FF bearings. (While a small reserve movement is built in, it is up to the designer to specify ultimate movement requirements) Larger (or smalier) movements can be achieved by increasing (or decreasing) the top plate length, C (and width, Din the case of FF bearings) Top attachment bolt centres (CC x DD) should also be amended in the general case. Note that this movement range can be weighted more to one side by introducing a preset, e.g. a standard 450mm bearing preset +20mm will accommodate a +30, -70mm movement range (positive presets and movements assumed in the direction of expansion, away from point of fixity) In the case of HPT/SG bearings, the standard lateral clearance to the guides is #1mm, although this can be amended if required. Rotation Capacity ‘Standard bearings have rotation capacities varying from 0.030 rads for the smaller sizes to 0.015rads for the larger sizes. Larger (and smaller) rotations can be provided by amending the rubber pad thickness and other modifications as necessary (Special designs are available to 0.200 rads capacity) We also recommend that the designer considers the premature rotation due to installation tolerances as well as the individual rotations during the construction stages eg. especially precast post-tensioned structures to ensure that the design rotation at SLS (or service condition) is not exceeded resulting in the over straining of the confined elastomer. Eccentricity of Vertical Load due to Rotation and Translation This varies with pad dimensions, but is generally less than A/50. Designers will note that this is considerably superior to simple laminated elastomeric bearings. Typically (A/6 +A) or more. PAGE 6-5 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD HERCULES POT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] 5.8 Vertical Deflection, Full Service Load This varies from 0.5mm to 2.0mm depending on size 5.9 Maximum Operating Temperature : 90°C TP Rotation & Vmak|—+—s Movt & Elastoméri ald = at ~ Z tricity | ecentricity Vmax 6. __ DEFINITIONS /-TERMINOLOGIES Term | Limit State Definition Units vax | Serviceability | Maximum Vertical Load Capac (SLS) Ultimate (Vult = 1.5 Vmax) N Vooex | SLSorULS | Minimum vertical load required co-existent with maximum horizontal load_| KN imax | Seiceabitty | Maximum Imposed Horizontal Load (S.S) = Utimate (Hult = 4.5 Hmax, co-existent with Veoex Hy | SLSorULS _ | Vector Sum of Hmax and PTFE friction KN eniceabitty | Puaional assistance at interfaces wisruture ese | Uttenete 'Y | 01 steel / steel, 0.33 steel / concrete (SLS) kNVKN 0.15 steel / steel, 0.80 steel / concrete (ULS) vin, | Sericeaitty | Shear toad taken by n altachment Dots (sis) = » | utimate (oH, ult= 1.5 xn.H) vain | sus curs |Mitimum vertical 3d for flotation in tne case of HPTIFF bearings kN (unless uplift is provided) ‘Serviceability | Maximum rotation capacity (SLS) rd Rmax | timate Rult = 1.5 x Rmax aes gas | StSorULS | Movement capacity in principal stide direction (+) mm dat | SLs or ULS _ | Movement capacity in transverse direction (4) mm ‘Preset in the principal slide direction (usually +ve, preset range becomes mm ts, |SUSOrULS | Vs -5,), (As + 5) HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD * Pace 6-6 HERCULES Por-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] 7. DESIGNATION OF PART NUMBER For ease of reference, we recommend that design engineers specify the full bearing part number as per example below Table #6.1 Maximum Total Movements Manuactwer | Type | Series | Form | SLS Varteal [Ton eiunal | Tenses i, Hercules HPT A SGL 2000 100 oO ii, Hercules | HPT | A FF 8000 100 20 iii, Hercules HPT Cc FX 3000 oO - iv. Hercules HPT a SGT 5000 oO 20 ‘The full part number for examples [i] and [iv] are {i]_ Hercules Pot-Type Bearing, HPT- A / SGL 2000/100/0 [iv] Hercules Pot-Type Bearing, HPT-£ / SGT 5000/0/20 This denotes a HERCULES Pot-Type Bearing under " A Series “in the form of Sliding Guided Longitudinally and “ E Series *in the form of Sliding Guided Transversely . [i] Maximum vertical load is 2000 kN [iv] Maximum vertical load is 5000 kN Total Longitudinal movement is 100mm Total Longitudinal movement is Omm Total Transverse movement is 0 mm Total Transverse movement is 20 mm NOMENCLATURE HERCULES Pot-Type Bearings are available in the following design forms FX - Fixed Fixed in all directions FF - Free Float ‘Multi-directional movement SG - Sliding Guided Uni-directional movement SGT - Sliding Guided Transversely Uni-directional movement in transverse direction SGL_ - Sliding Guided Longitudinally _Uni-directional movement in longitudinal direction The above design forms will be followed by ‘ U ‘ when uplift restraint is required eg. SGU. ATTACHMENT ALTERNATIVES Several options are available for both top and bottom plates ranging from 9.1 Zero option (No positive anchorage attachment bolts or cast-in) 9.2 Cast-in sockets 9.3 Attachment Plates with cast-in dowels (as per the following tables) 9.4 Attachment Plates with cast-in hold down bolts (bottom plates in particular) 9.5 Tapped holes in bearing’s top and bottom plates (commonly in steel construction) Up to 1500kN capacity (Vmax) sockets can be used without exceeding the 20MPamean pressure limit, ie, Attachment plates are optional PAGE 6-7 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES Pot-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] Table #6.2 38 (LoNGiTuoINAL) = Pace 6-8 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES PoT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] 10.1 Note on Skewing The requirement for pre-setting and skewing of bearings is rarely encountered except on highway bridges such as in the example above and at left. Even then, skewing represents an additional cost and standard bearings may not be suitable without adjustment. The alternative is to set the block outs for the bottom attachment plate dowels ‘square’ to the principal axis, S and at an angle to the abutment face. This is usually preferable. 10.2 Alignment of Guided Bearings As a general rule guided bearings should be aligned (S axis) along chords radiating from the point of fixity whereas free float bearings will have several options in their orientation depending on the choice of As and At, In the case of buildings or other structures read - “Reference Direction. Girder or North or East, ee iCar oxioee etc. for ‘Direction of Traffic’, X Axis, 14. GENERAL NOTES ON HANDLING OF BEARINGS DURING SITE INSTALLATION Hercules Pot-Type bearings are manufactured to close tolerance by trained technicians working in clean conditions. To obtain the required performance from bearings itis imperative that they are properly handled at the construction site and installed with the same care as when they were assembled in the factory. The following notes will assist those responsible for specifying and supervising the installation of structural bearings. W4 113 PAGE 6-9 Level and Setting Hercules Pot-type Bearings shall be installed to specified plan alignment to within £3mm of the correct position, They are to be set level ad parallel within a tolerance of 1 in 200 in any direction. Presetting Ifbearings are designed with preset feg. where once only large movements may occur during stressing operations or skew angle of the sub-structure relative fo super- structure}, design engineers should specify this as a design requirement and should only be carried out in factory prior to delivery. Storage Hercules Pot-Type bearings are protected from contamination under normal working conditions by an efficient sealing system, Care should be taken in storage to prevent contamination and damage to the working surfaces. HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES Pot-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] 11.4 Site Handling Transportation brackets are fitted to all Hercules Pot-Type bearings to ensure the working surfaces are maintained in close contact before and during installation. The brackets are normally painted RED and should not be used for slinging or suspending bearings beneath beams. Due to the unpredictable conditions during transportation or handling on site, the alignment and presetting (if applicable) of the assembly should be checked against the drawing. Do not endeavor to rectify on site. The bearings should be retumed to Hercules or when practical, a Hercules engineer should be informed to inspect or reassemble. * 11.5 Bearing Plinths Bearing must be supported on a flat rigid plinth. Bottom attachment plates must be machined flat and smooth to meet exactly with the bearings upper and lower faces. Bearing plinths may also be grouted on epoxy or non-shrink grout or by dry packing, Whichever system is preferred, it is of EXTREME IMPORTANCE that the final bedding is free from high or hard spots, shrinkage, voids, etc, Unless specified otherwise all bearings