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High Level Problems (HLP) SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS fasareT@ GR4 (SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) Aparticle moving on a curve has the position at time t given by x = f(t) sint +f") cost, y= f(t) cost -f'() sin t, where fis a thrice differentiable function. Then prove that the velocity of the particle at time tis f(t) + f"(). fret ior te gen aftetter amor at Reifel x = F(L) sint + FQ) cost, y= F(t) cost-fq) sint ze & od 8 siafy fae a sraperiny @, ct fre wifory Bh wer oT wt aR AT FA) + PH EL Find the interval in which f(x) = x /aax—x2 (@<0)is decreasing cag sreterat set APSE Pe 0) =x Jaaxax? «(a < 0) BTRTATA a [4a, 3a] :[0, 4] + Risa differentiable function. Then prove that for some a, b < (0,4), F(4)—F(0) = 8F'(a) f(b) £0, 4] > R ya srawserfia wars & at Rare airy fh wT a, be (0, 4) w fa (4) — (0) = BF(a) f(b) 21 1 Ifall the function f(x) = abe — 3 22x are positive andthe minimum isa the pointx,= 3 then show that a1 1 When a=-2 > b< 5~ andwhena=3 > b<~> aR FST fx) = ab oP 2x—b a eM Te TT Bc ATTA AT AG x . eat =3>b<-4 fi wa a=-2 => b a aie wa a=3>b 2 3 [x-k], xsk Wf) =}42_2, SINK) has minimum at x . then show that Jal > 2 3+[x-k] xsk OR) het 2g MUSH yg RUTETON AT xo fe a >? The equation x—3x + [a] = 0, where [.] denotes the greatest integer function, will have three real and distinct roots then find the set of all posible values of a. aft eftereet x°— 3x + [a] = 0, tel |] seer yorfes wort @) ahi wear 8, dn areas qd Pmt ys @ aa ad impli ari or aqeaa ara AR! Ans. ac [-1,2) 7 Let f(x) =sin fo + cos 28 ere a> Oand{.} denotes the fractional part function. Then find the set of values of'afor which f can attain its maximum values a8 0) = sin 22 + c05 Svat a> ow (Pens rm wart wh wafer acer, a Fara ie 293 fee ato aral o agera ara aE im (0) Resonance” |rasrsmincsn an eas — BY Esucating forbettertomertow [Tor Free 1800268 5555] CIN USQJUZRIZ0U7PLCU2NEZS Application of Derivatives &__ Find the values of the parameter ‘k for which the equation x++ 4x" 8x#+ k= 0_ has all roots real sere eb a art airy Porn fore eT x + x — BAe + K=O BN A TERT Ans. k¢(0.3] ‘Comprehension (Q. No. 9to 11) ‘A function f(x) having the following properties: 0 f(x) is continuous except at i) (x) is differentiable except at 2andx=3 Gi) 1(0)= 0, HY Hx) >— =, HM, 10) = 3, JIM. 109) =0 Ww f(x) > OVX | (0, = 2) U(3, x) andf (x) <0 Vx € (-2, 3) Wf") > OVX | (x, -2)U(-2, 0) and f"(x) <0 ¥x e (0, 3) U(3, x) then answer the following questions a Find he Maximum possible number of solutions of f(x) =| x| Ans. 3 40. Show that graph of function y = f (~| x |) is continuous but not differentiable at two points, if f(0) = 0 1. ‘Show that f(x) + 3x = 0 has five solutions if f (0) >- 3 and f(-2) > 6 aged (wea een 9a 11) eee wert fx) Fore ore Prevferfeec B— 0 = 3B) TSH fx) Wade) Zatie x= 3a Shsare fx) serait @ Gil) £)= 0, HM FE >— 2, (iM 400) = 3, JIM fOQ=0. ) —-F&)>OWK | e,-2)U3,9) WI) OVX € (— m, — 2) (-2, 0) WS F(R) < OY x € (0, 3) U3, x) ah Preifatea wel & ae ig — f= |x] & aap sien weil aA ies ster aR | Ans. 3 40, cag wer y= FC] x) wr oer eh Rega oe aT AA orate et BAPE (0) = 0 1. carted f% f(y) + 3x= OF thea wa 8 afe -f(0) >-3 ae f-2)>6 12. Let F(x) = (f(x))? + (F"0)?, F(0) = 7, where f(x) is thrice differentiable function such that |f09|< 1'¥ x © [-1, 1], then prove the followings. (i) there is atleast one point in each of the intervals (1, 0) and (0, 1) where [f'(x)] <2 (li) there is atleast one point in each of the intervals (~1, 0) and (0, 1) where F(x) <5 (ii) there exits atleast one maxima of F(x) in (1, 1) (iv) for some c « (~1, 1), F(c) 27, Fc) = 0 and F"(c) <0 13. A figure is bounded by the