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Environmental and Social Impact

Assessment Report
Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia

PT. Aek Sibundong Energi

Mini-Hydro Power Plant Project 2X4 MW

Environmental and Social Impact

Assessment Final Report


PT Aek Sibundong Energi

For and on behalf of

PT ESC Environment Indonesia,

Approved by,

Nigel Landon
President Director
15 August 2018

Project Number: J17-763

Report Version : Final Report
Rev. Description Prepared Reviewed Approved Date
00 Final PW NJL 15/08/2018

Internal Confidential Public

This report has been prepared by PT ESC Environment Indonesia with all reasonable
skill, care and diligence within the terms of the Contract with the Client, incorporating
our General Terms and Conditions of Business and taking account of the resources
devoted to it by agreement with the Client. We disclaim any responsibility to the Client
and others in respect or any matters outside the scope of the above. This report is
confidential to the Client and we accept no responsibility of whatsoever nature to any
third parties to whom this report, or any part thereof, is made known.
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi



LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................................VII

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................................IX
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................... XIII
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1
GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 1
PROJECT LOCATION .................................................................................................................................... 2
PROJECT OUTLINE ...................................................................................................................................... 3
PROJECT BACKGROUND AND CURRENT STATUS ................................................................................................ 4
PT AEK SIBUNDONG ENERGI ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.5.1 Company Profile ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.5.2 Legal Matters .................................................................................................................................... 5
ESIA OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................................... 6
ESIA STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK .............................................................................. 8
INDONESIAN REGULATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 8
IFC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ................................................................................................................. 11
3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................... 13
EXISTING ELECTRICITY CONDITION IN PROJECT AREA ....................................................................................... 13
PROJECT CONFORMANCE TO THE LOCAL SPATIAL PLAN.................................................................................... 14
PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND TIMELINE .............................................................................................................. 18
PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE ....................................................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 Preliminary Survey and Design ....................................................................................................... 19
3.4.2 Feasibility Study .............................................................................................................................. 20
3.4.3 Permitting ....................................................................................................................................... 21
3.4.4 Socialization .................................................................................................................................... 21
3.4.5 Land Acquisition .............................................................................................................................. 21
CONSTRUCTION PHASE .............................................................................................................................. 22
3.5.1 Recruitment and Mobilization of Construction Workforce ............................................................. 22
3.5.2 Mobilization of Materials and Heavy Equipment ........................................................................... 23
3.5.3 Land Preparation ............................................................................................................................ 23
3.5.4 Construction of MHPP and Associated Facilities ............................................................................. 24 Construction of Road Access....................................................................................................... 24 Construction of Main MHPP Facilities ........................................................................................ 25 Mechnical and Electrical Works.................................................................................................. 27
3.5.5 Demobilization of Workforce and Material .................................................................................... 30
3.5.6 Tranmission Line Development ....................................................................................................... 30
OPERATION PHASE ................................................................................................................................... 33
3.6.1 Recruitment and Mobilization of Operational Workforce .............................................................. 33
3.6.2 Operation of MHPP and Associated Facilities ................................................................................. 34
3.6.3 Maintenance of MHPP and Associated Facilities ............................................................................ 34
3.6.4 Operational Tranmission Line ......................................................................................................... 34
POST OPERATION PHASE ........................................................................................................................... 34
PROJECT ALTERNATIVES............................................................................................................................. 34
3.8.1 No Project ....................................................................................................................................... 35
3.8.2 Alternative Siting ............................................................................................................................ 35
3.8.3 Alternative Project Configuration ................................................................................................... 35
3.8.4 Alternative Technology ................................................................................................................... 35
3.8.5 Alternative Site Access .................................................................................................................... 35
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

4. THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS..................................................... 36

OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................................. 36
SCREENING ............................................................................................................................................. 36
SCOPING ................................................................................................................................................ 36
ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL BASELINE STUDY ............................................................................................. 37
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PREDICTION AND EVALUATION ................................................................................ 39
4.5.1 The definition of Impact .................................................................................................................. 39
4.5.2 Evaluation of Impact ....................................................................................................................... 40
4.5.3 Define Potential Impacts ................................................................................................................. 41 Define Sensitive Receivers .......................................................................................................... 41 Define Impact Magnitude ........................................................................................................... 42 Define Impact Severity ................................................................................................................ 43 Likelihood of Occurences ............................................................................................................ 44 Evaluation of Significance........................................................................................................... 45
EVALUATION OF SOCIAL AND HEALTH IMPACT ............................................................................................... 46
MITIGATION............................................................................................................................................ 47
THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................................. 48
5. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL BASELINE .............................................................................................. 50
ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE........................................................................................................................ 50
5.1.1 Climate ............................................................................................................................................ 50
5.1.2 Rain Instensity ................................................................................................................................. 50 Extreme Rain .............................................................................................................................. 52 Air Temperature ......................................................................................................................... 53 Relative Humidity ....................................................................................................................... 54 Sun Light Duration ...................................................................................................................... 55 Wind Speed and Direction .......................................................................................................... 56
5.1.3 Ambient Air Quality ........................................................................................................................ 61
5.1.4 Noise Level ...................................................................................................................................... 64
5.1.5 Land Use ......................................................................................................................................... 66
5.1.6 Land Cover ...................................................................................................................................... 67
5.1.7 Morphology, Topography, Geology and Soil ................................................................................... 68 Morphology and Topography ..................................................................................................... 68 Geology....................................................................................................................................... 71 Soil .............................................................................................................................................. 74
5.1.8 Hazard Potential ............................................................................................................................. 76 Drought ...................................................................................................................................... 76 Flood ........................................................................................................................................... 77 Landslide ..................................................................................................................................... 78 Seismic ........................................................................................................................................ 79
5.1.9 Hydrology ........................................................................................................................................ 80 Surface Water Hydrology ........................................................................................................... 80 Surface Water Quality ................................................................................................................ 82 Aquatic Biota .............................................................................................................................. 88
5.1.10 Traffic and Transportation ......................................................................................................... 94 Modes of Transport .................................................................................................................... 94 Access Road ................................................................................................................................ 94 Traffic Counting .......................................................................................................................... 99 Traffic Volume .......................................................................................................................... 100 Traffic Capacity ......................................................................................................................... 101 Volume to Capacity Ratio ......................................................................................................... 102
5.1.11 Biodiversity Resources and Critical Habitats ............................................................................ 103 Protected Areas and Internationally Recognised Areas ........................................................... 104 Habitat and Land Cover ............................................................................................................ 108 Aquatic Biodiversity .................................................................................................................. 117
5.1.12 Biodiversity Summary ............................................................................................................... 118
SOCIAL BASELINE ................................................................................................................................... 121
5.2.1 Demographic Baseline .................................................................................................................. 121 Population Profile ..................................................................................................................... 121
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Composition of Household Survey Respondents ....................................................................... 122

5.2.2 Socio-Economic Baseline ............................................................................................................... 123 Community Livelihood .............................................................................................................. 123 Labour Force ............................................................................................................................. 124 Educational Attainment............................................................................................................ 125 Income and Expenditure ........................................................................................................... 125 Housing Type and Status .......................................................................................................... 126
5.2.3 Socio-Cultural Baseline ................................................................................................................. 127 Religion ..................................................................................................................................... 127 Social System and Structure ..................................................................................................... 127 Ethnicity and Languages........................................................................................................... 127 Indigenous People .................................................................................................................... 128 Cultural Heritage ...................................................................................................................... 128
5.2.4 Community Health Baseline .......................................................................................................... 128 Sanitation Facilities .................................................................................................................. 128 Water Source and River Usage ................................................................................................. 129 Incidence of Illness .................................................................................................................... 129
5.2.5 Existing Infrastructures ................................................................................................................. 129 Worship Facilities ..................................................................................................................... 129 Medical Facilities ...................................................................................................................... 129 Educational Facilities ................................................................................................................ 129 Electrification Status ................................................................................................................. 130
5.2.6 Community Perception of Impact ................................................................................................. 130 Perception on Local Economic Change ..................................................................................... 130 Perception on Local Employment ............................................................................................. 131 Perception on Environmental Impact ....................................................................................... 131 Perception on Community Health ............................................................................................. 132 Perception on Sense of Community .......................................................................................... 133 Perception on Local Infrastructure and Services....................................................................... 133
AIR QUALITY ......................................................................................................................................... 137
6.1.1 Air Quality Impact due to Vehicle and Machinery Emission Source .............................................. 137
6.1.2 Air Quality Impact due to Dust Generation ................................................................................... 138
NOISE .................................................................................................................................................. 140
6.2.1 Noise Impact due to Construction Activities ................................................................................. 140
6.2.2 Noise Impact due to Turbine Operation ........................................................................................ 142
WATER QUALITY .................................................................................................................................... 143
6.3.1 Water Quality Impact due to Land Clearance Activities ............................................................... 144
6.3.2 Water Quality Impact due to Soil Erosion ..................................................................................... 145
6.3.3 Water Quality Impact due to the Construction of Weir ................................................................ 147
6.3.4 Water Quality Impact due to Sediment Increase from Aek Sibundong MHPP .............................. 148
6.3.5 Water Quality Impact due to the Domestic Wastewater Discharge ............................................. 149
SOIL/LAND CONTAMINATION ................................................................................................................... 150
6.4.1 Soil/Land Contamination from Chemical or Petroleum Product ................................................... 150
6.4.2 Soil/Land Contamination due to Leakage of Vehicle and Machinery ........................................... 151
6.4.3 Soil/Land Contamination from Materials Stored Onsite and Solid Waste Generation ................. 151
HYDROLOGY .......................................................................................................................................... 152
6.5.1 Water Balance Alteration due to Construction Activities ............................................................. 152
6.5.2 Potential Flooding due to the Land Clearing and Construction Activities ..................................... 153
6.5.3 Water Course Impact due to Weir Construction ........................................................................... 154
6.5.4 Water Flow Impact due to Operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP ................................................... 154
BIODIVERSITY RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................ 155
6.6.1 Impact to Habitat.......................................................................................................................... 155
6.6.2 Impact on Fauna during Construction Phase ................................................................................ 156
6.6.3 Impact on Fauna during Operation Phase .................................................................................... 158
6.6.4 Impact on Migratory Fish .............................................................................................................. 159
6.6.5 Impact on Aquatic Biodiversity ..................................................................................................... 159
6.6.6 Impact on Ecosystem Services....................................................................................................... 159
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

SOCIAL ECONOMICS................................................................................................................................ 162

6.7.1 Impact on Community Livelihoods ................................................................................................ 162
COMMUNITY HEALTH, SAFETY AND SECURITY .............................................................................................. 163
6.8.1 Emission from Vehicle and Equipment .......................................................................................... 163
6.8.2 Dust Generation ............................................................................................................................ 163
6.8.3 Construction and Operation Noise ................................................................................................ 164
6.8.4 Traffic and Road Safety ................................................................................................................. 164
6.8.5 Sediment Flush .............................................................................................................................. 165
6.8.6 Infrastructure Safety ..................................................................................................................... 166
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ......................................................................................................... 166
6.9.1 Construction Phase ....................................................................................................................... 166
6.9.2 Operation Phase ........................................................................................................................... 167
7. CUMULATIVE IMPACT ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................... 169
WATER QUALITY .................................................................................................................................... 169
CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................................... 170
8. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURES ................................................................ 171
STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION.................................................................................................................. 171
ON-GOING PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE .................................................................................... 171
8.2.1 Consultation as Part of Land Acquisition Program ....................................................................... 171
8.2.2 Public Consultation and Disclosure Related to the UKL-UPL Process ............................................ 172
8.2.3 Public Consultation as part of Corporate Responsibility Program (CSR) ....................................... 173
GRIEVANCE MECHANISM ......................................................................................................................... 174
9. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ......................................................................... 176
CONSTRUCTION PHASE MANAGEMENT PLAN .............................................................................................. 176
CONSTRUCTION PHASE MONITORING PLAN ................................................................................................ 176
OPERATIONAL PHASE MANAGEMENT PLAN................................................................................................. 177
OPERATIONAL PHASE MONITORING PLAN................................................................................................... 177
10. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 186
APPENDIX A KEY INFORMANT INTERVIEW RESULT ................................................................................................... 187
APPENDIX B LABORATORY RESULT......................................................................................................................... 192
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


Figure 1 Indonesian Electrivity Forecast ......................................................................................................... 1

Figure 2 Project Location in Sigulok Village, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia ................................. 3
Figure 3 Five Administrative Layers of the GoI ............................................................................................. 8
Figure 4 North Sumatera Electricity Map ..................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5 Project Conformance to the Local Spatial Plan (Pattern Map) according to BAPPEDA ........ 16
Figure 6 Project Conformance to the Local Spatial Plan (Structural Map) according to BAPPEDA .... 17
Figure 7 Project Schedule ................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 8 Impact Assessment Process ............................................................................................................. 41
Figure 9 Mitigation Hierarchy ........................................................................................................................ 48
Figure 10 Monthly Rainfall 2005-2014 ........................................................................................................... 51
Figure 11 Map of Seasonal Zone in North Sumatra ..................................................................................... 51
Figure 12 The Frequency of Extreme Rainfall in Sibolga 2005-2014 and it Trend ................................... 52
Figure 13 Sibolga Air Temperature 2005-2014 .............................................................................................. 53
Figure 14 Air Humidity in Sibolga 2005-2014 and its Trend ...................................................................... 54
Figure 15 Total Sunlight Duration in Sibolga 2005-2014 and its Trend ..................................................... 55
Figure 16 Windrose Sibolga, 2005-2014 ......................................................................................................... 57
Figure 17 Diurnal Variation Windrose of Average Wind Speed, Hour 07.00 PM-04.00 AM ................. 58
Figure 18 Diurnal Variation of Average Wind Speed vs Calm Wind ....................................................... 59
Figure 19 Monthly Windrose Period 2005-2014 ........................................................................................... 60
Figure 20 Land Use Map of Aek Sibundong MHPP .................................................................................... 66
Figure 21 Land Cover with the Project Area of Aek Sibundong MHPP ................................................... 67
Figure 22 Aek Sibundong MHPP Topography ............................................................................................ 69
Figure 23 Aek Sibundong MHPP Geology ................................................................................................... 72
Figure 24 Aek Sibundong Soil Classification ................................................................................................ 74
Figure 25 Map of Drought in the Surrounding of Aek Sibundong MHPP ............................................... 76
Figure 26 Map of Flood Hazard in the Surrounding of Aek Sibundong MHPP Area ............................ 77
Figure 27 Map of Landslide Hazard in the Surrounding of Aek Sibundong MHPP Area .................... 78
Figure 28 Map of Earthquake Intensity and Magnitude in the Surrounding of Aek Sibundong MHPP
.............................................................................................................................................................................. 79
Figure 29 Traffic Counting Vehicle Proportion in T-junction Letkol Manulang ..................................... 99
Figure 30 Traffic Counting Vehicle Proportion in Jalan Desa in Sigulok Village .................................... 99
Figure 31 Structure of the IUCN Categories ............................................................................................... 105
Figure 32 Project Area Status in the IUCN EOO Map ............................................................................... 106
Figure 33 Location of the Nearest Key Biodiversity Area from the Project Area .................................. 107
Figure 34 Habitat in Study Area ................................................................................................................... 108
Figure 35 Habitat Map ................................................................................................................................... 109
Figure 36 Number of Species of Bird Families ............................................................................................ 113
Figure 37 Number species and abundant on Sampling Location ............................................................ 113
Figure 38 Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index (H’) and Evenness Index (E) ............................................. 114
Figure 39 Important Bird Species ................................................................................................................. 115
Figure 40 Chironax melanocephalus ................................................................................................................ 117
Figure 41 Data Collection Method................................................................................................................ 117
Figure 42 River Condition on Weir Area and Creek River ....................................................................... 118
Figure 43 Fish findings ................................................................................................................................... 118
Figure 44 Population Pyramid in Sijamapolang Sub-district ................................................................... 122
Figure 45 Age Group of Household Survey Respondents ........................................................................ 122
Figure 46 Gender of Household Survey Respondents .............................................................................. 123
Figure 47 Marital Status of Household Survey Respondents ................................................................... 123
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 48 Main Livelihood of Household Survey Respondents .............................................................. 124

Figure 49 Housing Type within the Study Area ........................................................................................ 126
Figure 50 Housing Status within Study Area ............................................................................................. 127
Figure 51 Sanitation Facility in the Study Area .......................................................................................... 128
Figure 52 Impacted Community Perception on Change in Local Economy .......................................... 130
Figure 53 Impacted Community Perception on Local Work Opportunity ............................................. 131
Figure 54 Impacted Community Perception on Environmental Impact ................................................. 132
Figure 55 Impacted Community Perception on Community Health ...................................................... 133
Figure 56 Impacted Community Perception on Social Sensitivity ........................................................... 133
Figure 57 Impacted Community Perception on Local Infrastructure ..................................................... 134
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


Table 1 Aek Sibundong MHPP Project Current Permitting Status ............................................................... 5

Table 2 Laws and Relevancy to the Project Plan ............................................................................................. 8
Table 3 Government Regulation and Relevancy to the Project Plan ............................................................ 9
Table 4 Presidential Regulation and Relevancy to the Project Plan............................................................ 10
Table 5 Ministerial Decree and Relevancy to the Project Plan .................................................................... 10
Table 6 Ministerial Regulations and Relevancy to the Project Plan ............................................................ 10
Table 7 Summary of Project Location ............................................................................................................. 20
Table 8 Specification of Access Road .............................................................................................................. 25
Table 9 Design Criteria of Weir........................................................................................................................ 25
Table 10 Design Criteria of the Intake ............................................................................................................. 25
Table 11 Design Criteria of the Settling Basin ................................................................................................ 26
Table 12 Design Criteria of the Forebay ......................................................................................................... 26
Table 13 Design Criteria of the Penstock ........................................................................................................ 26
Table 14 Design Criteria of the Power House ................................................................................................ 26
Table 15 Design Criteria of the Tailrace .......................................................................................................... 27
Table 16 Design Criteria of the Mechanical and Electrical Components of Aek Sibundong MHPP ..... 27
Table 17 Aek Sibundong Point Connection Plan........................................................................................... 30
Table 18 Technical Specification Connection Facility ................................................................................... 31
Table 19 Number of Operational Workforce ................................................................................................. 33
Table 20 Data Sources for Baseline Studies .................................................................................................... 38
Table 21 Impacts Assessments Terminology ................................................................................................. 39
Table 22 Definition of Impact Type ................................................................................................................. 40
Table 23 Determine the Impact Severity ......................................................................................................... 43
Table 24 Determine the Impact Significance .................................................................................................. 44
Table 25 Likelihood Category .......................................................................................................................... 44
Table 26 Terminology for Impact Significance .............................................................................................. 45
Table 27 Determining the Significance of Impacts ........................................................................................ 45
Table 28 Assessments of the Magnitude of Social and Health Impacts ..................................................... 46
Table 29 Determining the Urgency of Social and Health Impacts .............................................................. 47
Table 30 Average Monthly Rain Intensity (mm) in Sibolga for the Last 10 years (2005-2014)................ 50
Table 31 Schmidth & Ferguson Climate Type Classification ....................................................................... 52
Table 32 Monthly Air Temperature (0C) in Sibolga for the Last 10 years (2005-2014) ............................. 53
Table 33 Monthly Air Humidity (%) in Sibolga for the last 10 years (2005-2014) ..................................... 54
Table 34 Monthly Duration in Sibolga (hour) for the last 10 years (2005-2014) ........................................ 55
Table 35 Wind Speed Distribution Frequency in Sibolga for the last 10 years, periode 2005-2014 ........ 56
Table 36 Ambient Air Quality Sampling Result ............................................................................................ 61
Table 37 Noise Level Sampling Result ............................................................................................................ 64
Table 38 Area and Class of Slope of each Sub-District ................................................................................. 68
Table 39 Topography of Mini Hydro Power Plant Project Components ................................................... 70
Table 40 Regional Geology Map ...................................................................................................................... 71
Table 41 Watershed in Humbang Hasundutan Regency ............................................................................. 80
Table 42 Flood Discharge Analysis at the Proposed Aek Sibundong MHPP ............................................ 81
Table 43 Hydrology Data for Design Parameter ........................................................................................... 81
Table 44 Surface Water Quality Laboratory Result ....................................................................................... 82
Table 45 Result of Identified Phytoplankton ................................................................................................. 89
Table 46 Result of Identified Zooplankton ..................................................................................................... 91
Table 47 Result of Identified Benthos ............................................................................................................. 93
Table 48 Access to the Project Location .......................................................................................................... 94
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Table 49 Access Road within the Project Area ............................................................................................... 95

Table 50 Vehicle Classification and PCU Equivalent Factor ...................................................................... 100
Table 51 Traffic Volume in Study Area ........................................................................................................ 100
Table 52 Level of Service Standard................................................................................................................ 102
Table 53 V/C Ratio in Study Area ................................................................................................................. 103
Table 54 Top Five Dominant Vegetation in Study Area ............................................................................. 110
Table 55 Important Value Index of Vegetation ............................................................................................ 111
Table 56 List of Protected Bird Species and Conservation Status ............................................................. 114
Table 57 Total Bird Finding ............................................................................................................................ 115
Table 58 Biodiversity Resources Summary .................................................................................................. 119
Table 59 Population, Distribution and Density in Study Area .................................................................. 121
Table 60 Labour Force Number ..................................................................................................................... 124
Table 61 Labour Force Based on Sectors in Humbang Hasundutan Regency ........................................ 125
Table 62 Educational Attainment in the Study Area .................................................................................. 125
Table 63 Housing Type in Sigulok Village ................................................................................................... 126
Table 64 Education Facilities in the Sijamapolang Sub-district ................................................................. 129
Table 65 Summary of Environmental and Social Impacts for Aek Sibundong MHPP .......................... 135
Table 66 Hydrology Data for Design Parameter ......................................................................................... 143
Table 67 Water Quality Contamination Detection in the Aek Sibundong River .................................... 143
Table 68 List of Affected Ecosystem Services .............................................................................................. 160
Table 69 Summary of Cumulative Impacts within the Project Area of Influence of Aek Sibundong
MHPP ................................................................................................................................................................ 169
Table 70 Public Consultation Meeting held for Land Acquisition Procedures ....................................... 172
Table 71 Government Engagement Plan ...................................................................................................... 172
Table 72 ASE Corporate Social Responsibility Program ............................................................................ 173
Table 73 Community Engagement Plan ....................................................................................................... 174
Table 74 Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan for Aek Sibundong MHPP .. 179
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


AF Associated Facilities
ASE PT. Aek Sibundong Energi
AQ Air Quality
Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika/ Meteorology Climatology and
Geophysics Council
CR Critical

DAS Daerah Aliran Sungai/ Watershed

EHS Environmental Health and Safety
EN Endangered
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EOO Extent of Occurrence
ESC PT ESC Environment Indonesia
ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan
GI Gardu Induk/ Substation
GOI Government of Indonesia
HV Heavy Vehicle
IBA Important Bird Area
IFC International Finance Corporation
IP Indigenous Peoples
IUCN The International Union for Conservation of Nature
IVI Important Value Index
KBA Key Biodiversity Area
kV Kilo Volt
kW Kilo Watt
LC Least Concern
LC Land Contamination
LV Light Vehicle
MHPP Mini Hydro Power Plant
MW Mega Watt
MC Motorcycle
NT Near Treathened
N&P Nitrogen and Phosphor
NGR Neutral Grounding Resistance
NPV Net Present Value
NWL Normal Water Level
OHS Occupational Health and Safety
PAP Project Affected People
PCU Passenger Car Units
PLN Perusahaan Listrik Negara/ State Electricity Company
PLTD Pembangkit LIstrik Tenaga Diesel/ Diesel Power Plant
PP Peraturan Pemerintah/ Government Regulation
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPE PT. Paesa Pasindo Engineering
ROW Right of Way
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

RUPTL Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik/ Electricity Supply Development Plan

S&E Social and Environmental

SD Sekolah Dasar/ Elementary School
SEMS Social and Environmental Management
SMA Sekolah Menengah Atas/ Senior High School
SMP Sekolah Menengah Pertama/ Junior High School
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
TMP Traffic Management Plan
TSP Total Suspended Particulate
TSS Total Suspended Solids
UKL Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan/ Environmental Management Effort
UPL Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan/ Environmental Monitoring Effort
V/C Volume per Capacity
VECs Valued Environmental and Social Components
VU Vulnerable
WHO World Health Organization
WQ Water Quality
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


Project Overview
PT. Aek Sibundong Energi (hereafter ‘ASE’ or the Client) is a subsidiary of PT. Paesa Pasindo
Engineering (‘PPE’) formed in 2014 whose principal projects involve the development of Mini Hydro
Power Plants (‘MHPP’ or the Project). As for the composition of ASE shareholders is 99% PPE and 1%
of Panal Banjarnahor. This Independent Power Producer company is established under Deed Number
03, in the presence of Notary Bonar Sihombing, SH. This deed has gained approval from the Ministry
of Justice and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia Number: AHU – 14891.AH.01.01 Year 2014.
As a national mini hydro project developer, PT Aek Sibundong Energi is planning to develop a Mini
Hydro Power Plant on Aek Sibundong River, in Sigulok Village, North Sumatera, Indonesia. It is
expected that the Aek Sibundong MHPP project in Aek Sibundong River will generate 2X4 MW
electric capacity by implementing a run-of-river system with an offtake from a regulating weir which
will not require a dam or any water impoundment.
The Project has reached the end of the development phase, and most of the Project licensing has been
secured, and a PPA term sheet with PLN has also been signed (September 2017). The Project will soon
enter the financing phase, for which one of the key activities is to complete the ESIA (Environmental
Social and Impact Assessment) document. The Project UKL/UPL for Sigulok Site was conducted in
2016 and the Project already has the Environmental Permit which was approved in 2017.
The Project has gained approval through the Republic of Indonesia legal process to assess
environmental and social impacts and risks of the construction and operation phase of the project in
the form of the Environmental Management Effort (UKL) and Environmental Monitoring Effort
(UPL). This ESIA has been prepared to reflect the requirements of the International Finance
Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards and Guidelines, and the Equator Principles. PT Aek
Sibundong Energi has implemented compliance with these guidelines to meet industry best practices.
The Project is located in the Sigulok Village, Sijamapolang Sub-district, Humbang Hasundutan
Regency. The Sigulok village is about 30 km to the south from Dolok Sanggul, the closest city from
the Project site. The Project is located on the Aek Sibundong River, within a V-shape valley with 25 to
30 m width. The river flows from the northeast to the southwest through other land use are (Area
Penggunaan Lain) in the upstream part, then in the midstream part to end of the Project site it passes
through production forest area.
According to the project Environmental Permit (number 21 of 2017) issued by the investment
coordinating body, the site area of the Mini Hydro Power Plant Project is approximately 25.08 Ha.
However, according to the UKL/UPL, the site area is 26.08 ha with the details are 20.87 ha is
Permanent Production Forest Area (Kawasan Hutan Produksi Tetap) and other utilization area (Area
Penggunaan Lain/APL) and 5.21 ha is land belong to PT. Toba Pulp Lestari. ASE has obtained Izin
Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan (IUPPKH) Number 522/2350.
This ESIA represents and assesses the construction and operation phases of the MHPP project
including the associated facilities (AF) of the project. The construction and operation phase of the
MHPP project and AF development will require activities which may result in significant
environmental, social or health impacts relating to:
• Construction workforce employment;
• Transport and mobilization of equipment and material;
• Land clearance;
• Construction of power house, weir and supporting facilities; and
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

• Operation and maintenance of Aek Sibundong MHPP.

ASE have adopted a risk based approach to defining potential environmental and social impacts, in
order to provide rigour to the definition of mitigation processes and evaluation of their effectiveness.
This ESIA is structured around industry best practice approach of defining the existing
environmental values, identifying the potential environmental impacts from project activities, and
then applying a mitigation strategy that will eliminate or reduce potential impacts, with management
plans to monitor and measure the outcomes. In order to define the significance of potential impacts a
risk framework has been established, which can then be used to evaluate the residual risk once a
mitigation strategy is applied.
The outcome of a risk based approach is a rating of environmental and social risks on ascending scale
of negligible-minor-moderate-major-critical – this rating is based upon a combination of the severity
of the potential impact, and the likelihood that it will occur. The specific parameters used to evaluate
the degree of risk are presented in this ESIA and their outcomes will be represented in this Executive

Project Description
In broad terms, this ESIA explores the potential impacts and mitigation strategies of two major
activities including the construction and operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP project. The activities of
pre-construction phase including the public consultation and land acquisition were already
conducted by ASE. Those are not addressed in this ESIA study.
The construction activities will consist of major civil works and construction involving a new access
road development, Mini-hydro Power Plant and associated facilities development. Details of the
construction activities include: recruitment and mobilization of construction workforce; mobilization
of materials and heavy equipment; land preparation; and the construction of main infrastructure of
Aek Sibundong MHPP and the associated facilities. During the peak of the construction works,
approximately 150 people will be employed.
Activities in the operation phase will comprise recruitment of workforce, the operation and
maintenance of Aek Sibundong MHPP. Approximately 12 people will be hired for the operation of
the Aek Sibundong MHPP project.

Environmental and Social Baseline

Ambient Air Quality
All ambient air quality parameters measured are below the threshold limit values of Government
Regulation No. 41/1999 and International Air Quality Guidelines (WHO 2006). Results indicate that
the existing ambient air quality is still good.

Surface Water Quality

All surface water quality parameters are within the GoI threshold limit values except for TSS and
total coliform parameters downstream of the Project site. The downstream TSS concentrations at SW3
were recorded above the threshold limit value with a concentration of 80 mg/L. The TSS
concentrations measured at the other two sampling locations ranged from below the limit of detection
of 49.5 mg/L at SW1, to 49 mg/L at SW2. At SW3 (downstream) with the concentration detected at
5938/100mL. The highest total coliform was detected in the downstream of Aek Sibundong River.
Furthemore, surface water quality at all of the sampling locations are considered to be good with
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

minor pollution load due to the domestic discharge from the nearby settlements and agricultural
activity around the Aek Sibundong River.

Noise Level
The direct noise level measurements at both sampling points within the community settlement and
project area during the baseline studies indicate that there were no levels which exceeded the
threshold limit values of both national and international standards, which are 55 dB A for Residential
Areas, and 70 dB A for Industrial Areas (MoE Decree No.48/1996) and the Guidelines for Community
Noise (Day-time), WHO (1990) except for one noise level recorded in the community settlement at
15:00. The noise level at this time was recorded slightly above the threshold limit value at 64.3 dB A.
During the baseline sampling, noise levels measured ranged from 35.8 dB A to 64.3 dB A.
The lowest noise level from the result of baseline sampling were observed at 04:00 in the morning as
there are no activities conducted at this time. While the highest noise level was observed at 15:00 at
the community settlement area and at 10:00 at the project location.
The site survey indicated that the primary sources of noise around the Project Area and the Project
Area of Influence are from motor vehicles and audible noises of the Aek Sibundong river. Moreover,
the project site is located nearby to community housing with typical rural and/or agricultural noise

Terrestrial Biodiversity
 The Project location is located in natural habitat. Several modified habitats were discovered in
and around the project locationincluding; plantation forest, dry-land agriculture, paddy field
and shrub. Natural habitat is primarily riverine forest ecosystem.
 A Terrestrial flora survey was conducted within the project footprint area. The survey
covered plots that were distributed along the river area from the power house up to the weir
location. 43 species of flora were recorded during the survey. Casuarina sumatrana (local:
Anturmangan) and Quercus javanensis are dominant species that were recorded. This species
was found to be abundant in the surrounding river area. Other species that were recorded
include Exbucklandia populnea (local: Hapas-hapas) and Quercus javanesis. E. populnea which
were wide spread across the study area.
 For bird groups, the survey recorded 45 species from 22 families. Dominant families that were
recorded within the study area include Timaliidae and Sylviidae (each 6 species), followed by
Apodidae, Pycnonotidae, and Nectariniidae (each 4 species). Both Timaliidae and Sylviidae
generally inhabit forest, shrubs and bushland. Both are insectivore bird families, their main
food source includes caterpillars and other small insects.
 There are 6 bird species protected by the Indonesian government based on Law no. 5 of 1990
and Government Regulation no. 7 of 1999 concerning preservation of plant and animal
species. Based on the IUCN Red list, there are two species of birds that are categorized as
Near Threatened (NT), namely the Ixos virescens (Sunda Bulbul) and Stachyris nigricollis
(Temminck’s Sunbird).
 For mammals, there were not many results during the field survey. Wild boar (Sus scrofa) was
the most common species found in the forest and agricultural areaa. The net survey method
only record one bat species; Chironax melanocephalus.
 Two species of fish were recorded during the baseline survey, namely Semah (Tor soro), and
Seluang (Rasbora sp). Semah is the dominant species found in the main river, and Seluang was
only found in the small creeks. A total of 14 individuals of Semah were captured in main river
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Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

during the survey. Typical habitat for Semah is upstream river in forested areas with a rocky
river bottom and fast currents. Seluang (Rasbora bankanensis) were also found to be abundant
and dominant in the smaller creeks. The typical habitat for this species is river and swamp in
forested areas. They live in rivers with weak flow and calm currents.

Aquatic Biota
The diversity indices of phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos at all sampling locations are
indicative of unpolluted waters as the diversity indices are greater than two. The equitability indices
and dominance indices indicates that there is no dominant species in the water. Aquatic biodiversity
shows that the surface water quality, both in upstream, mid-stream, and downstream of the Project
Area, are still in good condition.

Traffic Sampling
The traffic counting data shows that motorcycles were the most common mode of transportation,
with 4,681 vehicles recorded in peak hours on two days, representing one day of peak hours in the
weekend and one of day peak hours in the weekday. Motorcycles were followed by light vehicles
such as cars with 2,212 vehicles (30%), then light trucks with 234 (3%). 4 units (of non-motorized
vehicles such as bicycles and gerobak (carts) were recorded in the study area (0.05%).
The traffic counting data shows that motorcycles were the most common mode of transportation in
Sigulok Village, with 15 vehicles recorded in the peak hours on two days, representing one day of
peak hours in the weekend and one of day peak hours in the weekday. Motorcycles were followed by
light vehicles such as cars with 4 vehicles (21%). There are no other types of vehicle recorded during
the traffic survey in Sigulok Village.

Social Baseline Survey

 A total of 16 households were surveyed in Sigulok Village. Based on the age characteristics of
the participants, the survey generally represented all of the age groups capable of mature
responses and adequate experience and knowledge to provide valuable insights. Most
respondents were from the age group of 30 – 39, and 50 – 59, both at 31%, followed by
respondents from the age group of 40 – 49 at 25%. Age group older than 60 was also covered
by the social survey with a smaller portion of 6%.
 The majority of the community within the study area are Christian. This was confirmed by
the outcomes of household surveys and interviews, which indicated that 100% of respondents
are Christian. No statistical data was available regarding the religion of the community. This
number indicates the uniformity of community within the impacted area.
 Batak ethnic was the dominant ethnic group within Sigulok Village. 100% of household
survey respondents identified as Batak. During household survey, the field team also found
immigrants from other ethnic minority groups (Javanese) through marriage. The immigrants
follow their in-laws marga (last name). There are no ethnic minority in Sigulok Village.
 Household survey results show that the main livelihood in Sigulok Village is farming which
comprised 88% of respondents livelihoods. According to the Key Informant Interviews, men
and women within the affected communities have equal access to employment. The division
of labour between men and women in domestic activities, public economic activities and
public social activities is not rigid as is practiced in other regions. In domestic tasks, women
have primary responsibility. Typically the following crops were grown: paddy, corn, coffee,
potato. Local people also tap kemenyan sap in the forest area as a side job. Some others hunt
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Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

for wild boar, deer, etc. to be sold at Dolok Sanggul.

 Approximately 33% of respondents within the impacted villages perceived that the Sigulok
MHPP project will bring positive impacts to local economic development as this project will
create more business opportunities for the local community.
 All respondents think that the project will create more job opportunities for locals, both in
direct and indirect forms. Direct employment will most likely be available during the
construction phase which will provide opportunities for unskilled labour. Moreover, the
project is also expected to create indirect employment within the villages from income
generating activities, such as food production, food stalls, and workshops.
 79% of respondents considered that the development of Sigulok MHPP would not generate
any significant changes in the environment due to the small scale of the project and its
location which was far enough from the residential area.
 According to the survey results, 73% of respondents did not know whether or not the project
would impact community health or not, due to a lack of information. About 27% of
respondents considered that the development of Sigulok MHPP would improve local
community health.
 Survey results show that more than 60% of respondents think that the incoming workers
from other areas will increase diversity in the village. During interviews, it was stated that
there has been people coming to the village for different studies and even stayed at
community houses.
 Survey results show that the community has a positive perception of Sigulok MHPP project
in regards to local infrastructure. They think that during project construction, access roads to
the village will be improved and can be utilised even after the construction ends. No
respondents had a negative perception of the project with regards to local infrastructure.

Indigenous People
IFC Performance Standards 7 recognises indigenous people as social groups with identities (language,
culture, etc.) that are distinct from the mainstream population. They are often among the most
marginalized and vulnerable segments of the population. Based on household survey and Key
Informant Interview results, no indigenous people were found in the impacted area. From the
economic, cultural, and social perspective, Batak ethnic is not distinct from other ethnic groups. They
are already a part of the broader society, and are not isolated from other ethnic groups. Moreover,
vulnerable groups are those who are more likely to experience poverty and social exclusion than the
general population. These groups constitute ethnic minorities, migrants, disabled people, homeless,
drug addicts, isolated elderly people and children. They face higher risks of low education,
unemployment and underemployment. Thorugh this definition, Batak ethnic is not classified as
vulnerable groups.

Cultural Heritage
IFC Performance Standard 8 defines that cultural heritage refers to: (i) tangible forms of cultural
heritage, such as tangible moveable or immovable objects, property, sites, structures, or groups of
structures, having archaeological (prehistoric), paleontological, historical, cultural, artistic, and
religious values; (ii) unique natural features or tangible objects that embody cultural values, such as
sacred groves, rocks, lakes, and waterfalls; and (iii) certain instances of intangible forms of culture
that are proposed to be used for commercial purposes, such as cultural knowledge, innovations, and
practices of communities embodying traditional lifestyles. Based on household survey and Key
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Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Informant Interview results, no cultural heritage were found in the impacted area.

Cumulative Impact
ESC identified one cumulative impact due to project operation activity. The overall cumulative
impact from existing activities within the Project Area of Influence is considered moderate for water
quality. The cumulative environmental impact would be associated with the sediment flushing
activitiy of Aek Sibundong MHPP operation. The Aek Sibundong MHPP project contributes a
negligible to minor-moderate impact after mitigation.

Summary of Environmental and Social Impacts and Mitigation Outcomes

The ESIA identified a number of potential impacts for the project. These potential impacts have been
coded throughout the ESIA document so they can be related between the description of impacts and
the environmental and social management plan (ESMP). ASE is recommended to have a contract
which makes the contractor responsible for the environmental management with clauses such as shut
down if there are environmental breaches by implement the 3-monthly external monitoring during
construction works. A summary of the impact – its raw significance (risk) and mitigated significance
(risk) is provided below.

Mitigation Significance
No Potential Impact Activity Phase
Before After
1 Air Quality
Air quality impact due to Construction Phase Moderate Minor
the vehicle and machinery
emission source
Air quality impact due to Construction Phase Moderate Minor
dust generation
2 Noise
Noise impact due to Construction Phase Moderate Minor
construction activities
Noise impact due to turbine Operation Phase Minor Negligible
3 Water Quality
Water quality impact due Construction Phase Major Minor-Moderate
to land clearance activities
Water quality impact due Construction Phase Minor Negligible
to potential soil erosion
Water quality impact due Construction Phase Major Minor
to construction of weir
Water quality impact due Operation Phase Negligible Negligible
to sediment increase
Water quality impact due Construction and Minor Negligible
to domestic wastewater Operation Phase
4 Soil/Land Contamination
Land contamination due to Construction Phase Minor Negligible
chemical and petroleum Operation Phase
Land contamination due to Construction Phase Minor Negligible
leakage from machinery or
Land contamination due to Construction Phase Minor Negligible
materials stored onsite and Operation Phase
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Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Mitigation Significance
No Potential Impact Activity Phase
Before After
solid waste generation
5 Hydrology
Water balance alteration Construction phase Minor Negligible
Potential flooding due to Construction Phase Minor-Moderate Negligible
land clearing and
construction activities
Water course impact due to Construction phase Minor Negligible
weir construction
Water flow impact Operation Phase Minor Negligible-Minor
6 Biodiversity Resources
Impact on Habitat Construction Phase Moderate Minor
Impact on Fauna during Construction Phase Moderate Minor
Construction Phase
Impact on Fauna during Operation Phase Minor-Moderate Negligible-Minor
Operation Phase
Impact on Migratory Fish Operation Phase Addressed in Section 6.5.4
Impact on Aquatic Construction Phase Addressed in Section 6.3
7 Socio Economic and Culture
Impact on Community Construction Phase Major Minor
8 Community Health Safety and Security
Emission from vehicle and Construction Phase Moderate Minor
Dust generation Construction Phase Moderate Minor
Noise Construction and Addressed in Section 6.2
Operation Phase
Traffic and road safety Construction Phase Major Negligible-Minor
Sediment flush Operation Phase Addressed in Section 6.5.4
Infrastructure safety Operation Phase Major Minor-Moderate
9 Occupational Health Safety and Security
OHS Issues during Construction Phase Major Minor
OHS issues during Operation Phase Minor-Moderate Negligible-Minor

Environmental and Social Management Plan

The Environmental and Social Management Plan for the Aek Sibundong MHPP has been developed
specifically for the construction and operational phase as described in the Chapter 9 of this report.
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Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


The Indonesian National Electricity Forecast (Rencana Ketenagalistrikan Nasional) as published by
the Indonesia Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MoER) predicts an electricity demand
increasing by about 10% annually in line with an Indonesian population growth rate of around 5 to
6 % per year. National electricity installment totaled 36 Gigawatt (GW) in 2010; to fulfill community
needs and to support economic development, the government is targeting to increase the installed
capacity to 115 GW in 2025 through an energy mix of oil (25%), gas (20%), coal (30%), and
renewable energy (RN) (25%), for a total of 600 GW in 2050 as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Indonesian Electrivity Forecast

Source: RUPJL 2014

The Government of Indonesia (GoI) energy policy also includes increasing electricity generation by
35 GW in a fast-track program. At the same time the GoI is committed to reduce 26 % of greenhouse
gas emission (GHG) by prioritizing the use of renewable energy as outlined in Presidential Decree
(Perpes) No 61 of 2001 on National Action Plan for Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emission through
Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy Sources. This commitment to reduce GHG emission
is also reflected in COP21 UNFCCC (21st Conference of Parties United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change) in Paris in 2015, when the GoI announced its commitment to
reduce the GHG emission by 29 % in 2030 by its own efforts or by 41 % in 2030 with International
Indonesia has high potential for renewable resources including mini/micro-hydro, biomass, solar,
and wind power. The government of Indonesia is committed to the contribution of renewable
energy for the national primary energy mix program of 2025 according to the Presidential
Regulation No. 5 Year 2006 regarding the National Energy Policy (Perpres No. 5 Tahun 2006
tentang Kebijakan Energi Nasional). The government expects mini hydro power could be
developed to approximately 2,846 MW by 2025 by implementing several programs to support mini-
hydro development include integration of mini hydro power development into community

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

economic activities, optimisation of the irrigation channels for mini hydro power, encouraging the
national mini hydro industry and expanding the various type of partnerships and effective funding.
The total hydro power potential output, including mini/micro-hydro, in Indonesia is estimated at
75,000 MW. The government expects mini-hydro power could be developed to approx. 2,846 MW
by 2025 by implementing several programmes to support mini-hydro development including the
integration of mini-hydro power development into community economic activities, optimisation of
the irrigation channels for mini-hydro power, encouraging the national mini-hydro industry and
expanding the various type of partnerships & effective funding. In 2014, the national installed
capacity of mini -hydro power plants in Indonesia was 139.87 MW (Electrification Statistic, 2014).
As a national mini hydro project developer, PT Aek Sibundong Energi is planning to develop a
Mini Hydro Power Plant on Aek Sibundong River, in Sigulok Village, North Sumatera, Indonesia.
It is expected that the Aek Sibundong MHPP project in Aek Sibundong River will generate 2X4 MW
electric capacity by implementing a run-of-river system with an offtake from a regulating weir
which will not require a dam or any water impoundment.
The Project has gained approval through the Republic of Indonesia legal process to assess
environmental and social impacts and risks of the construction and operation phase of the project
in the form of the Environmental Management Effort (UKL) and Environmental Monitoring Effort
(UPL). This ESIA has been prepared to reflect the requirements of the International Finance
Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards and Guidelines, and the Equator Principles. PT Aek
Sibundong Energi has implemented compliance with these guidelines to meet industry best
This ESIA represents and assesses the construction and operation phases of MHPP project
including the associated facilities (AF) of the project.

Project Location
The Project is located in the Sigulok Village, Sijamapolang Sub-district, Humbang Hasundutan
Regency. The Sigulok village is about 30 km to the south from Dolok Sanggul, the closest city from
the Project site. The project administrative boundaries of Aek Sibundong MHPP are as follows.
 North side: Bordered by Batu Ngajar Village, District of Sijamapolang
 East: Bordered by Simarigung Village, Dolok Sanggul District.
 South: Bordered by Manalu Dolok Village, District Parmonangan.
 West side: Bordered by Sibuntuon Village, District Sijamapolang.
The Project is located on the Aek Sibundong River, within a V-shape valley with 25 to 30 m width.
The river flows from the northeast to the southwest through other land use are (Area Penggunaan
Lain) in the upstream part, then in the midstream part to end of the Project site it passes through
production forest area.
According to the project Environmental Permit (number 21 of 2017) issued by the investment
coordinating body, the site area of the Mini Hydro Power Plant Project is approximately 25.08 Ha.
However, according to the UKL/UPL, the site area is 26.08 ha with the details are 20.87 ha is
Permanent Production Forest Area (Kawasan Hutan Produksi Tetap) and other utilization area (Area
Penggunaan Lain/APL) and 5.21 ha is land belong to PT. Toba Pulp Lestari. ASE has obtained Izin
Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan (IUPPKH) Number 522/2350.
The location, however, can be easily accessed from Silangit airport with a total travel time around
two hours by car. The MHPP project location is shown in Figure 2 below.

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Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 2 Project Location in Sigulok Village, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia

Project Outline
The pre-construction, construction and operation phase of the MHPP project and associated
facilities development will require activities that may result in significant environmental, social or
health impacts related to:
 Land acquisition;
 Construction workforce employment;
 Transport and mobilization of equipment and material;
 Land clearance;

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

 Construction of new road corridors;

 Construction of new transmission pole;
 Construction of base camp; and
 Construction of power house, weir and supporting facilities.
A detailed description of the main project is provided in Section 3 of this Report.

Project Background and Current Status

Aek Sibundong MHPP Project of ASE has already obtained the Environmental Permit through
completion of UKL-UPL Document which has been approved by Humbang Hasundutan Regency
in 2017. Field surveys and environmental assessments have been conducted among others in regard
of UKL-UPL document preparation. Subsequent to activities in this pre-construction phase, ASE
will continue to construction phase. Prior to that, ASE has requested an Environment and Social
Impact Assessment (ESIA) to be carried out in compliance with the Equator Principles,
International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards and IFC General Environmental,
Health, and Safety Guidelines. Further requirements of the Aek Sibundong MHPP ESIA include:
• Undertaking a gap analysis and determining the scope of further environmental and social
impact studies needed to ensure compliance with IFC Performance Standards and Equator
• Undertaking necessary supplementary baseline studies in support of the required impact
assessments; and
• Production of this ESIA, integrating all baseline and impact assessment documents.
This ESIA is carried out in compliance with IFC Performance Standards and IFC General
Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines. Supplemental baseline study is considered required
to improve the information provided in UKL-UPL document as well as to comply with the
standards and to support the impact assessment activities.

PT Aek Sibundong Energi

1.5.1 Company Profile

PT. Aek Sibundong Energi (hereafter ‘ASE’ or the Client) is a subsidiary of PT. Paesa Pasindo
Engineering (‘PPE’) formed in 2014 whose principal projects involve the development of Mini
Hydro Power Plants (‘MHPP’ or the Project). This Mini Hydro Power Generation business was
initially managed by PT. Paesa Pasindo Engineering (PPE). PPE is a private company engaged in
general contractor business. Along with the development and facilitation of the field then the
Management decided to create a separate business entities that concentrate fully manage this
Power Plant, so that stand PT. Aek Sibundong Energi. As for the composition of ASE shareholders
is 99% PPE and 1 % of Panal Banjarnahor. This Independent Power Producer company is
established under Deed Number 03, in the presence of Notary Bonar Sihombing, SH. This deed has
gained approval from the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia Number:
AHU – 14891.AH.01.01 Year 2014 ASE carries on activities as the manager of natural resources for
electricity, business in the field of power support services and power plant development services.
Aek Sibundong MHPP is located in Humbang Hasundutan District, North Sumatra Province.
Utilizes Aek Sibundong River water stream which produces 8 MW of electricity.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

1.5.2 Legal Matters

Currently the Sigulok Mini-hydro Power Plant Project already has an Indonesian compliant EIA
(locally known as UKL-UPL - environmental management and monitoring effort) in 2016 and has
been approved by the Humbang Hasundutan Regency Local Environemntal Agency, prepared by a
local consultant. No IFC PS compliant Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) studies
have been conducted for this Project to-date. The current project status at the Mini-hydro Power
Plant Projects is summarized in Table 1 below based on the document provided by ASE.

Table 1 Aek Sibundong MHPP Project Current Permitting Status

Type of Permit Status Permit Number

Letter of Domicile Obtained No. 031/125/IX/2015 dated 30 September


SIUP Obtained No. 503.09/2-0836/BPMPPT/PM-

00/XI/2015 dated 16 November 2015

Company Registration (TDP) Obtained No. 100714613768 dated 17 November 2015

NPWP Obtained

UKL/UPL Study Completed Recommendation Letter


Environmental Permit (Izin Obtained Environmental Permit No. 21 of 2017


Location Permit (Izin Lokasi) Obtained Humbang Hasundutan Regent Decree No.
71 Year 2016 dated 14 April 2015

Water resources utilization Obtained North Sumatera Governor Decree No.

permit (SIPPA) 610/DIS PM PPTSP/6/XI.1/XI/2017

Space Utilization Permit (Izin Obtained No. 050/691/Bappeda/V/2015

Pemanfaatan Ruang)

Izin Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Obtained The decision of the head of the investment
Listrik Sementara (IUPTLS) coordinating body No. 3/1/IUPTL-

Principle Permit (Izin Prinsip) Obtained Humbang Hasundutan Regent No.