especially its teflon sliding faces must be installed in a horizontal plane. Large bearings which are too heavy to be lifted by hands should be properly lifted with lifting facility eg. Crane, forklift, etc. Correct installation of bearings is vital for its performance. Too often expensive remedial works are required as a result of inadequate specification or sub-standard site supervision during bearing installation Bearings should only be loaded when the grout plinth has gained sufficient strength 11.6 Cast-in-situ Structures Allinterfaces between the bearing top slide plate and form work should be protected and sealed with masking tape or alike. Owing to the loading effects of a wet concrete mass, the bearing top plates should be propped to prevent rotation and plate distortion. Free Float or Sliding Guided bearings are especially vulnerable in this respect 11.7 Bearing Removal We recommend to design engineers that all pot-type bearings be incorporated with attachment plates for ease of removal without damaging any structural parts of the bridge including the grout plinths 11.8 Transportation Bracket All transportation brackets are temporary. Unless special bracketing has been specified, all transit brackets are NOT designed to take any forces except the self weight of the bearings and are only to be removed under engineer's instruction. 11.9 Damaged Paint Work Touch-up paint [finish coat] can be supplied in small tins by Hercules in the event where the paint system has been damaged during transit. Contact HERCULES for further installation information on different construction methods HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) Son BHO PAGE 6-10 HERCULES POT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] DESIGN SCHEDULES * A SERIES - FIXED Table #6.3.2 - HPT - A/ FX HERCULES ‘Design Loads OW) T “RES Baton af Bearing | Top Bearing PotSearing | SSWIGEABINY LmR State | Utimate UmitSlate | Rot | ons | Ske&BotGrs | sie Bokcrs | Hat Pat [_Coaxistent ‘Goexistent | rade unr] 80k | TopPaie [Bol womver_|_ vax | Veoex | Hix | Vax |Veose [Hay ancr_|_a@ | eo [e |e} ee [oj m KET ATF Soa sca] soo] $0) Ol Ha) tas] CuSO wer BB) 180) 180) 170) PaO] 20 7H erearex 200) 500] 68} 170 #80) 250) 165) ooso|miecr a8) 200/180 180] 280] 120 79 er_AveX 750| 750, 246] 150) 11261 370, 225) oozsywiecr 88/ 240] x80] 200] 380) 140 os IHeT-Arex 1000] x 3:0] 475] 1400] 495| 260| cc2e|wzocr 8e| 260) 200) 200) s80| 170) 2s lfer-arex 1280) 1260 avs, 200) 1875| 630) 300] 027|wa20Gr 88) 280) 220] 260] ato) 190), =| set-arrx 1800) 1500| 495] __250| _z2so|_745 waocr_a| 300, 260) 220) _a10)_160 4 jABT-ATFX 1780] 1750] 60] —285|2625[ ‘00 weer 68[ 840] 260) 300] 20] 170 34 Her-arFx 2000| 2000] 660] 285] 3000} 200 2ecr a8) 360] 200) 320) 440] 190 94 IHeT-Arex 2s0o| 2500] 25] <00| 2750] 250 Maocr a8] 410/320) 260) sco] 210 +09 lnereavex 2000| 2000] s¢0 420) 4800) 300 Mange es 30/340) 300) 220) 230 +03 lwer-nrex 3500) 3600) +395) $00] $250 7a0 Ms0G 88} 480] 360) aso) sao) 250 419 ET-A/FX a000| 4000| 1220] 550| 6200) _1200 Mao.G_ee| aio) 390) 460) 570) 220) 25 ETORIFR e000] 6000] 1650] 700] 7500) ~ 600] fuser ea} odo} aso 610) 670) 290] seo] 125 wersavex e20o| 6000] 1980] 830) 9000 200 fwascr 88] $80] 470) S60] 710) sao) 600] 104 lwer-avex 7000} 7000] 7310) 870| 10500) 2300 fwascr 88 610] S00) 610) 740) Seo) 620/142 Ie nex o000| 0000} 2540] s£0) 12000] eool 1425| oote|uaecr 129) 660) S40] 660] 760] <00| 670) 340 Vet-Arex 8000 s00o| 2970} 000| +8500, 900| 1600] o017/ 128] 7c0 870] 700] e10] 430) 700) re rer-a/rxtcond) 10000] $300| _1080| +8000| 1150 1575|_o.te|uss ce 129] s00|_720|_¢20|_4¢0| 710| 146 ipBT-a TPxtzs00) 12500] 41261 1250] te7s0/ 3200) 1875) ote] wae G: 129) ‘50] 810} 090} st0| Teo] 16 lHer-avrxts00o| 18000] «950 1370| 22600) < | be |e | em |e | seo | 0 | 0 So [Be [bo | a [2 | 450 | 10 | 0 fo | 2 [ito | xo | 2e | s650 | s00 | 20 fo | 2 [te | sm | 27 | 015 | 00 | 120 ‘10 [27 [ave | ton | a7 | 1985 | 100 | 150 (OF MOVEMENT HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 6-12 HERCULES Por-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] DESIGN SCHEDULES * ASERIES - SLIDING GUIDED Table #6.3.3 - HPT -A/SG HERCULES Design Loads a Poteering sean ea | a Ta Uimaie Lin Sate | Rom | pots | sheasoncrs | sieanotcrs | Hat Part [7 [_eoenistnt_ [| Consent] rads [Bier] Bok | TopPite | sot | umber___|_vnax_[Weoex] Hina] Vmax | Veoes [Hay aucr_| ae | @o) BT-ATSG 3607 300) 100) 80), 450) 80] 135] DOso|MieGr Ba] 100] 190 WeT-AISG 500 00] 165] rio] 750) 2s0| 165| o0s0)miecr a6} 200) 150 Wer-ArsG 750 4 250] 245] 140] 1125| 370) 225! 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res00| 1500] oorsinaoc: 9.) 10) 1200) +350] 1190] 1260|_ 245 PAGE 6-13 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES Pot-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] ‘All beatings are designed to be removabie ‘Summary of Bearing Dimensions ‘with minimum jacking, Bearings used with attachment plates can be removed without Bottom AS=AxB, AAxBB ‘any hacking or damage to the bedding plinths. Top (C$ = C50 xD, CC50 x DD ‘Summary of Attachment Plates ‘| sao] aoton ——~PAS= PAPA, PAPO et Pee ebpto Bees xPo020 Sees aa stsra| ela Po ac sssiis PCC. PRINCIPAL DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT = 13 i 7 piszieaqg ot] WO 2) 2a) ol oo] af sm eo) SECTION A — A Spa ee HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD PAGE 6-14 HERCULES POT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] DESIGN SCHEDULES *B SERIES - FREE FLOAT Table #6.3.5 - HPT -B/ FF Jner-e/FF 2500 f2 $0 fe lner-avse 2000 te 50 20) 4000) ooo} 07a] wangr_se| aso Iner-8/FF sooo f= so’ 20] sooo] 500) 0021] Maar Be] — 800 lner-8rFF 6000 ms 50 20] 000) coro) core|uaecr Be] 550 lHeT-B/FF 7000 Je 50 se 20) To00| rosoo| cots|naecr 86] 590 670] 140) 500) 60] 130 lHpr-8/eF 2000 se 50 te 20) sano] 2000] core] MaxGr €6] 520 710] 730) 650) 700] 347 sco] $250) o024|uaoce £8} 20) 20 44 ‘0 ‘| lHpT-B/FF 2000 Je+80 42 20) so00] 9500) ot] m2«cr 86] 670/20] 750] 620] 670] 40/1 Es 0 720 sco] 570) 440| 510 HERCULES ‘Design tends |_| AtachY [Bearing Gotom] Top of Bearing Be PotBearing | omy | rot} gone [sizes eoncrs| size Batters Hot Pat [ais [ors | eas fain] Gow | TepPite | Gok Numbee [vex [vena amor_| Ae) laneay| cso | 070 | C650 | 0020 | wt jier-B7FF soot SO mo) Soop Bal oummizGr 66) 156) tT0| 20) asa] too] a0] — a lwor-eiFe 50012 sols 20) 500] 750] oaso|mizcr e8| 170] #20] 250, 2601 210] 220) re jwer-a1Fr 75014 50 le 20) 750] 1281 onzelwrecr 86] 220] 170] 300) 520| 250] 2701 ee liwr-arFe 1000 Je 50 Js 20) 1000| 1500] 020) wteGr e.6| 240| 100] 220 40) 770, 220) a lwer-BFe 1250 Je 50 Je 20) 20| 1875) oozrimieGr a6] 250, 200] 320] 40) 280, 310) lier eer 1500 Ye 50 Je 20 00] 2250] oozelmiece ee) 270) 220! 350) 220] 3003401 _ a lker-B/FF 1750 fs 50. 20) 750)” 2625) OGz6] wiGGr 68) 200) 240] 270] ao] 200] 360] acs Jser-avFF 200012 5012 20| 2000) soco| ocns|miecr 8) 20) 260] 00] 440) 260/320) so Jwer-BsFe 2000 Je 50 4 20) 2500) 3750) oaze|uz0c 86] 250) 250) «30 seo] 70) 440) 11 lwer-erFr 3000 Je 50 Je 20) 0) 800] cars| uz0G: 86) 360) 310) 480) 50) a0] 470) te ‘r0l_s2a|_ 27 370] 2 8 288 8 2 Her ere s0000 50 1 20] 100] wooo) aore|M2ecr €6| 700 Her- err t2s00 i: 5m 20] fos0o] “ereo| cate] Mo«Gr Ee] —7aD lHer-BrFe 2000 se so ue 20] y8000] 22800) ours] Mo4ce a8] e60 29] 20] so] 000] aso) s20| 477 oso] 1060] S20] 220) 4 oro} +140! seo! 3080) 20 190) 1250) 1050, 160) 24 for-bree soo eo x 2| vo] ta] cow|aooer es| St fer-bree arson ao 8 2| axao| Sma] couluser es] so ler-erte zon ao 2 2| zoo] sem] cowlumer ee] sr ier-p/ee Sooo 30 n 3] sot] ton] Sos| user eel wel gio, vw tos * E SERIES - FREE FLOAT Table #6.3.6 - HPT -E/ FF 1190) 1260) 245 HERCULES ‘Design toads || Asch [Bearing Boom] Top of Bearing ae Pot Bearing a) | Ron) Bots |sieasotce| Sea soncre | Hat Part SE [OLE | rads | [em Pi] Bon | Top Pate [Bolt umber [Wee [nar | aoe | ne) [anee), eso | 070 | Co%0 | 0020] HK rererF son wham) snl eo ona]waGr 86) woo) io) a] aa] a0) too] a] lker-Ever 300 50m 20] S00] 750, o015/Mr2Gr a) 125] 148] 285) 200) 245, 220/ | WeT-EVFF 750 50 20] 750] 1125, O015/MIGGr 8a| 210] 160] 310] 20) an) 270) 6a eT-E/FF 1000 fe 80 aors|miecr a8] 20] 00) 330) 340] za0] | 200) 79 WeT-E/FF 1250 4 $0 4 20) 1250) 1075] OO:S|MIeGe 08) 250/200] 350) 380] m0, 310) 74 WoT E/EF 1500 50 4 20, 1500] 2220] OOS|MI6G 8 2701 7201 370, 350] 220] 40) _ sa) eT-EVFF 1750 a 80 20) 1750) 2625) O0%s] wie Ge eal 205) 255] 388] #10] a35) 00) ey jwer-EV=E 2000 le £0 ie 20) 2000] 300] ass] Misr 8} 300] 240) sto] a0) 380] 30] fer-ever 2500 % $0.4 20) xa0| 3750) omss|ioce 98] ats) 263] a15| soo) 305] 40] a sco] 00'5|Mtece 86] 240| 250] 420) | 5t0) 300) aro) 79 JHPT-E/FF 3500 fs 50 ars] miece a8] 410] 360] 510) 570] | a60) | st0| 74 nance nor -e/FF anon Vs 50 Mx 20) 000) oo00|_a015| wi6cGr 220] 00} 550, 00] so| sto, | eT E/FF S00 £0 MIB GE 0] &8o] 600] sso! sso] sro] ia] eT-E/FF 6000 fs 50 015] miéar 535, 4ts| 635] 700) 55] 620/104 ‘e00] 10500] 0015/ mi6Gr 88] 560) 510] €e0) 740) 610,660] 11 ‘c0| s2000] 015] mieGr 86} 575) 525, eS, 700] e25] 700/119 eo} 13800] 0015] wseGr 86] 615) 565715) 670] ees] 740! 