Degradation of Nitenpyram Pesticide in Aqueous Solution by Low-Temperature Plasma

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Degradation of nitenpyram pesticide in aqueous

solution by low-temperature plasma
a a a a a a
S. P. Li , Y. Y. Jiang , X. H. Cao , Y. W. Dong , M. Dong & J. Xu
School of Environmental Science and Engineering , Shandong University , Jinan , China
Published online: 31 Jan 2013.

To cite this article: S. P. Li , Y. Y. Jiang , X. H. Cao , Y. W. Dong , M. Dong & J. Xu (2013) Degradation of nitenpyram
pesticide in aqueous solution by low-temperature plasma, Environmental Technology, 34:12, 1609-1616, DOI:

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Environmental Technology, 2013
Vol. 34, No. 12, 1609–1616,

Degradation of nitenpyram pesticide in aqueous solution by low-temperature plasma

S.P. Li∗ , Y.Y. Jiang, X.H. Cao, Y.W. Dong, M. Dong and J. Xu
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China
(Received 30 March 2012: final version received 31 December 2012 )

In order to study the new technique of plasma wastewater treatment, the degradation behaviour of nitenpyram (NTP) pesticide
was investigated in a low-temperature plasma formed during a dielectric barrier discharge process. The reactor was a radial
flow sedimentation tank centred around the water inlet. We studied the effect of pesticide concentration and input power of the
dielectric barrier discharge, together with the effect of external factors on the degradation of nitenpyram pesticide wastewater
such as conductivity and the use of various of catalysts, and the reaction products were analyzed by high-performance liquid
chromatography mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS). The results showed that NTP could be effectively removed from aqueous
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solution by low-temperature plasma. Increasing the input power could improve the efficiency of degradation, conforming to
a first-order kinetic model. Use of a suitable catalyst clearly improved the degradation process, as also did low conductivity.
The pH of NTP was reduced with discharge time.
Keywords: low-temperature plasma; nitenpyram; degradation; reaction products; HPLC–MS

1. Introduction DBD is a new technology which combines high effi-

Nitenpyram (NTP) is a neonicotinoid pesticide used in ciency, ease of operation and the ability to degrade many
agriculture [1,2] and also for treating domestic animals. different types of organic pollutants. Since the electrode
The removal of nitenpyram from wastewater is therefore does not make direct contact with the discharge gas, DBD
a major environmental issue, not only due to its toxicity, avoids the problem of electrode corrosion. When DBD
but also since it is difficult to degrade in wastewater. Over degrades organic compounds, both physical and chemical
the past few decades the conventional technologies used for processes take place [13,14]. The former can give rise to
the degradation of organic compounds have not been found high-energy electrons and large quantities of UV radia-
effective for this purpose [3–6]. Photocatalytic degradation tion and the latter can cause the formation of chemically
requires a reasonable length of time and has relatively high active species. These active species play an important role
operative costs [3]. Aerobic treatment technology is limited in degrading toxic pollutants. The principal active species
by a long retention time and poor manoeuvrability. Sec- involved in the degradation of organic pollutants are the
ondary pollution may be produced through conventional hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide [15–17]. Hydroxyl
chemical remediation, resulting in increasing treatment radicals are effective in breaking down organic pollutants
costs [6]. Studies have therefore been concentrated on the in water due to their high oxidation potential, and they
development of new methods for pesticide degradation. The are formed by the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by
advanced oxidation process has been proposed as an effec- ultraviolet radiation [18].
tive technology for treating NTP, but it has drawbacks in Considering the need to develop new methods for
terms of economics, equipment and efficiency [7,8]. How- treating pesticide wastewater and the advantages of its
ever, low-temperature plasma has now been applied, and degradation by plasmas, we studied the treatment of NTP
the results show that this technology is effective for the in wastewater by a low-temperature plasma produced by
degradation of pesticides [9]. DBD. The reactor had the structure of a radial flow sedimen-
Low-temperature plasma is a wastewater treatment tech- tation tank in which the treated wastewater flowed from the
nology combining high-energy electron irradiation, oxida- edge of the reactor. When the discharge begins, high-energy
tion using ozone and decomposition by ultraviolet radiation. electrons are formed that react with water and organic
Plasma treatment methods include dielectric barrier dis- pollutants and produce other active species as described
charge (DBD), high-voltage pulsed discharge and contact above [9,14–16]. We examined the effect of initial pH value,
glow discharge [10–12]. DBD has a number of advantages the presence of Fe2+ , and the effect of conductivity on the
and its prospects are therefore good. degradation of NTP in wastewater.

