(从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项)

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2020 届江苏高考英语 3500 词模拟检测 01

一、单项填空(从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项)

1.Police are still hunting for the captain, who was the first to _______ the ship when it began to sink.
A. advance B. abandon C. accompany D. approach
【解析】advance 提前,进展;abandon 放弃;accompany 陪伴,伴随;approach 接近,着手处理。句意:
2.With the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, a student will find _______ information from the largest
libraries and museums in the world.
A. accessible B. abundant C. admirable D. abnormal
【解析】accessible 可进入的;abundant 丰富的;admirable 令人钦佩的;abnormal 反常的。句意:只需按
3.Most vacant positions are at senior level, requiring _______ qualifications.
A. appropriate B. apparent C. accessible D. abnormal
【解析】appropriate 适当的;apparent 表面上的;accessible 易接近的;abnormal 反常的,变态的。句意:
4.Slavery was _______ in the U. S. in the 19th century, and slaves were given equal rights.
A. absorbed B. abused C. abolished D. adopted
【解析】absorbed 吸收;abuse 滥用,辱骂;abolish 废除;adopt 采纳,收养。句意:奴隶制在 19 世纪在
5.The key to happiness lies in better relationships, knowledge and _______ health.
A. in all B. above all C. after all D. at all
【解析】句意:幸福的关键在于更好的人际关系、知识,重要的是健康。in all 总计;above all 重要的是;
after all 毕;at all 根本。
6.We hope to become more _______ in predicting earthquakes to avoid a lot of damage.
A. accurate B. appropriate C. abrupt D. athletic
【解析】accurate 精确的;appropriate 合适的;abrupt 陡峭的,突然的;athletic 运动的。句意:我们希望
能更精准地预测地震来避免很多破坏。根据句意可知预 测地震方面应该是更准确。
7._______ clear goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily doings until we become slaves of them.
A. On top of B. In the silence of C. On account of D. In the absence of
【解析】on top of 除……之外;in the silence of 在寂静中;on account of 由于;in the absence of 缺乏。句
8.—May I speak to Mr. Smith?
—I am afraid he’s not _______. He is at a meeting now.
A. absent B. convenient C. beneficial D. available
【解析】absent 缺席的;convenient 方便的;beneficial 有益的;available 有空的。注意 convenient 不可以
9.To ensure a correct understanding of the new regulations, we need to clarify some _______ points of view and
put the system into practice.
A. artificial B. arbitrary C. ambiguous D. absolute
【解析】artificial 人造的;arbitrary 任意的;ambiguous 模糊不清的;absolute 完全的。句意:为了确保对
10.Though small, the country has _______ plants from desert grasses to tropical jungle.
A. extreme B. abundant C. artificial D. poisonous
【解析】extreme 极端的;abundant 丰富的;artificial 人造的;poisonous 有毒的。句意:这个国家虽小,
11.As she _______ more and more experience on the stage, the comedian’s confidence built up gradually.
A. abused B. accompanied C. accumulated D. accelerated
【解析】abused 虐待,辱骂;accompanied 陪同;陪伴,伴奏;accumulated 堆积,积累;accelerated 加速
的,加快。信心的增加来自于经验的积累,故选 C 项。句意:随着舞台经验积累的越来越多,
12.The development of technology and many people’s burning need make to clone or not to clone a human being
no long an _______ question but a real problem many governments face.
A. unfair B. important C. academic D. average
【解析】 unfair 不公平的; important 重要的; academic 学术的; average 平均的。根据下 文 but a real
problem many governments face. “而是一个很多政府面对的难题”,可知技术的发展和人们的需
13.A Chinese proverb has it that a tower is built when soil on earth _______, and a river is formed when streams
come together.
A. accumulates B. accelerates C. accompanies D. accommodates
【解析】accumulates 积累;accelerates 加速;accompanies 陪伴;accommodates 供给住宿,使适应,容纳。
由“and a river is formed when streams come together” 可知,前后两个句子为并列关系。所以
14.As is well known to us all, medicine should not be kept where it is _______ to children.
A. accessible B. apparent C. allergic D. automatic
【解析】accessible 可接近的;apparent 显然的;allergic 对……过敏的;automatic 自动的。句意:众所周
15.Success in achieving sustained growth depends critically on expanding _______ to the opportunity of
A. assess B. approach C. accuse D. access
【解析】句意:成功地实现持续增长,关键在于扩大获得全球化的机会。 assess 评定;approach 方法;
