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Binomial Theorem — High Level Problems (HLP) SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS fersarera Wet (SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) 4, Findthe coefficient of xin 4h 2 C2 ) 202) (ys 592 x0) (=e) (2) (x12 Gh) --[ersot Gt) were, Ans. 22100 C 22) 2 C3) 2 Cap ) (=e) (+28) bere +80" io | ar yt ara Afi (HEC, = C,) Binomial Theorem ef 2. The expression, { Vax? +1+ V2x?-1) * Teed Gata) 8@Polmomial of degree last tax? = 6 Ne 2 24) 2 | a eae ( I Gaeatars) Semmes sos. 6 3 Find the co-efficient of x° in the expansion of (1 + x")°(1 + x)*. (4x (1 40q¢ s Rieare a xa erie ara HTC feo. 60 5 4. Prove that the co-efficient of x'Sin (1+ x 4x°+x4 is D,"Cis-x°"Cr a : Fira wife PR (14x Hee xy Ss Rae a xan yi DY "Cis.a"C, g 5. If nis even natural and coefficient of x’ in the expansion of Set is 2°, (|x| < 1), then prove that r>n aft nara orga ven & gen (AD pre x gi 2 (p< 1) 8 wt ee aera 6. Find the coefficient of x" in polynomial (x + ?""C,) (x +"'C,)......(X#2"C,) FETE (K+ PIC) K+ PC Jornal + 2G) H XPT UH aT APE Ans, 2” 7. Findthe value of > (Seorex aS a fey ) D [Lee te,2? eras sre airy aS Ans. 4°—3" ‘Comprehension (Q-8 to Q.9) aaa Fork, ne N,wedefine Blk, n) = 123. Rt 2.3.hcnon(KH) + sn SED ene Bm) = KIL +O + PC Fat PCY (Cas) (nk) wt nln + tonal + k= 1), S,(n) =n and Sn) _ nas) ket . nl where "O. iq kone Ferg aR fa aren & A Bk, n) = 1.23. K+ 234k) + ct mA + A) + k= 1), Sn) = 0 Sn) Binomial Theorem 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. Poe +1. B(k,n) BIA ara Her & Fery Blk, n) wr PT TOR oH: fer Bokin) = KPC + EI EMEC ant MACY |= REC) sth) oy 4G, = + Prove that S,(n) + S,(n) = B(2, n) fre ahifrg S,(n) + S,(n) = B(2, n) Prove that fig FifSrg_ S,(n) + 3S,(n) = B(3, n) -2B(1, n) HDPE THEE KPC IEE ct CSF, ON Sin) #*"C,,, 80) = (n+ 1)" — BR (14 P= THC CHIC Heat CX, pe Ta RARE A MC, Sin) +HC,S, (A) tenant MC, S,(n) +*'C,,, Sn) = (9+ 1)""rrdi* ig divisible by 85. waftia Fifty f 25°-20"- 8+ 3, nel, 858 aT BI] ye Prove that C, (°C,)°(°C,)®. ...(C,)" (4) ote (29 frre afy PH °C, C)2°C)*......C P< 4] If pisnearly equal tog andn > 4, show that (i) - nypHin—ta_(p)"” Wisp 4, @ . Hence find the approximate value of (pen Da~\q) (n+p+(n-1q_ (py! 99 \"* ae pga rere n> twig PN (2) wear wees (2) wee 1198 1202 If (18x? + 12x+4)"= a, +ax+ax?+...#a,, x" , then prove that 19. Cy #29. C, + F.C, +4, Cy +... + (net)? C= 2-2(n+1) (4). Binomial Theore — 16. I(x)" = ay +a, x +a, x2 +a, x3 + «find the value of, ay + a, + a, + wii ! + ay. (1 =X)" yay fas Xt ay x? + ay x + ay tat a+ c+ ay) AMT ar wel aye 32 47. Find the remainder when 32%?” is divided by 7. 32%? a 78 an 29 oe dee Ta we | Ans. 4 48. __Ifnisan integer greater than 1, show that : a ~°C(a-1) + °C,(a-2) ~ af n> 1) yw yori & era wef wife : a "C,(a-t) + "C,(a-2) ~ 49. IF (1 +x)" = py + p, x + py x? + py x° +... then prove that ARE (1 +x)" = Py + By X + By X2+ Py XB Hs, BR EY n = Dy + Py moon = 202 sin ‘i «pt Pe meca= 20% cos ) Py Py + Py (@)— Po~P2+ Py + 20. Show that if the greatest term in the expansion of (1 + x)?" has also the greatest co-efficient, then "x" a mao on net lies between, wetter et Pas aR (1+ x)? ree a aro a aT AUT A aera e, x ar a A ay NAT ned a Saui’s 24. Prove that if ‘pis a prime number greater than 2, then [2-V/5)P] ~ 2°" is divisible by p, where [] denotes greatest integer function. fra ae fi aR p28 ae ew oom emt, at [2+/5))] - 2°", pa enters etm, eT |. TET quis oa @ a Sey. vol 4 x7, tomtans | 4131) then tne vt ot imo 2 rao ae ¥ Ery.rc, mew | «4 ema ar re i= oy ay 23. Givensr 1 qrae tn tqras,= 149! (3) + (2) vast, prove that ™C, #908, # 0,554. Cy, 8) 228 8, . P aed @ = : a+ : le] te z1aa a gettatet.tarnen S21 2 (SH) ante, fra aah POC, + IC, # Gg 85 HE MCs 8 = 29S, Binomial Theorem 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 34. 32. If 14x)18= Cy + C,.x + Cy. x2 +... + C, x18, then find the value of : C, + 2C, + 3C, +.... + 14C 5 AE (14%)18= Cy + Cy. K+ Cy. x2 +... + Cyg, KIS, a Cy + 2Cy + 3C, +... + 14Cy5 FAM AIT TAT Ans. 212993 Prove that, ; Cc Prove that 71? °C, p'q"~ = npq +n?p?, ifp+q=1 frre wal fir S112", pig?" = npg + nép? ete, af p+q= 1211 Prove that : (n—1)?. C, + (n-3)2. Cy + (n-5)?. Cy #..... =n (n+ 1)2"9 fq aiftry FH: (n-4)*. C, + (n-3)?. Cy + (0-5)? Cy... = (n+ 1)" Prove that "C,+2°*C,+3 ™2C,4.....4(n+1) 2C, = °C, Fire WAY °C, +2 16, +3 126, 4... + (+1) MC, = AC, + (n+ 1) 291C,,,—201C,,, Lamtc, i (n+ 1) 2716, 2 2 Show that, J3 = 1+ If(1 #3)" = Cy + Cx + C,x? +. + Cx", show that for m > 2 ROLF Cpa cre HENMAN EP Cy alk (14 xh GF G,x+ Cex? + Coxe, meister afore he m 223 re MO, # Cyan TPC = EIEIO IC IF (14x)"= Cy + C,x + C,x? +....+ Cx" then show that the sum of the products of the G's taken two ' a | Shisequal to 21 ae ny?” atatime, represented by aE (142)%= Cy + Cx + Gx? +... +, xara eer A ed C/sat ge ea AW SAS aE a ain vit 2 Cr Sh grat wefan een & 2-1— O

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