540/619/KPE/X/2012 dated 19 October

IUPPHK Obtained Number 522/2350

Source: ASE Documentation 2018

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Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

ESIA Objectives
The pre-construction, construction and operation phase of the Aek Sibundong MHPP and
associated facilities are significant project components that have the potential to cause
environmental and social impacts. The main objectives of the ESIA are to assess the environmental,
social, and health & safety risks of each phase of the project. Furthermore, the ESIA identifies
measures to avoid, minimise, mitigate, and monitor these risks.
The broad goal of this effort is to confirm compliance of all phases of the projects with various
environmental and social guidelines and standards. These include:
 IFC Equator Principles and Performance Standards;
 Applicable local/national laws and regulations;
 Relevant World Bank Group environmental and social guidelines; and
 Other international benchmarks and standards.
The Scope of Work for this ESIA study is designed to meet the following specific objectives:
 Characterise the proposed Project’s environmental, social, health and safety aspects and
impacts, develop relevant and realistic mitigation measures, and compile a robust
Environmental and Social Management Plan;
 Carry out an evaluation based on a comprehensive review of existing environmental and
social information and documentation;
 Assess the Project's compliance with requirements under the Equator Principles (July 2006),
including relevant IFC Performance Standards (2012) and World Bank Group
Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines (EHS Guidelines); and
 Advise the Project Proponents on compliance with any other relevant environmental
policies and guidelines.
This document has been prepared to be read as a stand-alone document (i.e. it does not need to be
read in conjunction with the UKL-UPL approved by the Republic of Indonesia). It has been
structured and prepared with reference to the IFC Performance Standards and Guidelines,
specifically the following:
 IFC Performance Standard 1 – Assessment and Management of Social and Environmental
Risks and Impacts;
 IFC Guidance Note One – Social and Environmental Assessment and Management Systems;
 IFC Guidance Note One, Annex A – Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA)
The baseline data gathering and impact assessments which form the basis of this report have been
undertaken with regard to IFC Performance Standards two through to six (and accompanying
guidance notes) and related IFC guidelines:
 IFC Performance Standard 2 – Labour and Working Conditions;
 IFC Performance Standard 3 – Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention;
 IFC Performance Standard 4 – Community Health, Safety and Security;
 IFC Performance Standard 5 - Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement;

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

 IFC Performance Standard 6 – Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural

Management of Living Natural Resources;
 IFC Performance Standard 7 – Indigenous People;
 IFC Performance Standard 8 – Cultural Heritage;
 IFC General EHS Guidelines; and
 IFC EHS Guidelines for Electric Power Transmission and Distribution.

ESIA Structure
This ESIA has been arranged in one volume, organized in the following sections:
 Section 1 – Introduction
 Section 2 – Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework
 Section 3 – Project Description
 Section 4 – The Environmental and, Social Impacts Assessment Process
 Section 5 – Environmental and Social Baseline
 Section 6 – Potential Environmental & Social Impacts Identification and Mitigation
 Section 7 – Cumulative Impact Assessment
 Section 8 – Public Consultation and Information Disclosures
 Section 9 – Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
 Section 10 - References

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Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


Indonesian Regulations
Indonesian Laws and Regulations will act as regulatory framework that contains of applicable
Indonesian Regulations such as National Regulations, Provincial Regulations, Regency Regulations
and other local regulations. These regulations will govern the environmental and social practices of
the Project including environmental assessment of the Project, environmental regulations, social
and land use regulations and international treaties and agreements to which Indonesia is a
Indonesia is divided into five administrative layers (Figure 3). At the top level is the nation, which
consists of 34 provinces. Each province is headed by a governor. The various provinces (otherwise
known as Level 1 regions) are further subdivided into kabupaten or regencies (Level 2 regions,
headed by the district administrators), which are further subdivided into districts, subdistrict and
villages. Within the provinces, there are also municipalities or city governments, which have the
same status as regencies. These metropolitan regencies are referred to as Kota (or townships), not
Kabupaten. Each township is headed by a mayor.

In case of this Project

North Sumatera Province

Humbang Hasundutan Regency

Sijamapolang Subdistrict

Sigulok Village

Figure 3 Five Administrative Layers of the GoI

The national government issues laws and regulations, including those relating to environmental
and social management, which are complimented by regulations at the province and regency levels.
Laws and regulation issued by Government of Indonesia which are relevant to the Project are listed
in the following table.
Table 2 Laws and Relevancy to the Project Plan
No Laws Relevancy to the Project
1 Law No. 5 Year 1960 on Basic Provisions of relevant reference for reviewing the land
Agrarian Regulation tenure status within the MHPP area
2 Law No. 5 Year 1990 on Natural Resources relevant reference for reviewing the
Conservation and Ecosystem environmental baseline and assessing the

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

No Laws Relevancy to the Project

potential affected habitat
3 Law No. 14 Year 1992 on Traffic and Road relevant reference for reviewing all the
Transportation transportation aspects of the project area
4 Law No. 23 Year 1992 on Health relevant reference for reviewing the health
5 Law No. 5 Year 1994 on Ratification on the relevant reference for reviewing
UN Convention relating Biodiversity preservation of biodiversity around the
project area
6 Law No. 23 Year 1997 on Environmental relevant reference for reviewing all
Management environmental issue associated to the
project activities
7 Law No. 13 Year 2003 on the Workforce relevant reference for workforce issue
8 Law No. 7 Year 2004 on Water Resources relevant reference for assessing the
hydrological impact within the study area
9 Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Decentralization and relevant reference for institutional
Regional Governance framework in environmental management
at regional level
10 Law No. 26 Year 2007 on Spatial Planning relevant reference for spatial analysis
during impact assessment
11 Law No. 30 Year 2007 on Energy relevant reference for energy review,
including renewable energy policy for
hydro power
12 Law No. 22 Year 2009 on Traffic and Road relevant reference for review vehicle
management plan
13 Law No. 30 Year 2009 on Electricity relevant reference for electricity power
14 Law No. 32 Year 2009 on Living Environment relevant reference for AMDAL and ESIA
Protection and Management study

Table 3 Government Regulation and Relevancy to the Project Plan

No Government Regulation (GR) Relevancy to the Project
1 GR No. 35 Year 1991 on Rivers relevant reference for reviewing all water
utilization from the river
2 GR No. 7 Year 1999 on Flora and Fauna relevant reference for biological review
3 GR No. 41 Year 1999 on Air Pollution Control relevant reference for reviewing air quality
baseline and impact assessment
4 GR No. 85 Year 1999 on Stipulation of relevant reference for reviewing project
Government Regulation in lieu of GR No. 18 component on hazardous waste
Year 1999 on Hazardous Waste Management management
5 GR No. 25 Year 2000 on Central and Regional relevant reference for formulating
Government Authority management and monitoring plans,
especially which is related to the
institutional aspect
6 GR No. 74 Year 2001 on Hazardous Material relevant reference for reviewing project
Management component on hazardous material

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

No Government Regulation (GR) Relevancy to the Project

7 GR No. 82 Year 2001 on Water Quality relevant reference for reviewing surface
Management and Water Pollution Control water quality baseline and assessing
potential water quality impacts
8 GR No. 16 Year 2004 on Land Use relevant reference for reviewing land use,
land usage and land acquisition by project
9 GR No. 38 Year 2007 on Distribution of Power relevant reference for reviewing the
among the Central Government, the Provincial authority of national and local government
Government and the Regency/Municipal
10 GR No. 26 Year 2008 on National Spatial relevant reference for spatial analysis on
Planning the proposed project activity
11 GR No. 43 Year 2008 on Groundwater relevant reference for reviewing
groundwater management
12 GR No. 15 Year 2010 on Implementation of concerning change of land use in spatial
Spatial Planning planning processes
13 GR No. 27 Year 2012 on Environmental Permit relevant reference for obtaining the
environmental permit for project activities
14 GR No.101 Year 2014 on Hazardous and Toxic relevant reference for reviewing
(B3) Waste Management management of hazardous and toxic

Table 4 Presidential Regulation and Relevancy to the Project Plan

No Presidential Regulation Relevancy to the Project
1 Presidential Regulation No. 97 Year 2014 on relevant reference for project permitting
Integrated Governmental Services

Table 5 Ministerial Decree and Relevancy to the Project Plan

No Ministerial Decree Relevancy to the Project
1 Environment Minister Decree No. KEP- relevant reference for reviewing noise
48/MENLH/11/1996 On the Standard Level baseline and impact analysis
of Noise
2 Transportation Minister Decree No. 69 Year relevant reference for reviewing public
1993 on Land Transportation of Materials road utilization associated to the transport
material and equipment

Table 6 Ministerial Regulations and Relevancy to the Project Plan

No Ministerial Regulations Relevancy to the Project
1 Public Works Minister Regulation No. 45 Year relevant reference for reviewing control
1990 on Water Quality Control in Water and monitoring of water quality from the
Resources project activities
2 Public Works Minister Regulation No. 49 Year relevant reference for reviewing water
1990 on Procedures for Applying Water resources usage for MHPP planned
and/or Water Source Utilization Permit

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

No Ministerial Regulations Relevancy to the Project

3 Public Works Minister Regulation No. 63 Year relevant reference for reviewing utilization
1993 on River Boundaries, River Use Area, of the rivers
River Controlled Area, and Ex-River Area
4 Minister of Environment Regulation No. 18 relevant reference for reviewing permitting
Year 2009 on Permitting Procedures for Toxic procedures and requirement for hazardous
and Hazardous Waste Management waste management;
5 Minister of Environment Regulation No. 33 relevant reference for reviewing hazardous
Year 2009 On Procedures for Land Recovery waste management
from Toxic and Hazardous Waste
6 Minister of Health Regulation No. relevant reference for reviewing drinking
492/MENKES/PER/VIV Year 2010 On water parameter and measures to manage
Qualification of Drinking Water Quality environmental impact to the drinking
water sources
7 Minister of Environment Regulation No. 13 relevant reference for completion of the
Year 2010 on Environmental Management & environmental management and
Monitoring Efforts and Statement Letter of monitoring plan
Capability for Environmental Management &
8 Minister of Environment Regulation No. 5 relevant reference for determine the
Year 2012 on Business Plans / activities required EIA document
requiring Mandatory Environmental Impact
9 Minister of Environment Regulation No. 16 relevant reference for preparing the
Year 2012 on Guidelines for the Preparation of Environmental Management and
Environmental Documents Monitoring Efforts
10 Minister of Environment Regulation No. 17 relevant reference for reference for
Year 2012 on Community Involvement in reviewing socialization implementation
Environmental Impact Assessment and
Environmental Permit Process

IFC Performance Standards

ASE requires that all project components need to meet international best practice standards. For
issues relating to ESIA, ASE has utilized IFC Policy, Performance Standards, Guidance Notes and
Guidelines (including the Equator Principles) as an international reference. For benchmarking
against international best practices, the environmental and social baseline scoping study will
consider the following documents:
 IFC Policy on Environmental and Social Sustainability (January 1, 2012);
 IFC Performance Standards on Social and Environmental Sustainability, (January 1, 2012);
 IFC Guidance Notes, (January 1, 2012);
 IFC General EHS Guidelines, (April 2007);
 IFC EHS Guidelines for Electric Power Transmission and Distribution, (April 2007); and
 IFC Stakeholder Engagement Handbook (2007).

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

The IFC Policy categorizes projects depending on their potential to cause social and environmental
risks and impacts, and the level of assessment required to review these potential impacts. Under
this system, works assessed in this document are deemed to be a Category B project, defined as "a
project that has medium risk which mean the Projects with potential limited adverse environmental
and social risks and/or impacts that are few in number, generally site-specific, largely reversible
and readily addressed through mitigation measures".
There are seven Performance Standards (PS) under the IFC Policy that are applicable to the project.
The risks and impact identification process has been based on recent environmental and social
baseline data at an appropriate level of detail and considers issues related to applicable PS’s. Those
standards are:
 PS1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risk and Impacts;
 PS2 Labour and Working Conditions;
 PS3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention;
 PS4 Community Health, Safety and Security;
 PS5 Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement;
 PS6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resource;
 PS 7 Indigenous People; and
 PS8 Cultural Heritage.
It should be noted that IFC PS 7 was not applied in this ESIA study, as no impact to indigenous
people was established during the environmental and social risk and impact identification process
as described further in the section 5 and section 6 of this report.
The key process elements of an ESIA generally consist of: (i) initial screening of the project and
scoping of the assessment process; (ii) examination of alternatives; (iii) stakeholder identification
(focusing on those directly affected) and gathering of environmental and social baseline data;
(iv) impact identification, prediction, and analysis; (v) generation of mitigation or management
measures and actions; (vi) significance of impacts and evaluation of residual impacts; and (vii)
documentation of the assessment process (i.e., ESIA report).
The breadth, depth and type of analysis should be proportionate to the nature and scale of the
proposed project’s potential impacts as identified during the course of the assessment process.
The ESIA must conform to the requirements of the host country’s environmental assessment
laws and regulations, including the relevant disclosure of information and public consultation
requirements, and should be developed following principles of good international industry
The environmental elements that need to be included in this ESIA are determined in the IFC
General EHS Guidelines and IFC EHS Guidelines for Electric Power Transmission and Distribution.
The screening and scoping process will consider these guidelines in the context of the proposed
development, the geography and prevailing environmental conditions to determine the extent and
level of detail required to provide appropriate baseline information for the ESIA.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


Existing Electricity Condition in Project Area

In line with Indonesia's electricity development, renewable energy utilization needs to be improved
for its use. Moreover, it is to improve Indonesia's low electricity ratio and to support independence
of electrical energy that can drive economic growth that exist in areas that have potential resources
to be developed into renewable energy.
The electricity system of North Sumatra Province is supplied by using the system transmissi 150 kV,
while the current peak load served is about 1,270 MW, where the load is supplied from the existing
generating sectors in North Sumatra. Besides the supply of these power generating sectors, the
North Sumatra electricity system also supplied by MHPPs owned by PLN or private supplying
power directly to 20 kV electricity distribution system. The electricity map of North Sumatera is
presented in the follwing Figure 4.

Figure 4 North Sumatera Electricity Map

Existing power plant in PLN Rayon Doloksanggul region is a mini hydro power plant with various
capacities, with status ownership by PLN and private company as follows:
1. Hutaraja MHPP (2 x 2.5 MW) owned by private sector;
2. Aek Sibundong MHPP (1 x 0.75 MW) owned by PLN;
3. Aek Silang MHPP (1 x 0.75 MW) owned by PLN; and
4. Parlilitan MHPP (3 x 2.5 MW) owned by private sector.
The total capacity of existing plant which is interconnected with PLN Rayon Doloksanggul
electrical system is 14 MW, where the plants are in a state operates well except the Aek Sibundong
Power Plant in overhaul condition.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

The electrical system in Doloksanggul and its surroundings is supplied from Hose Substation 20 kV
located behind PLN Rayon Doloksanggul office. Whereas Hose Substation is interconnected with
several Mini Hydro Power Plant and 150 kV Substation, located in Humbang Hasundutan, Tobasa
and North Tapanuli Regency. MHPP and 150 kV Substation interconnected with Hose Substation
PLN Rayon Doloksanggul.
According to Feasibility Study, the majority consumption of electricity in PLN Rayon Doloksanggul
is consumed by household (60%), commercial (18%), industry (14%), and public (8%). The
electricity needs in the Doloksanggul and surrounding areas in general is for household usage, only
a small portion used for commercial and industrial purposes. Therefore, the peak load the
electricity is started between the hours of 17-22 at night. Load conditions at peak load times at night
only reach about ± 5 MW, then with a total existing power plant capacity of 14 MW, at PLN Rayon
Doloksanggul already has an excess supply. The excess supply is sent to another rayon such as PLN
Rayon Siborongborong, Tarutung and Tele.
From a potential water study conducted on Aek Sibundong in Doloksanggul District, it was
obtained that the river has discharge of 111.41 m3/sec, with a net fall of 82.50 m. It means that Aek
Sibundong MHPP has the potential to generate 8018 kW of electricity.

Project Conformance to the Local Spatial Plan

In accordance with Humbang Hasundutan Regency Local Regulation No. 1 Year 2018 concerning
Spatial Plan Humbang Hasundutan Regency for the year 2016 – 2036 issued by BAPPEDA
(Regional Planning and Development Board), Land Zone Planning can be classified into three main
 Kabupaten Reservation Zone
The Reservation Zone's main function is to preserve environmental sustainability which
includes natural and artificial resources comprising of zones that protects subordinate
zones; local protection zone; nature reservation, nature conservation, cultural reservation
and education zone; and disaster prone zone.
 Kabupaten Cultivation Zone
The Culture Zone's main function is to be cultivated in accordance to its condition and
potentials of natural resources, human resources, and artificial resources in order to
provide additional benefit and product for human consumption. This zone consists of
community forestry and plantation designation zone; agriculture designation zone,
fisheries designation zone, industry designation zone, tourism designation zone, settlement
designation zone, and other designation zone.
 Kabupaten Strategic Zone
Kabupaten Strategic Zone is an area where the zoning designation is prioritized because it
has a very significant regional scope effects to the economy, social, cultural or
environmental aspects. These zones include two strategic zones which are:
o Strategic areas of the economy include Doloksanggul District, Parlilitan, Pakkat;
and the agropolitan area covers 5 (five) sub districts namely Doloksanggul District,
Baktiraja, Lintong Nihuta, Paranginan and Pollung.
o Strategic areas of socio-cultural and cultural include Baktiraja dan Parlilitan District.
According to the regulation, the Aek Sibundong MHPP is located at the designated area for
development of Renewable Energy potential area. The Aek Sibundong MHPP has been included as

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

part of the plan for MHPP development in the Humbang Hasundutan Regency. In a more detailed
manner, the majority of the Aek Sibundong MHPP area located in Kecamatan Sijamapolang can be
classified as dry agriculture land. There are also some minor designations as well, such as Low
Density Residential Zone, Livestock Farming Zone, Techno Park Zone, Tourism Zone, and Inland
Aquaculture Zone.
As shown by the above zoning classification planning issued by the Regional Government with the
exception of the coastal buffer zone, none of these zones in the Aek Sibundong MHPP area are
classified as restricted zones. Since the mini hydro power plant development and operation does
not change/prevent the existing land uses and can co-exist with its existing neighbours, it is
believed that the development of the Aek Sibundong MHPP project in the area does not contradict
the current spatial plan, and will not cause significant land use conflict with the existing land use
zones. Additionally, it is believed that the existence of the Aek Sibundong MHPP project will
benefit its surrounding area, by providing a clean and dependable power generated from clean and
renewable energy, as well as adding a new tourist attraction and educational tool for students and
public that can demonstrate the technology for clean energy. Moreover, the Aek Sibundong MHPP
has gained Recommendation for Space Utilization from BAPPEDA No.
050/691/BAPPEDA/V/2015. Overlay of project area location with Local Spatial Plan is presented
in the following Figure 5 and Figure 6.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 5 Project Conformance to the Local Spatial Plan (Pattern Map) according to BAPPEDA

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 6 Project Conformance to the Local Spatial Plan (Structural Map) according to BAPPEDA

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Project Activities and Timeline

Several stages of the development of Aek Sibundong MHPP include the pre-construction stage, the
permit stage at local government, preparation phase of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and
permit management General Electricity Business (IUKU), land acquisition phase, financing stage,
construction phase, stage manufacturing of mechanical and electrical equipment (ME), ME
equipment installation stage and traning and commissioning stages. Prior to pre-construction
phase, ASE has conducted public consultation, a Feasibility Study, the UKL-UPL study and has
already obtained the environmental permit; the land acquisition at the time of ESIA Stud has been
conducted by ASE. Detailed activities included in the Aek Sibundong MHPP could be determined
from the pre- construction phase, construction phase and the operation as described in the
following Figure 7.

•Preliminary survey and design

•Feasibility study
Pre-Construction Phase •Permitting
•Land acquisition

•Land clearing and land preparation

•Recruitment and mobilization of construction
Construction Phase workforce
•Mobilization of materials and heavy equipments
•Construction of Aek Sibundong MHPP and
associated facilities

•Recruitment of operational workforce

•Operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP and
Operation Phase associated facilities
•Maintenance of Aek Sibundong MHPP and
associated facilities

Figure 7 Project Schedule

The detailed timeline of each component of the project activities is as follows:

• The Pre-Construction Phase – Pre-construction activities consist of several activities
including preliminary survey and design, feasibility study, permitting, socialization and
land acquisition that has been conducted by ASE in 2013 for 12 (twelve) months.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

• The Construction Phase – Construction phase of the project has not been started at the
time of ESIA study. The construction phase is estimated to be completed within 20
(twenty) months. The work includes detailed engineering work, procurement and
• The Commissioning Phase – After Construction is finished, commissioning to check the
condition of the Project prior to the Commercial Operation Date is expected to take up to
3 (three) months.
• The Operation Phase – Subsequent to commissioning, commercial operations of the mini-
hydro plant are expected to begin after the commissioning phase completed. The
commercial operation period will be for 20 years.

Pre-Construction Phase
Pre-Construction stage is the initial stage and is the most decisive stage whether the project is
continued in the construction stage or not, otherwise it is almost all activities from other stages
include data or documents performed at this stage. Pre-construction stages include the Feasibility
Study phase including UKL/UPL study activities with an estimated time of 4 months, Detail Detail
Engineering (DED) with an estimated time of 3 months and auction process with an estimated time
of 3 months.

3.4.1 Preliminary Survey and Design

Preliminary survey and study which will be conducted by technical consultant team cover major
aspects as follows.
1. Topography
The detail situation measurement method is done by using cross method combined with
radial method, with interval cross 10-15 m.This method is selected because it is faster and
the results can also represent the morphological shape of the measured area. Measurement
of topographic detail is done by capturing high point information and description of
special information such as road, river channel, building, titiko drill and other objects
within the survey area, the tool used is Total Station.
2. Hydrology
Hydrology data required are including characteristic of watershed, rainfall precipitations,
temperature, evaporation and infiltration, stream flow, runoff coefficient, stream sediment
(type of sediment, size of grains, load intensity). Hydrology data is required to discover
hydrology characteristic of Aek Sibundong Watershed (DAS Aek Sibundong), particularly
at the upstream area of the weir location plan of Aek Sibundong MHPP, so that the stream
flow plan can be calculated.
3. Geology and Soil Mechanics
Geology and soil mechanics study are including qualitative data collection which both from
primary and secondary sources of research, ie:
a. possible surface soil movement, such as surface rocks and soil that move when it
rains, water and sludge movement;
b. possible underground soil movement, such as earthquake and landslides;
c. type of rocks, soil and sand;
d. soil bearing capacity at structural building location of Aek Sibundong MHPP.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

e. Soil boring will also be conducted in order to investigate the soil mechanics
condition and subsequently determine the suitable type of foundation.
4. Electricity Study
Electrivity study was collected through primary and secondary data collection. The method
includes conducting survey of the electricity condition of Doloksanggul city and its
surrounding. From the secondary data collection against load conditions current and future
electrivity condition, the data was used to predict the need for electricity in the service area
of PLN Rayon Doloksanggul and Humbang Hasundutan District and surrounding areas.

3.4.2 Feasibility Study

Technical feasibility study has been conducted to assure that the project is technically feasible,
through the comprehensive study of flow reliability (Q), head loss, and geological condition of
project location. While the financial feasibility study reviews the rate of profit from investments, by
assessing the applicable financial instruments, such as Pay Back Period NPV, IRR, PBP, PI and ROI.
The Feasibility Study of Aek Sibundong Energy's Power Plant Development is intended for
conducting research and assessment on the feasibility of AEK MHPP project development. If the
result of the project analysis is technically feasible, economic-financial and environmental, then the
plan of Aek Sibundong Energi MHPP project will be continued till Detail Engineering Design and
implementation of the construction so it is expected to operate and produce optimally and can be
accounted for. The summary of project location is presented in the following table 7.

Table 7 Summary of Project Location

No Description Remarks
Project Name Aek Sibundong Mini-Hydro Power Plant
1 Scheme Run of River - Medium Head
Project Site
2 Sigulok Village
3 River Aek Sibundong
Village Sigulok
Sub-district Sijamapolang
District Humbang Hasundutan
Provincial North Sumatera
Weir 20 08'51.70"N; 98 46'10.90" E
Powerhouse 20 8' 37.4" N; 980 45' 08.1"E
Source: PT Aek Sibundong Energi Feasibility Study 2013
The environmental feasibility study is conducted with reference to Minister of Environment
Regulation No. 5 of 2012, regarding Business Plans / activities requiring Mandatory Environmental
Impact Assessments (Amdal), which is for power plant with capacity of ≥ 50 MW. The capacity of
Aek Sibundong MHPP is about 10 MW – 12 MW, therefore it is not required to develop Amdal
study. However, the project is obligate to develop Environmental Management and Monitoring
Effort Plan (UKL-UPL document) as the prerequisite to obtain the Environmental Permit issued by
Environmental Agency of Humbang Hasundutan Regency. This study has objectives to assess the
potential impacts and manage them so the adverse impacts will be minimized and the positive
impacts will be optimized.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

3.4.3 Permitting

Prior to physical activities, project proponent is obligue to prepare several legal permits related to
the project plan. ASE has completed most of legal permits required for Aek Sibundong MHPP
development plan, as listed in section 1.5.2. Legal Matters. Environmental permit as prerequisite
permit prior to construction activities has also been obtained in 2017 through completion of UKL-
UPL study. According to the information from desk research, all permits and licenses are still valid
to support ASE company activities. The ESC team can conclude that ASE is fulfilling their legal
obligations in conducting company activities. Generally, there are no significant issues identified in
relation with legal requirements of ASE.

3.4.4 Socialization

The socialization has been and will be conducted by the company together with the Humbang
Hasundutan Regency and Sigulok Village government as well as the local community. Socialization
is important to provide information and gather a better understanding on the project development,
gather an inputs of the construction of Aek Sibundong MHPP. The company gives explanations to
the community about the positive and negative impacts of hydropower development so that the
local people understand about this activity. Things that are important given understanding to the
community such as; 1. Recruitment of manpower, 2. Land acquisition / plant compensation, 3.
Hydropower operation system.

3.4.5 Land Acquisition

Land acquisition will be conducted in conjunction with the National Board of Directors (BPN).
Activities begin with a survey location along with BPN staff with a document map boundaries of
land to be released, then do socialization and data collection land ownership. After price
negotiations are approved by both parties (landowners and buyer of land), then the payment and
disposal of land rights can be done. This land acquisition activity is estimated to take 3 months,
assuming there are no significant social problems.
ASE has documentation in regard to land acquisition including certificate of ownership, attendance
list, minute of meeting and proof of payment. The land acquisition process was conducted in 2017.
Based on the land acquisition document, it was noted that ASE has conducted socialization to the
local land owner through the Sigulok Village Government. According to the document received,
negotiation was conducted in transparent manner. In addition, ASE maintains good documentation
in regard to the land acquisition.
The land acquisition process is based on willing buyer and seller transaction, with transparency
through community disclosure and consultation. Based on interview with local land owner, there
was no significant issues identified as the local land owner is supporting the Aek Sibundong MHPP
Project and willing to sell their land to ASE. There was no conflict occurred between the land owner
and project owner as observed by ESC during site visit. The compensation of land and crops is
conducted in fair and transparent manner.
According to the land acquisition document reviewed, it was noted that ASE has conducted
socialization through Village Government, survey of area of the land, price negotiation and
payment of compensation. According to interview with ASE, Head of Sigulok Village and local
land owner, it was noted that the land acquisition process is following applicable Indonesia
Regulations comprising Presidential Regulation No. 40/2014 (Perpres 40/2014) on Land
Acquisition for Development Activities in the Public Interest.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

According to the ASE and Head of Sigulok Village, the land acquisition process for the Aek
Sibundong MHPP is undertaken as follows:
 Establish the preliminary Layout based on the design in the Feasibility Study;
 Conduct the public consultation which involves the socialization of affected communities
regarding the layout and the discussion of expected price (including land price and
agricultural crop price);
 Collaborate with the village head and community leaders to identify the land ownership
and crosscheck with the Land Title Registrar to identify any discrepancies between the on-
field status and legal status;
 Finalize the final layout of the land acquisition footprint based on the final Feasibility Study
Design for staking;
 Measurement of land ownership status by ASE involving BPN based on the legal
 Land verification with TPT and notary or Land Title Registrar (Pejabat Pembuat Akta
Tanah/PPAT) to check the validity of the ownership of the land based on the legal
documents available;
 Land Payment after the grievances have been settled and the legal documents have been
verified, executed by Sale and Purchase Agreement (Akta Jual Beli/AJB) and Letter
Assignment of Right (Sertifikat Pemindahan Hak/SPH);
 Finalize the certificate ownership from the land owners to ASE as Building Rights
Certificate/Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB).
All of the land in the project area is identified as private land. In particular, ASE seeks to ensure
there is a willing buyer and seller transaction framework, with transparency through community
disclosure and consultation. The ESIA studies will not cover further requirements on PS5 Land
Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlements as the impact to the community livelihoods is
considered limited or not significant. Nonetheless, the approach to land management and
resettlement does have the potential for social impacts that need to be managed.

Construction Phase
Executor construction must be detrmined and appointed to be able to conduct construction
activities, other factors that need to be fulfilled are licensing requirements such as IMB, Water Use
Permit need to be obtained. In terms of funding, stages of the process until the financial clossing
has to be done in order to facilitate the funding process during construction activities. The
construction stage is the whole process in order to prepare civil buildings construction, from the
preparation stage to the preparation of facilities for the installation process of Mechanical Electrical
equipment. The total time required for the construction phase of civil buildings construction is
estimated for 20 month, with some activities inside it can be implemented in parallel.

3.5.1 Recruitment and Mobilization of Construction Workforce

According to the UKL/UPL document, number of workforce at the construction stage requires
skilled and non-skilled labor which is predicted as many as ± 150 people. Outline the needs of labor
at this stage of construction is generally temporary workers which come from the region around
and from outside this area. It is expected that the education level of workers will be varied from
elementary school (SD), junior high school (SMP), senior high school (SMA), diploma (D3) and

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

bachelor degree (S1).

3.5.2 Mobilization of Materials and Heavy Equipment

As the initial stage of the implementation of Aek Sibundong MHPP development activities, it will
mobilise equipment and building materials or heavy equipment such as bulldozers, exacavator,
dump truck, pipe, stone, sand, cement, solid iron, wood, zinc etc. These heavy equipment and
transportation equipment are used for construction of roads, building, and clearing of site land
development of Aek Sibundong MHPP. Mobilization of materials and heavy equipment will be
conducted at the beginning of construction phase. According to Feasibility Study, the equipment
for construction is stated as follows:
 Metal work equipment required include welding machine, crane, plate cutting machine,
drilling machine and so on. While the function and usefulness of the above equipment
among others for penstock manufacture and installation, saddle peir, crane line installation
and cutting steel reinforcement as well as forming/bending in accordance with the
drawing of the plan;
 Work structure equipment include concrete mixer with a capacity of 0.5 m3, water tankers
to supply water needs, dump trucks for transporting materials, scaffolding and scaffolding
for concrete/concrete work, concrete mixer vibrator / concrete vibrator and others;
 The ground work equipment consists of dump trucks, bulldozers, wheel loaders, motor
graders, vibrators roller, excavator/back-hoe, hand stamper;
 Excavation works require the operation of equipment include excavators for extracting and
decocating excavation profiles, wheel loader, dump truck for the loading process of
minerals and further process transport to bank spoil location and bulldozer for flattening;
 Heap work requires the operation of equipment such as dump trucks for transporting
materials, excavator/bulldozer and wheel loader for loading, vibratory roller for
compaction, hand stamper for compaction on a small scale or for material compaction,
reuse and effect of compaction due to the tool is not allowed to interfere the structure of the
building underneath or in the vicinity, water tankers for watering / wetting the material if
the required water content for compaction does not meet the existing requirements;
 Access road works require the following equipment bulldozer, macadam roller for basic
soil preparation, macadam roller, motor grader, tire roller and water sprinkler truck for the
upper layers of foundation and the bottom foundation, and tire roller, asphalt ketle, asphalt
sprayer for surface coating;
 Demolition work (if any) requires equipment such as leg hammer, dump truck; and
 Equipment for architectural work in the form of carpentry equipment and auxiliary
equipment and others, such as ladders, drilling machines, gurinda and others.

3.5.3 Land Preparation

The construction phase will commence with land clearing and preparation activities, which involve
vegetation clearance, excavation/filling to required levels, and incorporation of appropriate sand,
gravel and aggregates for appropriate compaction and structural stability.
Any remaining vegetation will be cleared from the site and topsoil will be removed and stored.
Cleared vegetation, where viable, will be mulched and retained with the topsoil and kept for
growth medium for landscaping or remediation activities.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Measures will be taken during the construction phase to reduce or eliminate soil and sediment
erosion. These will include:
 Site level and drainage control;
 Appropriate treatment of slopes and batters for cut and fill;
 Careful management of spoil heaps, including provision of cover during major rain events;
 Silt fences in addition to the drainage control to prevent silt run off into the river.
 Watering for exposed surfaces during dry periods; and
 Revegetation of exposed areas not covered by civil works as soon as possible.
All construction and preparations in proximity to sensitive receptors in the community will take
construction impacts into consideration. This includes minimizing noise impacts, measures to
contain drainage erosion, and watering of exposed surfaces during dry periods to minimize dust
drift. In detail, the land preparation will cover several activities as follows.
a. Clearing, grubbing and stripping the top soils, are including land clearing from vegetations,
surface rocks, and stripping of soft soil surfaces, and temporary road access construction
towards the dumping site of cleaned materials. Specifically for top soils, it will be located
on the outskirts of the location and subsequently will be utilized for landscaping.
b. Normalization of river as the site for weir construction. This work will scrapes the river
bank at the left and right side to meet the civil engineering criteria.
c. Temporary stream flow diversion (if required), it will be considered as alternative practice
to expedite the construction of water structure, so in the sudden floading situation, the
construction of water structure will be safe from the brunt of the hard objects carried by the
d. Cut and fill works which will be conducted according to land condition. Cutting will be
done if the land is higher from the planned elevation, and filling will be done to the land
with lower elevation with soils which meet the criteria for land filling. If the excavated soils
in the project site meet the criteria, it will be kept to be utilized as land filling. If it doesn’t
meet the criteria, the excavated soils will be discarded out of the site.
e. Slope stabilizaton works is required if the planned location has a significant height
variation. Slope stabilization types will depend on the variation of heights, type of soils and
the slope angle.

3.5.4 Construction of MHPP and Associated Facilities Construction of Road Access

Access road serves as the connection road from the primary/ provincial roads towards the weir
and power house location plan. The entrance to be built is planned for 1500 m from Sigulok Village
road, 3.5 wide and with 1 m roadside, where from Sigulok Village to Weir Location is 1.5 km away
and to to the power house is 1 km away, the road is also utilized for roadway inspection and access
road to the headpond. The road is started from the Sigulok Village border.
Entrance roads to powerhouses are required during construction to transport materials / building
materials, construction equipment, generating equipment parts and after a trial period for
operation and maintenance traffic.
The cross section of the access road is planned according to the classification and traffic

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

requirements to the MHPP location. The required lane for the entrance is approximately 3.5 km
with the detail as follows.

Table 8 Specification of Access Road

Right of Way (ROW) 6 m
Number of lanes 1 m
Width of normal pavement 3.5 m
Width of roadside 1 m
Cross-slope of pavement 2 %
Cross-slope of roadside 4 %
Horizontal alignment 1.5 – 3.5 m
Vertical alignment 4.5 m
Type of compaction Macadam asphalt

Source: Feasibility Study 2013

Access road will also be equipped with edge drainage channels and transverse drainage channels in
certain locations, with accordance to the topography of the lanes and estimated rainfall
precipitations. Drainage channels capacity is designed to accommodate and drain the water to
avoid any adverse impacts to the road. Construction of Main MHPP Facilities

Aek Sibundong MHPP main facilities consist of weir, diversion weir and intake, settling basin,
forebay, waterway, penstock, power house and tailrace.
a. Aek Sibundong MHPP is a run off river power plant with location of weir is adjacent to
intake. Design criteria of the weir for Aek Sibundong MHPP is described as follows.

Table 9 Design Criteria of Weir

Type of weir Round crest/ Mercu bulat

Dependable Flow Rate 290.75 m3/s
(Q 100 year)
Height of weir 3 m
Crest width 30 m
River bottom elevation El. 1204 m
River width 25 m
Construction material Pair of stone with reinforced concrete blanket

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

b. Intake is always be placed at the outer part of river arch, with intention to minimize
sediments in the waterway. Intake valve is often be installed to allow the flushing of
sediments deposited through intake. Intake design criteria is as follows.

Table 10 Design Criteria of the Intake

Crest elevation EL. 1206.9 m
Crest width 3 X 1.5 m
Number of crest 3

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

c. Settling basin is designed to contain the sediment load such as sand or sludge. Settling
basin generally consists of flushing channel and flushing gate. Flushing channel is used to
channel the sediment load and overflow water from diversion weir towards the river. The
flushing gate is generally smaller than intake gate since this gate is seldom be used. Design
criteria for settling basin is as follows.

Table 11 Design Criteria of the Settling Basin

Type and Form The sand pool, rectangle with wide
Dimension (B x L x H) 9 x 45 x m
Construction Pair of rocks

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

d. Forebay is located at the end of waterway. The main function of forebay is to control the
difference of discharge at penstock and waterway due to load fluctuations and as the final
removal of garbage (sediment, sand, floating woods, etc) in the flowing water. Forebay is
equipped with (1) overflow channel, (2) pit to drain the basin, and (3) screen to prevent
incoming floating garbage. Forebay design criteria is summarized as follows.

Table 12 Design Criteria of the Forebay

Dimension of forebay (B x L) 7.5 x 40 m

Depth of forebay 4.6 m
Penstock gate 2.2 x 2.2 m

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

e. Penstock will be built as the connecting channels which will be utilized to generate the
turbine in the Power House. Penstock construction activities consist of land preparation,
concrete/ rocks work, mobilization of material and penstock pipes and welding activities.

Table 13 Design Criteria of the Penstock

Type and material Exposed, steel pipe
Inside diameter 2200 mm
Thickness 14 mm
Length 300 m
Slope 20 º
Source: Feasibility Study, 2013
f. Power house building will consist of turbine and generator room, control room,
maintenance room, equipment room, loading bay area, and will also be equipped with
crane facilities, as well as fire extinguishers.

Table 14 Design Criteria of the Power House

Type of power house and construction material Upper
Dimension (B x L) 14 x 23 m
Building floor elevation EL. 1118.3 m
C/L distribution elevation El. 1118.9 m

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

C/L Turbine elevation EL. m

Crane capacity 50 ton

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

g. Tailrace will channel the water from turbine towards the river. Tailrace will be completed
with stoplog and crest. Stoplog will be placed at the upstream of crest. Elevation of crest
will be set to allow the river flow with a maintained elevation to avoid any flooding.

Table 15 Design Criteria of the Tailrace

Type and construction material Pair of rocks
Water level tail (Normal water surface) El. 1117.48 m
Water level tail (Q 100 years) EL. 1121.1 m

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013 Mechnical and Electrical Works

Following the construction of main facilities, mechanical and electrical works will be conducted for
Aek Sibundong MHPP. The design criteria for mechanical and electrical works will be selected with
consideration of gross head, dependable flow rate, and penstock design. The following Table 16
describes the design criteria of mechanical and electrical components of Aek Sibundong MHPP in

Table 16 Design Criteria of the Mechanical and Electrical Components of Aek Sibundong MHPP

Design Parameter
Head 82.5 m
Installed capacity 2 x 4009 kW
Annual total energy 50.95 GWh
Own utilization (1%) and 0.9 GWh
distribution losses (1%)
Energy that ca ne sold per year 50.95 GWh
Turbine Specifications
Type of turbine Turbin Francis
Q rated 5,705 m3/s
Capacity 2 x 4009 kW
Numer of turbines 2 Units
Generator rotational speed 600 Rpm
Runner turbin diameter 0.9 m
Suction head -0.38 m
Runner weight 574.66 kg
Turbine weight 14,516.07 kg
Turbine power 4220 kW
Type of generator 3Ø

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Capacity of generator 2 x 4760 kW

Output voltage 6.3 kV
Frequency 50 Hz
Isolation Class F (IEC-34), with
maximum temperature Class
B (IEC 34-1/1983)
Over Speed 2 nominal
Rotation 600 rpm
Generator efficiency 0.95
Power Factor 0.80
Excitation system Excitation system without
Main Transformer
Type of transformer Step-up, Outdoor, Oil
Transformer capacity 2 x 5000 kVA
Number of units 2 Units
Frequency 50 Hz
Low Voltage 6.3 kV
High Voltage 20 kV
Tapping Off load tap changer, -5%,
+15%, range 2.5%
Number of phase 3 phase
Power Factor 0.8
Isolation Class Class F (IEC-60076), with
maximum temperature Class
B (IEC 60076)
Colling system ONAN (IEC 60076)
Vector group Ynd11
Grounding system Solid grounded, with
Impedantion 8 %
Station Service Transformer
Type of transformer Step-up, Outdoor, Oil
Transformer capacity 100 kVA
Number of units 1 Units
Frequency 50 Hz
Low Voltage 400 kV
High Voltage 20 kV
Number of phase 3 phase
Power Factor 0.8
Isolation Class Class F (IEC-60076), with
maximum temperature Class

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

B (IEC 60076)
Colling system ONAN (IEC 60076)
Vector group Dnd11
Grounding system Solid grounded
Impedantion 4 %
20 kV Switchgear
Rated voltage 24 kV
Nominal System Voltage 20 kV
Rated lightining impulse 50 kV
withstand voltage
Short time withstand voltage 50 kV
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated current 1000 A
Short time withstand current 25 kA
(kA/1 s)
Bus bar continous rating 1000 A
Bus bar momentary rating 100 kA
Control bus nominal volatge 220 Vac

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

Parts of the engine and generator units are equipped with control and safety systems. The control
system can work electrically or mechanically. All control and safety equipments and their auxiliary
equipment are placed inside the panel. To facilitate monitoring, the control system is equipped with
an indicator and alarm system. The way the safety equipment works is divided into two categories:
 If there is electrical or mechanical disturbance at the time the plant operates then the alarm
will sound and if in a certain time there is no improvement then the plant will shut down
 If at the time of operation there is an abnormal situation then the alarm will sound.
The control and safety system of the mechanical apparatus comprises controlling and monitoring of
temperature, pressure, power flow, son quantity, speed drop, load limit and operational valves
where the control and monitoring of the instrument can be done manually or electrically from the
local as well as remote.
Electrical control and security consists of control and monitoring of current, voltage, power,
watthour, power factor, frequency, operation of the breaker, synchronization process and interlock
system. The start / stop operation can be done from the local / remote panel either manually or
automatically. The shut down operating system Aek Sibundong MHPP consists of three modes:
 Normal shut down
 Quick shut down
 Emergency shut down
Electrical control / safety safeguards are among others used in safety releases used in generators,
transformers and other system safeguards.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

3.5.5 Demobilization of Workforce and Material

Following the finalization of construction phase, a number of workforce will be demobilized from
the site. Workforce with sufficient qualification will be considered to be employed during the
operational phase of Aek Sibundong MHPP. Work termination will follow the applicable
regulation in Indonesia.
As well, demobilization of construction material and equipments will be conducted subsequent to
the end of construction phase. In practice, demobilization of heavy material and equipments will be
done gradually to minimize the potential impacts ie dust generation and increasing noise.

3.5.6 Tranmission Line Development

The transmission line will be connected to Dolok Sanggul Substation (Gardu Induk Dolok Sanggul)
20 kV. There will be no land acquisition for the transmission line development. The transmission
line of Aek Sibundong MHPP is as follows:
Table 17 Aek Sibundong Point Connection Plan

No Description Remarks

1 Point of connection Dolok Sanggul Substation on the 20 kV side

Sosor Tambok Village, Dolok Sanggul District,

2 Location
Humbang Hasundutan Regency
Latitude: 02˚ 14' 12.50" N
3 Coordinate
Longitude: 98 ˚ 39'43.86" E
Distance between Power House to
4 27.71 km
connection point
5 Existing voltage at connection point 19.804 kV
Developers build new networks from Power
6 Connection facility plan House to Dolok Sanggul SubstationI with a
cross section of 3 x 240mm2 along the 27.71 kms
Located at connection point as follows:
Latitude: 02˚ 14’ 12.50” N
7 Transaction point
Longitude: 98 ˚ 39’43.86” E

Source: Grid Study Aek Sibundong MHPP, 2016

The result of Feasibility Study of the connection is presented in the following:
 Aek Sibundong MHPP with 8 MW capacity has a strong current of equal to 271,7 Amp, so
that the connection with new network (express feeder) is 3 x 240 mm2 (KHA = 585 Amp).
The standard of KHA allowed is 70% x 585 A = 409.5 A (not exceeding the limit according
to SPLN 64: 1984). Therefore, it is still feasible with no occurrence of thermal loads.
 In terms of reverse power flow, the power of the Aek Sibundong Power Plant can entirely
be absorbed by Dolok Sanggul Substation.
 From the side breaking the voltage limit, the voltage before the connection is 19,804 kV,
after connection is 19,805 kV which meets voltage limit. (SPLN 01: 1995)
 In terms of the identification of the initial short circuit, the resulting short circuit Aek
Sibundong connection does not exceed 10% of maximum short circuit in existing conditions.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Type of proposed connection facility is described in the following:

 Power House Aek Sibundong 8 MW MHPP to Simpang Desa Sigalogo with the length of
24.45 km. Developers build new networks with pole height of 12 m 350 dAN with
conductor of 3 x 240 mm2.
 From the intersection of Sigalogo Village to Dolok Sanggul Substation with the length of
3.28 km by building a new network with pole height of 15 m 350 dAN developers will be
using a 3 x 240 mm2 conductor.
The technical specification of the connection facility is presented in the Table 18 below.
Table 18 Technical Specification Connection Facility

No Description Remarks

A. Medium Voltage Network to the Interconnection Point (Length 23 km)

1 Concrete Pole

Type Concrete pole 12 m 350 dAN

Height 9m

Distance between pole 50 m

2 Earth Pole
Conductor BC 50 mm2

Type of Electrode Copper rod, length of 3 m

Resistance Value Not more than 10 Ω

3 Cross Arm

Type Galvanised C-Channel

Dimension 100 x 50 x 5 x 2000 mm

4 Anchor and Stiffener

Tensile strength of strain wire 25 kN

Load bearing capacity 3 x tension wire load

5 Insulator

Type Pin post insulator 20 kV outdoor

Characteristic of bar insulator:
 Working voltage 20 kV
 Maximum working voltage 24 kV
 Number of phase 3
 Frequency 50 Hz
 Resistance to voltage Wet: 65 kV; Impuls 125 kV
 Mechanical strength 1250 dAN
 Minimum propagation 480 mm
Characteristic of plate insulator:
 Working voltage 20 kV
 Maximum working voltage 24 kV
 Number of phase 3
 Frequency 50 Hz

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

No Description Remarks
 Resistance to voltage Wet: 65 kV; Impuls: 110 kV
 Mechanical strength 7000 DAN
 Minimum propagation 295 mm
6 Conductor

Type All Aluminium Alloy Conductor (AAAC)

Cross sectional area 240 mm2

Mechanical characteristic Tensile strength: 44 kN; Elongation: 4%
7 Lightning Arrester

Type Installation on the Pole

Working voltage 20 kV

Maximum working voltage 24 kV

Disposal current 5 kA

Residual Voltage Max 2.7 kV

8 Load Break Switch

3 phase, external pair, operated from the surface

land and locks.

Working voltage 20 kV

Maximum voltage 24 kV

Load Current 200 A

Fault current ability 25 kA

B. Transaction Metering Cubical

1 Voltage Transformator

Secondary voltage 110/3 V

Burden Minimum 25%

2 Current Transformer

Type 1 phase, epoxy resin

Current Ratio 200/5 A

Burden Minimum 25%

Class Metering (0.2)

3 KWh Main Meter

Electronically compliant with ANSI C12.20,IEC

standards 62053 (kWh) and IEC 1268 (VARh)

Wiring system 3 phase, 4 wires

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

No Description Remarks

Nominal Current Adjusted with current transformer

Fault current ability 1.5 x In (continue); 10 x In (10 sec)
4 Nominal Current 57.7 – 240 VAC (Auto range)

Minimum pick up voltage 57.7 V (neutral phase)

57.7 – 240 VAC (Auto range) and 110-220 (auto
Aux power supply
range) VDC
Frequency 50 Hz

Class 0.2
5 KWh comparison meter

Specification Same as KWh main meter

C. Generator Transformer
1 Capacity 2 unit x 5,000 kVA

Phase 3

Volatge 6.3 / 20 kV

Tap 9 tap (-10 % +10)

Cooling ONAN

Frequency 50 Hz

Source: Grid Study Aek Sibundong MHPP, 2016

Operation Phase
After commissioning (Trial Phase) and does not have any further problems that can hamper the
smoothness of the operation. Then, the operation of the MHPP in principle utilizing the height
difference and the amount of water discharge per second available on the flow of the Aek
Sibundong river. This water flow will rotate the axis turbine so as to produce mechanical energy.
This energy is next moving the generator and generating electricity.

3.6.1 Recruitment and Mobilization of Operational Workforce

Subsequent to construction phase and commissioning, recruitment of operational workforce will be

conducted by ASE. Number of workforce and expected qualification is presented in the following
Table 19.

Table 19 Number of Operational Workforce

No Workforce Position Quantity Gender Origin
1 President Director 1 Bachelor Degree M Doloksanggul

2 Director 2 Bachelor Degree M Medam

Engineer M/E
3 1 Bachelor Degree M Local
4 Supervisor 2 Bachelor Degree M Local

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

No Workforce Position Quantity Gender Origin
Associate Degree
5 Finance 1 F Local
Financial Associate Degree
6 1 M Local
Administration (D3)
General Associate Degree
7 1 M Local
Administration (D3)
Elementary –
8 Technician 1 M Local
Vocational School
Elementary –
9 Operator 2 M Local
Vocational School
Office Boy/Cleaning
10 1 High School M Local
Total 12

Source: UKL/UPL 2016

3.6.2 Operation of MHPP and Associated Facilities

The operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP will utilize Aek Sibundong River stream with total energy
up to 8 MW. Following the electric generation in power house, water will be channelled back to
Aek Sibundong River.

