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Applied Energy 222 (2018) 485–496

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Equivalent modeling of wind energy conversion considering overall effect of T

pitch angle controllers in wind farm

Yuqing Jina, Ping Jua, , Christian Rehtanzb, Feng Wua, Xueping Pana
College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, PR China
Institute of Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency, and Energy Economics, TU Dortmund University, Dortmund 44227, Germany


• Awindtransfer function represents the

energy conversion process with
spatial effects.
• Athecompensation wind speed represents
overall effect of all pitch angle
• Simplest way to build equivalent
model of complete wind energy con-
version process.
• Proposed model is identified and va-
lidated by measurements from an ac-
tual wind farm.
• Example of using proposed model to
convert forecasted wind speed into
output power.


Keywords: The correct electric power fluctuation process of a wind farm is essential for the operation and studying of the
Wind farm power grid integrated with wind power. A complete wind energy conversion model, that should take both the
Wind energy conversion spatial effects and the overall effect of all the pitch angle controllers into account, is required to convert the wind
Spatial effect fluctuation into the electric power fluctuation. Although some equivalent models have been proposed in pre-
Pitch angle controller
vious studies, there is no simple solution for equivalently modeling the non-synchronous actions of the pitch
Equivalent modeling
Wind power forecast
angle controllers in individual wind turbine generators. This study found the relationship between the overall
effect of all the pitch angle controllers and the spatial effects of the wind farm and presented a theoretical
derivation of the frequency-domain equivalent modeling method. The proposed modeling method is the simplest
way to obtain the equivalent model of the complete wind energy conversion process of a wind farm with
consideration of all the spatial effects and the overall effects of all the pitch angle controllers. The only input
signal of the proposed equivalent model is the speed of the wind before entering the wind farm, which is called
the “original incoming wind speed” and the only output signal is the total power of the wind farm. In this
proposed equivalent modeling method, a discrete transfer function for representing both the wind energy
conversion process, and all the spatial effects of a wind farm, can be obtained, first through a wind process below
the rated wind speed. Second, a compensation factor for calculating a “compensation wind speed” of the original
incoming wind can be obtained through a wind process that partly exceeds the rated wind speed. Using this
compensation wind speed, a compensation power with negative values can be obtained to represent the total
reduced power caused by the pitch angle controllers in individual wind turbine generators. A frequency-domain
equivalent model has been identified and validated by field measurements of an actual wind farm. The nor-
malized root-mean-squared error of the model is less than 8% over the entire wind process, and the maximum

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Jin), (P. Ju), (C. Rehtanz), (F. Wu), (X. Pan).
Received 6 September 2017; Received in revised form 9 March 2018; Accepted 30 March 2018
0306-2619/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Y. Jin et al. Applied Energy 222 (2018) 485–496

error of the power ramp rate in 10 min is less than 5 MW. Finally, an example is provided to demonstrate the
online use of the proposed model to convert the forecasted wind speed into output power of a wind farm in ultra-
short-term wind power forecast.

Nomenclature PN rated power of WTG

R radius of wind turbine
Abbreviations vN rated wind speed of WTG
ρ air density
CFEM complete frequency-domain equivalent model, includes
wind energy conversion process, all spatial effects, and Variables
overall effects of all pitch angle controllers in a wind farm
CWS compensation wind speed, represents effect of a pitch D compensation factor to calculate CWS of v0(t)
angle controller Dn wind speed reduction of vn(t) compared to v0(t)
DDPMSG direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous generator H(ω) frequency response function of wind energy conversion
DFIG doubly-fed induction generator process and spatial effects in a wind farm
EPV error of peak value of output power H(z) discrete-time transfer function of H(ω)
EPRR-1 maximum error of power ramp rate in 1 min Pe0+(t) output power of single WTG obtained from v0(t) without
EPRR-10 maximum error of power ramp rate in 10 min considering PAC
FEM frequency-domain equivalent model, includes wind en- Pen+(t) output power obtained from vn(t) without considering PAC
ergy conversion process and all spatial effects of wind Pen−(t) compensation power obtained from vn−(t), represents ef-
farm fect of PAC
MPPT maximum power point tracking PeΣ(t) total output of wind farm
NMAE normalized mean absolute error PeΣ+(t) sum of output power of all WTGs, without considering
NRMSE normalized root-mean-squared error PACs
OIWS original incoming wind speed, represents speed of wind PeΣ−(t) compensation power of entire wind farm, represents
before entering a wind farm overall effect of all PACs
PAC(s) pitch angle controller(s) PMi(t) output power of wind farm starting from Mi, produced by
WTG(s) wind turbine generator(s) wind speed from M0 to Mi
PMi+m(t) output power of wind farm from Mi to m hours in future,
Indices calculated from forecasted wind speed
td time lag
n index of WTG Tn total time lag of vn(t) relative to v0(t)
v0(t) OIWS
Parameters v′0−(t) CWS of OIWS
v1(t) wind speed of first WTG along wind direction, can be used
CPMax maximum value of power coefficient as v0(t)
m time range of wind speed forecast vn(t) wind speed of n-th WTG
M0 wind starting moment vn−(t) CWS of vn(t)
Mi wind speed forecast moments
N total number of WTGs

