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Savitri Ayu Saraswati



Make a list of how to improve yourself in terms of growth mindset, focus on consumer, make it happen
make it better and grit

“relates to the ability to learn new things and adapt”
• Keep the mindset that “I believe in my ability to figure things out” and be brave to face fears
• Give myself a confidence boost
• Convinced myself that “if there’s no tomorrow and this is the last chance”
• End the negative pattern of thinking
• Challenge limiting beliefs and see challenges as adventures
• Accept failure as part of growth
• Cultivate curiosity and trying to make questions
• Believe that perfection doesn't exist and it’s okay to make mistake
• Believing that the sun always comes out after a storm
• Avoid question assumption about the current capability, for instance don’t let the current
knowledge skills and ability box in or narrow down the vision for the future, because today is not
a good predictor for tomorrow or the next year or even 10 years
• Start to develop my own life curriculum, architect the curriculum to pursuing my dreams come
• Honor the struggles that have been through that will strengthen myself and make me more
resilient in the future

“relates to give the best solution for Consumer”
• Give 100% to any works that I’ve done
• Open-minded, trying to thinking in a lot of perspective
• Be consumer-oriented, solve their problems and obstacles
• Shaping the sense of the what the current markets needed
• Empathize and listen to the customer, acknowledge the customer's issue
• Be genuine, personalize the conversations
• Innovate, by offering some options which is a practical and workable solution
• Be trustworthy while confronting the customer
Savitri Ayu Saraswati

• Believe that the customer always receives values: "the customer got what they expected even if
their expectation weren't right"--> educate them
• Trying to pleasantly surprise the customer, surpass their expectations by keep creative and
doing brainstorming
• Having a positive attitude and understanding of the reason behind a relentless effort to deliver
an amazing customer experience (set the clear target and goals)
• The desire to take care of people


“relates to creative mindset”
• Master a new skill that relates to the dream job
• Do activities that cultivate creativity often
• Trying to think differently from the others and trying to possessed the outside the box thoughts
• Commit to doing creative activities everyday
• Be curious on anything through read books or learn skills that I have particular interested on it
• Having a balanced healthy life, because creativity is something that can be insisted, the main
three components consist of rest, food and water that fuel to brains
• Absorb influence from diverse field that may bridging unexpected gaps
• Be brave to think differently from other like stop worrying about what other thinks because art
tends to personally

“relates to passion and perseverance for long-term and meaningful goals”
• Get clarity, because grit begins with passion therefore, ensure the things that interested in and
love. Start by ask "what do you want now?"
• Prime enthusiasm each day about something that I eager to do and having a clear commitment
• block time, well-planned scheduling (schedule time for learning new things, schedule time to
get works and obligations done, scheduling time to having "me time and get to know myself
• Set up a positive environment in regards to enable to pursuing my passions, persist when it gets
• Affirm myself often and live my values
• Stop worrying about what other thinks
• Remind myself that “you are best enough”
• Let negative people go

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