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A Thesis Presented to the

Faculty of
ABE International Business College
Cubao, Quezon City

In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for the degree of


Cucueco, Dane Alfonso Miguel O.

Fulo, Benedict S.
Sales, Jeper T.
Tranate, Sheryl Mae M.

June, 2020
Chapter 1


Project Context

Product Management System is a single place where the company can

manage and collect information about the company products. This is a system

that organizes the products of a company, serve as the marketing of a product

or product at all stages of the product lifecycle.

What is Management Information system? A management information

system is an information system used for decision-making, and for the

coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of information in an

organization. The study of the management information systems involves

people, processes and technology in an organizational context.

Information Management System is an online platform that will automate

every transaction including the appointment scheduling, laboratory tests, clients

and pet information and many more.

The Internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world.

People can share information and communicate from everywhere with an

internet connection. The worldwide web greatly contributes to endless number

of information that we can access anytime.

In today’s modern age technology has become part of everyone’s life.

Almost everything that we do are all automated to hasten the process of our daily
activities. It is evident that a majority of the country’s commercial institution still

do not adapt with high technology. Particularly in most veterinary clinics and pet

shops, daily transaction is still done manually with papers.

Pet care industry is expanding and changing in a global presence. It is

because of the growth of pet population, trends inspired by pet humanization as

well as the evolving demand of pet care in developed and emerging markets.

Common pet care business paradigms are found, which are pet food, pet product

and pet services. Information systems professionals work with others to design

and customize the systems that you interact with every day. With this the manual

process of managing patients’ records, prescriptions, billing and appointment

schedule, is no longer practical.

The clinic is still using the old system of recording, which is manually. The

staff are still experiencing an old tradition of recording information where it

consumes more space, time, paper and other redundancy to find or store the

patient’s information. One of the most vital needs of the clinic is a computerized

system to record and keep client’s information. The proponents develop the

Information and Product management system to provide detailed records that

are easy to retrieve and will minimize all paper works and manual record

keeping, therefore allowing an ease in keeping track of patients records, clients

waiting time and increasing the number of customers to serve. The system will

keep track on pet’s records and schedule to notify the staffs which patient need

to visit the clinic for their follow up check-ups, expired vaccination, grooming and

other services the system offers. A system that is fully automated, online, user
friendly, time effective and efficient.

Purpose and Description

Dr. Love Pet Clinic is the target beneficiary of this study; the Clinic is

located at 88 road 1 corner road 33, Project 6, Quezon City, 1100 Metro Manila,

the Clinic opens every day from 9:00 am to 9:00pm they have two veterinarian 1

groomer and 1 receptionist, one of the veterinarian is the owner of the Clinic, this

Clinic offers grooming and pet boarding, general Clinical services like check-ups

and confinement. They also sell pet products for their client’s pets.

The Clinic still has the manual business process, client shows up in the

clinic to fill up forms for registration and to make an appointment, the receptionist

save the records in a folder and then store in the record cabinets. Same for their

products the inventory system of the clinic is manual process. All the transactions

in the Clinic are based on pen, paper and folder methods, this manual process is

outdated now a days and has some issues in handling information, we all live now

in a modern world that offers technologies to solve issues on manual procedure in

storing and managing information and products.

The researchers proposed a system which is information and product

management. This system is an online platform where in the clients can set an

appointment by the availability of the veterinarian. The system has also the feature

of online catalog that will display their products and the clients will see how many

available products has the clinic and the total amount of the products that they

Objective of the Study

The study aims to develop and improve the process used of Dr. Love Pet

To develop a system that will provide an accurate and secure information

management and product management. Specifically, it aims the ff;

1. To establish and develop an online platform that will allow the customers

to set an appointment with the veterinary.

2. To provide an efficient retrieval of client information that will display pet’s

historical record/s.

3. To provide an easy to maintain online catalog that will display the

products and accessories available in the pet shop.

4. To provide an efficient and secured way of storing, archiving and updating

of the clinic records.

