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Health efforts need to be reviewed from the aspects of the

environment, knowledge, education, public awareness and health

care, for example dental health which includes prevention and care.

The purpose of this study was to determine the description of

counseling in increasing children's knowledge about oral health. The

population in this study were all students of SD Negeri 1 Bilokka,

Sidrap Regency. The sampling technique was a total sampling of 30

respondents. The results showed that from the results of the research

at SD Nengeri 1 Bilokka class III and class IV after counseling, the

level of knowledge of the children increased with good criteria as

many as 19 people with a percentage of 54.3%. , 42%, while the level

of knowledge was less than 5 people with a percentage of 14.3%. It is

hoped that health workers, in this case dentists and dental nurses, are
more active in providing counseling on the importance of maintaining

oral health at SD Negeri 1 Bilokka, Sidrap Regency.

Key words: Knowledge, oral health


Childhood is a time of great curiosity. Everything that attracts

attention raises questions in their minds. Even small things do not

escape their attention. A great curiosity nurtures children to learn

about many things that are in their nature. It's just that sometimes

adults answer their questions randomly because they think they are

too fussy, ask a lot of questions or the reasons for their parents'


Even though the wrong answers from parents they get will be

embedded in their minds and processed into knowledge. This is what

everyone should be aware of, the answers they get carelessly will

reflect the child's mindset and behavior in the future. For this reason,

it is very important to instill correct knowledge in children from an

early age.
Knowledge is the result of "knowing" and this occurs after a person

senses a certain object, knowledge generally comes from sensing that

occurs through the five human senses, namely the senses of sight,

smell, taste and touch.

The time from sensing to producing knowledge is very much

illustrated by the intensity of the perception of the object. Most of

human knowledge is obtained through eyes and ears (Notoadmojo,

2003: 121).

Health Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning health, that the goal of health

development is to increase awareness, willingness and ability to live

healthy for everyone so that the highest degree of public health can be

realized. In order to achieve the highest degree of health for the

community, integrated and comprehensive health efforts are carried

out in the form of individual health efforts and public health efforts.

Health efforts need to be reviewed from the aspects of the

environment, knowledge, education, public awareness and health

care, for example dental health which includes prevention and care. In

this case, elementary school children who still do not have extensive
knowledge, especially about their oral and dental health. Government

efforts to develop health certainly require people who can provide

explanations about dental health and existing regulations in the health

sector, especially dental health (Dental and Oral Health. 2010).

The percentage of tooth morbidity was the 6th highest according to

the household health survey (SKRT) in 2001 which proved that

76.2% of Indonesian children in the 12year group experienced

cavities. The SKRT results also show that 62.4% of the population in

Indonesia feels disturbed at work or school because of toothaches.

Dental health is an integral part of public health, so it is necessary to

constantly improve the ability in accordance with health

developments in general. One of the causes of dental and oral health

problems in the community is the behavioral factor or attitude of

neglecting oral hygiene (Notoatmodjo cit Fankari, 2004).

This is based on the lack of knowledge on the importance of

maintaining teeth and mouth. Children are still very dependent on

adults in terms of maintaining cleanliness and dental health due to the

lack of knowledge of children about dental health compared to adults.

In general, the condition of children's oral hygiene is worse and one of

the factors that can damage teeth is food and drink, which is healthy

for teeth and some that damage teeth (Dental and Oral Health, 1989:


Health education as a process, in which the health education process

leads to the achievement of educational goals, namely change this

behavior is described by a multitude of factors. Factors that describe a

process of education, message methods, educators or officers who do,

and educational props. This means, that the material must be adapted

to the target, as well as educational aids must be adjusted. Target

groups, the method must be different from the target mass and

individual targets (Notoadmojo, 2003).

Efforts to maintain oral health and dental health, especially for

school-age children, need special attention because at this age

children are undergoing a process of growth and development. The

state of the teeth beforehand will illustrate the development of dental

health in adulthood. One of the causes of dental and oral health

problems in children is the behavioral factor or attitude of neglecting

oral hygiene, because that is why children think that oral health is not

so important.

This is based on the lack of knowledge on the importance of

maintaining oral health. The purpose of this study was to determine

the description of counseling in increasing children's knowledge about

oral health in SD Negeri 1 Bilokka, Panca Lautang District, Sidrap



Research Location and Design

The research location was conducted at SD Negeri 1 Bilokka, Panca

Lautang District, Sidrap Regency. This study used a descriptive

research design.

Population and Sample

The population in this study were all students of SD Negeri 1 Bilokka,

Sidrap Regency. The sampling technique was a total sampling of 30


Data Analysis and Presentation

Data analysis was carried out with the SPSS computer program to

determine the frequency distribution of the criterion variant of less

than 19 people with a presentation of 54.3%. 19 good people with a

percentage of 54.3% and 11 people with sufficient criteria with a

percentage of 31.4% and less criteria as many as 5 people with a

presentation of 14.3%


Health counseling is an educational activity carried out by spreading

messages, instilling confidence so that people are not only aware of

knowing and understanding, but also willing and able to do something

recommended that has to do with health.

Knowledge is the result of knowing and this occurs after a person

senses a certain object. Knowledge is information or information that

someone knows or is aware of. Knowledge is a variety of symptoms

that humans encounter or acquire through sensory observation.

Knowledge arises when a person uses his senses or reason to

recognize certain objects or events that have never been seen and felt

From the results of research on the description of counseling in

increasing children's knowledge about dental and oral health at SD

Nengeri 1 Bilokka, Sidrap Regency in 2016. With a sample of 35

people, 19 children with a percentage of 54.3% were obtained. 11

people are sufficient with a percentage of 31.42% while those who

have less knowledge are 5 people with a percentage of 14.30%. This

shows that after counseling, there is an increase in children's

knowledge about how to maintain oral and dental health.

Knowledge of dental and oral health is very important in the process

of developing children's teeth, especially early childhood. The

development of children's health, especially oral health, of course

must be viewed from the basics of good and correct health in

maintaining and maintaining

Dental and oral health. This knowledge can be obtained not only from

school teachers, but also from the participation of health workers, in

this case, dentists and dental nurses as well as the role of parents who

are very much needed to maintain the cleanliness of their children's

The main thing in providing a basic knowledge is doing things that

are easy to understand and can be digested young, for example,

encouraging children to brush their teeth properly and properly and at

least twice a day and a night using toothpaste and toothpaste. This is

to provide an understanding of how to maintain healthy teeth and

mouth. And do not eat too often sweet things, for example

confectionery, chocolate and it is recommended that after eating

something sweet, you should gargle with water.


Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that from the

results of research at SD Nengeri 1 Bilokka class III and class IV after

counseling, the level of children's knowledge increased with good

criteria as many as 19 people with a percentage of 54.3%. the

percentage was 31.42%, while those with less knowledge were 5

people with a percentage of 14.3%.

It is hoped that health workers, in this case dentists and dental nurses,

are more active in providing counseling on the importance of

maintaining oral health at SD Negeri 1 Bilokka, Sidrap Regency.

It is also hoped that elementary school children / students can

understand about oral health and can implement a healthy life by

maintaining oral health.

How to maintain oral health by:

1.Brush teeth properly and regularly 3 times a day at a time

In the morning when you wake up

At noon after lunch

At night before going to bed at night

2. Reducing sweet and sticky foods such as chocolate and candy

3. Expand fibrous foods such as vegetables and fruits

4. go to the dentist once every 6 months to control dental health

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