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Part 20:

1. While supporters believe that globalization is the key 21 st century …………….,

opponents claim that the process facilitates inequality and a race to the bottom in terms
of standards.

2. The index suggests that there has been a ……………….. for all countries reviewed
in the study.

3. While interconnectedness is generally beneficial, globalization opportunities are not


4. Previous research suggest that emerging markets could lose out from …………..
…….such as TTIP.


1. growth motor

2. net positive

3. evenly dispersed
4. regional trade pacts

Part 21:

1. Gender refers to cultural and social differences and the main problems with this are
our ________.

2. It is widely believed that sex ________is a natural way of things.

3. Gender socialization occurs through four ________; namely family, education, peer
groups and mass media.

4. The division of products to appeal to the market for both sexes is called ________ .
5. Gender stereotypes can disrupt people’s ________or encourage already ________
gender stereotypes.

6. In Western heteronomative society, boys are encouraged to be ________, ________

and strong whilst girls are expected to be passive, ________and ________.


1. socially constructed gender roles

2. segregation

3. major agents

4. gender marketing

5. gender identities – oppressive

6. assertive – dominating – nurturing - subordinate

Part 22:

1. In December 2015, China issued a red alert warning for their capital, Beijing due to
its excessive ________

2. Many ________occupied top spots in terms of cleanliness according to the Green

City Index report.

3. While Denmark and Switzerland impose heavy restrictions on high polluting

vehicles, there is also a ________ to use public transit, bicycling and walking.

4. Curitiba in Brazil was the first city to introduce ________ in 1974.

5. Singapore keep the city clean through ________ and infrastructure investment.

6. ________ recycling and water treatment plants in Singapore are designed around
supplying the uniquely compact city.

7. Recycling a significant amount of waste, San Francisco is described as a ________


8. A way to maintain low use of energy in San Fransico is to require ________ to

submit energy usage reports on a regular basis.
9. Accra in Ghana get high scores for establishing a ________with the government.

10. In general, it is ________ to be involved that fundamentally contributes to the

protection of the environment.


1. smog and air particle levels

2. Nordic countries

3. societal push

4. bus rapid transit

5. high-density planning

6. state – of – the – art

7. health-conscious

8. commercial building owners

9. direct bureaucratic link

10. society’s willingness

Part 23:

It is impossible to return to the strategies of the past as we are going through the age of
(1) ______________________________, the most prominent being technology.
The collapse of Soviet Union and the advent of capitalism have (2)
___________________ old challenges to old America’s global leadership.
Three countries: (3) ______________, ______________, ______________ are taken
as examples of new challenges to American leadership.
During his visit to (4) ________________________________, Obama saw a picture
that depicted the new reality of fiercer competition in job market.
Obama asserts that we are living in a world where (5)
______________________________ can come from anywhere.
Some argue that the only chance to maintain living standards is to build a (6)
____________ to stop trading with other countries, shut down immigration and rely on
old industries.
Obama deprecates the above statement as this is impossible and can even deteriorate
the situation. Therefore, we should embrace rather than (7)
Success in globalisation will depend on three factors: (8) ______________,
______________, ______________ of Americans.
In confronting capitalism’s gravest crisis, Franklin D. Rooselvet forged the (9)
______________________________, built the Hoover Dam and so on.
John F. Kenedy, in the dark day of the Cold War, created the Apollo programme to put
us on the (10) ______________________________.
This was the leadership that had the strength to turn the moments of (11)
_____________ into ________________, had the courage to challenge (12)

1. fundamental economic transformation

2. vanquished

3. China, India, Brazil

4. Google’s headquarters

5. communication, connection, competition

6. fortress

7. fear the future

8. dynamism, determination, innovation

9. social safety net

10. pathway to the moon

11. adversity - opportunity

12. conventional thinking

Part 24:

In public, a key step along the path to the deal was the ……………..(1) opened up at
this year's UN General Assembly between President Rouhani and Western nations,
after years of the relationship being dominated by whether Iran is, or is not, seeking to

And - more than 30 years after the US embassy …………...(3) in Tehran -

September's fifteen-minute phone conversation between President Obama and Mr
Rouhani gave further hope of potential progress towards resolving the ………………..

But, behind the scenes, it has now been revealed, the US and Iran have been engaged
in …………………(5) for months, in Oman and elsewhere. The Associated Press
news agency says they were kept hidden even from America's …………..(6) and
…………………(7) until two months ago.

It was a high-stakes …………………..(8) While Israel argues that the deal reached in
Geneva is dangerously skewed in favour of Iran, most of Iran's Arab neighbours are
clearly uneasy too.

But the public and private diplomacy from here on will clearly need to be just as
……………(9) - and is likely to face many more severe tests - if a more
……………….(10) is to be achieved, and Iran's relationships in its volatile region and
with the rest of the world are to return to normal.

1. dialogue

2. develop nuclear weapons.

3. siege

4. nuclear dispute

5. secret face-to-face talks

6. allies

7. negotiating partners

8. diplomatic gamble

9. intense

10. comprehensive nuclear agreement

Part 25:

1. Alternative energy sources hold the key to ………………….

2. Renewable energy is generated from sources that ………………..and never
run out.

3. Common sources of renewable energy are solar, wind, hydro,

…………….and ……………….

4. Renewable sources are environmentally friendly because they create only


5. Due to its limitless supply, renewable energy is a ………………

6. The construction of wind farms and dams can disrupt ……………….

7. Solar and wind energy are ……………as they only generate power under
certain conditions.

8. Advances in technology can put an end to ………………….


1. combating climate change

2. naturally replenish themselves

3. geothermal – biomass

4. indiect greenhouse gas

5. reliable source of power

6. wildlife and migration patterns

7. intermitten

8. climate change

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