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Mater Dei College

Graduate School

Final Examination
Phonetics for Teachers

Name: John rex G. Pogoy, MAELT

 Date: May 22, 2021 

1. Make a brief report on the most interesting speaker you have heard during the past
years. Analyze why he was interesting. List the items about the speakers and the
speech which held your interest and attention. 


Speeches are intended to persuade, entertain, and inform. I have heard many
outstanding speeches and have seen numerous eloquent speakers in DepEd and
CHED because I was a former High School Coordinator of Galbreath International
School, Tugas, Getafe, Bohol where the DepEd RD in Region VII happens to be the
owner of the school I was working a year ago. In terms of speakers and their
effectiveness, well most of them hooked my attention because I am a good listener. The
only speaker I consider as the most interesting is my sister, Jerlyn Garcia Pogoy. This
speech happened last 2016, where she graduated from Elementary as a Class
Valedictorian. My sister delivered her speech well. I consider it as the most interesting
because I had never thought that she could construct such speech in a very arranged
and organized manner. She caught me off guard with her sweet and loving words for
us, her family. Yes, we consider other speeches as interesting but nothing compares to
your only sister who walked and trudged the aisle to the stage and delivered her speech
full of love and gratitude, surely nothing beats that. She talked about everything that
happened on her journey in elementary. She was so real and she sounded like an adult
standing in front of the crowd and as a brother and mentor I couldn’t express enough
the feeling of fulfillment because of the words she uttered. It was the very moment
where I realized that I need to touch more hearts and minds, that I want to be a teacher.
And here I am, working as a teacher because of my sister who ignited and motivated
me to be the catalyst for change.
2. Write a short persuasive speech using any of the following topics: 

(a) Resuming face to face class setting

Countless years have passed, everything was in normal and in an ordinary state.
We discern a lot of changes and upheavals in everything that is encompassing us. The
people didn’t experience crucial and hasty change. Until such time this year, this very
tiny and deadly coronavirus came causing the world and its people in absolute jeopardy.
No one thinks of any other solution except change, to adapt change. This was when the
words “new normal” was coined. One of the most extensively affected by this pandemic
is the school. The Philippine Schools are having complications and drawbacks on how
to deliver instruction and how to sow knowledge to students while keeping the students
safe with the peril of COVID-19 transmission.
Schools are the educational grounds of learners. It is where aspirations and
dreams are painted and colored with the help of the noble teachers and supportive
parents. It is a home for every child and student to sharpen and to educate themselves.
Regardless of race and gender, the school provides fundamental and essential
knowledge for everyone who persisted and who is interested to learn. Behind the
learnings of all students in the schools are the teachers, who are the crusaders, and the
agent of change. They teach to address the up-to-date knowledge and to address
information needed by students. That’s why Filipinos are known for their excellence.
Without the presence of this pandemic, we would not realize the importance of
the teachers and the school. This pandemic has awaken students and parents that best
learning takes place in schools. We must resume the face to face setting because the
current learning modality hinders us producing globally competitive individuals which is
the ultimate goal of Philippine education.
Everything now is very vague just like in the year 1941-1944, where there were
no daily classes during wartime years. Yet, the hardships and rare face to face classes
experienced were the best education for most Filipinos. Hopefully, we can still maintain
such excellence and even add more engaged learners to increase the nation’s
educated Filipinos despite COVID-19. When more Filipinos are educated, there will be
more catalyst of change. Eventually, after this pandemic, students would be more
excited to be back and those out of school youths would be more enthusiastic to live on
their second home where they will be holistically molded to be successful individuals.

3. Submit a good example of one of the speeches according to occasion (attach copy to
this sheet). Identify the following: 

Purpose: To Persuade and To Inform

Message: “Ditch the dream and be a doer, not a dreamer. Maybe you know exactly what
it is you dream of being, or maybe you’re paralyzed because you have no idea what your
passion is. The truth is, it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to know. You just have to keep
moving forward. You just have to keep doing something, seizing the next opportunity,
staying open to trying something new. It doesn’t have to fit your vision of the perfect job
or the perfect life. Perfect is boring and dreams are not real. Just do. You want to be a
writer? A writer is someone who writes every day, so start writing. You don’t have a job?
Get one. Any job. Don’t sit at home waiting for the magical opportunity. Who are you?
Prince William? No. Get a job. Go to work. Do something until you can do something

Main lines of thought:

While people are busy dreaming, the really successful people are busy doing. In other
words, done is better than perfect. The bottom line is, stop dreaming, and start doing.

II. Write ASPIRATED if the following words do require a puff of air, if not, write

1. Dip - Unaspirated 5. Party - Aspirated

2. Apart - Aspirated 6. Basket - Aspirated

3. Water - Aspirated 7. Plan - Aspirated

4. Scallop - Aspirated
8. Picnic - Aspirated
9. Carwash - Aspirated
10. Pieces – Aspirated

III. Identify whether the following words have 1 st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th syllable stress. 
1. Ceremony - 1st
2. Ancestor - 1st
3. Outdo - 2nd
4. Cigarette - 3rd
5. Lesson - 1st
6. matrimony - 1st
7. Guitarist - 2nd
8. Nocturnal - 2nd
9. Abaca - 3rd
10. Kangaroo - 3rd

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