3.6.3 Maintenance of MHPP and Associated Facilities

During operational phase, the maintenance activities for Aek Sibundong MHPP units and
associated facilities will include:
1. Instalation maintenance, will be conducted periodically to ensure the performance of
turbine, generator, controlling tools, etc;
2. Over haul activities for turbine, generator and othe electrical components periodically;
3. Removal of sand from settling basin periodically.

3.6.4 Operational Tranmission Line

During operational phase, Aek Sibundong MHPP will be operated to produce electricity which will
be distributed to the PLN through Dolok Sanggul Substation. In the distribution of electricity
produced by Aek Sibundong MHPP, the operator will oversee the meter measuring current,
voltage, MVA, MVAR, and Cos φ so that the limitations of transmission line delivery capacity are
not exceeded. Implementation of electricity distribution will be in accordance with applicable SOP.

Post Operation Phase

In the end of operation phase, there will be work demobilization for all workforce. The utilization
of Aek Sibundong MHPP facilities will follow the applicable regulation. Extention of operational
permit will be possible if the facilities and incfrastructure still meets the technical requirements.

Project Alternatives
ASE has explored Project alternatives, in particular related to MHPP location and technology.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

3.8.1 No Project

The no project scenario is that the MHPP is not built. In the event that the MHPP is not built there
will be no negative impacts in terms of those that might be typical of MHPP (surface water quality,
sedimentation, etc.). The Humbang Hasundutan Regency, on which territory the MHPP is
supposed to be built, and the host communities will in this scenario feel negative impact because
they do not receive the financial and other rewards associated with the construction of the MHPP
as a major private investment in this otherwise economically challenged area.
From a national perspective, there will be a negative impact in that North Sumatera will be more
reliant on fossil thermal power generation to meet increasing energy demand and also Indonesia
will not be developing renewable energy sources in line with its international obligations. Without
the Project, 10 MW of electricity for the North Sumatera electric grid has to be obtained from
another source, the most likely source being mini hydro power plant. Mini Hydro Power Plant
would not create significant carbon emissions.

3.8.2 Alternative Siting

The Project location is guided by water flow rate and topography observed at the area which
control how much energy a potential MHPP could produce. While limited few alternative sites in
North Sumatera with similar MHPP potential exist, but they don’t offer significant economic or
environmental advantages. Site selection is further limited given that similar projects are in
planning in the larger Project area.

3.8.3 Alternative Project Configuration

Early in the planning process, ASE considered alternative scenarios associated with the MHPP at
the proposed site. These considered the following:
 Location of power house;
 Total head loss; and
 Penstock and waterway route.
Through some comprehensive studies, ASE has come to a final plan for location of power house,
total head loss and penstock and waterway route which are described in detail in the Feasibility
Study. This ESIA refers to the final project plan as described in the UKL-UPL and Feasibility study.

3.8.4 Alternative Technology

The Project site has no particular advantages for any technology other than climatic conditions. A
power plant using conventional fossil fuel including diesel would very likely be sited elsewhere.
The Sijamapolang Subdistrict would not be impacted by any of the environmental and social
impacts associated with the Project, but the region would forego all of the economic benefits.

3.8.5 Alternative Site Access

Practically, there are only one route that could be used for the delivery of major plant items to the
site. This transportation route will require the Project to upgrade parts of the local road to meet the
size and weight requirements for the delivery vehicles. It should be noted that zero community
displacement is expected within the transportation route. It is hoped that this upgrade will help
support the development of the Sigulok Village.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


This ESIA has been prepared for the specific project of Aek Sibundong MHPP and associated
facilities including the access road. The ESIA process has been undertaken in accordance with IFC
Guidelines. The following sections describe in more detail how this general ESIA framework has
been applied to the Aek Sibundong MHPP Project.

Screening represents a preliminary assessment of the likely environmental, social and health
impacts resulting from a project to determine if a full ESIA is required. Under IFC Policy on
Environmental and Social Sustainability, the screening process will typically categorise projects into
one of three groups:
Business activities with potential significant adverse environmental or social risks and/or
impacts that are diverse, irreversible, or unprecedented
Business activities with potential limited adverse environmental or social risks and/or
impacts that are few in number, generally site-specific, largely reversible, and readily
addressed through mitigation measures.
Business activities with minimal or no adverse environmental or social risks and/or

Mini Hydro Power Plant projects in general fall under Category B since the project is a
relatively small scale renewable energy project with limited adverse environmental and social

Additionally, in accordance to the Indonesia Regulation of Ministry of Environment Regulation No.

5 Year 2012 regarding the Type of Business and/or Activities that required an Analisis Mengenai
Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL or the category A EIA); a Category A project which need a full EIA or
an AMDAL is limited to a Hydro Power Plant Project with ≥ 50MW capacity; therefore a 2x3MW
Mini-Hydro Power Plant Project is categorised as a Category B project which only need a simplified
EIA or an Environmental Management Effort-Environmental Monitoring Effort (Upaya PengeloAek
Sibundongn Lingkungan-Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan/UKL-UPL). According to this regulation, the
UKL-UPL is intended for the type of business and/or activities which will not have a significant
impact on the environment.

Scoping determines the extent to which a project will interact with environmental or social
elements. Through this exercise, the priorities and extent of baseline studies and assessments are

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

determined. IFC Guidelines require that this stage is the start of interaction with local communities,
to determine the key issues that need to be addressed, to ensure that impacts to the community and
any sensitive receptors will be defined as part of the ESIA process. It is important to understand the
values that the local community places upon environmental resources that may be impacted by the
Under Indonesian regulations, an UKL-UPL has been prepared for the Aek Sibundong MHPP
Project. The scoping exercise for this ESIA largely comprised a review and updating of an initial
UKL-UPL (National-level EIA) for the project that was prepared for submission under Indonesian
Legislation. This scoping exercise comprised:
 Review of the project description to understand the nature and components of the
structures and activities of the proposed project;
 Discussions with OTE engineering team to further understand the nature and scale of the
proposed works;
 Baseline data collection and analysis of data obtained, including the social aspect;
 Extension of study area which not only covers the Aek Sibundong MHPP but also the
Associated Facilities such as new proposed access road and transmission line development
 Conducting an impact assessment and evaluation of potential impacts using robust criteria
(sensitivity, magnitude and significance);
 Review and update of mitigation measures to produce an Environmental and Social
Mitigation and Management Plan; and
 Consideration of potential significant cumulative impacts.

Environmental and Social Baseline Study

The risks and impacts identification process should be based on recent, up-to-date information,
including detailed description of the project in its geographic, ecological, social, health and
temporal context (the environmental and social baseline). Where the project involves specifically
identified physical elements, aspects and facilities that are likely to generate impacts, the collection
and analysis of environmental and social baseline information and data, at an appropriate level of
detail for the project, are essential to define the projects’ area of influence, and describe
relevant physical, biological, ecological, socioeconomic, health and labour conditions, including
any changes anticipated to occur in the foreseeable future (including projected variability in
climatic and environmental conditions due to potentially significant climate change or that
would require adaptation measures that could occur over the life of the project), along with current
and proposed development activities within the general project area but not directly connected to
the project.
Baseline data for the Aek Sibundong MHPP Project has been collected from UKL-UPL report as
well as updated surveys for water quality; air quality & noise; aquatic & terrestrial biota; and social
aspects. A multi-disciplinary team of experienced scientists and environmental professionals were
assembled to carry out the required resource assessment, generation and analysis of baseline data.
Seasonal baseline data collection was obtained to address the variation of environmental conditions.
There were also a combination of sources including field studies & surveys, analysis of maps, aerial
photos, work plans, UKL–UPL Report of Aek Sibundong MHPP, Aek Sibundong MHPP Feasibility
Study (2013), and several secondary data from related agencies. A full list of data used in this ESIA

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

is listed in Table 20 below.

Table 20 Data Sources for Baseline Studies

Data Sources
Satellite Photographs Google Earth
ESC GIS Database
Meteorological Data UKL-UPL Report 2016
Climate (Rainfall, Air Feasibility Study 2013
temperature, relative humidity, Secondary Data Collection
wind speed and wind direction)
Air Quality ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
ASE & ESC Baseline Survey 2018
Noise Level ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
ASE & ESC Baseline Survey, 2018
Geology ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
Feasibility Study Report 2015
ESC GIS Database
Topography ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
ESC GIS Database
Soil ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
ESC GIS Database
Land Use ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
Humbang Hasundutan Regency Spatial Plan
ESC GIS Database
Hydrology ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
Feasibility Study Report 2013
ESC GIS Database
Surface Water Quality ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
ASE & ESC Baseline Survey, 2018
Terrestrial Biodiversity – Flora ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
and Fauna ASE & ESC Baseline Survey, 2018
Aquatic Biota ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
ASE & ESC Baseline Survey, 2018
Demography and Population ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
ASE & ESC Baseline Survey, 2018
Statistics of Sijamapolang Sub District 2017
Local economy, Income, and ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
Employment ASE & ESC Baseline Survey, 2018
Statistics of Sijamapolang Sub District 2017
Socio-Economic and Cultural ASE UKL-UPL Report 2016
ASE & ESC Baseline Survey, 2017
Statistics of Sijamapolang Sub District 2017
ASE Public Consultation for Aek Sibundong MHPP
Feasibility Study Report 2013

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Environmental Impact Prediction and Evaluation

The risks and impacts identification process should include all the necessary steps and methods
that are required to screen, identify, analyse, measure, or assess, in quantitative terms to the extent
possible, the potential risks and adverse impacts (including environmental, social, health, safety,
labour and security) associated with the project.

4.5.1 The definition of Impact

Table 21 below provides a description of the terminologies used throughout this document to
define and describe impacts.

Table 21 Impacts Assessments Terminology

Term Definition

Impact Magnitude

Magnitude Estimate of the size of the impact (e.g. the size of the area damaged or
impacted, the percentage (%) of a resource that is lost or affected etc.)

Impact Nature

Negative Impact An impact that is considered to represent an adverse change from the
baseline, or introduces a new undesirable factor

Positive Impact An impact that is considered to represent an improvement on the baseline,

or introduces a new desirable factor

Neutral Impact An impact that is considered to represent neither an improvement nor

deterioration in baseline conditions

Impact Duration

Temporary Impacts are predicted to be of short duration and intermittent/occasional in


Short-Term Impacts that are predicted to last for a limited period (e.g. during
construction) but will cease on completion of the activity, or as a result of
mitigation/reinstatement measures and natural recovery

Long-Term Impacts that will continue over an extended period (e.g. operational noise)
but cease when the Project stops operating. These will include impacts that
may be intermittent or repeated rather than continuous if they occur over
an extended time period.

Permanent Impacts that occur once on development of the Project and cause a
permanent change in the affected receptor or resource (e.g. the destruction
of a cultural artefact of loss of a sensitive habitat) that endures substantially
beyond the Project lifetime

Impact Extent

Local Impacts are on a local scale (e.g. restricted to the vicinity of the plant,
restricted to within the Project footprint)

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Term Definition
Regional Impacts are on a broader scale (effects extend well beyond the immediate
vicinity of the facilities and affect the Pasaman Barat District)

International Impacts are on a global scale (e.g. could extend beyond national
boundaries/ affect existence of species)

The ESIA not only describes the direct impacts of the project itself, but also the way in which the
project will interact with other influences that may derive a social or environmental impact. Thus
there are a number of different types of impact that need to be considered as described in Table 22

Table 22 Definition of Impact Type

Impact Type Definition

Direct Impact Impacts that result from a direct interaction between a planned
project activity and the receiving environment (e.g. between
occupation of a plot of land and the habitats which are lost)

Secondary Impact Impact that follow on from the primary interactions between the
project and its environment as a result of subsequent interactions
within the environment (e.g. loss of part of a habitat affects the
viability of a species population over a wider area)

Indirect Impact Impact that result from other activities that are encouraged to
happen as a consequence of the Project (e.g. presence of project
promotes service industries in the region)

Cumulative Impact Impacts that act together with other impacts to affect the same
environmental resource or receptor

Residual Impact Impacts that remain after mitigation measures have been designed
into the intended activity

4.5.2 Evaluation of Impact

In evaluating the significance or importance of impacts, several factors are taken into consideration.
These include an assessment of the project component and its effect on the existing environment as
a baseline and the potentially affected sensitive receptors. The impact is then assessed based on its
potential severity and magnitude. The steps involved in evaluating the significance of impacts are
summarized in the Figure 8 below and key steps described in more detail in the following sections

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 8 Impact Assessment Process

4.5.3 Define Potential Impacts

All activities associated with the proposed project are identified and potential impacts resulting
from these activities listed. Define Sensitive Receivers

The criteria used to assess the sensitivity of the receiving environment include:
• Abundance:
 Rarity: does the impacted receptor comprise a rare environmental resource (such as
an endangered species or habitat);
 Size or extent: What is the size or extent of a resource that would be affected by a
particular impact?

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

• Adaptability:
 Resilience: what is the ability of the particular environmental or social element to
withstand the change? (for instance social/health impacts may have different
outcomes of a very old or very young members of the community);
 Ability to recover: what is the potential to recover from the impact, how complete
will recovery be and how long will it take?;
• State:
 Degree of disturbance: is the state of the environmental or social element in its
natural condition, or has it been disturbed by other activities in the past?;
 Uniqueness: is the particular environmental condition unique, or is it fairly
commonplace?, What is the potential to replicate the situation by way of offset or
 Establishment: how well-established is this particular environmental/social
condition, is its future tenuous or is it likely to persist?
• Value:
 Implicit value: how important is it to retain particular environmental/social
condition, in the context of its interrelationship with the broader environment?
Would the loss of this particular environmental/social condition lead to further
breakdown of the existing environment?
 Recognised value: has the environmental condition been recognised in some formal
sense, such as a declaration of a conservation area? Define Impact Magnitude

Impact magnitude is a function of a range of considerations including:

• Impact Scale: the scale of the change that is induced, such as the percentage of resource
that might be lost, the predicted change in the level of a pollutant, or a quantitative
measure of losses or benefits to the community;
• Impact duration: time period over which the impact is expected to last;
• Impact extent: the geographical extent of environmental change, or the or the degree to
which social impact may reach into the immediate, surrounding, or even general
• Legal and guideline compliance: the status of the impact in relation to regulations or
prevailing legislation, comparison of the predicted outcome with recognised standards
and guidelines the relevant to the project, its location and context.
Wherever possible, impact magnitude should be described in quantitative terms, based on
numerical values, representing regulatory limits, project standards or guidelines, or the number of
people that have the potential to be impacted. However in some instances it is necessary to take a
more qualitative approach in the definition of some outcomes, either because quantitative estimates
are not possible, or because numerical evaluations are not relevant (this is particularly true of some
of the social elements, such as community perception). Based on this quantitative or qualitative
assessment, impact magnitude can be categorised as follows:
• High: Major alteration of existing environment that is likely to be irreversible or will

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

result in the loss of that environmental for a period of time.

• Medium: An alteration to the existing environment that will modify its current status,
but will not stop its role in the environment or is easily reversed.
• Low: An alteration to the existing environment but few sensitive receptor or a change
that will be transient
• Slight: Measurable but no real change to environmental
• No Change: Usually for mitigated outcome. Define Impact Severity

In evaluating the significance or importance of impacts, several factors are taken into consideration.
These include an assessment of the project component and its effect on the existing environment as
a baseline and the potentially affected sensitive receptors. The impact is then assessed based on its
potential severity and magnitude.
The ESIA process comprises several steps, namely to identify and predict potential impacts arising
from project activities, evaluate impacts, design measures to mitigate or avoid adverse impacts, and
assess the significance of any residual impacts.
Severity of impacts depends on the nature and sensitivity of the impact receptor, and the extent,
magnitude, and duration of potential impacts. The matrix to determine the severity of each impact
by comparing impact magnitude against the sensitivity of the receptor is provided in the Table 23

Table 23 Determine the Impact Severity

Sensitivity of Receptor

Low Low- Medium Medium- High

Medium High

No Slight Slight Slight Slight Slight

Impact Magnitude


Slight Slight Slight Low Low Low

Low Slight Low Medium Medium Medium

Medium Low Medium High High High

High Medium High High Critical Critical

The significance of potential impacts is assessed based on their estimated severity and likelihood of
occurrence. The likelihood of occurrence is estimated based upon experience and/or evidence that
such an outcome has previously occurred. Potential impacts are thus determined to be Negligible,
Minor, Moderate, Major or Critical as shown in the Table 24 below.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Table 24 Determine the Impact Significance

Likelihood of Occurrence

Extremely Unlikely Low Medium High

Unlikely Likelihoo Likelihood Likelihood/Inevitabl
d e

Slight Negligibl Negligibl Negligible Negligible Negligible

e e

Low Negligibl Negligibl Negligible Negligible Minor

Impact Severity

e e -Minor

Mediu Negligibl Minor Minor Minor- Moderate

m e Moderate

High Minor Minor- Moderate Major Major


Critical Minor- Moderate- Major Major Critical

Moderate Major

Significance is assessed after taking into account planned measures to manage and mitigate the
risks and impacts. Impacts assessed to have Negligible or Minor significance require no additional
management of mitigation measures. Moderate and Major impacts are considered ‘significant’.
Moderate impacts should be mitigated where practical and to the extent that is cost-effective. Major
impacts must be mitigated such that residual impacts are reduced to at least Moderate levels.
Critical impacts are evaluated as unacceptable impacts that are not amenable to mitigation and thus
project alternatives must be found that avoid such impacts. Likelihood of Occurences

For unplanned events or extreme situations, the likelihood that the particular event, impact or
outcome will occur can be ascribed a qualitative probability, as per the categories defined in the
Table 25 below.
Table 25 Likelihood Category
Likelihood Definition
Extremely The event is very unlikely to occur under normal operating conditions
Unlikely but may occur in exceptional circumstances (i.e., the event is generally
never heard of in industry).
Unlikely The event is unlikely but may occur at some time during normal
operating conditions (i.e., the event is heard of in industry).
Low Likelihood The event is likely to occur at some time during normal operating
conditions (i.e., incident has occurred in the company before)
Medium The event is very likely to occur during normal operating conditions, (i.e.,
Likelihood the event occurs several times per year in the company).
High Likelihood/ The event will occur during normal operating conditions (is inevitable),
Inevitable (i.e., the event happens several times per year at a location).

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Likelihood is estimated on the basis of experience and available evidence that such an outcome has
occurred in other similar projects. Impacts resulting from routine or planned events (normal
operations) are classified as having a high likelihood of occurrence. Evaluation of Significance

For the purposes of ascribing significance to the impacts in Aek Sibundong MHPP environmental
impact assessments, the terminology that has been adopted is described in the Table 26 below.

Table 26 Terminology for Impact Significance

Significance Definition
An impact that is considered to represent an improvement on the
Positive Impact
baseline or introduces a new desirable factor
Negligible Impact Magnitude of change is comparable to natural variation
Minor Impact Detectable but is not significant
Significant, amenable to mitigation, should be mitigated where
Moderate Impact
Major Impact Significant; amenable to mitigation; must be mitigated
Intolerable; not amenable to mitigation; alternatives must be
Critical Impact
identified – Project Stopper

It must be noted that critical impacts are not acceptable for planned operations, and can only be
tolerated in the instance of unplanned or incidental events, and only then when the likelihood of
occurrence has been reduced through project planning to least low or unlikely. For unplanned
events or impacts to which probability of occurrence may be ascribed, severity of the impact needs
to be considered in conjunction with the likelihood of its occurrence as described in the Table 27

Table 27 Determining the Significance of Impacts

Impact Likelihood

Extremely Low Medium
Unlikely Likelihood/
Unlikely Likelihood Likelihood

Slight Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible

Negligible -
Low Negligible Negligible Negligible Minor

Medium Negligible Minor Minor Moderate

Impact Severity

High Minor Moderate Major Major


Minor- Moderate -
Critical Major Major Critical
moderate Major

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Impacts assessed as Negligible or Minor typically require no additional management or mitigation,

because either the magnitude of the impact is sufficiently small nor the receptor sensitivity is
sufficiently low, and adequate controls are included in the project design. Negligible and minor
impacts of therefore deemed to be insignificant, and do not require any further remedial action.
Impacts that are evaluated to be moderate or major require the implementation of further
management or mitigation measures. Moderate to major impacts are therefore considered to be
significant. For potentially major impacts the objective of mitigation is to reduce the residual risk to
a moderate level.
In the development of mitigation measures to reduce moderate impact, the emphasis is on
demonstrating that the impact has been reduced to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable. It
will not always be practical to reduce moderate impact to minor ones in consideration of the cost
effectiveness of project.
Impacts whose residual risk is evaluated as critical since they cannot be managed mitigated, and
therefore demand selection of alternatives to eliminate the potential for their occurrence. They
cannot be contemplated as part of the normal operation of the project, and can only be considered if
project design has taken every possible step to reduce the probability of occurrence to as low as

Evaluation of Social and Health Impact

For the assessment of social and health impacts the same approach has been undertaken as for the
environmental impacts; however the terminologies are modified to consider the different context.
So rather than refer to potential impacts of having a graded scale of significance (any social/health
issue is of major significance to some or many parties), the term urgency is used to indicate the
prioritization process that is necessary in dealing with community and social issues. Impact
Severity/Magnitude for various social concerns has been evaluated as per Table 28 below.

Table 28 Assessments of the Magnitude of Social and Health Impacts

Impact Severity/ Social and Public

Community Displacement Community Health
Magnitude Amenity

Likely to impact a large

Any member of the
number of people
Will require the physical community will be
(greater than 25% of the
High displacement or relocation of injured or suffer health
community) and will
any individuals. impacts if an impact
impair current lifestyles
were to occur.
or customs.
Likely to impact on
For physical displacement –
group of people (less Potential health impacts
only applies to mitigated
Medium than 25% of the on sensitive groups in
outcomes where relocation
community) and will the community that can
will not preserve lifestyles and
impair current lifestyles be avoided.
or customs.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Impact Severity/ Community Displacement Social and Public Community Health

Magnitude Amenity
For physical displacement –
Likely to impact one or
only applies to mitigated
Low a few individuals and
outcomes where relocation Does not apply
will impair current
will preserve lifestyles but
lifestyles or customs.
may not satisfy cultural needs.
Will challenge the
perceptions and may
For physical displacement –
cause unease that will
only applies to mitigated
need to be clarified
Slight outcomes where relocation Does not apply
amongst a group
will preserve lifestyles but
within the community
may not satisfy cultural needs.
(>25% of the
The provision of
An outcome that will derive community amenity or An outcome that can be
Positive Impact an economic benefit to the amenities that have expected to improve
community. previously been community health

The urgency can be determined as described in Table 29 below.

Table 29 Determining the Urgency of Social and Health Impacts

Impact Likelihood
Low Medium
Extremely Unlikely Unlikely Inevitable
Likelihood Likelihood
Impact Severity/ Magnitude

Slight Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Minor

Low Negligible Negligible Minor Minor Minor

Medium Negligible Minor Moderate Moderate Major

High Minor Moderate Major Major Critical

The ESIA process is intended to identify impacts and benefits associated with project activities and
ways of dealing with them during the planning and design stage of the project. The ultimate goal of
the issue process is to reduce the negative impacts and enhance the benefits or positive impact of
any intended activity. Planned mitigation measures will be described, and additional measures or
controls will be recommended where impacts are still considered to be unacceptable.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Many mitigation or control measures will require a degree of management to ensure their success
in reducing potential impacts to the residual level that is expected through the ESIA process. Most
of these residual outcomes are likely to require a degree of monitoring through project
implementation to ensure that the mitigation management process is effective. It is these
management and monitoring efforts that report to the environmental and social management plan
(ESMP) as part of the ESIA.
In deciding appropriate mitigation strategies there is a hierarchy of response as indicated in Figure
9 below.

Figure 9 Mitigation Hierarchy

There are also the possibilities of unplanned events, including extreme and unusual environmental
conditions that may lead to the possibility of major or even critical impacts. It is incumbent on the
project proponent to reduce the probability of such events to as low as reasonably practical. Even
where steps have been undertaken to reduce risks, a necessary part of the mitigation process to
define a response should the event occur. There is again a hierarchy of response to such occurrences:

 Control: this is a response to deal with potential negative impacts at the time and
an emergency situation may be occurring, it can include such things as bushfire
fighting capacity, or even stop work plans for extreme weather events;

 Recovery: in the event that the emergency situation has occurred it is important to
identify how project proponents will respond to the potentially negative impacts
such recovery plans could include response plans for containing spills, or
compensation packages were affected parties.

The Environmental and Social Management Plan

Although many mitigation strategies are implemented through the design of the project, a
significant number of impacts will need to be mitigated by on-going management through the
construction and operation phases of the project. There are also remedial actions that will be
required as part of the project decommissioning or closure. The Environmental and Social
Management Plan (ESMP) establishes the commitment of the project proponent to the management
of these environmental and social initiatives throughout the implementation and closure of the
The ESMP consists of a set of mitigation and management measures to be undertaken during

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

implementation of the project to avoid, reduce, or compensate for adverse social and environmental
impacts. It typically includes the responsible parties within the organization and the timelines for
their implementation. It will include reference to a number of more detailed management plans and
procedures to be followed within the organization, such as environmental monitoring programs,
community safety and security policies, community consultation plans, maintenance procedures
and schedules. It should also describe desired outcomes as measurable events and parameters
(including performance indicators, targets, or acceptance criteria) that can be tracked over defined
time periods, and indicates resources that will be committed for implementation of the plan. It
should also indicate responses that will need to be undertaken, in the event that performance
criteria are not being met. For instance, it should recommend immediate remedial action if an
element of pollution abatement infrastructure seems to be failing. Where measures and actions are
identified as being necessary for the project to comply with applicable laws and regulations these
should be included in the ESMP.
The development of the ESMP is an iterative process as part of the ESIA process public disclosure
of the findings of the environmental and social analysis is an important step, and often the ESMP
will be refined on the basis of community feedback. Also, as the project progresses, it is often the
case that procedures are modified and optimized in response to changing circumstances, or simply
that a better way of doing things becomes more obvious than it was at the planning stage of the
project. Thus the ESMP, and its underlying monitoring and management procedures are a living set
of documents which reflect the current status of the environmental and social management
approach and plans.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


This section provides information on the environmental and social baseline of the Mini Hydro
Power Plant Project in Sigulok Village, North Sumatera Indonesia. The baseline indicates the initial
condition of the environmental and social that sets as baseline.

Environmental Baseline

5.1.1 Climate

The analysis on climate component including rain intensity, extreme rain, temperature, air
humidity, sun light duration, wind speed and direction, and sunlight intensity was obtained from
Pinangsori Weather Station, Sibolga, for the period of 2005 to 2014. Pinangsori Weather Station is
the closest weather station to the Projet, where the long-term weather data is available.

5.1.2 Rain Instensity

Sibolga monthly rain intensities for the last 10 years are shown in Table 30. The lowest average rain
intensity occurred in January for 113 mm in 2012 and the highest (1174 mm) occurred in July 2007
with a standard deviation of 191 mm.

Table 30 Average Monthly Rain Intensity (mm) in Sibolga for the Last 10 years (2005-2014)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Ags Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005 219 192 274 173 117 178 327 768 310 1.056 610 491
2006 462 427 371 477 192 186 221 365 498 597 439 533
2007 407 390 340 273 297 249 1.174 226 513 945 546 292
2008 298 427 685 354 413 424 363 412 496 350 811 331
2009 385 241 511 342 220 209 254 476 526 407 466 313
2010 298 427 685 354 413 424 363 412 496 350 811 331
2011 301 269 418 492 206 152 231 463 452 576 962 768
2012 113 480 322 450 286 178 476 361 461 282 660 684
2013 211 192 220 375 218 128 134 424 286 637 603 273
2014 339 39 240 360 276 293 264 286 423 386 620 397
AVG 303 308 406 365 263 242 263 419 446 453 652 441

Source: Pinangsori Weather Station

Figure 10 shows that in August and October 2005, July and October 2007, November –December
2011, extreme rain events were occurred.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 10 Monthly Rainfall 2005-2014

Source: Pinangsori Weather Station
In addition, Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that based on
data analysis within the last 30 years (1981 – 2010), climatologically Indonesia has 407 climate
patterns, comprising 342 clusters of Seasonal Zones and 65 clusters of Non-Seasonal Zones. Clusters
designated as Seasonal Zones have distinct boundaries between dry season and wet season periods,
usually following monsoon patterns. Clusters designated as Non Seasonal Zones don’t have a
distinct boundary between the dry season and wet season, typically following Equatorial pattern or
either high or low precipitation occurring the whole year. Humbang Hasundutan District is
categorised as a Non-Seasonal Zone as shown in Figure 11 below.


Figure 11 Map of Seasonal Zone in North Sumatra

Source: Seasonal Zone Map 2017 in North Sumatera, BMKG 2017

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Schmidt and Ferguson (1951) classified climate type in Indonesia which is defined by dividing
average dry months (D) by average wet months (W) during specific observation years; Q = D/W.
Dry months are identified where the monthly precipitation is less than 60mm, while wet months
are defined when the monthly precipitation is over 100mm.

Table 31 Schmidth & Ferguson Climate Type Classification

Zone Q Climate Category

A 0 < Q < 0.14 Very wet

B 0.14 < Q < 0.33 Wet

C 0.33 < Q <0.60 Rather wet

D 0.60 < Q < 1.00 Medium

E 1.00 < Q <1.67 Rather dry

F 1.67 < Q < 3.00 Dry

G 3.00 < Q < 7.00 Very dry

H > 7.00 Extraordinary dry

Source: Schmidth & Ferguson, 1951

Over the period data was collected, the average dry and wet months in the project area are 0 and
120 respectively. The Q value is 0, so that the climate is categorized as Very Wet (Zone A)
according to rainfall data 2005 - 2014. Extreme Rain

Extreme rain is an element of weather that needs to be taken into account since it will directly or
indirectly affect human’s activities. Figure 12 shows that extreme rain event frequency for each
extreme rain limit (≥50mm/24 hour, ≥100 mm/24 hour, and ≥150 mm/24 hour) decreased
gradually for the last 10 years.

Figure 12 The Frequency of Extreme Rainfall in Sibolga 2005-2014 and it Trend

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Air Temperature

That the average temperature ranges between 25.4 - 27.7 0C in Table 32.

Table 32 Monthly Air Temperature (0C) in Sibolga for the Last 10 years (2005-2014)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Ags Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005 26.4 26.9 26.8 27.1 26.9 26.3 26.0 25.8 26.3 25.7 25.6 25.7
2006 25.8 26.3 26.6 26.6 26.8 26.4 25.9 26.1 25.4 25.6 26.0 25.9
2007 26.0 26.2 26.4 26.8 27.2 26.7 26.0 25.9 25.8 25.5 25.6 25.8
2008 26.2 26.4 25.7 26.4 26.5 25.8 25.6 26.0 25.7 25.9 25.9 25.7
2009 26.1 26.0 26.2 26.8 26.9 26.5 26.0 25.7 27.7 26.1 25.9 26.3
2010 26.3 26.3 26.7 27.2 27.4 26.8 26.3 26.2 25.9 25.9 25.5 25.9
2011 25.9 26.1 26.2 26.4 27.1 27.0 26.3 26.0 24.8 26.1 26.2 26.1
2012 26.5 25.9 26.6 26.6 27.2 26.3 25.7 26.0 26.2 26.2 26.0 26.0
2013 26.9 26.1 26.8 26.6 27.2 26.8 26.3 26.1 26.1 26.1 25.9 26.4
2014 26.6 26.9 27.0 26.8 26.9 26.8 26.4 25.9 26.1 26.1 25.9 26.0
AVG 26.3 26.3 26.5 26.7 27.0 26.5 26.1 26.0 26.0 25.9 25.9 26.0

Source: Pinangsori Weather Station

Figure 13 shows that in the last 10 years (2005-2015), air temperature ranges between 25.8°C - 27°
with a standard deviation of 0.5°C. The lowest mean air temperature occurred in November (25.8°C)
and the highest was in May (25.8°C).

Figure 13 Sibolga Air Temperature 2005-2014

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Relative Humidity

Table 33 shows that air humidity ranges between 7% to 89%.

Table 33 Monthly Air Humidity (%) in Sibolga for the last 10 years (2005-2014)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Ags Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005 86 87 86 86 85 85 85 86 85 87 87 86
2006 84 86 84 86 86 84 81 82 86 86 86 87
2007 84 80 82 83 82 83 83 82 84 86 83 83
2008 84 80 83 83 83 84 83 80 84 84 84 86
2009 82 82 85 84 82 82 74 85 84 85 86 84
2010 84 84 84 85 83 83 84 84 86 84 87 84
2011 83 79 72 81 83 79 80 83 89 83 82 84
2012 82 86 82 84 81 82 85 85 85 86 88 88
2013 82 83 80 84 82 80 81 83 82 84 88 83
2014 83 84 86 87 87 85 88 87 84 86 87 88
AVG 83 83 82 84 83 83 82 84 85 85 86 85

Source: Pinangsori Weather Station

Figure 14 shows that the lowest average air humidity (82%) occurred in March while the highest
(86%) occurred in November with a standard deviation of 2.5%. An extreme air humidity occurred
in July 2009 and March 2011, which were 74% and 72%, respectively. This means that the water
vapor content in the air is relatively smaller compared to its average; it also means that the air
humidity is low.

Figure 14 Air Humidity in Sibolga 2005-2014 and its Trend

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Sun Light Duration

Total sun light duration is a duration of sun light in a month. Table 34 and Figure 15 shows total
sun light duration in the last 10 years. The lowest (November) was 89 hours and the highest (May)
was 164 hours, with a standard deviation of 36 hours. There is an increased trend of sun light
duration within 10 years observation.

Table 34 Monthly Duration in Sibolga (hour) for the last 10 years (2005-2014)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Ags Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005 148 127 42 135 113 169 140 147 124 109 65 130
2006 116 134 134 110 122 150 163 138 17 53 18 106
2007 115 168 122 101 172 n/a 147 130 66 91 84 102
2008 134 108 101 131 139 122 129 110 82 115 85 99
2009 138 112 139 140 187 172 149 131 122 106 111 151
2010 160 149 150 127 286 104 124 171 114 138 97 118
2011 124 159 152 131 147 169 192 113 125 132 122 112
2012 146 117 121 115 155 124 161 139 94 107 119 136
2013 155 115 194 117 189 249 142 162 181 128 82 103
2014 174 151 141 143 127 178 167 140 126 123 111 108
AVG 141 134 130 125 164 144 151 138 105 110 89 117

Source: Pinangsori Weather Station

Extreme events occurred in September to November 2006 with the total duration of 17, 53 and 18
hours, respectively. It means that intense clouds blocked sun lights during that period. This
situation occurred in March 2005 in which sun light duration was only 42 hours. The opposite
situation occurred in May 2010 and June 2013 in which sun light duration was 286 and 249 hours,
respectively. It means that less clouds blocked sun lights during that period.

Figure 15 Total Sunlight Duration in Sibolga 2005-2014 and its Trend

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Wind Speed and Direction

During 2005-2014, wind in Sibolga is dominated with western (W) wind with the percentage of 6%
and from northwest (NW) for 4% and from east (E), southeast (SE), and south (S) for 1%,
respectively. The dominated wind flowing to the west has a speed of 4-7 knots. Meanwhile, the
average wind speed for 2005-2014 was 0.92 knots.
The most wind speed frequency distribution mostly occurred in the interval of 4-7 knots speed
(6.6%), followed by 7-11 knots speed (6%). Calm wind was accounted for 87%. Maximum wind
with the speed of 11-17 knots flown from west (W) and northwest (NW) directions.
The dominant wind with the highest speed (7-11 knots) flown from west (W). The wind speed
frequency distribution is shown in Table 35.

Table 35 Wind Speed Distribution Frequency in Sibolga for the last 10 years, periode 2005-2014
All Years
(2005- Directions / Wind 1-4 4-7 7 - 11 11 - 17 17 - 21 >= 22 Total (%)
2014) Classes (Knots)
1 N 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
2 NE 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
3 E 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
4 SE 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1
5 S 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1
6 SW 0.0 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1
7 W 0.1 2.8 3.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 6
8 NW 0.1 2.0 1.8 0.2 0.0 0.0 4
Sub-Total 0.3 6.6 6.0 0.4 0.1 0.0 13
Calms 87
Missing/Incomplete 0
Total 100

Source: Pinangsori Weather Station

Wind dominance flown from west to northwest direction (Figure 16) is because Sibolga is located in
the western coast of North Sumatera adjacent to Indian Ocean. Meanwhile, the location of Sibolga
in bay area had caused the uniqueness of wind pattern, as described in the section of daily wind

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 16 Windrose Sibolga, 2005-2014

Daily wind variation is a wind circulation within 24 hours or one day. Figure 17 shows that there is
a significant wind speed, between 0.5 knots to 3.5 knots, in 03 UTC to 12 UTC or 10 AM to 7 PM. It
is indicated that wind starts in the mid-morning to dusk. Meanwhile, calm wind blows at night (7
PM) to morning (7 AM).

Figure 17 shows that in the morning (07-10 AM), the wind blows calmly and it is dominated by
wind blowing from the south east direction (SE) with a dominant speed of 4 – 7 knots. In the
afternoon, the dominant wind changes to the west to northwest with an increasing speed to
maximum (3.6 knots) in 1 PM. Afterwards, the wind speed decreases gradually until evening (7 PM)
and is dominated by wind blowing from northwest direction.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

00.00 UTC 03.00 UTC

(07.00 AM) (10.00 AM)

06.00 UTC 09.00

(01.00 AM) UTC

12.00 UTC 15.00 UTC

(07.00 PM) (10.00 PM)

18.00 UTC 21.00 UTC

(01.00 AM) (04.00 AM)

Figure 17 Diurnal Variation Windrose of Average Wind Speed, Hour 07.00 PM-04.00 AM

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

The difference of heat capacity in land and ocean, or the difference in storing heat between land
and ocean. Land heats faster compared to ocean, land is hotter in the morning than ocean, land air
pressure is lower compared to the ocean. In the peak time during the day, the gradient of the
pressure difference between land and ocean reach its maximum value, so the wind will blow from
ocean (that has a higher air pressure) to the land (that has low air pressure). At night, land releases
heat faster than ocean, land cools faster so the air pressure in land will be higher than in the ocean.
This situation will continue until morning comes so the wind will blow from land to ocean.

Diurnal Variation of Average Wind Speed VS Calm Wind Pinangsori, Sibolga

4 (2005-2014) 120%
Average Wind Speed (knots)


Calm Wind
2 60%
1 Avg. Wind Speed
0 0%
00 UTC (07 03 UTC (10 06 UTC (13 09 UTC (16 12 UTC (19 15 UTC (22 18 UTC (01 21 UTC (04

Figure 18 Diurnal Variation of Average Wind Speed vs Calm Wind

January to February, Asian winter wind or west monsoon was active, but the effect of west
monsoon still could not overthrow the dominance effect of Indian Ocean in the western part of
Sibolga. Therefore, dominance wind is blown from west (W). March is when the transition of west
monsoon begun by a weakened west monsoon wind. Start from April, the dominance of Indian
Ocean strengthened. In May, the dominance of Indian Ocean much strengthened and the average
wind speed is increased compared to previous months. Wind speed in June reached its peak,
which was 1.17 knots. The changes occurred in August that the dominant wind came from
southeast (SE). From September to December, the wind dominance back again from west (W) and
the wind speed decreased gradually to 0.75 knots.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Calms: 86,68% Calms: 87,77% Calms: 85.07% Calms: 87.04%

Avg. Wind speed: 0,84 Knots Avg. Wind speed: 0,82 Knots Avg. Wind speed: 0,99 Knots Avg. Wind speed: 0,86 Knots
1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April

Calms: 85,39% Calms: 84,21% Calms: 86,44% Calms: 85,81%

Avg. Wind speed: 0,98 Knots Avg. Wind speed: 1,17 Knots Avg. Wind speed: 0,97 Knots Avg. Wind speed: 0,99 Knots
5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August

Calms: 87,49% Calms: 86,36% Calms: 86,89% Calms: 88,47%

Avg. Wind speed: 0,86 Knots Avg. Wind speed: 0,95 Knots Avg. Wind speed: 0,87 Knots Avg. Wind speed: 0,75 Knots
9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December
Figure 19 Monthly Windrose Period 2005-2014

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

5.1.3 Ambient Air Quality

Ambient air quality sampling was conducted to determine the current air quality baseline
condition in the vicinity of the Project Area location and within the Project Area of Influence.
The sampling locations were selected based on consideration of nearby sensitive receptors
within the Project Area to represent the background concentrations of the most sensitive
conditions within the Project Area and Project Area of Influence.
The air quality sampling was conducted for 24 hours. Air quality sampling results were
determined against standards set out in Government Regulation (GR) No. 41 Year
1999regarding Air Pollution Control and International Standards of Guidelines of Air Quality:
Global Update (WHO, 2006); Guidelines for Air Quality (WHO, 1999) and National Ambient
Air Quality Standard (US EPA, 2012). Results of ambient air quality sampling are
summarized in Table 36 below.

Table 36 Ambient Air Quality Sampling Result

Result Threshold
No. Parameter Limit Value Unit

I Physical

1. TSP 61 57 230/24 hours µg/Nm3

2. PM10 26 19 150/24 hours µg/Nm3

3. PM2.5 12 9 65/24 hours µg/Nm3

II Chemical

1. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 64 60 900/1 hour µg/Nm3

2. Carbon Monoxide (CO) <1145 <1145 30000/1 hour µg/Nm3

3. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 58 52 400/1 hour µg/Nm3

4. Ozone (O3) 48 49 235/1 hour µg/Nm3

5. Hydrocarbon (HC) <13 <13 - µg/Nm3

6. Lead (Pb) <0.1 <0.1 2/24 hours µg/Nm3

AQ1: Sampling location at settlement with coordinate of 2˚ 08' 33.2" N and 98 ˚ 45'30.1" E
AQ2: Sampling location at the project location (power house area) with coordinate 2˚ 08'
34.2"N and 98 ˚ 45'18.4" E

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

The ambient air quality measurement results show that there were no parameters which
exceeded the threshold limits. All parameters measured are present in the atmosphere at low
concentrations, indicating the existing condition of ambient air quality is considered to be
quite good. Generally, the condition of ambient air quality in the nearby settlement area (AQ1)
is cleaner than the condition of air quality nearby the Project Area (AQ2) which was indicated
by lower pollutant concentrations.
The Project Area is mostly located within an agricultural area and open land which has good
ambient air quality. The potential sources of air pollution that were been observed during the
site visit mainly derive from community vehicle emissions. Other sources that might impact
air quality are solid waste burning and land clearing. According to the local community,
farmers clear the land to open the new land or to prepare the land for crops by using cutting
methods. There were no burning methods implemented in the agriculture practice conducted
by the local community.

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a gas that reacts easily with other substances to form harmful SOx
compounds, such as sulfuric acid, sulphurous acid and sulphate particles. The largest source
of SO2 in the atmosphere is the burning of fossil fuels containing sulfur at power plants and
other industrial facilities. SO2 is also naturally produced by volcanic activity.
Results of air quality measurements from baseline sampling shows that SO2 levels measured
within the Project Area and settlement area were below the threshold limit value stated in GR
No. 41 Year 1999 of 900 µg/Nm3 for 1 hour sampling period. SO2 levels of the sampling result
were detected at 64 µg/Nm3 and 60 µg/Nm3 at commynity settlement and project area,
respectively. Also, it was well below the international threshold limit of 20 µg/Nm 3, as stated
in the Guideline for Air Quality, WHO (2006).
According to the site investigations and desktop studies, there are no industries or factories
likely to produce significant amounts of air pollutants within the vicinity of the Project Area
and sampling locations. Potential sources of SO2 emissions in the vicinity of the Project Area
may come from vehicle emissions.

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

NO2 is a highly reactive gas which is naturally present in the atmosphere during electrical
storms via discharges of lightning. NO2 in the atmosphere is in reddish-brown coloured
which has a sharp odour. The primary anthropogenic source of NO2 comes from combustion
of fossil fuels.
During the sampling, NO2 levels measured at two sampling locations with the result of 58
µg/Nm3 and 52 µg/Nm3 at community settlement and project area, respectively. Both
sampling results indicate that the NO2 levels within the Project Area and the settlement area
were well below the threshold limit value of 400 µg/Nm3 as stated in GR No. 41 Year 1999 for
1 hour sampling period and 200 µg/Nm3 as stated in Guidelines of Air Quality, WHO (2006)
for 1 hour sampling period.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Carbon monoxide (CO) is colourless, tasteless, and odourless gas which is harmful to human
health in high concentrations. CO is produced by incomplete combustion of fuels and exhaust

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

of internal combustion engines, which might occur from poorly maintained engines. CO
levels measured at all sampling points were below the laboratory detection limit of 30,000
µg/Nm3 for 1 hour sampling period as stated in GR No. 41 Year 1999 and 40,000 μg/Nm3 as
stated in National Ambient Air Quality Standard, USEPA (2012) for 1 hour sampling period.

Hydrocarbons are released into the air naturally and from partial combustion of fossil fuels,
industrial and biological processes. Hydrocarbons have been identified to be toxic and
carcinogenic to humans. The level of toxicity may depend on the hydrocarbon type and its
exposure. Hydrocarbons are present in the atmosphere as trace gases with methane (CH 4) as
the predominant component.
The sampling recorded hydrocarbon levels at the settlement area within the vicinity of the
Project Area of Influence at <13 μg/Nm3 while the sample collected at the Project Area show
result of <13 μg/Nm3.
Analytical results from the sampling show that hydrocarbons concentrations were
significantly below the threshold limit stated in GR No. 41 Year 1999 of 30,000 μg/Nm 3 for 3
hour sampling period. Currently there are no recognizable standards for total hydrocarbon
level in ambient air especially for a 1-hour period and most international standards focus on
specific types of hydrocarbons such as Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH).

Ozone (O3)
Ozone is present in the upper atmosphere (Stratosphere) and lower atmosphere
(Troposphere). Ozone in Stratosphere is beneficial to prevent cancer skin from ultraviolet
radiation. However, Tropospheric Ozone is known as atmospheric pollutant which can be
harmful to human respiratory system. Ozone in troposphere is not emitted directly from
vehicle engines, but it is formed by the reaction of sunlight on air containing hydrocarbons
and nitrogen oxides.
The analytical results during the sampling show that there were no Ozone concentrations
which exceeded the threshold limit stated in GR No. 41 Year 1999, of 235 µg/Nm3 for average
1 hour sampling period. The concentration of Ozone at both sampling points was below the
threshold limit value of 48 µg/Nm3 and 49 µg/Nm3 at community settlement and project area,
Baseline data from sampling result shows that the Ozone concentrations were well below the
maximum Ozone concentration allowed in the Guidelines of Air Quality: Global Update
(WHO, 2006), of 100 µg/Nm3.

Lead (Pb)
Lead (Pb) is a metal that can be found naturally in the environment and in manufacture
industries. At high exposures, lead is poisonous to animals and humans. It can damage the
nervous systems and causing brain disorders. Lead is a neurotoxin that accumulates both in
soft tissues and the bones. Lead exposure also affects the oxygen carrying capacity of the
blood. The main sources of lead emissions are from fuels in motor vehicles and industrial
During the sampling, no lead levels exceeded the GR No. 41 Year 1999 for 24 hours sampling
period which is 2 µg/Nm3. Lead levels measured at both sampling locations were below the
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

laboratory limit of detection, or < 0.1 µg/Nm3 for both of sampling points.

Total Suspended Particulates (TSP)

Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) refer collectively to tiny airborne particles or aerosols that
are less than 100 micrometres. These particles are present in the atmosphere due to multiple
sources, including anthropogenic sources and natural sources. Some particles may be
poisonous if inhaled or absorbed and can damage remote organs such as kidneys or liver.
Repeated and long-term exposure of particulates can cause accumulation in the lungs and
which may lead to respiratory distress and other health problems.
The measurement results at all sampling points during the baseline sampling indicate that no
TSP concentrations exceeded the threshold limit stated in both National Government
Regulations and International Guidelines, of 230 µg/Nm 3 and 120 µg/Nm3 respectively for
24 hours sampling period. TSP levels measured at the two sampling locations ranged from 61
µg/Nm3 to 67 µg/Nm3.

5.1.4 Noise Level

Noise sampling was conducted to determine the background noise conditions around the
planned Mini-Hydro Power Plant project locations as well as within the settlement area. The
construction and operation of the Mini-Hydro Power Plant has the potential to increase the
surrounding noise level. Noise level measurements was conducted on March 2018. The
sampling points were determined based on the most sensitive receptor sites in the settlement
areas within the Project Area and Project Area of Influence with the potential to be impacted
due to the construction and operation of the Mini-Hydro Power Plant project. Noise sampling
locations were the same as the location of air quality sampling.

Table 37 Noise Level Sampling Result

Result Threshold
No. Parameter Limit Value Unit
N1 N2

Noise level at 07:00

1. 51.7 51.7 dB(A)
(06:00 – 09:00)

Noise level at 10:00 dB(A)

2. 52.5 57
(09:00 – 11:00)
Noise level at 15:00 dB(A)
3. 64.3 47.4
(14:00 – 17:00)

Noise level at 20:00 dB(A)

4. 49.1 56.9
(17:00 – 22:00)

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Result Threshold
No. Parameter Limit Value Unit
N1 N2

Noise level at 23:00 dB(A)

5. 45.2 53.5
(22:00 – 24:00)

Noise level at 01:00 dB(A)

6. 36.9 36.7
(24:00 – 03:00)

Noise level at 04:00 dB(A)

7. 35.8 35.8
(03:00 – 06:00)

Noise level in the dB(A)

54.4 53.2
afternoon, Ls

Noise level in the evening, dB(A)

39.3 42

Noise level during 24 dB(A)

47.9 48.4
hours, Lsm

N1: Sampling location at settlement with coordinate of 2˚ 08' 33.2" N and 98 ˚ 45'30.1" E
N2: Sampling location at the project location (power house area) with coordinate 2˚ 08' 34.2"N
and 98 ˚ 45'18.4" E
: Above threshold limit value

The direct noise level measurements at both sampling points in the community settlement
and project area during the baseline studies indicate that there were no levels which exceeded
the threshold limit values of both national and international standards, which are 55 dB A for
Residential Area (MoE Decree No.48/1996), 70 dB A for Industrial Area (MoE Decree
No.48/1996) and the Guidelines for Community Noise (Day-time), WHO (1990) except for
one noise level recorded in the community settlement at 15:00. The noise level at this time
was recorded slightly above the threshold limit value which is 64.3 dB A. During the baseline
sampling, noise levels measured were ranged from 35.8 dB A to 64.3 dB A.
The lowest noise level from the result of baseline sampling were observed at 04:00 in the
morning as there are no activities conducted at this time. While the highest noise level was
observed at 15:00 at the community settlement area and at 10:00 at the project location.
The site survey indicated that the primary sources of noise around the Project Area and the
Project Area of Influence are from motor vehicles and audible sounds of the Aek Sibundong
river stream. Moreover, the project site is located nearby from community housing with
typical rural or agricultural noise environment.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

5.1.5 Land Use

In general, the land use surrounding Aek Sibundong MHPP is forest, shrubs, and open field.
The number of settlements is considered low or not densely populated area. The map of land
use surrounding Aek Sibundong MHPP is presented in Figure 20 below.