104 o00| 1s000| acrs|wiscr_e6| 64s) vos,_145|_ 050,06] 7701173 ‘o] 127%] ots] waoGr e6] 715) 688; 19) 000) 755] 0x0] 1 ‘seon| 22500] acts|uao: #8] 725) 725) a5) tomo) 28| 620/12 17300] 2280) o01s|wz0Gr #8] 830) m8 s40) 1080) coo] a0] 14 25000} 37500) 015) m20Gr 88] 99s] 925) toa5| 1250) 1025] 1160] ss) ‘sxo| «2070| o0%s]wz0Gr ea) oan! 10201 1100| 1390] +120| 1200! 102 er-EVFF 7000 50 eT-E/FF e000 f £0 er-E/FF 9000 2 50 er FF 15000 fe 50 eT-E/FF 17500 2 50 2 ler Ere 2000 Me 50 Me lner-erse 25c00 r $0 12 leer Ere S0000 fe 20 2 peseseuseueaeesysalsese 8 8 Pace 6-15 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES PoT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] {All bearings are designed to be removable with minimum jacking. Bearings used with p—_—P0. attachment plates can be removed without POD Soc Stee a LS | § =m) | i, —_ As pa 5\8 Bin ARPT Top At PI ize | Box -Out a|& val a@j[ec[m[a|s|wfet he rr Zy° tee ye ae E Seeeis 3s 2523 2s BRS 353 5 BURBS Ee ys eueeagas eee Siesescs Ziestsss Bases e ss SPEER EE si ee ue Ss Sissies es Bone sess B55 55 5 = Bass 5s 3 = PEEPEE EE SEE ge eS SoS he 25 FEECEE EE Jee 5s ss yee ss ss 22) 1200| 1300] 27|_ 1968] 100] 150) | & read Ble tachment ates 5\8 ‘Bim AR Pr Top Att z 8 sans ‘(i zfeter a sos} 35/298) 270 = PEE 225 gues ZnS EGS see wees gags 2 PEE 285 aes ates Bas EEE 2455 Zu5 eee ees 2 5s Ses gies HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 6-16 HERCULES POT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT J DESIGN SCHEDULES * E SERIES - FIXED Table 46.3.7 - HPT -E/ FX TENCE ‘eg cos Tiaan [wag Bote | Topafbeaing | Ba Potaearing —[aCICeROIRV Lint Si! Unites | rom | sats ee BBoRCr sued BotCrs | Hot " Coenient | | coasinent | rage oo umber | vmx [veoex fies] vax [Veoex[Hmaxi | atuor ee | oo | w aeTeK xo] 8] wo] = ao) 90] to8] GOT] War Be] 0) HO, ao) zal 0] er-erex seo] 5] 110] 720] <0] 05] cots] mace 86 | vol x30) x0] 00] 210) 201 jer-esex 70 ro] | t4o| 129) eo] 5] 0%] wow so | 220) 170) 30] 320] 220] 270) er-evex imo | soo) a0] 379] 1300] roo] a0] caro] mre@r 8 | 20/ sco] 0) 30] 270) 201 fer-erex 120 | i220) 10] am] tors] 100) x0] oom] misc 88 | 20] 2x0] so) 300] 20) 910) jer-erex iso | seco] ieo|_ aso] zal seol_o| ons] meee ge | zo] _a0| 220] a00|_s0]_so] jersevex eo | 7ea] 20] 28] ara] Yeo] s60| O0ws|-MioGr 88] mo] 2a] 70] 0] 9m 00] lrer-evex 2m | 2am) 0] 25] m0) 20 20] ons] mrscr 6 | so] x0] 0] Ho] 80) 200] ecr-ejex zoo | zie) 220] zo] reo] 250 0] cots] uaa ee | x0) z0| co] smo] 370l a fer-evrx aco | atc) 300| a] 0] 50] iol ors) waoce oe | seo) s10) 0] sco| ao) ao) jer-errx sem | ae00| 7e0| smo] sso] 70o| 720] ois] aoc 0a | ao] 30) sol s70| ao] stl ere vex 00 | 00) 0} 650, emmo|_ 1200} _5|_ 0:5, atocr_ee | ato) 360] s20| ooo) _a7o|_seo| jet-evex sno] ~se00] cn] Teo] 750,00] Tosoy_DOw| Aer ee] soo) 0) seo) exol smn] sro) er-evex oxo | enn] ano] 620] sooo] 200] 1205] ons] nace 88 | exo) 40| oxo] 700] 520] 0 fer-evex roo | Toxo| 2o| a7o| soso] z00| tos] 00is| aaecr 8 | 360) 70] 670] 740] 500] om er-evex ato | ama] mn) o00| r2000| 0] ves] coms) sax ae | exo) amo) Tio] 7e0| o20| 700] frerevex oat | oxmo) o| r0m| reso] 90] 1500] ors] wax ae | e7o| exo) 700| azo] 670] 700| er-evex somo | vow] vso| 1o| sso! sso] ns oors| wa4ce 88 | r0o| sto] re0|_ezo|_r00| 770, jeerse7eX tam “aeco] sao] eo] Tens! sa] wos} ows] wawG’ 66 | Yeo) eco) eto) sco) 720] eco) JHer-E7FX 18000 ss0x0] 4400| 1370] 22200] oo] 208] oars] mace as | eso] seo] 820) 1000] eso] S20) wer-esrx eco | reo) o70o| deco Zao| ors] wane ee | 0) 729) 1010| 120} 20] om fererrx am | oan} owe| too Zero] ms| wore oe | so| ool toro] we so] “e0| percsine aan | Zor) | 0 Zea] aos) wane 86 | s100| a) 11e0| zo] 000] -100| ercevex sx | oueo)| vo] 2x0 zeoo] 001s) waoG a8 | so] oro sol 1x0] so] 120 * E SERIES - SLIDING GUIDED Table #6.3.8 - HPT -E/'SG TiERCULES Design aaa fa) a ms oxeniog —_[eiceaity Unit Sea] Uimate Li Se ot vot art Covenstent Covent wumer | vax [Wooo fina] vnax [Veoes [Hmas| Mowe | amor ws peers ae mY omy Ym) | Ge Be] wo} So) TO) wR ferce/so sco = <0| s00| cal v10| real 80] ses] a0] wizqr ce | 70) 20) 5] 20| 205) 0] a feresse 70m | 120) eo] sto| teas] 00] 2m] 20] izar 08 | 20) 70) axel 20] 5) 10) 7) Ser ESS ame eso] son] sce] ws] toe] sam] aso] aol anzee ae | 20] woo] | ol ase] 20] 73 fercerss 20 so| aso) 0] azo| ters] v0] um] 20] waar es | 20] x0] 205) 270) a4] 20] 7) fer se/sa 1500 20| tooo] _tso|_ wl amo] veo] 7s, so| wiece 88 | 270| zo|_o| 220] | _20| 7 Freres 10 oo] 0) 00] 255 aes] seo] sna] of ioc” ee | 20/20] as] szsl_o75] zr] OT-€/Sc 2000 /x 50] 2000) 200] 225| sooo! 200) ze] s0| isc ge | 320] 260] ats) 05] as] 205/ a9 erereo 200 20] zo] z0| | srso| ato) oxo) 60] ier 8 | 30] 220] aol 900] col 210) oy et-e/so amo r 50| s0po| 200| <20/ mo) oun) oxo] so] ier 88 | am0| 310) seo] ass] ss] 6] fer-e/So eo fe 20] s200| 700| so0| sao] 70] 720) so] rece a8 | 0] | so] co] oo] om] oo er -e/S> ano 2 50, 40|_tato| e0| ono| tm] azs| so] mec 88 | 0] ae0| 570] ao| sm] en] ete 7s ano so] eb) ato] P00) ean] oo] eke] —ea| rece 88) eco) ant ene) sro) cael a0 fer e/so oxo <0| eopo| zm| exo) col 0m w2s| so] wseor ss | eo) 40/25] srs] ses| ses ersevse mono +0] 7o00| zn| €7o| roon| zo raos| s0| wtecr 68 | seo] aol 670] 85] 0] Sis) x2 fevers ono fe 0| emmo| 2o0| exo] ram] 00] tes] so] amor 88 | 630] seo] 25) 035) ms) re] 127 ere vse oxo 0] somo) o%0| ooo] seco] 0o| toe] 30] aemar 68 | 670] sao] 725) 626] os) io] 2 er cerse sano fe so, ooro| e0| Yeo! sco] teo| sre] eo] warer_e8 | 700| _seol_reo| sel ao] oss|_ tad jerce/sG toe 2) smo) tao] eo] Tera] azo] vrs] so] waeGr -€8 | Teal vo] ee) 5] ro] rel 4a er-e/sc samo f 30| 100] 00) 1370) zen) aaa] zss| so/ aor 8 | esol exo] oxo] eso] ota) ax) 10 ierveves eno 20) se0o| ereo|1o| Zio) sro] 20] 5x] wow 86 | 900) a0] Be] so] ase] 67) HH er-e/s6 mo ' 3o| 2260] oom xs saxo) exc zara] s2| uagoor oe | sso) 7eo| so) sano] sco) $0) 109 fecrse/se amo f 30| 2=000| socn| ve00| reco) e000] a7co| S¢| usoor 120 | 1100) ew so35| rss] | rxs| 20 er-€/Se aabo fe 30] sono] voo| so00| emo) vow] Sue) So) aor #20 | tao) oro] mts] wzal wos] so] za Pace 6-17 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES PoT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT] {All bearings are designed to be removable ‘with minimum jacking, Bearings used with ‘attachment plates can be removed without any hacking or damage to the bedding plinths. (—iecenmanded RE Pine] ‘tachment zs teu eas MPs semawei | Topauet | size | Box-out va Telec[rolal s [wit Tat my al aot ea 210) 20) 200 | as] 2) 17 k eee Ja | oo) oo] B| Be] 85 im] | o0| oo 2] sa) | Z| | sa] sol 2] aes] | o|_a|_ 20 | Stay aioy aa) ers} 0] S| as] no] se 2s) oe] 0] 3 3] arol seo) ae] to], ol re BS) soo] Sto] el a0) so] 3s} 0] eo] 2) wl 0) 23] Sal lah sel tesl_ so, va et eal eo, | ee] ‘S) rol ral) ] S) a) ol | tml 1H S| ro) eo] | tes) or ‘Sl iol exo] eta} sol 9 ‘s|_s00)_900| 45,1245] 10) 75 “Spay tol 1 _ $2 roo| so| | tm) ss Sst tom] aol as} sen) 0] 7 {___ssa 2) sol 20] | ts} a) ON A = So] tol sia] 0] se) | 13 SECTON_A =A sol 1340) 14:01 8012010] _ 100, 175} Po P00 a A_olgl a A ele g g : 3 = aa 30) 19) so] 450! 73| 120] Sas os a3 see ae =) 33) Sl a3 eelelroaeen a3 “aio! ze) 580) 660] ‘ool 189] ‘s60| 2«| aaa] 710] 00} 150] Seals 3 ‘s10) 24) 720] 790) 100] 150] Pee a x a ae a3 3 se 3a 1920) 1000) ‘100! 150] ‘1090| 1150) 00) 150 23 a3 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 6-18 HERCULES PoT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT] WEIGHT OF HERCULES POT-TYPE BEARINGS Table 46.6 Fixed Beevings, HPTIFX Slicing Guided Boerings, HPTISG Free Float Bearings, A Sates B Series A Series 8 Sores 8 Sates Vericat | Bq | Bm TCP | oq | Bim | P| By | Bim | P| ore | wm | AP | Bre | Bim | KP coas any | wane [Ane | AT | wane aner | A™ | wone | ater | At | wane | anes | ‘Bi | wane | ater | we fom Powe Pow, |e Pw fe, | ee dae, |e PM | ga, (ka) | (kg) a} (ka) | (ka) a} (ka) | (ko) ny (ka) | (ke) (i) Ce s) wo fais |7lofsfs{[2]s feo] «]sf7r]2 fs [7 oo fale flelals«f7fa fs [elas [efwls [eo mo | [ful a fe ful [un fal «| s |o[ a» | 6 | woo | 2 | os [a [ a] o fw] o | [os] s | o [| | o |v v0 | a [15 || 1 | | | ws | 6 [a | 2 | o | [2 | wo | 2 woo | 43 | 26 | [ | 3 [| o | m [| | a [a] ot | 3 [a ws | sa | 25 | 2 | 45 | 15 | 22 | 104 | 2 | 40 | 73 | 16 | 2 | oo | 15 | 2 200 | 63 | 28 | 22 | ss | 16 | 2 | 120 | 2 | © | o | 6 | | 73 | 16 | 2 woo | 7 | a |st | o | 7 | a | | @ [| 0 | a | 2] o | [2 sao | 98 | s2 | ov | a2 | at | 46 | 195 | 2 | ve | 13 | ot [oe | im | ot | soo | a6 | 57 | 6 | 101 | 20 | 56 | 226 | 57 | 0 | 173 | ae | 86 | 46 | 30 | 56 «ooo | 67 | 65 | 74 | 126 | @ | e2 | 206 | os | 100] 198 | 3 | o2 | 2 | o | 5000 | 