1. Introduction speed in the wind direction, the wind shear [18–20] represents the
wind speed change caused by undulating terrain, the tower shadow
Getting the correct fluctuation characteristic of the wind power is [19,20] represents the airflow disturbance caused by the WTG tower,
essential for the dispatching, control, and electric market of the power and the time-lag effect [21,22] represents the time postponement of the
grids with high wind power penetration [1–4]. Power fluctuations at wind moving over a certain distance. The spatial effects could also lead
wind farms are caused by the incoming wind. There are usually two to non-synchronous actions of the pitch angle controllers (PACs) in
methods to get the wind speed fluctuation in different time scales. One individual WTGs when the wind fluctuates over the rated wind speed of
method is using the wind speed models, such as the four-component the WTG. However, to construct a detailed time-domain model to re-
composite model [5], mean value and turbulence composite model [6], present both the spatial distribution of the WTGs, and the ground en-
stochastic differential equations based continuous wind speed model vironment of the wind farm, is a highly complex task because of the
[7], and the Weibull distribution based model [8,9]; the other method great number of parameters required; parameters are difficult to obtain
is through the wind speed forecast [10–14]. However, a large wind accurately and comprehensively [23]. Even if all the required para-
farm may comprise hundreds of wind turbine generators (WTGs) and meters are obtained, the detailed model will be too complex. Therefore,
cover a great area. The spatial effects of this will lead to significant building an equivalent model of the wind energy conversion process is
differences between the fluctuation characteristic of the incoming wind more feasible and practical.
and that of the output power, especially in a small time scale [15]. Among the existing equivalent models, the equivalent power curve
Therefore, an appropriate wind energy conversion model is important of the wind farm is a widely used time-domain equivalent model for
to obtain the correct electric power fluctuation characteristics of a wind converting the forecasted wind speed into electric power [24–28]. The
farm. international standard IEC 61400-12-1 gives a procedure for obtaining
To obtain a complete wind energy conversion model, the spatial the power curve from field measurements. The 10-min average wind
effects on a wind farm should be taken into account. Among the spatial speed data are typically used, and a long term data accumulation is
effects, the wake effect [16,17] represents the decrease in the wind required [28–30]. When the equivalent power curve is used for a wind

Y. Jin et al. Applied Energy 222 (2018) 485–496

farm, it cannot be used in time intervals of seconds. In small time scales, presented.
the equivalent modeling in the time domain will be significantly more
complex. The smaller the time scale is, the greater will be the impact of 2. Simplified wind speed model for each WTG
non-synchronized variation in the output powers of individual WTGs.
Ref. [31] presented a transfer function in the frequency domain to re- When the wind moves through the wind farm, the spatial effects will
present the spatial smoothing of the output power caused by the time- lead to the non-synchronous variation in the wind speeds in each WTG.
lag effect. Ref. [32] applied a Gaussian filter to the power curve to take The spatial effects models, including the wake effect model, wind shear
the smoothing effect into account. Ref. [33] provided a simulation model, tower shadow model, and the time-lag model, were summarized
model for power fluctuations from large wind farms (hereinafter re- in [38], and will, therefore, not be repeated here. It should be noted
ferred to as the detailed model). The input to this model are the power that the Jensen wake model, whose effectiveness has been validated in
spectral densities of the wind speeds at the hub height of each WTG, [16], is adopted to derive a linear wind speed model for individual
and then a correlated power spectral densities matrix and inverse WTGs. The linear relationship between the wind speeds of WTGs will be
Fourier transform are adopted to obtain the wind speeds of each WTG beneficial to both the derivation of the equivalent modeling method of
in the time domain. Finally, the total output power of the wind farm is the overall effect of all the PACs, and the wind energy conversion
obtained by aggregating the outputs of the individual WTGs. A fast process in a wind farm.
simulation method for this detailed model is introduced in [34]. Ad- Fig. 1 shows the relationships between the OIWS, the time-lag, and
ditionally, based on the detailed model, [35] proposed an aggregated the speed reduction caused by the spatial effects. The v0(t) obtained
model, that uses the average wind speed obtained in the frequency from the wind measurement mast, as shown in Fig. 1, can be regarded
domain to take the place of individual wind speeds, and uses the ag- as the OIWS. If the v0(t) cannot be obtained, the wind speed v1(t)
gregated wind turbine model to replace the individual wind turbine measured in the first WTG along the wind direction can be used as the
models. Ref. [36] applied the aggregated model to evaluate the reduced OIWS, as v1(t) also indicates the speed of the wind before entering the
power under extreme wind conditions. Ref. [37] combined the wind farm. When neglecting the impact of the land surface, there is no
equivalent power curve and the aggregated model to assess the power speed reduction between v1(t) and v0(t), but a time delay.
variation by considering failure outages of the WTGs. The correlated When taking the spatial effects into account, the wind speed vn(t) of
power spectral densities matrix, whose number of elements is the each WTG can be approximately represented as a linear model:
square of the number of WTGs in a wind farm, is the core of both the
detailed model and the aggregated model. In a previous study by the ⎧ vn (t ) = Dn v0 (t −Tn )
author [38], a frequency-domain equivalent model (FEM) was proposed ⎪ n n
, n = 1…N
to represent both the wind energy conversion process and all spatial ⎨ Dn = ∏ di, Tn = ∑ tdi
⎪ (1)
effects of a wind farm. However, [38] did not find the theoretical basis ⎩ i=1 i=1