Figure 20 Land Use Map of Aek Sibundong MHPP

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

5.1.6 Land Cover

Most of the landscape in Aek Sibundong MHPP and Aek Sibundong Catchment Area are
covered by natural vegetation, shrubs, agricultural areas and production forest owned by PT.
Toba Pulp Lestari. The land cover within the Project Area of Aek Sibundong MHPP is
presented in Figure 21 below. According to the UKL/UPL, the site area is 26.08 ha with the
details are 20.87 ha is Permanent Production Forest Area (Kawasan Hutan Produksi Tetap) and
other utilization area (Area Penggunaan Lain/APL) and 5.21 ha is land belong to PT. Toba
Pulp Lestari. However, Aek Sibundong MHPP project is located in Other Use Area (Area
Penggunaan Lain) outside of the protected forest area.

Figure 21 Land Cover with the Project Area of Aek Sibundong MHPP

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

5.1.7 Morphology, Topography, Geology and Soil Morphology and Topography

In terms of geographic location, Humbang Hasundutan is located in the center region of

North Sumatera Province with altitude between 330 – 2.075 m. Generally, Humbang
Hasundutan Regency area when viewed from the slope of the soil is relatively flat with only
11%, 20% of sloping and 69% of sloping/steep at 330-2.075 m/asml, making Humbang
Hasundutan an agribusiness area with considerable development potential.

Table 38 Area and Class of Slope of each Sub-District

Area and dan Land Slope Class (Ha)
No Sub District Name

1. Pakkat 821 4.420 24.520 2.533 4.826 8.790

2. Onan Ganjang 965 2.410 7.980 874 - 6.771
3. Sijamapolang 3.840 3.280 5.015 2.650 - 2.995
4. Lintong Nihuta 5.107 3.814 1.614 - - 955
5. Paranginan 4.278 - - - - 1.122
6. Doloksanggul 12.353 4.683 - 3.254 325 1.605
7. Pollung 8.532 - 485 9.218 - 892
8. Parlilitan 4.459 11.253 8.243 18.521 1.648 15.762
9. Tarabintang - - 10.429 4.215 6.250 6.836
10. Baktiraja 1.026 - - - - 4.010
Total 41.381 29.860 58.286 41.265 13.049 49.738
% of Regency Area 16,53 11,93 23,29 16,49 5,21 19,87

Source: Draft of RTRW Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan, Year 2011-2031

A : Slope 0 – 30% D : Slope 16 – 25 %
B : Slope 4 – 8 % E : Slope 26 – 40 %
C : Slope 9 – 15 % F : Slope above 40 %

The area at an altitude below 500 m above sea level is only about 12% covering part of Pakkat
and Tarabintang subdistricts, 500-1000 m above about 36% covering Tarabintang District,
Baktiraja, part of Pakkat and Parlilitan Subdistricts, altitude between 1000-1500 m asml about
48% covering Doloksanggul District, Pollung, Lintongnihuta, Paranginan, Onanganjang,
Sijamapolang, part of Pakkat and Parlilitan subdistricts, altitude above 1500 m above sea
level about 3% covers the area of Mount Dolok Potos. As such, the Aek Sibundong Mini
Hydro Power Plant is located at altitude between 1000 – 1500 m asml. The topography map of
Aek Sibundong MHPP can be seen in the Figure 22 below.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 22 Aek Sibundong MHPP Topography

According to Feasibility Study, the landscape of the investigation area or project location is at
a hilly location with a steep slope incline with a high height of about 100 m more. The Aek
Sibundong River that divides the morphology is a permanent river with a relatively steep
river gradient with a V-shaped valley. The location of the weir is planned after the confluence
of two rivers, ie at relatively straight streams and relatively flat gradients. The valley at this
location is also still V-shaped with a slope of the left and right slopes including steep with a
slope angle of about 45º - 55º. Left and right bank cliffs are relatively stable and there is no
avalanches or fractures that can become avalanche.
Furthermore, the waterway is on the left slope with the slope varying between 30º - 45º. Some

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

of the tributaries that lead to the Aek Sibundong river cross this location with deep valleys.
Throughout the location of the waterway is generally located in a relatively stable area but
there are locations with a fairly wide and deep landslides. The location of the tranquilizer
plan lies on a slope area with a not too steep slope of about 30º and there is no indication of
avalanche symptoms. The penstock plan aims at the height of the slopes varying from steep
to steep. Steep areas are generally close to the river. At this location there is also no indication
of ground motion. The location of the central building is in a relatively fairly steep area close
to the river flow. There is no indication of fractures leading to avalanches and this location is
generally already grounded by rocks so that this location is stable. The topographical survey
result of the Mini Hydro Power Plant is presented in the Table 39 below.

Table 39 Topography of Mini Hydro Power Plant Project Components

Coordinate Elevation
No. Location
Name Z (m)
X (m) Y (m)

1 WA-01 237359.536 474356.756 1212.029 Weir

2 WA-02 237362.112 474304.333 1212.495 Weir

3 WA-03 237159.785 473796.169 1214.765 Waterway

4 WA-04 237171.761 473770.086 1209.059 Waterway

5 WA-05 236917.706 472882.393 1214.588 Head pond

6 WA-06 236929.732 472837.466 1213.614 Head pond

7 WA-07 237058.531 472527.015 1131.136 Power house

8 WA-08 237046.134 472473.939 1130.994 Power house

9 WA-09 236597.788 472305.847 1256.047 New access road

10 WA-10 236664.892 474047.296 1325.700 New access road

11 CP-01 236800.376 473162.828 1266.796 New access road

12 CP-02 236813.070 473105.365 1269.006 New access road

13 CP-03 236689.099 472876.142 1235.497 New access road

14 CP-04 236649.536 472832.508 1231.923 New access road

15 CP-05 236849.558 472759.763 1228.133 New access road

16 CP-06 236895.634 472743.112 1216.466 New access road

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Geology

Based on the regional geological map of Sidikalang sheet published by the Center for
Research and Development of Geology (1983). The location of the Aek Sibundong MHPP
plan is in the Toba Tuffs formation which consists of tufa riodasit which is non welded.
According to regional geological maps the entire site is based on rocks from the formation of
tufa toba but mostly especially in the area of waterway, head pond, and penstock is
constituted by a mild sandy soil with loose to medium dense. The regional geology map is
shown in Table 40.

Table 40 Regional Geology Map


Aek Sibundong MHPP project area footprint

Qvt Toba Tuffs: Tufa riodasit, non welded

Tmvo Gunungapi Toru Formation: aglomerat andesite

Puk Kluet Formation: sandstone metaquartz, slate, filit

Ppal Limestone (changed): marmer and lime schist

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

Moreover, the Aek Sibundong MHPP is in Tuba Tuffs as seen in Figure 23 below.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 23 Aek Sibundong MHPP Geology

The weir area is based on welded tuff basement. This outcrop looks good on the Aek
Sibundong river and its tributaries. Tuff rocks show a dirty white gray color, massive,
somewhat weathered, slightly muscular with irregular directions, medium strength. At the
weir location, this rock outcrop is very clearly visible on the cliff and the river bed. The
location of the weir can be said to be safe against stability or piping, local scanning, and also
leaks through the left and right cliffs. Left and right cliffs are also stable against avalanches.
The same rocks are also present in the central building plan site where these rocks underlie
cliffs and rivers. The weathered soil in the form of sand lanauan plaster cover most of the
weir area. Soil conditions generally have low density and tend to be loose. This weathering

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

soil underlies the plan of waterway, head pond and penstock. Furthermore, the subsurface
geology of the project components are presented below:
 Weir
The weir foundation is based on massive tuff rocks with strength including CL-CM
class with RQD about 80%. The filtration coefficient of 10 -5 cm/s. There are no
indications of weak structures in rocks or caesarean structures. Left and right cliffs
are also not covered by colluvium deposits (changes) of avalanches.
 Waterway
Based on the core drilling results are known to the depth of 20 m is based on the
material of lanauan sand clay with very low density (very loose) to low (loose). Such
condition is known from the result of standard penetration test which shows the
value of Nspt ranged from 1 to 8. The result of water passing test is known that the
filtration order is 10-4 to 10-5 cm/s. Based on the test wells also known that to a depth
of 3 meters is based on the sand lanauan slab with low density. there is no indication
of materials of the avalanche material results along the waterwayl plan.
 Head Pond
Based on drilling results it is known that tuffed rocks are from a depth of 12.20 m to a
depth of 20 m more. On top of the tuff rocks there is a weathering ground in the form
of sand of lanauan lempungan. the conditions of silica sand generally show a low
density (loose) with Nspt values ranging from 5-7. While tuff rocks show a slightly
weathered conditions with medium strength (CL-CM class). The test results show a
filtration order of 10-4 to 10-5 cm/s which is semi-impermeable.
 Penstock
Based on the core drilling results known that tuff rocks are depth of 11 meters while
the weathering soil in the form of sand lanauan plaster above rocks. Tuff rocks are
generally slightly weathered with medium strength (CL-CM class) there are some
sturdy with a value of RQD 78%, while the weathering soil shows loose to medium
(medium) with Nspt values ranging from 3 to 10. Water graduation test results
shows a 10-5 cm / s filtration order including waterproof. The results of the
investigation test with the test paritudes found no indication of weak or fault lines
and also no koluvial deposits (material of avalanches).
 Power House
At the location of the power house conducted core drilling investigation to a depth of
20 m. From drilling results note that tuff is from 17 m depth to 20 m more. Rocks are
generally slightly weathered and weathered strongly at the top, with medium
strength (CL-CM class) with rock quality at 60% to 85% (medium quality-good). The
results of the water graduation test show a 10 -5 cm/s filtration order which includes

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Soil

Generally, as in the islands of Sumatra, in general the type of soil consists of Podsolik Red
Yellow land which is made up of various parent materials. Land in the mountains (as in
Humbang Hasundutan District) has the spreading which is very complicated, but generally
still consists of various forms of Yellow Podsolics soil associated with Latosol and Litosol.
Area rocky limestone covered by Podsolic soil, Chocolate and Renzina soil, Andosol and
Podsolic soils of Gray Chocolate are found on volcanic rocks. The soil classification of Aek
Sibundong MHPP can be seen in Figure 24 below.

Figure 24 Aek Sibundong Soil Classification

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Furthemrore, according to Feasibility Study, examples of soil originating from the core drill
and pit test along waterway and access road can be summarized as follows:
 Specific gravity :2.6
 Water content : 21% - 58%
 Dry density content : 0.9 – 1.4 t/m3
 Pore number : 0.8 – 1.6
 Porosity : 0.4 – 0.6
 Saturation degree : 65 – 98%
 Cc : 0.2 – 0.5
 Wopt : 14 – 18%
 Dry density maximum : 1.5 – 1.6 t/m3
According to Feasibility Study, in the weir, the left and right banks is not covered with
colluvium deposits of avalanches. Colluvium is typically composed of a heterogeneous range
of rock types and sediments ranging from silt to rock fragments of various sizes. While in the
waterway, the foundation is based on lanauan sand clay. Furthermore, it was identified in the
head pond that the foundation is based on lanauan sand clay. This condition is the same as in
the penstock area, it was observed that the soil type is lanauan sand clay. Moreover, in the
power house area it was investigated that the condition of rocks are generally slightly
weathered and weathered strongly at the top.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

5.1.8 Hazard Potential Drought

Drought is a natural disaster event occurs due to lack of water supply and rain deficit of the
environment. This natural disaster event will give adverse impact to the environment and
society in term of economic, environment, and health. The impact might include lack of water
and food supply to support the life of people who live within and nearby the drought area.
The drought hazard in Aek Sibundong area can be scaled from 0 – 1 and is particularly
indicated to be in the low to medium based on BNPB.

Figure 25 Map of Drought in the Surrounding of Aek Sibundong MHPP

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Flood

Based on Badan Naional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) it was indicated that Ketaun Tengah
MHPP area is in a non flood hazard area from the highest value of 0.8330433 where the
world’s highest level of flood area in Global Flood Hazard Frequency and Distribution is
indicated as 25 to 100 years flood period. Thus, Aek Sibundong MHPP is located in a non
flood hazard zone.

Figure 26 Map of Flood Hazard in the Surrounding of Aek Sibundong MHPP Area

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Landslide

Landslides such as rockfalls, deep failure of slopes, and shallow debris flows can cause huge
economic loss and damage to the property in regard to the infrastructure of Aek Sibundong
Mini Hydro Power Plant. According to BNPB it was indicated that the MHPP area is located
in a medium hazard Zone. Hence, Aek Sibundong MHPP has medium landslide hazard.

Figure 27 Map of Landslide Hazard in the Surrounding of Aek Sibundong MHPP Area

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Seismic

The seismic coefficient can be calculated based on the Indonesian seismic zone map issued by
the Water Engineering Projects Planning Section of Directorate General Irrigation, the
Ministry of Public Works in 1999/2000. The seismic coefficient of Aek Sibundong MHPP is
0.22 on a 100 year return period. According to United States Geological Survey (USGS), the
Aek Sibundong MHPP has medium to high earthquake potential.

Figure 28 Map of Earthquake Intensity and Magnitude in the Surrounding of Aek

Sibundong MHPP

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

5.1.9 Hydrology Surface Water Hydrology

The water resources owned by Humbang Hasundutan Regency come from lakes, rivers and
swamps. Humbang Hasundutan regency is located on a plateau with several headwaters
(DAS) flowing into several neighboring districts. Watersheds located in Humbang
Hasundutan Regency include Aek Simonggo Watershed, Aek Sibundong Watershed, Aek
Silang Watershed and other watersheds. While the source of water coming from the lake that
is from Lake Toba in District Baktiraja.

Table 41 Watershed in Humbang Hasundutan Regency

Length of the River Area

No. Name of the watershed/sub watershed
( Km ) ( Km2 )

Singkil (Renun) /
1 52,66 127.981,491
Aek Simonggo

Batang Toru /
2 12,36 12.506,425
Aek Doras

DTA Danau Toba

3 30,28 38.048,100
(Asahan) / Aek Silang

Tapus Lumut /
4 34,89 71.735,004
Aek Sibundong

Total 130,19 250.271,020

Source: Humbang Hasundutan Regency in Figures 2012

The project area of Aek Sibundong MHPP is located in the Aek Sibundong Watershed with
area of 71.735,004 km2. The MHPP is located in Aek Sibundong Watershed which is currently
covered by trees and bush/shrub areas, as well as agricultural crops of paddy, corn, and pulp
plantation. The agricultural crops within this area were noted to be productive and very well
According to Feasibility Study, the calculation of flood discharge at the Aek Sibundong River
is based on the observed instantaneous discharge data from the Aek sibundong River which
was then converted for the location of Aek Sibundong MHPP area. Table 42 shows the
observed flood discharge from 1991 to 2010 which utilized for the flood discharge calculation
of Aek Sibundong River.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Table 42 Flood Discharge Analysis at the Proposed Aek Sibundong MHPP

Maximum Discharge at Aek Sibundong (Qmax)

Year AWLR Dolok Sanggul Existing Aek Sibundong MHPP Alt. 1

Watershed area = 50 km2 Watershed area: 189.4 km2

1991 18.28 69.24

1992 40.40 153.04

1993 41.10 155.69

1994 56.48 213.95

1995 41.48 157.13

1996 51.32 194.40

1997 36.89 139.74

1999 36.00 136.37

2006 66.14 250.54

2009 27.68 104.85

2010 26.77 101.40

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

Not all the water available in the Aek Sibundong River will be used as discharge generation.
There is a minimum discharge that must be ensured in the mainstream of the river for the
purpose of maintenance of the river of the downstream discharge weir location or known as
ecological flow which is Q95%. Based on analysis of hydrology, geology, and optimization
studies of Aek Sibundong MHPP, data used as design parameters, is summarised in Table 43.

Table 43 Hydrology Data for Design Parameter

No. Parameter Amount Description

1 Design-discharge 11.41 m³/sec Design-discharge of waterway

(probability 40% after (intake, sedimentation pond,
being reduced with waterway, head pond, penstock) is
Q95% for river 120% from design discharge

2 Flood Discharge 151.54 m³/sec Flood design discharge for

(every 2 year / cofferdam

3 Flood Discharge 290.75 m³/sec Flood design discharge for weir

(every 100 year)

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Surface Water Quality

The results of laboratory analysis of surface water quality in the baseline studies are
summarised in Table 44 below. A discussion of the results of these laboratory and field
measurements is provided in the following sections. The UKL-UPL Study didn’t analyse all
parameters as stated in GR No. 82 Year 2001 on Water Quality Management and Water
Pollution Control. As the result of UKL-UPL Study was not adequate to support the baseline
of the project location, the results of this baseline studies are considered to be more
representative for the Study. Samples were collected from three locations representing the
baseline condition within the Project Area and its vicinity; consisting of SW1 in the proposed
weir area which represents the condition of water quality upstream of the Aek Sibundong
MHPP Project Area of Influence, SW2 in the middle stream of Aek Sibundong River and SW3
in the proposed power house area which represents the condition of water quality
downstream of the Aek Sibundong MHPP area.

Table 44 Surface Water Quality Laboratory Result

Results Threshold
No. Parameter Limit Value Unit

I Physical

1. Temperature 20.7 20.8 21.1 Dev 3 ºC

2. Total Dissolved 20.1 23.4 23 1000 mg/L

Solid (TDS)

3. Total Suspended 49.5 49 80 50 mg/L

Solid (TSS)

II Chemical

1. pH 7.54 7.52 7.48 6–9 -

2. Biochemical 5 5 6 3 mg/L
Oxygen Demand

3. Chemical Oxygen 10 10 13 25 mg/L

Demand (COD)

4. Dissolved Oxygen 10.75 10.82 7.86 4 mg/L


5. Total Phosphate as 0.174 <0.003 0.043 0.2 mg/L


6. Nitrate (NO3-N) 0.9 0.8 0.9 10 mg/L

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Results Threshold
No. Parameter Limit Value Unit

7. Ammonia (NH3-N) <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 - mg/L

8. Chloride (Cl-) 0.4 0.5 0.2 - mg/L

9. Cyanide (CN-) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.02 mg/L

10. Fluoride (F) <0.09 <0.09 <0.09 1.5 mg/L

11. Nitrite (NO2-N) 0.006 0.004 0.006 0.06 mg/L

12. Sulphate (SO42-) 5 4 6 - mg/L

13. Free Chlorine (Cl2) 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.03 mg/L

14. Hydrogen Sulfide <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.002 mg/L


15. Phenol 0.0010 0.001 0.001 0.001 mg/L

16. Oil and grease <1 <1 <1 1 mg/L

17. Detergent as MBAS 0.045 0.032 0.040 0.2 mg/L

Dissolved Metal

18. Arsen (As) 0.00072 0.00053 0.00061 1 mg/L

19. Cobalt (Co) 0.00017 0.00013 0.00017 0.2 mg/L

20. Barium (Ba) 0.0217 0.0110 0.0116 - mg/L

21. Boron (B) 0.1022 0.1289 0.3042 1 mg/L

22. Selenium (Se) 0.0008 0.0052 0.0035 0.05 mg/L

23. Cadmium (Cd) 0.00010 0.00010 <0.00003 0.01 mg/L

24. Chromium (VI) <0.002 0.003 0.004 0.05 mg/L


25. Copper (Cu) 0.0022 0.0015 0.0024 0.02 mg/L

26. Iron (Fe) 0.70751 0.28687 0.28205 - mg/L

27. Lead (Pb) 0.00257 0.00033 0.00039 0.03 mg/L

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Results Threshold
No. Parameter Limit Value Unit

28. Manganese (Mn) 0.07704 0.18560 0.14112 - mg/L

29. Mercury (Hg) <0.00004 <0.00004 <0.00004 0.002 mg/L

30. Zinc (Zn) 0.0130 0.0070 0.0145 0.05 mg/L

III Microbiology

1. Faecal Coliform 6 13 10 1000 MPN/100


2. Total Coliform 4674 4352 5938 5000 MPN/100


SW1: Upstream with coordinate 2˚ 08' 53.3" N and 98 ˚ 46'12.8" E
SW2: Middle stream with coordinate 2˚ 08' 47.1" N and 98 ˚ 45'33.3" E
SW3: Downstream with coordinate 2˚ 8 ' 41.6" N and 98 ˚ 45 ' 08.1" E
: Above threshold limit value

The following sections describe the baseline water quality in the Project Area from the result
of baseline sampling.

Temperature is an important factor in determining water quality; temperature can influence
several other parameters and can alter the physical, chemical, and biological properties of
water, including density, pH, metabolic rate and photosynthesis, salinity, conductivity, etc. In
the dry season sampling, temperature was measured onsite and the direct readings at two
sampling locations ranged from 20.7° C at SW 1, 20.8° C at SW2 and 21.1° C at SW 3. Both
national and international standard state that the standard of temperature for surface waters
is within three standard deviations from the ambient temperature (temperature on surface
water should be within ±3ºC from the ambient air temperature).

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

TDS refers to the combined inorganic and organic substances contained in a liquid. TDS are
naturally present in water from the weathering and dissolution of rocks and soils. Primary
anthropogenic sources of TDS in receiving waters are agricultural and residential runoff,
industrial wastewater discharge, and leaching of soil contamination. The toxicity of TDS
depends on its specific chemical constituents. However, some aquatic organisms cannot
tolerate high levels of TDS and are subject to mortality when exposed to high TDS

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

TDS measured at three sampling locations ranged from 20.1 mg/L at SW1, 23.4 mg/L at SW2,
and 23 mg/L at SW3. The TDS concentrations were all significantly below the threshold limit
stated in National GR No. 82 Year 2001 for Surface Water Class of II of 1,000 mg/L. This
indicates that current baseline conditions for TDS are very good.

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

TSS refers to sediment, silt, sand, plankton, algae or other organic materials found drifting or
floating in the water column. Excessive suspended solids in water can have negative impacts
for human health and aquatic ecosystems. High concentrations of suspended solids can block
sunlight and reduce photosynthesis rates. It also increases flooding risks. In addition, high
levels of TSS will increase water temperatures and decrease dissolved oxygen levels.
The TSS concentration at the downstream in the SW3 was recorded above the threshold limit
value with concentration of 80 mg/L. The TSS concentrations measured at other two
sampling locations ranged from below the limit of detection of 49.5 mg/L at SW1 to 49 mg/L
at SW2. The measurement results show that the TSS concentrations at two of the sampling
locations were well below the threshold limit stated in GR No. 82 Year 2001 for Surface Water
Class of II which is 50 mg/L.

Water with pH levels above 9 and below 4 is deadly to some aquatic organisms especially
fish. Anthropogenic activity which can influence pH in surface water includes the discharge
of industrial pollutants directly into water. Measurement results at three sampling locations
during the baseline sampling ranged from 7.54 at SW1, 7.52 at SW2 and 7.48 at SW3, which
conformed to the threshold range stated in GR No. 82 Year 2001 for Surface Water Class II
which is 6 to 9 as well as USEPA 62-302.530 Surface Water Quality Class III which is 6 to 8.5.
Generally natural surface water should have pH in a range of 6.5 to 8.5 and pH of drinking
water should be in between 6.5 to 9.0.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

BOD refers to the amount of oxygen required by the microorganisms to break down the
organic materials present in the water. When BOD levels are high, dissolved oxygen (DO)
levels decrease because the oxygen that is available in the water is being consumed by the
bacteria. The depletion of oxygen can be deadly for fish and other aquatic organisms.
The measurement results show that concentrations of BOD at the three sampling points
during the baseline sampling were above the laboratory limit of detection of <3 mg/L.
According to the GR No. 82 Year 2001, BOD levels at all sampling points were above the
threshold limit value of 3 mg/L for Surface Water Class II with 5 mg/L at SW 1, 5 mg/L at
SW 2 and 6 mg/L at SW 3.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

COD refers to the amount of oxygen required to oxidise all of the organic compounds in the
water. High levels of COD indicate high organic contaminants exist in the waterbody which
can cause depletion of dissolved oxygen. COD levels measured at three sampling locations
during the baseline sampling were below the laboratory limit of detection. This concentration
was below the GR No.82 Year 2001 for Surface Water Class II, of 25 mg/L.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) represents the amount of dissolved oxygen available in a water body.
High levels of DO indicate good quality of water. DO is essential for the metabolism of
microorganism and for degradation of water pollutants in the form of organic materials. Low
levels of DO indicate that waters are polluted.
DO levels measured at the three sampling locations were above the treshold limit value
during the baseline sampling and ranged from 10.75 mg/L at SW1, 10.82 mg/L at SW 2, and
7.86 mg/L at SW3. All recorded levels were above the limit stated in both in GR No. 82 Year
2001 and USEPA 62-302.530 Surface Water Quality Class III of 4 mg/L. DO levels measured
in the surface water indicate good baseline conditions and that there is adequate DO to
support aquatic life.

Common nutrients in water comprise Nitrogen, Ammonia and Phosphates. The presence of
these nutrients is very influential for the ecosystem equilibrium. Low levels of nutrients in
water can inhibit the growth of algae, while excess levels of nutrients in water can lead to the
excessive growth of algae which is known as eutrophication. Eutrophication results in rapid
decreases of dissolved oxygen. Anthropogenic nutrients sources in water bodies are derived
from various non-point (e.g. leached fertilizer and manure run off from agricultural land) or
point (e.g. sewage effluent) sources (De Meester, 2009).
Measurement results at the three sampling locations (SW1, SW2 and SW3) show that
phosphate concentrations were 0.174 mg/L at SW1, <0.003 mg/L at SW2 and 0.043 mg/L at
SW3, which are all well below the GR No. 82 Year 2001 value of 0.2 mg/L.
Nitrate concentrations at the three sampling locations were detected at 0.9 mg/L at SW1, 0.8
mg/L at SW2 and 0.9 mg/L at SW3 and below the laboratory limit of detection, all of which
were well below the threshold limit value of 10 mg/L.
Ammonia levels were recorded at <0.03 mg/L at SW1 and below the laboratory detection
limit of <0.03 mg/L at SW2 and <0.03 mg/L at SW3. The ammonia concentration at all
sampling location were below the threshold limit value of 0.02 mg/L from USEPA 62-302.530
Surface Water Quality Class III.
Nitrite concentrations at the three sampling location during the baseline sampling were
below the laboratory detection limit value of 0.006 mg/L at SW1, 0.004 mg/L at SW2 and
0.006 mg/L at SW3, lower than both the National and International Threshold standard of
0.06 mg/L and 10 mg/L respectively for Nitrite.

Metals are naturally occurring in surface water as vital micronutrients, but in excessive
concentrations, metals are toxic. Some metals in surface waters are derived primarily from
the natural weathering of soils and rocks, from volcanic eruptions, and from anthropogenic
sources such as mining, processing or use of metals and substances that contain metal
Metals measured consisted of Arsenic, Cobalt, Barium, Boron, Selenium, Cadmium,
Chromium (VI), Copper, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Mercury and Zinc. Analytical results for all
metals were below laboratory detection limits at three sampling locations. For Cadmium,
Chromium (VI), Copper and Mercury, compliance with the adopted international threshold

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

values could not be determined as the threshold limit was lower than the laboratory limit of
Based on site investigations, there were no significant metal releasing activities observed near
the Project Area. The concentration of metals in the water bodies is likely associated with
natural weathering of soil and rock in the Project area.

Chloride can be easily found in nature due to its soluble characteristic. In appropriate
concentrations, Chloride is useful for water treatment, irrigation, and many chemical
industries. In excess concentration, Chloride causes the water to be saline. Naturally,
Chloride is also contained in the urine produced by humans and animals. Chloride levels
measured at three sampling locations were detected at 0.4 mg/L for SW1, 0.5 mg/L at SW2
and 0.2 mg/L for SW3. There is no threshold limit stated in either GR No. 82 Year 2001 for
Surface Water Class II or USEPA 62-302.530 Surface Water Quality Class III.

Cyanide is naturally produced by bacteria, fungi and algae. It is also found in vegetation,
bound to glucose which is called amygdalin. Cyanide in water is usually derived from
industrial wastewater discharges, such as from electroplating industry, gold and silver
mining, fertilizer industry, and steel and iron industry. Cyanide is also used for pesticides
and fumigants. Cyanide is extremely toxic to human health. Cyanide concentrations
measured at the three sampling locations during the baseline sampling were below the
laboratory detection limit of <0.001 mg/L at SW1, <0.001 mg/L at SW2 and <0.001 mg/L at
SW3. Compared to GR No. 82 Year 2001, Cyanide result were below the threshold limit of
0.02 mg/L. However, the USEPA 62-302.530 threshold limit of 0.0052 mg/L was below the
laboratory limit of detection.

Fluoride occurs naturally in the earth’s crust, and can be found in rocks, coal, and clay.
Fluoride is widely used in the industries of steel, glass, metal plating, aluminium, fertilisers
and pesticides. Fluoride in appropriate concentrations is useful for preventing dental cavities,
but in excessive levels it can lead to fluorosis in bone and teeth. Fluoride concentrations
during the baseline sampling were below the laboratory detection limit value of <0.09 mg/L
at SW1, <0.09 mg/L at SW2 and <0.09 mg/L at SW3. Fluoride concentrations were below the
threshold limit value of GR No. 82 Year 2001 Class II and USEPA 62-302.530 Class III which
are 1.5 mg/L and 10 mg/L respectively. Fluoride was not detected during the UKL-UPL
baseline study.

Sulphate is an anion that is naturally found in water, common sources of sulphate in waters
are oxidation of sulfite ores, the presence of shales, or industrial waste. Sulphate levels are a
common concern in clean water piping network systems as the presence of Sulphate can lead
to crust, odour, and corrosion within the pipes. At high levels, sulphate can give water a
bitter or astringent taste and can have laxative effects. Sulphate concentrations measured
during the dry and wet season at the two sampling locations were below the laboratory

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

detection limit of 5 mg/L at SW1, 4 mg/L at SW2 and 6 mg/L at SW3. There is no threshold
limit stated in either GR No. 82 Year 2001 for Surface Water Class II or USEPA 62-302.530
Surface Water Quality Class III.

Coliform bacteria are a type of microorganism commonly used as an indicator to determine
the contamination of pathogens in water. It is used as a general indicator of potential
contamination from pathogenic organisms which in polluted waters are usually much lower
in number and much harder to isolate than coliforms. Faecal coliform are facultative-
anaerobic bacteria which can be found in the faeces of humans and animals. Escherichia Coli
is a type of faecal coliform which is a pathogen and can cause diarrhoea or bloody diarrhoea,
abdominal cramps, nausea, and malaise in humans if consumed.
The measurement results show that the total coliform levels at SW2 (middle stream) was the
lowest with concentration detected at 4352/100mL in comparison to the concentration of
faecal coliform at SW1 (upstream) with the concentrations detected at 4674/100mL and at
SW3 (downstream) with the concentration detected at 5938/100mL. The highest total
coliform was detected in the downstream of Aek Sibundong River. Detection of microbes
(comprised of faecal coliform and total coliform) in the Aek Sibundong River were lower than
the threshold limit value of faecal coliform as stated in GR No. 82 Year 2001 Class II and
USEPA 62-302.530 Class III which are 1,000/100 mL and 500/100mL respectively and the
threshold limit value of 5,000/100 mL for total coliform as stated in GR No. 82 Year 2001
Class II.
It was observed that contamination of microbes was relatively higher at the downstream
location (SW3) compared to the upstream (SW1) and middle stream area (SW2). This may be
due to the relatively closer vicinity of SW3 sampling points to the settlements areas. High
concentrations of coliforms may be due to contamination from human/animal waste.

Organic Chemicals
Organic chemicals in freshwater are mostly derived from domestic sewage (raw or treated),
urban run-off, industrial effluents and agricultural wastes. Excess concentrations of organic
chemicals in water can cause the depletion of dissolved oxygen. It can also lead to increased
turbidity which reduces the light available for photosynthesis activity.
Organic chemicals at three sampling locations were measured in terms of oil & grease,
detergent as MBAS, and phenol. Oil & grease, detergent and phenol concentrations were
below the laboratory limit of detection at all sampling locations. These concentrations were
all below the threshold limit stated by the International Standard and National Standard. Aquatic Biota

Aquatic biodiversity sampling was conducted to determine the abundance and diversity of
plankton in water bodies, which can be used as an indicator of baseline condition of water
bodies. Aquatic biodiversity is commonly used as water pollution bio-indicator due to their
habitat requirements, mobility and a relatively long lifetime to inhabit water. Aquatic
biodiversity measured includes phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos. The results of
aquatic biodiversity sampling are described in the following section.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Seven classes of phytoplankton, consisting of Bacillarophyceae, Chlorophyceae,
Coscinodiscophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Mediophyceae and Zygnematophyceae were
identified at three sampling locations during the baseline sampling. 25 taxas at AB1
(upstream), 15 taxas at AB2 (middle stream) and 20 taxas at AB3 (downstream) were
identified. In general, the compositions of phytoplankton species detected in each sampling
location were relatively similar. The results of identified phytoplankton are presented in
Table 45 below.

Table 45 Result of Identified Phytoplankton


AB1 (Upstream) AB2 (Middle AB3 (Downstream)

No. Genera

Cell/L % Cell/L % Cell/L %


1. Achnantes sp. - - - - 15 1.36

2. Bacillaria sp. 10 0.98 50 7.94 50 4.52

3. Cocconeis sp. 5 0.49 - - - -

4. Diatoma sp. 30 2.93 5 0.79 25 2.26

5. Fragilaria sp. 100 9.76 420 66.67 325 29.41

6. Navicula sp. 10 0.98 20 3.17 70 6.33

7. Nitzchia sp. 30 2.93 20 3.17 30 2.71

8. Pinnularia sp. 55 5.37 5 0.79 95 8.60

9. Suriella sp. 55 5.37 45 7.14 110 9.95

10. Synedra sp. 15 1.46 25 3.97 95 8.60


11. Bulbochaete sp. 50 4.88 - - - -

12. Oedogonium sp. 75 7.32 - - - -

13. Pediastrum sp. 25 2.44 - - - -

14. Pleurotaenium sp. 5 0.49 - - 10 0.90

15. Scenedesmus sp. - - - - 5 0.45

16. Tetraedron sp. - - - - 5 0.45

17. Treubaria sp. 5 0.49 5 0.79 - -

18. Ulothrix sp. 250 24.39 - - 70 6.33


J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


AB1 (Upstream) AB2 (Middle AB3 (Downstream)

No. Genera

Cell/L % Cell/L % Cell/L %

19. Coscinodiscus sp. 5 0.49 - - 10 0.90

20. Rhizosolenia sp. - - 5 0.79 - -


21. Anabaena sp. 5 0.49 - - - -

22. Oscillatoria sp. - - - - 65 5.88


23. Euglena sp. - - 5 0.79 5 0.45

24. Phacus sp. - - 5 0.79 - -

25. Trachelomonas sp. 5 0.49 5 0.79 55 4.98


26. Climacosphenia sp. 35 3.41 - - - -


27. Closterium sp. 5 0.49 5 0.79 25 2.26

28. Cosmarium sp. 10 0.98 10 1.59 20 1.81

29. Euastrum sp. 5 0.49 - - - -

30. Hyalotheca sp. 150 14.63 - - - -

31. Penium sp. 5 0.49 - - - -

32. Spirogyra sp. 80 7.80 - - 20 1.81

Abundance (Cell/L) 1,025 100 630 100 1,105 100

Taxa (S) 25 15 20

Diversity index (H') 2.548 1.380 2.449

Equitability Index (E) 0.791 0.510 0.817

Dominance Index (D) 0.114 0.0460 0.130

AB1: Upstream with coordinate 2˚ 08' 53.3" N and 98 ˚ 46'12.8" E
AB2: Middle stream with coordinate 2˚ 08' 47.1" N and 98 ˚ 45'33.3" E
AB3: Downstream with coordinate 2˚ 8 ' 41.6" N and 98 ˚ 45 ' 08.1" E

The abundance levels of phytoplankton ranged from 1,025 Cell/L at AB1, 630 Cell/L at AB2
and 1,105 Cell/L at AB3. AB3 has the highest abundance level of phytoplankton than the

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

AB1 and AB2, which may indicate the cumulative impacts on the water pollution in the
downstream. The species with the highest abundance percentage at three sampling location
was Fragillaria sp., from Bacillariophyceae class, at 9.76%, 66.67% and 29.41% respectively.
The diversity indexes ranged from 2.548 at AB1, 1.380 at AB2 and 2.449 at AB3. Lee (1978)
stated that the biota diversity index of heavily polluted water is less than one (H < 1),
moderately polluted waters are between 1.0 and 1.5 (1.0 < H < 1.5), lightly polluted waters are
between 1.6 and 2.0 (1.6 < H < 2.0) and unpolluted waters are greater than two (H > 2). The
diversity indexes at AB1 and AB3 sampling locations indicate the water body is considered as
unpolluted water, which is also reflected in the surface water quality result. While AB2 is
considered moderately polluted waters.
The equitability indexes at all sampling locations ranged from 0.791 at AB1, 0.510 at AB2 and
0.817 at AB3. The dominance indexes at all sampling locations ranged from 0.1236 at AB1 to
0.1278 at AB2 and from 0.114 at AB1, 0.0460 at AB2 and 0.130 at AB3. Equitability indexes and
dominance indexes at all sampling locations indicate that there is no dominant species in the
water, which is shown by the value close to 1 for equitability index and close to 0 for
dominance index.

Two classes of zooplankton, consisting of Crustacea and Ciliata, were identified at AB1 while
there were three classes, consisting of the same classes as AB1 with Rotatoria as additional
class, identified at AB2. Both locations had seven taxas that are further presented in Table 44.
Three classes of zooplankton, consisting of Crustacea, Ciliata and Rotatoria, and four species
were identified at AB1 while there were two classes, consisting of Crustacea and Ciliata, and
three species identified at AB2.

Table 46 Result of Identified Zooplankton


AB1 (Upstream) AB2 (Middle AB3 (Downstream)

No. Genera

Ind/L % Ind/L % Ind/L %


1. Alona sp. 5 9.09 5 11.11 5 9.09


2. Nauplius sp. 5 9.09 10 22.22 10 18.18


3. Agronotholca sp. 5 9.09 5 11.11 5 9.09

4. Asplanchna sp. 5 9.09 - - - -

5. Brachionus sp. 5 9.09 5 11.11 - -

6. Conochilus sp. - - 5 11.11 - -

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


AB1 (Upstream) AB2 (Middle AB3 (Downstream)

No. Genera

Ind/L % Ind/L % Ind/L %

7. Keratella sp. - - - - 5 9.09

8. Monostyla sp. - - - - 10 18.18


9. Arcella sp. 20 36.36 15 33.33 20 36.36

10. Diffuglia sp. 10 18.18 - - - -

Abundance (Ind/L) 55 100 45 100 55 100

Taxa (S) 7 6 6

Diversity index (H') 1.768 1.677 1.642

Equitability Index (E) 0.908 0.936 0.916

Dominance Index (D) 0.207 0.210 0.223

AB1: Upstream with coordinate 2˚ 08' 53.3" N and 98 ˚ 46'12.8" E
AB2: Middle stream with coordinate 2˚ 08' 47.1" N and 98 ˚ 45'33.3" E
AB3: Downstream with coordinate 2˚ 8 ' 41.6" N and 98 ˚ 45 ' 08.1" E

The abundance levels of zooplankton ranged from 55 ind/L at AB1, 45 ind/L at AB2 and 55
ind/L at AB3. The diversity indexes ranged from 1.768 at AB1, 1.677 at AB2 and 1.642 at AB3.
The diversity indexes at all sampling locations indicate that the water quality in sampling
locations was considered to be lightly polluted as the diversity indices were in the range of
1.6 < H < 2.0.
The equitability indexes at all sampling locations during the wet season ranged from 0.908 at
AB1, 0.936 at AB2 and 0.916 at AB3 implying that populations of zooplankton species are
evenly spread and there is no dominance as the equitability index values were close to 1. The
dominance indexes at all sampling locations ranged from 0.207 at AB1, 0.210 at AB2 and 0.223
at AB3 which is also consistent with equitability index indicating the absence of dominant
species as the index value is close to 0.

Two classes of benthos, consisting of Insecta and Oligochaeta, were identified at three sampling
locations. Two taxas were identified in AB1 and AB2 while one taxa were identified in AB3.
The results of benthos analysis are presented in Table 47 below.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Table 47 Result of Identified Benthos


AB1 (Upstream) AB2 (Middle AB3 (Downstream)

No. Genera

Ind/m2 % Ind/m2 % Ind/m2 %


1. Baetis sp. 38 33.33 - - - -

2. Chironomus sp. - - - - 38 100

3. Philopotamus sp. - - 38 50 - -


4. Lumbriculus sp. 76 66.67 38 50 - -

Abundance (Ind/m2) 114 100 76 100 38 100

Taxa (S) 2 2 1

Diversity index (H') 0.918 1 0

Equitability Index (E) 0.918 1 0

Dominance Index (D) 0.556 0.5 1

AB1: Upstream with coordinate 2˚ 08' 53.3" N and 98 ˚ 46'12.8" E
AB2: Middle stream with coordinate 2˚ 08' 47.1" N and 98 ˚ 45'33.3" E
AB3: Downstream with coordinate 2˚ 8 ' 41.6" N and 98 ˚ 45 ' 08.1" E

The abundance level of benthos at all sampling locations ranged from 114 ind/m2 at AB1, 76
ind/m2 at AB2 and 38 ind/m2 at AB3. The results of plankton and benthos analysis
consistently show higher abundance levels in the upstream area than the downstream area.
The diversity indexes ranged from 0.918 at AB1, 1 at AB2 and 0 at AB3. The diversity indexes
at all sampling locations indicates that the water quality at the sampling locations was
considered moderately polluted water with diversity index between 1.0 and 1.5 (1.0 < H <
The equitability indexes at all sampling locations ranged from 0.918 at AB1, 1 at AB2 and 0 at
AB3. The dominance indexes at both sampling locations ranged from 0.556 at AB1, 0.5 at AB2
and 1 at AB3. Both equitability index and dominance index show that there is no dominance
of species in the water.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

5.1.10 Traffic and Transportation Modes of Transport

The main public transportations in the study area are motorcycle and motorcycle taxi (locally
known as becak motor) in Dolok Sanggul. There are no public transport that connects Dolok
Sanggul and Sigulok Village. The common transport from Dolok Sanggul to Sigulok Village
is motorcycle. Furthermore, the local transport in Sigulok Village is motorcyle. It was
observed that very limited four wheel vehicle presence in Sigulok Village. No significant
numbers of pedestrians and no dedicated walkways for pedestrians were observed in the
study area. Local community use undeveloped parts of the side road as footpaths. When
there is insufficient space to walk on side of the road, pedestrians walk on the road itself. Access Road

Aek Sibundong MHPP Project can be accessed from Jakarta via Silangit International Airport
then to Dolok Sanggul via road approximately 30 minutes drive. Administratively, Aek
Sibundong MHPP is included in the administrative area of Sigulok Village, Sijamapolang
SubDistrict, Humbang Hasundutan District. Sigulok Village is located 30 km direction south
of Doloksanggul Town which is the nearest town from the location of the MHPP.
The access road to powerhouse area is located in Sigulok Village. The distance between the
main road and power house area is approximately 500 m, passing through agricultural areas
with unsealed roads. From the main road, larger vehicles such as cars can only access the
main road (Jalan Desa) with an approximate with 2 m width to reach the entrance to the
power house. The remaining journey needs to be continued by foot.
The access road to the weir area is located in Sigulok Village, located approximately 2 km
from the power house access road. The distance between the main road and weir area is
approximately 2 km, the entrance is a village road within the community area, the 2 km
journey to the weir which can be accessed only by foot.
The brief description related to the journey to the project location is presented in the
following Table 48.

Table 48 Access to the Project Location

From - To Distance (km) Trevelling Time and how to get

to the location

Jakarta - Silangit 1,800 2 hours by plane from Soekarno

Hatta International Airport to
Silangit International Airport

Silangit – Dolok Sanggul 34 Travel time ± 45 minutes road

trip with car through the
provincial road
Dolok Sanggul – Sigulok 30 Travel time ± 1 hour road trip
Village with through the asphalt road
and proceed through the
makadam road.

To the Weir 1 1.5 Total travel time ± 45 minutes to

walk four-wheeled vehicles
through the Village road

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

From - To Distance (km) Trevelling Time and how to get

to the location

Simarigung and plantation

roads, then followed by a walk
of 500 m past the bush and cliffs.

To the Weir 2 1.5 Total travel time ± 30 minutes

traveled with walk through
paths, shrubs and cliff.

To the Power House 1 0.5 Total travel time ± 15 minutes

traveled with walk through
paths, shrubs and cliff.

To the Power House 2 1 Total travel time ± 25 minutes

traveled with walking through
rice fields, roads trails, bushes
and cliffs.

To the Power House 3 2 Total travel time ± 25 minutes

traveled with car through the
village road then continued
walking through rice fields,
roads trails, bushes and cliffs.

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

The road conditions within the Project Area are summarized in the Table 49.

Table 49 Access Road within the Project Area

Description Photo

T-Junction at Jalan Letkol GA
Manulang, Dolok Sanggul
Approximate Coordinate:
2° 15'3"N
Road Condition:
- Paved road
- No pedestrian walkway
- 2 ways, 2 lanes
- Undivided

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Description Photo

Road access to Siborboron
Approximate Coordinate:
2° 15'2"N
Road Condition:
- Paved road
- No pedestrian walkway
- 2 ways, 2 lanes
- Undivided

Road access to Simarigung
Approximate Coordinate:
2° 15'2"N
Road Condition:
- Paved road
- No pedestrian walkway
- 2 ways, 2 lanes
- Undivided

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Description Photo

Village Road near power house
access road (direction to Bonan
Approximate Coordinate:
2° 15'42"N
1.5 m
Road Condition:
- Unpaved road
- Surrounded by agriculture
land and open land

Village Road near power house
access road (direction to Tornauli)
Approximate Coordinate:
2° 8'28"N
1 .5 m
Road Condition:
- Unpaved road
- Surrounded by agriculture
land and open land

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Description Photo

Access road to Power House
Approximate Coordinate:
2° 8'28"N
50 cm
Road Condition:
- Unpaved road
- Surrounded by agriculture
land and open land

Access road to weir
Approximate Coordinate:
2° 8'32"N
50 cm
Road Condition:
- Unpaved road
- Surrounded by agriculture
land and open land

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Traffic Counting

Traffic counting was conducted at Jalan Letkol Manulang T-junction which connects three
road sections with 6 road direction which are Jalan Letkol Manulang to Simarigung,
Simarigung to Jalan Letkol Manulang, Siborboron to Jalan Letkol Manulang and Jalan Letkol
Manulang to Siborboron. The vehicle proportion in study area is shown in Figure 29 below.

Traffic Counting Vehicle Proportion in T-Junction

Jalan Letkol GA Manulang
19 234 4



Motorcycle Light Vehicle Medium Heavy Vehicle Light Bus Light Truck Unmotorised

Figure 29 Traffic Counting Vehicle Proportion in T-junction Letkol Manulang

The traffic counting data shows that motorcycles were the most common mode of
transportation, with 4,681 vehicles recorded in the peak hours on two days, representing one
day of peak hours in the weekend and one of day peak hours in the weekday. Motorcycles
were followed by light vehicles such as cars with 2,212 vehicles (30%), then light truck with
234 (3%). 4 units (of non-motorized vehicles such as bicycles and gerobak (carts) were
recorded in the study area (0.05%).
Other sampling point of traffic survey was conducted in Jalan Desa in Sigulok Village. Jalan
Desa has two road directions which are Bonan Dolok to Tornauli and Tornauli to Bonan
Dolok. The vehicle proportion in study area is shown in Figure 30 below.

Traffic Counting Vehicle Proportion in Jalan Desa

0 0 0


Motorcycle Light Vehicle Medium Heavy Vehicle Light Bus Light Truck Unmotorised

Figure 30 Traffic Counting Vehicle Proportion in Jalan Desa in Sigulok Village

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

The traffic counting data shows that motorcycles were the most common mode of
transportation in Sigulok Village, with 15 vehicles recorded in the peak hours on two days,
representing one day of peak hours in the weekend and one of day peak hours in the
weekday. Motorcycles were followed by light vehicles such as cars with 4 vehicles (21%).
There are no other types of vehicle recorded during traffic survey in Sigulok Village. Traffic Volume

Vehicle classification has three classes: motorcycle (MC), light vehicle (LV), and heavy vehicle
(HV). For capacity analysis purposes, these vehicle classifications were converted into
passenger car units (PCU) using passenger car equivalent factors. This converting factor
compares one type of vehicle with a passenger car in terms of their impact on traffic
behaviour. The vehicle classifications and PCU equivalent factor refer to MKJI code are
summarized in Table 50 below.

Table 50 Vehicle Classification and PCU Equivalent Factor

Vehicle Class Type of Vehicle PCU Factor

Motorcycle (MC) Motorcycle 0.4 (divided road) & 0.5

(undivided road)

Light Vehicle (LV) Sedan, Jeep, SUV, MPV, Pick-up, 1.0


Heavy Vehicle (HV) Truck, Bus 1.3

Source: Indonesia highway Capacity Manual (MKJI), 1997

The total traffic volume was calculated by converting the traffic counting values into
pcu/hour as shown in Table 51. Traffic volume in Jalan Letkol Manulang T-Junction was
busier on weekend than the weekdays. Considering Jalan Letkol Manulang is the central
entrance to the Simarigung and Siborboron, with the the presence of PT Toba Pulp Lestari
plantation, the high traffic volume on weekday may be due to the amount of local community
who reach the central district on working days.

