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Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis

Andreas Groth

Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique

Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

Oldenburg, 17.03.2010
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions


• Short data sets
• Different scales in space and time
• Contain observation errors
• Repetition not always possible (maybe under control of parameters)

• Distinguish between regular deterministic behavior “cycles” and
irregular behavior “noise”
• Extract a skeleton of the underlying system
• Understand and model the underlying mechanism

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 2/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions


U.S. macroeconomic data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis — Trend residuals after Hodrick-Prescott detrending
Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 3/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions


1 Univariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA)

General idea of time-delayed embedding
Combination with Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Properties and interpretation

2 Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (M-SSA)

Extraction of shared behavior
Reconstruct skeleton of attractor

3 Verification by Monte Carlo (M)SSA

Problem of short and noisy observations
Alternative hypotheses of oscillation-like fluctuations

4 Conclusions

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 4/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Univariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA)

1 Univariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA)

General idea of time-delayed embedding
Combination with Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Properties and interpretation

2 Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (M-SSA)

Extraction of shared behavior
Reconstruct skeleton of attractor

3 Verification by Monte Carlo (M)SSA

Problem of short and noisy observations
Alternative hypotheses of oscillation-like fluctuations

4 Conclusions

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 5/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

General idea of time-delayed embedding

Problem • Underlying dynamical systems ẏ = F (y) is unknown

• We obtain a scalar measurement x(t) with t = 1 . . . N
from this system x(t) = H(y(t))

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 6/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

General idea of time-delayed embedding

Problem • Underlying dynamical systems ẏ = F (y) is unknown

• We obtain a scalar measurement x(t) with t = 1 . . . N
from this system x(t) = H(y(t))
Idea • Build a new M -dimensional time series from x(t) and
its lagged copies

x(t) = (x(t), x(t + 1), . . . , x(t + M − 1))

t = 1...N − M + 1

• These delay coordinates x share key topological

properties with y (Whitney 1936, Mañé 1981, Takens 1981 ...)

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 6/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

General idea of time-delayed embedding

Problem • Underlying dynamical systems ẏ = F (y) is unknown

• We obtain a scalar measurement x(t) with t = 1 . . . N
from this system x(t) = H(y(t))
Idea • Build a new M -dimensional time series from x(t) and
its lagged copies

x(t) = (x(t), x(t + 1), . . . , x(t + M − 1))

t = 1...N − M + 1

• These delay coordinates x share key topological

properties with y (Whitney 1936, Mañé 1981, Takens 1981 ...)

Question I How to extract those properties from short and noisy

time series?

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 6/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Combination with Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Idea Apply PCA to x(t) in order to extract the entire attractor

of the (nonlinear) system
(Broomhead and King, 1986)

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 7/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Combination with Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Idea Apply PCA to x(t) in order to extract the entire attractor

of the (nonlinear) system
(Broomhead and King, 1986)

However An original motivation to interpret the results in terms of

attractor dimensions fails even in relatively simple cases!
(Vautard and Ghil, 1989)

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 7/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Combination with Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Idea Apply PCA to x(t) in order to extract the entire attractor

of the (nonlinear) system
(Broomhead and King, 1986)

However An original motivation to interpret the results in terms of

attractor dimensions fails even in relatively simple cases!
(Vautard and Ghil, 1989)

Anyway The idea to reconstruct the skeleton of the attractor, e.g.

the most robust, albeit unstable limit cycles by means of
PCA remains promising (Vautard and Ghil 1989, Ghil and Vautard

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 7/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Combination with Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Idea Apply PCA to x(t) in order to extract the entire attractor

of the (nonlinear) system
(Broomhead and King, 1986)

However An original motivation to interpret the results in terms of

attractor dimensions fails even in relatively simple cases!
(Vautard and Ghil, 1989)

Anyway The idea to reconstruct the skeleton of the attractor, e.g.

