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Over the years, the federal government has shown a penchant for muddling the tax system with a

myriad of tax credits, deductions, exemptions and exclusions. But tax expenditures—as they are
collectively known—recently drew fire from Canada’s auditor general. Specifically, the auditor
general criticized the lack of regular review on the relevance and effectiveness of tax expenditure
and identified a dearth of available information for assessing their long-term costs.
At first glance, an
abundance of tax
credits may seem like a
good thing. Everyone
likes to save money.
But each new tax credit
can add to the
complexity of
Canada’s tax system
and consequently
increase the cost of
Every year taxpayers
spend a significant
amount of time
(collecting and
organizing receipts,
understanding the
rules) and money
(paying accountants, buying software) to file their tax returns. The cost of complying with the
personal income tax system alone is estimated at around $6 billion—or roughly $501 per
household per year and compliance costs fall disproportionately on lower-income Canadians
who spend a greater share of their income complying.
A more complicated tax system is also more costly for government to manage. Both the
compliance and administrative costs equal money that doesn’t go to investing in productive
things that helps grow our economy or incomes.
So what’s the solution? A simpler tax system:
Tax expenditures currently cost the federal government approximately the same amount
collected annually from personal income taxes ($130 billion). Indeed, with more tax
expenditures, the government has to keep other tax rates higher to raise the same amount of
revenue. By doing away with at least 68 tax expenditures worth about $20 billion, the
government could, in exchange, enact broad-based tax relief by scrapping the two middle-
income tax rates (22 and 26 per cent). This would leave just two tax rates with an overwhelming
majority of Canadians paying a single 15 per cent marginal tax rate and a small minority paying
the higher 29 per cent rate.

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