Table 51 Traffic Volume in Study Area

Junction/Road Traffic Volume (PCU/hour)

Weekday Weekend

06:00 - 11:00 – 15:00 – 06:00 – 11:00 – 15:00 –

09:00 14:00 18:00 09:00 14:00 18:00

Jalan Letkol Manulang, Dolok Sanggul

Siborboron to
Letkol 69.35 63.025 51.575 72.85 60.075 41.6

Letkol 77.575 71.85 50.1 73.475 61.325 36.975

Manulang to

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Junction/Road Traffic Volume (PCU/hour)

Weekday Weekend

06:00 - 11:00 – 15:00 – 06:00 – 11:00 – 15:00 –

09:00 14:00 18:00 09:00 14:00 18:00


Manulang to 37.575 57.075 63.8 42.95 57.025 53.05

Simarigung to
Letkol 42.3 49.75 48.15 45.825 49.375 45.425

Jalan Desa, Sigulok Village

Tornauli to
0.5 0.375 0 0.25 0 0.25
Bonan Dolok

Bonan Dolok to
0.375 0.25 0.125 0.25 0.125 0.375

Source: Traffic Counting Survey, March 2018 Traffic Capacity

As described previously, there was one junction with three main roads in the survey area
with 6 directions; consisting of Jalan Letkol Manulang to Simarigung, Simarigung to Jalan
Letkol Manulang, Siborboron to Jalan Letkol Manulang and Jalan Letkol Manulang to
Siborboron. Moreover, the Jalan Desa in Sigulok Village has one main road with 2 directions
which are Bonan Dolok to Tornauli and Tornauli to Bonan Dolok. Further details of the road
capacity according to MKJI are described below.

Jalan Letkol Manulang to Simarigung, vice versa

Jalan Letkol Manulang to Simarigung leads to Simarigung Village connecting Dolok Sanggul
with Sigulok Village. Based on the MKJI the lane road type in this section is 2/2 UD (2 lanes,
2 ways, undivided) and the width of the road is 3 m. Land use types around this section is
housing and small scale commercial activities that are concentrated in the side of the road
and agriculture land, consists of rice field and corn dominating the land use in the entire area.
Side friction of in this section is considered as low (L). According to the MKJI calculation
method, link capacity of Jalan Letkol Manulang to Simarigung Road is 1,345 PCU/hour.
Divided into two directions, each direction has link capacity value of 672.5 pcu/hour.

Jalan Letkol Manulang to Siborboron, vice versa

Jalan Letkol Manulang to Siborboron leads to Sibuntuon Village connecting Dolok Sanggul
with Sigulok Village. Based on the MKJI the lane road type in this section is 2/2 UD (2 lanes,
2 ways, undivided) and the width of the road is 3 m. Land use types around this section is
housing and small scale commercial activities that are concentrated in the side of the road,
open land, forest, and agriculture land, consists of rice field and corn dominating the land use

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

in the entire area. Side friction of in this section is considered as low (L). According to the
MKJI calculation method, link capacity of Jalan Letkol Manulang to Siborboron Road is 1,345
PCU/hour. Divided into two directions, each direction has link capacity value of 672.5

Jalan Desa from Tornauli to Bonan Dolok, vice versa

Jalan Desa in Sigulok Village with direction from Tornauli to Bonan Dolok connecting
Sigulok with Dolok Sanggul. Based on the MKJI the lane road type in this section is 2/2 UD
(2 lanes, 2 ways, undivided) and the width of the road is 2 m. Land use types around this
section is housing, open land, forest, and agriculture land, consists of rice field and corn
dominating the land use in the entire area. Side friction of in this section is considered as low
(L). According to the MKJI calculation method, link capacity of Jalan Desa to Dolok Sanggul
Road is 1,345 PCU/hour. Divided into two directions, each direction has link capacity value
of 672.5 pcu/hour. Volume to Capacity Ratio

Volume to capacity ratio (V/C Ratio) is a conventional level-of-service (LoS) measure for
roadways, comparing roadway demand (vehicle volumes) with road supply (carrying
capacity). This measure can alert transportation providers to areas where traffic mitigation
measures should be considered. The standard of LoS is summarized in Table 52 below.

Table 52 Level of Service Standard

Level of Service V/C Ratio Characteristic

A ≤ 0.60 Free flow. Traffic flows at or above the posted speed

limit and motorist have complete mobility between

B ≤ 0.70 Reasonably free flow. LOS speeds are maintained,

manoeuvrability within the traffic stream is slightly

C ≤ 0.80 Stable flow, at or near free flow. Ability to

manoeuvre through lanes is noticeably restricted
and lane changes require more driver awareness.

D ≤ 0.90 Approaching unstable flow. Speeds slightly

decrease as traffic volume slightly increases.

E ≤1 Unstable flow, operating at capacity. Flow becomes

irregular and speed varies rapidly because there are
virtually no usable gaps to manoeuvre in the traffic
stream and speeds rarely reach the posted limit.

F >1 Forced or breakdown flow. Every vehicle moves in

lockstep with the vehicle in front of it, with frequent
slowing required.

Source: Regulation of Minister of Transportation KM 14/2006

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

The V/C ratio is derived by dividing traffic volume (V) by capacity (C). An empty/free flow
road condition is represented by a V/C ratio = 0 and a V/C ratio = 1 represents an on-
capacity road condition. Calculation result shows that road conditions are classified as class
A LoS (≤ 0.60) during both weekday and weekend, which is considered as free flow traffic.
Despite the free flow condition of LoS in the study area, it is recommended to prevent any
traffic safety issue by developing traffic mitigation. The results of V/C ratio calculations are
summarised in Table 53.

Table 53 V/C Ratio in Study Area

Junction/Road V/C Ratio

Weekday Weekend

06:00 - 11:00 – 15:00 – 06:00 – 11:00 – 15:00 –

09:00 14:00 18:00 09:00 14:00 18:00

Jalan Letkol Manulang, Dolok Sanggul

Siborboron to
Letkol 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.03

Manulang to 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.03

Manulang to 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.04

Simarigung to
Letkol 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.03

Jalan Desa, Sigulok Village

Tornauli to
0 0 0 0 0 0
Bonan Dolok

Bonan Dolok to
0 0 0 0 0 0

Source: Traffic Counting Survey Results, March 2018

5.1.11 Biodiversity Resources and Critical Habitats

The baseline biodiversity resources data was developed by using primary and secondary
data. The primary data collection on biodiversity resources has been conducted in March
2018. The biodiversity survey covers the Project Area, including associated facilities, and the
nearby vicinity. Secondary data was taken from Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool
(IBAT) and was developed by considering several known reliable information sources such
as the International Union for Conservation of Nature Extend of Occurrence (IUCN EOO)
maps, Important Bird Area (IBA), Key Biodiversity Area (KBA), UNESCO Site and Ramsar
Wetland as applicable to get a bigger picture of the biodiversity condition within the Project
Area and Project Area of Influence.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Protected Areas and Internationally Recognised Areas

Sumatran Lowland Rain Forests1

The Sumatra rain forests are home to some of the world's most charismatic flowering plants:
Rafflesia arnoldii, which produces the largest flower in the world (up to 1 m wide), and
Amorphophallus titanum, which stands more than 2 m tall and produces aroid flowers. The
avifauna is also exceptionally rich.
Sumatra's rain forests are quite diverse and contain levels of species diversity comparable to
those of the richest forests in Borneo and New Guinea and are much richer than Java,
Sulawesi, and other islands in the Indonesian Archipelago. Large, buttressed trees dominated
by the Dipterocarpaceae family characterize Sumatra's lowland rain forests. Woody climbers
and epiphytes are also abundant (Whitten et al. 2000). The lowland rain forests of Sumatra
support 111 dipterocarp species, including 6 endemics.
One of the most distinctive plant species in the region is Rafflesia. Other plants common to
these forests are epiphytes. Common epiphyte families found in Sumatra include
Orchidaceae, Gesneriaceae, Melastomaceae, Asclepidiaceae, and Rubiaceae. Rubiaceae
includes the "ant-plants," Myrmecodia and Hydnophytum. These plants harbor ant colonies
in their stems, and the ants protect the plant's leaves from caterpillars and other arthropod
herbivores (Whitten et al. 2000).
The fauna of Sumatra can be split into two regions, one to the north of Lake Toba and the
other to the south. Lake Toba formed 75,000 years ago as part of a volcanic eruption that had
a devastating impact on Sumatra (Stone 1994). Seventeen bird species are found only north of
Lake Toba, and ten are limited to the south. The white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) occurs
only north of Lake Toba, and the dark-handed gibbon (Hylobates agilis) is found only to the
south. The tarsier (Tarsius bancansus), banded leaf-monkey (Presbytis melalophus), and
endangered Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus) are found south of Lake Toba (Whitten et al.
2000). The Malayan tapir is the largest of the four living tapir species and the only Old World
representative. The Sumatran population of the Malayan tapir is close to extinction, with no
more than fifty animals left in the wild (McClung 1997).
The bird fauna consists of more than 450 species, including four near-endemic species and
one endemic species, the Simeulue scops-owl (Otus umbra) (table 2). The Sumatran lowland
forests harbor a remarkable ten hornbill species, including the great hornbill (Buceros
bicornis), absent on other Indonesian islands. These rain forests are also home to the great
argus pheasant (Argusianus argus). The male argus pheasant clears patches in the forest to
perform dramatic dances, flaunting his 1.5-m tail and emitting distinctive "ki-an" calls to
attract females for breeding.
The conservation status of this ecoregion's forests is critical. Before 1985 only about one-third
of this ecoregion's natural forests remained. Most of this habitat had been lost to agricultural
expansion and logging. However, in the past fifteen years more than 60 percent of these
forests have been destroyed. The remaining areas of intact habitat are found primarily in
central Sumatra. There are several protected areas in this ecoregion, which include about 9
percent of the ecoregion area

IUCN Extent of Occurrence (EOO)

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has produced Extent of

1 accessed March 29, 2018
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Occurrence (EOO) maps for many of the worlds threatened species. EOO is maps that show
the potential geographical distribution of a species. A species is considered threatened if the
conservation status is classed as vulnerable (VU), endangered (EN) or Critically Endangered
(CR). For the purposes of critical habitat mapping using IFC PS6 guidelines, only EN and CR
are considered in the analysis of critical habitat. IFC PS6 conservation status categories of
IUCN are presented in Figure 31 below.

Figure 31 Structure of the IUCN Categories


There are six threatened species identified in the EOO analysis potentially inhabiting the
Project Area; five species of mammals (Hylobate agilis, Manis javanica, Presbytis melalophos,
Pteromyscus pulverulentus, Symphalangus syndactylus) and one species of bird (Asarcornis
scutulata). The EOO Maps of Aek Sibundong MHPP Project Area is presented in Figure 32

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 32 Project Area Status in the IUCN EOO Map

Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) and Important Bird Area (IBA)

The nearest Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) and Important Bird Area (IBA) are Batang Toru
KBA and Danau Toba KBA. KBA location map is provided in Figure 33 below.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW in
Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 33 Location of the Nearest Key Biodiversity Area from the Project Area

It is confirmed that the project is not located in Key Biodiversity Area/Important Bird Area or
other biodiversity hotspots according to Ministry of Environment and Forestry. There are no
protected areas in the vicinity of the project location as confirmed through desk based study.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Habitat and Land Cover

Project location is located in natural habitat. Several modified habitat was discovered in
project location landscape, they are plantation forest, dry-land agriculture, paddy field and
shrub. Natural habitat that found is riverine forest ecosystem. The forest has very steep
elevation buffered the river area. Figure 34 is habitat type on project footprint landscape and
Figure 33 is habitat map on study area and surroundings.

Habitat type: Paddy

field and shrub. This
area is located
surrounding of power
house area.

Habitat type: Riverine

forest. This area is
located surrounding of
power house area.

Habitat type: Riverine

forest. This area is
located surrounding of
Weir area.

Habitat type: Plantation

forest and Dry land
Agriculture. This area is
located surrounding of
Weir area.

Figure 34 Habitat in Study Area

Source: ESC Observation Result 2018

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 35 Habitat Map

Natural Habitat
Natural habitats are areas composed of viable assemblages of plant and/or animal species of
largely native origin, and/or where human activity has not essentially modified an area’s
primary ecological functions and species composition (IFC PS 6, 2012).
Of the Project area footprint and surrounding area, the land cover within project surrounding
was classified as natural habitat. It comprised the river and riparian area. The total natural
habitat impacted by the Project footprint is considered to be very small scale compared to the
Project Area footprint with 200m buffer which is deemed to be a minor scale direct impact on
habitat and ecosystems.

Modified Habitat
Modified habitats are areas that may contain a large proportion of plant and/or animal
species of non-native origin, and/or where human activity has substantially modified an
area’s primary ecological functions and species composition. Modified habitats may include
areas managed for agriculture, forest plantations, reclaimed coastal zones, and reclaimed
wetlands (IFC PS 6, 2012). Modified habitat comprising agricultural land (paddy, corn, oil
palm, etc.) and housing occupied not significantly in Project Area footprint within 200m

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Terrestrial Flora
Terrestrial flora survey was conducted on project footprint area. Survey developed the six
plots that distributed along river area from power house up to weir location. There is 43
species of flora was recorded during the survey. Casuarina sumatrana (local: Anturmangan)
and Quercus javanensis are dominant species was recorded. This species was found very
abundant in surrounding river area. Other species that recorded are Exbucklandia populnea
(local: Hapas-hapas) and Quercus javanesis. E. populnea has wide spread in study area. Table
54 is top five dominant trees species in study area. Shannon-wiener diversity index and
Richness index value is show the study area has high diversity of vegetation.

Table 54 Top Five Dominant Vegetation in Study Area

Scientific Density Rel. Rel.
No Local Name Individual Plot Freq. IVI
Name (ind./ha) Dens. Freq.
1 Aturmangan 37 5 925 25.87 0.83 7.14 33.02
2 Hapas hapas 11 6 275 7.69 1.00 8.57 16.26
3 Hoting 17 5 425 11.89 0.83 7.14 19.03
4 Sumartolu 7 5 175 4.90 0.83 7.14 12.04
5 Dolo dolo 7 3 175 4.90 0.50 4.29 9.18
Shannon Wiener Index (H’) 3.02
Richness Index 3.60

Source: ESC Primary Data Collection 2018

Note: Rel. Dens: Relative Density; Rel. Freq. = Relative Frequency; IVI= Important Value

The important value index of the vegetation is presented in the Table 55 below.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Table 55 Important Value Index of Vegetation

Number of Number Density Relative Relative Diversity
No Scientific Name Local Name Frequency Value
Individual of Plot (ind/ha) Density Frequency Index (H')
1 Addaliman 4 3 100 2.80 0.50 4.29 7.08 0.10
2 Alngit 4 2 100 2.80 0.33 2.86 5.65 0.10
3 Api api 2 1 50 1.40 0.17 1.43 2.83 0.06
4 Arenga pinata Aren 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
5 Atuang 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
6 Aturmangan 37 5 925 25.87 0.83 7.14 33.02 0.35
7 Auhalak 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
8 Baane 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
9 Baja baja 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
10 Dolo dolo 7 3 175 4.90 0.50 4.29 9.18 0.15
11 Gala gala 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
12 Hambing hambing 2 1 50 1.40 0.17 1.43 2.83 0.06
13 Handis 2 2 50 1.40 0.33 2.86 4.26 0.06
14 Hapas hapas 11 6 275 7.69 1.00 8.57 16.26 0.20
15 Hatunu 2 1 50 1.40 0.17 1.43 2.83 0.06
16 Haudori 2 2 50 1.40 0.33 2.86 4.26 0.06
17 Hauhalak 3 1 75 2.10 0.17 1.43 3.53 0.08
18 Haumbang 3 1 75 2.10 0.17 1.43 3.53 0.08
19 Hauraja 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
20 Hawandolok 2 1 50 1.40 0.17 1.43 2.83 0.06
21 Quercus javanesis Hoting 17 5 425 11.89 0.83 7.14 19.03 0.25
22 Hoting balangan 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
23 Hoting bunga 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Number of Number Density Relative Relative Diversity
No Scientific Name Local Name Frequency Value
Individual of Plot (ind/ha) Density Frequency Index (H')
24 Hoting porbue 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
25 Hoting sangkar 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
26 Houwandolok 2 1 50 1.40 0.17 1.43 2.83 0.06
27 Jomak jomak 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
28 Maudang 2 1 50 1.40 0.17 1.43 2.83 0.06
29 Mayang 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
30 Meyang 3 3 75 2.10 0.50 4.29 6.38 0.08
31 Modang 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
32 Modang loreng 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
33 Motung 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
34 Pinasa pinasa 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
35 Pinus 2 1 50 1.40 0.17 1.43 2.83 0.06
36 Sikam 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
37 Sikem 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
38 Simarsuhulsuhul 2 2 50 1.40 0.33 2.86 4.26 0.06
39 Situlan 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
40 Schima Wallichi Sumartolu 7 5 175 4.90 0.83 7.14 12.04 0.15
41 Tinggiran 4 1 100 2.80 0.17 1.43 4.23 0.10
42 Tuba 1 1 25 0.70 0.17 1.43 2.13 0.03
43 Tulason 2 1 50 1.40 0.17 1.43 2.83 0.06
Total 43 143 3,575 100.00 11.67 100.00 200.00 3.02
Richness Index 3.60
Similarity Index 3.76

Source: ESC Primary Data Collection 2018

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Terrestrial Fauna
For bird group, survey recorded 45 species of 22 families. Dominant families that found in
study area are Timaliidae and Sylviidae (each 6 species) followed Apodidae, Pycnonotidae, and
Nectariniidae (each 4 species). Figure 36 is graph of species number each family were recorded
on baseline study. Both Timaliidae and Sylviidae generally inhabit forest, shrubs and bushes.
Both are insectivore bird families, the main feed is caterpillars and other small insects.

Number of Species of Bird Families

6 6
4 4 4
2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Figure 36 Number of Species of Bird Families

Sampling location selection is representative of project location and habitat type; they are
paddy field and shrub, forest, dry land agriculture and forest plantation. Figure 37 is graph of
species number and abundant on sampling location. Forest habitat is the area with highest
species and individual abundance finding. The most abundant number of species found is in
natural forests (Weir), this is due to the good condition of riverine forest. The structure and
composition of the plant is also still complete, there are still many trees with large diameter.

Number of Species and Abundant on Sampling Location

60 54

19 21 19

Paddy Field and Bush Natural Forest (power Natural Forest (weir) Plantation forest and
(power house) house) garden (weir)

Number of species Number of individual

Figure 37 Number species and abundant on Sampling Location

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Diversity Index is index that shows relationship between number of species and number of
individual each species on habitat type. Natural forest has most diverse of bird species,
followed by paddy field and shrub and forest plantation. Forests provide more diverse food
composition and shelter than other habitat types. Plantation forests have the lowest diversity
due to the low diversity of vegetation. Evenness Index is reflects the distribution of the
number of individuals in each species. The Evenness index can be categorized as good
condition if the value is close to 1 which means there is no dominant species in the location,
and it is uneven if the value is nearing 0 which means that there is a certain species that
dominates the most in that location.

Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index (H’) and Evenness Index

3 2.79 2.83
2.5 2.21


0.86 0.91
1 0.77 0.81


Paddy Field and Bush Natural Forest (power Natural Forest (weir) Plantation forest and
(power house) house) garden (weir)

H' E

Figure 38 Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index (H’) and Evenness Index (E)

There are 6 bird species protected by the Indonesian government based on Law no. 5 of 1990
and Government Regulation no. 7 of 1999 concerning preservation of plant and animal
species (Table 56). Based on the IUCN Redlist, there are two species of birds that are
categorized as Near Threatened (NT), namely the Ixos virescens (Sunda Bulbul) and Stachyris
nigricollis (Temminck’s Sunbird).

Table 56 List of Protected Bird Species and Conservation Status

PP No 7
No Indonesia Name Scientific Name English Name IUCN CITES
Year 1999
1 Luntur sumatera Apalharpactes Sumatran Trogon LC - Protected
2 Cekakak belukar Halcyon White-throated LC - Protected
smyrnensis Kingfisher
3 Brinji gunung Ixos virescens Sunda Bulbul NT - -
4 Tepus kaban Stachyris Black-throated NT - -
nigricollis Babbler
5 Burung madu belukar Anthreptes Ruby-cheeked LC - Protected

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

PP No 7
No Indonesia Name Scientific Name English Name IUCN CITES
Year 1999
singalensis Sunbird
6 Burung madu ekor Aethopyga Temminck’s LC - Protected
merah temmincki Sunbird
7 Burung madu sriganti Cinnyris jugularis LC - Protected

8 Pijantung kecil Arachnothera Little LC - Protected

longirostra Spiderhunter

Source: ESC Primary Data Collection 2018

Note: NT = Near Threatened; LC = Least Concern

Sunda Bulbul Temminck’s Sunbird

Figure 39 Important Bird Species

Below is the result of primary data collection of the bird species observed within the project
area and surrounding.

Table 57 Total Bird Finding

No Familia Local Name Scientific Name English Name
1 2 3 4
1 Phasianidae Sempidan sumatera Lophura inornata Salvadori’s Pheasant - - 1 -
2 Columbidae Tekukur biasa Streptopelia chinensis Spotted Dove 2 - - 1
3 Columbidae Uncal kouran Macropygia ruficeps Little Cuckoo Dove - 2 - -
4 Apodidae Kapinis rumah Apus nipalensis House Swift 1 - - -
5 Apodidae Walet sapi Collocalia esculenta Glossy Swiftlet - 2 - 2
6 Apodidae Walet sarang putih Collocalia fuciphagus Edible-nest Swiftlet - 1 - -
7 Apodidae Walet sarang hitam Collocalia maximus Black-nest Swiftlet 2 - - -
8 Trogonidae Luntur sumatera Apalharpactes mackloti Sumatran Trogon - - 2 -
9 Alcedinidae Cekakak belukar Halcyon smyrnensis White-throated 1 - - -
10 Hirundinidae Layang-layang batu Hirundo tahitica Pacific Swallow - - - 2
11 Campephagidae Jingjing batu Hemipus hirundinaceus Black-winged - 2 - -
12 Campephagidae Jingjing bukit Hemipus picatus Bar-winged Flycatcher- - 3 - -

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

No Familia Local Name Scientific Name English Name
1 2 3 4
13 Campephagidae Sepah dagu kelabu Pericrocotus solaris Grey-chinned Minivet - 4 6 -
14 Pycnonotidae Brinji gunung Ixos virescens Sunda Bulbul - 2 5 -
15 Pycnonotidae Cucak kutilang Pycnonotus aurigaster Sooty-headed Bulbul 8 - - 2
16 Pycnonotidae Merbah cerukcuk Pycnonotus goiavier Yellow-vented Bulbul 6 2 - 2
17 Pycnonotidae Merbah corok-corok Pycnonotus simplex Cream-vented Bulbul - 4 - -
18 Laniidae Bentet kelabu Lanius schach Long-tailed Shrike 2 - - 1
19 Turdidae Cingcoang cokelat Brachypteryx leucophrys Lesser Shortwing 1 4 1 -
20 Timaliidae Berencet kerdil Pnoepyga pusilla Pygmy Wren-Babbler - 1 1 -
21 Timaliidae Ciu besar Pteruthius flaviscapis White-browed Shrike- - - 1 -
22 Timaliidae Ciung air coreng Macronous gularis Striped Tit-Babbler - - 2 -
23 Timaliidae Tepus dahi merah Stachyris rufifrons Rufous-fronted Babbler - - 6 -
24 Timaliidae Tepus emas Stachyris chrysaea Golden Babbler - - 1 -
25 Timaliidae Tepus kaban Stachyris nigricollis Black-throated Babbler - - 3 -
26 Sylviidae Cici padi Cisticola juncidis Zitting Cisticola 2 - - -
27 Sylviidae Cikrak bambu Abroscopus superciliaris Yellow-bellied Warbler - - 2 -
28 Sylviidae Cikrak kutub Phylloscopus borealis Arctic Warbler - - 4 -
29 Sylviidae Cinenen gunung Orthotomus cuculatus Mountain Tailorbird 2 - 4 2
30 Sylviidae Cinenen belukar Orthotomus atrogularis Dark-necked Tailorbird - 2 - 1
31 Sylviidae Perenjak gunung Prinia atrogularis Hill Prinia 1 1 - 2
32 Muscicapidae Niltava kumbang- Niltava grandis Large Niltava 1 1 - -
33 Acanthizidae Remetuk laut Gerygone sulphurea Golden-bellied 2 - - -
34 Rhipiduridae Kipasan gunung Rhipidura albicollis White-throated Fantail 1 - 3 -
35 Paridae Gelatik batu kelabu Parus major Great Tit - 6 2 -
36 Dicaeidae Cabai gunung Dicaeum sanguinolentum Blood-breasted 2 4 5 -
37 Nectariniidae Burung madu Anthreptes singalensis Ruby-cheeked Sunbird - - 2 -
38 Nectariniidae Burung madu ekor Aethopyga temmincki Temminck’s Sunbird 2 - - -
39 Nectariniidae Burung madu Cinnyris jugularis Olive-backed Sunbird 1 - - -
40 Nectariniidae Pijantung kecil Arachnothera longirostra Little Spiderhunter - 2 1 -
41 Zosteropidae Kacamata gunung Zosterops montanus Mountain White-eye - 6 - -
42 Ploceidae Burung gereja erasia Passer montanus Eurasian Tree Sparrow - - - 4
43 Dicruridae Srigunting bukit Dicrurus remifer Lesser Racquet-tailed - - 1 -
44 Dicruridae Srigunting kelabu Dicrurus leucophaeus Ashy Drongo - 3 1 -
45 Corvidae Tangkar uli sumatera Dendrocitta occipitalis Sumatran Treepie 2 - - -

Source: ESC Primary Data Collection 2018

Notes: Location 1) Paddy field and Shrub (powerhouse); 2) Natural Forest (powerhouse); 3)
Natural Forest Weir); 4) Forest Plantation and Dryland Agricuture (Weir)

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

For mammals group, there are no many findings during field survey. Wild boar (Sus scrofa) is
most common species that found in forest and agriculture area. The net method only record a
bat species namely Chironax melanocephalus.

Figure 40 Chironax melanocephalus Aquatic Biodiversity

Survey conducted during rainy season. The river has a large flow with fast currents. Average
of river width is around 5 to 10 meters with fast current conditions. Data collection method is
using net.

Figure 41 Data Collection Method

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Figure 42 River Condition on Weir Area and Creek River

Two species were recorded during the baseline survey, namely Semah (Tor soro), and Seluang
(Rasbora sp). Semah is dominant species on main river and Seluang only found on the creeks.
Total individual of Semah that captured in main river is around 14 individual. Habitat of
Semah is upstream river in forest area with rocky in river bottom with fast current. Seluang
(Rasbora bankanensis) also found abundant and dominant in the river creek. The habitat of this
species is river and swamp in forested area. They live in river with weak flow and calm
current. The distribution in Malaya, Borneo and Sumatra.

Semah (Tor soro) Seluang (Rasbora bankanensis)

Figure 43 Fish findings

5.1.12 Biodiversity Summary

The Project Area footprint and the applied 200 m buffer area comprise of modified habitat
and natural habitat. The nearest key biodiversity areas are Danau Toba KBA and Batang Toru
KBA, which are located approximately 30 km from the Project Area. Due to the highly
fragmented landscape of the Project Area and surroundings, which comprise the mixing of
Natural Habitat and Modified Habitat such as the paddy field and agricultural land, it can be
confirmed that the Project Area footprint will not disturb any area of the Danau Toba KBA as
well as Batang Toru KBA. However, it is expected that some mobile species such as mammals
and birds may utilize the Project Area through the Natural Habitat corridor, even if it is
dominated by degraded habitats and subject to human disturbance. The characteristics of the
Project Area footprint and surrounding can be summarized as shown in Table 58.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Table 58 Biodiversity Resources Summary

Characteristics Aek Sibundong MHPP Project Area

Land Use Status (Spatial Plan) Plantation forest, Paddy field, open field

Type of Habitat (with 200 m buffer area)

Natural Habitat forest/bush, riparian, river

Modified Habitat agriculture, paddy field, housing

Terrestrial Biodiversity

No (based on direct observation during baseline

IUCN CR species

No (based on direct observation during baseline

IUCN EN species

Species Protection

- CITES None

- Government Regulation No. 7

Year 1999

Migratory and/or
congregatory species

Aquatic Biodiversity

IUCN CR and EN species None

Species Protection

- CITES None

- Government Regulation No. 7

Year 1999

Migratory and/or
congregatory species

Ecosystem of Concern

Wetland None

Dryland Yes

Coastal None

Significant Landscape

Natural Feature None

Significant Vista None

Tourist Attraction None

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Characteristics Aek Sibundong MHPP Project Area

Endemic and/or restricted


Highly threatened and/or

unique ecosystems

Key evolutionary process None

Ecosystems services None

Critical Habitat None

It should be noted that impact on biodiversity is expected to be minor due to the small scale
area of the Project Area footprint which will be occupied of the total Project Area footprint
and 200 m buffer. Project Activities of construction and operation seem would not impede the
movement nor would have an effect on the behaviour, reproduction or abundance of the
several IUCN Endangered Species.
Based on the site observation, literature studies and the biodiversity surveys; it is considered
that the Aek Sibundong MHPP does not pose a significant threat to of endemic and/or
restricted range species, nor highly threatened and/or unique species or ecosystems, or to
evolutionary processes and ecosystems services identified within the Project Area footprint
and surrounding. Due to this consideration, it is confirmed that critical habitat was not
identified in the Project Area footprint.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Social Baseline
A social study designed to fill the identified social data gaps using a combination of
quantitative and qualitative data collected through literature review, secondary data
collection, stakeholder mapping, household surveys, and key informant interview. A
comprehensive social baseline study for ESIA was conducted on March 2018 in Sigulok
Village, Sijamapolang Sub-district.

5.2.1 Demographic Baseline Population Profile

Humbang Hasundutan Regency is made of 10 sub-districts and 154 villages with total area of
2,517.66 km2. It was part of North Tapanuli Regency until 2003. The study area is located at
Sigulok Village in Sijamapolang Sub-district. The population within the study area in 2016 is
244 people.
Gender distribution within the study area shows that number of female is higher than
number of male, similar to sub-district and regency levels. Sigulok Village has a sex ratio of
89 males to 100 females, which equates to 115 males and 129 females. Sijamapolang Sub-
district and Humbang Hasundutan Regency has a sex ratio of 98 males to 100 females, which
equates to 2,673 males and 2,724 females in Sijamapolang Sub-district and 91,789 males and
93,126 females in Humbang Hasundutan Regency.
Population density in Sigulok Village is 10.17 people/km2 which is low compared to sub-
district level and regency level. The study is mostly agricultural area with limited number of
settlements. Further detail on population data is presented in Table 59.

Table 59 Population, Distribution and Density in Study Area

Sigulok Village Hasundutan
Total Population: 244 5,397 184,915
* Female 129 2,724 93,126
* Male 115 2,673 91,789
Sex Ratio 89.14 98.13 98,56
Area (km2) 24 177.5 2,502.71
Population Density (people/km2) 10.17 30.41 73.12

Source: Sijamapolang Sub-district in Figures 2017, Humbang Hasundutan Regency in

Figures 2017

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

70 - 74
60 - 64
50 - 54
40 - 44
30 - 34
20 - 24
10 - 14
500 400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400

Male Female

Figure 44 Population Pyramid in Sijamapolang Sub-district

The population pyramid in Sijamapolang Sub-district (Figure 44) shows an expansive

pyramid with domination of non-working age population below 15 years old. This pyramid
model indicates high birth rate and low mortality rate, a typical condition in developing
country. The pyramid also indicates high dependency rate as a high number of the young
non-working age population depend upon people of working age to provide their needs. Composition of Household Survey Respondents

A total of 16 households were surveyed in Sigulok Village. Based on the age characteristics of
the participants, the survey generally represented all of the age groups capable of mature
responses and adequate experience and knowledge to provide valuable insights. Most
respondents were from the age group of 30 – 39 and 50 – 59, both at 31%, and then followed
by respondents from the age group of 40 – 49 at 25%. Age group older than 60 was also
covered in the social survey with the smaller portion of 6%. Detail of age group for household
survey respondents is presented in Figure 45 below.

30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59


Figure 45 Age Group of Household Survey Respondents

Source: Primary Data Collection, March 2018

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

The household survey covered 63% of female respondents and 38% of male respondents.
From the total respondents, 88% of respondents were married and a small portion of
respondents were widowed at 13%. Details of respondents’ marital status in the Study Area
are presented in Error! Reference source not found.. Detail of gender and marital status for
ousehold survey respondents is presented in Figure 46 and Error! Reference source not



Figure 46 Gender of Household Survey Respondents

Source: Primary Data Collection, March 2018




Figure 47 Marital Status of Household Survey Respondents

Source: Primary Data Collection, March 2018

5.2.2 Socio-Economic Baseline Community Livelihood

Household survey results show that the main livelihood in Sigulok Village is farming which
comprised 88% respondents respectively as shown in Figure 48. According to the Key
Informant Interview, men and women within the affected communities have equal access to
employment. The division of labour between men and women in domestic activities, public
economic activities and public social activities is not rigid as is practiced in other regions. In
domestic tasks, women have primary responsibility. Typically the following crops were

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

grown: paddy, corn, coffee, potato, etc. Several local people also tap kemenyan sap in the
forest area as side job. Some others hunt for wild boar, deer, etc. to be sold at Dolok Sanggul.


Civil Servant


Figure 48 Main Livelihood of Household Survey Respondents

Source: Primary Data Collection, Macrh2018 Labour Force

As presented in Table 60, according to the Humbang Hasundutan Regency in Figures 2017,
approximately 87.1% of the labour force in Humbang Hasundutan Regency is economically
active. The remaining 12.9% who were not economically active were attending school (4.86%),
housekeeping (3.98%) or undertaking other activities (3.17%). Of those economically active
individuals, 86.04% are working (employed) and 1.06% are seeking employment
(unemployed). Meanwhile, household survey results show that 93.75% of respondents were
in the labour force and 6.25% were not. The labour force participation rate in the project
impact areas is higher than both the district and national averages.

Table 60 Labour Force Number

Survey Humbang Hasundutan
Respondents1 Regency2
Category Total Indonesia3
Female Male (Female +
Labour Force (economically active)
1. Working 93.75% 88.74% 83.50% 86.04% 62.14%
2. Seeking work - 1.52% 0.63% 1.06% 3.85%
Outside Labour Force (economically inactive)
1. Attending school - 3.92% 5.75% 4.86% 8.85%
2. Housekeeping 6.25% 2.96% 4.94% 3.98% 18.92%
3. Others - 2.86% 5.19% 3.17% 6.24%
TOTAL 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Labour Force
93.75% 90.26% 84.13% 87.10% 65.99%
Participation Rate

Source: 1Primary Data Collection, February 2018; 2Humbang Hasundutan Regency in Figures
2017; 3Indonesia Statistic 2017

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Statistics at the district level divide gender-disaggregated data of labour force based on sector
into several types including agriculture, manufacture, and services. As presented in Table 61,
the district labour force is dominated by the agriculture sector, which is also reflected by the
main livelihood data during household surveys.

Table 61 Labour Force Based on Sectors in Humbang Hasundutan Regency

Main Sector Male Female
Agriculture 75.13% 80.62%
Manufacture 6.25% 0.00%
Services 18.62% 19.38%
Total 100.00% 100.00%
Source: Humbang Hasundutan Regency in Figures 2017 Educational Attainment

Household survey results show that the educational attainment Sigulok Village varies from
not completing any formal schooling to completing a diploma/university degree. The
number of respondents who did not complete formal schooling is relatively high at 31.25%,
compared to the regency level at 7.24% and national level at 15.78%. The proportion of
respondents in Sigulok Village who had only received formal education up to the elementary
school level is at 6.25%. The data indicates that the educational attainment in Sigulok Village
is mostly middle school and high school at 25% and 25% respectively, similar to the national
level. Meanwhile the number of people who have received diploma/university is at 12.50%.
Statistic of educational attainment in the Study Area as well as regency and national level is
presented in Table 62.
The Impacted Communities generally have low education levels, in which about third of the
people did not complete formal schooling or only completed elementary school. The
education status of communities within the impacted area is generally in line with the
Indonesian national averages except for elementary school level and below.
Education affects an individual’s capacity to access potential employment opportunities and
pursue particular livelihood strategies. The project will likely generate both direct and
indirect employment opportunities at the local-level. While these opportunities will likely be
in the form of unskilled (rather than skilled) labour (e.g. construction, security, supporting
service roles), they will still have an impact on the local labour force and community.

Table 62 Educational Attainment in the Study Area

Highest Educational Sigulok Humbang Hasundutan Indonesia3
Attainment Village1 Regency2
Did Not Complete 31.25% 7.24% 15.78%
Formal Schooling
Elementary School 6.25% 10.46% 25.56%
Middle School 25.00% 36.99% 22.36%
High School 25.00% 38.23% 26.93%
Diploma/University 12.50% 7.08% 9.37%
Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Source: 1Primary Data Collection, February 2018; 2Humbang Hasundutan Regency in Figures
2017; 3Indonesia Statistic 2017 Income and Expenditure

Income of the Affected Community is most commonly derived from agriculture. According

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

to the household survey, the average income for households usually ranged between IDR
800,000 and IDR 1,500,000 per month. This household survey results reflect that the incomes
of most survey respondents are still below the minimum wage for North Sumatera in 2018
which is Rp 2,132,188. Food and education were the two main monthly household expenses
identified by respondents. Housing Type and Status

The quality and availability of housing and services are key determinants of poverty and can
influence the health status of a community. Within the impacted area, two types of housing
were identified, including:
 Permanent houses – cement brick and wall, and usually separated from animal
rearing area; and
 Semi-permanent houses – cement brick foundation and half of the wall building or
wood/bamboo foundation and wall.
The household survey showed that the majority of respondents in Sigulok Village live in
semi-permanent houses with a percentage of 93% (Figure 49). However the secondary data
from Sijamapolang Sub-district (Table 63) shows that the approximately half of housing type
in Sigulok Village is non-permanent house.


Semi Permanent


Figure 49 Housing Type within the Study Area

Source: Primary Data Collection, February 2018

Table 63 Housing Type in Sigulok Village

Housing Type Number of Houses
Permanent 4
Semi-Permanent 8
Non-permanent 18
Total 30
Source: Sijamapolang Sub-district in Figures 2017

According to the household survey data presented in Figure 50, the majority of participants
own their house (47%). The remaining respondents either inherited their home from family
(40%) or rent (13%).

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Self Owned


Figure 50 Housing Status within Study Area

Source: Primary Data Collection, February 2018

5.2.3 Socio-Cultural Baseline Religion

The majority of the community within the study area are Christian. This was confirmed by
the outcomes of household surveys and interviews, which indicated that 100% of
respondents are Christian. No statistical data was available regarding the religion of the
community. This number indicates the uniformity of community within the impacted area. Social System and Structure

In Batak society, men are the leaders of family and acts as family representative during
traditional ceremony. However in Sigulok Village, women also actively take part in
community forums. Land and its resources belong to the family. Land can only be sold after
decision is made through family forum.
Stakeholders in the villahe include community leader, traditional leader, head of village,
youth group (Karang Taruna), family welfare development (Pembinaan Kesejahteraan
Keluarga or PKK), and farmer groups. Traditional leader also acts as religious leader as many
traditional ceremonies in Sigulok Village are part of religious ceremonies. During community
forums, the three components that must be present are head of villagem community leader,
and traditional leader. BPD (Badan Perwakilan Desa or Village Representative Council) is
also present as adviser. Ethnicity and Languages

Batak ethnic was the dominant ethnic group within Sigulok Village. 100% of household
survey respondents identified as Batak. During household survey, the field team also found
immigrants from other ethnic minority groups (Javanese) through marriage. The immigrants
follow their in-laws marga (last name). There are no ethnic minority in Sigulok Village.
The main language used for daily communication in Sigulok villages was Batak language,
but most respondents also understood Bahasa Indonesia.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Indigenous People

IFC Performance Standards 7 recognises indigenous people as social groups with identities
(language, culture, etc.) that are distinct from the mainstream population. They are often
among the most marginalized and vulnerable segments of the population. Based on
household survey and Key Informant Interview results, no indigenous people were found in
the impacted area. From the economic, cultural, and social perspective, Batak ethnic is not
distinct from other ethnic groups. They are already a part of the broader society, and are not
isolated from other ethnic groups. Moreover, vulnerable groups are those who are more
likely to experience poverty and social exclusion than the general population. These groups
constitute ethnic minorities, migrants, disabled people, homeless, drug addicts, isolated
elderly people and children. They face higher risks of low education, unemployment and
underemployment. Thorugh this definition, Batak ethnic is not classified as vulnerable
groups. Cultural Heritage

IFC Performance Standard 8 defines that cultural heritage refers to: (i) tangible forms of
cultural heritage, such as tangible moveable or immovable objects, property, sites, structures,
or groups of structures, having archaeological (prehistoric), paleontological, historical,
cultural, artistic, and religious values; (ii) unique natural features or tangible objects that
embody cultural values, such as sacred groves, rocks, lakes, and waterfalls; and (iii) certain
instances of intangible forms of culture that are proposed to be used for commercial purposes,
such as cultural knowledge, innovations, and practices of communities embodying
traditional lifestyles. Based on household survey and Key Informant Interview results, no
cultural heritage were found in the impacted area.

5.2.4 Community Health Baseline Sanitation Facilities

The community has access to sanitation facilities as shown in the household survey and Key
Informant Interview results that the majority of residents utilised private toilet with septic
tanks. There were no municipal wastewater sewerage systems available in the impacted area.
As for solid waste management, all household survey respondents manage the waste by
burning. Through interview it is also found out that several household conduct composting.


Private toilet with septic

Communal toilet


Figure 51 Sanitation Facility in the Study Area

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Water Source and River Usage

The household survey and Key Informant Interview results show that the community sources
clean water for daily use from mountain spring piped to houses. The quantity and quality of
clean water remains constant throughout the year. Water from Aek Hinalang (a small river
that flows near to the village) is utilised for animal husbandry and irrigation. Aek Sibundong
is not utilised for clean water source. Aek Sibundong is only utilised by few community
members for recreation (fishing). Incidence of Illness

Data from the household survey demonstrates that use of health facilities was relatively low
with all respondents rarely visit medical facility (Puskesmas). The main reasons community
members visit a medical facility is due to fever and cold. While fever was noted as the most
common reason for community to visit any medical facility, fevers are often an initial
symptom of another type of illness. No infectious disease and permanent disease has
occurred in Sigulok Village according to household survey and Key Informant Interviews.

5.2.5 Existing Infrastructures Worship Facilities

As all population of Sigulok Village is Christian, the only available worship facilitiy is church.
There are two churches in the village, HKBP and GPDI. This is in line with the secondary
data from Sijamapolang Sub-district in Figures 2017. Medical Facilities

Secondary data from the district level showed that there is only one medical facility in
Sigulok Village which is Puskesmas (community health center) with one midwife and no
doctor. If the community need further medical service, they will be referred to Puskesmas in
Sijamapolang Sub-district. Educational Facilities

The educational facility available in Sigulok Village is one public elementary school (SD) and
one early childhood education program (PAUD). At sub-district level, educational facilities
available varied from kindergarten to high school as shown in Table 64.
It also demonstrated that the availability of university within the sub-district and district was
still low. Thus, residents who want to pursue a higher education level, such as university,
usually migrate to other cities. No secondary data was available regarding education facilities
in Sigulok Village

Table 64 Education Facilities in the Sijamapolang Sub-district

Education Facility Number
Kindergarten 1
Public Elementary School 13
Private Elementary School -
Public Middle School 2
Private Middle School -
Public High School 1

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Education Facility Number

Private High School -
University -
Source: Humbang Hasundutan Regency in Figures 2017 Electrification Status

According to the household survey, Sigulok Village is covered by PLN for electricity survey.
Secondary data from Sijamapolang sub-district in Figures 2017 indicated that there are 47
customers for electricity from PLN. Types of electricity consumer in West Pasaman consist of
household and public facility.

5.2.6 Community Perception of Impact Perception on Local Economic Change

The perception of impacted community on change in local economy is presented in Figure 52.
Approximately 33% of respondents within the impacted villages perceived that the Aek
Sibundong MHPP project will bring positive impacts on local economic development as this
project will create more business opportunities for the local community. Another 13%
expected live quality improvement from the project. Providing electrical power is expected
not just to increase the domestic or public electricity for lighting, but also potential for
widening the development in other sectors for better community welfare. Economic
development opportunities from the project construction are expected, with more job
opportunities being just one example.
33% of respondents assume that this project will not bring any significant change to the local
economy. Due to a lack of knowledge about the project, 20% of respondents don’t know
whether this project will bring positive or negative impact to the local economy. However,
there are no respondent assume that this project will bring negative impact to the local
economy from higher competition with outsiders (non-local) for work opportunities.

0% Local economy
development (+)
33% Life quality improvement
No significant impact
33% (neutral)
Do not know (neutral)

Higher competition (-)

Figure 52 Impacted Community Perception on Change in Local Economy

Source: Primary Data Collection, March 2018

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi Perception on Local Employment

The perception of impacted community on local work oppotunity is presented in Figure 53.
All respondents think that the project will create more job opportunities for locals, both in
direct and indirect forms. Direct employment will most likely be available during the
construction phase which will provide opportunities for unskilled labour. Moreover, the
project is also expected to create indirect employment within the villages from income
generating activities, such as food production, food stalls, and workshops.
Generally, the field study found that the project was positively perceived by the community
as they expect the project will prioritize local workforce. However the community leaders are
also aware that the work opportunity may only be available during construction phase as
they refer to similar MHPP nearby that does not need a lot of employees during operational

0% 0%
More work opportunity
for local (+)
More work opportunity
for national scale (+)
Less work opportunity for
100% local (-)
Do not know (neutral)

Figure 53 Impacted Community Perception on Local Work Opportunity

Source: Primary Data Collection, March 2018 Perception on Environmental Impact

The perception of impacted community on environmental impact is presented in Figure 54.

79% of respondents considered that the development of Aek Sibundong MHPP would not
generate any significant changes in the environment due to the small scale of the project and
its location which was far enough from the residential area. Because there is a similar MHPP
project by Aek Sibundong Energy located in neighbouring Sibuntuon Village that has been
operating for more than 20 years, the community perception towards environmental impact
is neutral.
In the interview, it is mentioned that the community has concerns with water contamination,
vibration from heavy equipment, landslide, and amount of fish at Aek Sibundong. The
community has addressed the concern to the project proponent. Since the project proponent
will ensure environmental protection measures, the community thinks that the project should
not have significant impact to the environment.
About 14% respondents thinks that the project can bring improvement to local environmental
quality, and 7% respondents did not know whether the project would generate

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

environmental impact or not due to lack of information. No respondents have negative

perception on the project in regards to the environment.


Environmental quality
7% 14%
degradation (-)
Local environmental
quality improvement (+)
No significant impact
79% (neutral)
Do not know (neutral)

Figure 54 Impacted Community Perception on Environmental Impact

Source: Primary Data Collection, March 2018 Perception on Community Health

The perception of impacted community on community health is presented in Figure 55.

According to the survey results, 73% of respondents did not know whether or not the project
would impact community health or not due to a lack of information. About 27% of
respondents considered that the development of Aek Sibundong MHPP would improve local
community health. This idea was based on the consideration that the existence of the project
would also contribute to the improvement of existing health facilities in the village. No
respondents have negative perception on the project in regards to the community health.
During the qualitative interviews, respondents also considered that the project would not
affect community health because the project location was far from the settlement area. It is
also mentioned that there is a concern of workforce from outside Sigulok Village may affect
community health.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

0% 0%
Community health
27% degradation (-)
Community health
improvement (+)
73% No significant impact
Do not know (neutral)

Figure 55 Impacted Community Perception on Community Health

Source: Primary Data Collection, March 2018 Perception on Sense of Community

The perception of impacted community on social sensitivity is presented in Figure 56.

Survey results show that more than 60% of respondents think that the incoming workers
from other area will increase diversity in the village. During interviews, it is stated that there
has been people coming to the village for different studies and even stayed at community
houses. Ttherefore the local community does not have any problem in welcoming people
from outside the village. The remaining 40% did not know whether the development of Aek
Sibundong MHPP project would cause any change on the social sensitivity. No respondents
have negative perception on the project in regards to the social sensitivity.

0% 0%
Negative impact in
social sensitivity (-)
Increase diversity (+)
No significant impact
Do not know (neutral)

Figure 56 Impacted Community Perception on Social Sensitivity

Source: Primary Data Collection, March 2018 Perception on Local Infrastructure and Services

The perception of impacted community on local infrastructure is presented in Figure 57.

Survey results show that the community has positive perception of Aek Sibundong MHPP
project in regards to local infrastructure. They think that during project construction, access

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

roads to the village will be improved and can be utilised even after the construction ends. No
respondents have negative perception on the project in regards to local infrastructure.

