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A sound level meter equipped with Six well-spaced points were marked position to position. The 'classroom 1'
software to calculate reverberation on the floor and numbered. The distri­ curve in Fig. 3 shows the 'spatially'
time has opened the way for quick bution of these points is shown in averaged results for the six micro­
measurements and presentable re­ Fig. 2 together with the measurement phone positions.
sults. With an altogether more simple, system. The sound source was placed
as well as totally professional, mea­ in a corner and the sound level meter To test the effects of the amplifier
surement system, the making of rever­ was positioned so that its microphone and loudspeaker on measurement re­
beration measurements has never be­ was l m above point 1. sults, the experiment was repeated for
fore been such an attractive proposi­ three microphone positions with
tion. The sound level meter, loaded with Briiel&Kjasr Sound Power Source
Reverberation Processor Module Type 4205 in place of the Type 4224.
This Application Note demon­ BZ 7104, was set up to make Vh-octave These results are also shown on the
strates how easy it is to make accurate band measurements in the frequency 'classroom 1' curve in Fig. 3.
reverberation measurements and it is range 125 Hz to 4 kHz. The 'count­
hoped that it sheds extra light on the down-to-start' feature gave the opera­ Classroom 2 (200 m )
use of noise-bursts as opposed to the tor time to leave the room and close The second classroom visited pos­
more familiar 'cut-off noise' method. the door. An automatic sequence of sessed absorptive materials as an inte­
noise-bursts in successive V3-octave gral part of the ceiling construction.
bands was then generated by the Otherwise the room description was
Location sound level meter and transmitted quite similar to that of classroom 1.
into the room by the sound source. Reverberation measurements were
A school was chosen for demonstra­ again made at six different positions
tion measurements because of the va­ Results from the sixteen frequency and the spatially averaged results are
riety of rooms available. These includ­ bands were available after approxi­ shown in Fig. 3. Also shown on the
ed classrooms with both long and mately two and a half minutes. These 'classroom 2' curve are the results ob­
short reverberation times, a gymnasi­ were printed out to help check for er­ tained by spatially averaging over only
um and a large sports hall. rors, warnings or irregularities. Back­ three microphone positions.
ground-noise warnings were noted in
some of the higher frequency bands Gymnasium (950 m )
and so measurements in these bands This relatively small gymnasium
were repeated. The warnings were not had a floor of the sprung wooden type
reproducible and were therefore at­ commonly used in sports facilities and
tributed to noise 'events' that oc­ walls of rough brick. The windows
curred during the measurements rath­ were set high-up in the walls and the
sss 1
sss 1
111 s
SS 1

er than constant background noise. A plastic curtains were drawn back dur­

new printout was made that included ing measurements. A wooden-slat ceil­
p ^ l l l
the repeated results. ing sloped gently up to a centre beam

running the length of the room.

The whole automatic measurement

If sequence was repeated at each of the Again, six measurement positions
five remaining positions with micro­ were used and the spatially averaged
phone elevations of between 1 and results are shown on the 'gymnasium'
IP 2 m. Only one set of measurements curve in Fig. 3. As an investigation
i i - i --

was made at each position since the into the influence of sound source po­
Fig. I. Classroom 1
measurement method produces results sition on measurement results, further
that vary by typically less than 2% at measurements were made with the
one point, i.e. much less than from sound source moved into the opposite
Sound Level Meter Type 2231
Reverberation Processor BZ 7104
V3-Vi Octave Filter Set Type 1625
Sound Source Type 4224
Interface Module ZI 9100
Graphics Printer Type 2318
Classroom 1 (164 m )
A quick survey of the room revealed
that it was box-shaped with plaster
walls, plaster-board ceiling and lino­
leum-finished floor. It had one door
and four large windows (with fully
drawn-back curtains). Fittings includ­
ed fourteen wooden classroom tables ■ ■ " ^ ^

and chairs and a 4 m pin-board. Fig. 2. Measurement points in classroom 1 and the measurement system