accuse 控告;access 进入。access to 接近,有权使用,进入,通向……的路径。
16.Satellites make television _______ to people who live far away from cities, and satellites dishes can often be
seen distributed throughout the countryside and remote areas.
A. adequate B. alternative C. accessible D. accustomed
【解析】adequate 充足的;alternative 供选择的;accessible 可进入的;accustomed 习惯的。句意:卫星使
生 活 在 远 离 城 市 的 人 们 可 以 看 电 视 , 卫 星 天 线 经 常 可 以 看 到 分 布 在 农 村 和 偏 远 地 区 。 be
accessible to“容易进入的”,故选 C。
17—I want some information on _______ package tour to Thailand.
—OK , it costs 400 dollars, including _______ accommodation.
A. /; the B. a; an C. the; an D. the; /
【解析】句意:“我想要一些关于去泰国旅游套餐的信息。”“好的,它价值 400 美元包括住宿。”这里
第一空填 the,特指“泰国旅游套餐”,第二空不填,accommodation 是抽象名词,故选 D。
18.The school is trying its best to make more accommodation _______ for increasing students.
A. available B. approachable C. admirable D. accessible
【解析】available 可以得到的,可以利用的;approachable 可接近的;admirable 令人钦佩的;accessible 可
19.Our government has tried various channels to raise and _______ social security funds.
A. accompany B. accelerate C. accumulate D. accommodate
【解析】accompany 陪伴;accelerate 加速;accumulate 积累;accommodate 适应,容纳。句意:我们的政
20.Disagreements among brothers don’t necessarily mean they won’t work together to _______ common goals.
A. allocate B. account C. advocate D. accomplish
【解析】allocate 分配;account 解释;advocate 主张;accomplish 达到、完成。句意:兄弟间的分歧并不
21.Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will _______ the skill to do difficult things
A. attribute B. acquire C. accomplish D. achieve
【解析】attribute 把……归功于;acquire 获得;accomplish 完成;achieve 完成。这里选项是与 skill 搭配,
我们一般用获得(acquire)某种技能技巧,其它三个选项与 skill 搭配不符合逻辑,故选 B 项。句意:
22.We must devote great energy to _______ development’s imbalances and inadequacies.
A. accelerating B. announcing C. accumulating D. addressing
【解析】accelerate 加速;announce 宣布;accumulate 积累;address 设法解决,处理。句意:我们要在继
23. _______ clear goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily doings until we become slaves of them.
A. In addition to B. According to C. On account of D. In the absence of
【解析】In addition to 除……之外(还有);According to 根据;On account of 由于;in the absence of 缺乏。
24.His _______ conflicted with that of the other witnesses and yet his story had, for me, the ring of truth.
A. admission B. abstract C. accent D. account
【解析】admission 承认,招供;abstract 摘要,梗概;accent 口音,腔调;account 陈述。由“yet his
story”可知,account 符合句意。故 D 选项正确。句意:他的叙述与其他目击者讲的有矛盾。然而
25.Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this
point and her explanation only _______ his confusion.
A. account for B. add up to C. add to D. ache for
【解析】account for 说明……的原因;add up to 加起来等于;add to 增加;ache for 渴望。句意:虽然他已
26.To ensure that children from poor areas can receive fair education, the government has planned to _______ more
money to improve the miserable conditions of local schools.
A. announce B. allocate C. advocate D. accumulate
【解析】announce 宣布;allocate 分配;advocate 提倡;accumulate 累积。句意:为了确保贫困地区的孩子
27.You were charged _______ ignoring your duty. Who accused you _______ such a crime?
A. for; of B. of; with C. with; of D. of; for
【解析】charge sb. with doing sth.指控某人做某事;accuse sb. of sth.控告某人某事。句意:你被控告玩忽
28.The workers are so _______ to the noise of the machine that they don’t even notice it during their work.
A. admirable B. accustomed C. astonished D. associated
【解析】admirable 令人钦佩的;accustomed 习惯的;astonished 惊讶的;associated 联结的。句意:工人
29.It was hard work, but the sense of _______ is huge.
A. achievement B. argument C. adjustment D. administration
【解析】achievement“成就”,符合语境。argument 争论;adjustment 调整,调节,适应;administration
30.The hero’s sacrifices for the county were never officially _______, which made all of us feel discouraged.
A. acknowledged B. advocated C. allocated D. accomplished
【解析】acknowledged 承认;advocated 提倡,主张;allocated 分配;accomplished 完成。句意:这位英雄
二、完形填空(从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项)