5. To provide an information system that will help pet owners to know the

basics on how to take good care of their pets.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study will have a great impact to the owner, staffs,

clients, to the future researchers and proponents. The benefits will be discussed

further below;

Owner – The automation of the process will be beneficial and a great help

for business. Increases staff productivity and efficiency resulting to more

customer served. Decreases no shows and increases customer satisfaction.

Proponents – This study helped us in a way we realized what we can

contribute to the society and how we can apply the knowledge that we acquire

throughout the phase of our study. And also, to analyze what are the needs and

where we can improve the particular business process.

Future Researchers – This system may be a basis for the future

researchers who might come up with the same idea of the Information and

Product management System and will use as the basis of their study.

Clients - Are assured to have the correct data in the records or files of their

Set vet appointment for their pets in an easier process.

Staffs – It will improve their productivity and provide accurate reports to the

clients, it will also help in encoding and retrieving patient’s records during

Scope and Limitation

The study of the system is limited only for the development of Information

and Product Management System for Dr. Love Pet Clinic, and to improve its

daily operation. The scope is all about the feature of the system and limitations

are features that is not included in the proponent’s system.


The system will have the following features. Appointment Scheduling,

setup appointment for the clients and for the management used in order to

provide information about the staff and veterinary doctors duty schedule, if they

are available or not. Notification, to notify the clients on their upcoming

appointments. The notification also includes vaccines next injection and type of

vaccine needed. Inventory, to monitor the stock in and stock out of products sold

and used by the staff for their clients. Records, is to keep information about the

clients and their pets, the records are to keep track the patient’s history and

reference. User accounts, are accounts that will have access to the system. User

also have different level of access in the system depending on their position. Shop

Catalog, in order for customers to set reservations of available pet products

(food, accessories, and necessities).


Information and Product management System is limited only by not

focusing on sales. These function does not include in the proposed system:

Online Payment of products reserved is not supported because of the

technicalities needed for online banking. The proposed system will not work

without computer and internet. The system thus not record medical history from

the other clinic. Furthermore, the system also doesn’t cover the services that are

offered by Dr. Love Pet Clinic but rather, the services are only displayed in the

Chapter 2


In this chapter is a compilation of related literature, studies or system that

are related to Information and Product Management System.

Related Literature

An online clinic reservation offers health professionals a more efficient and

convenient way for patients to reserve appointments in the clinic. It’s the future in

appointment scheduling in clinic. Patients can book an appointment that is

convenient for them, which clinic’s staffs are able to control and maintain patients’

information through a computerized process. It has web application which requires

patients to register with their username and password before they can access the

features. Once a patient has logged in to the account, he can already view the

doctors’ profile along with their schedules and set up an appointment. The patient

can request for an appointment at any time, showing real time appointments. The

system increases new patient traffic, saves staff time and helps reduce your

cancellations as you save time and money with lower phone bills and greater

efficiency. Give your customers the experience they deserve and increase return

visits with Online Clinic Reservation.

VetBadger is a cloud-based veterinary practice management solution that

helps small to large clinics manage front-desk operations, check-ins,

appointments, follow-ups, workflows, patient information, confirmation and more.

The platform allows users to assign role-based tasks and restricted access.


Cornerstone Software the Pet Health Network of Cornerstone provides

appointment management, medical reminders, marketing campaigns, text

messaging, automated surveys and mobile websites. It also allows facilities to

send newsletters to customers with customizable content. Online pet pages

provide access to pets’ vaccination records, appointment details, prescription and


According to the website euro-business-news(2020) commonly referred to

by such names as online scheduling software, online booking applications and

online scheduler, an online scheduling system is a Web-based application that

allows individuals to conveniently and securely book their appointments and

reservations online through any Web-connected device, such as a computer,

laptop, smartphone or tablet.