169 | 103 | 121 | 152 | 62 | 101 | xz | soe | sar | 239 | 62 | 03 | 05 | o2 | sooo | 239 | 123 | 40 | 109 | 77 | ra | ats | a28 | 170 | 205 | 77 | 7 | ams | v7 | 97 roo | 30 | 142 | 159 | aot | 99 | 150 | 460 | sao | 196 | 348 | 99 | 109 | 303 | 93 | 109 sooo | ase | 173 | 192 | 2a0 | 106 | 174 | ssa | 173 | 22s | zt | 108 | 122 | a7o | 108 | 122 e000 | ase | 199 | 200 | ser | sat | 194 | 626 | 109 | 246 | avo | tar | 195 | 419 | 141 | 195 0000} 42s | 215 | ate | a76 | ize | 20 | zor | 215 | 258 | 20 | 172 | 67 | asr | 172 | 167 ‘500 | a7 | 261 | 263 | 522 | 2s2 | 256 | v5 | 251 | a15 | 727 | 2x2 | 225 | oes | 232 | 206 15000 | 733 | 330 | 308 | eat | 340 | 200 | 1160 | 00 | a71 | 91t | 90 | 252 | 08 | 329 | 202 750 | 770 | 440 | 262 | att | aor | 255 | 1351 | aao | a15 | 1191 | ao0 | 343 | 162 | 400 | 33 zoo | sora | sae [at | 960 | zo | 300 | t002 | 530 | art | 102 | 599 | at | 1245 | so0 | 494 zen | vate | 701 | 577 | 1973 | 792 | 540 | 2109 | 701 | 62a | tees | 7a | 579 | vr02 | 701 | sro aa000 | 1695 | 1061 | art | 1923 | 1052 | 763 | 2are | s061 | a77 | 24s | ost | a14 | zara | 1061 | ote Pace 6-19 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHO Hercutes PoT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT] HERCULES POT-TYPE BEARING SPECIFICATION CONTENTS 1 1 GENERAL 2 4.1 Description 2 4.2 Design and Applicable Codes 2 1.3. Manufacturers 2 2 INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED 2 3. BEARING PROPORTIONS AND MATERIALS 2 3.1. Potand Elastomer 2 3.2 Sliding Bearings 3 4 PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 3 4.1 Stainless Steel 3 4.2 PTFE. (Polytetrafluoroethylene) 3 4.3 Elastomer 3 INSPECTION OF BEARINGS 3 6 TESTING OF BEARINGS 4 6.1 General 4 6.2 Test Loads 4 6.3 Test for Coefficient Friction 4 6.4 Friction Coefficient of Sliding Surfaces 5 6.5 Inspection 5 TEST CERTIFICATES 5 CORROSION PROTECTION 5 9 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 5 9.1 Marking and Assembly 5 9.2 Care and Protection 5 40 INSTALLATION 6 41 BEARING REPLACEMENT 6 142. MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 6 12.1. Painting 6 12.2 Cleaning 6 6 6 42.21 Movement 42.2.2 Dirt or Moist HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD Pace 6-20 HERCULES PoT-TyPE BEARING [ HPT ] GENERAL 14.4 Description ‘The work specified in this sub-section includes the design, manufacture, supply and installation of Hercules Engineering Pot-type Bearings or approved equivalent. Each pot-type bearing shall consist of a disc of elastomer confined in a steel pot inverted over a piston to allow self-draining of water. The horizontal movement if required shall be provided by means of a P.T.F.E. pad sliding against a smooth, truly plane stainless stee! mating surface. 1.2 Design and Applicable Codes Unless otherwise specified in this specification, all bearings shall be designed, manufactured and installed in accordance to the requirements of Part 9 of BS 5400 and bearing schedule provided on the drawing. 1.3 Manufacturers The bearing manufacturer proposed as supplier for the bearings shall have NOT less than 10 years successful experience in manufacturing similar type and cap: bearings. The proposed bearing manufacturer must also be accredited to Quality Assurance ISO 9001 INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED The Contractor shall supply the following information for each bearing type: a) Name of Manufacturer & Quality Management b) Drawings of all bearing types showing - Plan and elevation of the bearings. - Bearing locations and directions of slide. - Rated loads and movement capacities. ©) Design calculations showing - Maximum average pressure on P.T.F.E. - Maximum design pressure on elastomeric pad. d) Installation and replacement instruction e) Any variation from drawings or specification BEARING PROPORTIONS AND MATERIALS 3.1 Pot and Elastomer Each bearing shall be proportioned so that at the maximum vertical load shown on the drawings, the average pressure on the elastomeric disc does not exceed 40 MPa. The dimensions of the elastomeric disc shall be such that, at the maximum vertical strain, the design rotation must be achieved PAGE 6-21 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES POT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT] 3.2 For sliding bearings, the PTFE pad shall have a minimum thickness of 4mm and a maximum thickness of 6mm. The PTFE pad shall be adhesive bonded and restrained by recessing it into the backing material to a depth of haif the thickness of the PTFE ‘Twoulip wiper seal shall be incorporated around the perimeter of the PTFE to protect the PTFE from dirt ingress and excessive draining of lubricant. ‘The mating surface shall consist of approved stainless steel sheet, The sliding bearing design of the stainless steel shall comply with the following requirements a) _ Stainless steel sliding surface shall completely cover the PTFE surface in all ‘operating positions of the bearing. b) _ Stainless steel sliding surface shal be positioned so that the sliding movement causes the dirt and dust accumulation to fall from the surface of the stainless steel without contaminating the PTFE. The backing material to the PTFE and mating surface shall be sufficiently rigid to ensure that the PTFE layer is uniformly loaded. The average pressure on the PTFE layer shall not exceed 45 MPa under the maximum load. Where guides are provided on bearings to resist transverse forces, these shall be faced with fixed PTFE or similar material. 4, PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 44 Stainless Steel The stainless steel used in the manufacture of the sliding surface shall be Grade 316 S16. 42 PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) The PTFE sliding pad shall consist of unfilled PTFE sheet. ‘The resin used in the manufacture of PTFE sliding pads shall be 100% virgin material with a relative density of 2.13 to 2.23 and durometer hardness of 50 to 65. 43 Elastomer ‘The physical properties of the compounded and cured elastomeric material specified for Hercules Engineering in Table A shall strictly be complied with and tested for in the event that the contractor proposes an altemative equivalent. Contractor shall submit three samples to be tested from every independently mixed batch or less of mixed elastomeric material and each sample shall meet the requirements specified. 5. INSPECTION OF BEARINGS Each bearing shall be dismantled and visually inspected by the Superintendent's representative at the manufacturer's work prior to delivery. HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 6-22 HERCULES PoT-TYPE BEARING [HPT ] TABLE A PROPERTIES OF ELASTOMER _PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS Hardness 50 points minimum Ultimate Tensile Strain 4.75 min Tensile Strength 17.0 MPa min, Tear Resistance 40.0 kN/m min Compression set - 22 hours 30% max -70 degrees Celsius “Ozone resistance Accelerated ageing No visible cracks after 100 hours Maximum permissible change in properties:- Hardness +4; Tensile Strength +1.0%; Ultimate Tensile Strain 15% jence of recent testing of identical material may be accepted by the Superintendent. 6. TESTING OF BEARINGS 6.1 General One representative bearing selected by the Superintendent's representative from every 10 bearings, or part thereof, of each size and type of bearings delivered at one time, shall be tested. The cost of this testing shall be borne by the Contractor. Testing shall be carried out at a laboratory approved by the Superintendent and the method of testing the bearings shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent The equipment for testing bearings shall be capable of determining loads to an accuracy of 3% and deflections to #1%. Where necessary, to achieve the specified accuracy for testing, equipment shall be calibrated and test results corrected accordingly. All testing shall be carried out in the presence of the Superintendent or his representative, who shall be given at least one week prior notice of the test. 6.2 Test Loads Bearings shall be loaded in compression to 1.5 times the maximum vertical load shown on drawings and the load shall be maintained for a minimum of two minutes. Bearings which are required to resist lateral forces shalll be further tested to 1.5 times the lateral load stated on the drawings. The load shall be maintained for two minutes. 