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BSCE-3A 05/24/2021

ACTIVITY: Your Personal Identity “Who Are You?”

Where have you taken on responsibilities in your life?
To the point, I make sure I perform my best in school
in a way to honor the effort of my parents.

Personal Core Learning

How would you describe What have you learned and

yourself in one sentence? what are you hoping to learn?

A passionate success The general culture of a

seeker, without letting certain group is solely based
ignorance pulls myself of of how large number of shared
becoming a failure avoider. traits practice.
I hope to learn how to
adopt things not only adopting
immediately but learning the
other side of the story.
BSCE-3A 05/24/2021
Activity: Analysis
A Portrait of Yourself
• The best thing(s) I ever did was (were) to not take things for granted.
• I wish I could lose my fear of stage fright.
• I know I have the talent to dance well enough.
• I enjoy people who appreciate one another.
• I admire the feeling of being independent.
•I feel most productive when I do numerous tasks.
• I am motivated by my family.
• I almost never solve specific problem.
• My idea of fun is entertaining yet sentimental.
• Work is exciting when you have good salary.
• The best advice I ever got was to stay humble at all times.
• The thing I value most is my family.
• My best days are yet to come.
• My dream is to be successful in the near future.
• I always wanted to be the best version of myself.
• I look forward to share something in the community.
• I spent too much time finding myself.
• The thing my friends like about me is my sense of humor.
• When I try to change something it becomes better.
• In a group I like to trait everyone fair.
• If I ever win a prize it will be for my parents.
BSCE-3A 05/24/2021
Answer this question maximum of 3 paragraph.
Who are you without society?
Humanity would not take into place from its definition behind. Humanity is the
human race, which includes everyone on Earth. The word humanity is for "human nature,
kindness.” Humanity includes all the humans, but it can also refer to the kind feelings
humans often have for each other. Pertaining only for individual sake it could disregard
the idea of humanity along the way of existence.
Another concept to be put in vain is the word patriotism. Patriotism or national pride
is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with
other citizens who share the same sentiment. Patriotism involves feeling of attachment
and commitment to a country, nation, or political community. Nation could never be built
without the participation off all humankind including oneself.
In short, I am no longer be the one whom I become today. All things would be
impossible for me to do, without the society no one will appreciate my efforts also the life
would be pointless for the reason that there is no interaction between individuals. Helping
one another is difficult to realize at all cost. Therefore, we will go back to amplify what the
saying goes “no man is an Island”.

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