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REG. NO: 14516

Hourly 1 Spring 2021

Department of Management Sciences

Subject: Consumer Behavior Submission Day: Thursday

Instructor: Dr. Reema Frooghi Submission Date: 8-4-2021
Program: Max. Marks: 5

Please follow the instructions carefully:

1. Write your answers in a Word file and upload the file before the due date on Blackboard.
2. Write your name and registration ID on the first page of your Word file.
3. Answer scripts can only be uploaded on Blackboard any time before its deadline.
4. To avoid any unforeseen problems, you are advised NOT to wait for the last hour to
upload your answer script.
5. Submission of answer copy(ies) will be considered acceptable through Blackboard only.
Therefore, do not submit your document through email or any other medium.
6. Use 12 pt. font size and Times New Roman font style along with 1-inch page margins.
7. Follow the requirements of the word limit and the marking criteria while writing your
8. Provide relevant, original and conceptual answers, as this exam aims to test your ability to
examine, explain, modify or develop concepts discussed in class.
9. Do not copy answers from the internet or other sources. The plagiarism of your answers
may be checked through Turnitin.
10. Recheck your answers before the submission on BlackBoard to correct any content or
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11. Double check your word file before uploading it on BlackBoard to ensure that you have
uploaded the correct file with your answers.
REG. NO: 14516

Question – 1 2.5 Marks (100 to 150 words)

Discuss the cues that consumers can use to rate the perceived quality of a product that they have
not purchased previously and give two business examples of each.
Consumer cues, now and again eluded to as brand cues, incorporate an assortment of visual,
composed and spoken messages that influence consumer purchasing behavior. Organizations use
promoting to comprehend focused on consumers and to introduce impact cues through publicizing.
Statistical surveying is utilized to uncover the specific requirements and intentions of a given client
bunch. These aides are figuring publicizing, promoting and bundling systems to inspire a market
reaction and purchasing behavior.
1. When a hungry customer sees a billboard with a picture of a hamburger, for instance,
he might feel compelled to exit and buy from the restaurant.
2. Budweiser needed to offer consumers a sign to the newness and nature of its products
when it built up the "born-on date." This is a smart prompt to help consumers to
remember these advantages. "Organic" has become a common term utilized on item
bundling and in advertisements to signal wellbeing conscious consumers that a
brand's food products are characteristic or natural.

Question – 2 2.5 Marks (100 to 150 words)

Find and copy/paste print advertisements that you think are appropriate examples of the following
‘Consumer-Brand Relationships.’ Also explain why you think the particular ad belongs to that
respective relationship category.
1. Interdependence
2. Love

Love reason is ads that show the romantic sides of ads especially for couples. One example is from
Coca Cola. It simply shows that the couples were having fight but after drinking the cola they are
happy and together so it’s the example of love.
REG. NO: 14516

Example ad:

Interdependence Reason
Are ads that show co-dependence on other people One example could come from Pandora of
which shows the appreciation for our mother's especially on mother's day. The reason why I
selected this ad is because mothers are the one who are interdependent on others and this ad is
perfectly showing which is of Pandora.

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