In addition to online scheduling, online scheduling systems also come

equipped with other beneficial features like automated e-mail and text message

reminders, which the system sends out to patients and booked individuals on a

specific date prior to their scheduled appointment; recording and record-keeping

capabilities that make it quick and simple to access data associated with a specific

appointment; and repeat patient reminders, which the system sends out

automatically when a specified amount of time has expired between appointments.

The benefits an online scheduling system for both administrative staff and

patients and other booking individuals include:

Time savings.

Staff spends less time on the phone booking and managing appointments,

thereby freeing up their schedule for more important and pressing tasks. Booking

individuals also save time, as they no longer have to commit a part of their busy

schedule to calling their medical, healthcare or wellness provider (or remain on

hold, which adds minutes to the scheduling process).

Monetary savings.

The time savings experienced by a facility can translate into monetary

savings, as both staff time and services translate into expenses and revenue,

respectively. As staff resources can now be directed at other tasks, a scheduling

system can eliminate the need for a staff member to work overtime or for

management to hire new staff members to handle the work overload created by

the appointment-scheduling process. In the latter scenario, the savings could be

quite significant, as an average yearly salary of a medical office administrative

assistant is $36,000 (according to

The appointment-scheduling process, historically viewed as a necessary

burden in medical offices, healthcare facilities and wellness centers, can be

completely automated through an inefficient online scheduling software program.

The benefits of implementing this technology touch everyone involved in the

scheduling process, as administrators and staff can conduct their tasks more
efficiently and accurately, while customers and clients have the ability to book their

appointments and reservations quickly and more conveniently.

Related Studies

A study conducted by Rochelle D. Pacio (2013) entitled “Online Student

Information System Of Benguet State University”, changes in Information

Technology (IT) allows schools to utilize databases and applications such as

Online Student Information System (OSIS) thus, making the accessing of records

centralized. One of the changes that came about is the online-based applications.

Thus, most universities switch to the online-based system because of its effectivity

to acquire, process, store and retrieve information from the internet. Moreover, the

system is accessible to all students’ information. Benguet State University (BSU)

is still using a semi-computer based system and paper-based student information

system. Staff finds it tedious in searching and preparing reports on student’s

information and also laborious due to repetition of process done in filling and

updating of records. As main goals of the school “to generate and disseminate new

knowledge and technologies that will promote sustainable resource development

and enrich the competent and effective services geared towards efficiency and

economy” the current system is inconsistent with the asserted school’s main goals.

The methodology used in the study was Rapid Application Development (RAD).

RAD is designed to provide quick software methodology that involves iterative

development and quick construction prototypes.

In this premise, the researchers are challenged to conduct a study on the

development of a reservation system entitled “Online Reservation System with

SMS Notification for Josephine Abello, DMD Dental Clinic”,(Andrade et al, 2018)

this system works all the time. This gives freedom to potential visitors to book a

room anytime they want and maximizes the sales because staffs are not limited to

their working hours. In fact studies show that a 24/7 online reservation system

greatly increases the number of bookings. It makes the business staff more

efficient because they won’t be tied to a phone waiting for guest calls. Most of the

time employees will get new reservations online and they will have more free time

to do other things instead of playing phone tag. Usually an online reservation

system comes with various analytics tools that will shows when they get a lot of

reservations, what kind of people prefer property and what upgrades their sell the

most. This valuable information will outline the areas where they need to focus,

saving time, effort and money on approaches and activities that simply don’t work

for them.

According to Nur Fatihah Nadirah Binti Ali (2017) from the Universiti

Teknologi MARA, information system play an important role to the business

organization as it support the operations and decision making within the

organization. Healthcare is the one of organization that need information system

in other to improve the quality of care. However, not all healthcare organization in

Malaysia implementing the information system such as veterinary clinic. They had

been identified the problems based on their interview session with the staff of the

Family Veterinary Clinic and they successful resolve the problem. All of the
problem facing by the stakeholder is due to the manual system that handle the

clinic daily operation. Hence, the problem faced by the clinic are difficulty in

organize patient’s information as the patients need to fill up the registration form

manually and the data are kept on file and stored in the cabinet. Another problem

facing by the clinic are difficulty in checking the availability of the appointment

which the staff need to record the appointment information in the appointment

book. The last problem faced by the clinic is difficulty in calculating medicine stock

as the staff need to manually count the quantity of the medicine. When the certain

medicine reached a minimum quantity, the staff need to order with the supplier.