curves, y = x? + 1, y= 0, x = O and x = 1. At what point (a, b), a tangent should be drawn to the curve y = x*+ 1 for it to cut off a trapezium of the greatest area from the figure. ap y= xt + 1a Pre Peg (ab) oe wef Tear ele oy aI ae aw y=xe+ 1 y=O,x=OUEx=t A uRag one at ga wor are 8 RS aos Save aa Yo TAHA Ags We et] Ans. 14. has a turning value at (2, -1) find a and b, show that the turning value is a maximum, eee PRS (2,1) oe ew eH A eeCT wh, St a GE ba are ARE Te ae MN eT xD Airy RH ae ae AH ile B | Ans, a=1,b=0 Resonence® —gi= oe ce a as RA vex Cal aa Fa as Tn essrares sen] E al coneciGrerorsnes ac Educating forbettertomertow Frox Free 1800 268 6555 | CN. UBOI02RI2007PLCD2029 Application of Derivatives 15. With the usual meaning for a,b, c and s, if 4 be the area of a triangle, prove that the error in \ resulting aft, 1 1 1g from a small error in the measurement of ¢,is given by da={ "4 auenby 00-7 1g*s-as-b 8c] Rr aifory Fh cab arr A aM aah Ger ged aor eee A} ae A AA arch gfe Pet HOR St on ce rats a,b, ecm art oer a ap # ae A, Pgs 16. Find the possible values of 'a' such that the inequality 3—x? > |x— al has atleast one negative solution ‘ae or wht wenfta at a ara wifey ferns ford area 3x? > [x - al TAS wa UH Ea OTS a Ans. ac{-13,3 a 47. if(m-1) a7-2ma, <0, then prove that x" + a, x! +a, x"-#+ +, ,x-+ a, = Ohas at least one non real root (2,8, @y © R) af (m= 1) a?—2ma, <0, a Rie ARE PR xt a tae t ta ta, (2, By es By € RY OH TH YH ToT ST Tenet @ | 18. If F')> 0.4%) > OVx © (0, 1) and (0) = 0, 1(1 af £'(H) > 0, PK) > 0 ¥x € (0, 1) a2m (0) = 0, (1 . then prove that f(x) F* (x) | +f (2-#), where £"Q) (x sinx + cosx) for x € [0, »). (i) sinx ~sin 2x <2x for all x c [23] ti) Ssaceaz@-me fora x20 sin? x 4 x <5 (r= tforo (x sinx + cosx) Wi) wx e | 3 ® fay sin x — sin 2x < 2x 2 (i wihx20¢ fe a +2x4+32(3-xJer sin? x x 1 ) 0 isa function such that |. > 0. Deduce that inx> i xinx> 8 2 2, a O- oa os ARE RR xinx> Find positive real numbers ‘a’ and‘b’ such that f(x) = ax —_bx? has four extrema on [-1 , 1] at each of which 10) |= 4 exis aerew eam a er srt any PO ART AOR) = ax — bx orate [1 A] A are aH TH ee 2 ren wets & fay [10 |= 121 a=3,be4 c For any acute angled AABC., find the maximum value of sa sxe ae fase yar Brys AABC@ fag SHA, SOB SOS a ar a sre aE 3 Qn ‘Suppose p.q,",s are fixed real numbers such that a quadrilateral can be formed with sides p.q,r.s in clock- wise order. Prove thatthe vertices of the quadrilateral of maximum area lie on a circle SF pags Pras arate Weal ga ware 2 PS ow ways, gral pqs wy 400 36 at Bt b> Saas oF wt b> ooe Find the minimum value of f() = 8+ 8*—4(4"+ 4") y xER 10) = 84+ 844614 4>) y xER @I AoW AM sia ARC! =10 Using calculus , prove that log,3 > log,5 > log,7. ‘wart oI ala wed gy Rig wifey f log,3> log,5 > 1og,7 ‘Show that the volume of the greatest cylinder which can be inscribed in a cone of height ‘h’ and sami-vertcalenginate tanta waftfa aiftry fe herd cera sieht ater ara uw vig & ores ard oT THA aa Wad as aor inscribed cylinder) wr sire 3 axhitan?a # | Find the cosine of the angle at the vertex of an isosceles triangle having the greatest area for the given constant length / of the median drawn to its lateral side We watearg Pras & ei oe ay SIM gH HoT (cosine) wre ae forwa dave A mg ¢ oar ach ae cra & fered saftey 8h raf arf gaat aed yor (lateral side) ay Wiis we & 1 cos A= 0.8 A tangent to the curve y = 1—x?is drawn so that the abscissa x, of the point of tangency belongs to the interval (0, 1]. The tangent at x, meets the x-axis and y-axis at A & B respectively. Then find the minimum area of the triangle OAB, where O is the origin aap y= 1a? oe OA ag eh wel a Sere! Ag wT ST x, BT TOT 2 A x, € (0, 1]. 