0% 0%
Increase in local
7% infrastructure load (-)
Local infrastructure
improvement (+)
No significant impact
Do not know (neutral)

Figure 57 Impacted Community Perception on Local Infrastructure

Source: Primary Data Collection, March 2018

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


The section describes potential environmental and social impacts (as defined by
Indonesian Law and IFC’s guidelines) resulting from minihydro power plant activities.
Using the approach defined in Chapter 4, first an assessment is made of unmitigated
potential impacts. Secondly, project responses or mitigation measures are described, and
finally the significance of the residual impact is defined. Details for entry into the ESMP
are provided here where required. For ease of cross reference, ESMP issues have been
assigned a number. For every project activity, the following potential impacts have been
 Air Quality
 Noise
 Water Quality
 Hydrology
 Biodiversity Resources
 Socio-economics
 Community Health, Safety, and Security
 Occupational Health and Safety
As described in Chapter 4, the assessment of impact significance both before and after
mitigation defined by the severity of any possible impact, the sensitivity of
environmental receptors and the probability that an event will occur. In this section
potential impacts with no net change to environmental conditions are not reported. Each
of the environmental disciplines above has been considered for the various project
components during construction and operation phases of the Aek Sibundong MHPP
project. Table 65 below provides a summary of the residual environmental significance,
(after mitigation) of identified impacts. This analysis addresses all planned MHPP
facilities and associated facilities including the access road and associated facilities

Table 65 Summary of Environmental and Social Impacts for Aek Sibundong MHPP
Mitigation Significance
No Potential Impact Activity Phase
Before After
1 Air Quality
Air quality impact due to Construction Phase Moderate Minor
the vehicle and machinery
emission source
Air quality impact due to Construction Phase Moderate Minor
dust generation
2 Noise
Noise impact due to Construction Phase Moderate Minor
construction activities
Noise impact due to turbine Operation Phase Minor Negligible
3 Water Quality

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Mitigation Significance
No Potential Impact Activity Phase
Before After
Water quality impact due Construction Phase Major Minor-
to land clearance activities Moderate
Water quality impact due Construction Phase Minor Negligible
to potential soil erosion
Water quality impact due Construction Phase Major Minor
to construction of weir
Water quality impact due Operation Phase Negligible Negligible
to sediment increase
Water quality impact due Construction and Minor Negligible
to domestic wastewater Operation Phase
4 Soil/Land Contamination
Land contamination due to Construction Phase Minor Negligible
chemical and petroleum Operation Phase
Land contamination due to Construction Phase Minor Negligible
leakage from machinery or
Land contamination due to Construction Phase Minor Negligible
materials stored onsite and Operation Phase
solid waste generation
5 Hydrology
Water balance alteration Construction phase Minor Negligible
Potential flooding due to Construction Phase Minor- Negligible
land clearing and Moderate
construction activities
Water course impact due to Construction phase Minor Negligible
weir construction
Water flow impact Operation Phase Minor Negligible-
6 Biodiversity Resources
Impact on Habitat Construction Phase Moderate Minor
Impact on Fauna during Construction Phase Moderate Minor
Construction Phase
Impact on Fauna during Operation Phase Minor- Negligible-
Operation Phase Moderate Minor
Impact on Migratory Fish Operation Phase Addressed in Section 6.5.4
Impact on Aquatic Construction Phase Addressed in Section 6.3
7 Socio Economic and Culture
Impact on Community Construction Phase Major Minor
8 Community Health Safety and Security
Emission from vehicle and Construction Phase Moderate Minor
Dust generation Construction Phase Moderate Minor
Noise Construction and Addressed in Section 6.2
Operation Phase
Traffic and road safety Construction Phase Major Negligible-
Sediment flush Operation Phase Addressed in Section 6.5.4
Infrastructure safety Operation Phase Major Minor-

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Mitigation Significance
No Potential Impact Activity Phase
Before After
9 Occupational Health Safety and Security
OHS Issues during Construction Phase Major Minor
OHS issues during Operation Phase Minor- Negligible-
operation Moderate Minor

Air Quality

6.1.1 Air Quality Impact due to Vehicle and Machinery Emission Source

Operation of equipment and machinery vehicles will produce emissions, which could
impact on the ambient air quality.
The baseline ambient air quality presented on Section 5 shows in the larger part of
the proposed project area is that of a typical rural area with agricultural activities,
characterised by good air quality.

Construction Phase
The most significant sources of gaseous emissions are expected to be from operation of
vehicles and equipment. Powered equipment will be required during construction work,
causing fuel combustion emissions during Aek Sibundong MHPP and associated
facilities constructions activities. Powered equipment use will include:
 Use of heavy equipment including generators and vehicles such as excavators,
bulldozer, vibro roller, dump truck, pick-up vehicle, concrete mixer, water tank
vehicle and crane; and
 Up to 150 workers will commute by passenger vehicles to the site during peak
The gaseous emissions caused by the project based on the above listed equipment,
are expected to include CO2, NO2, SO2, and hydrocarbons including volatile organic
compounds since most of the construction equipment and machinery will be powered
by diesel engines.
Significant receptors in as far as any changes in ambient air quality are concerned will be
the construction worker, communities living nearby the construction area and access
road, and small number of the local farmers doing work in their agricultural land nearby.
It is also important to note that, gaseous emissions are not restricted to the emission
sources; they can spread to a wider area as determined by the direction of wind.
Emissions associated with Aek Sibundong MHPP are not expected to noticeably alter air
quality or cause concentrations that exceed the national environment air quality standard
and the lack of other significant cumulative impacts from vehicles.
Impact magnitude is considered to be MEDIUM as the impact will occur from the
vehicles and machinery that will be utilized during the construction work. Sensitivity of
ambient air quality as a receptor is considered to be LOW-MEDIUM given the baseline
air quality in the nearby Project Area were still considered to be in a good condition and
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

considering the impact will be temporary, localised and reversible meanwhile emission
will directly impacting the the 150 construction worker. Those gases emissions of CO,
NOx, SOx, hydrocarbons, lead and other related combustion pollutants have the
potential to harm human health. Therefore the severity of impact is considered to be
MEDIUM. The likelihood of emission from vehicle and machinery due to the
construction activities development is INEVITABLE. The potential significance of the
impact is MODERATE.

ESMP Issue: AQ1 – Emission from Vehicle and Machinery during Construction Phase
Potential Impact Significance: MODERATE
 Exhaust emissions from vehicles operating within the site, including trucks,
excavators, diesel generators or other equipment, will be controlled by the
contractor by ensuring that emissions are minimized through regular
servicing of machinery to meet the relevant emission standards;
 Ensure that the engines of all vehicles and machinery on site are not left
running unnecessarily;
 Equipment to be used in the project to comply with recognized performance
design standards;
 All emission-producing equipment will be operated only when necessary and
unnecessary idling of equipment will be avoided; and
 A grievance mechanism will be put in place to address air quality grievances
from local stakeholders.
Mitigated Significance: MINOR

Operation Phase
During the operations phase, emissions will be restricted to light vehicles transporting
operation and maintenance crew to and from site. These emissions are considered
insignificant and have therefore not been assessed further.

6.1.2 Air Quality Impact due to Dust Generation

Dust will be generated during construction activities and it may have several negative
impacts as follows:
 Affect respiratory health of workers and potentially local community members.
 Temporarily hinder visibility for workers and local communities;
 Cover vegetation surfaces including crops in the surroundings, in so doing
slowing down the rate of photosynthesis and affecting the quality of forage for
Relevant baseline information presented at Section 5 indicates that the proposed project

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

area can be described as generally rural with interfaces of natural vegetation, cultivated
lands and lands under fallow. The dust concentration in the ambient air shows the level
of total suspended particulates in the ambient air did not exceed the national threshold
standard of 230 µg/Nm3 according to the Government Regulation No. 41 Year 1999 and
were lower than the international threshold standard of 120 µg/Nm3 according to the
Guidelines for Air Quality, Global Update, WHO 2006.

Construction Phase
Construction activities will result in dust generation as a result of vegetation
clearance at the proposed project site for establishment of the different infrastructure
components. Dust will also be generated during the transportation of required
construction materials from the different source points to the construction sites. Due to
this condition, the impact magnitude of dust generation during the Construction
activities is considered to be MEDIUM given the activities of construction will occur
temporarily during the construction work so that the impact will be temporary, localised
and reversible.
Sensitivity of ambient air quality as a receptor is considered to be low given the baseline
air quality in the nearby Project Area were still considered to be in a good condition and
considering the impact will be temporary, localised and reversible. However, dust will
directly impact the the construction worker and small number of the local farmers doing
work in their agricultural land nearby. Dust generation may also impact the communities
along the roads that will be used to access to the proposed project site from Dolok
Sanggul to Sigulok Village. An issue also raised by the community was that due to the
construction activities dust contaminants in the air along the road particularly caused by
the transportation activities will be increased in the dry season. Due to this condition, the
sensitivity of ambient air quality as the receptor is considered to be LOW-MEDIUM.
Therefore the impact severity is considered to be MEDIUM. The likelihood of dust
generation during the construction activities is INEVITABLE. The potential significance
of the impact is MODERATE.

ESMP Issue: AQ2 – Dust generation due to construction activities

Potential Impact Significance: MODERATE
 All unpaved haul roads will be continuously watered by watering
trucks or constant misting, so that surfaces remain damp at all times when in
use during construction. The Contractor will make provisions to have an
adequate amount of water and appropriate equipment to disperse water
onsite at all times;
 Gravel cover shall be applied to unpaved surfaces which are regularly used;
 All truck loads that enter or leave the site will be covered;
 Clearing of land will be carried out systematically - with clearing restricted to
only the required areas so as to minimise disturbed and exposed areas;
 Stockpiles of construction materials will be shielded from wind using bins

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

and monitored daily during the construction phase. In addition, they will be
located away from public and residential areas;
 A speed limit of 40 km/h for light vehicles and 30 km/h for heavy vehicles
will be maintained on routes used to access the construction site especially
during the dry season and during windy conditions;
 Minimize the amount of excavated material on site;
 Vehicle washing facilities provided to minimise the quantity of material
deposited on public roads;
 Restrict heights from which materials are dropped, as far as practicable, to
minimize the fugitive dust arising from unloading/loading;
 Consideration of the location of stockpiles for temporary storage areas with
respect to the location of sensitive receptors and prevailing wind;
 ASE environmental team to have responsibility to monitor conditions and
adjust the frequency of watering;
 Sealing /re-vegetation of completed earthworks as soon as reasonably
practicable after completion; and
 A grievance mechanism will be put in place to address grievances from local
Mitigated Significance: MINOR

Operation Phase
The likely dust generation during the operations phase will be insignificant since during
this phase, emissions will be restricted to light vehicles transporting the operation
and maintenance crew to and from site. This impact has therefore not been assessed

Noise will be generated from project activities and could become a nuisance to the local
stakeholders within the vicinity of the project site.
Relevant baseline information is presented in Section 5. According to baseline
information, the average noise levels at the selected sensitive receptors were within noise
threshold standard of 55 dB for residential areas according to the national standard
Ministry of Environment Decree No. 48 Year 1996 and the international standard
Guidelines for Community Noise (WHO, 1999), except for one noise level recorded in the
community settlement at 15:00. The noise level at this time was recorded slightly above
the threshold limit value at 64.3 dB A. The primary sources of noise around the Project
Area and the Project Area of Influence are from motor vehicles and audible sounds of the
Aek Sibundong river stream.

6.2.1 Noise Impact due to Construction Activities

The major sources of noise during the construction of the Aek Sibundong MHPP
will be mainly from vehicles, operation of construction equipment, and noise generated
by the construction workforce. According to baseline information, the average noise

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

levels at the proposed project area were below the noise threshold standard of 55 dB for
residential areas according to the national standard Ministry of Environment Decree No.
48 Year 1996 and the international standard Guidelines for Community Noise (WHO,
1999), except for one recorded time at 15:00 in the community settlement.
In the worst case condition of construction activities, assuming one excavator and one
generator operated in the same time during the day time (8 am to 5 pm) at the
construction period, then it can be estimated the noise generation at the Aek Sibundong
MHPP project area during construction phase will be approximately higher than the
National standard of the noise level in the industrial area in accordance to the both of
National and International Standard of 70 dBA. This noise level generation will directly
impacted about 150 construction workers and the local famers which conducted work in
their agricultural land area.
The impact magnitude of noise during the construction phase is considered to be
MEDIUM by considering the as the impact will occur during the construction work
which designates the impact as temporary, localised and reversible. Sensitive receptors
identified in the site vicinity include residents located at the Sigulok Village and farmers
working near construction site may consider the noise from construction as annoyance.
Given this condition, the sensitivity of receptor is considered to be LOW-MEDIUM as
these receptors would be exposed to intermittent noise during daylight hours. Therefore
the severity of impact is MEDIUM. The likelihood of noise level increase during the
construction work is INEVITABLE. The potential significance of the impact is

ESMP Issue: N1 – Noise impact from the Construction Activities

Potential Impact Significance: MODERATE
 Proper maintenance of equipment in accordance with the manufacturers
specifications (including trucks);
 Construction activities should be limited to daylight hours although
scheduling may require overnight operations on occasions;
 Prior notice will be given to the local community members to keep them
informed of what will take place. Where necessary, they will be advised to
avoid some sections at certain times of the construction phase for safety
 Unnecessary noise from the construction crew (such as loud vocalisations and
music) will be prohibited;
 Compliance to the noise threshold standard as stated in the Ministry of
Environment Decree No. 48 Year 1996 will be ensured;
 A grievance mechanism will be established to enable local people
express their concerns;
 Noise monitoring will be undertaken within the area and at nearby sensitive
receptor sites during construction

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

 Prohibit idling of machinery including vehicles, unless necessary;

 Prohibit off-road driving;
 The use of horns should be reserved for safety considerations and not used as
a common communication method; and
 Noisy equipment will be sited with regard to or away from sensitive
receptors whenever possible.
Mitigated Significance: MINOR

6.2.2 Noise Impact due to Turbine Operation

Noise emissions during the operations phase will be generated by the installed
machinery at the powerhouse particularly the turbine noise also operation and
maintenance of vehicles onsite. However, the power house will be insulated and access
to these structures will be restricted thus preventing exposure of the community
members to the noise emitted. In addition turbine noise may impact the 12 personnel of
operational workers.
Impact magnitude of noise increase during the operation phase is considered to be LOW
even the turbine noise will be continuously generated but the area of hydro-power
turbine will be isolated. The sensitivity of receptor is considered to be LOW-MEDIUM
by concerning the impact on the operation workers; while the impact on the other
sensitive receptors including settlement area and agricultural area were insignificant due
to the considerable distance. Therefore the impact severity is LOW. The likelihood of
noise level increase during the operation or turbine is INEVITABLE. The potential
significance of the impact is MINOR.

ESMP Issue: N2 – Noise from Turbine Operation

Potential Impact Significance: MINOR
 The power house shelter will be insulated to minimise the level of noise
 A reasonable safety perimeter will be established around the powerhouse
where access by community members will be highly restricted. By so doing,
the emitted noise levels from the power house will not reach the community
 Only monitoring site visits necessary for proper running of the hydropower
project will be conducted; and
 Utilization of the appropriate PPE such as earplug when conducted work
nearby the turbine area.
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Water Quality
The Aek Sibundong MHPP project will utilize Aek Sibundong River. Based on analysis of
hydrology, geology, and optimization studies of Aek Sibundong MHPP, data used as
design parameters, is summarised in Table 66.

Table 66 Hydrology Data for Design Parameter

No. Parameter Amount Description

1 Design-discharge 11.41 m³/sec Design-discharge of waterway

(probability 40% (intake, sedimentation pond,
after being waterway, head pond, penstock) is
reduced with 120% from design discharge
Q95% for river

2 Flood Discharge 151.54 m³/sec Flood design discharge for

(every 2 year / cofferdam

3 Flood Discharge 290.75 m³/sec Flood design discharge for weir

(every 100 year)

Source: Feasibility Study, 2013

The baseline information presented in the section 5 of this report shows that there were a
contamination of surface water at the Aek Sibundong River including the contamination
of physical elements (TSS concentration) and microbiological element (Total Coliform).
Table 67 below summarized the water quality parameters which exceed the National and
International Threshold Standard.

Table 67 Water Quality Contamination Detection in the Aek Sibundong River

Parameter Concentration Threshold Detection Location Time

Contamination Standards Detection

Total Suspended 80 mg/L 50 mg/L Power House Aek March

Solids (TSS) Sibundong MHPP 2018
(Downstream Aek
Sibundong River)

Total coliform 5938 MPN/100 5000 Power House Aek March

ml MPN/100 Sibundong MHPP 2018
ml (Downstream Aek
Sibundong River)

The Aek Sibundong River and its tributaries were not utilized by the communities for
potable purposes. Most of the communities were using spring water distributed to

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

houses using pipes.

6.3.1 Water Quality Impact due to Land Clearance Activities

The topography of the project footprint is hilly area with steep slope incline. The project
footprint will traverse the plantation forest and Aek Sibundong River. Land preparation
for construction will involve removing trees, bushes, roots and stones which will result in
exposing soil which has the potential to erode during rain storms.
Surface runoff occurs when rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration rate or when the soil
has been saturated. This condition will be common in the rainy season and frequent
during storm events in the dry season. Surface runoff can cause erosion of surface soils
and transport of vegetation debris into streams resulting in increased turbidity and the
build-up of gross pollutant materials.
Land preparation can have a significant impact on downstream water quality of the Aek
Sibundong River. High concentrations of sediment in the river can cause siltation,
reducing the storage capacity of rivers and streams and potentially even changing their
The intensity of sediment influx to rivers depends on the intensity and duration of
surface runoff. The potential for sediment influx is expected to be higher during the
rainy season.
The two main indicators of declining water quality due to erosion are Total Dissolved
Solids (TDS); and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). Government Regulation No. 82 Year
2001 regarding water quality management and water pollution control for class II water
courses defines the TDS and TSS thresholds as 1000 mg/L and 50 mg/L, respectively. As
stated in the previous section, the TSS concentration in one of the surface water sample at
Aek Sibundong River was detected at 80 mg/L, higher than the national threshold
standard of 50 mg/L.
Land preparation works have the potential to increase turbidity in the Aek Sibundong
River due to the activities of land preparation of the new access road, Aek Sibundong
MHPP and associated facilities development. Several mitigation measures should be
applied by considering the condition of existing TSS at the Aek Sibundong River which
was observed has a concentration level higher than the threshold standard.
Mitigation measures that should be conducted not only to protect the water quality but
also to protect the aquatic life including microorganism such as plankton and benthos
also fish life. High turbidity can reduce light penetration which is required by
phytoplankton during photosynthesis which has the potential to impact the oxygen
balance in the impacted Aek Sibundong River.
The substantial impact for aquatic biota and fish life are anticipated to occur from the
upstream of Aek Sibundong River until the downstream within the Project Area of
If the turbidity rate in the surface increases due to increased sediment flux from land
clearing activities, this contamination will be an impact of MEDIUM magnitude because
the river habitat will also be impacted; however, the condition is considered reversible as
it only occurs during construction phase. The receptor sensitivity is HIGH due to the

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

existing TSS contamination in the surface water, aquatic biota that will be impacted.
Therefore the severity of the potential impact is HIGH. The likelihood of increased
turbidity rate due to land clearing is MEDIUM. The potential raw significance of the
impact is MAJOR.

ESMP Issue: WQ1 – Water Quality Impact due to Land Clearance Activities –
Construction Phase
Potential Impact Significance: MAJOR
 Install soil erosion control structures at all construction sites;
 Install and regularly empty, sediment traps in surface drains, along roads and
construction areas;
 Proper design for storm water drainage facilities and maintenance during the
construction phase are critical so it can be implemented and useful for the
monitoring purposes;
 Construction during heavy rains should be avoided as much as is possible as
water logged soils are easily eroded;
 Disposal of cut top soil should be undertaken outside fragile ecosystems
(fragile ecosystems including the area nearby the Aek Sibundong River
riparian zone and nearby the paddy field area) and water sources
downstream; and
 Following completion of construction works, top soil removed and stockpiled
should be used in restoration; vegetation native to the area will be re-
established to ensure stabilisation of project area and its surroundings.
Mitigated Significance: MINOR-MODERATE

6.3.2 Water Quality Impact due to Soil Erosion

Construction Phase
Cut and fill associated with construction of waterway, main Aek Sibundong MHPP foot
print area and the associated facilities have the potential to increase the probability of
landslides which can in turn lead to erosion impacts. The project area was located in
medium hazard zone in accordance to BNPB, and therefore has medium landslide
The magnitude of this impact of degradation due to landslides and erosion is considered
to be LOW given the existing erosion condition and considering the area that will be
utilized for the project compared to the total catchment the project activities are relatively
small scale. The sensitivity of these receptors is MEDIUM given the condition on the
water quality contamination caused by soil erosion was not observed within the project
area of influence but the area has medium landslide hazard. Other consideration
comprise: receptors such as the communities primarily utilized the Aek Sibundong River
were not utilized for the potable purposes; the most sensitive receptor may comprise the
aquatic biota life such as micro-organism and the fish life at the Aek Sibundong River.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Therefore the severity of impact is considered to be MEDIUM. The likelihood of surface

water quality degradation due to landslide and erosion is LOW. The potential
significance of the impact is MINOR.

ESMP Issue: WQ2 – Water Quality Impact due to Soil Erosion – Construction Phase
Potential Impact Significance: MINOR
 Stabilization of project footprint by planting crops or masonry stabilization;
 Consider a retaining systems;
 Build terraces for steep slopes; and
 Monitoring of potentially impacted river section area;
 There will be controlled clearance of vegetation and this will be limited to
only sections that are required for the access and installation of the project
 An efficient drainage system will be incorporated in the project design
to ensure that storm water especially along the access roads to the
powerhouse and water way and along the headrace canal is efficiently and
effectively controlled; and
 Where possible, construction activities will not take place during heavy rains.
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE

Operation Phase
During the operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP, all the waste collected from the headrace
system at the time of cleaning will be disposed of appropriately at designated waste
disposal sites. In the other case, there will be accumulated sediment in the sedimentation
tank. This sediment naturally is a sediment load in the Aek Sibundong River which
trapped in the sediment tank during the operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP.
The magnitude of impact on water quality is considered to be NO CHANGE since this
sediment is natural sediment load which were exist in the Aek Sibundong River. The
sensitivity of water quality as the receptor is considered to be MEDIUM as the existing
water quality at Aek Sibundong River were already contaminated by TSS at the
downstream of Aek Sibundong River which has concentration exceedance than the
National Threshold Standard of 50 mg/L. This is also considered about the sensitivity of
aquatic biota as a secondary receptor which will have higher sediment load period
occasionally compares to the natural systems. Therefore the severity of the potential
impact is SLIGHT. The likelihood of increased potential sediment to surface water due
to the operation phase of Aek Sibundong MHPP is MEDIUM likelihood. The potential
significance of the impact is NEGLIGIBLE. However, there were several mitigations
measure that should be conducted to minimize the impact of the sediment load during
the operation phase of Aek Sibundong MHPP.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

ESMP Issue: WQ6 – Surface water quality degradation due to Sediment Load of Aek
Sibundong MHPP – Operation Phase
Potential Impact Significance: NEGLIGIBLE
 It is recommended that during flushing of the sedimentation tank, sediments
will be flushed back into the river where they came from;
 Monitor the condition in the downstream area during the flushing occurred to
prevent the impact on the local farmer and/or fisherman who unintentionally
visit the area where the sediment load discharged; and
 Install the warning sign for not enter the discharging area.
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE

6.3.3 Water Quality Impact due to the Construction of Weir

During the construction of the weir, channel deepening and widening is likely to result
into increased turbidity and change the colour of the Aek Sibundong River. In addition,
the materials used in the establishment of the weir such as cement may result in
increased concentration of ions such as calcium, silicon, aluminium, iron and sulfates to
levels above the recommended national limits for (untreated) domestic water available
for water consumers.
Mitigation should be conducted not only to protect the water quality from high turbidity
and contamination but also protect the aquatic life including microorganism such as
plankton and benthos also fish life.
The magnitude of impact to water quality due to the weir construction is considered to
be MEDIUM considering the high turbidity due to channel deepening and the widening
also utilization of construction materials during the weir construction meanwhile the
impact will not be permanent and irreversible. The sensitivity of water quality as a
receptor of impact is considered to be HIGH by considering the existing condition of the
Aek Sibundong River which observed the contamination of TSS in the surface water. The
other sensitive receptors which will be impacted include the aquatic life in the Aek
Sibundong River including microorganism such as plankton and benthos also fish.
Therefore the severity of impact is considered to be HIGH. The likelihood of increased
turbidity rate and materials contaminations due to weir development is HIGH
LIKELIHOOD/INEVITABLE. The potential significance of the impact is MAJOR.

ESMP Issue: WQ3 – Water Quality Impact due to Weir Development – Construction
Potential Impact Significance: MAJOR
 Consider phasing plan to minimize the period of exposure for river cleared
 Frequent monitoring of potentially impacted rivers and channels to include

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

TDS and TSS; and

 Daily monitoring of weir development activities by the Environmental
Supervisor; and
 During weir construction, cuttings and residual mud generated during the
channel deepening and widening process will be dried, stored and handled in
appropriately bounded or under-lined areas and re-used for other project
Mitigated Significance: MINOR

6.3.4 Water Quality Impact due to Sediment Increase from Aek Sibundong MHPP

During the operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP, all the waste collected from the headrace
system at the time of cleaning will be disposed of appropriately at designated waste
disposal sites. In the other case, there will be accumulated sediment in the sedimentation
tank. This sediment naturally is a sediment load in the Aek Sibundong River which
trapped in the sediment tank during the operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP.
The magnitude of impact on water quality is considered to be NO CHANGE since this
sediment is natural sediment load which were exist in the Aek Sibundong River. The
sensitivity of water quality as the receptor is considered to be MEDIUM as the existing
water quality at Aek Sibundong River were already contaminated by TSS which has
concentration exceedance than the National Threshold Standard of 50 mg/L. This is also
considered about the sensitivity of aquatic biota as a secondary receptor which will have
higher sediment load period occasionally compares to the natural systems. Therefore the
severity of the potential impact is SLIGHT. The likelihood of increased potential
sediment to surface water due to the operation phase of Aek Sibundong MHPP is
MEDIUM LIKELIHOOD. The potential significance of the impact is NEGLIGIBLE.
However, there were several mitigation measures that should be conducted to minimize
the impact of the sediment load during the operation phase of Aek Sibundong MHPP.

ESMP Issue: WQ4 – Surface water quality degradation due to Sediment Load of Aek
Sibundong MHPP – Operation Phase
Potential Impact Significance: NEGLIGIBLE
 It is recommended that during flushing of the sedimentation tank, sediments
will be flushed back into the river where they came from;
 Monitor the condition in the downstream area during the flushing occurred to
prevent the impact on the local farmer and/or fisherman who unintentionally
visit the area where the sediment load discharged; and
 Install the warning sign for not enter the discharging area.
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

6.3.5 Water Quality Impact due to the Domestic Wastewater Discharge

The analysis of the potential project impacts discussed in this section is related to the
possibility that during the implementation of project activities, domestic wastewater
generated may be poorly handled and disposed of. The baseline information stated that
there were good sanitation facilities at the communities nearby the Project Area.
However, baseline water quality data in the Section 5 shows concentration of Total
Coliform at one sampling point is higher than the National Threshold Standard as Stated
in the Government Regulation No. 82 Year 2001 Appendix II which indicates a domestic
contamination in the surface water nearby the Project Area.
Domestic sewage is not characterized as hazardous and toxic (B3) liquid waste, it can
contain high nutrient (N & P), suspended solids and pathogen (e.g., faecal coliform)
concentrations, and other organic contents (such as oil and grease). These pollutants can
cause impacts to receiving water bodies, including depletion of dissolved oxygen;
eutrophication, aesthetic problems due to it unsightly appearance as well as odour;
turbidity as a result of presence of suspended solids, and public health (disease-
transmission due to the presence of pathogens).
During the construction phase, approximately 150 workers will be hired. While during
the operation phase there will be fewer workers for the operation works (approximately
12 operation workers). However, if not managed properly, the domestic wastewater may
become a significant issue.
The construction and operation areas will be served by toilets which will be equipped
with a portable septic tank. Portable toilets would be cleaned daily and discharge taken
to the portable septic tank. Sludge from septic tank would be removed as required and
transported to appropriate sewage treatment facilities for disposal. Meanwhile the grey
water from the activity of bathing and washing will directly discharging to the drainage
systems and flows to the Aek Sibundong River. Grey water may potentially have high
nutrient loading due to the utilization of detergents.
Under the scenario above, potential impact from the domestic wastewater would be
limited to the leakage of portable toilets/seepage from the septic tank and the potential
of nutrients contamination from grey water discharge, therefore the impact will be
localized and considered to be MEDIUM. Toilets and septic tanks would be sited away
from sensitive surface water resources as far as practicable, thus the sensitivity of water
quality as a receptor is considered to be LOW-MEDIUM. Then the impact severity is
MEDIUM. The likelihood of leakage/seepage is considered LOW. The overall impact
significance is considered as MINOR.

ESMP Issue: WQ5 – Water Quality Impact due to Domestic Wastewater

DischargePotential Impact Significance: MINOR
 Installing the drainage systems within the project area footprint to discharge
the domestic discharge from the Project Area to the dedicated water bodies of
Aek Sibundong River and prevent the inappropriate water discharge to the
communities agricultural/plantation area;

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

 Equip project area footprint with the toilettes for worker;

 Toilets to be well maintained and cleaned;
 Toilette septic tank to avoid untreated wastewater discharge; and
 Project proponent should ensure that all sludge waste from the septic tank will
be periodically removed from site and transported by a waste carrier for
proper disposal.
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE

Soil/Land Contamination
According to the IFC EHS Guidelines, land is considered to be contaminated when it
contains hazardous materials or oil concentrations above background or naturally
occurring levels. Contaminated lands may involve surficial soils or subsurface soils that,
through leaching and transport, may affect groundwater, surface water and adjacent site.
Contaminated land may contain pollutants that have an adverse effect on human health
and environment. It becomes a problem in an agricultural land, or when the
contaminated land is close to residential areas and water bodies. Contaminated land is
not necessarily site specific; when hazardous waste infiltrates into groundwater, it can be
transported offsite.

6.4.1 Soil/Land Contamination from Chemical or Petroleum Product

There is potential for land contamination by chemical and petroleum products from:
 Equipment maintenance activities (spill of lubricant),
 Fuel storage areas (spill of diesel oil and gasoline),
 Refuelling stations (spill of diesel oil and gasoline); and
 Vehicle/equipment wash down areas (spill of lubricant).
The impact magnitude is considered to be LOW although there would be significant
change in soil chemistry from any spillage, the scale of operations associated with the
project indicated that any potential incidents would be small in scale. Considering that
agriculture is the main activity in the Project Area, the sensitivity of receptor is MEDIUM,
thus the severity of impact is considered to be MEDIUM. The likelihood of chemical and
petroleum product spill is LOW LIKELIHOOD. Therefore, the significance of impact is
MINOR. However, there are several mitigation measures that should be conducted to
minimize the impact of the land contamination of chemical and petroleum products
during the construction phase of Aek Sibundong MHPP.

ESMP Issue: LC1 – Land Contamination due to Chemical and Petroleum Products
Potential Impact Significance: MINOR
 Any accidental spills will be managed in accordance with spill response
 Storage of petroleum and chemical products in a designated storage receptacle

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

with an impermeable surface and secondary containment to prevent accidental

spills; and
 Fuelling will be carefully undertaken at designated and well maintained
fuelling centres away from sensitive receptors such as the agricultural land,
settlements area and watercourses.
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE

6.4.2 Soil/Land Contamination due to Leakage of Vehicle and Machinery

During construction phase, utilisation of various heavy equipment and motorized

vehicles such as the excavator, bulldozer, vibro roller, dump truck, pick-up vehicle,
generator, concrete mixer, water tank vehicle and crane will be required as described
previously in Section 3 of this report. Thus, there is potential for land contamination from
spillage particularly spillage of the oil and petroleum products from the leakage
machinery and/or vehicle. However, the impact magnitude is considered to be LOW
because although oil/petroleum product will have an adverse effect on agricultural
production, any spill/leak would be highly localized and the contamination would
degrade or be diluted over time. Considering that agriculture is the main activity in the
project area especially in the proximity of the Aek Sibundong MHPP and associated
facilities, the sensitivity of receptor is MEDIUM. Therefore the severity of impact is
considered to be MEDIUM. The likelihood of spill in the Mini-hydro Power Plant Project
is LOW LIKELIHOOD. Therefore, the significance of impact is MINOR.

ESMP Issue: LC2 – Land Contamination due to Leakage from machinery or Vehicle
Potential Impact Significance: MINOR
 Any accidental spills will be managed in accordance with spill response
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE

6.4.3 Soil/Land Contamination from Materials Stored Onsite and Solid Waste Generation

Waste generation during the construction phase that has the potential to cause land
contamination includes the use of solid or powdered chemical, metal scrap, plastic from
waste storage facilities also the domestic waste from food waste. The operational waste
may not have a significant impact on the solid waste generation due to the relatively
small number of workers during the operation activities also the typical activities during
the operation may have negligible waste generation. Storm-water run-off may be
contaminated by the solid waste and materials stored onsite without cover. Poor
handling and storage of waste can cause percolation of spills into soil. Chemical and
petroleum products can percolate into shallow groundwater, but it is expected that the
impact would be highly localized and the contamination would degrade and be diluted
over time.
The impact magnitude is considered to be LOW as any incident is likely to be small scale
and localized. Considering that agriculture is the main activity in the project area, the
sensitivity of receptor is MEDIUM. Therefore the severity of impact is considered to be

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

MEDIUM. The likelihood of an event in the Mini-hydro Power Plant Project is LOW
LIKELIHOOD. Therefore the significance of impact is MINOR.

ESMP Issue: LC3 – Land Contamination due to the Materials Stored Onsite and Solid
Waste Generation
Potential Impact Significance: MINOR
 All waste materials shall be segregated into hazardous and non-hazardous and
stored in adequate containers on impermeable bases or within engineered
containment areas prior to removal from site for proper disposal at established
waste management facilities; and
 ASE shall propose an allocation area for waste segregation and storage,
opportunities for reuse of inert waste, and schedules for removing waste from
the site for proper disposal at established waste management facilities.
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE

The project area of Aek Sibundong MHPP is located at Aek Sibundong Watershed with
total catchment area is 71,735.004 km2. The land cover of the proposed project footprint
was mostly comprised of vegetation cover such as bush/shrub areas and agricultural
crops. In the terms of the surface water utilization; the Aek Sibundong River is not used
by the local community.
Civil structures such as weirs and drains should include measures in the design to
conserve water flow from upstream to downstream. The objective of this section is to
assess the potential impact of the project on water conservation and propose design and
engineering solutions as mitigation.

6.5.1 Water Balance Alteration due to Construction Activities

Construction of the Aek Sibundong MHPP, including the main facilities and the
associated facilities, has the potential to alter the natural flow of water resources. The
majority of land uses affected by the construction activities were mostly the plantation
forest and agriculture.
The main buildings of Aek Sibundong MHPP such as the settling basin, waterway and
power house will be built on a foundation of concrete. Water demand for these
construction activities will be obtained from the groundwater. This is not expected to
have an impact on the river water volume. The construction of the main facilities and
associated facilities of the Aek Sibundong MHPP development areas will involve
significant amounts of cut and fill.
The impact magnitude of water balance alteration is considered to be LOW as the
impacted forest field areas were relatively small scale and considering the impact will
only be temporary, reversible and localised during the first sequence of the construction
phase. There are paddy fields in the project area. However, the irrigation water is
sourced from another river. As such, there will be no water shortage for irrigation, which
gives LOW sensitivity. The severity of the impact is LOW. If not properly designed, the
likelihood of Aek Sibundong MHPP Project to obstruct water flow is considered as LOW

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in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

likelihood. Thus, the unmitigated significance of impacts to water balance is MINOR.

ESMP Issue: H1 – Water Balance Alteration due to the Cut and Fill Activity of the
development of Aek Sibundong MHPP and Associated Facilities
Potential Impact Significance: MINOR
 Cut and fill should not impact paddy fields or other agricultural land outside
the project footprint;
 Storage area of the cutting materials should consider surface hydrology;
 Frequent monitoring and review of surface hydraulics;
 Civil design will necessarily include a number of hydraulic designs, in
particular drains and culverts to ensure continuous hydraulic flows. Where the
project footprint intersects a paddy field, culverts should be included in the
design to maintain adequate flows; and
 Grievance mechanism to ensure that affected parties can report abnormalities
in stream water.
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE

6.5.2 Potential Flooding due to the Land Clearing and Construction Activities

There will be low potential of flooding in the Aek Sibundong MHPP project area. Based
on Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, it is indicated that Aek Sibundong MHPP
area is located in non flood hazard area. Based on this assessment the project area and
surrounding are not located in flood prone areas.
Soil infiltration capacity is determined by soil type, initial soil moisture content and
vegetation/ground cover. During a rain event, infiltration continues until soil reaches its
saturation point. Then, the excess water will flow into the river as surface runoff. Land
preparation activities including soil compaction and utilization of bitumen structure for
road construction, concrete pavement at the Aek Sibundong MHPP (mainly at the
settling basin, power house, water way and MHPP facilities and disposal area) and the
compaction and clearance at the transmission line area will increase surface runoff to
adjacent areas.
The Aek Sibundong MHPP main facilities and associated facilities area development will
have the greatest impacted area during land clearing. However, the total impacted area
will not be significant as such it can be stated that it is a very small scale and considering
the characteristic of impact which is reversible and localized, thus the overall magnitude
of the potential impact is LOW. An increase in surface runoff has many indirect impacts
such as erosion, increased turbidity, downstream aquatic ecology deterioration (loss of
biota and less of biota production) and flooding. But, considering that the project area
footprint and surrounding were not considered to be flood prone areas then the
sensitivity of receptor is LOW. Therefore, the severity of the impact is LOW. It is very
likely (MEDIUM) that surface runoff will increase because of land clearing; therefore the
unmitigated significance of the impact is MINOR-MODERATE.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

ESMP Issue: H2 – Potential Flooding due to the Land Clearing and Construction
Potential Impact Significance: MINOR-MODERATE
 Design drainage systems particularly to serve road corridors and the main Aek
Sibundong MHPP facilities;
 Avoid vegetation clearance outside of the project footprint; and
 Re-vegetate after construction work is completed.
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE

6.5.3 Water Course Impact due to Weir Construction

Existing flows are likely to require diversion around the civil works. In particular,
construction of weir may require the Aek Sibundong River to be temporarily diverted.
The impact magnitude is considered to be LOW by assuming that the river will be
diverted prior the weir construction starting and the impact is considered as temporary
and reversible. The downstream aquatic biota that live in the river are assessed to have
LOW-MEDIUM sensitivity. Therefore, the severity of impact is considered to be LOW.
The likelihood of this impact is considered to be INEVITABLE. The unmitigated
significance of the impact is MINOR.

ESMP Issue: H3 – Water Course Impact due to Weir Construction

Potential Impact Significance: MINOR
 Design a river diversion channel to provide a sufficient water supply to avoid
drought in areas downstream of project activities and for the aquatic biota
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE

6.5.4 Water Flow Impact due to Operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP

During the operations phase, river water will be diverted by a weir through an opening
in the river side (the ‘intake’) into a channel to the headrace for use in the generation of
power. This will result in a fluctuation in the volume of water left to continue flowing
normally through the existing watercourse particularly for the section between the intake
weir and powerhouse.
Abstraction of water from the Aek Sibundong River for power generation will therefore
reduce the amount of water available especially during the minimum river flows in the
dry season. This has the potential to impact on the aquatic biodiversity although Aek
Sibundong River does not have rich aquatic biodiversity condition.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Impact magnitude of water flow during the operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP
operation is considered to be MEDIUM if not well mitigated by implementing the
ecological flow. Due to the lo impact to the Aek Sibundong River thus the receptor
sensitivity is considered to be LOW. Therefore, the severity of the potential impact is
LOW. Therefore, the potential significance of the impact is MINOR.

ESMP Issue: H4 – Water Flow Changes due to Operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP
Potential Impact Significance: MINOR
 Maintain at all times, especially during critical low flow periods, ecological
flow in the river section between the intake works and point of return of flow
to the main Aek Sibundong River for purposes of aquatic biodiversity
 Manage operations to avoid rapid fluctuations in downstream flow by
conducting periodic monitoring of water flow between the weir and
powerhouse and downstream of the powerhouse.
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE-MINOR

Biodiversity Resources

6.6.1 Impact to Habitat

The Project Area is considered as a mixing of natural (river, riparian and forest/bush)
and modified habitat (agricultural land, paddy field, housing). This project has the
potential to impact habitats and vegetation within the project area footprint in several
 Vegetation communities will be directly impacted by the land preparation for
access road, main Aek Sibundong MHPP development area and associated
 Indirect impacts to habitats and vegetation adjacent to works areas can include
deposition of dust generated by increased traffic/construction activities, spillage
of chemicals, improper wastewater discharge and dumping of solid waste.
 During the ESIA biodiversity survey; any IUCN endangered and critically
endangered flora species were not found within the Project Area footprint and
The impact magnitude is considered LOW given the total area that will be cleared within
the project area footprint is considered as a small scale area. Potential receptors of these
impacts are considered of MEDIUM sensitivity. Therefore the severity of impact is
considered to be MEDIUM. Impact likelihood is inevitable, so the overall impact
significance is considered MODERATE.

ESMP Issue: BR1 – Loss of Habitat and Vegetation during the Construction Activities

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Potential Impact Significance: MODERATE

 Prevent vegetation trampling by restricting access to the site along a
designated route. Movement of equipment (vehicles, contractors and the entire
construction crew) will be limited to the designated access roads – off-road
driving will be prohibited;
 The site clearing exercise will be controlled and limited to only that which is
required for the project components. Workers will be prohibited from
removing vegetation outside clearing marked areas of intervention.
Installation of transmission lines above existing vegetation to avoid land
 Areas should be identified for vegetation planted to replace those that will be
lost to the project. This includes supporting afforestation activities within the
project area and beyond;
 Movement of equipment (vehicles, contractors and the entire construction
crew) must follow designated pathways or agreed upon access routes; and

 Implement the Flora Removal and Clearance Plan during the civil works at the
construction phase; and
 Following the construction phase, the affected areas will be restored and only
indigenous vegetation replanted. Intentional restoration using exotic plant
species will be avoided.
Mitigated Significance: MINOR

6.6.2 Impact on Fauna during Construction Phase

As stated in the above section, the Project Area mostly comprise of plantation area. These
land uses indicate that the majority of the land area is disturbed and much of the natural
vegetation is displaced.
The Government Regulation No. 7 Year 1999 stated that any flora and fauna shall become
protected under several criteria as follows:
 Has a small population
 Has high decrease of individual in nature
 Considered to have an endemic distribution
For those species which are stated as protected, conservation should be applied. The
conservation of flora and fauna could be conducted in situ and ex situ. The in situ
conservation were include the identification of species, inventorization, monitoring,
habitat and population development, species rescue, also the analysis, research and
development of species. While the ex situ conservation measures could include
preservation, breeding, analysis, research and development of species, fauna
rehabilitation and species rescue.
Construction phase activities have the potential to impact wildlife within the project area
in several ways:
 Construction of new access roads, Aek Sibundong MHPP and associated

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

facilities will inhibit movement of wildlife and fragment habitats in the Project
 Direct impacts to wildlife may also occur inside the construction boundaries if
wildlife enter into the construction site and pose risks to individuals within and
across the site boundary. Mitigation to appropriately handle wildlife entry into
construction sites will reduce risks to both animals and the construction crews.
 Sources of indirect impacts on fauna also include noise from the construction
activities, general increased in human activity, evening light pollution, which
have the potential to stress or disorientate wildlife in the project area. Mitigation
activities that reduce noise and evening pollution will minimize these impacts.
 However, it should be noted that impact on the biodiversity might in a minor
scale due to the small scale area of the Project Area footprint. Project Activities of
construction and operation seem would not impede the movement nor would
have an effect on the behaviour, reproduction or abundance of the several IUCN
Endangered Species.
Overall, the sensitivity of receptors is MEDIUM, given some species of conservation
interest are known/possibly to occur within/close to proposed works areas. The
magnitude of the impact is considered LOW, therefore the severity of impact is
considered to be MEDIUM. The likelihood of habitat loss is HIGH
LIKELIHOOD/INEVITABLE, and overall impact significance is considered

ESMP Issue: BR2 – Impact on Fauna during the Construction Phase

Potential Impact Significance: MODERATE
 Use well maintained and serviced equipment that generates low noise levels;
 Unnecessary noise from the construction workers (such as loud vocalisations
and music) will be prohibited;
 National noise regulations as stipulated in the National Regulations
Ministry of Environment Decree No. 48 Year 1996 and the International
Guidelines of WHO Guidelines for Community Noise, 1999 for industrial
will be adhered to;
 Idling of vehicles and machinery will be prohibited unless necessary;
 Off-road driving will be prohibited. The use of vehicle horns will be
reserved for safety considerations, and not used as a common
communication method;
 Equipment will be operated with all noise-reducing components (hoods,
screens) in the correct position;
 During construction, habitat disturbance should be minimised by
restricting the project activities to only the maximum area required;
 Unnecessary cutting of vegetation should be avoided. If applicable,
installation of transmission lines above existing vegetation to avoid land

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

 To minimise death of fauna, vegetation clearance should always be
undertaken first, as this scares away most of the fauna, as opposed to direct
use of graders to clear routes for access road construction, or direct dumping
of construction materials and excavated soils;
 Training of construction crews on the appropriate response to wildlife
encounters that may occur in the project area;
 Instruction to construction crews to refrain from harassing wildlife; and
 Proper disposal of construction and worker waste.
Mitigated Significance: MINOR

6.6.3 Impact on Fauna during Operation Phase

Compared to the construction phase above, activities during the operations phase will be
of a low magnitude i.e. the operations phase essentially will involve running and
maintenance of the hydropower project. Several consideration of impacts on fauna were
as follows:
 Consideration of terrestrial fauna within the project footprint may be killed as a
result of drowning in the open headrace channel.
 The continuous turbine noise may affect the animal’s psychology and behaviour
particularly if they are moving nearby the powerhouse area.
 The height of the electricity transmission pole and the electricity carried by the
transmission line can pose potentially fatal risk to birds through collisions and
electrocutions. Avian collisions with power lines can occur in large numbers if
located within daily flyways or migration corridors, or if groups are traveling at
night or during low light conditions (e.g. dense fog). In addition, bird collisions
with power lines may result in power outages and fires.
Overall, the sensitivity of receptors is HIGH, given some species of conservation interest
are known to occur within/close to proposed works areas. The magnitude of the impact
is considered LOW, therefore the severity of impact is considered to be MEDIUM. The
likelihood of habitat loss during operation is MEDIUM, and overall impact significance
is considered MINOR-MODERATE.

ESMP Issue: BR3 – Impact on Fauna during the Operation Activities

Potential Impact Significance: MINOR-MODERATE
 Monitor operation activities at the open headrace;
 The headrace should preferably be buried, and the vegetation above it
restored. However, periodic monitoring should take place (at least
quarterly) to ensure that tree species that have the potential of destructing
the headrace are not allowed to grow. This also reduces the risks to animal

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

 Fencing/hoarding around works areas to prevent animal entry and minimize
light/disturbance impacts;
 Training for crews, during operation of the turbine, on the appropriate
response to wildlife encounters that may occur on the Aek Sibundong MHPP
 Training for power house occupants on the appropriate response to wildlife
encounters that may occur and instruction to occupants to refrain from
harassing wildlife; and
 Installing visibility enhancement objects such as marker balls, bird deterrents,
or diverters to minimize avian collisions and electrocutions in the transmission
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE-MINOR

6.6.4 Impact on Migratory Fish

The analysis of the impact discussed in this section is based on the fact that during
the implementation of the proposed Aek Sibundong MHPP activities, an intake weir will
be constructed across the river. Construction of the weir across the river will create a
barrier effect of the river. It will not only impact the river water flow, but also will
impede fish migration upstream of the weir. The implementation of mitigation measures
to address potential water flow impacts would also serve to protect the migratory fish
communities. These measures are fully described in Sections 6.5.4 (Water Flow Impact
due to Operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP), and therefore no specific additional
measures are required for the migratory fish communities.

6.6.5 Impact on Aquatic Biodiversity

As described in Section 6.3 (Water Quality), numerous activities associated with the
project have the potential to impact surface water resources. These impacts would also
affect aquatic communities. The implementation of mitigation measures to address
potential water impacts would also serve to protect aquatic communities. These
measures are fully described in Sections 6.3, and therefore no specific additional
measures are required for aquatic communities.

6.6.6 Impact on Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem services that are considered to be affected by the project are provision of
fisheries, water resources, wildlife habitat, and disaster mitigation. Table 68 below
presents a summary of the predicted impacts to ecosystem services due to the Aek
Sibundong MHPP project which consideres project components which affect these
ecosystem services as well as the magnitude of these impacts.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Table 68 List of Affected Ecosystem Services

Project Impact Evaluation of Ecosystem
Project Activity Project Impacts Existing Conditions Ecosystem
Component Services

Land Land clearing and  Soil erosion  The habitat in the  Water  Tree logging impacts may
preparation alteration project area is already resource significantly cause increased TSS
 Increased TSS and
degraded due to its replenishment and turbidity. TSS content can
turbidity in water
status as a Production as a cause eutrophication and
Forest as well as intense watershed. potential fish mortality due to
 Noise disturbance land clearing for lack of nutrients in the ecosystem.
 Wildlife
 Terrestrial habitat agriculture, etc. This may significantly lower
 Disaster fisheries’ yield during
degradation from tree  TSS content in water in
mitigation construction period.
logging the downstream is
from landslide
above the threshold  Tree logging may cause
limit value. insignificant impact to water
resource replenishment, wildlife
disturbance, and disaster
mitigation due to the already
degraded state of the area.

Construction  MHPP and  Potential oil leakage  TSS content in water in  Water  Impact on fisheries degradation
facilities from mobilization the downstream is resource may be significant if pollution
construction above the threshold replenishment from construction equipment and
 Potential DO
limit value. as a materials as well as domestic
 Equipment and depletion and
watershed. wastewater is not handled
materials eutrophication of
mobilization aquatic ecosystem  Wildlife
from domestic  Noise disturbance may cause
wastewater discharge insignificant impact to wildlife
disturbance as wildlife may
 Noise disturbance
migrate to the proximate

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Project Impact Evaluation of Ecosystem
Project Activity Project Impacts Existing Conditions Ecosystem
Component Services
from construction Protected Area to avoid

MHPP MHPP operation  River water flow  TSS content in water in  Water  Impact on fisheries degradation
operation decrease from MHPP the downstream is resource may be significant if pollution
operation above the threshold replenishment from mobilization and domestic
limit value. as a wastewater is not handled
 Potential TSS increase
watershed. carefully.
in the river bodies
from trapped  Wildlife  Impact on fisheries degradation
sedimentation before from decreased river flow may
water enters the also be significant as it can cause
MHPP. supersaturation of the water. One
of the components that can be
 Noise disturbance
supersaturated is TSS due to its
from MHPP
potential to become trapped
behind the dam before water
 Potential DO enters the MHPP. This will cause
depletion and changes to physical and chemical
eutrophication of components of the aquatic
aquatic ecosystem ecosystem, thus subsequently
from domestic affecting the aquatic biota as well.
wastewater discharge
 Noise disturbance may cause
 Potential oil leakage insignificant impact to wildlife
from vehicle disturbance as wildlife may
mobilization migrate to the proximate
Protected Area to avoid

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Social Economics

6.7.1 Impact on Community Livelihoods

Economic displacement is another potential impact of land conversion. Some

communities engage in other small-scale activities that sustain livelihoods, such as
kemenyan tapping. Economic loss or displacement were already addressed through
compensation requirements of the land acquisition program.
While the project may affect the sources of income for the local communities, it may also
offer employment opportunities or increased revenue to local businesses. For example,
the project will require construction and therefore increase the local population in the
short-term, bringing more visitors to local shops and restaurants. In addition, the
increased population provides an opportunity for new business ventures and may create
employment opportunities for unskilled and non-technical labor. During the construction
phase there will be 150 employees needed. These activities may have a positive economic
impact to the local community.
The impact magnitude due to economic displacement from the construction activities is
MEDIUM, since the project will directly impact agricultural land; however, the
sensitivity of the receptors is MEDIUM-HIGH because the project will directly affect the
local community. The severity of these impacts is HIGH and the likelihood that Aek
Sibundong MHPP construction activities will result in significant impacts is considered
to be INEVITABLE. The impact significance before mitigation is therefore MAJOR.