This system covers all the basic module includes owner and pet management

module, treatment module, appointment module and medicine stock module. A

SMS reminder is added in this system as a feature to remind the patient that tends

to forget their appointment. Hence, a Veterinary Clinic Management System is

completely developed on web-based application platform that have a SMS

reminder feature.


This synthesis focuses on the function in the system and discusses the

results of the articles appearing in this study. The discussion concerns the role of

the system and its function, the value of the system function for the foreign and

local system development, the constitutive effects of its functionality. The proposed

Information and Product Management System will ensure the reliability and

efficiency of the system. Whereas, non-automated procedure means that the

proponents are relying on a current process that cause of inefficient in data

gathering, storing, and processing. Furthermore, the related literature discuss in

local and foreign studies are related to the present system study. Researching on

related system give inputs to the proponents. The ideas collected from the related

system helps a lot the researcher to create the additional functions that is lacking.

The related system also gave information to this study as basis for

developing it. The proponents took the missing functions and proposed a system

to make it more efficient and user friendly.

Technical Background

Technicality of the project

The researchers gathered all the related information regarding the

proposed study and planned about what technologies to be used that can help in

developing the system. By accomplishing web-based information and product

management the researchers will used some software that only IT students and

persons on the IT field can understand. These are some of the technical terms that

will be used by the researchers in accomplishing the said system: MYSQL, PHP,

and Bootstrap these are the technologies that will be used by the researches.

Details of the technologies to be used

The researchers will be using Bootstrap it is a potent front-end framework

used to create modern websites and web apps. It’s open-source and free to use,

yet features numerous HTML and CSS templates for UI interface elements such

as buttons and forms. Bootstrap also supports JavaScript extensions. . The

researchers will also use PHP it is a general-purpose scripting language especially

suited to web development, it is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic

websites or Web applications.. The researchers will also be using MySQL in terms

of database it is an open source database that is use to facilitate management of

database by connecting it to the software. By fulfilling the SMS notification the

researchers will be using PHP.

Chapter 3


This chapter discusses the methods of the study, tools, and design used by the


Research Design

Research design considered as the ‘blue print’ or the skeleton of the study

since it serve as the basis of the study conducted. The Quantitative Research is

use in the study. This design will help the researchers in the development of the


Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating

numerical data or data that can be transformed into usable statistics. It is used to

quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and

generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses

measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitative

data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative data collection

methods. Quantitative data collection methods include various forms of surveys –

online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys and kiosk surveys, face-to-face

interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, website interceptors, online

polls, and systematic observations.

Methods of the Study

Descriptive research is a quantitative research method that attempts to

collect quantifiable information for statistical analysis of the population sample. It

is a popular market research tool that allows us to collect and describe the

demographic segment’s nature.

Descriptive research is defined as a research method that describes the

characteristics of the population or phenomenon studied. This methodology

focuses more on the “what” of the research subject than the “why” of the research

subject. The descriptive research method primarily focuses on describing the

nature of a demographic segment, without focusing on “why” a particular

phenomenon occurs. In other words, it “describes” the subject of the research,

without covering “why” it happens.

In the proposed project, the researchers used the Software Development

Life Cycle or SDLC. SDLC is a process used by software industry to design,

develop and test high quality software. The SDLC aims to produce high quality

software that meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within

times and cost estimates.

SDLC is a process followed for a software project, within a software

organization. It consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain,

replace and alter or enhance specific software. The life cycle defines a

methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall development

Software Design, Products and/or Processes
Hierarchical Input-Process-Output (HIPO)

Figure 3.1
The Website will consist four pages. This are the Login Page, Product List

Page, Contact page and Services Page. The Login Page will let user’s login thru

their accounts depending on their user level or status (veterinary, admin or client).

