N1: Ashley and Joan Are Friends But They Are Both Drug Dependence. No One of The Class Wants

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Leaders: Catayoc, Janelle

Soliman, Daniella Lyn G.

N1: Ashley and Joan are friends but they are both drug dependence. No one of the class wants
tomake friends with the two of them.

Anna is from a family who never cares at her at all because her parents was always busy on their
work and that is one of the reason why she was depressed. One day, her parents decided to transfer
her to other school.


Stella: Bye Anna, me and your father Robert are going to our works. Just get your money on the
table before you go to school.

Robert: Let’s hurry Stella, we will going to be late to our work if we will not hurry.

(When her parents go to their work, she also go to the school)

Ma’am Alex: Good afternoon class, let me introduce to all of you your new classmate, Anna. She is a
transferee student from Manila.

Joan: I’m Joan. Why you look so sad? Is their something bothering you?

Anna: No, I’m fine.

Joan: Oh com’ on . It’s obvious that your not okay. So tell me, what is it?

Anna: It’s all about my family. I feels like they do not care and concern to me at all.

Joan: I have a suggestion, what if you come and drink with us later. It will helps to lessen the pain and
the sadness you feeling right now.

Anna: I don’t think so…

Joan: Com’ on, just for a short period. Just come and drink with us later.

Anna: Okay…..

N2: Ashley and Joan had been easily convinced Anna to come and drink with them because she was
so depressed about her problem regarding to her parents. Suddenly, they also convince her not only
to drink alcohol, but also to use drugs.

Joan: And also try to use this (drugs) to lessen the pain or sadness you feels.

Anna: Drugs?! Are you sure

Joan: Just try it, even just a little bit. This drugs will help you to calm down and eliminate your stress.
Just try it

Anna: Okay…

(:Anna took the drugs ;Its been three days since the girls did not attend school)

Ma’am Alex: Who is absent today?

Jenifer: :Anna Joan and Ashley are today's absent ma’am . Its been three days since they attended

( :Joan and Anna came to school late, their classmate notice a suspicious packet on Joan's bag with
a foil with it)

Claire: What are we gonna do with foil do we need it for our science experiment?

Joan: Those were mine give it back!

N3: Their classmates told their teacher about it, Their teacher solved the problem of her drug
dependent students in a very calm way, She talked to them calmly and explained how drugs will
interact with them.


Ma’am Alex: Why? Why are you using this? This will destroy your life

Joan: Because everytime we  suffer from social anxiety, stress, and depression Drugs helps us  to
feel less anxious.

Anna: And ma’am maybe we are just too depressed about our problems

Ma’am Alex: What kind of problems?

Anna: Problems in my family, because mostly of the time I feel that they do not care and concern me
at all. They are always busy at their work and they always don’t have time for me.

Ma’am Alex: But believe me, your parents love us but maybe you didn’t feel it because mostly of the
time is there are busy on their works. But please remember, they been working for you. For you to
study in a better school and also for them to give you the things you need. And most of all, is to give
you a better life and better future someday.

Anna: Thanks ma’am, now I understand

Ma’am Alex: And girls please always remember that drugs won’t even help you at all. In fact, it will
just destroy your life.

Hazel: Ma’am is right. Drugs will never help you guys and drugs has too many bad effects that will
ruin your life

Calire: And guys if you have problems, always remember that drugs or drinking alcohol will not help

Hazel: Ivy is right, instead of using drugs if you have problems, all of you can always talk to us so we
can listen to your problems

Hazel: And also for us to comfort you and give you good advices.

Anna and Joan: Sorry ma’am and sorry classmates. Now we learned and promise to not do it again.

N4: After they talked , their teacher and also their classmates helped them to change themselves
and start a new life. And also from that day Anna’s parents now also have time for her. Years passed
and the girls are completely healed they are really thankful for their teacher who helped and
understand them.

Anna: Thank you ma’am and classmates for helping us

Joan: Without you, our life is miserable now. Thank you guys

Ma’am Alex: I hope that now , the three of you learned and will never do it again

(And now Joan and Anna are always part of the top students in their class)

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