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Unit 2

To Buy or Not to Buy? That Is the Question

Name: Mark Anthony Bajada Date: Jan. 4, 2020
Section: BSED SCI 1A Score: _______________

ACTIVITY Debit Card Challenge

A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it as much as
you want to make yourself happy. What are you going to do with it? Make a list of what
you want to have. Write as many as you want.
H: House
C: Clothes, Garments,
F: Car and Shoes

B: Gadgets F: Stocks of Food

F: Health Card H: Home Appliances

H: Rare Plants H: Greenhouse

F: Medicines and Vitamins

Unit 2
To Buy or Not to Buy? That Is the Question
Name: Mark Anthony Bajada Date: Jan. 4, 2020
Section: BSED SCI 1A Score: _______________


Debit Card Challenge List

1. Go back to your Debit Card Challenge List. Put a mark on the left side of each item with
the following categories;
H: House
C: Clothes, Garments,
F: Car and Shoes

F: Gadgets F: Stocks of Food

F: Health Card H: Home Appliances

H: Rare Plants H: Greenhouse

F: Medicines and Vitamins

3. Make a reflection paper about material self. You may use your answers from the above
questions in making your paper.

My Reflection on Material Self

Mark Anthony Bajada, BSED Sci. 1A

Growing up at this age I realized that everything that we own and obtain are part
of our lives and it makes me come up to the idea that the things that we acquire turns out
to be the extension of our self.
Our material self reflects on who we are. It consists of the things that build up our
identity or personality. It is something like a wide cluster of color palette and it gives us
an option on what color choices to pick. In reality, it makes us decide to be who we are
based on our own likes and preferences, especially on what we require for ourselves to be
fulfilled in life. The material self is more likely our expanded self. It incorporates all of
the people, places, things that we considered as “ours.”
The recent activity where the situation is, a wealthy man gave me a debit card and
told me to buy anything that makes me happy; at first, I was overwhelmed because who’s
going to think about it? but I know it was just an imagination. The first thing that came to
my mind is buying a house. It is because I want to shelter my family in a nice and more
comfortable home. I know it is common thing and probably everyone should buy it first if
they are given opportunity. Our home is considered to be part of our material self because
it is where we are grown and it is the place that close to our hearts, a place where our
behavior was first shaped, and a place where our personality was molded primarily.
Another part of our material self is our body itself. What do I want my body to become?
What are the things that I should buy to myself? Is it beneficial or not? These are just
some of the questions that we ask for ourselves before buying something or doing
something. It is because we care for ourselves, a reason why we always think about
what’s beneficial for us. Clothes became also a part of our material self as it helps us
define who we are. Nowadays, what I notice is that, when you are wearing long sleeves,
slacks, and black shoes means you have decent and sustainable job, however, when
someone wears short shorts and sleeveless clothes, and wearing makeup and lipsticks
immediately make everybody thinks you are one-night-stand person. As for my
reflection, our clothes serve as an indicator of our personality. It was quite lame but it is
also a fact today.
To sum up, material self is the self that is constituted by our bodies, clothes,
immediate family, and home. These are the things that we are most deeply affected by
because of our investments of self within these things.
As a human, our self has called a material self as we are engaged in tangible
things such as our houses, cars, money, clothes, food, etc. These things are indicators of
what social status we have, it reflects to ourselves, and it defines what kind of people we
are. It is a mere fact that society look at us that way.

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