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Work - Year 6
Year 6

1. I can statements

2. Coding toolkit and important vocabulary

3. Coding focus areas and assessment

4. Mastery sample questions and exemplar planning material

5. Termly planning

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Year 6
I can statements
Year 6

Understands the opportunities computer networks offer for collaboration

Is discerning in evaluating digital content

Combines a variety of software to accomplish given goals

Selects, uses and combines software on a range of digital devices
Analyses and evaluates data

Designs and creates systems

Solves problems by decomposing them into smaller parts

Uses selection in programs

Works with variables

CS Uses logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work

Uses logical reasoning to detect and correct errors in algorithms

Understands computer networks, including the internet

Appreciates how search results are ranked

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Year 6

Year 6 Coding Toolkit Year 6 Computing Vocabulary

Toolkits are to help guide what should be included in a Sequences
coding project and to aid assessment. This means that the computer will run your code in
order, one line at a time from the top to the bottom of
Toolkits for the different genres can be found in the your program. It will start at the first block of code, then
Resources folder. execute the next block of code then the next and so on
until it reaches the last code block of your program.
A sample assessment document can be found in the
Resources folder. Repetition
Sometimes you want the computer to execute the same
Toolkits can be introduced in the same way that a toolkit lines of code several times. This is done using a loop.
or success criteria might be in English (Talk for Writing) There are three types of loops: Forever loops, repeat n
and developed in the series of lessons outlined in the time loops and repeat until loops. That’s handy as it
planning. enables you not to have to copy the same blocks of code
many times.
Particular focus should be placed on use of full sentence
answers (including correct vocabulary), success in Selection
achieving goals and use of the toolkit. Algorithm Sometimes you only want some blocks of code to be run
An algorithm is a sequence of instructions or a set of only if a condition is met, otherwise you want the
rules to get something done. computer to ignore these blocks and jump over them.
Please note: a piece of code is not an algorithm. This is achieved using IF statements. e.g. If a condition
is met then blocks contained within the IF block are
Decomposition executed otherwise the computer jumps to the next code
The process of breaking down a problem into smaller blocks without even looking at them.
manageable parts is known as decomposition.
Decomposition helps us solve complex problems and You may need to register and login to the Barefoot
manage large projects. website for these resources. It’s quick and free to

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Year 6

Coding focus areas

Sequences Repetition Selection

More info

More info

More info

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Year 6
Additional code Assessment
Variables Timer LINK Use the following for a rounded assessment for all 3

Assessment document, inc toolkit

Code progression

Quantum Project Quiz (registration required)

Links in planning. Quizzes are multiple choice and have
10 questions. 0-2: significantly below; 2-3: below; 4-6: at;
7-8: just above; 9-10: significantly above. See document
in Resources folder on how to set up.
More info I can statements

Mastery example questions Exemplar lesson and planning material

If you change
Exemplar complete unit, including planning, scaffolding, questioning and assessment
What happens if the order of the
you change..? blocks, does it Lesson plan for a similar maths game, including slides (requires registration)
have the same Example slides using PRIMM in resource folder.
How do you
Can you get the
same result with make the
a different type conditional
of repeat block? false?

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Year 6
Autumn 1 1&2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Topic E-safety: E-safety: It’s cool E-safety: It’s cool E-safety: It’s cool E-safety: It’s cool E-safety: It’s cool E-safety: It’s cool
to be kind to be kind to be kind to be kind to be kind to be kind

Lesson I am internet awesome How can I be an Upstander …but say it Mind your tone Walking the walk Interland: Kind
upstander? options nicely! Kingdom

LO To agree to the Be Internet To respond to To discuss To turn negative To interpret To model To put my
Awesome pledge & E-safety bullying online different ways to interactions not emotions behind behaviour to learning into
assembly respond to positive ones texts and others practice
bullying messages

Planning To read and sign the Be Internet Link Link Link Link Link Link
Awesome pledge

Autumn 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Topic Digital Literacy: Digital Literacy: Digital Literacy: Digital Literacy: Digital Literacy: Coding: Hour of Digital Literacy: Coding
explore a topic explore a topic explore a topic explore a topic explore a topic Code explore a topic

Lesson Test for Test for Explore a Topic Explore a Topic Explore a Topic Select an Wrap Up and Christmas card
Credibility Credibility with Research with Research with Research appropriate share competition
and and and activity
Collaboration Collaboration Collaboration

LO To test the To create and To conduct an Use Google To write a TBD To share a To create an
credibility of share a Google internet search Docs to record research based Google Doc animation in
sources on the Document information article Scratch

Planning Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Slides in

resource folder.
Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Lesson Plan

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Year 6
Spring 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Topic E-safety Coding: scratch maths Coding: scratch maths Coding: scratch maths Coding: scratch maths Coding: scratch maths
Building with Numbers Building with Numbers Building with Numbers Building with Numbers Building with Numbers

Lesson I am internet awesome Place Value Models: Playing with Place Playing with Place Place Value Models: Place Value Models:
Digits Up, Digits Down Value Pg 7 - 11 Value Pg 20 - 23 Sequences Pg 24 Sequences, Extension
Pg 7 - 11 Recording Pg 27

LO An e-safety lesson To change the value of To switch a sprites To use broadcast to To use input to change To record the output
appropriate for your a variable costumes using a send notifications the output
class variable

Planning According to school LINK


Spring 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
Topic Coding: Scratch Coding: Scratch Coding: Scratch Coding: Scratch Coding: Scratch Coding: Scratch
Memory game Memory game Memory game Memory game Memory game Memory game

Lesson View and plan project: Create a colour Create a colour Repeating the Multiple levels High Score
children to play game sequence sequence (2nd half) sequence
and to design and plan
their own version

LO To plan an interactive To create a list To add items to a list To use broadcast as a To create and use a To create and use a
game notification variable to track variable to track a high
scores score

Planning LINK


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Year 6

Summer 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Topic E-safety Digital Literacy: Digital Literacy: Digital Literacy: Digital Literacy: Digital Literacy: Digital Literacy:
Childnet video Childnet video Childnet video Childnet video Childnet video Childnet video
competition competition competition competition competition competition

Lesson I am internet Initial lesson to To create and plan Script writing Making props Using iMovie or Using iMovie or
awesome explain the project the contents of the (Literacy links) (DT/Art) similar similar

LO An e-safety lesson To discuss the To plan a To write a script To create props To record a video To edit a video
appropriate for your video competition storyboard
class and the theme

Planning According to school LINK

Summer 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Topic Coding: Scratch Coding: Scratch Coding: Scratch Coding: Scratch Coding: Scratch Coding: Scratch Coding: Scratch
Project Project Project Project Project Project Project

Lesson Brainstorm and Create sprites, To start adding in To start adding in To start adding in Review and Children play each
plan project: backgrounds for functionality functionality functionality improve other’s games and
children to create project assess/feedback
game/animation on success
and to design and compared to initial
plan their own plan.

LO To plan an To create an To create an To create an To create an To create an To create an

interactive game or interactive game or interactive game or interactive game or interactive game or interactive game or interactive game or
animation animation animation animation animation animation animation

Planning LINK (link to existing scratch projects for ideas)

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