6.3 Test for coefficient of friction In addition to testing to the requirements of clause 6.2 for vertical and lateral forces, the coefficient of friction of sliding surfaces of sliding bearings shall be determined. ‘The value of the coefficient of friction shall be taken as the average result of three (3) tests and shall be determined for both maximum and minimum vertical loads shown on the drawings. Friction tests shall be performed at room temperature. The friction coefficients of the tests with sliding surface NOT lubricated and then later lubricated with the lubricant to be used in service shall be recorded. PAGE 6-23 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD HERCULES POT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] ‘The bearings may be given two preliminary sliding runs under the load prior to taking the test readings The friction coefficient of the sliding surfaces NOT lubricated shall NOT exceed the values given in Table B for the relevant stresses on the PTFE surface. Values shall be interpolated for immediate bearing pressures. 6.4 _ FRICTION COEFFICIENT OF SLIDING SURFACES TABLE B Bearing Pressure 5 MPa 15MPa_| 20MPa_| 30 MPa or greater Friction Coefficient 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.03 6.5 Inspection After testing, the stainless steel shall be checked for flatness. The bond to the backing plate shall be unaffected. The PTFE shall be free from mechanical damage. The elastomeric pad shall show no damage. For compliance, tested bearings shall show no apparent surface flaws. TEST CERTIFICATES The Contractor shall furnish certified Test Reports, Material Certificates and a Certificate of Compliance for each bearing, CORROSION PROTECTION All steel edges shall be chamfered 2 mm before treatment of protective coating. The protective treatment for the exposed parts of bearings shall be painted by sand blasting to Class 2.5, followed by the application of Inorganic Zinc-In-Silicate undercoat (7Sum); exposed edges shall have a further two coats of Epoxy MIO (100um each), All paint coats shall be factory applied prior to assembly of the bearings All cast in sockets, washers, screws and bolts shall be hot-dipped galvanized PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 9.4 Marking and Assembly Each pot bearing shall be assembled at the plant, marked for identification and delivered to the construction site as a complete unit. Each bearing shall be marked to indicate the normal positionof the bearing and the principal direction of slide in the case of sliding bearing. Permanent tags indicating name of manufacturer, year of manufacture, bearing type and design capacities of the bearing shall be installed on each bearing. Clear details on lifting arrangements, including eyebolts, shall be provided. The transportation brackets shall be removed within 2 days of first set of the concrete. 9.2 Care and Protection During handling, transport, storage and installation, bearings shall be kept clean and free from contaminants and other deleterious effects. HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 6-24 HERCULES POT-TYPE BEARING [ HPT ] 10. 1 12. INSTALLATION All bearings, which have been pre-assembled with skew angle, preset, if required and shall not be dismantled, except with the prior approval of the consultant. If for any reason the bearing has to be dismantied, it shall be done under specialist supervision and the manufacturer's assistance shall be sought. All bearings shall be installed in accordance to the manufacturer's instructions and under the supervision of the bearing specialist from the manufacturer. ‘The grout used for setting the cast in sockets and bearing seating shall be high strength non- shrink cementitious grout, minimum strength of 50 N/mm? at 28 days. The bearings shall be installed without concrete or dirt on the slide faces, and with all components horizontal. BEARING REPLACEMENT All bearings shall be installed in such a manner that they can be replaced sometime in the future subject to a limiting vertical lift of the superstructure of 5mm. All bearings shall be designed with necessary suitable handling attachments to the bearings to facilitate the replacement pyocess. Replacement would require jacking space. All bearings shall be designed such that the attachment bolts, having jacked up the superstructure, can be removed and the bearing would be able to slide out horizontally. The superstructure shall be designed such that when it subject to 5mm vertical lift during replacement of bearings, would not cause excessive strain or cracks. MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 12.4 Painting The bearings shall require painting every 20 years. However, ifthe bearing shows any sign of corrosion during inspection, the engineer should be informed so that the bearing can be repainted 12.2 Cleaning Cleaning of dirt or moisture on the surface of stainless steel should be performed once every five (5) years. 12.2.1 Movement: Inspection should be made of the movement indicators installed on the bearings. if the movement in any direction exceeds the design movements indicated on the bearing, the engineer should be informed so that the bearing can be made good. 12.2.2 Dirt or moist: Any dirt or moist on the surface of the stainless steel should be cleaned during each inspection. Pace 6-25 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES NEOFERMA EXPANSION SEAL [ HN] SECTION 7 - HERCULES NEOFERMA EXPANSION SEAL [ HN] APPLICATION HERCULES NEOFERMA EXPANSION SEALS, HN can be used to seal expansion joints in concrete roof slabs, floor slabs, car parks and small span bridge decks, and in between pre- cast wall units, IMPORTANT NOTE. Compression seals of this type cannot be relied upon to provide a 100% seal. The quality of the concrete nosings cannot always be guaranteed and the distance that the joint opens up cannot always be accurately predetermined, For these reasons it is always wise to provide a back-up seal in critical applications. HERCULES ENGINEERING has a range of more sophisticated designs available should these be required. MATERIAL HERCULES NEOFERMA , HN is extruded from a high quality EPDM synthetic rubber having excellent ozone and ultra-violet resistance. It is tough, abrasion resistant and has low permanent compression. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Great care should be taken at the design stage to select a seal capable of accommodating the expected joint movements. The table overleaf lists the range of sizes available together with their movement capability. When detailing the joint configuration the designer should ensure that all columns, parapets etc. are kept well clear of the expansion joint to allow easy installation of the seals. In general, the joint width, at the time of installation, should be specified by the Engineer (within the limits given in the table) to take account of all expected movements of the structure, whether due to shrinkage, creep, elastic movements, temperature etc. In concrete construction, the joint width, at the time of casting, should be specified taking into account the additional movements between casting and time of installation. We recommend that the seal be installed as late as possible in the construction programme to minimise the creep and shrinkage effects. JOINT PREPARATION 5.1 Check that the correct size of seal has been specified and that the joint has been formed to the width shown on the plans. 5.2 Formwork for joints must be smooth and continuous. If styrene is used, it should be faced with a smooth adhesive tape or plastic sheeting 5.3. After the concrete has cured the faces should be carefully inspected and any holes or cracks filled with epoxy mortar. If the faces are of very poor quality it maybe better to cut back the joint faces with a masonry saw. 5.4 When steel nosings are specified, any welds should be ground back smooth and the steel either grit blasted and primed or galvanised. All dust and dirt should be cleaned off with solvent before fitting the seal. HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD PAGE 7-1 HERCULES NEOFERMA EXPANSION SEAL [ HN ] 6. SEAL INSTALLATION 6.1 Where possible seals should be installed in one continuous length. Should joining on site be necessary, the seal should be cut square, degreased and bonded with Hercules Type HCB adhesive. 6.2 We do not recommend priming the joint faces before installing the seal. This is especially important if a gunable sealant is applied on top of the NEOFERMA. 6.3 _Itwill be easier if two people install the seal - one pushing the seal into the joint and the other coming along behind with the installation tool. 6.4 HERCULES NEOFERMA, HN seals can be bent into quite small radius curves but sometimes at kerbs and walls it may be necessary to cut a slit in the back of the seal. This slit should be made in such a way that at least two sealing lips are left intact. Table #7.1 - Seal Capacity and Installation Dimensions aa panera Seal Capabity Seal nstatation . = SA [oe [ommem | Mame [es | Siee |S Wiatn | Wei wovennt | 22 | ‘Gann | sew sion | 5) | wan [we | eat mess [rwso | 30 | 30 | 15 | 26 1 2 35 8 06 10 NB. Seal material temperature range : 0°C to +70°C wom, HERCULES NEOFERMA SEAL DETAIL 200 wicta (orto P TYPICAL CONCRETE NOSING TYPICAL STEEL NOSING Pace 7-2 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD HERCULES COVER PLATES HERCULES COVER PLATES Hercules Cover Plates are desired to offer modem architects with the flexibility of choice to incorporate custom-designed cover plates for structural expansion joints in buildings. The following materials can be custom-designed to provide a new dimension of elegance. 