the most robust, albeit unstable limit cycles by means of
PCA remains promising (Vautard and Ghil 1989, Ghil and Vautard

Singular Spectrum Analysis

• Time-delayed embedding of scalar time series + PCA

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 7/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

1 Delay embedding of

x(t) → x(t) = (x(t), x(t + 1), . . . , x(t + M − 1)) ∈ RM

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 8/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

1 Delay embedding of

x(t) → x(t) = (x(t), x(t + 1), . . . , x(t + M − 1)) ∈ RM

2 Estimate covariance matrix C of x (of size M × M ) with elements

N −|i−j|
1 X
cij = x(t)x(t + |i − j|)
N − |i − j|

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 8/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

1 Delay embedding of

x(t) → x(t) = (x(t), x(t + 1), . . . , x(t + M − 1)) ∈ RM

2 Estimate covariance matrix C of x (of size M × M ) with elements

N −|i−j|
1 X
cij = x(t)x(t + |i − j|)
N − |i − j|

3 Determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors (λk , ek ) of C

Cek = λk ek k = 1...M
E CE = Λ in matrix notation

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 8/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

1 Delay embedding of

x(t) → x(t) = (x(t), x(t + 1), . . . , x(t + M − 1)) ∈ RM

2 Estimate covariance matrix C of x (of size M × M ) with elements

N −|i−j|
1 X
cij = x(t)x(t + |i − j|)
N − |i − j|

3 Determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors (λk , ek ) of C

Cek = λk ek k = 1...M
E CE = Λ in matrix notation
I λk equals the variance of x in the direction of ek

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 8/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

1 Delay embedding of

x(t) → x(t) = (x(t), x(t + 1), . . . , x(t + M − 1)) ∈ RM

2 Estimate covariance matrix C of x (of size M × M ) with elements

N −|i−j|
1 X
cij = x(t)x(t + |i − j|)
N − |i − j|

3 Determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors (λk , ek ) of C

Cek = λk ek k = 1...M
E CE = Λ in matrix notation
I λk equals the variance of x in the direction of ek
I Sum of all eigenvalues equals the total variance of the original time
series x
Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 8/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Spectrum of eigenvalues

• Eigenvalues 1–4 explain 50% of

• Separate signal from noise
• Find a “break” point in the
spectrum of eigenvalues
BUT Such a “break” point is not
obvious for complex time series!

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 9/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Principal components and reconstructed components

• Project x onto eigenvectors gives principal components (PC)

Ak (t) = x(t + j − 1)ek (j)

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 10/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Principal components and reconstructed components

• Project x onto eigenvectors gives principal components (PC)

Ak (t) = x(t + j − 1)ek (j)

• Reconstruct that part of x that belongs to certain eigenvectors

1 X
rk (t) = Ak (t − j + 1)ek (j)

gives reconstructed components (RC)

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 10/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Principal components and reconstructed components

• Project x onto eigenvectors gives principal components (PC)

Ak (t) = x(t + j − 1)ek (j)

• Reconstruct that part of x that belongs to certain eigenvectors

1 X
rk (t) = Ak (t − j + 1)ek (j)

gives reconstructed components (RC)

I Especially, sum of all RCs gives original time series!

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 10/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Principal components and reconstructed components

• RCs 1–4 explain already 50% of

total variance
• RCs 1–2 and 3–4 form
oscillatory pairs
(Vautard and Ghil, 1989)

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 11/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Principal components and reconstructed components

• Stepwise reconstruction of the dynamical behavior

• Reconstruct ghost limit cycles of dynamical systems (albeit unstable,

the orbit is visited by system’s trajectory)

(Kimoto and Ghil, 1993; Ghil and Yiou, 1996)

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 12/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Properties and interpretation

SSA Wavelet analysis

Analyzing function Eigenvectors ek Mother wavelet Ψ
Basis function ek data-adaptive Ψ chosen a priori
Decomposition j=1 x(t + j − 1)ρk (j) x(t)Ψ(t − b/a)dt
Scale M a
Epoch t b
(after Ghil et al., 2002)