The Product List Page will show to the users what are the available products in

the clinic. Contact Page will show the list of how you can contact the clinic via

phone call or email. Services Page will show a list of all services that are being

offered inside the veterinary clinic.

The Login Page is where the user can access their accounts, depending

on their user level/status they will have different access. If user still does not have

an account, they can create their own account by accessing the Registration

Page, once account has been created their user level will automatically set as a

client. User level or status can be change in the admin’s account which requires

an admin to be logged in.( Figure 3.2 )

In the Veterinaries account, The Veterinary can access the Appointments

Page where it shows the time of the day the client’s appointment are scheduled

which will help them prepare. In the Records Page the veterinary can add new

records for new client’s, update and view all records of the client. (Figure 3.3)

In the Admin’s account, The Administrator can access the Scheduler Page,

which shows the list of appointment requests and the admin can freely choose

which can be approved based on the time the veterinary is available. The Product

Page is where the admin can add, update and delete the products of the clinic.

The User Page is a list of all users of the system and this is where the admin can

change the user level/status. The Product Reservation Page shows the list of all

products that has been reserved by the client. ( Figure 3.4)

The Client’s account, In the Appointment Page is where the client can

request an appointment to the clinic. The Product Page shows the list of all

available products. The page will have an add to cart function where the client can

make reservation of the products that will be picked up and paid in the clinic. The

Records Page shows all past records of the client’s pet. The Profile Page is where

the client can customize their account. This is also where the client can change

their information and account password. The Services Page shows the list of all

services being offered in the clinic.(Figure 3.5)

System Architecture

Manual System

The manual system of Dr. Love pet shop is that the client usually shows at

the clinic, fill up form for registration, then receptionist will record the data that given

by the client. After that receptionist will check if the veterinarian that client

requested has available schedule or the receptionist will check if there’s another

veterinarian that can make the appointment the same day of registration.

After finding a Veterinarian and finished the check up the doctor will then

make a report about the client pet, submit it to the receptionist and add in the clients

record so the next time client return for their pet checkup the veterinarian will have

background about the pet condition.

Also client can purchase product and make an appointment for their pet

Grooming, with the help of the receptionist. (Figure 3.6)

Conceptual Framework

This part of the paper shows the input, process and the output of the researcher’s

Figure 3.7
Conceptual design includes input, process and output of the application. In

the input part as the figure 3.2 shows the client information of their pets, the

schedule of the veterinary to see the dates that they are available, the appointment

where in the client will reserve their specific schedule for the check up and the

product availability for the products that the shop offers.

Process indicates the methodology used to meet the objectives of the study

through observation, interview, design and development of the sdlc model, the
model used will be the Agile model. The feedback is the improvement of the system

through the client’s feedback. The output includes the proposed system.

Planning Phase
It is an action that the researchers plan the creation of a system which

involves the needs of the client. Since the clinic uses manual system by using

pen and paper the researchers proposed a system that will help the clinic to

manage the appointments of their clients and services that they offer. It will also

help to advertise the clinic through the website. A system that is fully automated,

online, user friendly, time effective and efficient.( Figure 3.8)

Analysis Phase

In the second stage, the proponents make a letter addressing the owner of

the Dr. Love Pet Clinic to request for an interview. They successfully had a chance

to interview with the owner of the Pet Clinic. The researchers have a proper

communication which lead to a clear plan on how to manipulate and served the

system to the clients, all the vet services which are needed by the client’s pets,

also the output product and its functionality. At the end of the data gathering, the

researchers were able to determine all the requirements needed for the system

and expectations for the system. ( Figure 3.8)

Design Phase
In the third stage, when requirements are already known, design for the

system is created. In this stage, the system architecture is presented. It is not a

detailed design and includes only the important aspects of the system, which gives
an idea of the system to the user. The design will help in developing the system

faster and better. ( Figure 3.8)

Implementation Phase

The researchers will start the development of the system. The researchers

will use structured programming where Programs are divided into small self-

contained functions in which focuses on process and logical structure and the data

required for that process.

