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Quantitative Research Methods

Saturday (3.00 -- 6.00 pm)

Research Project Guidelines

It is required to make a research project in group or individual (optional) and

submit it on the second/third last session (date of the submission to be
announced soon).

Following are the research project guidelines;

1. Select a topic of your choice or domain, such as, Management, Supply

Chain, MIS, Finance, and Marketing (selected topic needs to be discussed first)
2. Identify relevant literature (at least 10 research papers of last 10 years
3. Write down three sections (Format is given below): Introduction,
Literature Review, Research Methodology.
4. Add reference list (Refer all those articles which has been cited in the
project throughout).
5. Appendices (It includes Questionnaire, Data and other related

Note: Chapter 4 (Data Analysis) & Chapter 5 (Conclusion) are optional not
Research Project Structure (Format)

Following are some sections and sub-sections need to cover in the research

1- Introduction
- Background
- Problem Statement
- Research Question(s)
- Research Objective(s)
- Scope / Significance
- Limitations
2- Literature Review
- Conceptual Framework (Theoretical Framework)
- Empirical Studies (Review 10 research articles of past 10 years i.e. from
2011 to 2020)
3-Research Methodology
- Research Approach
- Research Purpose
- Research Design
- Research Philosophy
- Target Population
- Sample Size
- Sampling Technique
- Data Source
- Statistical Technique
- Ethical Considerations

Research Report Requirements:

1- Word limit: 2000-3000
2- Acceptable Plagiarism limit is 25% or less
3- APA Style should be followed in citation and referencing.
4- Following are the writing format criteria;
- Font: Times New Roman and Font Size 12 should be followed
- Double line spacing
- All the headings should be bold
- Tables, if any should be centralized
- The entire document should be justified
Deadline: 12th Session (Date TBA)
Submission through Blackboard only
Document name: QRM Research Project (Name/all group members -
ID) - word doc only

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