and the solution for how to equivalently model the overall effect of all where N is the number of WTGs, n is the index of a WTG, Dn is the wind
PACs in the wind farm, and also did not validate the FEM by field speed reduction compared to v0(t), and Tn is the total time lag relative
measurements. to v0(t). The time-lag td is calculated as [21,22]:
In general, there is no simple solution for the equivalent modeling of
the non-synchronous actions of the PACs of all the WTGs, as it is an td = x / v (2)
uncertain process that varies with different wind fluctuation processes.
where x is the distance the wind moves through, and v is the mean
This issue could lead to the complication of the equivalent model, or to
value of wind speed.
an unsatisfactory simulation precision. Following on from a previous
According to the equations of the spatial effects [38] and the time
study [38], this study found the relationship between the overall effect
lag, the wind speed reduction Dn and the time lag Tn, are both related to
of all the PACs and the spatial effects of the wind farm and gave a
the relative position of individual WTGs, and are affected by the wind
theoretical derivation of the equivalent modeling method. The deriva-
direction. An example is shown in Fig. 2. In this wind direction, the
tion results indicated that the overall effect of all the PACs can be re-
wind speeds v1(t), v2(t), and v3(t) are not reduced compared to v0(t), but
presented by a compensation wind speed (CWS) of the original in-
have different time lags. From the wake effect and tower shadow, v4(t)
coming wind speed (OIWS). A simplified frequency-domain equivalent
has both a speed reduction and time lag compared to v0(t). When the
model of the complete wind energy conversion process of a wind farm
wind direction changes, the wind speed of each WTG can also be re-
was then obtained. The OIWS, that is the speed of the wind before
presented by Eq. (1). In addition, according to Eq. (2), the time lag is
entering the wind farm, is the only input signal of the proposed model.
related to not only the relative position of the WTGs, but also the mean
Compared to the equivalent power curve method, the proposed model
value of the wind speed. Therefore, the value of Dn can be equal to, or
can be adopted for use in time intervals of seconds, and the long term
less than, one, and the value of Tn can be equal to, or greater than, zero.
data accumulation is not required. The effectiveness of the proposed
Although the parameters Dn and Tn in Eq. (1) will vary with changes
frequency-domain equivalent model is validated by field measurements
in the wind direction or the mean value of the OIWS, their value can be
of an actual wind farm. Finally, an example demonstrating the use of
taken as constant over a certain variation range of wind directions and
the proposed model in ultra-short-term wind power forecast is
mean values of the OIWS. This is a basic assumption of the following

Fig. 1. Relationships between OIWS, time-lag, and speed reduction.

Y. Jin et al. Applied Energy 222 (2018) 485–496

Fig. 2. Impact of changes in wind direction.

derivation and has been validated by field measurements. N

H (ω) = F [PeΣ + (t )] F ⎡ ρπR2v03 (t ) CPMax⎤
⎣2 ⎦ (5)

