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54321 Example Boulevard, City,

Jenna Lopez-Saldivar State, 12345

(000) 123-4567


I have good communication

Starbucks, Palo Alto, California — Barista
skills in all circumstances.
TBC June 2023 - 2030

During college, I worked at Starbucks as a barista. Making drinks, taking orders, I I know how to analyze
learned good communication skills and customer management. complex issues in an
organized manner.

I have a large attention to


I know how to work

Temescal Canyon High School, Lake Elsinore, California - Diploma e ciently, both
and AP test credits
independently and in a team
TBC August 2023 - MONTH 20XX
In High School, I graduated in the top 15% percent of my class and got college credit
from taking 8 AP classes. In high school I was in ASB all four years,I became a
commissioner and an Executive member focusing in Internal Relations AWARDS

Stanford University, Stanford, California - Bachelors degree Temescal Canyon High

TBC August 2023 - June 2027 School Class of 2023 Top
15%: In my Freshman and
At Stanford University, I was a Public Policy major with a Psychology minor. I
learned about the development and issues of creating policies and the bevahior of Sophomore year of high

the human mind. school I ranked in the top 15%

of my graduating class.

Stanford Law School, Stanford, California - Juris Doctor Advanced Biology Research
TBC August 2027 - June 2030 Final top 3: In my Freshman
I obtained my JD at Stanford, with my area of interest focusing on Law and Public year, I placed 3rd in most
Policy. creative for my research final.

Day on the Quad - Help plan and set up day on the quad, fundraiser for campus Spanish
clubs ASL

Beach Clean Up - Help Organize a beach clean up for volunteers References

Jenna Lopez-Saldivar
123 Your Street
Your City, ST 12345
(123) 456-7890

4th September 2021

Ronny Reader
CEO, Company Name
123 Address St
Anytown, ST 12345

To Whom it May Concern:

While researching possible employment in the Lake Elsinore area, I was excited to see entry level
positions opening at _______________. I have enclosed a résumé for your review and
wish to be considered as a _________________. I will graduate from
_____________________ on _______________ with a Bachelor of Arts degree
in ______________________.

I am presently a student at _________________________. I have ______ hours of

community service experience. [detail your community service or other activities from most
recent to oldest.]

Lake Elsinore is my home and I can think of no better place to begin my career. I am
_____________, ______________, and ______________ [positive
characteristics about yourself from the career interest survey]. I will work my hardest to uphold
the integrity of your institution. I particularly love how your organization
________________[explain a specific detail about the organization that is a positive
trait]. I have completed an application through the proper channels. If additional application
materials are needed, I would very much appreciate your sending them to me at the above

I would like to meet with you in person for an interview and discuss possible employment
opportunities. I am available at your convenience and look forward to hearing from you. Thank
you for your assistance.


Jenna Lopez-Saldivar

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