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Student’s Name (First Name and Last Name)



After the completion of the fourth year of studies, the student is obliged to take a two-week
practical training in the amount of 60 hours, by attending the training at the Intensive Care Unit –
Oddział Intensywnej Terapii (potentially at operating conditions of the Intensive Ward of the
Emergency Department – Intensywny Oddział Łóżkowy SOR) and the two-week practical training in
the volume of 60 hours at the Surgery Department/Clinic – Klinika/Oddział Chirurgii. The students
may complete their practical training at the clinics and departments of the Teaching Clinic Hospital-
Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny, the Provincial Hospitals- Szpital Wojewódzki, District Hospitals-
Szpital Rejonowy or the hospitals supervised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration or
the Ministry of National Defense. The practice may be held under the agreement made by the Dean
and the Director of the relevant hospital and the Director of the Clinic ( Director of the
The supervisor of the practical training can be a medical specialist employed by the
Clinic/Department, holding the proper professional qualifications (specialization).

The students may complete their practice in hospitals abroad as well, but should meet the
requirements in force. Every student is obligated to keep the card of practical training taken, in which
the activities are recorded and approved on the daily basis. The completion of the practice must be
certified by the supervisor with his/her signature and stamp stating the supervisor’s full name and
specialization (i.e. anaesthesiologist, emergency medicine, general surgery or specialized surgery, for
example toracosurgery, etc). The lack of signatures and stamps required will hinder the approval of the
practical training.

The aim of the practice at the Intensive Therapy Unit is:

1. to learn the work organization at the Intensive Therapy Unit (Intensive Ward of the
Emergency Department), including the keeping of documentation, the procedure for referral
for treatment within other departments (hospitals), certification of temporary work incapacity,
filling in a death card;
2. to improve the knowledge of emergency (intensive care) procedures; to plan a proper
diagnosis (by laboratory and radiology);
3. student’s assistance in admitting the patients for treatment at the Intensive Therapy Unit
(the Emergency Department);
4. to broaden the skills at critical care and life-threatening procedures (assistance in
resuscitation/reviving actions);
5. student’s participation in doctor’s rounds and meetings.
The aim of the practice at the Surgery Department is:
1. to learn the work organization at the Surgery Department (operating theatre/ward, room for
wound dressing/treatment room), including the keeping of documentation, the hospital
admission procedures, referral for treatment within other departments (hospitals), certification
of temporary work incapacity, filling in other medical forms and documentations (i.e. referral
for outpatient treatment);
2. to familiarize yourself with types of surgical instruments and equipment used at the Surgery
3. to increase the skills at medical examination and the planning of diagnostic procedures –
especially in the case of the emergency; to learn the procedures for fractures and burns;
the qualifying procedures for surgical treatment;
4. to learn the aseptic and antiseptic requirements, especially the washing techniques before
the surgical procedure and preparation of the site for the surgical procedure;
5. to learn to dress wounds; to perform minor surgical operations, i.e. to place and remove
surgical sutures, to place ureteral catheters, to learn the procedure for and types of local
6. to broaden the knowledge of procedures for emergency/intensive care; to plan the proper
diagnosis (by laboratory and radiology);
7. student’s assistance with admission of patients for treatment at the Surgery Department;
8. student’s participation in doctor’s rounds and meetings

I certify that the above mentioned student has completed 60 hours of the requirements of the clinical

beginning on ....................................... until ................................................

........................................................ ................................................................................
Institution’s Stamp Signature of the Head of the Department

Supervisor’s Stamp and Signature
I certify that the above mentioned student has completed 60 hours of the requirements of the
clinical clerkship

beginning on ....................................... until ................................................

........................................................ ................................................................................
Institution’s Stamp Signature of the Head of the Department

Supervisor’s Stamp and Signature

I certify that above mentioned student has got credit for the fourth year clinical clerkship*

Signature and stamp of the Tutor in Medical University in Białystok

* - shall be signed by the appropriate person in Medical University of Białystok

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