3. FEM of wind energy conversion where F[·] is the Fourier Transform. According to the introduction
in Section 2, an obvious variation in the wind direction or the mean
For the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)-based or the direct- value of the OIWS will lead to significant changes in all the spatial
drive permanent magnet synchronous generator (DDPMSG)-based effects. Across a certain variation range of the wind direction, and for
WTGs, the power coefficient of the wind turbine is regarded as being those wind processes with a similar mean value of the OIWS, the same
maintained at the maximum value, CPMax, because of the maximum H(ω) can be used to calculate the electric power fluctuation within an
power point tracking (MPPT) control when the incoming wind speed is acceptable error. The structure of the FEM based on the H(ω) is shown
less than the rated wind speed vN of a WTG [39,40]. In this situation, in Fig. 3.
the PAC will not act. From Eq. (1), when the OIWS v0(t) is below vN In this FEM, A·v03(t) represents converting the wind speed into the
across the entire wind process (from when the wind starts blowing, electric power. However, because of the high inertia of the wind tur-
until it stops), all the WTGs are regarded as working in MPPT mode. For bine, small and high-frequency wind fluctuations will be smoothed. In
wind farms with significantly undulating terrain, if the v0(t) is measured [33,35], a rotor wind model, in the frequency domain, is used to re-
from a higher position than the hub height of any other WTGs, the wind present the energy conversion process and the smoothing effect of a
shear effect will also not affect this conclusion. The FEM of the wind single WTG. The smoothing effect of the wind turbine is discussed here:
energy conversion of a wind farm is derived under this situation. The
detailed derivation process can be found in [38], and a brief in- (a) If the cube of the OIWS v0(t) was taken as the input when calcu-
troduction is given below. lating the H(ω), the smoothing effect of the wind turbine would be
Ignoring the power loss in the collector network and WTGs, the sum included in the H(ω). Because the frequency response function of
of the output power of all WTGs, PeΣ+(t), is: the smoothing effect and that of the spatial effects are in series in
N the energy conversion process [33,35], they will be combined au-
1 3
PeΣ + (t )= ∑ ⎡
ρπR2vn (t ) CPMax⎤

tomatically when calculating H(ω) according to the theory of linear
n=1 systems.
1 3 3
(b) If there was a suitable model of a single WTG to convert the wind
= ∑ ⎡
ρπR2Dn v0 (t −Tn ) CPMax⎤
⎦ speed into electric power, or the measured output power of the first
n=1 (3)
windward WTG could be obtained, N·Pe0+(t) could be used directly
where ρ is the air density, and R is the radius of the wind turbine. We as the input, and replace A·v03(t), as shown in Fig. 3. In this case, the
assume that the electric power obtained from a single WTG from the smoothing effect of the wind turbine would not need to be con-
OIWS v0(t) can be represented by Pe0+(t) as follows: sidered.
(c) According to (a) and (b), the H(ω) obtained by using wind speed as
1 an input, or by using electric power as an input, are not the same.
Pe0 + (t ) = ρπR2v03 (t ) CPMax
2 (4)
Therefore, if the H(ω) was obtained from the wind speed signal, the
It should be noted that when v0(t) is less than the cut-in wind speed, input signal should always choose wind speed when applying the
the value of v0(t) should be set to zero to obtain the correct output FEM. Similarly for the H(ω) obtained from the electric power signal.
power. When ignoring all the spatial effects, the ideal output of a wind
farm is N·Pe0+(t). A frequency response function H(ω) can then be ob- It should be noted that, when calculating the H(ω), only the OIWS
tained to represent the wind energy conversion process and all the v0(t) and the output power PeΣ+(t) of the wind farm need to be mea-
spatial effects on a wind farm. The H(ω) can be calculated as: sured. The wind speed reduction Dn and the time lag Tn of each WTG

Fig. 3. Structure of wind farm FEM.

Y. Jin et al. Applied Energy 222 (2018) 485–496

need not be measured. By using this FEM, the troublesome detailed The PeΣ−1(t) in Eq. (10) can be further rewritten as:
modeling of the spatial effects and the wind energy conversion inside N N
the wind farm in the time domain are avoided. ⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ ⎞
PeΣ − 1 (t )= ⎜ ∑ ⎡ 2 ρπR2Dn3 vN3 CPMax⎤ ⎟·⎜N ∑ Dn3⎟
However, in the FEM, the effect of the non-synchronous PACs ac- ⎣ ⎦
⎝n=1 ⎠⎝ n=1 ⎠
tions of the WTGs have not been included. Therefore, the FEM is not N N
⎡1 2 3 3 ⎤
complete and can only be used when the OIWS is less than the vN. To = ∑ ⎢ 2 ρπR Dn (NvN ∑ Dn3) CPMax⎥
obtain a complete FEM (CFEM), the equivalent modeling method of the n=1 ⎣ n=1 ⎦ (11)
overall effect of the PACs will be derived in the next section. A compensation factor, D, is then defined as:
4. Equivalent model of the overall effect of the PACs
D= 3 ∑ Dn3 / N
n=1 (12)
Because of the spatial effects, the variations in the wind speeds of
each WTG are non-synchronous; that is neither the start time nor the The D is the mean cube root of Dn. Just as the values of Dn are
duration of the actions of the PACs in different WTGs are the same. The regarded as constant across a certain range of wind direction, as men-
derivation in this section is not focused on the action sequence of the tioned above, so is D. However, as the values of Dn are difficult to obtain
PACs, but the function of the PACs that reduces the surplus power from accurately by theoretical derivation, identifying the value of D from the
the incoming wind. The aim of the derivation is to obtain a proper field measurements is a viable method.
equivalent model that is compatible with the existing FEM, as shown in Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (11), we have:
Fig. 3, so that the FEM can be completed without requiring significant N
modifications. PeΣ − 1 (t ) = ∑ ⎡ ρπR2Dn3 (vN / D)3CPMax⎤
n=1 ⎣2 ⎦ (13)
4.1. Equivalent model of single PAC When substituting Eq. (13) back to Eq. (10), the total reduced power
PeΣ−(t) can be obtained as:
When the incoming wind speed is higher than vN, the WTG will exit
the MPPT mode, and its PAC will reduce the power coefficients by in- 1
PeΣ − (t ) = ∑ ⎡ ρπR2Dn3 [(vN / D)3−v03 (t −Tn )] CPMax⎤
creasing the pitch angle to keep the output of the WTG as its rated value n=1 ⎣2 ⎦ (14)
PN. According to the principle of the WTG, the PN can be calculated as:
According to Eq. (3) and the FEM, as shown in Fig. 3, the output of
1 the FEM is PeΣ−(t) when taking [(vN / D)3−v03 (t )] as the input. Therefore,
PN = ρπR2vN3 CPMax
2 (6) we define a new CWS v′0-(t) of the OIWS v0(t) as:
We can add and subtract the vn (t) in the Eq. (6) as:
⎧ 0, v0 (t ) ⩽ vN
v0′− (t ) =
1 3 3 3
⎧ PN = 2 ρπR2 [vn (t ) + vN −vn (t )] CPMax = Pen + + Pen − ⎨ 3 (vN / D)3−v03 (t ) , v0 (t ) > vN (15)