The researchers will use PHP for sending of SMS to the client to notify about

their schedule and. Mysql and Xampp is used as the medium for retrieving and

storing data for the Clinic, PHP and Bootstrap are being used to develop the web

interface of the appointment system. ( Figure 3.8)

Testing Phase

In this phase, the researcher will present the testing plan and the operating

procedure of each module.

The researchers will be using the prototype testing. Prototype testing

consists of sharing prototypes or wireframes with participants to view on their

desktop or mobile device to assess the viability of a design during the development

cycle. ( Figure 3.8)

Maintenance Phase

In this stage of maintenance, a corrective maintenance will be applied. This

includes modifications and updating done to correct or fix problems, which are

either discovered by the user or concluded by user error reports. There will also

be a quarterly maintenance in a view to check the efficiency of the system while

Veterinarian, Front Desk, and Admin are using it. Database backup is also a part

of the maintenance. ( Figure 3.8)

System Architecture

Proposed System

In this system the client didn’t need to show up in the clinic, the client can

make the appointment thru online. Client just have to fill up the registration form

and make an account, after that the client can now access the full website, ask for

appointment or grooming for their pet and check for some product that the Clinic

is selling. The system has a SMS and Email notification so the client will be notified

before the appointment date. All the data that have been collected will be stored

at cloud storage.

Admin page has a product update tab for product posting and repricing the

products. This means all the product and services that the clinic is offering has

been check by the admin. By uploading products the system will give the admin

an advice to check or to input how many of this specific product is on stocks.

Veterinarian is the one that will approve or cancel the request of client for

the appointment or schedule of checkups and grooming. (Figure 3.9)

Requirement Analysis

The existing system of the Clinic is still manual procedure; the clinic is a

family business and the owner of the Clinic is also one of the veterinarians, they

operate between 9:00am to 9:00pm and located at residential place at project 6,

Quezon City the Clinic offer checkups and grooming service also offers product for

the clients pet.

The procedure of the clinic is very usual; Clients need to go to Clinic fill up

forms for registration, then receptionist will add the client’s record in the clinic file

cabinet together with the result of the health status of the pet after the checkup.

The manual system only require a pen for signing forms, bond papers for

the form, Folder that will be binder of the records of the client before storing in the

file cabinet. The reason why they still using this manual system is that this system

is the most common and they don’t have idea on how will be the process of the

automated system

Manual procedure has some issues like the other clients didn’t show up at

their scheduled checkups because of luck of reminders or notification, there are

also issue about the client want to register an appointment early in the morning but

the Clinic is still closed. Please see appendix C.

The researchers use the following software base in windows 10 operating

System. Browser like Google chrome, Microsoft edge and Chromium. Are being

use for the display of the output of the program, the storage being used is PHP
Mysql for all the data. Sublime text 3 for coding using PHP language. XAMMP

control panel v3.2.2 for running apache and Mysql. (Figure 3.10)

The client will create an account for the first time user while the regular client

who has an account will login his account to the website. After logging in or creating

their account they will see the information about the website, like the available

schedule of the veterinarian. Then the admin will have to check the requesting

appointment to confirm or reject the appointment of their client. If the request

wasn’t approve the client will receive a notification that their requesting

appointment is cancelled same as the client request was approve the user will be

notified via sms or email for the details of their scheduled appointment with the

veterinarian. The veterinarian can also see the information of his client and the list

of scheduled appointments. (Figure 3.11)

Block Diagram
Information and Product Management System for Dr. Love Pet Clinic is

implemented by using online-based web application. This process will be from

manual document-based system to online-based computerized system. In this

system, users can see the clinic information, services, reserve appointment and

products through their website. Administrator can manage the veterinarian and

patient information. For security, username and password are needed to login.

Veterinarian can search their appointment data to see the list of the clients that are

scheduled. (Figure 3.12)

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