∗ Corresponding author. Email:

© 2013 Taylor & Francis

1610 S.P. Li et al.

269 nm. The degradation efficiency for each sample was

calculated using Equation (1):
C0 − Ct
η= × 100% (1)
where η represents NTP degradation efficiency (%), C0 is
the initial NTP concentration (mg L−1 ) and Ct is the residual
NTP concentration at reaction time t (mg L−1 ). The pH was
measured using a pHs–25C monitor.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. 1. 3. Results and discussion

power supplier; 2. reactor; 3. magenetic blender; 4. high voltage
electrode; 5. quartz glass; 6. beaker; 7. peristaltic pump. 3.1. Effect of initial concentration on NTP degradation
by low-temperature plasma
Figure 2 shows the effect of initial concentration on
2. Experimental apparatus and method NTP degradation by low-temperature plasma. The dis-
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2.1. Experimental apparatus charge time was 180 min and the removal efficiency was
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the experimental determined at initial NTP concentrations of 50, 100 and
system used in the present investigation. It consists of the 200 mg L−1 .
reaction system and a power supply (CTP–2000K) able to It is seen from Figure 2 that initial concentration
provide a steady high voltage up to 250 V and current in had a significant effect on the efficiency of removal of
the range 0–4 A. In the study the optimum voltage used NTP. When the initial NTP concentration was 50 mg L−1 ,
was found to be 80 V at a current of 1–2.5 A. The reac- NTP degradation efficiency was 79.1% after 180 min dis-
tor had a structure of a radial flow sedimentation tank charge. However, when the initial concentrations were
(height 100 mm, inner diameter 100 mm and outer diameter 100 or 200 mg L−1 , removal efficiencies of 82.7% and
150 mm). The total volume of the tank was 7.85 × 10−4 m3 . 70.1%, respectively, were achieved over the same treat-
DBD is a discharge system in which one or two electrodes ment time. This meant that too low or too high an initial
cover the isolation medium in the reactor. We used quartz concentration would reduce the NTP degradation rate. This
glass (diameter 90 mm) as isolation medium, and the high phenomenon can be explained as follows. If the initial con-
voltage electrode was located above the quartz glass. The centration is below 100 mg L−1 , some solute molecules are
ground electrode was placed in the centre of the reactor. not immediately able to make contact with • OH and are not
The distance between the barrier and the solution surface therefore degraded by the low-temperature plasma, result-
was about 8 mm. The solution was circulated continuously ing in a lower removal rate than at concentrations above
by means of a pump (BT100–1L) connected in the inlet. 100 mg L−1 . On the other hand, if the initial concentra-
tion is too high, the number of molecules increases to the
point at which the quantity of active species (• OH) available
2.2. Chemicals and reagents are insufficient to react completely with the excess of NTP
NaOH, HCl, FeSO4 and KCl used in the study were ana-
lytical grade. NTP was obtained from Tianjin Chemical 100
Reagent Company at 95% purity. The analytical eluents
were all of HPLC grade.
NTP Removal (%)

2.3. Analysis 60
Measurement of discharge power was by the instantaneous
power method, in which a voltage and a current probe are
40 50mg/L
used directly to obtain the working voltage and current
waveform (signals), then converting them to an instan- 200mg/L
taneous power curve by means of digital oscilloscopes. 20
The distance between the dielectric barrier and wastewa-
ter was adjusted to 8 mm and the parameters of the power
supply were adjusted correspondingly. The discharge time 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
was 180 min and samples were taken every 20 min. After Time (min)
180 min, the NTP concentration was determined using
a TU1810PC–UV spectrophotometer at a wavelength of Figure 2. NTP degradation at different concentrations.
Environmental Technology 1611

100 Table 1. Kinetic parameter and energy efficiency for NTP

degradation at different input powers.
80 Input
70 power (W) k (min−1 ) R2 G50 (×10−10 mol J−1 )
NTP Removal (%)

60 80 0.0061 0.9751 1.4128

140 0.0077 0.9806 1.8328
200 0.0097 0.9793 2.8487
40 200W
30 80W
20 FeSO4
10 Fe2(SO4)3
0 MnO2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Removal (%)
Time (min) 60
Figure 3. NTP degradation at different input power levels.
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[15–17], so the degradation rate becomes lower than that at