⎪ 1
Pen + = 2 ρπR2vn3 (t ) CPMax From Eqs. (14) and (15), we have:

⎪ Pen − = 1 ρπR2 [vN3 −vn3 (t )] CPMax N
⎩ 2 (7) 1
PeΣ − (t ) = ∑ ⎡ ρπR2Dn3 v0′−3 (t −Tn ) CPMax⎤
where Pen+(t) has a positive value and represents the electric power n=1 ⎣2 ⎦ (16)
absorbed from vn(t) without taking the effect of the PAC into account, We can see that Eq. (16) is similar to Eq. (3) when substituting v03 (t )
and Pen−(t) has a negative value and reduces the surplus power in with v0′−3 (t ) . As the FEM, as shown in Fig. 3, realizes the function of Eq.
Pen+(t) to represent the effect of the PAC. We can define vn−(t) as the (3), the PeΣ−(t) can be obtained directly when inputting v0′−3 (t ) to this
CWS that produces the negative power Pen−(t). The vn−(t) only appears FEM. This means that the non-synchronous actions of all the PACs can
when vn(t) is greater than vN, that corresponds exactly to the action time be equivalently modeled as the reduced power PeΣ−(t) produced by the
of the PAC, therefore vn−(t) can be calculated as: CWS v0′− (t ) calculated in Eq. (15).

⎧ 0, vn (t ) ⩽ vN
vn − (t ) = 4.3. Complete model of wind energy conversion process
⎨ 3 vN3 −vn3 (t ) , vn (t ) > vN (8)

Therefore, the effect of a single PAC in the n-th WTG is equivalently Combined with Eqs. (3) and (16), the total output of the wind farm
modeled as the negative power Pen−(t) produced by its CWS vn−(t). PeΣ(t) can be obtained as:

⎧ PeΣ (t ) = PeΣ + (t ) + PeΣ − (t )

4.2. Equivalent model of all PACs ⎪ N
⎪ PeΣ + (t ) = ∑ ⎡ 1 ρπR2Dn3 v03 (t −Tn ) CPMax ⎤
⎣2 ⎦
According to Eqs. (1) and (8), when the PAC takes effect, we have: n=1
⎨ N
⎪ 1
vn3− (t ) = vN3 −Dn3 v03 (t −Tn ) (9) ⎪ PeΣ − (t ) = ∑ ⎡ ρπR2Dn3 v0′−3 (t −Tn ) CPMax⎤
⎣2 ⎦
⎩ n = 1 (17)
Therefore, the total reduced power PeΣ−(t) from all the PACs can be
calculated in the time domain as: To complete the wind energy conversion model, the core of the FEM
need not be modified, but the input of the FEM should be expanded.
⎧ 1 According to Fig. 3, the structure of the CFEM is shown in Fig. 4.
⎪ PeΣ − (t ) = ∑ ⎡ ρπR2vn3− (t ) CPMax⎤ = PeΣ − 1−PeΣ − 2
⎣2 ⎦
⎪ n=1
⎪ N 4.4. Scheme for identification of CFEM
PeΣ − 1 (t ) = ∑ ⎡ 2 ρπR2vN3 CPMax ⎤
⎨ ⎣ ⎦
⎪ n=1 The frequency response function H(ω), and the compensation factor
⎪ 1 D, are the core of this CFEM, and should be obtained from the field
⎪ PeΣ − 2 (t ) = ∑ ⎡ ρπR2Dn3 v03 (t −Tn ) CPMax⎤
⎣2 ⎦ measurements. For convenience, the H(ω) can be represented by a
⎩ n = 1 (10)
transfer function. The order of the transfer function, and the

