Diagnostic Test On Subject-Verb Agreement and Pronoun Antecedent

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Diagnostic Test on Subject-Verb Agreement and Pronoun Antecedent


Instruction: Underline the correct form of the verb/pronoun to make each

sentence grammatical.

1. A number of students (pass, passes) the diagnostic test.

2. The number of students who pass the diagnostic test (exceed, exceeds) the
teacher’s expectations.
3. Thirty kilograms of cotton (is, are) as heavy as thirty kilograms of nails.
4. Twenty-four hours (has, have) elapsed, but still no word is heard from the

5-7. The president and chief executive of the company (prefer, prefers) to hold office
at the old building but (his, their) subordinates frown on (his, their) preferences.

8-9. The secretary and the treasurer (take, takes) responsibility for (his, their)

10-11. Everybody (get, gets) the chance to present (his, their) written speech at the

12-13. Each member and stockholder (want, wants) (his, their) share sold at triple
the original price .

14-15. Everyone of the employees (signify, signifies) (his, their) willingness to

cooperate with the new manager.

16-17. She is one of the teachers who (recommend, recommends) (this, these) new

18. Only a few graduates (has, have) responded to the graduate tracer study.

19. The teachers, together with the dean, (welcome, welcomes) the new students.

20. Who (is, are) residents of Cebu City here?

21. Who (want, wants) a Saturday schedule for Educ.16?

22. It is important that everyone (respect, respects) one another.

23. To become one of the best teachers in the country (has, have) been my dreams.

24. Research and development (receive, receives) a substantial portion of the

university’s budget.

25. A great deal of research efforts (is, are) devoted to finding ways to develop the
21st century skills.

26. The jure (disagree, disagrees) on the verdict.

27. The poor (has, have) suffered so much deprivation of life.

28. The majority of the members (accept, accepts) the proposal.

29. The majority of the members (disapprove, disapproves) of the plan.

30. The new scissors (is, are) solidly made of stainless steel.

31. A pair of imported trousers (was, were) bought by John at a discounted price.

32. Several pieces of furniture (has, have) been put up for auction.

33-34. Many people (enjoy, enjoys) reading about the Netherlands and (its, their)

35. My source of strength (is, are) my three boys.

36-37. The administration (require, requires) that each students (wear, wears) his or
her ID conspicuously while inside the school campus.

38-39. While both contestants (give, gives) a lengthy explanation, neither (get, gets)
the nod of the panel of judges.

40-41. Jean or Paul (is, are) required to submit (his, her, their) written explanation.

42. There (go, goes) the teacher and his students.

43. Which of the two bags (is, are) of good quality?

44. Philippines is an archipelago which (is, are) surrounded by big bodies of water.

45. What we need (is, are) big salaries for the working class.

46. Rice and fish (is, are) a staple food for Filipinos.

47. 12 c.c. of sulphuric acid (was, were) poured during the experiment.

48. Science and technology (is, are) my favorite subject.

49. Such means (is, are) prohibited by the New Constitution.

50. Statics (show, shows) that women outlive men.

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