78 ee Fe xvid yar ot mae: firg Aud Box Pritt 2) af Oe fag a, al Pry OAB aT TAH Aave aT are | Avs 9 Acone is made from a circular sheet of radius /3 by cutting out a sector and keeping the cut edges of the remaining piece together. Then find the maximum volume attainable for the cone 3 sang Prout ah quran vie 8 ys ar (Proeres) areas ate aw aT Sd we gy A w aTI aR yes vig Gara TT @ | Big oT HBTs eG ae tre BAHT Ans. 203 ‘Suppose velocity of waves of wave length the Atlantic ocean is k i( constants. Show that minimum velocity attained by the waves is independent of the constant a. arn secifew werare A aeeef are ava oT at k it fe et icen ase 8 wc aay aah wr ETA a wae ad eas | [Eee ‘ios. CG Tower, a0 6 2, PA New Ciy Ma, Sratawar Road, Kata “rs esarance scm E mal coracigreroraros.acin ree 1800 268 6555] CN UBDI02RI2007PLCD24029 Tza00s Resonence” Educating (or etter tomorow Application of Derivatives a7. 39. 40. a. 42. Find the minimum distance of origin from the curve ax? + 2bxy + ay’ = c wherea>b>c>O ag fay a) am ax? + Qbxy + ay’= corel a>b>c> 08 =aH qh aia AT! i Vasb Prove that e'+ \qye2 2(1+x)+ V2s2x4x? ¥xER frre Aifiry Ha x eRe ry er+ vise™* 2(1+x) + V2+2x+x? Find which of the two is larger (n (1 + x) or {20% mie nlx) we in (1 +x) ok ga ata ae? Let f' (sinx) < 0 and f* (sin x) > 0, ¥ x & fo | and a(x) = (sin x) + (¢08 x), then find the intervals of monotonicity of g(x). arent wh xe (a |) fre £ (sinx) < 0.Ge £" (sim x) > 0 E eM glx) = f(sin x) + f{cos x) é, a ae . "2) wae aa Bory Pra g(x) yaar 21 : (3) Increasing when x { =. 4 z), decreasing when x agin gaxe (3.5), eo axe (oz) If f(x) = (2013)x*"? — (2012)x”" - 2014x + 1007, then show that for x < [0, 1007""'], f(x) = Teal root. ‘af F(x) = (2013)x?"? — (2012)x" - 2014x + 1007 & aa eariga £3 x < [0, 1007°°"] # fery fx) = OF TAH wr go ante eB has atleast one A function f is differentiable in the interval 0 0) such that “2 = ©) prove that here exist x, ¢ (a, b) such that f(x, So aft forte, b|Y sa se (a,b), (Het a> 0) A search ant 12) = 1) oy Fre arte x € (@, b) Fa Way PEAT BP HG 7 [Eee ‘ios. CG Tower, a0 & 2, PA New Ciy Ma, Sratawar Road, Kata “resarance sein E mal coracigreroraros.acin [or Free 1800258 5556] CIN-Us0J0ZRZOU7PLCURNEZS Tza00s Resonence” Educating (or etter tomorow Application of Derivatives 43._ If is adifferentiable function \y x ¢ Randa « R* such that §{0) = 4(2a), ¢(@)= (3a) and (0) + (a) then show that there is at least one root of equation @'(x + a) = #'(x) in (0, 2a) cafe wit x c Raa aR & fey (x) Hawertta wor FH HHT Bf $0) = H(2a), a) = Wa) Ta 40) + Ma) Bh, oh mePRhat aR AR eflaRUT GOK + a) = Hx) I AT WH CH AS (0, 2a) H BI 44. Find the set of values of the parameter ‘a’ for which the function ; f(x) = Bax —a sin 6x — 7x — sin 5x increases & has no critical points for all x < R, is wre a art a wera fore fet wa f(x) = Bax —a sin 6x — 7x - sin 5x THAT # ohte wx ER & fey why mitt Meg ai 8 Ans. ac (6,~) 45. Let h be a twice differentiable positive function on an open interval J. Let n (hix)) Vx ed ‘) h(x) for each x J. Then prove that g is concave downward on J. art A Riga oT Joe dare cramer eres wat 8] ATT g(x) = mm (h(x) Vx J eM (rv Gay > Hy x) A He A a Ere Rhee aE I ae g AT A ite rarer @ 46. If the complete set of value(s) of ‘a’ for which the function f (x) 3 + (a+ 2)x?+ (a—1)x +2 possess a negative point of inflection is (~ 2, a) U (B, ), then lal + [Bl is aie ta' dw ara wr ayaa Pras fe wa F(x) = = + (a+ 2)x2+ (a—1) x + 2.0m FETE ATT afta fay wera &, (2, a) U(B, #2), Jal + |B] rT B— Ans. 2 Reson ence” az Ske amare FA a Ca, aa a Tene esenos son [E-nol-etoaigresooros ac Educating for better tomorrow Frox Free 1800 268 6555 | GN. UBOI02RI2007PLGD24029

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