Y. Jin et al. Applied Energy 222 (2018) 485–496

compensation factor D, can be optimized by following the steps shown

in Fig. 5. In this scheme, the System Identification Toolbox of Matlab is
used to identify the parameters of the transfer function. As both the
input signal and the output signal are discrete-time data, the System
Identification Toolbox will output the discrete-time transfer function H
(z). To optimize the compensation factor D, any optimization method or
exhaustive attack method can be used.
To evaluate the accuracy of the output of the CFEM, the normalized
mean absolute error (NMAE) and the normalized root-mean-squared
error (NRMSE) are used. They are calculated as:

⎧ Pe Σ (t ) − Pcalc (t ) 2


( Pinst ) × 100%

⎨ L
|Pe Σ (t ) − Pcalc (t )|
⎪ NMAE= 1 ∑ × 100%
⎪ L Pinst
⎩ t=1 (18)

where Pinst is the installed capacity of the wind farm, L is the number of
data points, PeΣ(t) is field measured data, and Pcalc(t) is the calculated
output power.
In the identification scheme shown in Fig. 5, two wind fluctuation
processes, with similar wind directions, will be used. In the first, the
wind fluctuation process should not exceed the rated wind speed vN.
This wind fluctuation process is used to calculate the transfer function
H(z) with the specified model order. The maximum wind speed in the
second wind fluctuation process should be greater than vN at times.
Using the second wind fluctuation process and the H(z) obtained
through the first wind fluctuation process, the compensation factor D Fig. 5. Scheme for identification of CFEM.
can be determined. With different model orders H(z) and D, differ, as
does the accuracy of the CFEM. After testing several model orders,
approximately 275°–360°, as shown in Fig. 7. The wind speed that is
choose the H(z) and D as the result of the identification scheme that has
regarded as the OIWS, v0(t), is shown in Fig. 8, and its mean value is
the best accuracy in the second wind fluctuation processes.
4.732 m/s. Fig. 9 shows the corresponding output of the wind farm
under Wind-1.
5. Validation with field measurements A further wind fluctuation process, known as Wind-2 is used to
optimize the compensation factor D defined in Eq. (12). The wind di-
5.1. Introduction to studied wind farm rection and wind speed are shown in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. This
wind fluctuation process has a similar wind direction variation range as
The field measurements were collected from an onshore wind farm Wind-1, despite the difference in the detailed change process. However,
named Ling-Yang, located on the coast of the Yellow Sea in China with the mean value of Wind-2 reaches 7.544 m/s, and is greater than that of
48 1.5 MW DFIGs. Its structure is shown in Fig. 6. The colored lines in Wind-1. The negligible effect of the mean value difference of the OIWS
the figure indicate the feeders in the wind farm. The wind direction will be discussed in Section 5.4. Fig. 12 shows the corresponding output
arrow shown in Fig. 6 is approximately the wind direction of the field of the wind farm under Wind-2.
measurements to be introduced in this study. The detailed wind di- According to the CFEM identification scheme introduced in Section
rection changing curves will be presented below. Under this direction, 4.4, we test the model order of H(z) from 1 to 10 and set the search
the wind speed at DFIG #41 is chosen as the OIWS v0(t). The time in- range of the compensation factor D from 0.5 to 1. The result of the
terval of the measured data is 5 s. identification is:

5.2. Identification of CFEM ⎧ H (z ) = z − 0.9253
⎨ D = 0.9384 (19)

A wind fluctuation process, known as Wind-1, is used to calculate
the discrete transfer function H(z). Its maximum wind speed is lower These results indicate that the best order of the transfer function H
than the rated wind speed vN of 12 m/s. According to the nacelle po- (z) is one in this study. Its frequency spectrum is shown in Fig. 13.
sition data of DFIG #41, the wind direction variation range is With the identified CFEM, the NRMSE and NMAE of Wind-2 attain

Fig. 4. Complete model of wind energy conversion process.

Y. Jin et al. Applied Energy 222 (2018) 485–496

Fig. 6. Geographic wiring diagram of Ling-Yang wind farm.

Fig. 7. Wind direction variation range of Wind-1.

Fig. 9. Output of wind farm under Wind-1.

Fig. 8. Wind speed of Wind-1. Fig. 10. Wind direction variation range of Wind-2.