1.1 Flat Mild Steel Plates This material is commonly preferred as a more economical solution of the cover pates for siab ceilings at car parks and columns of walls at enclosed areas. MS cover plates can be designed in various thickness and widths. This type of cover plates can also be bent to suit en ‘comers or steps. A\ll cover plates are supplied with corrosion | protection and different colors. : 1.2, Aluminum Extru: n Aluminum cover plates with a wide range of sizes & profiles can extrude to suit the design requirements. All cover plates can also be anodized to our standard natural, bronze and black color. Other colors can also be provided with power coating if required. 1.3. Stainless Stee! Sheets Cover plates using Stainless sheet / plates are desired to provide a reflection of lasting elegance. SS cover plates Gr 304 can be custom made in different design finishes and pattems by hairline and mirror shine etching. 1.4, Thermoplastic Extrusion This is provided to fulfill the common demand for expansion Joint covers. Joint covers using thermoplastics can be extruded in different colors & profiles to suit the architect's requirements. 2 STANDARD FIXING DETAILS (A) By Clips / Pins (8) By Countersunk Screws ——— cover prate ————}- TWhes = —— =e = 7 “3 = SS evens — 247 oe MORTAR = z CONCETE WALL! oe stae | | oe | countersunk options Screw | —_ Her cures compression seat (Huy on —jL_ CMW WALL PLUG HERCULES PE. JOINT FILLER 8 | 3 Please contact your local representative for custom-designed solutions for different situations & constraints. HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD GE 7-3 HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT SECTION 8 - HERCULES SINGLE ELEMENT EXPANSION JOINTS Hercules Engineering single element joints are used where a robust, water-tight expansion joint is required in highway bridges, parking stations, access ramps and a variety of other applications. Our staff are available at both design and construction stages to assist with the design and installation details of the joints. 4 MAIN DESIGN FEATURES. 4.1 Compliance with focal design standards where applicable (such as NAASRA/AUSTROADS) Proven worldwide service record Excellent continuity in the road surface with strength at potential trouble-spots. Ease of installation, using simple procedures familiar to site staff. Avoidance of bolts (cast-in or post-drilled), resins, etc. Manufactured entirely in steel with comprehensive corrosion protection system. Waterproof barbed sealing element in high grade Neoprene with excellent ozone and ultraviolet resistance allowing simple positive insertion and future removal. Available in up to 6m lengths, with a joining detail for Jonger lengths with bolted- dowelled and gasketted end piates in the steelwork, and continuous seal elements. @ Uoaakon 2. EXPANSION JOINT TYPES & SERIES 24 Single Element Series 13 The.series 13 joints are fabricated from steel angles or blades and supplied in two main anchorage configurations depending on whether they are required for heavy or fight traffic. Any design of anchors should be integrated with the concrete . reinforcement to provide maximum resistance to traffic loads. Se (igitiat) Al eo S70 +78 Wot saa.) | Fox fhonet 13579 & pisodlionet 136:100) ya + 150 SHEAR tot 300 ¢/s ' ONNECTORS ot 200 ¢/s ‘A. Closed Loop Anchors (for heavy traffic) B. Shear Connector Anchors (for light traffic) ‘Table #8.1 - Different size sealing elements in this series cater for movements up to 100mm. Hercules | Total Movement | Transverse Movement Vertical smin | Smax Part No. (mm) (mm) Movement (mm) | (mm) | (mm) 132.50 50 (#25) 330 #30 26 76 133,75 75 (435) 235 435 26 101 134.10 100 (+50) 250 0° +2 #50 or #5 50° 150* *Fingerplate optional, giving max effective gap al surface, G of 0mm HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHO PaGE 8-1 HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT 24.1 Miscellaneous Details Series 13 joints can be supplied to cater for kerb, footpath and median details. Typical installations are as shown below (Fig 2.) Treatment of a skewed joints also indicated, where an adjustment to the skew length of the joint is necessary to ensure that the joint is long enough to clear the cover plates. While this detail minimises the encroachment into the parapet, the designer should pay particular attention to this area in the case of high skew angles. If in doubt, contact our technical staff for advice. 150 foeetestee eats To Fact oF Keno! | i i Pe STANDARD Foorran °° COVER PLATE STANDARD cover pute (yp 10mm) \ FoorrarH PARAPET SLOPE FOR CLARITY ; 200 RELY 100 enn Laat ‘BETWEEN XERBS PLAN OF UPTURNS, INCL TREATMENT OF SKEW PAGE 8-2 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT 2.4.2 -Alternative Designs The design of the edge beams can be varied to suit local preferences and particular applications. Two of such options are shown below. These are slightly less rigid to install but have the advantage of easier concreting. 200 Races 5 (gap) 1501 58 (initiel) Sqini = 26 | Smax) = 76 (HONEL 152.50) 190420 FLAT. y | 101 {HONEL 133.75) astuaus) romuwore SN | | 7 BQUTHOLES 1 a Archer Bor | ‘16 stonaers 1 | Hook p30) ghar” ge e/|] |) PLAN ON SINUSOIDAL ANCHOR SAR C. SINUSOIDAL ANCHOR BLADE DESIGN S (sep) 209 Se (ritic!) [Smia! = 26 20) Smox' = 76 (HONEL 132.5C) ' 101 (HONEL 133.75) asematth ronundi a (er copie) BoLrwaxes 100329) | +16 in *200m— tangine ST S2 x 10 FLAT 1D. COMPACT CLOSED LOOP BLADE DESIGN HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD Pace 8-3 HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT 2.1.3 Installation Details The steel angles of the joint leave our factory fully assembled (typically in 6m lengths). Two altemative methods are available for installation, depending on the construction sequence and ease of providing recesses in the deck and abutment, In the following examples we have indicated an additional protecti which is a common detail and is best installed with the expansion Method 4 - Two Recesses - Form recesses both sides of the joint - Secure the steelwork in place, with polystyrene between Adjust so as necessary - Pour the recess concrete. - Remove brackets at first set = Install seal element - Place asphalt (as applicable) Method 2 - No Recesses = Fixone side of the joint to the formwork with bolts - Pour the first side ~ Fix the second side to the first with polystyrene between. Adjust so as necessary = Pour the second side - Remove brackets at first set = Install the seal element - Place asphalt (as applicable) angle in the abutment, int. aa rex 50 seutuens cuRTamwatt | ROAD PAGE 8-4 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT feGie mar acoen OFTED Fon AOnSineNT AT 120 a Sara's cs ——[ [Hem WEED HOES AT HO CHS DETAIL ke kta 0-70 2EEP TO. HE ee Pea Gnacnesb pa teat ns 50 woes Fuad aun gan Be HS FLAT {0 tone a wi Lo pewis ss carscnew Toons FAT Notes CORROSION PROTECTION - All welds 5mm sae uo ext sie oF 165, sen. petanen nee 6 105, - Joint is supplied fully fabricated and assembled - Joint gap is preset to the engineer's specification prior to despatch ~ Changes can be made to suit specific customer requirements SPECIFICATIONS Movement Longitudinal Transverse Vertical Reaction Forces Fully Closed Fully Opened Weight 76 kg/m 80mm 60mm +40mm 400N/m Compression 900n/m Tension HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD PAGE 8-5 HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT 2.4.4 Hercules Single Element Expansion Joints Suggested Specification Deck joints shall be fabricated from steel to AS 3679 Grade 250 (steel angles or flat bar biades, closed loop anchor bars and seal siot retainer) Hex bar anchors, where applicable, shall be to AS 1443 Gr $1214. These shall be hot forged at 100°C - 1300°C, followed by normalising for 2 hours between 900°C - 940°C and slow-cooling b. Steel angles where provided shall be drilled with vent holes at 300 crs to provide venting of air and moisture during concreting to permit adequate compaction of concrete behind the joints. Stee! anchors (32 x 10 flat bar) shall be provided at 300 crs minimum in trafficked areas ¢. Unless noted otherwise in the drawings, uptums shall be provided at the junctions between kerbs (or barriers) and deck which are usually the lowest point of the joint and hence the most likely point of leakage. At these points, the seal retainer shall be turned from solid to a uniform internal radius of 200mm nominal. This permits the seal element to be inserted without any