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 13/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Properties and interpretation

SSA Wavelet analysis

Analyzing function Eigenvectors ek Mother wavelet Ψ
Basis function ek data-adaptive Ψ chosen a priori
Decomposition j=1 x(t + j − 1)ρk (j) x(t)Ψ(t − b/a)dt
Scale M a
Epoch t b
(after Ghil et al., 2002)

• Eigenvectors are symmetric/antisymmetric

• Eigenvectors can form pairs, analog to sine/cosine-pairs in Fourier
• Eigenvectors can be considered as FIR-filters (Finite Impulse
Response), which extract a narrow frequency band of x
I Therefore, assign a frequency to each eigenvector

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 13/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Properties and interpretation

Eigenvectors — Data-adaptive filter

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 14/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Properties and interpretation

• The basis of decomposition is not chosen a priori
• This gives more flexibility to the analysis
• However, requires more post analysis in order to interpret and
understand the outcome
Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 15/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (M-SSA)

1 Univariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA)

General idea of time-delayed embedding
Combination with Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Properties and interpretation

2 Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (M-SSA)

Extraction of shared behavior
Reconstruct skeleton of attractor

3 Verification by Monte Carlo (M)SSA

Problem of short and noisy observations
Alternative hypotheses of oscillation-like fluctuations

4 Conclusions

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 16/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions


U.S. macroeconomic data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis — Trend residuals after Hodrick-Prescott detrending
Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 17/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Extraction of shared behavior

• Multivariate SSA is a natural extension of SSA

(Broomhead and King, 1986b)

• It extract principal patterns in time as well as space

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 18/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Extraction of shared behavior

• Multivariate SSA is a natural extension of SSA

(Broomhead and King, 1986b)

• It extract principal patterns in time as well as space

Starting point Multivariate time series

X(t) = (x1 (t), x2 (t), . . . , xD (t)), t = 1...N

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 18/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Extraction of shared behavior

• Multivariate SSA is a natural extension of SSA

(Broomhead and King, 1986b)

• It extract principal patterns in time as well as space

Starting point Multivariate time series

X(t) = (x1 (t), x2 (t), . . . , xD (t)), t = 1...N

Covariance matrix of all pairs of time series

 
C1,1 C1,2 . . . C1,D
 C2,1 C2,2 . . . C2,D 
Ce = 
 .. .. .. 
 . . Cd,d0 . 
CD,1 CD,2 . . . CD,D

of size D M × D M
Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 18/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Multivariate SSA — “Same” procedure as before

Eigenelements: Determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors of C


Ce ek ,
e ek = λk e k = 1...DM

Principal components: Project X(t) onto e

Ak (t) = xd (t + j − 1)edk (j)
d=1 j=1
| {z }

Reconstructed components: Combine PCs with e

1 X
rkd (t) = Ak (t − j + 1)edk (j)

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 19/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Extraction of shared behavior

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 20/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Reconstruct skeleton of attractor

• RCs 1–2 form oscillatory pair with period of 5.2 years

• During recessions this cycle explains most of the time series’
variance* (Groth et al., 2010)

(* Local variance fraction, Plaut and Vautard 1994)

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 21/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Verification by Monte Carlo (M)SSA

1 Univariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA)

General idea of time-delayed embedding
Combination with Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Properties and interpretation

2 Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (M-SSA)

Extraction of shared behavior
Reconstruct skeleton of attractor

3 Verification by Monte Carlo (M)SSA

Problem of short and noisy observations
Alternative hypotheses of oscillation-like fluctuations

4 Conclusions

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 22/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Problem of short and noisy observations

• Time series is short and noisy
• Only a single observation is available
• Experiment cannot be repeated (maybe under control of parameters)


Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 23/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Problem of short and noisy observations