To be fair, some questions and myths about milk may make us smile. We need ___1___ information to make

the best choice for ourselves and our families about what we ___2___. It’s time to set people ___3___ about some

common misconceptions about chocolate milk.

Myth: Chocolate milk comes from ___4___ cows.

Fact: ___5___, chocolate milk — or any flavored milk — is cows’ milk with ___6___ flavoring and


Myth: Chocolate milk is not as ___7___ as white milk.

Fact: No matter what ___8___ the milk has, it will always be the same delicious and nutritious beverage that

provides nine essential nutrients. The major ___9___ between white and flavored milk is that flavored milk

contains more carbohydrate and higher calories due to the addition of sweeteners. ___10___ some have concerns

about sweeteners in milk, some leading ___11___ and nutrition organizations have recognized that small amounts

of added ___12___ can be used in nutrient-dense foods, like chocolate milk. For some people, the calories from

sugar in flavored milk are a(n) ___13___ trade-off (权衡)for all of the nutrients milk ___14___ for them. In fact,

dairies have come together to ___15___ sugars in flavored milk ___16___ in schools by 38 percent. This low-

sugar, fat-free flavored milk has an average of 134 calories per 8 fl. oz. , which is only about 30 more calories than

that in white milk.

Myth: Drinking chocolate milk ___17___ weight gain.

Fact: A study of more than 7,000 children and adolescents ___18___ that drinking flavored or white milk was

not ___19___ to an increase of weight, when compared to children and adolescents who did not drink milk. The

key to anyone wanting to ___20___ a healthy body weight is to balance calories consumed by calories expended in
physical activities.


1. A. general B. efficient C. accurate D. effective


【解析】由下文作者重点说明的 Myth 和 Fact 可知,可知本文提供了精确的信息。A. general 一般的;B.

efficient 有效率的;C. accurate 精确的;D. effective 有效的,故选 C。

2. A. eat B. do C. think D. view


【解析】从下文提及的巧克力牛奶可知,本文是关于我们吃的东西的。 A. eat 吃;B. do 做;C. think 想;

D. view 观察,故选 A。

3. A. new B. straight C. high D. fresh


【解析】此处表示是该纠正人们对巧克力牛奶的一些常见的错误认识的时候了。 set sb. straight about sth.

"纠正某人,使某人了解真相",该用法是固定用法,故选 B。

4. A. blue B. white C. orange D. brown


【解析】由下文的“is cows’ milk”可推知此处表示人们误以为产巧克力牛奶的奶牛的颜色应该与巧克力的

颜色一样,即 brown。A. blue 蓝色的;B. white 白色的;C. orange 桔黄色的;D. brown 棕色的,

故选 D。

5. A. Actually B. Strangely C. Possibly D. Luckily


【解析】由 Fact 可知此处作者要阐明一种事实,因此用 A. Actually 事实上。B. Strangely 奇怪地;C.

Possibly 可能地;D. Luckily 幸运地,故选 A。

6. A. raised B. introduced C. added D. advertised


【解析】此处表示牛奶中添加了调味香料和甜味剂,故用 added。A. raised 提高;B. introduced 介绍;C.