5.3. Validation of CFEM

the minimum values of 4.048% and 2.808%, respectively. Fig. 14 shows The following two wind fluctuation processes are used to validate
the calculated curves of PeΣ+(t) and PeΣ−(t), and the comparison of the the CFEM obtained above. In the first wind fluctuation process, known
actual and calculated total output power curves is shown in Fig. 15. as Wind-3, the maximum wind speed is less than vN, therefore, only the

Y. Jin et al. Applied Energy 222 (2018) 485–496

Fig. 11. Wind speed of Wind-2. Fig. 14. Calculated curves of PeΣ+(t) and PeΣ−(t).

Fig. 12. Output of wind farm under Wind-2. Fig. 15. Comparison of calculated and measured output power.

error indicators are calculated as:

calc (t )) − max(P (t ))

⎧ EPV=| | × 100%
⎪ max(Pe Σ (t ))

⎨ EPRR− 1 = |max(| P e Σ (t )−Pe Σ (t + 1min)|)−max(|Pcalc (t )−Pcalc (t + 1min)|)|

⎪ EPRR−10 = |max(|PeΣ (t )−PeΣ (t + 10min)|)−max(|Pcalc (t )−Pcalc (t + 10min)|)|

where PeΣ(t) and Pcalc (t) have the same meaning as in Eq. (18).

5.3.1. Wind speed under rated value

Figs. 16 and 17 show the features of the Wind-3 with a mean value
of only 3.660 m/s. Three output power curves are compared in Fig. 18.
The blue curve is the actual output, while the red one is calculated by
the CFEM. If the spatial effects are neglected, the output power can be
obtained as 48 (total number of the WTGs in this wind farm) times the
power of DFIG #41, shown as the dark gray curve in Fig. 18.
It can be seen that the spatial effects visibly decrease the output
power of the wind farm. The power calculated by the CFEM has similar
change tendencies as the actual power curve, that means that the CFEM
represents the spatial effects well. Table 1 presents the error indicators.
We also found that the effect of the time-lag is not significant. The
possible reason is the space scale of the wind farm is not sufficiently
great in the wind direction shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 13. Frequency spectrum of H(z). 5.3.2. Wind speed beyond rated value
Wind-4 has a mean value of 8.235 m/s, and has a similar direction
as Wind-1, as shown in Fig. 19. There is a longer period when the wind
spatial effects will influence the output power of the wind farm. speed is greater than vN, as shown in Fig. 20. The comparison of the
However, in the second wind fluctuation process, known as Wind-4, the measured and calculated output power is shown in Fig. 21, and the
maximum wind speed exceeds vN, therefore, both the spatial effects and error indicators are presented in Table 2.
the PACs will play a role in the wind energy conversion process. We can see that both the calculated power curve and the error in-
Except for the error indicators NRMSE and NMAE, the error of the dicators prove the effectiveness of the proposed CFEM shown in Fig. 4.
peak value of the output power (EPV) and the maximum error of the
power ramp rate are also compared. In the Chinese national standard 5.4. Discussion of variation in wind direction and mean value of OIWS
GB/T 19963-2011 on the Technical Rules for Connecting Wind Farm to
Power System, the “active power change” in 1 min and in 10 min are The four wind fluctuation processes 1–4 discussed above have si-
considered. Therefore, the maximum errors of the power ramp rate in milar variation ranges of the wind direction, so that the CFEM could be
1 min (EPRR-1) and in 10 min (EPRR-10) are compared. These three identified and validated. In the above examples, the variation range of

Y. Jin et al. Applied Energy 222 (2018) 485–496

small, the effect of the variation in the mean value of the OIWS on the
application of the CFEM should be further studied, and validated, on
some larger wind farms.
In addition, attention should be paid to the accuracy of the mea-
sured wind speed, as the wind speed is the only input of the CFEM. In a
wind farm, there are typically two ways to obtain the wind speed data.
One is from a wind measurement mast, and the other is from the WTG
itself. In terms of the wind speed measuring device, the ultrasonic-based
or LiDAR-based devices have better accuracy than cup anemometer
[41,42]. Additionally, the effective wind speed estimation technology,
also known as soft sensor technology, is another way to improve the
accuracy of the wind speed measured in the WTG [43,44].
Fig. 16. Wind direction variation range of Wind-3.

