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Lindsay Vanderhoogt 10h-@ ‘One year ago today, my friend Crystal lbs and I were sued by Project Chimps for using our online platforms to raise awareness about the declining quality of care atthe sanctuary. Looking back 365 days later, | wish I could tell you the sanctuary and those in power took our concerns seriously, made efforts to improve their practices, and are now providing better care to the chimps. Unfortunately, | have no such news to share, In the past year, Alex has died, Gertrude has been diagnosed with ‘cancer, Laricia almost bled out, and the new veterinarian who was ‘experienced with chimps has left and the old dog and cat vet who ‘worked at the sanctuary previously has returned. This is the same vet whois responsible for overlooking major medical issues, leading to continued suffering and even death at the sanctuary. Crystal risked her livelihood and reputation to call out issues while ‘she was still employed! at the sanctuary. She lost her job and some ‘of her best friends because Project Chimps would rather fire (and sue) a valuable member of their care staff instead of addressing valid concerns. |joined the fight to support Crystal and to advocate {or our chimp friends who were being disregarded. Crystal and | both loved Project Chimps. We were ready and wiling to dedicate ‘our lives to the organization in support of our chimp friends because that is what they deserve. Instead, we were both shunned, left to advocate for our chimp friends from the outside, begging those in ‘charge to listen to our concerns. Our cries for help fell on deaf ears, (or so we thought. Being sued certainly gained the cause more attention, leading to news interviews, growing support from the public, and collaboration ‘with animal rights groups across the country. Currently, we have events planned in Santa Monica and NYC and are currently organizing a future event in Atlanta, Though it seems like nothing has changed, we know that our continued efforts are causing a stir behind the scenes. We have no fear or allegiances to uphold, we are 100% dedicated to advocating on behalf of the chimps ~ no matter who we upset. Practices that do not serve the wellbeing of the chimps have no reason to be upheld. We may shake the system, but that's how change is made. To be clear, we are advocating that the chimpanzee residents of Project Chimps, who have been retired from years spent in medical research, be provided with the high-quality sanctuary retirement ‘they were promised, including but not limited to: Regular preventative health screens (such as heart monitoring) and comprehensive medical care to address the variety of health issues these chimps present with due to their experiences in medical research Daily access to the outdoor habitat (they currently only receive a ‘ew hours every three days) “Individualized diets and nutritional support (no individualized diets are currently offered) Improved infrastructure of the chimp enclosures -Anovel, stimulating enrichment program Compassionate, experienced leadership and qualified veterinary staff If you'd like to help us advocate for our incredible chimp friends, reach out to us! You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube as Chimps Deserve Better. Please follow our partners Their Turn, Progress for Science, and Do The Right Thing. For more information on the specific issues taking place at Project Chimps, visit our website: HelpTheChimps.ora Photo by Crystal Alba #chimpdeservebetter

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