corner of the room. These additional obtained by using three measurement Measurements in larger enclosures
results are also shown in Fig. 3. positions, for the sake of quickness. than the sports hall present no diffi­
culties — provided that there is ade­
Sports Hall ( 3 7 5 0 m ) Classroom 2 quate sound power output from the
The purpose of this large hall was The presence of more sound-ab­ sound source and reasonable diffuse­
primarily for indoor soccer. It was sorbing material, particularly on the ness in the enclosure. For these sports
therefore a simple box-shaped enclo­ ceiling, accounted for the reverbera­ hall measurements, advantage was
sure with a hard floor, walls of painted tion times of this room being approxi­ taken of the high sound power output
brickwork and virtually no reflecting mately half that of classroom 1. The level of the Type 4224 sound source
surfaces other than the smooth hall 'classroom 2' curve in Fig. 3 shows (115 dB re 1 pW in the frequency
boundaries. Doors into the arena were that the results obtained by spatially range 100 Hz to 4 kHz, when battery
metal, and sheet-metal protective cov­ averaging over a reduced number of operated).
ers were in place over the observation three measurement positions were
windows. There were mineral wool within ± 5 % of the spatial average
slabs suspended between the support over six positions ( ± 1 0 % below
beams of the flat roof. Measurements 160Hz), even though there was a lot of
were made at six positions in the hall damping in the room.
and the spatially averaged results are
shown in the 'sports hall' curve in Gymnasium
Fig. 3. Also shown are the spatially av­ The 'gymnasium' results-curve in
eraged results from three measure­ Fig. 3 features the closeness of the re­
ment positions. sults obtained with the Type 4224
sound source first in one corner of the
room, and then in the opposite corner.
A typical example of a printout from
Discussion of results the Type 2318 printer is shown in
Fig. 4.
Classroom 1
This classroom had 'live' ambience S p o r t s hall
which was immediately apparent on A challenge to the BZ 7104 method
entering the room. The 'classroom 1' of measuring reverberation time was
results curve in Fig. 3 shows why — presented by the acoustics of the large
the reverberation times are greater sports hall which had a notable lack of
than 1 s at practically all frequencies reflecting surfaces and hence minimal
i i
of interest. 'diffuseness'. However, results were
Fig. 4. Printout of results from one position
consistently measurable, even with the in the gymnasium
Also shown on the 'classroom 1' hall's ventilation system operating
curve are the closeness of results ob­ during the measurements.
tained by using two different sets of
amplifier and loudspeaker. The maxi­ Once again, results obtained by av­
mum difference between results was eraging over only three measurement
Measurements were very quick and
0,05 s across the whole frequency positions were within ± 5 % of the spa­
easy to make. This allowed much more
range. This was very close, particular­ tial average over six measurement po­
experimentation than was originally
ly as the 'Type 4205' results were only sitions ( ± 1 0 % below 160Hz).
planned. For example, investigations
were made into the effect of sound
sources, sound-source positions and
number of measurement points on the
final results.

It was seen that 'quick' measure­

ments at only three measurement po­
sitions produced results within ± 5 %
of the spatial averages over six posi­
tions in all the rooms ( ± 1 0 % below
160 Hz). This suggested that the
choice of six measurement positions
was quite adequate and that three po­
sitions would often be acceptable.

Potential applications of such a por­

table, battery-operated measurement
system include: quick measurement of
Early Decay Time, checking that
rooms conform with regulations, de­
termining sound insulation, or doing
consulting work in places that have
Fig. 3. Spatially averaged Tr(20) reverberation time results unsatisfactory acoustic comfort.


Reverberation Processor Module BZ 7104 — Some Questions Answered

What d o e s BZ 7 1 0 4 do?
BZ 7104 calculates a reverberation
decav and three reverberation time re-
suits from the impulse response of an
enclosure to a limited-bandwidth noise-

Where d o e s the noise-burst come

The noise-burst originates in BZ 7104
memory. Here, two different waveforms
are stored, one for Yi-octave and the
other for Vs-octave measurements. The
transmission speed of the chosen wave­
form is controlled by the processor to
allow its use in different frequency
bands. A summary of the complete mea­
suring process is given in Fig. 5.

