Homework 1 Solutions

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Homework #1

Due on May. 5, 2019

1. (a) When electrons of conduction band in a silicon sample accumulate high enough
energy, some of them may acquire enough energy to be emitted out of the silicon
into the air. Can this also happen to holes?

(b) Similar argument can also be applied to a contact between metal and silicon.
Likewise, some of electrons may acquire enough energy to be emitted out of the
silicon into the metal. Can this also happen to holes?


(a) No. To emit a hole at this energy, an electron with energy much lower than the
vacuum level must exist to replace the hole. Since there are no electrons with
energy much lower than the vacuum level, thus hot holes can not be emitted out
of the silicon into the air.

(b) Yes. A hot hole located at the energy far below the valence band edge (i.e. far
below the Fermi level). At this energy range, there are plenty of electrons to
exchange position with the hot hole. Thus, hot holes can be emitted out of the
silicon into the metal.

2. The density of the silicon crystal is 2.328 g/cm3, the lattice constant of the silicon
crystal is 5.43 Å (a) Find the atomic density of the silicon crystal (b) How many
silicon atoms per unit cell are there in the silicon crystal.


(a) The atomic density of the silicon crystal is

 6.02 10 23  5 10 22 Si/cm3.

(b) Silicon atoms per unit cell are:

5  1022 Si/cm3  (5.43  10-8)3 cm3/cell = 8 atoms/cell

3. The following resistance measurement were made on a silicon bar:

Voltage applied (V) 90 (mV) 200 (mV) 1 (V)

Current measured (I) 50 (A) 100 (A) 250 (A)

Find the corresponding resistance. What do you conclude about the dependence of

the resistance of this silicon bar on the applied voltage? Explain why ?


Voltage applied (V) 90 mV 200 mV 1V

Current measured (I) 50 A 100 A 250 A
Resistance (V/I) 1.8 k 2 k 4 k

The resistance goes up as the impressed voltage is increased. Note that the ohm’s

law is another statement of the mobility relation vdrift   E . And the linear vdrift

versus E relation holds for the small electric fields (or low bias level) only. Beyond

E = 2  104 V/cm, vdrift levels off due to the velocity saturation and the resistance of

the silicon bar increased.

4. Argue why the carrier mobility is meaningless if the carrier is moving in vacuum.


In semiconductor, the carrier undergo many scatterings and the velocity of

the carrier is the average velocity of final velocity for each scattering. As a result,
qE qE
v  v0  t  t   E where  is the mobility. In vacuum, the carrier
m m
moves without sufferring any scattering and the velocity and position of the carrier
is governing by the mechanical laws such as v  v0  t . Since there is no
scattering, thus the mobility is meaningless.
5. For an abrupt n+-p silicon diode, the n+ doping is 1  1020 cm-3 and the p-type doping
is 3  1016 cm-3.
(a) Draw the energy band diagram at zero bias. Indicate x = 0 as the boundary where
the doping change from n+ to p. Also indicate where the Fermi level is with
respect to the midgap.
(b) Write the equation and calculate the built-in potential.
(c) Write the equation and calculate the depletion width.
(d) Will the built-in potential increase or decrease if the temperature goes up?
Explain why.



kT p  3  1016 
For Ei  E f  ln p  0.0259 ln   0.376(eV ) ,
10 
2 ni  1.5  10 

kT nn  1  10 20 
E f  Ei  ln  0.0259 ln    0.586(eV )
10 
2 ni  1.5  10 

x= 0 N+


The equation of the built-in potential:

 bi   0.38  0.93(eV ) .

The equation of the depletion width:

Wd 
2 si bi

 
2  11.8  8.854  10 14  0.946
 2.03  10 5 (cm)
qN a 1.6  10 19  3  1016
(d) The ni will increase with the temperature exponentially, i.e.
 2kT  2  E 
 
ni  2 2  mn* m*p 4 exp  g  .
 h   2kT 

Since the built-in potential follows the equation as

kT  N a N d 
bi  ln ,
q  ni 2 

thus the value of the built-in potential will decrease if the temperature goes higher.