增加;advertised 登广告,故选 C。

7. A. expensive B. tasty C. friendly D. nutritious

【解析】由下文中的“be the same delicious and nutritious beverage that provides nine essential nutrients” 可知

此处表示人们误以为 chocolate milk 不如 white milk 有营养。A. expensive 昂贵的;B. tasty 美味的;

C. friendly 友好的;D. nutritious 有营养的,故选 D。

8. A. flavor B. brand C. company D. design


【解析】此处表示无论牛奶有什么味道,它都是可口而又有营养的饮料。A. flavor 味道;B. brand 商标;

C. company 公司;D. design 设计,故选 A。

9. A. problem B. difference C. concern D. relation


【解析】此处作者在对比 white milk 和 flavored milk,因此用 difference 说明两者之间的差异。A. problem

问题;B. difference 不同;C. concern 关心;D. relation 关系,故选 B。

10. A. When B. While C. Where D. Since



前后句之间存在让步关系。A. When 在……时候;B. While 然而;C. Where 在……的地方;D.

Since 由于,故选 B。

11. A. agriculture B. industry C. business D. health


【解析】文章内容涉及的是牛奶问题,因此与健康有关,故用 health。A. agriculture 农业;B. industry 工

业;C. business 商业;D. health 健康,故选 D。

12. A. vitamins B. sugar C. water D. vinegar


【 解 析 】 由 上 文 中 的 carbohydrate“ 糖 类 ” 和 sweeteners“ 甜 味 剂 ” 可 知 此 处 指 食 物 中 加 入 的 糖 。 A.

vitamins 维生素;B. sugar 糖;C. water 水;D. vinegar 醋,故选 B。

13. A. worthwhile B. unnecessary C. worrying D. demanding


【解析】从上下文语境可知作者对待 flavored milk 的态度是积极的,因此用 worthwhile 符合语境。A.

worthwhile 有价值的;B. unnecessary 不必要的;C. worrying 令人担心的;D. demanding 工作)要

求高的,故选 A。

14. A. consumes B. witnesses C. contains D. provides

【解析】此处为一个定语从句,表示牛奶提供给他们的全部的营养。 A. consumes 消费;B. witnesses 见

证;C. contains 包含;D. provides 提供,故选 D。

15. A. increase B. lower C. prevent D. prohibit


【解析】上文提到“some have concerns about sweeteners in milk”,因此乳品公司联手减少了添加到(在学

校可买到的)flavored milk 中的糖,这符合逻辑。A. increase 增加;B. lower 减少;C. prevent 阻

止;D. prohibit 阻止,故选 B。

16. A. accessible B. available C. respectable D. admirable


【解析】此处为形容词短语作后置定语,表示在学校可以买到的(available)牛奶。A. accessible 易接近的;

B. available 可购得的;C. respectable 值得尊敬的;D. admirable 令人钦佩的,故选 B。

17. A. causes B. saves C. protects D. reduces


【解析】联系下文可知此处表示饮用巧克力牛奶会造成人体重增加。A. causes 造成;B. saves 节约;C.

protects 保护;D. reduces 降低,故选 A。

18. A. exposed B. explained C. revealed D. promised


【解析】此处指一项研究显示,因此用 C. revealed 揭示,显示。A. exposed 暴露;B. explained 解释;D.

promised 承诺,故选 C。

19. A. related B. accustomed C. addicted D. lost


【解析】文中作者介绍了大家对巧克力牛奶的一些错误认识,因此答案为 related。此处表示喝 flavored

milk 或 white milk 与体重增加无关。A. related 有关系的;B. accustomed 习惯的;C. addicted 上

了瘾的;D. lost 遗失,故选 A。

20. A. raise B. accelerate C. observe D. maintain



的体重。A. raise 提高;B. accelerate (使)加速,促进,增加;C. observe 观察;D. maintain 维持,

故选 D。


According to The New York Times, kids from ages 8 to 18 spend more than seven and a half hours a day on
electronic devices and social network. Parents who have trouble tearing their teens away from the computer or

smart phone may wonder whether their teenager is addicted to technology.