How are impulse r e s p o n s e s and

reverberation d e c a y s related?
* " " - ■ - ^ — _ _ _ — . : : • . . , - • • • - ■

A 'squared and reverse-integrated'

: L U

impulse response is equivalent to the Fig. 5. Diagram showing how the noise-bursts are transmitted into the enclosure
ensemble average of an infinite number and processed to give reverberation results
of squared reverberation decays.
ations the full 30 dB decay is difficult to
What does 'reverse-integration' measure, so T (20) is a commonly used
mean? alternative. Early Decay Time (EDT),
It means that integration is done in which describes the initial decay rate in
the reverse-time direction. By integrat­ the enclosure, is calculated because it
ing this way the calculated decay has a has proved to be important in describ­
characteristic flat top which acts as the ing the subjective reverberation proper­
OdB reference line. See Fig. 6. ties of a room.

What e x a c t l y are T (30), T (20)

I A Level (dB) "1 and EDT?
: : ■

: : .■ ■
■ : : : . : : : ■ ■ ■ . ,
. - . ■ : : : ' : : - ■ ■ ■ . -
: : : ' ■ ■ ■ : : : :

_ ; ■ ■■■::::■■■

L L Y L ■ ■■ " :
' : : :
, : : : ■ ■ ■ ' : :

'■■■ ■ \
■ ■ ■ ■ . : : : ■ : : : . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ : : . : : :

::::■■■ ■"■'■'■■■ ■ ■ ■::::■'■■■"'■■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■ ■ •::&■'■' '

: ^ l y "= =■::::i* ■ ■-I:: *i:.::ii*»;.:»■:»*;!:K:'-:: :.V.VF::f»
■ : . . ■ ■ : : : : ■ . . . : : . . ■ ■ : : ■ . . . . : : : , : - . ■ ■ . ■ . ■■ . : : , : : : ■■■■,,
: :
■ ' :
■ : : : ■ : ■ ■ ■

\ : \ \ '■♦" : : :
: : : :
" :

■ : : :■ -■■'■■■■■■■::::--■■ ■ '■' W- :::■■■■.::: ■ ■ : : : '

They are the estimated times for
: : : :
: : : :

60 dB decays based on the behaviour of

the calculated reverberation decay in
\MA \. ^ ^ Calculated the ranges OdB to - l O d B (EDT), - 5 d B
to - 2 5 d B (T (20)) and - 5 d B to - 3 5 d B
(T (30)). BZ 7104 calculates these quan­
%\ Measured *\\ ^^^ftf^^^&MiirM^IIf^^l
tities by extrapolating best-fit straight
response l*^Alwl x lines. See, for example, the calculation
j \ Time of EDT in Fig. 7.
wmmm iiigiii
What are the a d v a n t a g e s of this
Fig. 7. Example showing how EDT is
Fig. 6. A typical enclosure impulse re- method o v e r the more familiar
sponse and the reverberation de- methods?
cay calculated from it Greater speed, accuracy and flexibili­
ty. Another advantage is that the calcu­ M.R. Schroeder sums up the conve­
lated reverberation curve is continuous­ nience of the method in his paper enti­
Why are three different reverber- ly downward-sloping, unlike the wildly tled "New Method of Measuring Rever­
ation time results calculated? fluctuating reverberation decays mea­ beration Time" (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 37.
Standardized methods recommend sured by the 'cut-off method'. This 409-412 (1965)): "A single measurement
that reverberation time results are ob­ makes for better interpretation of re­ yields a (calculated) decay curve that is
tained by extrapolating a 30 dB segment sults — particularly the initial part of identical to the average over infinitely
of measured reverberation decay to the reverberation decay which contains many decay curves that would be ob­
60 dB. However, in many practical situ- the EDT information. tained from exciting the enclosure with
bandpass-filtered noise."

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