100 mg L−1 . As a result we decided to adopt 100 mg L−1 as 20
the initial concentration of NTP wastewater.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
3.2. Effect of input power on NTP degradation by Time (min)
low-temperature plasma
Figure 4. The influence of different catalysts on NTP degrada-
In this experiment the power applied was changed from tion.
80 W to 200 W. Figure 3 shows the NTP degradation rates
at different input powers using low-temperature plasma.
It is seen from Figure 3 that the input power had a 3.3. Effect of different catalysts
marked effect on the removal of NTP. For a discharge Previous research had shown that Fe2+ could be formed
time of 180 min and an input power of 80 W, 140 W or with H2 O2 , produced in the discharge process [7,20,21] by
200 W, the degradation of NTP was 66.7%, 75.1% or 82.7%, the Fenton reaction, and that other metal ions (Cu2+ , Co2+
respectively. This is explained by the fact that when the and Fe3+ ) occurred in the presence of H2 O2 in similar Fen-
input power was 140 W or above the plasma was fully ton reactions. The effect of common catalysts (e.g. FeSO4 ,
formed and the quantity of active species (O3 , • OH and • O) Fe2 (SO4 )3 or MnO2 ) on NTP removal is shown in Figure 4.
in solution increased, and the NTP removal was there- It is seen from Figure 4 that the addition of any of the
fore high [19]. Based on the degradation curves shown three catalysts to the solution can improve the decomposi-
in Figure 3, the degradation mechanism was first-order, tion rate of NTP. After continued degradation for 120 min
according to Equation (2). the decomposition efficiency was above 84%, a slight
improvement on the level (82%) after 180 min without
  catalyst. Importantly, however, to achieve the same level
ln = kt, (2) of degradation the presence of catalyst can significantly
shorten the reaction time. The catalytic effect at a similar ini-
tial concentration was: FeSO4 > Fe2 (SO4 )3 > MnO2 . This
where k is the rate constant (min−1 ). The energy efficiency observation is consistent with that of Ke Gai et al. [22], and
and the parameters of the first-order reaction at different can be explained by the following reaction sequence:
input powers are summarized in Table 1. The correlation
between each set of data is good and the degradation of NTP Fe2+ + H2 O2 → Fe3+ + HO• + OH−
using low-temperature plasma fits the first-order kinetic
model. Fe3+ + H2 O2 → Fe2+ + HO2• + H+
As shown in Table 1, the rate constant increased with HO2• + H2 O2 → • OH + O2 + H2 O
increasing input power. In addition, when the input power
was 200 W, the energy efficiency of NTP removal was Fe2+ reacts with the H2 O2 formed in the discharge process,
2.8487 × 10−10 mol J−1 , which was greater that at an input and is converted to hydroxyl radicals through the Fenton
power of 80 or 140 W. 200 W was therefore adopted as the reaction. Hydroxyl radicals are highly electronegative and
operating input power for the subsequent study. have a strong oxidizing effect. They are readily able to
1612 S.P. Li et al.

100 9
NTP Removal (%)



pH = 3.0 4
pH = 8.2
30 pH = 11.0 3

20 2
10 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (min)
Time (min)
Figure 5. The effect of pH on NTP degradation. Figure 6. pH changes in NTP solution due to low-temperature
Downloaded by [York University Libraries] at 14:25 02 January 2015

attack at high points of electric density and the reaction
time is thus shortened. Although the addition of Fe2+ had
an obvious effect on removal rate, higher concentrations during the decomposition of ozone at high pH [24,25]. This
offered no additional advantage. Excessive concentrations presumes that ozone will react with H2 O to form hydrogen
of Fe2+ would increase the reaction between Fe2+ and • OH, peroxide, which at high pH decomposes to give hydroxyl
so more Fe3+ and OH− would be produced, which would radicals, whereas the ozone molecules remain unchanged
in turn decrease the • OH concentration and thus reduce at low pH.
the degradation rate. This incidentally confirms that • OH As shown in Figure 6, the pH decreased as the discharge
is the species responsible for the degradation of NTP in time increased, due to the formation of acidic substances
wastewater. in the degradation process, showing that the degradation
efficiency of NTP wastewater decreases with decreasing
pH. When the pH is higher, more hydroxyl radicals are
3.4. Effect of the initial pH on NTP degradation by produced and the degradation of NTP increases.
low-temperature plasma
It is well known that oxidation processes are sensitive to pH.
3.5. Effect of initial solution conductivity on NTP
It has for example been reported that the degradation of phe-
degradation by low-temperature plasma
nol in aqueous solution using pulsed high-voltage discharge
plasma is more effective at high rather than low pH [23]. In the present study the variation in degradation rate
Similarly, pH is an important factor in NTP degradation. was measured at initial solution electrical conductivities
In order to study the effect of pH on NTP degradation, the adjusted to 10, 50, 100, 200 and 400μS cm−1 using KCl
pH was adjusted using HCl or NaOH (0.01 mol L−1 ). The (0.01 mol L−1 ). The results are illustrated in Figure 7.
pH of NTP wastewater was 8.2. Figure 5 shows the effect The trend of the curve in Figure 7 indicates that the
of initial pH value on NTP degradation by low-temperature degradation rate decreases with increasing initial solution
plasma. conductivity, giving a greater concentration of charged
As shown in Figure 5, the NTP degradation process was ions and a decreasing rate constant. The possible reason
more effective at an initial pH value of 11, giving 85.4% is that the charged ions react with active species gener-
NTP removal over at a discharge time of 180 min. For this ating complex products, and as a result there are fewer
discharge time the degradation efficiency was higher at ini- hydroxyl radicals available for reaction with NTP. In addi-
tial pH 8.2 rather than at pH 3, and it was lower at initial pH tion, more ions present in the aqueous solution would
8 than at pH 11. These results indicated that the degradation change the charge space, and may further decrease the for-
of an organic pollutant by oxidation was more efficient at mation of hydroxyl radicals [26]. The total effect is that the
higher pH. removal of NTP wastewater is low when the initial solution
Since NTP has a pyridine-type structure, and the car- conductivity is high.
bon chain is easily oxidized, such a result is consistent with
that of Yin-Sheng Chen et al., whose research was con-
ducted using a pulsed high-voltage discharge plasma [23]. 3.6. Changes in COD and TOC
One possible explanation is that hydroxyl radical, which COD and TOC are important indicators of water contami-
plays a key role in pulsed discharge degradation, is formed nation. The measured results of chemical oxygen demand
Environmental Technology 1613

