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what it is Foster political attention and

The Parliamentarians Network, raise awareness, both with the

launched at the European media and the broader public
Parliament in Brussels in October Hold governments accountable
2008, is an initiative of the Influence legislation
EastWest Institute’s International Improve resource allocation
Task Force on Preventive and capacity building for
Diplomacy. It is an international, conflict prevention
non-partisan, standing structure
Support advocacy work with
with a growing membership of—to
concrete action
date—over 80 parliamentarians
from more than 30 countries
across the globe. The Network how it works
connects members of parliament The Network is supported by a
to mobilize efforts towards the Secretariat and guided by a six-
prevention of conflicts turning person members-appointed
violent through diplomatic Executive Council, which is
initiatives and effective collective regionally and gender-balanced.
action. It was conceived in The Network convenes two to
response to the paucity of three face-to-face meetings per
strategies and lack of political will year, and regularly communicates
on the part of many national using online and other interface
parliaments, governments, and the technologies.
international community to
respond early and effectively to
ideas into action
prevent conflicts turning violent.
Parliamentarians are particularly
well-placed to advance preventive
what it does diplomatic approaches to conflict
The Network applies its collective and to translate them into national
early warning capacity to raise and international action. Thus,
government, media and public members can spearhead the
attention to prospective violent reframing of traditional security
conflicts. It advocates for a greater and development policy thinking
allocation of resources for towards diplomatic alternatives to
preventive action and for increased violence that are both sustainable
capacity building. Members work and cost effective.
the challenge the moral the economic
Worldwide we are imperative necessity
confronted with It is intolerable that Conflict preventive
countless human millions of civilians approaches not only
security challenges. die from violent save civilian and
The interconnected conflict at a time military lives, they
nature of today’s when the constitute an astute resource insecurity,
new threats demand international financial investment. especially of food
no less than a global community is Conflict prevention and water,
concerted effort at capable of is cost prevention. environmental
preventing violent generating the Preventive efforts degradation, and
conflict. political will to cost less than post- climate change.
It is our shared prevent it. It is conflict
responsibility to unacceptable that so reconstruction and
reach beyond our many of our children result in many
the political
borders, and to do have to grow up in a thousand fewer obligation
what we can to climate of fear of casualties. The international
achieve peace, violence and community must
security, and the insecurity. the strengthen efforts to
non-violent Yet the response of humanitarian address conflict
resolution of the global
conflicts. This
must preventive
community is often approaches and
challenge is a moral inadequate, too late, In a globalized world human security
imperative, an and as a result, too no country is issues. This includes
economic necessity, costly. isolated from the safety from hunger,
a humanitarian after-effects of disease and
must, and a political violent conflict in repression, and
obligation for us all. another part of the protection from
world. Mounting unexpected and
At the beginning of the end of the frustration and violent disruption in
the 20th century 80% 20th century 80% of
desperation linked the patterns of
of deaths in wars were deaths in wars were
military... civilians. to the global everyday life.
recession is resulting This can only be
in social unrest and done though the full
rising instability mobilization of our
across the globe. collective means and
This is compounded efforts and through
by burgeoning the proper
population growth, allocation of
rapid urbanization, resources towards
increasing conflict prevention.
number of wars that ended in:
negotiated settlement military victory


1990s 2000-2005

Facts and Figures

courtesy of the Center for Systemic Peace

For every
The average cost $1
of civil conflicts is spent on conflict prevention,
states spend some
estimated at
$64 billion. $2000
on weapons and
military budgets.

Sources: Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development, Oxford Research Group, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, University of British Colombia.
September 2009

the Parliamentarians Network for Conflict

Prevention and Human Security
The Parliamentarians Network was established by the EastWest
Institute’s International Task Force on Preventive Diplomacy. The
Network is an international, non-partisan initiative that brings
together parliamentarians from across the globe to direct
political will and resources to prevent conflicts before they

the EastWest Institute

The EastWest Institute is an international, non-partisan, not-for
profit policy organization focused solely on confronting critical
challenges that endanger peace. EWI was established in 1980 as
a catalyst to build trust, develop leadership, and promote
collaboration for positive change. The institute has offices in
New York, Brussels, and Moscow.

The Parliamentarians Network’s Secretariat is based in Brussels,

Belgium. For more information about the EastWest Institute or
the Parliamentarians Network, please visit:
+ 32 2 743 4625

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