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Assessment Diagnosis

Subjective Data: Imbalance Nutrition: More than Body

The patient’s father verbalized that he is Requirements related Food intake that
concerned to his child’s health because, his exceeds body needs as evidenced by weight
mother is overweight, hypertensive and has of 10% over optimum body weight; excess
type 2 diabetes and his father says the boy’s body fat by pink abdominal stretch marks
diet is generally good but that his
grandmother spoils him with everything that
he likes including burger, pasta, fries and
sweets after school.
Objective Data:
Large Tonsils
Pink abdominal stretch marks
Height: 109cm
Weight: 22.9 kg
BP:116/75 mmHg
T: 36.9’C
CBC, Urinalysis, CBG :Normal
Cbg 90 mg/dl\]

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