6. The figure below shows the total charge per unit area in the P-type Si as a function
of Vg for an MOS capacitor at 300K.

(a) What is the oxide thickness?

(b) What is the doping concentration in Si?
(c) Find the potential drop in oxide (ox) when Vg – Vfb = -1 (V).
(d) Find the band bending in Si when Vg – Vfb = 0.5 (V).


(a) At Vg - Vfb = -1 (V), the MOS capacitor is in accumulation.

4  10 7  ox 13
 tox   ox  7  3.45  10 7  8.62  10  7 (cm)
Cox   
ox 1 tox 4  10 4  10

tox = 8.62 (nm)

(b) At threshold,

2 si qN a 2B 2(1  1012 )(1.6  1019 ) N a 2B

Vth  V fb  2B  or 1  2B 
Cox 4  10 7

(1  2B ) 2 (1  2B ) 2
1  2B  2  10 9  N a 2B  Na  18
  1018
2  10  2B 2  2B

kT  N a  or  Na 
where 2B  2 n  2B  0.12 log 10 
q  ni   1  10 

(1  2B ) 2
Na   1018
2  2B

 Na 
2B  0.12 log 10 
 1  10 

Solve the above two equations by iteration, we have Na = 3.1  1016 cm-3 .

(c) At Vg - Vfb = -1 (V), the MOS capacitor is in accumulation and si  0.

Since Vg  V fb  ox  si , thus  1  ox  0 i.e. ox = -1 (V)

(d) when Vg – Vfb = 0.5 (V), the MOS capacitor is in depletion.

In the depletion region, we have the following relation

2 si qN aSi
Vg  V fb  si  2

 si qN a  si qN a
si   2
 2
 (Vg  V fb )
2Cox 2Cox

 si qN a (1  1012 )(1.6  1019 )(3.1  1016 )

  0.0155 (V)
2Cox 2  ( 4  10 7 ) 2

si   0.0155  0.0155  0.5  si = 0.352 (V).

7. Consider a n+poly-gate MOS capacitor of area 10-4 m2 at room temperature. The
silicon substrate is uniformly doped with ND = 1  1016 cm-3, the oxide thickness
tox = 10 nm, and Qf = 1011 q/cm2. (Use ni = 1  1010 cm-3 and 2.3kT/q = 60 mV)

(a) Calculate the flatband voltage Vfb.

(b) Find the threshold voltage Vth.
(c) Sketch the high frequency C-V curve for this capacitor, indicating values for
Cmax, Cmin, Cfb, Vth, and Vfb on the sketch.
(d) Draw the energy band diagram of this MOS capacitor at Vg = Vth, indicating
the amount of band bending (i.e. the potential drop) in silicon (qSi) and across
the oxide (qox).

 ox 3.45  1013
Cox   7
 3.45  10  7 (F/cm2)
tox 10  10

(a) m   si

Eg  ND   1  1016 
m   si 

 0.06 log
n    si  0.55  0.06 log 1  1010    si  0.19

 i   
Qf 1.6  1019  1011
  0.046 (V)
Cox 3.45  10 7

V fb  m  si    si  (  si  0.19)  0.046  0.24 (V)

2 si qN D 2B
(b) This is a PMOSFET and Vth  V fb  2B 

kT  ni   1  1010 
2B  2 n   0.12 log   0.72 (V)
16 
q  ND   1  10 

2  1  1012  1.6  1019  1  1016  0.72

Vth  0.24  0.72   0.24  0.72  0.14
3.45  10 7
Vth  1.1 (V)

(c) V fb  0.24 (V) , Vth  1.1 (V),

Cmax  Cox  3.45  10 7 (F/cm2)

  Cox  A  3.45  107  104  10 8  3.45  10 19 (F)

1 1 1 1 Wd max
   
Cmin Cox Csi Cox  si

2 Si 2B ( 2)(1  10 12 )(0.72)

Wd max   19 16
 3  10  5 (cm)
qN D (1.6  10 )(1  10 )

1  1012
 si
Csi  5
 3.3  10 8 (F/cm2)

