Nicole Oliva ALH 1101.230 October 03, 2020 Perception

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● Nicole Oliva

● ALH 1101.230
● October 03, 2020

● Perception: Perceptive communication influences people in many different ways. It

affects how we interpret a message and is the reason why we develop stereotypes. It plays
a key factor in why people have different opinions on different matters. Perception is the
process in which an individual asses information from their surrounding environment.
Everyone’s perception is different and unique allowing for people to be able to form
different opinions on different issues. An example of this would be a Trump supporter
and non-Trump supporter. Based on the information known about Trump these people
were able to form different opinions based on their perception. (word count 101) Ivy

● Conflict:The definition of conflict in communications is described as an expressed

struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals,
scarce resources, and interference from the other party in achieving their goals. Conflict
can take many forms and cause an impact on our relationships with others. Sometimes it
can be angry shoutings, such as when parents yell at their kids or vise versa. It can be
expressed through hostile silence, as in unspoken feuds of angry couples. It can also end
up in a physical fight between friends, enemies, or even strangers. The way we handle
conflict can have an influence on our communication skills, and the strength of our
relationships. There are five different conflict styles in which to handle conflict;
avoidance, accommodation, competition, compromise, and collaboration. (word count
130) Nicole Oliva

● Power: Power has typically always had a big impact on communication. Power in
communication is “The context and people involved will determine, to a large extent, if
authority or power will enhance or destroy meaningful communication to those
involved.” Most of our relationships are driven by a power balance that is not even. If we
feel that we have less power in a situation we could be afraid to say what we think, ask
for help, or ask questions at all. This can lead to being angry and untrusting depending on
the type of relationship you have. On the flip side, if we have more power we may not
take other people’s feelings and opinions into account. The more power you have, the
greater the influence of the conversation you have. You’re more likely to sway other’s
opinions and actions. “Influence is more than good communication. Communication
moves information. Influence moves ideas into action, and produces an effect without the
use of force or command.” (Word Count: 164) Elyssa Cokinis

● Influence: Influence by definition is the ability to persuade or impact an individual

without the use of direct power, command, or force. It is the use of an emotional
connection to a person to not only suggest and inspire, but to ultimately move an idea
into action without the use of authority. Influence is often untraceable and typically
cultivated over a period of time. Influence is an imperative aspect in communication
because it can uplift and empower, improve character development, increase efficiency
and productivity, and create a better working environment. To become more influential,
one must listen intensively, establish trust, gain commitment, and further initiate change.
(WORD COUNT:105) Megan Coomer

● Gender: Gender in communication is the way verbal and nonverbal communication is

affected by gender. There are studies showing the ways men and women communicate
differently from each other in many ways. For example, women tend to use more
paralanguage than men, while men are more likely to use personal space more. Men and
women have different ways of communicating due to many different social standards set
for each gender. Women are usually more emotional with the way they communicate
while men are usually straight to the point. Because of this difference, women will seem
more empathetic than men when communicating with others. (word count: 102) Kyndall

● Diversity: Diversity is not only how people look at themselves but it is also how they
look at and perceive others. The role of diversity in communication is critical because it
allows for people to become more aware of other cultures and help end previously held
stereotypes that they might have. All international communication is influenced by
cultural differences and being able to conform to those differences is very important
when communicating with someone to help make them feel included. The impact
diversity has on communication is that it ensures individuals from different backgrounds,
religions; communities, or age groups do not face any problems working together. (word
count 105). Jada Murphy

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