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Disaster, Risk Reduction and Management

1. What DRRD activities can take place in the school?
Emergency Planning for Floods and Landslides, Earthquake Drill, and Fire Drills
are among the DRRD activities that can take place in school.
2. What needs to be done to support these activities?
All people should participate and apply some efforts on making these activities
possible. They should plan it ahead before any calamity strikes. Subsequently, see
to it that the resources are always available to meet the needs of the chosen
activities. More than that, coordination should be done with the City, Provincial,
Municipal Disaster Coordinator Councils, and other organizations. Then, organize
the groups and assign the members with the responsibilities that they can properly
handle. Finally, work as a team because anything is possible if everyone are
working hand in hand.

3. Who needs to support this process?

Everyone should take a part in these activities whether you are a simple citizen, a
religious member, government officials, Local Government Units, Non-
governmental Organizations, and City, Provincial, Municipal Disaster Coordinator
Councils, and other organizations.
4. How will the communities be involved?
Local communities should participate in the DRRD activities introduced in the area
of where they reside. They should take involvement in the decision-making and
disasters planning of the various calamities that usually happen in their current
place and coordinate with other organization whose primary concern is to take
initiatives in implementing this plan.

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