ESMP Issue: SEC1 – Impact on Community Livelihood due to Economic Displacement

Potential Impact Significance: MAJOR
 Identify local livelihood sources and affected peoples according to income
 Employ local personnel as a first priority, should suitable positions be
 Establish a local community recruitment system by collaborating with the
Village authority;
 Develop and disclose a community grievance mechanism to provide the
community with the opportunity to formally lodge complaints;
 Allow the communities to do the business activities within the project area
such as food business, shelter, transportation services, etc.;
 Allow the communities particularly the farmers to utilize the project access
road for their activities; and
 Project proponent will pay wages for the worker in compliance to the relevant
applicable regulation within the national and regional level.
Mitigated Significance: MINOR

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Community Health, Safety and Security

6.8.1 Emission from Vehicle and Equipment

The gaseous emissions are expected to be emitted from operation of vehicles and
equipment include CO2, NO2, SO2, and hydrocarbons including volatile organic
compounds since most of the construction equipment and machinery will be powered
by diesel engines.
Significant receptors in as far as any changes in ambient air quality are concerned will be
the local farmers doing work in their agricultural land nearby the proposed project area.
It is also important to note that, gaseous emissions are not restricted to the emission
sources; they can spread to a wider area as determined by the direction of wind.
The impact magnitude of exposure to dust is MEDIUM as the operations are relatively
small in scale and not immediately adjacent to local communities; and the sensitivity of
the receptors is HIGH. However, the likelihood that vehicle and equipment emission will
significantly impact local communities is considered to be LOW. The impact significance
is considered to be MODERATE. Several mitigation measures, presented in Section 6.1.1,
can minimize vehicle and equipment emission. In addition, mitigation measures that
reduce impacts to the local community can especially help to minimize overall impacts.

ESMP Issue: PHS1 – Vehicle and Equipment Emission and Impact to the Local
Potential Impact Significance: MODERATE
 Involve the community in emergency planning, to lead to more effective
responses to monitoring system warnings.
Mitigated Significance: MINOR

6.8.2 Dust Generation

Mobilization of materials and equipment during the construction phase may potentially
emit dust, also known as TSP (Total Suspended Particulate). Dust can arise from vehicle
movement on unpaved roads, which will be the state of the majority of the project’s new
roadways. Several new roadway segments are adjacent to residential and agricultural
areas, where the local community typically conducts daily activities. These people may
potentially be exposed to TSP. All of the equipment mobilization activities will comply
with a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) developed by the project, and will involve
arrangements with local authorities along the route as required.
The impact magnitude of exposure to dust is MEDIUM as the operations are relatively
small in scale and not immediately adjacent to local communities; and the sensitivity of
the receptors is HIGH. However, the likelihood that dust exposure will significantly
impact local communities is considered to be LOW. The impact significance is considered
to be MODERATE. Several mitigation measures, presented in Section 6.1.2, can
minimize dust generation. In addition, mitigation measures that reduce impacts to the

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

local community can especially help to minimize overall impacts.

ESMP Issue: PHS2 – Dust generation and Impact to the Local Community
Potential Impact Significance: MODERATE
 Minimize dust generation by managing haulage vehicles through a Traffic
Management Plan;
 Monitor dust generation in the impact area and have response plans in place
to address exceedance; and
 Pay attention to community feedback via the grievance mechanism.
Mitigated Significance: MINOR

6.8.3 Construction and Operation Noise

Temporary noise disturbance may affect local communities throughout the construction
phase. The project area is rural, where noise levels are, on average, below 60 dBA.
Settlements located on major transport routes, will face increased noise levels, and noise
from construction and increased transport may exceed acceptable standards. The
construction noise may also impact small number farmers working at their
agricultural/plantation land.
Meanwhile, the operation noise may come from the continuous turbine noise. However,
the impact may be minimized for who are in close proximity to the power house area
such as communities who work at their plantation land.
Noise mitigation has already been addressed in Section 6.2. Noise mitigation measures
include installing acoustic barriers, minimizing loud project components during the day,
and creating a grievance mechanism for the community to report excessive noise.

6.8.4 Traffic and Road Safety

One of the key public safety issues for local communities is the increased traffic
associated with the project. Many of the project components are in close proximity to
villages and agricultural land that are utilized by the local community.
Although the current traffic level on the road network within the project area is low with
the value of traffic volume to capacity of class A LoS (V/C < 0.60) considered as a free
flow traffic, the additional traffic will be noticeable to the local community members
and is likely to interfere with their regular movements as the utilization of the village
road for the mobilization of materials and equipment during the construction phase.
Furthermore, increased traffic and transportation of heavy loads may damage the
existing roads leaving them in a worse state.
The impact magnitude of construction activities to traffic increase is considered to be
MEDIUM. It also has MEDIUM sensitivity of receptor as it the volume to capacity of the
existing road was not an issue. Therefore the severity of the potential impact is HIGH.
The likelihood of traffic increase due to the construction phase on Aek Sibundong MHPP

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

is MEDIUM LIKELIHOOD. The potential significance of the impact is MAJOR.

ESMP Issue: PHS3 – Traffic and Road Safety

Potential Impact Significance: MAJOR
 Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will be established, it includes a public safety
component, enforcement of a speed limits on transportation routes will be 40
km/h for light vehicles and 30 km/h for heavy vehicles when going through
villages or in the presence of groups of pedestrians, the creation of new
pathways in areas of high pedestrian traffic, and disciplinary action for
endangering pedestrians
 Use well maintained and serviced vehicles to maintain efficiency;
 Prohibit off-road driving. The use of vehicle horns should be reserved for
safety considerations and not used as a common communication method;
 Travel in convoys and at designated times to decrease the risk of accidents and
traffic nuisance to the community;
 Only licensed drivers will be allowed to operate vehicles;
 Materials should wherever possible be preferentially sourced locally in a
manner that reduces environmental and social impacts (e.g. transport
distances) and maximises local economic development opportunities;
 All roads should have clear and visible signage especially in community areas,
around schools and hospitals to minimise the risk of accidents; and
 Grievance mechanism will be provided for the community to submit their
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE-MINOR

6.8.5 Sediment Flush

During the operation of Aek Sibundong MHPP, all the waste collected from the headrace
system at the time of cleaning will be disposed of appropriately at designated waste
disposal sites. In the other case, there will be accumulated sediment in the sedimentation
tank. There are physical hazards associated with the activities of routine sediment
flushing. A significant amount of water and sediment will be discharging back to the Aek
Sibundong River. Impacts on community safety may become a concern particularly for
the communities in the downstream area of the Aek Sibundong MHPP during the
sediment flush activities. Several mitigation measures to minimize impact on
communities due to sediment flush activities were already addressed in the section 6.5.4
of this report it include:
 Monitor the condition in the downstream area during the flushing occurred to
prevent the impact on the local farmer and/or fisherman who unintentionally
visit the area where the sediment load discharged; and
 Install the signage advising of no entrance to the discharging area.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

In addition, a grievance mechanism will provide a method for the community to

communicate any potential problems that are observed to the project proponent.

6.8.6 Infrastructure Safety

There are physical hazards associated with the Aek Sibundong MHPP infrastructure and
associated facilities that communities may be exposed to. Aek Sibundong MHPP
infrastructure can pose a risk to those who trespass, since trespassers will not be aware of
the site activities and not be wearing protective gear.
The impact magnitude of infrastructure risks on public safety is HIGH as the project
components pose a new and unknown risk to the community. The sensitivity of the
receptors is also HIGH. Therefore the severity of impact is CRITICAL. The likelihood
these issues may significantly impact local communities is considered to be MEDIUM.
Before mitigation, the impact significance is considered MAJOR.

ESMP Issue: PHS4 – Infrastructure Safety

Potential Impact Significance: MAJOR
 Install a sign and barriers within the Aek Sibundong MHPP infrastructure.
Prevent the communities for trespassing the Aek Sibundong MHPP properties
from weir until the power house areas and install a fences within the in the
surrounding Aek Sibundong MHPP properties; and
 Install sign in the nearby transmission line located adjacent to the communities
settlements to prevent public contact with potentially dangerous equipment.
 Grievance mechanism will be provided for the community to submit their
Mitigated Significance: MINOR-MODERATE

Occupational Health and Safety

6.9.1 Construction Phase

During the construction phase, issues related to the occupational health and safety may
include the exposure to dust generation, vehicle gas emission, noise level and physical
hazards from vehicle movements. Issues can also come from the use of heavy equipment
and other construction-related areas. In addition, consideration should be given to
potential fires caused by equipment sparks, welding, or cigarettes.
Further health and safety issues may arise from temporary noise disturbances during the
construction activities particularly from the vehicle movements and construction noise.
The impact magnitude due to occupational health and safety is MEDIUM as the
construction of the Aek Sibundong MHPP and the associated facilities are relatively
small in scale; however, the sensitivity of receptors is HIGH because the workers are in
the immediate vicinity of the project activities. Therefore the impact severity is
considered to be HIGH. The likelihood that construction activities significantly impact

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

occupational health and safety is considered to be HIGH LIKELIHOOD/INEVITABLE.

The impact significance before mitigation is therefore MAJOR.

ESMP Issue: OHS1 – Occupational health and safety issues due to the construction
activities of Aek Sibundong MHPP– Construction Phase
Potential Impact Significance: MAJOR
 Prepare an Occupational Health & Safety Plan (OHS) in accordance to the
Government Regulation No. 50 Year 2012 regarding the Occupational health
and Safety. Measures included in the OHS Plan should include, but not be
limited to the following:
 Provide occupational health and safety orientation training to all employees
for awareness of basic hazards, site-specific hazards, safe working practices,
and emergency procedures;
 Ensure access for workers to drinking water;
 Conduct daily safety assessment meetings to identify potential safety issues
(e.g., site access, construction, work practices, security, transportation of heavy
equipment, traffic management, emergency procedures, evacuation, wildlife
encounters, and fire control and management) and the measures to mitigate
 Provide fire suppression equipment in all vehicles and heavy equipment; and
 Require use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including shoes, self-
contained breathing apparatuses such as masks and earplugs.
Mitigated Significance: MINOR

6.9.2 Operation Phase

During the operation phase, issues related to the occupational health and safety may be
reduced compared to the construction activities. It may include noise level exposure from
the turbine and physical hazards from vehicle movements also the operation and
maintenance of turbines. In addition, consideration should be given to potential fires
caused by equipment sparks, welding, or cigarettes.
The impact magnitude due to occupational health and safety is LOW as the operation
activities of the Aek Sibundong MHPP are relatively small compares to the construction
phase; however, the sensitivity of receptors is HIGH because the workers are in the
immediate vicinity of the project activities. Therefore the impact severity is considered to
be MEDIUM. The likelihood that operation activities significantly impact occupational
health and safety is considered to be MEDIUM LIKELIHOOD. The impact significance
before mitigation is therefore MINOR-MODERATE. Any mitigations which already put
in the previous section 6.1 until 6.9 will not be presented in this mitigation measures.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

ESMP Issue: OHS2 – Occupational health and safety issues due to the operation
activities of Aek Sibundong MHPP– Operation Phase
Potential Impact Significance: MINOR-MODERATE
 Prepare an Occupational Health & Safety Plan (OHS) in accordance to the
Government Regulation No. 50 Year 2012 regarding the Occupational health
and Safety. Measures included in the OHS Plan should include, but not be
limited to the following:
 Provide occupational health and safety orientation training to all employees
for awareness of basic hazards, site-specific hazards, safe working practices,
and emergency procedures;
 Ensure access for workers to drinking water;
 Conduct daily safety assessment meetings to identify potential safety issues
(e.g. work practices, security, emergency procedures, evacuation, wildlife
encounters, and fire control and management) and the measures to mitigate
 Provide fire suppression equipment; and
 Require use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including shoes, self-
contained breathing apparatuses such as masks and earplugs.
Mitigated Significance: NEGLIGIBLE-MINOR

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


IFC PS 1, which was enacted on 1st January 2012, states that “Where the project involves
specifically identified physical elements, aspects and facilities that are likely to generate
impacts, environmental and social risks and impacts will be identified in the context of
the project’s area of influence.” It goes on to state that area of influence encompasses
“cumulative impacts that result from the incremental impact on areas or resources used
or directly impacted by the project, from other existing, planned or reasonably defined
developments at the time the risks and impacts identification process is conducted.”
For the purposes of this assessment, cumulative impacts are defined as the incremental
impact of the project after mitigation, considered in the context of other projects and
activities in the area, from the perspective of the sensitive receptors identified during this
impact assessment.
This section provides a description of current activities which are likely to affect the
environmental and social condition of both the Project Area and the impacted villages as
considered within the project area of influence as a whole, the potential impacts resulting
from these Projects, and the cumulative impacts of these projects when considered as a
The summary of cumulative impacts within the Project Area of Influence of Aek
Sibundong MHPP is presented inTable 69. Further details regarding these potential
impacts area provided in the following sections.

Table 69 Summary of Cumulative Impacts within the Project Area of Influence of Aek
Sibundong MHPP

Activity Impact Cumulative Impact Significance

Potential Phases Significance
Impact Before Before After Mitigation
Mitigation Mitigation
Quality Sibundong

Water Quality
Based on baseline survey, it was identified that the concentration of TSS in the
downstream of Aek Sibundong River is recorded above the threshold limit value. The
TSS concentration at the downstream in the SW3 was recorded above the threshold limit
value with concentration of 80 mg/L. The TSS concentrations measured at other two
sampling locations ranged from below the limit of detection of 49.5 mg/L at SW1 to 49
mg/L at SW2. The measurement results show that the TSS concentrations at two of the
sampling locations were well below the threshold limit stated in GR No. 82 Year 2001 for
Surface Water Class of II which is 50 mg/L.
The cumulative impact to the Aek Sibundong River will be from operation activity of

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Aek Sibundong MHPP specifically from flushing activities of sediment. The flushing of
sediment will cause increasing TSS concentration in the downstream of Aek Sibundong
River. High concentration of TSS will give impact to TSS refers to sediment, silt, sand,
plankton, algae or other organic materials found drifting or floating in the water column.
Excessive suspended solids in water can have negative impacts for human health and
aquatic ecosystems. High concentrations of suspended solids can block sunlight and
reduce photosynthesis rates. It also increases flooding risks. In addition, high levels of
TSS will increase water temperatures and decrease dissolved oxygen levels.
Due to these considerations, the cumulative impact of water quality is currently
considered to be Moderate.

ESC identified one cumulative impact due to project operation activity. The overall
cumulative impact from existing activities within the Project Area of Influence is
considered moderate for water quality. The cumulative environmental impact would be
associated with the sediment flushing activitiy of Aek Sibundong MHPP operation. The
Aek Sibundong MHPP project contributes a negligible to minor-moderate impact after

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


The potential stakeholders include the affected local people, local public authorities, and
other representatives of the affected population. Consultation and public disclosure
conducted in a transparent manner is an indispensable component of the public
involvement process in the preparation and implementation of a Land Acquisition
Program (LAP) and UKL/UPL document preparation. ASE has launched its public
involvement process by providing information to village leaders and other residents.
During this process, disclosure meetings with the local authorities, stakeholder
consultation meetings and interviews were held. This section serves to discuss public
consultation activities that have been carried out by ASE for Aek Sibundong MHPP

Stakeholder Identification
Aek Sibundong MHPP has identified stakeholders associated with the Project that could
directly or indirectly, positively and negatively, affect or influence the Project were
identified. The primary categories of stakeholders identified for the Project included:
 Government (regional, district, village level) including Bupati, BPN, related
 Traditional authorities (communities leader and religious leader), and
 Local communities (households affected people).

On-going Public Consultation and Disclosure

Prior to the development of Aek Sibundong Mini Hydro Power Plant, ASE has
conducted, first socialization to affected communities, the wider community, related
institutions and local muspika. Socialization was done by providing understanding to the
surrounding community about the planned activities to be performed. This socialization
activity is expected to reduce or even negate the possibility impact of the occurrence of
social conflict with the surrounding community and the community who will benefit by
this activity.
Public announcement regarding development plans has been communicated to the
households’ community at the site location. The strategy for consultation encourages
two-way communication between ASE and its stakeholders. In summary the program
 Explaining the Project and its proposed impacts to facilitate stakeholder’s
 Encouraging feedback;
 Negotiating management activities; and
 Where required, adapting Project activities in response to stakeholder concerns.

8.2.1 Consultation as Part of Land Acquisition Program

ASE has consulted with the community including the households being and will be
compensated. The consultation process has frequently made use of image and verbal
presentation to share information with communities. The Head of Village have played

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

integral role in communicating with the communities and Aek MHPP has maintained a
close engagement with them.
As of March 2015, ASE has made consultation with the households being and will be
compensated particularly for negotiation on the final purchase price. Land valuation
methods and the amount land owners was to receive were explained to land owners
particularly if people had concerns regarding the Project or the compensation price. The
contact numbers of the team and construction site were also provided in case they need
to be contacted after these meetings; these meetings were usually carried out over several
visits to ensure everybody was contacted and informed; depending on the concerns of
the land owners, an additional trip to the site was conducted for revising the determined
values of the assets and investigating both requests and objections of the titleholders; all
the valuation results and outcomes of disclosure meetings were considered in an internal
meeting measures were taken to ensure that all land owners were treated in the same
manner and their land valuation was consistent and equitable; the final offers on
compensation for the lands to be sold were calculated and disclosed to the land owners
through face-to-face interviews;
They basically agreed to lease their land however; they requested negotiation about the
price. ASE has established communication with local government and the meeting with
Regence has been held to gain support from the governments for price and ongoing
consultation and disclosure activities and accelerated the process. Table 70 shows the
public consultation meetings that have been held.

Table 70 Public Consultation Meeting held for Land Acquisition Procedures

Date Public Consultation Topic

7 March 2015 Socialization of Land Acquisition regarding the Aek Sibundong
MHPP Development
20 May 2017 Agreement between ASE and local community related to land
acquisition and support from local community for the Aek
Sibundong MHPP development

8.2.2 Public Consultation and Disclosure Related to the UKL-UPL Process

Based on Government Regulation No. 27 of 2012 every business and/or activity that does
not require AMDAL should conduct UKL/UPL. The Aek Sibundong MHPP has gained
approval from Local Environmental Agency Humbang Hasundutan Regency
Government. The company will continue to engage stakeholders related to the
implementation of UKL-UPL. The project not only include engagement regarding Project
approvals or the development but also during construction and operation of the Project
Table 71 captures, main Company-Government engagement activities.

Table 71 Government Engagement Plan

Focus of Schedule Responsibility Benefit of Engagement
Engagement to Project
Report Semester (after QHSE Comply with

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

UKL/UPL UKL/UPL Environmental

approval) Document obligations

Socialization By activity QHSE/Community Obtain government

for permitting Liason approval
process Officer/PLC

8.2.3 Public Consultation as part of Corporate Responsibility Program (CSR)

Engagement specifically regarding current and proposed corporate social responsibility

(CSR) programs has been conducted with stakeholders. This has largely been achieved
through a series of meetings. A schedule of further community programs has been
developed. The Project should also engagement regarding how to synergise the
Company’s community development programs. Engaging with the community helps to
obtain the Project’s ‘social legitimacy’ and is integral to the implementation of
community development programs. Furthemore, ASE has commitment to conduct CSR
in Sigulok Village during the first year of MHPP operational phase as follows.

Table 72 ASE Corporate Social Responsibility Program

Benefit of CSR
CSR Program Schedule Responsibility Program to the
Local Community
Provide help for the During First ASE Improve
development of two church Year of Aek community public
buildings in the form of Sibundong facility
ceramic flooring material Operational

Assisting the construction of During First ASE Improve

village roads in the form of Year of Aek community public
concrete rebates and when Sibundong infrastructure
the government is working Operational
on the concrete rebates Phase
before the project starts,
ASE's responsibilities for the
above-mentioned concrete
rebates become self-

Providing 'binda' to the During First ASE Improve

Sigulok community once a Year of Aek community
year at Christmas, starting Sibundong wellfare
from the year MHPP Operational
operates Phase

Source: UKL/UPL 2016

The CSR programs need to be continuosly communicated to the Sigulok Village

government and local community through community engagement program. The
community engagement plan is provided in the following Table 73.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Table 73 Community Engagement Plan

Benefit of
Focus of Engagement Schedule Responsibility Engagement to
Progress report through Quarterly Community Better
village representative Liason Officer understanding of
regarding environmental and community
social issues concerns

Focus Group Discussions As needed Community Improved

Liason Officer relationships

Cultural events where ASE’s As required Community Enhanced

employees contribute to local Liason Officer reputation
community events

Brochures and pamphlets to Monthly (during Community Improve

update communities on construction Liason Officer community trust
Project activities phase)

Grievance Mechanism
While the Project aims to resolve the majority of individual, group, and community
grievances by direct resolution at individual or group levels, a hierarchical grievance
resolution mechanism has been developed as follows:
1. Direct resolution at the individual or group level;
2. Community-level resolution through public meetings;
3. Resolution through a stakeholder group comprising Project representatives,
government representatives, religious and village leaders, and the complainants;
4. Recourse to legal counsel if the grievance cannot be resolved.
With regard to IFC’s requirements, this ESIA has been completed with a grievance
mechanism which can be use to receive and resolve the project-affected communities’
environmental and social concerns and complaints and based on the following principles:
proportionality, accessibility, transparency and culturally appropriateness.
To make these principles clearer, it can be said that;
 Proportionality means scaling the mechanism to the project needs. In a project
with low potential adverse impacts, simple and direct mechanisms for problem
solving is preferred for addressing and resolving complaints such as public
meetings, telephone hotline, existing media, brochures, and a community liaison
 Accessibility means establishing a mechanism which is clear, free of charge and
easy to access for all segments of the affected communities and other potential
stakeholders. The best way of achieving this is to localize the point of contact.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Related to that, staff with the appropriate skills, training and familiarity with
community liaison work should be employed in the field. Accessibility enables to
build more constructive relationships with local communities. This will also help
intervene quickly in any dispute or social unrest and in an appropriate manner
because maintaining a regular presence of a familiar face in the field greatly
helps engendering trust and thus, constructive and closer relations;
 Transparency means that members of the affected communities know who is
responsible for handling the complaints and communicating the outcomes of
corrective actions to be taken about the complaints; and
 Culturally appropriateness means having cultural sensitiveness while designing
and executing the grievance mechanism.
The critical issue for responding to complaints is to ensure that all received complaints
are recorded; and responsive to complaints; and that corrective actions are mutually
acceptable. Thus, responses to complaints will be satisfactory for both parties, actions are
followed up, and the complainants will be informed about the outcomes of the corrective
actions. For the Project, on-site staff will be responsible for establishing close relationship
with local people, authorities and other interest groups, informing them about the Project
progress when needed, listening their concerns about the Project and recording them,
receiving demands and complaints, recording them regularly and sharing them with the
Project Team.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


The Environmental and Social Management Plan for the Aek Sibundong MHPP has been
developed specifically for the construction and operational phase as described in the
following section.

Construction Phase Management Plan

As required in the IFC Performance Standard, the project proponent should conduct
continuous stakeholder consultation. To fulfil this requirement, ASE has conducted
public consultation prior to the ESIA Study which was conducted in the Sigulok Village
as the main impacted village. The public consultation scope included the socialization of
the proposed project activities to all of the related stakeholders and the impact
assessment of the project. This document provides information with regard to
stakeholder identification, issues raised by community during the stakeholder
engagement programme that need to be undertaken by the project proponent for the pre-
construction, construction and operational phases.
The Construction activities for the development of the Aek Sibundong MHPP will
include land preparation, mobilization of materials and heavy equipments, construction
of MHPP and associated facilities as listed in Chapter 3. From those activities, several
impacts were identified which are required to be managed to avoid any adverse
environmental and social impacts. The management plans in construction phase address
the following potential impacts:
 Air quality degradation due to emission from vehicle and machinery, and dust
 Increased noise level;
 Decreased water quality;
 Impact on hydrology aspect, including: water balance alteration, potential
flooding, water course impact, water flow impact, erosion;
 Impact on biodiversity resources;
 Impact on socio economy aspect, ie changes in community livelihoods;
 Impact on public health, safety and security, including traffic issue; and
 Impact on Occupational Health and Safety (Labour and Working Condition).
 Also additional parameters to be managed and monitored as follows:
o Waste generation;
o Hazardous Materials Generation; and
o Spill Prevention.
Details of the Environmental and Social Management Plan are provided in the Table of

Construction Phase Monitoring Plan

Monitoring in the construction phase will consist of two principal groups of activities:
 Review of contractor management plans, method statements, work designs and

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

proposals to ensure that works onsite are conducted in a responsible manner

complying with the requirements set out in the working agreement.
 Systematic observation of contractor environmental and social performance to
ensure the compliance status in accordance with Indonesian Laws and
Regulations and International Guideline.
Coordination between the project owner and contractor should be established and
communication should be developed in regard to conducting the monitoring program.
The monitoring program will mainly consist of site inspections, measurements, and
sampling with emphasis on environmental and social risk identification and mitigation
measures developed to avoid or mitigate identified risks.
The result of site inspections will then be reported to the project owner on a regular basis
and documented in the form of a report. The site inspection reports will consist of
various components of environmental and social impacts. Results of measurement and
sampling are also to be incorporated in the report complete with analysis of existing
environmental and social conditions.
Where procedures are not followed, action is taken to prevent the occurrence of
environmental and social impacts. Non-conformances include breach of environmental
legislation and failure to follow ESMP procedures. The Environmental and Social Officer
is required to conduct investigations into the cause of non-conformances and determine
appropriate corrective action plans.

Operational Phase Management Plan

The operation activities of Aek Sibundong MHPP will give environmental and social
impacts. The management plans in operation phase address the following potential
 Increased noise level;
 Impact on biodiversity resources;
 Decreased water quality;
 Impact on hydrology aspect, ie water flow impact, erosion;
 Impact on socio economy aspect, ie changes in community livelihoods;
 Impact on public health, safety and security; and
 Impact on Occupational Health and Safety (Labour and Working Condition).
 Also additional parameter to be managed and monitored:
o Waste generation from operation activities.

Operational Phase Monitoring Plan

Monitoring in the operation phase will focus on reviewing the compliance status of
environmental and social performance in accordance with Indonesian Laws and
Regulation and International Guideline. The monitoring activities for operational phase
are as follows:
 Site inspection includes site walkover, fulfilment of checklist and interview with
employees at the MHPP site;

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

 Check and ensure that operation activities are undertaken following the
procedure manual;
 Sampling and measurement for environmental and social parameters;
 Checking records in relation to environmental and social parameters; and
 Making a report and communicating it to the project owner.

The following Table 74 of ESMP outlines the overall composition of the environmental
and social monitoring program that will be carried out in relation to the Project. The table
also provides information related to frequency needed for each parameter and assigns
responsibilities for each monitoring activity.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Table 74 Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan for Aek Sibundong MHPP

Management Plan Monitoring Plan

Impact Managed and
No Source of Impact
Actions/ Measures Responsibility Period Measurement Frequency Responsibility

A Construction Phase

1 Air quality degradation 1. Mobilization of 1. Install a monitoring station to monitor ambient air quality Contractor Construction  Undertake periodic monitoring at Every 6 Contractor and
due to emission from Materials and that may include dust (Total Suspended Particles (TSP) – Phase the established monitoring sites and months during Independent
vehicle and machinery, Heavy PM2,5 and PM10) and other gaseous emissions such as near sensitive receptors in construction Consultant
and dust generation accordance with Indonesian Laws
Equipments Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Carbon period
and Regulations and International
Monoxide (CO) and Hydro Carbon (HC) in compliance
2. Land Guideline that may include dust
with Indonesian regulation (Total Suspended Particles (TSP,
PM2,5 and PM10) and other gaseous
3. Construction of 2. Spraying of water on unpaved access roads during dry ASE and Construction emissions such as Nitrogen Dioxide
MHPP and season using surface water or rain water harvesting, if Contractor Phase specific (NO2), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2),
Associated possible. Monitor the spray frequency and water usage when project Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Hydro
Carbon (HC)
Facilities traffic

3. Switch off all vehicles and emission-producing equipment Contractor Construction

when idling Phase

4. Regular checks that all vehicle emissions meet with Contractor Construction
National Standard Phase

5. Cover construction materials transported by trucks, Contractor Construction

regulate the allowable height when transporting materials Phase specific
and regulate speed limit of the vehicle to 40km/h for light when project
vehicles and 30km/h for heavy vehicles to avoid dust traffic

6. Install vehicles washing facilities on the project site to wash Contractor Construction
the vehicle before leaving the project site to minimise dust Phase

7. Install temporary stockpiles area equipped with cover to Contractor Construction

minimise dust generation Phase

1. Install noise monitoring station to monitor noise level Construction Every 6 Contractor and
2 Increased Noise Level 1. Mobilization of Contractor  Undertake periodic monitoring of months during Independent
resulting from construction activities in compliance with Phase
Materials and noise at the location at determined construction Consultant
Indonesian regulation and International Guideline noise level monitoring station
Heavy period
2. Construction of 2. Restrict construction activities to within daylight hours. Contractor Note: Noise threshold standard of
Phase specific 55dB for residential areas according
MHPP and Night shift is allowable with approval from community
when project to the national standard Ministry of
traffic Environment Decree No. 48 Year

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Management Plan Monitoring Plan

Impact Managed and
No Source of Impact
Actions/ Measures Responsibility Period Measurement Frequency Responsibility

Facilities Construction 1996 and the international standard

3. Make maintenance schedule for equipment, machinery and Contractor
Phase Guidelines for Community Noise
vehicles to ensure noise generated complies with the
(WHO, 1999)
national standard

4. Restrict off-road driving, acceleration and the use of horns. Contractor
Regulate vehicle speed limits on transportation routes will
be 40km/h for light vehicles and 30km/h for heavy

1. Regular monitoring of potentially impacted rivers and Every 6 Contractor and

3 Decreased Water Quality 1. Land Contractor Construction  Regular monitoring of potentially months during Independent
channels to include chemical contamination such as Phase impacted rivers and channels for
Preparation construction Consultant
phosphate and ammonia; and the microbiology chemical contamination including as
contamination including the faecal and total coliform; and period
2. Construction of phosphate and ammonia; and
MHPP and TDS and TSS. If possible, other parameters such as iron and microbiology contamination
sulphate related to weir development, chemical parameters including faecal and total coliform;
and oil and grease related to the use of hazardous materials and TDS and TSS. If possible, other
Facilities for construction phase parameters such as iron and sulphate
related to weir development,
chemical parameters and oil and
grease related to the use of
hazardous materials for construction
Note: The water quality standards
follow the Government Regulation
No. 82 Year 2001 regarding water
quality management and water
pollution control for class II water

Every 6 Contractor and

2. Install drainage systems to control surface water run-off to Contractor Construction  Monitor storm water discharge months during Independent
avoid contamination to the Aek Sibundong River Phase before entering water bodies construction Consultant
 Observation and inspection of period
3. Install toilets within project area footprint and maintain its Contractor Construction
septic tank for regular maintenance
hygiene Phase

4. Install a septic tank to treat the domestic wastewater and Contractor Construction
ensure that the organic waste is collected by third party Phase

5. Install soil erosion control structures and sediment traps, Contractor Construction  Regular monitoring of potentially Every 6 Contractor and
and build terraces for steep slopes Phase impacted rivers and channels to months during Independent
include TDS and TSS near the construction Consultant
6. Restrict construction activities during heavy rain Contractor Construction sensitive receptors and regular period
Phase visual inspection of potential
sediment pathways to the river.
7. Where possible maintain riparian or buffer zones next to Contractor Construction
the river of 30 m that will not be cleared Phase

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Management Plan Monitoring Plan

Impact Managed and
No Source of Impact
Actions/ Measures Responsibility Period Measurement Frequency Responsibility

8. Undertake cut top soil disposal outside of fragile ecosystem Contractor Construction
(including riparian zone and water sources downstream) Phase

9. Construct metallic barriers (sediment traps) along the Contractor Construction

diversion channel (between the channel and the river) Phase
such as hard gauge iron sheets to prevent and/or arrest
any falling debris, soil or rocks from reaching the river

1. Frequent monitoring and review of surface hydraulics Contractor Construction  Monitoring and review of surface Bi-weekly Contractor
4 Impact on Hydrology 1. Land
Phase hydraulics at the project site
Aspect, including: Water Preparation
Balance Alteration,
Potential Flooding, 2. Construction of 2. Restrict vegetation clearance outside project footprint Contractor Construction
Water Course Impact, Phase
MHPP and
Water Flow Impact Associated
3. Immediate revegetation after construction work is Contractor Construction
completed Phase

4. Design a river diversion channel to provide a sufficient Contractor Construction

water supply to avoid drought in areas downstream Phase
 Conduct regular biodiversity
5 Impact on Biodiversity 1. Land 1. Conduct flora and fauna sighting to identify any protected ASE and Construction monitoring
Resources Preparation species in the within the project site Contractor Phase
2. Construction of
MHPP and 2. Restrict vegetation trampling by restricting access to the ASE and Construction
Associated site along a designated route Contractor Phase
3. Identify areas for conducting revegetation/afforestation ASE and Construction
Contractor Phase

4. Install sign regarding prohibition of hunting activities in ASE and Construction

the Project Area, particularly for protected species Contractor Phase

5. Inform workers during safety induction regarding ASE and Construction

prohibition of hunting activities in the Project Area, Contractor Phase
particularly for protected species

6 Impact on Socio 1. Land 1. Give priority to local communities to work in the Project ASE and Construction  Record the number of workforce Every month Contractor
Economy Aspect, ie Acquisition according to specification required Contractor Phase who are originated from Sigulok during
Changes in Community Village construction
Livelihoods 2. Recruitment of
2. Conduct socialization with the local community to inform ASE and Construction
job opportunities related to the project Contractor Phase

3. Appoint a dedicated personnel or team to receive ASE and Construction

community’s grievances and concerns Contractor Phase

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Management Plan Monitoring Plan

Impact Managed and
No Source of Impact
Actions/ Measures Responsibility Period Measurement Frequency Responsibility

Ongoing Contractor
10 Impact on Public Health, 1. Land 1. Install grievance box for the workers and local community ASE and Construction  Maintain grievance log including
Safety and Security, Preparation Contractor Phase name, grievance/concerns, date and
including Traffic Issue supplementary information
2. Mobilization of 2. Recruit security team to guard the project area and open ASE and Construction
Materials and employment opportunity for local community Contractor Phase
Equipments 3. Install fences and barricading to prevent any outsider from ASE and Construction
enter the project area Contractor Phase
3. Construction of
MHPP and  Monitor and record vehicle and  Daily Contractor
4. Implement Traffic Management Plan (Develop schedule for ASE and Construction
Associated material transport and operation of heavy equipment and Contractor Phase heavy equipment mobilisation in specific for
Facilities machineries, Develop vehicle routing and scheduling to the gate-in and out of the Project project
avoid traffic congestion, Install traffic signage in the Area traffic
vicinity of project area, Restrict acceleration and off-road
driving and regulate vehicle speed limits on transportation
routes will be 40km/h for light vehicles and 30km/h for
heavy vehicles)

 Prepare safety performance report Every 3 Contractor

11 Impact on Occupational 1. Recruitment and 1. Restrict the employment of underage worker ASE and Construction
of the project. months
Health and Safety Mobilization of Contractor Phase
(Labour and Working Construction  Maintain incident/accident report,
Condition) 2. Restrict the employment of forced labour ASE and Construction
Workforce internal/external audit report, etc.
Contractor Phase
2. Land
Preparation 3. Give induction to all workers regarding the Occupational, ASE and Construction
Safety and Health (OHS) such as working at height, Contractor Phase
3. Mobilization of manual heavy lifting, the use of PPE, ERP, etc.
Materials and
Heavy 4. Provide workers with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ASE and Construction
Equipments such as safety boots, gloves, mask, goggles, vest, body Contractor Phase
harness, ear plug, etc. and install signage for mandatory
4. Construction of PPE in work areas.
MHPP and
Associated 5. Provide appropriate workers’ accommodation during ASE and Construction
Facilities construction phase Contractor Phase

6. Conduct inspection to ensure that no violation against OHS ASE and Construction
procedure and regulation Contractor Phase

# Additional Parameters to be Managed and Monitored

1 Waste Generation 1. Land 1. Provide temporary waste storage for hazardous and non- ASE and Construction  Maintain hazardous waste inventory Every month Contractor
Preparation hazardous waste separately, completed with required Contractor Phase with detail of hazardous waste based during
permit on the type. The inventory should construction
2. Construction of Contractor Construction include amount of waste produced period
2. Provide segregated waste bins with appropriate labelling
MHPP and system Phase per m3, treatment method, the

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Management Plan Monitoring Plan

Impact Managed and
No Source of Impact
Actions/ Measures Responsibility Period Measurement Frequency Responsibility

Associated 3. Provide hazardous waste storage equipped with fire Contractor Construction producer, date produced and date of
Facilities extinguishers, bund wall, and proper labelling system Phase collection.
4. Contract a licensed third party to collect hazardous waste Contractor Construction
5. Monitor the hazardouse waste collection by a licensed third Contractor Construction
party and maintain a manifest of the hazardous waste Phase
collection to ensure chain of custody
2 Hazardous Materials 1. Land Contractor Construction
1. Provide a hazardous materials storage equipped with  Maintain a hazardous material Every month Contractor
Generation Phase
Preparation portable fire extinguishers, MSDS, PPE, lock and proper inventory with details of quantity, during
labelling system user, characteristic, and type of construction
2. Construction of
Contractor Construction hazardous materials period
MHPP and 2. Provide MSDS for all hazardous materials stored in the
Associated project site for construction  Maintain records of the hazardous
Facilities materials usage

3 Spill Prevention 1. Land 1. Install signs and announcement related with spill ASE and Construction  Conduct inspection to monitor any Periodic check Contractor
Preparation prevention Contractor Phase spill onsite in the
Contractor Construction material
2. Mobilization of 2. Provide spill kit at the hazardous materials storage and
Phase storage
Materials and pressure vessel tanks to store any liquid hazardous
Heavy materials
Equipments Contractor Construction
3. Install perimeter bund and provide secondary containment
3. Construction of for bulk liquid storage including tank, pressure vessel,
MHPP and drum, etc.
Associated Contractor Construction
4. Refuelling will be undertaken within or over the bunds to
Facilities minimize the risk of spills into the soil
Contractor Construction
5. Develop routine preventive maintenance to avoid any fuel
leakage or spill

No Impact Managed and Source of Impact Management Plan Monitoring Plan

Actions/ Measures Responsibility Period Measurement Frequency Responsibility

B Operation Phase

Prior to
1 Increased Noise Level 1. Operation of 1. Implement building designs that minimize high noise ASE
commissioning  Periodic monitoring to measure Every 6 ASE and
MHPP and exposure to workers in power house, ie: panel and noise level at the power house, and months during Independent
Associated operator room are designed to be closed and operational

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

No Impact Managed and Source of Impact Management Plan Monitoring Plan

Actions/ Measures Responsibility Period Measurement Frequency Responsibility

Facilities impermeable, separately from turbin generator area community settlements area phase Consultant

2. Install safety perimeter to restrict the access from local ASE
and Operational
community to the MHPP site to avoid direct exposure of
noise to the people

3. Provide PPE signage in areas of elevated noise if ASE

1. Install fencing/hoarding around works areas to prevent Prior to  Conduct site inspection to monitor Every 6 ASE and
2 Impact on Biodiversity 1. Operation of ASE
animal entry and minimize light/disturbance impacts commissioning wildlife encounters that may occur months during Independent
Resources MHPP and
on the Aek Sibundong MHPP site operational Consultant
2. Install sign regarding prohibition of hunting activities in Operational phase
Facilities ASE  Monitor discharge flow in the river
the Project Area, particularly for protected species Phase
2. Maintenance of section between the intake works
MHPP and 3. Train crews and power house occupants on the Operational and point of return of flow to the
ASE main Aek Sibundong River for
Associated appropriate response to wildlife encounters that may Phase
Facilities occur and instruction to occupants to refrain from purposes of aquatic biodiversity
harassing wildlife sustainability

Operational  Monitor the activities at the open

4. Restrict fishing activities to avoid decreasing aquatic ASE
Phase headrace to ensure that tree species
habitat inside the Aek Sibundong MHPP Project Area
that have the potential to damage
the headrace are not allowed to

1. Install a septic tank to manage domestic wastewater ASE Prior to  Regular monitoring of potentially Every 6 ASE and
3 Decreased Water Quality 1. Operation of
produced by operational workers commissioning impacted rivers and channels i.e months during Independent
MHPP and operational Consultant
ASE Prior to solid waste, debris, etc
Associated 2. Contract a third party to collect domestic wastewater phase
from septic tank commissioning

3. Install sand and sediment traps to reduce amount of sand ASE Prior to
and sediment entering water bodies commissioning

1. Monitor discharge flow in the river section between the Operational  Monitor discharge flow in the river Every 6 ASE and
4 Impact on Hydrology 1. Operation of ASE
intake works and point of return of flow to the main Aek Phase section between the intake works months during Independent
Aspect, ie water flow MHPP and
Sibundong River for purposes of in stream water use and point of return of flow to the operational Consultant
impact, erosion Associated
main Aek Sibundong River for phase
2. Monitoring of water flow between the weir and Operational purposes of in stream water use
powerhouse and downstream of the powerhouse Phase

1. Conduct socialization to inform local community Operational Annual during ASE

5 Impact on Socio 1. Recruitment ASE
Phase  Record the number of workforce operational
Economy Aspect, ie and regarding employment and business opportunities
Changes in Community Mobilization of
Livelihoods Operational

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

No Impact Managed and Source of Impact Management Plan Monitoring Plan

Actions/ Measures Responsibility Period Measurement Frequency Responsibility

1. Operation of 1. Install grievance box for the workers and local ASE Commissioning  Maintain grievance log including Ongoing ASE
6 Impact on Public Health,
MHPP and community for operational phase and Operational name, grievance/concerns, date and
Safety and Security
Associated Phase supplementary information
Facilities ASE Commissioning
2. Install good security system at Aek Sibundong MHPP
(recruit security team to guard the project area, install and Operational
fences and barricading to prevent any outsider to enter Phase
the project area)

3. Give socialization to representative of local communities ASE Commissioning

regarding to Emergency Response and Preparedness and Operational

1. Restrict the employment of underage worker and forced Operational  Prepare safety performance report of Every 3 ASE
7 Impact on Occupational 1. Operation of ASE
labour Phase the project. months during
Health and Safety MHPP and operational
(Labour and Working Associated ASE Prior to  Maintain incident/accident report,
2. Develop Operation Manual for MHPP operation phase
Condition) Facilities commissioning internal/external audit report, etc.
2. Maintenance of 3. Train all employees regarding the Occupational, Safety ASE Prior to
MHPP and commissioning
and Health (OHS)
Facilities 4. Conduct safety briefing and induction for all workers in ASE Prior to
order to have basic safety knowledge prior working commissioning

5. Provide workers with Personal Protective Equipment ASE Operational

(PPE) such as safety boots, gloves, mask, goggles, vest, Phase
body harness, ear plug, etc. And provide mandatory PPE
signage where appropriate

6. Conduct inspection to ensure that no violation against ASE Operational

OHS procedure and regulation Phase

# Additional Parameter to be Managed and Monitored

1. Install segregated waste bins to be placed at appropriate ASE Operational  Maintain hazardous waste Annual during ASE
1 Waste generation from 1. Operation of
locations with a proper labelling system Phase inventory and monitor hazardous operational
operation activities MHPP and
waste generation phase
Associated ASE Operational
2. Contract a licensed third party to collect and dispose
Facilities Phase
generated hazardous waste appropriately
2. Maintenance of
MHPP and

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (=CITES).
2012. Appendices I, II, and III. International Environment House, Geneva.
Feasibility Study Aek Sibundong Energi Mini Hydro Power Plant 2013
Humbang Hasundutan Regency in Figures 2017
Imanuddin, S. Persey, D. Priatna, L. D’Arcy and L. Sadikin. 2011. A Practical toolkits for
Identifying and monitoring biodiversity in oil palm landscape. The Zoological Society of
London – Biodiversity and oil palm project.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (=IUCN). 2015. The IUCN Red List of
Threatened Species. Version 2015.2. <>. Accessed on March 2016.
Indonesia Statistic 2017
Krebs, C.J. 1989. “ Ecological Methodology.” Harper & Row, New York.
Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia. 1997. Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga. Kementerian
Pekerjaan Umum.
Sijamapolang Sub-district in Figures 2017
UKL/UPL Aek Sibundong Mini Hydro Power Plant Development 2 x 4009 kW 2016

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Appendix A Key Informant Interview Result

Key informant interviews were conducted in 1 impacted village with the list of respondents and
documentation as follows.

1) Date : 7 March 2018

Informant : Rusbine Nainggolan
Village : Sigulok
Position : Head of PKK (Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga or Family Welfare
Point of : 1. Stakeholder identification, mapping and analysis
Discussions - Stakeholders in the village include community leader, traditional leader,
head of village, youth group (Karang Taruna), PKK, and 2 farmer groups.
- There is no ethnic minority in Sigulok Village.
- There are no groups or communities that will get negative impact from the
- The composition of people in Sigulok Village is 90% Bataknese and 10%
Javanese (through marriage).
- No conflict occurred because of the Project, only dispute between land
boundaries for land acquisition.
- In forums at village hall, the 3 components that must be present are
community leader, head of village, and traditional leader. BPD (Badan
Perwakilan Desa/Village Representative Council) is also present as adviser.
- Low education level in the village and the high number of elderly is the
cause of community members that refuse the project from lack of
knowledge. Education level for most of the people in Sigulok Village is
junior high school.

2. Local historical, cultural and political context

- Similar project nearby the site is Aek Sibundong I, located in the
neighbouring Sibuntuon Village although the land is said to belong to
Sigulok Village. This causes social tension between the two villages.
- No conflict has ever occurred in Sigulok Village.
- Decision making in Sigulok Village is made through forum lead by head of
- There is no difference between men and women in rights for working and
contributing to the community.

3. Ecosystem services
- The community uses water from mountain spring distributed using pipe for
daily use. The quality and quantity is good throughout the year.
- Local community use Aek Sibundong River for recreation (fishing) and
- Behind the village there is another river namely Aek Hinalang which is
used by community for animal husbandry.
- Land for farming is prepared by cutting down trees.
- Farming (coffee, corn, potato, etc.) and kemenyan tapping is often carried out
by the community in the forest area.
- There are no routine activities at the river.

4. Community health, safety and security

- Socialization on community health and household empowerment is
conducted by the women group (PKK) every third week of the month at the
village hall.
- The common cause of ill ness is food hygiene.
- Hospitalization rarely happens to people in Sigulok Village.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

5. Indigenous people
- The people who live in the area are Bataknese.
- Most common livelihood for people in Sigulok Village are farming (paddy,
corn, etc.) and hunting (wild boar, deer, etc.) to be sold at Dolok Sanggul.
- There are no cultural artifacts in Sigulok Village.
- Land ownership in the village is by family and decision on land is made
through family forum.

6. Cultural heritage
- No cultural heritage is found in Sigulok Village.

7. Perceptions of impacts
- The project is expected to increase work opportunity in Sigulok Village.
- Community is concerned with water contamination.
- The workforce from outside Sigulok Village may affect the community
health but not social sensitivity.
- The community expects that local infrastructure will improve (especially

2) Date : 7 March 2018

Informant : Netty Sitorus
Village : Sigulok
Position : Women leader
Point of : 1. Stakeholder identification, mapping and analysis
Discussions - Community in Sigulok Village supports the minihydro project.
- Main function of PKK is household development (usually conducted
through socialization).
- Badan Perwakilan Desa (Village Representative Unit) has important
influence in decision making. The unit acts as advisor during village forum.

2. Local historical, cultural and political context

- There is no conflict between community members or groups.

3. Ecosystem services
- Community members source their water from mountain spring. Nobody
uses river water for daily use.

4. Community health, safety and security

- Infectious disease has never happened in Sigulok Village.
- Sanitation is the responsibility of each household.
- Solid waste is mostly burned or composted.
- Each house owns toilet and therefore no open defecation occurs in Sigulok

5. Indigenous people
- There is no house located within the project area.
- The project area and its surroundings are utilized for farming (paddy and
other crops) and hunting (wild boar, deer, etc.).
- The majority of livelihood in Sigulok Village is farmer (95%)

6. Cultural heritage
- There are 2 churches in Sigulok Village (GKPI and HKBP) but none are
located within project area.
- There is no traditional ceremony; all ceremonies are usually part of church

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

- There is no ethnic minority in Sigulok Village.

7. Perceptions of impacts
- The project is expected to provide work opportunity and road
- Perception to the previous project (Aek Sibundong 1) is neutral.
- Community members are open to newcomers. Several surveys had been
conducted where the people stayed in community houses.

3) Date : 7 March 2018

Informant : Charles Purba
Village : Sigulok
Position : Community leader
Point of : 1. Stakeholder identification, mapping and analysis
Discussions - Community perception to the project is neutral, since another mini hydro
power plant (Aek Sibundong 1) existed nearby.
- There is no community member that will be affected by the project.
- Community leader has no intervention in village forum.

2. Local historical, cultural and political context

- There is no conflict between community members. However, small tension
has occurred due to land boundaries.
- Decision within the community is achieved through village forum.
- Project proponent has conducted socialization since 2 years ago.
- In Bataknese culture, man is the head of the family. However in village
forums, women can participate as well.