Wd max 3  10
1 1 1 1 1
   7
  Cmin  3  108 (F/cm2)
Cmin Cox Csi 3.45  10 3.3  108

  3  108  1012  3  1020

i.e. Cmin (F)

1 1 1 1 L
    D
C fb Cox C si Cox  si

 kT 1  10 12
LD    19 16
 0.026  4  10  6 (cm)
qN d q 1.6  10  1  10

1  1012
 si
Csi  6
 2.5  10 7 (F/cm2)
LD 4  10
1 1 1 1 1  C fb  1.45  10 7 (F/cm2)
   7

C fb Cox C si 3.45  10 2.5  10  7

i.e. C fb  1.45  10 7  10 12  1.45  10 19 (F)

Cmax=3.45E-7(F/cm2), C’max=3.45E-19(F/cm2)

Cfb=1.45E-7(F/cm2), C’fb=1.45E-19(F/cm2)

Cmin=3E-8(F/cm2), C’min=3E-20(F/cm2)
-1.1V -0.24V
(d) At threshold, Vth  V fb  ox  si with V fb  0.24 (V) , Vth  1.1 (V), and si

= 2B= - 0.72 (V).   1.1  0.24  ox  0.72 = -0.14 (V).

qφOx = 0.14 eV


Efm Ec
qφSi = 0.72 eV
Ev EfSi
Ec Ei

8. Consider the MOS capacitor C-V curve below. The area of the capacitor is 104 µm2.

(a) Is the substrate doping N-type or P-type. What is the doping concentration?
(b) What is the thickness of the oxide in the MOS capacitor?
(c) What is the value of the capacitance at position C on the C-V curve shown above?
(d) At location B on the C-V curve, what is the silicon band bending Si?


Cox 50  10 12
Cox   4 8
 5  10  7 (F/cm2)
A 10  10
(a) The substrate doping is P-type since the threshold voltage Vth is larger than Vfb.

2 si qN a 2B
Vth  V fb  2B 

2(1  1012 )(1.6  1019 ) N a 2B

0.5  ( 1)  2B 
5  10 7
1.5  2B  1.13  10 9  N a 2B

(1.5  2B ) 2 (1.5  2B ) 2

 Na  18
  1018
1.13  10  2B
1.28  2B

kT  N a  or  Na 
where 2B  2 n  2B  0.12 log 10 
q  ni   1  10 

(1.5  2B ) 2
Na   1018
1.28  2B

 Na 
2B  0.12 log 10 
 1  10 
Solve the above two equations by iteration, we have Na = 3.1  1017 cm-3 .
 ox 3.45  1013 3.45  1013
(b) Cox   5  10  7 (F/cm2)  tox   = 6.9 (nm)
tox Cox 5  10  7
(c) At position C, MOSC is at the threshold and has a minimum capacitance
1 1 1 1 Wd max
   
Cmin Cox Csi Cox  si

 3.1  1017 
2B  0.12 log 10 
  0.9 (V)
 1  10 

2 Si 2B ( 2)(1  10 12 )(0.9)

Wd max   19 17
 6  10  6 (cm)
qN a (1.6  10 )(3.1  10 )

 si1  1012
Csi   6
 1.67  10 7 (F/cm2)
Wd max 6  10
1 1 1 1 1
   7
 7
 Cmin  1.25  107 (F/cm2)
Cmin Cox Csi 5  10 1.67  10

  1.25  107  104  108  1.25  1011

i.e. Cmin (F) = 12.5 (pF)

(d) At point B, Vg = 0 (V). From the figure, Vfb = -1 (V)

In the depletion region, we have the following relation

2 si qN aSi
Vg  V fb  si  2

 si qN a  si qN a
si   2
 2
 (Vg  V fb )
2Cox 2Cox
 si qN a (1  1012 )(1.6  1019 )(3.1  1017 )
  0.0992 (V)
2Cox 2  (5  10 7 ) 2

si   0.0992  0.0992  [0  ( 1)]  si = 0.538 (V).