One big change that has come with new technology and especially smart phones is that we are never really

alone. Kids update their status, sharing what they’re watching, listening to, and reading at all times. The result is

that kids feel connected with each other all the time, never getting a break from them. That, in and of itself, can

produce anxiety. It’s also surprisingly easy to feel lonely and depressed in the middle of all that connection.

Today kids are missing out on very critical social skills. In the past kids were more likely to chat and hang out

in person. Through real-time interactions, they were experimenting and trying out skills. In a way, texting and

online communicating puts everybody in a nonverbal disabled context, where body language, facial expression, and

even the smallest kinds of vocal reactions are invisible.

Peer acceptance is a big thing for adolescents, and their image matters a lot to them. Who wouldn’t want to

make herself look cooler if she can? So kids can spend hours beautifying their online identities, trying to project an

idealized image.

Social media also can have a positive effect, however. Some research has found that social media can be a

resource for teens to find social support when they are struggling with life issues, and that introvert kids can use the

different online platforms as a way to express themselves. So they are able to build friendships and relationships

through the interaction they have with others on the Internet.

Social networking makes kids more peer-based. Teens interact and receive feedback from one another. They

are motivated to learn more from each other than from adults. Teachers and adults are no longer the only sources of


Whether technology is good or bad largely depends on the person who uses it. Parents are role models for their

children. They should cut down their own consumption first, and limit the amount of time their kids spend on social

media. It is also suggested that sites like Instagram and schools teach safe social media use.

The use of social media among teens Many teens seem (1) to social media nowadays.
Lone-time connection may cause (3) problems in teens.

Teens are losing social skills for (4) of real-time interactions.

(2) effects of social media In order to be (5) by peers, teens spend too much time
on teens (6) their online images.
Teens can seek help online with their problems in life. Social media

offers more (7) for teens to acquire knowledge.

Suggestions on the use of social media Parents should set a good (8) for their children.
A time (9) should be set for teens’ use of social media.

Sites and schools should offer (10) education.



【解析】信息归纳题。根据第一段第一句“According to The New York Times, kids from ages 8 to 18
spend more than seven and a half hours a day on electronic devices and social network.”可知 8 到 18
岁的孩子每天花在网络上的时间高达 7 个半小时,说明他们已经成瘾了。所以表格里应该使用
形容词 addicted。
应该使用 mixed 说明网络对年轻人复杂的影响,所以要填 Mixed。
【解析】信息归纳题。根据第二段最后两句“That, in and of itself, can produce anxiety. It’s also
surprisingly easy to feel lonely and depressed in the middle of all that connection.”可知花在网络上的
【解析】信息转换题。根据第三段第一句“Today kids are missing out on very critical social skills.”可知
现在的孩子由于缺少真实交流,而缺少社交技能。所以要填 lack。
【解析】信息转换题。根据第四段第一句“Peer acceptance is a big thing for adolescents, and their image
matters a lot to them.”可知很多年轻人沉溺于网络是因为他们希望被同龄人所接受,所以才会
在网络上让自己更完美。原文里用名词 acceptance,表格里应该使用被动语态,所以要填过
去分词 accepted/recognized。
【解析】信息查找或信息转换题。根据第四段最后一句“So kids can spend hours beautifying their online
identities, trying to project an idealized image.” 很多年轻人沉溺于网络是因为他们希望被同龄人所
接受,所以才会在网络上让自己更完美。表格里应该使用动名词 beautifying/idealizing
【解析】信息查找或信息转换题。根据第六段最后一句“Teachers and adults are no longer the only
sources of knowledge.”可知老师和成年人不再是年轻人知识的唯一来源。网络也是学生知识的
重要来源之一,网络给年轻人提供知识来源和帮助,所以表格里要填 sources/help。
【解析】信息转换题。根据最后一段第二句“Parents are role models for their children.”可知父母亲是孩
子的模范和榜样,所以表格里要填名词 example。
【解析】信息转换题。根据最后一段第三句“They should cut down their own consumption first, and limit
the amount of time their kids spend on social media.”可知父母亲首先应该减少上网的时间,而且
要填名词 limit。
【解析】信息转换题。根据最后一句“It is also suggested that sites like Instagram and schools teach safe
social media use.”可知我们要教育孩子在使用媒体的时候要教育他们要注意安全事项。原文里
使用形容词 safe,表格里使用名词修饰 education,所以要填名词 safety。
四、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify those of 1

(great)and less importance. Then, handle the most important tasks first so you’ll feel a real sense of 2

(achieve). Leaving the less important things until tomorrow is often 3 (accept).