90 in wastewater. However, the H2 O2 formed during the degra-

dation process would be oxidized by dichromate during the
80 measurement of COD, as shown below, and this could affect
the COD figures:
NTP Removal (%)

3H2 O2 + Cr2 O2−
7 + 8H → 3O2 + 2Cr
+ 7H2 O
60 The relationship between the TOC of the NTP solution and
the discharge time is shown in Figure 8(b), and it is seen
50 that the TOC of the solution decreased with treatment time.


0 100 200 300 400

Electric conductivity (µS/cm )

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Figure 7. NTP degradation at different conductivities.

(a) 140



COD (mg/L)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (min)

(b) 120


TOC (mg/L)




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (min)

Figure 8. Change in (a) COD and (b) TOC during the NTP
degradation process.

(COD) and total organic carbon (TOC) at different treatment

times are shown in Figures 8(a) and 8(b), respectively. Figure 9. HPLC–MS total ion flow at the degradation time of
It can be seen from Figure 8(a) that the solution COD (I) 10 min, (II) 40 min and (III) 180 min in the NTP degradation
value had relatively little effect on the degradation of NTP process.
1614 S.P. Li et al.

Table 2. Most important intermediates by HPLC-MS spectroscopy.

m/e Structural formula Intermediate formula

Main component 271.07 C11 H15 C1N4 O2
Exact Mass: 270.09
Mol. Wt.: 270.72

Cl N

Intermediate 1 272.15 N C10 H10 C1N3 O4
Exact Mass: 271.04
Mol. Wt.: 271.66
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Intermediate 2 300.11 NO2

C11 H13 C1N4 O4
N Exact Mass: 300.06
Mol. Wt.: 300.70


Intermediate 3 237.19 N C8 H17 C1N4 O2
H Exact Mass: 236.10
Mol. Wt.: 236.70
Cl N

When the discharge time was 180 min the removal rate of One component and the three main intermediate prod-
the TOC was above 70%. Due to the production of inter- ucts generated during NTP degradation were identified
mediate products, the reduction in TOC was slower than from the HPLC–MS results (Table 2). During the treat-
the NTP degradation rate. As shown in Figure 6, the pH ment process organic acids were formed, leading to the
value decreased with increasing treatment time. This indi- decrease in pH mentioned in Section 2.4. When the dis-
cated that most of the degraded organic carbon would be charge time was sufficiently long, the NTP molecules were
converted into carbon dioxide [23]. eventually converted to inorganic carbon and inorganic
nitrogen in the form of bicarbonate, carbon dioxide and
nitrate. These results are in agreement with the literature
3.7. HPLC–MS analysis of NTP degradation [23,27–30].
In order to easily understand the mechanism of the degrada-
tion of NTP-contaminated wastewater, a high-performance
liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS) 4. Conclusions
technique was used to identify the intermediates formed in This investigation showed that NTP in wastewater can be
the degradation process. Figure 9 shows HPLC–MS total effectively degraded by low-temperature plasma, bearing in
ion flow during NTP degradation. mind the following factors:
As shown in Figures 9(I) and 9(II), the NTP
molecules (retention time t = 4.93–5.03 min) were grad-
ually degraded and intermediate products (retention time • An initial NTP concentration of 100 mg L−1 gave a
t = 4.60–4.62 min) were generated in the course of the satisfactory removal rate. Too low a concentration
180 min treatment. It can be seen from Figure 9(III) reduced the degree of contact with • OH, and the lim-
that the intermediate products were further degraded as ited quantity of • OH was insufficient to react with the
electrolysis continued, and the chromatographic peaks amount of NTP present.
at retention times t = 4.60–4.62 min and 6.25–6.27 min • An input power of 200 W for 180 min was optimal for
disappeared. the discharge, giving 82.7% decomposition of NTP at
Environmental Technology 1615

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