9. The figure below shows the output characteristics of a long channel MOSFET at
300K. The channel length L = 2 (m) and the electrical oxide thickness tox = 100
(Å). The VDsat for these two curves are 1 (V) and 3 (V). Assume the body effect
coefficient m = 1.2.

(a) What is the threshold voltage VTh?

(b) By using the universal curve of the mobility in the lecture note, find the effective
electron surface mobility at VGS = 4 (V).
(c) From the value of IDsat on the curve and the results of part (a) and (b), find the
channel width W of this MOSFET.
(d) Find the channel length L below which the velocity saturation effect is


(a) VDsat   VTh  VGS  mVDsat
From the ID-VDS curve for VGS = 4 (V), we have VDsat = 3 (V).  VTh = 4 – (1.2)(3)
VTh = 0.4 (V).
From the ID-VDS curve for VGS = 1.6 (V), we have VDsat = 1 (V).  VTh = 1.6 – (1.2)(1)
VTh = 0.4 (V).
VTh = 0.4 (V)
VTh  VFB  2B VGS  VTh VGS  VTh  VFB  2B
(b) Eeff    . For a n+poly gate
3tox 6tox 6tox
Eg Eg
MOST,  VFB  2B   B  2B   B  0.13 (V)
2 2
 Eeff  VGS  VTh  0.2 4  0.4  0.13
  8
 7.6  105 (V/cm) = 0.76 (MV/cm)
6tox 6(100  10 )
From the universal mobility graph,

we have n  300 (cm2/Vs).

(c) From the ID-VDS curve for VGS = 4 (V), IDsat = 2.8 (mA).

1W (V  V ) 2 2mLI Dsat
I Dsat  eff Cox GS Th  W 
2 L m eff Cox (VGS  VTh ) 2

 ox 3.45  1013
Cox   8
 3.45  10 7 (F/cm2)
tox 100  10

2  1.2  ( 2  104 )  (2.8  103 )

W 7 2
 1  10 3 (cm), or W = 10 (m).
300  (3.45  10 )( 4  0.4)

(d) If EsatL  (VGS - VTh)/m, then the velocity saturation effect is significant.
V  VTh
Thus, L  GS , where Esat  2vsat
mE sat eff
Since the mobility μeff is gate dependent, thus we split the solution into two gate
biase cases, i.e. VGS = 4 V and VGS = 1.6 V.

For VGS = 4 V, we have μeff = 300 cm2/Vs, thus

2vsat 2  (1 107 )

Esat    6.7  104 (V/cm)
eff 300

VGS  VTH 4  0.4

L   4.5 105 (cm) ,or L  0.45 (μm)
mEsat 1.2  (6.7 10 )
For VGS = 1.6 V, let’s find the corresponding mobility first.

VGS  VTH  0.2 1.6  0.4  0.13

 Eeff    3.6  105 (MV/cm)  0.36 (MV/cm)
6tox 6  (100 108 )

From the universal mobility graph, we have  n  475 (cm 2 / Vs ) .

2vsat 2  (1 107 )

 Esat    4.2  10 4 (V / cm)
 eff 475

VGS  VTH 1.6  0.4

L   2.38  10 5 (cm) ,or L  0.238( m)
mE sat 1.2  (4.2  10 )

10. You are working with two novel semiconductors. Material “A” has a saturation
velocity of 1  107 (cm/s) and a mobility of 500 (cm2/Vs). Material “B” has a
saturation velocity of 1  106 (cm/s) and a mobility of 2000 (cm2/Vs).
(a) What is the saturation field for the two materials Esat?
(b) Suppose the long-channel IDsat for a MOSFET made with material “A” is
400µA, what is the long channel IDsat for a MOSFET made with material “B”?
(c) What are the IDsat’s for short-channel 0.2 (µm) MOSFETs fabricated with the
two materials given a supply voltage of 2.5V?
(d) Based on your results in (b) and (c) above, comment on the relative
importance of mobility and saturation velocity in long and short channel
MOSFETs, EXPLAIN. Consider the effect of the regions of operation, i.e.,
linear vs. saturation.