5.5. Example of application of CFEM

The following is an example of online usage where the CFEM is used

for ultra-short-term wind power forecast. We assume that the wind
starts at moment M0, and the forecast takes place at moment Mi (i = 1,
2, 3, …). The forecasted wind speed data cover from Mi to m hours in
the future. The general steps to transform the forecasted wind speed to
the output of the wind farm are illustrated in the flow chart in Fig. 22.
The ultra-short-term wind speed forecast in the State Grid of China
refers to the wind forecast for 0–4 h in future, with data point intervals
less than 15 min. In this example, the Wind-4 used in the Section 5.3.2
is used here. The aim of this example is to show how to online use the
CFEM, therefore, no wind speed forecast method or its accuracy will be
Fig. 17. Wind speed of Wind-3. discussed. The forecasted wind speed will be taken directly from the
data of Wind-4, and the time interval of the data points of Wind-4 will
change to that of the 15-min average wind speed.
We assume that the forecast moment is at the end of the 16th hour,
and the duration of the measured wind speed data is 16 h, as shown by
the blue curve in Fig. 23. In this curve, the data after the 16th hour are
set to zero. The red curve in Fig. 23 is the forecasted wind speed for the
following 4 h (17th–20th hours). In this forecasted wind speed curve,
the data of the first 16 h, and the data after the 20th hour are set to zero.
We input the measured wind speed data of the 1st–16th hours to the
CFEM, and obtain the output power of the wind farm, as shown by the
blue curve in Fig. 24, including both the solid and dotted portions. The
solid blue curve is the output power in the first 16 h. The dotted blue
curve is the output power PMi(t) of the wind farm starting after the 16th
hour, that results from the wind speed in the first 16 h.
Fig. 18. Comparison of output power under Wind-3.
When the forecasted wind speed data of the 17th–20th hours to the
CFEM are input, we can get the output power of the wind farm, as
Table 1 shown by the red curve in Fig. 24, including the solid and dotted por-
Error indicators under Wind-3.
tions. The solid red curve is the forecasted output power PMi+m(t) of the
Error indicator Output power wind farm in 17th–20th hours. The dotted red curve is the output power
starting after the 20th hour which results from the wind speed in the
Using CFEM Without using CFEM
17th–20th hours.
NRMSE 0.92% 3.08% According to the flow chart shown in Fig. 22, the forecasted output
NMAE 0.67% 2.07% power of the wind farm can be obtained by adding PMi(t) and PMi+m(t)
EPV 2.51% 54.75% in the 17th–20th hours. This time range is shown in Fig. 25 as the green
EPRR-1 0.49 MW 4.00 MW
rectangle, and the sum of PMi(t) and PMi+m(t) as the green curve. The
EPRR-10 0.17 MW 3.41 MW

the wind direction is approximately 85°. This is a significant variation

range, but the determined errors, as presented in Tables 1 and 2, are
acceptable. In general, there are particular prevailing wind directions at
the wind farm, therefore, we do not need to calculate the CFEM for each
direction, that renders the application of this model convenient.
As for the obvious change in the mean value of the OIWS, the
measured field data show that it does not negatively impact the ap-
plication of the proposed CFEM. In fact, the time-lag continuously
changes in the wind fluctuation process, and the time-lag model in Eq.
(2) may be too simple to represent its exact effect on the wind energy
conversion process. As the scale of the studied wind farm is relatively
Fig. 19. Wind direction variation range of Wind-4.

Y. Jin et al. Applied Energy 222 (2018) 485–496

Fig. 20. Wind speed of Wind-4.

Fig. 21. Comparison of output power under Wind-4.

Table 2
Fig. 22. Flow chart of applying CFEM in wind power forecast.
Error indicators under Wind-4.
Error indicator Output Power

Using CFEM Without using CFEM

NRMSE 7.75% 18.01%

NMAE 5.30% 13.40%
EPV 5.85% 3.59%
EPRR-1 0.81 MW 25.83 MW
EPRR-10 4.60 MW 31.97 MW

green curve is the forecasted output power of the wind farm. By con-
tinuing the loop in the flow chart shown in Fig. 22, the CFEM can be
used at the next forecast moment.
The above example shows the online use of the CFEM. In addition, Fig. 23. Measured and forecasted wind speed data.
for the offline application of CFEM, the wind speed data of the entire
wind process used as OIWS should first be calculated from an appro-
priate wind speed model. The output of the wind farm can then be
obtained by inputting the wind speed data to the CFEM shown in Fig. 4.

6. Conclusion

A novel method for equivalent modeling of the wind energy con-

version process of a wind farm, taking into consideration all the spatial
effects and the overall effect of all the pitch angle controllers, was
proposed. Based on the simplified linear wind speed model for each
wind turbine generator in a wind farm, the wind energy conversion
process, and all spatial effects, can be represented by a frequency-do-
main model. The function of a single pitch angle controller can be
equivalently modeled as a compensation wind speed of the incoming Fig. 24. Output power of measured and forecasted wind speed.
wind of the wind turbine generator, that produces an electric power
with negative values to decrease the surplus power in the incoming wind speed, a simple frequency-domain equivalent model of the wind
wind. Furthermore, the overall effect of all the pitch angle controllers farm was obtained. The model included the wind energy conversion
can be equivalently modeled as a compensation wind speed of the process, all the spatial effects, and the overall effect of all the pitch
original incoming wind. With this equivalent method of compensation angle controllers in a wind farm. The only input signal of this model

Y. Jin et al. Applied Energy 222 (2018) 485–496

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