cuts to the seal element which will reduce the joint’s water-tightness, d. Welding shall be carried out to AS 1554 e. After fabrication and prior to galvanizing, all weld splatter shall be removed and the steelwork shall be grit blasted (to AS 1627.4 Grit Blast Class 2.5) f Galvanizing shall Be carried out to AS 1650 but with a minimum zinc mass of 700g per m? (approximately 100 m thickness) after which all dags shall be removed and the individual lengths straightened to a tolerance of £5mm over the entire length. g. __ Joints shall be provided in (typically) six (6) metre modules, with bolted and dowelled water-tight connections h. _ Elastomeric seal elements shall be continuously extruded from CHLOROPRENE rubber, and shall be supplied and fitted in one continuous length (without joins) Material shall conform to the following specification Tensile Strength 13.8MPa min AS 1683.11 Elongation at Break 250% min AS 1683.11 Hardness 56° +6" AS 1683.15 Type A Duro Compression set 10% max AS 1683.11 (23°C) Accelerated Aging AS 1180.3 (70hrs @100°C) A tensile strength - 30% to 0 AS 1683.11 A elongation at break - 40% to 0 AS 1683.11 A hardness 0 to +10% AS 1683.15 (Type A) Ozone resistance no cracking AS 1683.24 (ozone concentration 30pphm, 20% strain, 70hrs @ 40°C) Low Temp Stiffening A hardness Oto+ 15 AS 1683.15 (Type A) Wt Change in Oil + 50% max ASTM D.471, Oil 3, 70 hrs i Before despatch, the joints shall be fully assembled in the shop to confirm correct manufacture ij ‘Angle-nosing joints shall be installed with the top leg of the angle parallel to the grade. Concrete (or asphalt) adjacent to the joint shall be 0 to Smm higher than the joint. k. Completed joints shall be warrantied against anchorage failure or dislodgment of the seal element for a period of 5 years from installation. PAGE 8-6 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT 2.2. HERCULES (Heavy-Duty) FINGER JOINTS - HFJ 2.2.1 Design Features. Hercules Finger Joints have been developed to fillthe need for a heavy-duty expansion joint with large movement capacity. The adoption of the pre-tensioned cast in anchorage ‘enables the joint to resist the high horizontal braking and acceleration forces. HFJ also incorporates watertight membrane system with connection such that the debris and water are directed to the design drain pipes from the lower end of the crossfall. The fingers of HFJ joints are also tapered to accommodate the differential gradient across the joint. 2.2.2. Items & Materials Finger Plates - Structural Mild Steel to BS 4360 or ‘SG ductile Iron BS 4395 or BS 3692. Complete with non-skid profile on the running surface Pre-tensioned Rods - M 20 Gr 8.8 to BS 6349 Cast in Sleeve - PVC Extrusion Bottom bearing Plates - Structural Mild Steel to BS 4360 - 434, Watertight Membrane - continuous hot-dipped galvanized sheet or extruded neoprene rubber sheet. Corrosion Protection - Hot-dipped galvanized. 2.2.3. Installation Method Statement HJ joints are usually delivered with preset to account for the movement range & time of installation. There are more than one way to install Hercules Finger Joint depending on the individual construction method ie cast in situ or precast segments. Method 1 — - installed In Concrete block out [ preferred for cast in situ deck ] Prepare a concrete block out to the required dimensions. HFJ can be installed before or after laying the premix. If the joint is to be laid after laying of premix, the premix can be saw cut to the required width. Clean the concrete recess; add additional transverse reinforcement bars if required. ‘Assemble finger elements to complete length of expansion joint outside the concrete recess using the connecting angles and suspension beam. ‘Adjust and tighten the anchors prior to towering the entire assembly into the block out. Lower the entire joint assembly into the block out. ‘Adjust to the correct alignment & level. The top joint surface to be flush with the premix. Block the gap of expansion joint then pour concrete with careful vibration. Aggregate of approx. 16mm is recommended. HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD PAGE 8-7A HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT 2.2.3. Installation Method Statement ( Cont /..) Remove the finger elements to install the watertight membrane if required. . Re-install the finger elements after fixing the watertight membrane. . Stress the fixing rods when the concrete achieved 3,000 psi. » Fill the counter-bole holes with pure hot bitumen or equivalent. Method 2 - Installed WITHOUT Concrete block out [ preferred for precast deck ] + Assemble the cast in anchorages to the desired centers & location using a timber template. > Install the watertight membrane after the segments on both sides of the joint have been launched in position » _ Ifrequired, use bedding mortarto level the seating location before placing the finger elements. » Stress the fixing rods when the concrete has achieved 3,000 psi. . Fill the counter-bole holes with pure hot bitumen or equivalent. Table #8.2 Part Numbers And Design Parameters Steet Nosing HFJISN 100 | HFJ/SN 150 | HFU'SN 200 | HFU'SN 250 | HFJ/SN 300 Concrete Nosing HFJICN 100 | HFJ/CN 150 | HFUICN 200 | HFUICN 250 | HFJ/CN 300 Total Movement (mm), # 100 150 200 250 300 A 120 170 220 270 320 B 110 110 150 150 200 c 340 390 520 570 720 Nomi Homing as D 390 440 570 620 770 (mm) E 200 200 200 200 200 F 400 400 400 400 400 Gmin 100mm or to Design Engineer's Specification # Movements other than the above can be custom-designed to suit engineer's requirements. # HFJ Joint can also be preset on site to correct for the temperature variation during installation, Pace 8-78 Hercutes ENGINEERING (SEA) Son BHD HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT METHOD 1 METHOD 2 SECTION A-A. HERCULES FINGER JOINT PART NO: HFJ / CN SERIES-CONCRETE NOSING ‘HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SoN:BHD 2 PAGE 8-7C HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT ELEVATION EXPANSION JOINT DRAINAGE DETAIL. SECTION A-A HERCULES FINGER JOINT PART NO: HFJ/ SN SERIES-STEEL NOSING PAGE 8-7D HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) Sow BHD HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT 24 — Hercules Sinusoidal Joint Notes = 2.4.1 Elastomeric seal elements shall be continuously extruded from Chloroprene rubber and shall be supplied and fitted in one continuous length (without joins) 2.4.2. Concrete (or asphalt) adjacent to the joint shall be 0 to 5 higher than the joint 2.4.3 Corrosion protection for steel component shall be approved by the engineer. 5__INgIAL 50125 HIGH GRADE NEOPRENE WATERPROOF SEAL 5 SINUSOIDAL BAR NON-SHRINK GROUT _ Pre Ln Pe ee YL HIGH STRENGTH ——————}—— | Nom, 70 HERCULES PE. JOINT FILLER’ 25 Type HRJ/25 High Strength Grout CAR PARK & SMOOTH RIDE TRAFFIC APPLICATION HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD PAGE 8-9 HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT 26 Type HSJ/80(S.S.) Sglaial £18 yam dio. 12 x 90 igh Stren sheer Botnsclor eee | Ee Z = 7 | { Tronsverse“] i bore 120 120 2.7 Type HSJ/ 80 (S.B.) High Strength Sinusoidal Anchorage Grout ET: Bors 120 | 120 2.8 Hercules Rubber Joint Hercules Total Movement | Total Width Part No. Capacity (mm) (mm) Perro ETON ia rars0 | 150 0 HRJ/ 200 200 800 wear220 | 200 eS wea1200 [300 1200 Hercules range of expansion joints are designed to meet the requirements of engineers and architects. This includes joints designed to solve difficult problems with multi-directional movements and water-proofing requirements. Hercules engineers are capable of providing custom designed joints using many different materials e.g. rubber, thermoplastic, stainless steel, extruded aluminium sections, brass and bronze with different finishes. All Hercules Expansion joint systems can incorporate materials to provide soundisolation and fire-proofing materials. Please contact your local Hercules office for further technical assistance PAGE 8-10 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT 2.9 Hercules Architectural Expansion Joint Hercules range of expansion joint also meets the requirement of architects. This includes joints designed to solve difficult problems with multi-directional movements and water-proofing requirements. Hercules engineers are capable of providing custom designed joints using many different materials eg. stainless steel, extruded aluminium sections, brass and bronze with different finishes to meet all architectural requirements. All Hercules expansion joint systems can incorporate materials to provide fire-proofing protection. Application Car Park Movement —Uni-directional horizontal 2.9.1. External joint includes cover plates oUNTERSUMe SCREW STAINLESS segnesegre_p_—_treten STEEL Me @ 3008 nor anoencralie \ SF Tatil] =¢4 9 NS GROUT FR Pane tes neweRane assecer™ 2 a oan t sere col | ‘nm THK’ COVER PLATE PRINTED (/¥ EXPANSION {~~ 80.15 @3000= ers (TYPICAL) 2.9.2 Intemal joints excludes cover plates 150 wx grae feonene 5 SEARS 8-5ta wCHORS. woutow core _| suas ] [L_tta-25an™- pRoMaseAl FIRE PROOFING eA MATERIAL 253300 WOE UNCOMPRESSED (2 HOURS RATING) HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SDN BHD Pace 8-11 HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT 2.9.3 Custom Designed Application Tower to Podium Interfaces Movement — Multi-directional horizontal and vertical a) Galvanized M.S. angles / M.S. angles to required paint color system es — we j Pa ? ae Talal Mio z RC SLAB b) Stainless steel angles to required finish (eran ~—e tC Penis” mae — ncn Tht 4 foie NE Se INTERMEOIATE FLOOR RC. SLAB ee 2.9.4 Sliding Aluminium Expansion Joint Retail Walkway (tiled) Multi-directional horizontal, vertical and rotational movements Application Movement Pace 8-12 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD HERCULES EXPANSION JOINT 2.10 Hercules Single Element Bolted Aluminium Joint Hercules Expansion Joint ‘Type alternative to the heavier avail HAJ" is an aluminium deck joint which provides a light weight lable steel designs. They can be used for heavy traffic on bridges, parking stations, access ramps and a variety of other applications. 