2vsat , A (2)(1  107 )

(a) Esat , A    4  104 (V/cm).
eff , A 500

2vsat , B (2)(1  106 )

Esat , B    1  103 (V/cm).
eff , B 2000

(b) For long channel devices, IDsat  eff.

eff , B 2000
I Dsat , B  I Dsat , A  400   1600 (A) = 1.6 (mA)
eff , A 500
I Dsat ,long
(c) Note that I Dsat 
1  Dsat
Esat L
I Dsat ,long , A 400
Thus I Dsat. A    97 (A)
VDsat 2.5
1 1
E sat , A L 4  104  0.2  10 4
I Dsat ,long , B 1600
I Dsat. B    13 (A)
VDsat 2.5
1 1
E sat , B L 1  103  0.2  10 4

(d) Mobility is important in long-channel MOSFETs, since the MOSFET operates

outside the velocity saturation regime. On the other hand, short-channel MOSFETs
operate in the velocity saturation region, so the saturation velocity is often more
important that the mobility, at least from a drive-current consideration in saturation.
In the linear regime, short-channel MOSFETs still depend more heavily on mobility,
since the lateral field is small.

11. Let y be the coordinate from source to drain. Assume the body effect coefficient m
= 1, i.e. Qn(y) =  Cox(VG  VTn – Vc(y)) for VDS < VDsat. And neglect the velocity
saturation, i.e. v = nEC. For a MOST operated in linear region with drain current
ID, show that the potential VC(y) and the field EC(y) along the channel can be
expressed as:

2I D y
(a) VC ( y )  (VG  VTn )  (VG  VTn ) 2 
W nCox

(b) E C  
(  nWCox ) (VG  VTn ) 2  2 I DW  n Cox y


I D  WQn v
dVC  y ' dVc  y '
 WCox VG  VTh  VC  y '  eff (E C   )
dy ' dy '

VC  y 
W eff Cox VG  VTh  VC  y '  dVC  y '
I D dy '  

 V 2  y
I D y  W eff Cox VG  VTh  VC  y   C 
 2 
Solve the equation of VC(y)

2I D y
VC  y   VG  VTh   VG  VTh 
 ( VC = 0 when y = 0 )
W eff Cox

dVC  y 
EC  
2I D
1 W eff Cox
2 2I D y
VG  VTh 

W eff Cox
 CoxW  VG  VTh   2 I DW eff Cox y
2 2

12. An ideal N-channel MOSFET maintained at T = 300K is characterized by the

following by the following parameters: W = 50 m, L = 5 m, Tox = 0.05 m, NA =
1015 cm-3, N+ poly-Si gate, n = 800 cm2/Vs (which is assumed to be independent
of Vg). Ignore the bulk charge effect (i.e. m = 0). Determine:.

(a) VTh.
(b) IDsat if VGS = 2V
dI D
(c) if VGS = 2V and VDS = 0.

(d) dI D if VGS = 2V and VDS = 2V.


Solutions: (We use ox = 3.9 0 =3.45  10-13 F/cm, Si = 11.9 0 =1.0  10-12 F/cm, ni
= 1  1010 cm-3 , and 2.3kT/q = 60 mV here)

kT N
(a)  B  2.3 log A  0.3 (V)
q ni
 ox
Cox   6.9  10  8 F / cm 2
V FB   si  (  si    B )  0.85 (V)

2 si qN A 2B
VTh  VFB  ox  si  V fb  2B   0.049 (V)
(b) I Dsat   n Cox VGS  VTh 2  1.16 (mA)
2 L

(c) Since VDS  0(V )  VDsat  VGS  VTh  2.05 (V), thus the FET is operated in

linear region.

W  1 2 
ID   n Cox VGS  VTh VDS  VDS 
L  2

I D W
gd    n Cox VGS  VTh   VDS   1.13 (mS)

(d) Since VDS  2(V )  VDsat  VGS  VTh  2.05 (V), thus the FET is operated in

linear region.