3. Ecosystem services
- Community utilizes water from mountain spring.
- Aek Sibundong is located relatively far from settlement area and is not
utilized by the community.
- Community often taps kemenyan sap from the forest.

4. Community health, safety and security

- There has not been any occurrence of severe illness in Sigulok Village.

5. Indigenous people
- There is no house located within the project area.

6. Cultural heritage
- There is no sacred site located within the project area.
- There is no ethnic minority in Sigulok Village.

7. Perceptions of impacts
- The project will not give large impact to the community as it will not need a
lot of workforce.
- The project will give minimum impact to the environment.
- Project proponent is expected to prioritize local workforce for construction.

4) Date : 8 March 2018

Informant : Sabar Purba
Village : Sigulok
Position : Head of Village

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Point of : 1. Stakeholder identification, mapping and analysis

Discussions - Community in Sigulok Village will be positively impacted from the project
(i.e. work opportunity, local economy, etc.). The project does not seem to
negative impact to the community.
- Traditional leader and community leader have important role in decision
- There is no group or community member in Sigulok Village who are against
the project. There is a little tension from several people but can still be

2. Local historical, cultural and political context

- Aek Sibundong 1 does not have significant positive or negative impact to
the community. Only in the last 2 years that the community receive
donation to support church and early childhood education.
- Traditional leader and community leader have important role in
maintaining the harmony in the community. When there is a dispute,
traditional leader acts as mediator.
- Decision making is made by traditional leader, community leader, and
village representative unit (BPD).
- Male are the leaders in the community according to the custom.

3. Ecosystem services
- The community uses mountain spring water for daily use including
drinking. For irrigation, water from Aek Hinalang (a smaller river that will
converge with Aek Sibundong) is used.
- Around 5 people use Aek Sibundong for recreation (fishing).
- People clear the land for farming by cutting off trees. The wood is later used
for firewood.
- Water for animal husbandry is sourced from Aek Hinalang or mountain

4. Community health, safety and security

- No severe disease has occurred in Sigulok Village.

5. Indigenous people
- No one lives at project area near Aek Sibundong.
- No one uses the water from Aek Sibundong as the water from other sources
is still sufficient.
- There are no cultural artifacts found in the project area.
- About 15 families own the land within the project boundary. The lands are
owned by families and none of them has certificate. Socialization has been
conducted 3 times since 2015 and all owners have agreed for Aek
Sibundong Energi to buy the land. Head of village acts as mediator.

6. Cultural heritage
- There is no cultural heritage or ethnic minority found in Sigulok Village.

7. Perceptions of impacts
- The project will not have significant impact to the local economy, but it is
expected that local community is prioritized for workforce.
- The project will have positive impact in work opportunity but only during
construction phase.
- Community has no concern about the project impact on environment as the
project is located far from settlement area. However some people are
concerned about the amount of fish at Aek Sibundong and vibration from
heavy equipments during construction.
- The community is not against workers from outside the village.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

5) Date : 8 March 2018

Informant : Torang Hutasoit
Village : Sigulok
Position : Religion leader
Point of : 1. Stakeholder identification, mapping and analysis
Discussions - There is no negative impact from the project. Even if there are several
people negatively impacted from the project, it can still be managed
through forum.
- Community in Sigulok Village has supportive attitude towards the project.

2. Local historical, cultural and political context

- Aek Sibundong 1 has positive impacts to Sigulok Village such as electricity
and road infrastructure.
- Male and female are equal in the religion. During traditional ceremony,
male are the representative of the family.

3. Ecosystem services
- People source the water for daily use from mountain spring.

4. Community health, safety and security

- Disease or death in Sigulok Village is mostly caused by weather or age.

5. Indigenous people
- Traditional custom is still strong in the community.
- Lands that are within the project boundary are mostly owned by families. If
there is land that has never been utilized by the community, the land
becomes village asset (about 1 ha at 3 locations).

6. Cultural heritage
- There is no cultural heritage found in Sigulok Village

7. Perceptions of impacts
- It is expected that local community to be prioritized for workforce.
- Concern about possible negative impacts (vibration, landslide, etc.) has
been conveyed to the project proponent in forum.

J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi

Appendix B Laboratory Result

Komite Akreditasi Nasional
lP.739. IDN

N O M O RP E K E R J A ASNP:I - 1 8 0 3 1 1 9 A

N a m aP e l a n g g a n :

Sum aterUtar
a a


Tomon YasminSektorlll, Jl. YasminRaya No. 64, Koto Bogor 76713
Faks.: +62-251-8374400
Telepon: +62-251-8358700;

L a p o r a ni n i d i b u a t b e r d a s a r k a nh a s i lo b s e r v a syi a n g o b j e k t i fd a n i n d e p e n d e nt e r h a d a ps a m p e lp e l a n g g a ny a n g b e r s i f a tk h u s u sd a n r a h a s i a .D a t a h a s i l
p e n g u j i a ni,n t e r p r e t a s id, a n p e n d a p a t - p e n d a p ayta n g a d a d i d a l a m n y am e w a k i l ip e n i l a i a nt e r b a i kd a r i P T S k y P a c i f i cI n d o n e s i a .D a l a mh a l p e n g g u n a a n
l a p o r a ni n i , P T S k y P a c i f i cI n d o n e s i at i d a k m e m b u a t j a m i n a n s e c a r at e r s i r a t m a u p u n t e r s u r a t d a n t i d a k b e r t a n g g u n gj a w a b t e r h a d a p p r o d u k t i v i t a s ,
k e g i a t a no p e r a s i o n a la, t a u p u n k e r u g i a nl a i n n y ay a n g b e r s i f a tm a t e r i a lm a u p u n i m a t e r i a l .L a p o r a ni n i t i d a k d i p e r b o l e h k a nu n t u k d i g a n d a k a nk, e c u a l i
s e c a r au t u h k e s e l u r u h a n n ydaa n a t a sp e r s e t u j u a nt e r t u l i sd a r i P T S k yP a c i f i cI n d o n e s i a .

N o . D o k . :F S O P . S K Y - 1 7 . 1 No.Revisi/Terbit:
3/4 5 P I . ] , 8 0 3 1 1 9PAT E S CE N V I R O N M E NI N
ffi LaboratoriumPenguji
i{*. &effi*lrasi i{g*tat*::*i :
ilc;5;t*t3.i/LAnL;NG-1 :t-t{xlxLX

B e r s a m ai n i d i s a m p a i k alna p o r a nh a s i lp e n g u j i a nu, n t u k :

N a m aP e l a n g g a n PTESCENVIRONMENT

N a m aP e m o h o n INDONESIA

P e r s o nPi le n g h u b u n g lbuSteffani

A l a m aLt e n g k a p Sigulok
S u m a t e rU

T a n g g aCl o n t o hU j iD i T e r i m a L2 Maret2018

T a n g g aCl o n t o hU j iD i A n a l i s i s LZ- 27 Maret2018

T a n g g aDl i l a p o r k a n 0 6 A p r i l2 0 1 8

C o n t o hU j i
Jumlah 3

J u m l aTh o t aH
l alaman 6 Halaman
( T e r m a s uSka m p uDl e p a n

Bogor,06 April2018
M a n a j eUr m u m

( UndangKurnia,M.Sc.)

3/4 H a l a m a n1 d a r i 5
N o . D o k . :F S O P . S K Y - 1 7 . 1 No.Revisi/Terbit:
ffi Laboratorium Penguji
1 P . 7 3 9- I D N
i$o. lqe{Jisira$i K{:}rn!ret€,16i :
00?5lLpJ/aA!3L;tiG.,'t /L&KIKLX

N o m o rP e k e r j a a n : 5 P l - 1 8 0 3 1 1 9 4
N a m aP e l a n g g a n : P TE S CE N V I R O N M E N
P e r s o nP
i l e n g h u b u n:gl b u S t e f f a n i
T a n g g aDl i l a p o r k a n : 0 6 A p r i l2 0 1 8

ldetifikasi Tanggal Waktu Tanggal Waktu Waktu Koordinat

ldentitasContoh Uii Matriks
Laboratorium P e n g a m b i l a nP e n g a m b i l a nP e n e r i m a a n Penerimaan Analisis Lintang Burur

5Pr-1803119A-1/3 AP-1(Downstream) A i r P e r m u k a a n 08/03/20L8 15:30 12/03/20!8 13:00 72/03- 27/03 5 : 0 2 ' 0 8 ' 4 1 , 6B" T :0 9 8 "4 5 ' 0 8 , 1'
5Pr-1803119A-2/3 A P - 2( M i d d l e ) A i r P e r m u k a a n 08/03/2018 09:10 1,2/03/2018 13:00 72/03- 27/03 S:02' 08'47,1" 8 T :0 9 8 ' 4 5 ' 3 3 , 3 "
s Pr-1803119A-3/3 A P - 3( U p s t r e a m ) A i r P e r m u k a a n 08/03/2or8 Il:20 12/03/2078 13:00 72/03- 27/03 S ;0 2 ' 0 8 5
' 3 , 3 " B T :0 9 8 ' 4 6 ' 1 2 , 8 "

Bogor,06April2018 ,r7
M a n a j eTre k n i s


( A g u : ;N u r j a m a n)

Hasilhanya berhubungandengancontoh yang di uii dan laporanini tidak boleh digandakankecualiseluruhnya.

N o .R e v i s i / T e r b3i t/:4 H a l a m a2nd a r i5

N r ; .D o k . :F S O P . S K Y - 1 7 . 1
*Sn.U LaboratoriumPenguji
1P.739 - IDN
Xempe{e**i :
l"l*. Ri;gistr,:rsi
e0?5lLP.,L&t3Lf{6-"t /LXKIKLT-i

ldentifikasi Tanggal Waktu Tanggal waktu
'dentitascontohuii Matriks I waktu Analisis
| I P e n s a m b i l a n Pense mbilal Penerimaan Penerimaan
Laboratorium | |
AP-1(Downstream) 15:30 t2/03/2018 L3:00 | 12/03-27/03
| | Air Permukaan 08/03/2018

Kondisi LingkunganSaat PengambilanContoh Uii Ai1

(oordinat Cuaca Berawan
L 5 :0 2 ' 0 8 ' 4 1 , 6 "
LapisanMinyak TidakAda
BT0 : 9 8 ' 4 50' 8 , 1 "
Konduktifitas,ms/cm 0,0443
; u h uU d a r a" ,c 20
H a s i lP e n g u j i a n



1 iuhu
)1 1 D e v .3 " "c SNI06-6989.23:2005
23,0 1000 (Elektroda)
2 )adatanTerlarutTotal,TDS mg/L

50 n]'E/L A P H A2 5 4 0D : 2 0 1 2
3 )adatanTersuspensiTotal,TSS 80

tl ( I M I A
]H 7,48 6-9 SNI06-6989.11:2004
3 m8/L SNI 6989.72:2009
2 KebutuhanOksigenBiokimia,BOD5 b

13 25 m8/L SNI6989.73:2009
7,86 4 ME/L A P H A4 5 0 0 - O G : 2 0 1 2
FosfatTotal sebagaiP, P 0,043 Q,2 mg/L 5Nl06-6989.31:2005
14) n q 10 m8/L 4 5 0 0N 0 3 - B : 2 0 1 2
6 tlltrat sebagaiN, NO3-N
< 0,03 mc/L 5Nl06-6989.30:2005
7 A m m o n i aN
, HyN
0,2 m8/L SN6
I 989.19:2009
6 , l o r i d aC.l
< 0,001 0,02 'I,EIL (Spektrofotometri)
9 i i a n i d aC
. N'
< 0,09 m8/L 5Nl06-6989.29:2005
1( : l u o r i d aF, I,J

0,006 0,06 mglL A P H A4 5 0 0N O 2 - B : 2 0 1 2

1 1 !itrit sebagaiN, (NOr-N)
6 m8/L 5Nl5989.20:2009
12 iulfat, SOa2
( l o r i nB e b a sC 0.01 0,03 mclt l K M . S K Y - 1{ K
I5 , l2
< 0,002 0,002 MElL (Spektrofotometri)
t4 Hidrogen
{tl 0,0010 0,001 mc/L I KM.5KY-102(Spektrofotometri)
r ;"n**. f.*f sebagaiFenol
<1 I MElL S N I6 9 8 9 . 1 0 : 2 0 u
1( Minyak dan Lemak
0,040 0,2 mg/L S N I0 6 - 6 9 8 9 . 5 1 : 2 0 0 5
[, (Deterjen),
Surfaktan MBAs

0,00061 1 m8/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
tl Arsen,As
0,00017 0,2 MElL A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
19 Kobalt,Co
0,0116 m8/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
20 B a r i u m B
. a
0,3042 1 mg/t USEPAMETHOD200.7
2r Boron, B
0,0035 0,05 m8/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
22 S e l e n i u mS, e
< 0,00003 0,01 m8/L A P H A3 1 2 58 : 2 0 1 2
23 Kadmium C ,d
0,004 0,05 'x'EIL A P H A3 5 0 0C r B : 2 0 1 2
24 {romHeksavalen,
0,0024 0,02 mc/t A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
25 Tembaga,
0,28205 mg/L USEPAMETHOD
tl l e s i ,F e
0,00039 0,03 mc/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
2-1 l'imbal,Pb
0,r4Lr2 ms/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
2t M a n g a n ,M n
< 0,00004 0,002 mc/L U S E P AM E T H O D6 0 2 0 . A : 1 9 9 8
A i r R a k s aH
0,0145 0,05 mg/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2

{r} 10 1000 MPN/100m1 A P H A9 2 2 3B : 2 0 1 2
1 KoliformFekal
(t) 5938 5000 MPN/100m1 9 2 2 3B : 2 0 1 2
2 (oliform Total
(S) Parameter sNl lso/lEc17025:2008
{#f) Subkontrak

digandakan kecuali seluruhnya'

Hasil hanya berhubungan dengan contoh Yangdi uii dan laporan ini tidak boleh

H a l a m a n3 d a r i 5
INDONESIAffi Laboratorium
1{*. 3e!ie:fasl !{sr}:pe;{:ns: :
i|,l?$lLia"'lLA*}1-iiilG-'i ;'i-RKl{Lti

ldentifikasi I I Tanggal Waktu Tanggal waktu
tdentitasContohUii Matriks I waktu anarisis
LaDoratoflum I| I
| Pensambilan P e n g a m b i l a nP e n e r i m a a n Penerimaan
S P I - 1 8 0 3 1 1 9 A - |2 / 3 A P - 2{ M i d d l e } | A i rp e r m u k a a n 08/03/2018 09:10 L2/03/2078 1"3:00 | 72/03-27/03

KondisiLingkunganSaat PengambilanContoh Uji Air

(oordinat LS:02"08'47,1" Cuaca Cerah
B T : 0 9 84"5 '3 3 , 3 " LapisanMinyak T i d a kA d a
i u h uU d a r a" ,C 2L,5 Konduktifitas,ms/cm 0,0448


Suhu 20,8 Dev.3'
'c SN0I 6-6989.23:2005
')? a (Elektroda)
1 r a o a l a n t e f l a r u rt o r a t . l u 5 1000 mclL IKM,SKY-123
Total.TSS 49 50 m8/L APHA2540 D:2012

tl K I M I A
1 ]H 5-9 S N I0 6 - 6 9 8 9 . 1 1 : 2 0 0 4
2 K e b u t u h a nO k s i g e nB i o k i m i aB, O D s 5 3 m8/t S N I6 9 8 9 . 7 2 : 2 0 0 9
3 K e b u t u h a nO k s i g e nK i m i a w iC
, OD 10 25 mg/ L S N I6 9 8 9 . 7 3 : 2 0 0 9
4 lksigenTerlarut, DO 10,82 4 ME/L APHA4500-OG:2012
5 FosfatTotal sebagaiP, P < 0,003 0,2 mt/L 5Nl 06-6989.31:2005
Nitrat sebagaiN, NOrN 0,8 10 mg/L A P H A4 5 0 0 N 0 3 - B ; 2 0 1 2
1 \ m m o n i aN, H r N < 0,03 m8/t SNI06-6989.30:2005
Cl- 0.5 mg/L 5 N l6 9 8 9 . 1 9 : 2 0 0 9
9 i i a n i d aC
, N < 0,001 0,02 ME/L I K M . S K Y - 1 0( S
1 p e k t r o f o t o m e t) f l
1t l u o r i d a I, < 0,09 ME/L 5Nl06-6989.29:2005
1 1 !itrlt sebagaiN, (NOr-N) 0,004 0,06 ms,/L A P H A4 5 0 0N O 2 - B : 2 0 1 2
T2 ;ulfat, SO4' 4 m8/L SN6
I 989.20:2009
1J ( l o r i nB e b a sC
, l2 0,02 0,03 mg/L I K M . S K Y - 1 0( K
0 olorimetri)

1"4 lidrogen Sulfida,H2S < 0,002 0,002 mglL (Spektrofotometri)

(r) (Spektrof
15 SenvawaFenolsebaeaiFenol 0,0010 0,001 mc/t IKM.SKY-102 otometri)
to M i n y a kd a n L e m a k 1 mclL S N I6 9 8 9 . 1 0 : 2 0 1 1
17 Surfaktan{Deterjen),MBAS 0,032 0,2 mE/t SNI06-6989.51:2005

18 Arsen,
As 0,00053 1 ME/L A P H A3 1 2 5 B : 2 0 1 2

19 Kobalt,Co 0,00013 0.2 m8/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2

20 B a r i u m B
, a 0,0110 mc/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2

2 t Boron, B 0,L289 1 mc/L U S E P AM E T H O D2 0 0 . 7

22 S e l e n i u mS, e 0,0052 0,05 mgl L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2

2 3 K a d m l u mC, d 0,00010 0,01 milL A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2

24 KromHeksavalen,
Cr" 0,003 0,05 mE/t A P H A3 5 0 0C rB : 2 0 1 2
25 Tembaga,
Cu 0,0015 0,02 m8/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
8 e s i ,F e 0,28687 mc/L U SE P AM E T H O6D0 2 0 . 4 : 1 9 9 8
2', T i m b a l P
, b 0,00033 0,03 mc/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
2t l M a n 8 a nM, n 0,18560 mglL A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
z: Air Raksa,Hg < 0,00004 0,002 mE/t US EPAMETHOD6020.4:I.998

3 ( Sen&Zn 0,0070 0,0s mg/L A P H A3 1 2 5 B : 2 0 1 2

KOilIOrm feKat 13 1000 N4PN/100m1 APHA9223 Bt20t2

KoliformTotal lf,) 4352 s000 MPN/100m1 A P H A9 2 2 3B : 2 0 1 2


{f) ParameterTidakTerakreditasi 5NllS0/lEC17025:2008
I##l Subkontrak

Hasil hanya berhubungan dengan contoh yang di uii dan laporan ini tidak boleh digandakan kecuali seluruhnya.


IT*TJ:- Laboratorium
i\,!e-Registraei }{cnip€ten$i :

'1"nt'.fi*lt' Tanggal Waktu Tanggal waktu
. | 'dentitascontohuii I uutrir., I waktu Anarisis
LaDoratonum | | P e n s a m b i l a n Peneambil P e n e r i m an
a Penerimaan

| AP-3(Upstream) | Air Permukaan 08/03/2018 I1:20 1Z/0312018 13:00 | - 21/03

Kondisi LingkunganSaat PengambilanContoh Uji Air

(oordinat L 5 : 0 20" 8 '5 3 , 3 " Cuaca Cerah
BT:098"46' L2,8" LapisanMinyak TidakAda
;uhuUdara,'C 22,5 Konduktifitas,ms/cm 0,0393
Hasil Pengujian



1 Suhu 20,7 D e v .3 '

'c 5Nl05-5989.23:2005
2 Padatan Total,TDS
Terlarut 20,7 1000 mg/L I K M . S K Y - 1( E
2 l3e k t r o d a )
3 Padatan Total,TSS 49,5 50 mclL APHA2540D:2012

1 pH 7\4 6-9 S N0
I 6-6989.11:2004
2 KebutuhanOksigenBiokimia,BOD, 5 3 mg/L SNI6989.72:2009
3 KebutuhanOksigenKimiawi,COD 10 25 mg/L SNI6989.73:2009

OksigenTerlarut,DO r0,75 4 m8/L APHA4500-OG:2012

5 FosfatTotal sebagaiP, P Q,L74 0,2 mc/L SN0

I 6-6989.31:2005
r*r no 10 MElL APHA4500 N03-B:2012
6 Nitrat sebagaiN, NO3-N
7 Ammonia, NHr-N < 0,03 mdL SNI06-6989.30:2005
6 KIorida,Cl 0,4 ME/L S N I6 9 8 9 . 1 9 : 2 0 0 9

9 S i a n i d aC, N ' < 0,001 0,02 mg/L I K M . S K Y - 1 0( S

1 pektrofotometri)

10 F l u o r i d aF, < 0,09 nglt SN0

I 6-6989.29:2005
1 1 Nitrit sebaBaiN, {NOr-N) 0,006 0,06 m8/L A P H A4 5 0 0N O 2 - B : 2 0 1 2

L2 Sulfat, SOo"' 5 mc/L SN6

I 989.20:2009
Klorin B e b a sC, l 2 0,01 0,03 MElL I K M . S K Y - 1 0( K
0 olorimetri)
< 0,002 0,002 m8/L (Spektrofotometri)
t4 HidrogenSulfida,H25
0,0010 0,001 mg/L (Spektrofotometri)
I) s e n v a w aF e n o ls e b a g aFi e n o l ( o l
ao M i n y a kd a n L e m a k L ME/L SN6
I 989.10:2011
L ] Surfaktan MBAS 0,045 0,2 m8/L SN0
I 6-6989.51:2005

18 \rsen,As 0,00072 1 mg/t A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
19 lobalt,Co 0,00017 o,z mc/t A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2

20 l a r i u m8, a 0,02t7 ME/L APHA

3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
2 1 loron, B 0,7022 1 MElL U SE P AM E T H O D2 0 0 . 7

22 i e l e n i u m S
, e 0,0008 0,05 mc/L A P H A3 1 2 5 B : 2 0 1 2

2 3 (admiumC
, d 0,00010 0,01 mclL A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2

24 (rom Heksavalen,Cr6' < 0,002 0,05 m8/L A P H A3 5 0 0C r B : 2 0 1 2

2 5 lembaga,Cu 0,0022 0,02 mg/t A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2

zo lesi,Fe 0,7075r mglt USEPAMETH0D

27 T i m b aPl ,b 0,00257 0,03 mg/ L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
z6 ManganM
, n 0,077Q4 mc/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2
2 9 A i r R a k s aH, g < 0,00004 0,002 m8/r US EPAMETHOD6020.4:1998

3 0 i e n g ,Z n 0,0130 0,05 mg/L A P H A3 1 2 5B : 2 0 1 2

ill vltKRoBtoLoGl
(oliform Fekal lr) 6 1000 MPN/100m1" APHA9223B:2OLZ
(*) 4674 5000 lvlPN/100m1 A P H A9 2 2 3B : 2 0 1 2
2 (oliformTotal

(*) BML adalah Baku Mutu Lingkunganuntuk Baku Tingkat Air Permukaan, sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah No. 82 Tahun 2001 Tentang PengelolaanKualitasAir dan PengendalianPencem.
sesuaisNl lso/lEc17025:2008
{s} ParameterTidakTerakreditasi
{f#) Subkontrak

Hasil hanya berhubungandengan contoh yang di uii dan laporan ini tidak boleh digandakan kecuali
1 P . 7 3. 9

NOMOR SPI-18031198

a a


Faks.: +62'251-8374400
Telepon: +62-251-8358700;

Laporanini dibuatberdasarkan yangobjektifdanindependen

hasilobservasi terhadapsampelpelanggan yangbersifat
khusus Datahasil
pengujian, danpendapat-pendapat
interpretasi, yangadadi dalamnya mewakilipenilaian
terbaikdariPT SkyPacific Dalam
Indonesia. halpenSSunaan
laporanini, pT SkypacificIndonesia
tidakmembuatjaminansecara tersiratmaupuntersuratdantidakbertanggung jawabterhadapproduktivitas,
kegiatan ataupunkerugian
operasional, Laporan
lainnyayangbersifatmaterialmaupunimaterial. ini tidakdiperbolehkan kecuali
secara Indonesia.

N o . D o k . :F S O P . S K Y - 1 7 . 1 No.Revisi/Terbit:3/4 BT E S CE N V I R O N M E NI T
S P I . 1 8 0 3 1 1 9P NDONESIA
PTSKYPACIFIC Laboratorium Penguji
L P. 7 3 9. I D N
iiir',. i:;q :: i1;if ii 1 ; i': t :ll.:,il1.a:-,, I :
!t:*iti;.f .:li-,i.ili"lhl{i-:
lt"lill.i i-i'l

B e r s a mian id i s a m p a i k al anp o r a nh a s ipl e n g u j i a n

u ,n t u k :

N a m aP e l a n g g a n P TE S CE N V I R O N M EIN

N a m aP e m o h o n P TE S CE N V I R O N M EIN

P e r s o nP
il enghubung lbu Steffani

A l a m a tL e n g k a p Sigulok
S u m a t e rU
a tara

T a n g g aCl o n t o hU j i D i T e r i m a 12 Maret2018

T a n g g aCl o n t o hU j i D i A n a l i s i s t 2 - 2 3 M a r e t2 0 1 8

T a n g g aDl i l a p o r k a n 0 6 A p r i l2 0 L 8

J u m l a hC o n t o hU j i 3

h otaH
JumlaT l alaman 6 Halaman
( T e r m a s uSka m p uDl e p a n)

B o g o r0, 6 A p r i l2 0 1 8
M a n a j eU
r mum

{ Dr. lr. UndangKurnia,M.Sc.)

qkv-17 'l
H a l a m a nI d a r i 5
N o .R e v i s i f l e r b i3t :/ 4
PTSKYPACIFIC LaboratoriumPenguji
L P - 7 3 9. I D N
Ne. ilailis*vasiK*rmpelensi:
0fr?5lN_p",/LAmLtN*-t /LRKlKLi.l

N o m o rP e k e r j a a n : S P I - 1 8 0 3 1 1 9 8
N a m aP e l a n g g a n I NTD O N E S I A
i l e n g h u b u n:gl b u S t e f f a n i
P e r s o nP
T a n g g aDl i l a p o r k a n : 0 6 A p r i l2 0 1 8

Tanggal Waktu TangSal Waktu Waktu Koordinat

ldentitas Contoh Uji Matriks
Laboratorium Pengambilan PengambilanPenerimaan Penerimaan Analisis Lintang Bu.iur

sPr-18031198-1/3 B-1(Downstream) Biota 0810312018 15i30 1,2103/2018 13:00 12103- 231o3 L 5 : 0 2 "0 8 ' 4 1 , 6 " B T : 0 9 8 ' 4 50 '8 , 1 "

sPr-18031198-2/3 B - 2( M i d d l e ) Biota 0810312078 09r10 L210312018 13:00 72103- 23/03 L S : 0 2 ' 0 8 ' 4 7 , 1 " B T : 0 9 8 ' 4 5

sPt-18031198-3/3 B-3{Upstream) Biota 0810312018 77:2Q 72103/20].8 13:00 72103- 23103 L S : 0 2 ' 0 8 '5 3 , 3 " B T : 0 9 8 ' a162 . 8 '

M a n a j eTre k n i s

Hasilhanya berhubungandengancontoh yang di uii dan laporanini tidak boleh digandakan

3/4 2 d a r i5
N o .D o k . :F S O P . S K Y - 1 7 . 1 No. Revisi/Terbit:
IND'NESIAffi LaboratoriumPenguji
S*:.**;i*lr**i i{*;*':l*{er1$i:
0S75/Lf JILAALi l{{: -i I ;&i{iX :-tr

Tanggal Waktu r angtal Waktu
ldentifikasiLaboratorium ldentitasContohUji Matriks Waktu Analisis
Pensambilan Penerimaan Penerimaan

sPt-18031198-1/3 B - 1( D o w n s t r e a m ) Biota 0810312018 !5:30 12103/2018 13:00 12/03- 2.3/03

sPl-18031198-2/3 B - 2( M i d d l e ) Biota 08/03/2018 09:10 L2/03/2078 13:00 12/03- 23/03

sPr-18031198-3/3 B - 3( U p s t r e a m ) Eiota 08/03/2078 11:20 12/03/2078 13:00 I2/O3 - 23/03

VletodePengambilanContohBiota : SNI13-4717-1998 Metode Pengujian : APHA10200:2012

Phyto Plankton
B-1(Downstream) B-2 (Middlel 8-3(Upstream)
No. JenisOrganisme{Genero,
Cuaca:Berawan Cuaca: Cerah CuacaC
: erah
Sel/t (/.1 Sel/L l%l SeUL ('/.1

1 \chnontessp. 1,36
2 )ocillorio sp 50 4.52 50 7,94 10 0.98
3 occonetssp. 5 0.49
4 )iotomo sp 25 2,26 o,79 2,93
5 :rogilario sp. 325 29,41 420 66,67 100 9,76
6 Voviculq sp 6,33 20 1 1 7 0,98
7 Uitzchiosp. 30 20 3,1,7 30 2,93
)innulario sp. qc
8 95 8,60 0,79 5.37
110 q qq 45 7.14 5.37
9 ;urirello sp. 55
10 ;ynedrasp. 95 8,60 15 r.46

11 ]ulbochoete so. 4,88
1 1 )edogoniumsp. 75 7.3)
)ediostrum sp, 25 2,44
14 >leurotaeniumsp, 10 0,90 o,49
IJ ;cenedesmussp, 5 0,45
Tetroedronsp. o,4s
1 a Treuborio sp. 5 0,79 0,49

18 Jlothtix sp. 70 6,33 250 24,39

19 :oscinodiscussp. 10 0,90 5 0,49

20 thizosolenio sp. 5 o,79

\noboenosp. o,49
22 )scillatorio sp, 65 5,88

23 :.uglenosp. 5 0,45 5 o,79
24 )hocussp. o,79
25 Trochelomonassp. 55 4,98 5 0,79 5 o,49

26 limocosphenia
sp. 35 3.41

z7 IOStenum sp. 25 2,26 5 o,79 5 o,49

28 :osmarium sp. 20 1 4 1 10 !.59 10 0,98

29 :-uostrumsP. 5 o,49
30 lyalotheco sp 150 14.63

5f >enium sp. 5 0.49

32 ,PtrogYrasP, 20 1,81 80 7.80

K e l i m p a h a( ns e l / L ) 1105 100 630 100 1025 I00

Taksa(S) 20 25
K e a n e k a r a g a m( aHn' ) 2,449 1,380 2.548
P e m e r a t a a( nE) 0.877 0,s10 o.797
l J 0 m t n a s( ut l 0,130 0,460 0.114
lf) SeluruhParameterTelahTerakreditasisesuaiSNllSO/lEClT025r200EdenganNomorSertjfikatLP-739-lDN

Hasilhanyaberhubungandengancontoh yang dl ull dan laporanini tidak boleh dlgandakankecualis€luruhnya.

IND.NESIA ffi LaboratoriumPenguji
1P.739- IDN
**. R*.;i;!r*si {*.}}3**r :
*0;iJt- p.-,i;_Aft
Li**.,1 it*t{dtKi-il

Tanggal Waktu I a nggal Waktu
ldentifikasi Laboratorium ldentitas Contoh Uii Matriks Waktu Analisis
PenEambilan Peneambilan Penerimaan Penerimaan
sPt-18031198-1/3 B - 1( D o w n s t r e a m ) Biota 08/03/2018 L5:30 rz/03/20t8 !3:00 12/03- 23/03

sPr-18031198-2/3 B - 2( M i d d l e ) Biota 08/03/2018 09:10 12103/20L8 13:00 - 23/03


5Pr-18031198-3/3 B - 3( L J p s t r e a m ) Biota 08t03t2018 !!:20 L210312078 13:00 12/03- B/43

Hasil Pengujian
Metode PengambilanContoh Biota : SNI 13-4717-1998 Metode Penguiian : SNI06-3963-1995

B-1(Downstream) B-2(Middle) B-3(Upstream)
No, lenisOrganisme{6enero,f
C u a c a :B e r a w a n Cuaca: Cerah Cuaca: Cerah

lnd,/L (%l Ind./t l%l Ind./L {%l

q 1 1 1 1 9,09
1 \lona sp. 9,09 5 5

2 Uoupliussp. r,0 18,18 10 22,22 5 9.09

3 ^qronotholco sp 5 9,09 5 1 11 1 ) 9.09
4 \splanchna
sp 5
5 3tochionussp. 5 II.L7 f 9.09
6 )onochilussp. 5 11,11
7 :etdtelld sp. 5 9.09
d Vlonastylo sp. 10 18,18

9 \rcelta sp. 20 36,36 15 33 3 3 20 3t',36
10 )iffuqlio sp. 10 18,18

(lnd./L) 55 100 45 100 )) 100
t a k s a( S ) o 7
( e a n c k a r a g a m a( n
H') L,642 1,577 t,768
) c m c r a t a a n( E ) 0,916 0,936 0,908
) o m i n a s (i D ) 0,223 0,270 0,207
(f) Seluruh Parameter Telah Terakreditasisesual SNI l5O/lEC 17025i2008 dengan Nomor Sertifikat LP-739-lDN n

dengancontohyangdi uji danlaporanini tidakbolehdigandakan
ffi Laboratorium Penguji
1 P . 7 3 9- I D N
$0. :qe*;iilrlsi X*rnretoir*: ;

Tanggal Waktu Tanttal Waktu
ldentifikasi Iaboratorium ldentitascontohuii Matriks W a k t uA n a l i s i s
P e n a a m b i l a n P e n g a m b i l a n Penerimaan Penerimaan

sPt-18031198-1/3 B-1.(Downstream) Biota 08/03i2018 15:30 L2103/2018 13:00 12103- 23/03

sPr-r.8031198-2/3 B - 2{ M i d d l e ) Biota o8/0312018 09:10 t2103/2or8 13:00 !2/O3- 23103

sPt-18031198-3/3 B - 3( U p s t r e a m ) Biota 08/03/2018 11:20 12/03/2Or8 13:00 r2/o3- 23103

Hasil Pengujian
vtetode Pengambilancontoh Biota : SNI 13-4717-1998 Metode Pengujian : SNI03-3401-1994

Macro Zoo Benthos

B-1(Downstream) B - 2( M i d d l e l B-3(Upstream)
No. JenisOrganisme1t6enero,/
Cuaca: Berawan Cuaca: Cerah C u a c a: C e r a h

lnd.lm' l%l lnd.lmz l%l lnd.lm2 (%l

1 Boetissp 38
2 sp
Chironomus 38 100,00
3 Philopotomus
sp. 38 50,00

38 s0,00 76 66,67
38 100 TO 100 1.14 100
K e l i m p a h a(nl n d . / m ' )
T a k s a( S ) I

K e a n e k a r a g a m a( H
n') 0,000 1,000 0,918
I , e m e r a t a a{nE ) 0,000 1,000 0,918
I ) o m i n a s(i D ) 1,000 0,500 0.5s5
Keterang. n:
tSl seluruh parameter Telah Terakreditasisesuai SNI ISO/lEC17025r2008dengan Nomor Sertifikat LP-739-lDN

dengancontohYangdi uji danlaporanini tidakbolehdigandakan
L PN. O . D N
No. RagistrasiKompetensi:

N O M O RP E K E R J A ASNP:I - 1 8 0 3 1 1 9 U

N a m aP e l a n g g a n :

Sum aterUtar
a a
P e r s o n iPl e n g h u b u n gl b: u S t e f f a n i

T a n g g a l0: 6 A p r i l2 0 1 8

TomanYasmin RoyaNo.64,KotoBogor1611j
Sektorlll, Jl. Yosmin
Foks.: +62-257-8314400
Telepon: +62-251-8358700;

L a p o r a ni n i d i b u a t b e r d a s a r k a nh a s i lo b s e r v a syi a n g o b j e k t i fd a n i n d e p e n d e nt e r h a d a ps a m p e lp e l a n g g a ny a n g b e r s i f a tk h u s u sd a n r a h a s i a D . atahasil
p e n g u j i a ni,n t e r p r e t a s id, a n p e n d a p a t - p e n d a p ayta n g a d a d i d a l a m n y am e w a k i l ip e n i l a i a nt e r b a i kd a r i P T S k y P a c i f i cI n d o n e s i a .D a l a mh a l p e n S S u n a a n
l a p o r a ni n i , P T S k y P a c i f i cI n d o n e s i at l d a k m e m b u a t j a m i n a n s e c a r at e r s i r a t m a u p u n t e r s u r a t d a n t i d a k b e r t a n g g u n gj a w a b t e r h a d a p p r o d u k t i v i t a s ,
k e g i a t a no p e r a s i o n a la, t a u p u n k e r u g i a nl a i n n y ay a n g b e r s i f a tm a t e r i a lm a u p u n i m a t e r i a l .L a p o r a ni n i t i d a k d i p e r b o l e h k a nu n t u k d i g a n d a k a nk, e c u a l i
s e c a r au t u h k e s e l u r u h a n n ydaa n a t a s p e r s e t u j u a nt e r t u l i sd a r i P TS k yP a c i f i cI n d o n e s i a .

N o . D o k . :F S O P . S K Y - I 7 . 1 No.Revisi/Terbit:3/4 P TE S CE N V I R O N M E NI T
IND'NESIA YTEA' Kes::***,ir**iissi t{*ri*n;l
Laboratorium Penguji
S0. qe*istri}$i K(intpstensl:
ri RK Kl rr

suiR p,E
NGANJARLAp.ffiry;HffiwBNpq A

B e r s a mian i d i s a m p a i k al a
n p o r a nh a s i p
l e n g u j i a nu,n t u k :

N a m aP e l a n g g a n P TE S CE N V I R O N M EIN
N a m aP e m o h o n P TE S CE N V I R O N M EIN
P e r s o nP
ilenghubung lbu Steffani
A l a m a tL e n g k a p Sigulok
S u m a t e rU
a tara

T a n g g aCl o n t o hU j i D i T e r i m a L 2 M a r e t2 0 L 8

T a n g g aCl o n t o hU j i D i A n a l i s i s t Z - 2 3 M a r e t2 0 1 8

T a n g g aDl i l a p o r k a n 0 6 A p r i l2 0 L 8

i u m l a hC o n t o hU j i 4

h otaH
l alaman 7 Halaman
( T e r m a s uSk a m p uD
l e p a n)

Bogor,06 April2018
M a n a j eU
r mum

( Undang

No.Revisiflerbit: H a l a m a1nd a r i6
N o .D o k . F
: SOP.SKY-17.1
IND'NESIA YTWU i{oxlt* Akr**ii;;s: FJ*s!***;
${1, tqdgislf:r$i K*ffipelen$i :
0 0 7 5 , L P J ' l A B L i N G - - 1 rR
r KIK: tl

N o m o rP e k e r j a a n : S P I - 1 8 0 3 1 1 9 U
N a m aP e l a n g g a n : P TE S CE N V T R O N M EtN NTD O N E S I A
P e r s o n i l P e n g h u b u:n l6b u S t e f f a n i
T a n g g aDl i l a p o r k a n : 0 6 A p r i l2 0 1 8

ldentitasContoh Uji Tanggal Waktu Tanggal Waktu Waktu Koordinat
Laboratorium Matriks
P e n g a m b i l a nPengambilan
Penerimaan Penerimaan Analisis
Lintant Bujur
sPr-1803119U-1/4U A - 1( P e m u k i m a n ) U d a r aA m b i e n 09103/2018 20:00 72/03/2078 15:30 7210323/03 tS:02"08'33,2" B T :0 9 8 ' a 5 ' 3 0 , 1 '
sPr-1803119U-2/4UA-2(PowerHouse) U d a r aA m b i e n 70/03/2078 21:00 1.2/03/2078 15:30 72/03- 23/03 L S : 0 2 ' 0 8 ' 3 4 , 2B'T :0 9 8 ' 4 5 ' 1 8 , 4 "
5Pt-1803119U-3/4B S - 1( P e m u k i m a n ) U d a r aA m b i e n 09/03/2078 20:00 72/03/2078 15:30 72/03- 23/03 LS:02"08'33,2" 8 T :0 9 8 " 4 5 '3 0 , 1 "
sPr-1803119U-4/4BS-2(PowerHouse) U d a r aA m b i e n r0/03/201.8 21:00 12/03/2018 15:30 72103- 23103 L S : 0 2 ' 0 83 '4 , 2 " B T :0 9 8 ' 4 5 1 8 . 4 '

Bogor,06 April 2018 >\{

M a n a j eT
r eknis

dengancontohyangdi uii danlaporanini tidakbolehdigandakan

Hasilhanyaberhubungan kecualiseluruhnya.

N o .D o k . :F S O P . S K Y - 1 7 . 1 N o .R e v i s i / T e r b3i t/:4 H a l a m a2nd a r i6

PTSKYPACIFIC F,*rr!lr Ak:r:tlt;r:li l{a*l**xi
Laboratorium Penguji
L P- 7 3 9. I D N
\- * . , \t. :.: (<. ,,-*.r-. *,

ldentifikasi Tanggal Waktu Tanggal waktu
ldentitascontoh uji I Matriks I waktu lnarisis
Laboratorium Pensambilan PeneambilanPenerimaan PenerimaanI
S P I - 1 8 0 3 1 1 9 U - 1| / 4 U A - l( P e m u k i m a n ) | U d a r aA m b i e n 09/03/2018 20:00 t2/03/20t8 I);5U I r2lV5-251V5

S u h uU d a r a" C : 18,8 Cuaca Berawan
K e l e m b a b aUnd a r a , % : 8 5 , 9 Arah Angln K eB a r a t
T e k a n aU n d a r am
, mHg : 653,2 Kecepatan
Angin,m/detik : 0,7- 2,3
K o o r d ni a t LS:02"08' 33,2"
BT:098"45' 30,1"
Hasil Pengujian



t t s a r l r K erle r s u s p e n SIto l a t , t 5 P OI 230/24)am uglNmt s N I1 9 - 7 1 1 9 . 3 - 2 0 0 5

Partikel< 10 Um, PMlo 26 I5O/ 24 Jam (Gravimetri & HVAS)
Partikel< 2.5pm, PMr., 12 65/ 24)am r/Nm3 I K . S K Y - 1(4G7r a v i m e t&r lH V A S )

tl (IMIA

1 i u l f u rD i o k s i d S
a ,O , 64 9 0 0 / 1J a m u g / Nm 3 s N t1 9 - 7 1 1 9 . 7 - 2 0 0 5
2 l a r b o nM o n o k s i d C
a ,O I l4) 30000/1lam uelNmt I K A . S K Y - 0( 8C OM e t e r )

3 ! i t r o g e nD i o k s i d a
N,O , 58 400/1Jam /Nm3 sNr19-7119.2-2005
)ksidan,O, 48 235/L)am uelNm3 sNt 19-7119.8-2005
5 l i d r o k a r b o nH, C l o ) <13 /Nm3 S N I7 1 1 9 . 1 3 : 2 0 0 9
T l m a hH i t a m ,P b < 0,1 2/24)am s/Nm3 sNr19-7119.4-2005

(') SMLadalahgakuMutu LingkunganuntukBakuMutu UdaraAmbienNasional,
Pemerintah Nomor41 lahun 1999
(#) Parameter
sesuai5Nl lso/lEc17025:2008

Hasilhanyaberhubungan contohyangdi ujidanlaporan

dengan kecuali
initidakbolehdigandakan seluruhnya.

3/4 n d a r i6
PTSKYPACIFIC Kt:mite,{kreditasiNasianal
Laboratorium Penguji
L P- 7 3 9 . I D N
No.Registra$i Kornpetensi i

-. I Tanggal Waktu Tanggal waktu
. :- :- | ldentitasContohUji I Matriks I waktunnarisis
LaDoratonum | | Pensambilan Pensambilan Penerimaan Penerimaan I

| UA-z(PowerHouse) | UdaraAmbien LO/0312018 21:00 12/03/2018 15:30 | t2/03 23103

ContohUii UdaraAmbien

; u h uU d a r a ' C : 20,L Cuaca Berawan

(elembaban Udata,Yo : 77,7 ArahAngin Ke Barat
-ekanan Angin,m/detik
Kecepatan : 0,5- 1,3
U d a r am, mHg ; 553,2
(oordinat L5:02' 08' 34,2"
BT:098'45' 18,4"



I Partikel Total,TSP
Tersuspensi 57 230lz4 Jam /Nm3 s N r1 9 - 7 1 1 9 , 3 - 2 0 0 5
Partikel< 10 |]m, PMro 19 rSOl24)am (Gravimetri
IK.SKY-148 & HVAS)
Partikel< 2.5 [m, PM2.s 9 65124 Jam (Gravimetri
lK.5KY-147 & HVAS)

SulfurDioksida, 60 900/1Jam uelNm3 sNt 19-7119.7-2005
< 1145 30000/1Jam gglNm' (COMeter)
NitrogenDioksida, 52 400/1Jam us/Nm3 sNt 19-7119.2-2005

O k s i d a nO, 3 49 235/L)am u!/Nm3 sNt 19-7119.8-2005

<13 uglNm3 S N I7 1 1 9 . 1 3 : 2 0 0 9
5 H i d r o k a r b oH
nC, lr)
< 0,1 U 2 4) a m sNt 19-7119.4-2005
6 T i m a hH i t a mP
,b lrglNm'

Keterangan: .\*t
untukBakuMutu UdaraAmbienNasional,
(x) BMLadalahBakuMutu Lingkungan Nomor41 Tahun1999
lf) ParameterTidakTerakreditasi 17025;2008

dengancontohyangdi uji dan laporanini tidak bolehdigandakan

H a l a m a4nd a r i6
IND'NESIA YrcAI K*r:lti: Akrsdi*s*i it*'xsi*r*ri
Laboratorium Penguji
L P- 7 3 9. I D N
N!*, X*gislrasi K.lnit$l€n:jj :
itsT5lt*p JlL,qE ;_:$s.,1 lt_ttKJKLr!

ldentifikasi Tanggal Waktu Tanggal Waktu
' r e n t i t a sc o n t o hu j i ,.,rit, w a k t uA n a l i s i s
| | Pensambilan P e n e a m b i l a n Penerimaan Penerimaan
Laboratorium | |

B S - 1( P e m u k i m a n ) 09/03/2018 20:00 7210312Or8 15:30 12/03- 23/03

5 P t - 1 8 0 3 1 1 9 u - 3|/ 4 | U d a r aA m b i e n

contohUii Kebisingan
Cuaca; Berawan
; u h uU d a r a , ' C : 18,8
K e l e m b a b aUnd a ' a , % : 85,9
fekananUdara,mmHg : 653,2
Koordinat : LS0
: 2'08'33,2"
BT:098' 45' 30,1"



- 09:00) q1 7
1 T i n g k aKt e b i s i n g a a d aP u k u0l 7 : 0 0( 0 5 : 0 0
2 T i n g k aKt e b i s i n g apna d aP u k u1l 0 : 0 0( 0 9 : 0 0- 1 1 : 0 0 ) s2,5
3 T i n g k aKt e b i s i n g a pna d aP u k u1l 5 r 0 014:00- 17:00) 64,3
p a d a P u k u l2 0 : 0 0 L7:O0
n g k a tK e b i s i n g a n - 22:001 49,r
pna d aP u k u2l 3 : 0 022:OO - 24:0Ol 45,2
5 f i n g k aK
t ebisinga 55+3 dB (A) TKM.SKY-14
{ S9 L M )
t e b i s i n g apna d aP u k u0l 1 : 0 02 a : 0 0' 0 3 : 0 0 )
f i n g k aK
padaPukul04:00(03:00- 06:00)
TingkatKebisingan 54,4

T i n g k aKt e b i s i n t apna d aM a l a mH a r i ,L M
Tinokat Kebisinsanselama 24 Jam, 1". 47,9

(#| Seluruh parameter Tetah Terakreditasi sesuai SNI ISO/lEC17025:2008 dengan Nomor Sertifikat LP-739-lDN


H a l a m a n5 d a r l 6
No. Revisi/Terbit:
No. Dok,:FSOP.SKY-17.1

PTSKYPACIFIC {.*iniil A*ra*lt;$i Sesie{*i
Laboratorium Penguji
t*. R*gls{iasi {*ripeir*$i :
0 0 ' r ' i . e . . il "A 8 1 - ! l t G "! . . k 1 ( , i {: . t r

tdentifikasi |
Laboratorium I tdentitascontoh Uji
Matriks Tantgal Waktu Tanggal Waktu
PengambilanPengambilanI penerimaan
PenerimaanW a k t uA n a l i s i s
Ambien r0/03/20t8 27:00 t2/03/2018 1s:30
- 12/03 23/03
| I
ContohUji Kebisingan
S u h uU d a r a , ' C : 20,7
K e l e m b a b a nU d a r a , y . : 77,7 Cuaca B er a w an
I e k a n a n U d a r a ,m m H g
: 653,2
: L 5 :0 2 "0 8 ' 3 4 , 2 ' ,
B T :0 9 8 ' 4 5 ,1 8 , 4 "

:]-- -
1 I I n g k aK
t ebisinga
pna d ap u k u 0
l 7 : 0 0( 0 6 : 0 0
- 09:00)
p.O.eutrt ruffio6-_ r-rr6iJ
- 57,O
3 Iingkat
p.o.rrrrl riio-@oo-l76iJ
rinskat Kahi.ino.. ^-r- _ zztuul
- -v.ww t! t
",.ilillll7--ll--ll-li ,vv
5 Tingkat Kebisingan p.a. rrtrt Zf O6Il,Oo-_ zLoii
6 T i n g k aKt e b i s i n g a
pna d ap u k u0l 1 : 0 0( 2 a : 0 0
_t r J ; 0 0 ) /0+3 d B( A )
- 36,7
( S9 L M )
1 rinskat
p.a,rutJElo[!ool offi
- 35,8
pra. SaniH.,.iI--.-
p.a. v.l..lJI--
- 42,0
ngan r.b.i z+.t.-=IJ-

(*) BMLadalahBakuMutu Lingkungan

HidupNo.48 Tahun1996(Lampiran -\.d.
(s) Seruruh
TerahTerakreditasi t.a.5- Industri)

dengancontohyangdi uji dan laporanini tidak bolehdigandakan

N o ,D o k .F
: SOP.SKY-17.1
J17-763 ESIA Report Mini Hydro Power Plant 2x4 MW
in Sigulok, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Aek Sibundong Energi


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