• Time series is short and noisy
• Only a single observation is available
• Experiment cannot be repeated (maybe under control of parameters)


Random walk (detrended)

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 23/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Alternative hypotheses of oscillation-like fluctuations

Surrogate data
Generate similar time series without oscillations but otherwise close to x
1 Bad: White noise → far from x, obviously rejected
2 Better: Red noise, here in terms of AR(1) process → Closer to x

z(t) = a z(t − 1) + σξ(t) ξ white noise

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 24/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Alternative hypotheses of oscillation-like fluctuations

Surrogate data
Generate similar time series without oscillations but otherwise close to x
1 Bad: White noise → far from x, obviously rejected
2 Better: Red noise, here in terms of AR(1) process → Closer to x

z(t) = a z(t − 1) + σξ(t) ξ white noise

Monte Carlo SSA

Measure resemblance of z with x (Allen and Smith, 1996)

1 Estimate covariance matrix of z: Cz

2 Project onto eigenvectors of x: Λz = E| Cz E
3 Compare statistics on diagonal elements of Λz with original
eigenvalues Λ

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 24/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Advantages of multivariate analysis

SSA of GDP M-SSA of 5 time series

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 25/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Advantages of multivariate analysis

SSA of GDP M-SSA of 5 time series

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 25/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

Advantages of multivariate analysis

SSA of GDP M-SSA of 5 time series

• Single time series cannot be distinguished from red noise

• Eigenvalues of GDP lie within natural variability of red noise
• Multivariate time series have significant oscillatory pair that exceeds
red noise
• M-SSA helps to reveal ghost limit cycle
Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 25/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

• SSA and M-SSA help to distinguish between regular deterministic
behavior “cycles” and irregular behavior “noise”
• Data-adaptive method with no a-priori basis functions
• Extracting of a so-called “statistical dimension”
• Reconstruct skeleton of attractor
• M-SSA helps to reveal ghost limit cycles with higher confidence than
univariate analysis

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 26/27
Univariate SSA Multivariate SSA Monte-Carlo (M)SSA Conclusions

• SSA and M-SSA help to distinguish between regular deterministic
behavior “cycles” and irregular behavior “noise”
• Data-adaptive method with no a-priori basis functions
• Extracting of a so-called “statistical dimension”
• Reconstruct skeleton of attractor
• M-SSA helps to reveal ghost limit cycles with higher confidence than
univariate analysis

Verification of results
• Check robustness of pairs by changing embedding dimension M
• Apply statistical significance tests, Monte Carlo (M)SSA
• Do not consider (M)SSA as stand-alone method ⇒ Apply additional
methods (Fourier, Wavelet) and their tests
Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 26/27

Review Ghil et al. (2002): “Advanced spectral methods for climatic time series,”
Reviews of Geophysics, 40(1), 1–41.
SSA Broomhead & King (1986a): “Extracting qualitative dynamics from
experimental data,” Physica D, 20(2-3), 217–236.
M-SSA Broomhead & King (1986b): “On the qualitative analysis of experimental
dynamical systems,” in Nonlinear Phenomena and Chaos, ed. by S. Sarkar,
pp. 113–144. Adam Hilger, Bristol, England.
MC-SSA Allen & Smith (1996): “Monte Carlo SSA: Detecting irregular oscillations in
the Presence of Colored Noise.” Journal of Climate, 9, 3373–3404
I Ghil & Vautard (1991): “Interdecadal oscillations and the warming trend in
global temperature time series,” Nature, 350(6316), 324–327.
I Plaut & Vautard (1994): “Spells of Low-Frequency Oscillations and Weather
Regimes in the Northern Hemisphere,” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences,
51(2), 210–236.
I Vautard & Ghil (1989): “Singular spectrum analysis in nonlinear dynamics,
with applications to paleoclimatic time series,” Physica D, 35(3), 395–424.

Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis Andreas Groth, LMD, ENS, Paris 27/27

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