W  1 2 
ID   n Cox VGS  VTh VDS  VDS 
L  2

I D W
gd    n CoxVDS  1.10 (mS)

13. The output characteristics of a NMOST and a strained NMOST with Leff = 67 nm
and tox = 32 Å are shown below. Estimate the velocity of the carriers and the electric
field near both the source end and the drain end of the channel when the device is
just saturated at VGS – VT = 1.0 V. (Note that this is an experimental problem, and
you should not assume any values such as vsat that is not given. Use m = 1 for

(a) For the normal device,

We found from the output characteristics that Vdsat = 0.4 V and Idsat = 132 μA
(i) Near the drain side
1 1 m 1 1 1
From     
Vdsat 0.4 Vgs  Vth E sat L 1 Esat  0.067
We have E sat   9.95V / m
1.5  0.067

i.e. Esat  9.95 10 V / cm


3.45  10 13
I dsat  132  10 6  WC ox V gs  Vth  Vdsat v sat  0.28  10 4   0.6  v sat
3.2  10 7

We have vsat  7.29 10 cm / s


(ii) Near the source side

I dsat  132 10 6  WCox Vgs  Vth  mVc 0 v source
 0.28 10 4  33.45
.210  7
1  v source

We have vsource  4.37 10 cm / s


The source electric field can then be found from the following relation.
2vsat 2  7.29 10 6
 eff    147cm 2 / V  s
E sat 9.95 10 4
 eff E source 147 E source
vsource  4.37 10 6 cm / s  
E source E source
1 1
E sat 9.95 10 4

We have Esource  4.24 10 V / cm


(b) For the strained silicon devices,

We found from the output characteristics that Vdsat = 0.42 V and Idsat = 190 μA
(i) Near the drain side
1 1 m 1 1 1
From     
Vdsat 0.42 Vgs  Vth E sat L 1 Esat  0.067
We have E sat   10.81V / m
1.38  0.067

Esat  1.08 105 V / cm

3.45  10 13
I dsat  190  10 6
 WC ox Vgs  Vth  Vdsat v sat 4
 0.28  10   0.58  v sat
3.2  10 7

We have vsat  1.08 10 cm / s


(ii) Near the source side

I dsat  190 10 6  WCox Vgs  Vth  mVc 0 v source
 0.28 10 4  33.45
.210  7
1  v source

We have vsource  6.29 10 cm / s


The source electric field can then be found from the following relation.
2vsat 2  1.08  107
eff    200cm 2 / V  s
Esat 1.08  105
eff Esource 200 Esource
vsource  6.29  106 cm / s  
Esource Esource
1 1
Esat 1.08  105

We have Esource  4.43  104 V / cm

14. An NMOSFET has thinner Tox at the center of the channel and thicker Tox near the
source and drain. This could be approximately expressed as Tox = Ay2 + B. Assume
that Vth is independent of y. Assume m = 1.

(a) Derive an expression for ID.

(b) Derive an expression for VDsat.
(c) Does the assumption of nearly constant VTh suggest a large or small Wd?

(a) I D  WQn v n  WCox VGS  VTh  Vc  n
 ox
I D  W 2
VGS  VTh  Vc n dVc
Ay  B dy


 I D Ay 

 W ox VGS  VTh  Vc n dVc
 B dy 
L 0

 V
A  2  1  DS
 I D  y 3  By   W n ox VGS  VTh Vc  Vc2 
3  L  2 0

 A   1 2 
 I D L L2  B   W n ox VGS  VTh VDS  VDS 
 12   2
W  ox  1 2 
 ID  n
A 2  VGS  VTh V DS  VDS 
L L B 2 

W  1 2 
 ID   n Cox VGS  VTh VDS  VDS 
L  2

 ox  ox
where Cox  
toxeff A 2
L B

dI D
(b) Let V DS V Dsat  0  VGS  VTh   VDsat  0  VDsat  VGS  VTh .

2 si qN A 2B
(c) VTh  VFB  ox  si  V fb  2B 

C Si  t 
 VTh  V fb  2B  2 2B  V fb  1  6 ox 2B
Cox  Wd 

For a constant threshold assumption, we have to minimize the effect of the variation of
oxide thickness. From the above expression, this suggest a large Wd .

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