Most of us are more focused 4 our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day. So, get an early start

and try to be as productive 5 possible before lunch. This will give you the confidence you need to get you

through the afternoon and go home feeling 6 (accomplish).

Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks 7 (regular). Give your

body and brain a rest by stepping outside for 8 while, exercising, or doing something you enjoy.

If you find something you love doing outside of the office, you’ll be less likely 9 (bring)your work home.

It could be anything—gardening, cooking, music, sports—but whatever it is, make sure it’s a relief from daily

stress rather than another thing to worry 10 .


【解析】考查形容词比较等级。本空所填之词和比较级 less 是并列关系,使用相同的比较级形式




【解析】考查词性转换(名词)。横线前面有介词 of,横线上要使用名词 achievement 作 of 的宾语。句意:


以接受的。acceptable/accepted 被接受的。


【解析】考查动词短语。be focused on“集中于……”。句意:很多人早晨对任务的注意力要比晚些时候


【解析】考查固定搭配。短语 as...as possible“尽可能……”。句意:正是因为人们早晨的注意力更为集


【解析】考查非谓语动词。feel accomplished 感到有成就。句意:这将会给予你需要的自信以度过整个



表语修饰名词。所以本句中使用副词 regularly 作状语修饰动词短语 take short breaks。最近的研


【解析】考查介词短语中的冠词。介词短语 for a while 一会。本句是指通过锻炼或做一些你喜欢的事情,

9.【答案】to bring

【解析】考查非谓语动词。be likely to do sth.可能做某事。句意:你就不太可能把工作带回家去做,因为


【解析】考查动词短语。worry about 担忧。句意:要确保它能把你从日常生活的压力中解脱出来,而不

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错



2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

Applying for a foreign university is a huge project. Here is my experience. I did voluntary work in Grade One. I

listed all of my achievement and the voluntary work I have done. After complete the online admission process, I

took a deep breathe and dreamed about my dream college. However, apart from offer from the University of

California, San Diego(UCSD), I total got eight rejections. One day, I locked myself in my room but thought about

what I had done. Finally I understood that I could learn something from the experience even though those rejections

were made me sad. I accepted the UCSD’s offer and adopted myself quickly. For this attitude, everything I saw of

UCSD thrilled me.

1.【答案】achievement 改为 achievements


复数意义,用名词复数,所以 achievement 改成 achievements。

2.【答案】have 改为 had

【解析】考查动词的时态。这里含有一个定语从句,先行词是 the voluntary work,表示发生在“过去的

过去”,用过去完成时,所以 have 改成 had。

3.【答案】complete 改为 completing

【解析】考查非谓语动词。complete 的逻辑主语是 I,它们之间是主动关系,用现在分词作时间状语,所

以 complete 改成 completing。

4.【答案】breathe 改为 breath

【解析】考查动词短语。take a deep breath 深吸一口气,该用法是固定用法,所以 breathe 改成 breath。

5.【答案】except 后面加上 an/the



校(UCSD)的录取通知”,且 offer 的首字母发音是元音,所以 except 后面加上 an/the。

6.【答案】total 改为 totally

【解析】考查副词。修饰动词 got,用副词,所以 total 改成 totally。

7.【答案】but 改为 and


but 改成 and。

8.【答案】去掉 were

很伤心。“拒绝”和“让我很伤心”之间是主动关系,用主动语态,所以去掉 were。

9.【答案】adopted 改为 adapted/adjusted

【解析】考查动词。adopt 收养,领养,采取,采用;adapt/adjust oneself 使自己适应。句意:我接受了

10.【答案】For 改为 With

【解析】考查介词。句意:带着这种态度,我在 UCSD 看到的一切都让我激动不已。文中表示“带着

这种态度”,所以 For 改成 With。

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