2.10.1 Main Design Features Austroads Clause 4.14 recommends a maximum gap of 100mm at the ultimate limit state, This is considered to be the maximum gap for providing a smooth and quiet ride, We propose that the joint be installed at time of maximum expansion to minimise the initial gap of the expansion joint. Austroads Clause 4.14.3 stipulates a minimum cross section of anchors on each side of the joint of not less than 1600m2 per metre with a spacing of anchors not exceeding 200mm. The Hercules expansion joint type HAJ comprises of an aluminium section profiled to grip an extruded movement seal and firmly secured with galvanized cast-in bolts. 2.10.2 Material Specification i Aluminium Section Grade 6061/T6 ii Hold Down Bolts li, Movement Seal AS 1252 galvanized steel (Stainless steel fasteners may be provided upon request) Neoprene or £.P.0.M iv. “ Levelling Mortar Epoxy or high strength non-shrink grout Table #8.3 - Design Parameters Hercules | Total Movement Dimension) ee (mm) A B C (Cast-in Bolts) HAG /25 25 100 150 | _M16Gr8.8 AT 200 cle HAG / 50 50 100 150 | M16 Gr8.8 AT 200 cic HAJ /75 75 100 150 | _M16Gr8.8 AT 200 ole HAJ / 100 100 100 150 |_M16Gr8.8 AT 200 ole HERCULES MOVEMENT SEAL ASPHALT 3| Hig STRENGTH LUEVEUNG RON-SHRINK cRour HERCULES PE. JOINT FILLER Y Ic al SECTION HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD PAGE 8-13 HERCULES VIBRATION ISOLATORS SECTION 9 - HERCULES VIBRATION ISOLATION BEARINGS Hercules Engineering VIBRATION ISOLATION BEARINGS (HVB) and SPRING MOUNTS (HSM) are designed to isolate structures and equipment from both intemal and extemal vibrations. 1. STANDARD TYPES HVB Bearings are generally constructed of natural rubber providing a durable, simple and cost effective solution to most common vibration problems. Moderate static deflections are available for HVBbearings (typically 5 to 15mm although other deflections can also be supplied). Other materials such as neoprene can be used eg. in oily environments but natural rubber is the best long-tern performer being least prone to hardening with time. Heavy loads (up to 2500kN and more per bearing) can be accommodated with these bearings. HSM Bearings are steel based springs with or without the addition of rubber for high frequency isolation. These are used for optimum isolation performance albeit at greater expense. Static deflections for HSM bearings can be as great as 50mm or more although 20 to 40mm are more ‘common. Loads tend to be much smaller typically 25kN per spring using helical springs in clusters and 250KN per spring for disc springs. APPLICATIONS Both types of bearings can be used in any of the following applications 24 22 Isolation from an external vibration source Supports for sensitive structures and equipment from extemal vibrations (eg studios, laboratories) Supports for buildings adjacentto road, rail and machine-generated vibrations Supports for buildings in earthquake prone areas and conversely, Minimising vibrations and dynamic forces from a supported structure (internal vibration source) ‘Supports for machinery, transformers, centrifuges ‘Supports for ‘floating floors’ associated with plant rooms, discos, aerobic exercise floors, bowling alleys Supports for hotel swimming pools Supports for railway tracks (floating track bed), ete. ISOLATION FROM FOUNDATION Frequency, ¢ Source Foundation ISOLATION FROM SUPPORTED * SOURCE Pace 9-1 HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD HERCULES VIBRATION ISOLATORS Hercules Engineering also supply complete ‘floating floors’ for the above purposes with bearings (generally HVB bearings), formwork, lateral buffers and perimeter compression seal. HVB bearings can also be adapted to ‘jack-up’ techniques. 3. DEFINITIONS The following definitions are in accordance with and expand on BS6177, ‘Selection and Use of Elastomeric bearings for Vibration concrete FLOATING FLOOR HVB Vibration Isolation Pads on Regular Grid Layout Steal Formwork Ply Formwork or No Formwork (oekmup Techniques) After Jacking Up! Fig 3. HVB FLOATING FLOOR | fig 4 HV8 JACK-UP 8RG fsolation of Buildings Vibrations (Vibm Measurement) Typical Frequency Ranges Source Path Isolated Structure Normal Load, Vnorm Design Load, Vmax Dynamic excitations including structure-borne noise. Vibrations are usually measured with a sensor (accelerometer), they can be expressedas acceleration, velocity, dynamic deflection, poweror even energy. The signalis subdivided into its component sinusoidial frequencies (or bandwidth power eg. third octave around centre frequencies) in a frequency analyser. This can be ‘expressed as amplitude (max, peak-to-peak, RMS) or relative to some datum. Example : The component at frequency f is £4 jm, 2A um p-to-p, A//2 ym RMS 0r20l0g(A,/A,)dB where A1 isa reference level. Halving the amplitude or quartering the power represents -6dB or an attenuation or vibration reduction of 6dB at that frequency. While vibrations may extend across the full frequency spectrum, they are often simplified for this subject to a few major frequency components, peaks and ranges of particular concem eg. marching-induced (2.5H2), electrically induced (eg. 60Hz, 420 Hz), machine induced (eg. shaft speeds, gear-meshing and higher harmonics), train-induced (eg. 30-500Hz) and audible (20Hz-20kHz) The origin of the dynamic or exciting force and hence vibrations. ‘The transmission path by which the vibration eneray is transmitted (eg. rock, clay, concrete, rubber) an important factor in the frequencies transmitted and received ‘The structure protected from vibration be it supported structure or foundation by introducing HVB rubber bearings, HSM steel springs, etc into the path The expected load, kN neither over nor under-estimated during service. (Eg. 100% dead + 20% live load) often but not necessarily gravitational in nature. The maximum load (SLS or ULS but usually SLS) experienced by the bearing HERCULES ENGINEERING (SEA) SON BHD Pace 9-2 HERCULES VIBRATION ISOLATORS Progressive Spring Static Deflection, x, Tangent Stiffness, k, Secant Stiffness, Ku. Dynamic Stiffness, ky Dynamic / Static Ratio Dynamic / Secant Ratio Natural Frequencies SDOF Structure Fundamental Natural Frequency, f, Transmissibility rls A spring which becomes stiffer with increasing deflection (most springs are in this category) ‘The deflection of a spring, mm, due to the normal load prior to creep The tangent to the load-deflection curve at the load in question The mean, chord or secant stiffness (k,.. = Vnorm/x,) The effective spring constant at the load in question for dynamic effects (compare the slope of a small hysteresis ellipse or loop) This definition is in keeping with BS 6177 - it should not be confused with (1/mobility) as used by acoustic engineers The ratio k,/k, which varies 1.0 to 1.6 approx. The ratio k, / k,,, which varies 1.0 to 2.0 approx. Those at which the structure resonates each with a characteristic mode-shape Asingle degree of freedom structure, single mode, single natural frequency (eg. mass mona spring k) Typical structures are multiple degree of freedom (MDOF) The lowest natural frequency of the structure (including whole body vibrations) Foran SDOF structure under gravitational loading, f, = (1/2nv/(k/m) = v(C//x,) where C,= a constant which varies with spring material and design ; C, varies = 260 for HSM bearings, 350-500 for HVB bearings The vibration reduction across the bearing expressed as % of dB (at freq f) Fora SDOF structure, this is given approximately by Tr = { 1/ [( fo )§2-1} Forf, <

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