Q.no 1. The Critical Nuclei Radius Is

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 2. Above the following line, liquid phase exist for all compositions in a phase diagram.

A : Tie line

B : Solvus

C : Solidus

D : Liquidus

Q.no 3. The boundary line between (liquid+solid) and (solid) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus
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C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 4. A specific body of material or a series of alloys with the same compositions is/are
known as

A : Component

B : System

C : Alloy

D : Solute

Q.no 5. In which type of cast iron the carbon is available in combined form

A : White Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Chilled Cast Iron

Q.no 6. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Q.no 7. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding

A : Cr

B : Ni

C : Al


Q.no 8. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

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Q.no 9. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 10. How many types of nucleation process are there and what are they?

A : 2 and (fusion and fission)

B : 2 and (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

C : 2 and (Heterogeneous and fusion)

D : 4 and (fusion, fission, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

Q.no 11. The temperature (in oC) of peritectic reaction in iron-carbon phase diagram is?

A : 1539

B : 1492

C : 1400

D : 1147

Q.no 12. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten

Q.no 13. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 14. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase
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C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 15. A solid + a liquid result in a solid up on equilibrium cooling during


A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 16. The dissolved oxygen from the melt is completely removed by the addition of strong
deoxidizing agents in

A : Killed steels

B : Rimmed Steel

C : Semi-Skilled Steel

D : Tool Steel

Q.no 17. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 18. Below the critical radius the tiny particles are and are called

A : unstable, grains

B : stable, grains

C : unstable, embryo

D : stable, embryo

Q.no 19. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539
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Q.no 20. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 21. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 22. Martensite obtained with carbon less than 0.6% is

A : Lath

B : Plate

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 23. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

A : Chilled Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 24. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Q.no 25. Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the

A : Transmission Electron Microscope

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B : Scanning Electron Microscope

C : Compound Microscope

D : Simple Microscope

Q.no 26. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 27. The boundary line between (alpha) and (alpha+beta) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 28. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

A : Continuously

B : Interrupted

C : Isothermally

D : None

Q.no 29. In SAE designation of steel , last two digits indicate the …..................

A : The average percent of carbon in the steel

B : The average percentage of Ni in the steel

C : The average percentage of Fe in steel

D : The average percentage of Cr in steel.

Q.no 30. What is the melting point of pure iron?

A : 1500°C

B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C
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D : 1605°C

Q.no 31. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions

C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 32. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

B : 0.3 to 0.6

C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

Q.no 33. The free cementite and graphite flakes both are observed in the microstructure of

A : White Cast Iron

B : Molted Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 34. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 35. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening

C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

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Q.no 36. If the cooling rate is fater than CCR the transformed product is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 37. The cast iron containing graphite in the form of flakes of graphite is …..

A : White Cast Iron

B : Chilled Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 38. According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than

A : 05

B : 0.15

C : 0.35

D : 0.55

Q.no 39. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 40. Homogenous nucleation is:

A : The first step of any crystal growth.

B : Always leads to crystal growth.

C : A process that can lead to crystal growth.

D : A process that leads to crystal growth if paired with

Q.no 41. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

A : Ferrous
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B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic

D : Wood

Q.no 42. Match the phases of steel in Group I with the crystal structures in Group II GROUP
I GROUP II P. Martensite 1. bcc Q. Cementite 2. fcc R. Austenite 3. bct S. Ferrite 4.

A : P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

B : P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

C : P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

D : P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.no 43. Following are the characteristics of martensitic transformation

A : It is diffusionless transformation

B : It has BCT structure

C : The cooling should be faster than CCR

D : All

Q.no 44. The hardness of white cast iron is in the range of

A : 150 to 300 BHN

B: 350 to 500 BHN

C : 500 to 700 BHN

D : 800 to 900 BHN

Q.no 45. What is the crystal structure of austenite upon heating?

A : Body-centered cubic

B : Face-centered cubic

C : Hexagonal closely packed

D : Body-centered tetrahedral

Q.no 46. Nitric Acid and Alcohol is used for etching of ............. Material?

A : Plastic

B : Composite

C : Non-Ferrous Metals
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D : Ferrous Metals

Q.no 47. In the homogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate is maximum

A : At freezing point

B : Above boiling point

C : Below melting point

D : At room temperature

Q.no 48. ...... is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?





Q.no 49. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for ….?

A : Thick

B : Porous

C : Thin

D : Heavy

Q.no 50. Reaction in which one solid gives two solid

A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 51. What is the highest magnification on an optical microscope?

A : 300 X

B : 1000X

C : 1500 X

D : 2000 X

Q.no 52. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

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B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q.no 53. Pearlite transformation starts by the nucleation of ………...

A : Cementite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 54. Which one of the following is not the purpose of full annealing

A : refines grains

B : induces softness

C : removes strains and stresses

D : produces hard material

Q.no 55. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

B : Sub zero treatment

C : Plastic deformation

D : All

Q.no 56. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

D : Purity of materials

Q.no 57. Transformation of austenite to bainite starts from the nucleation of at

austenite grain boundary.

A : Ferrite

B : Ledeburite

C : Martensite

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D : Cementite

Q.no 58. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 59. Flow line are observed in which of following manufacturing process?

A : Casting

B : Welding

C : Forging

D : Forming

Q.no 60. Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

A : electron beams

B : magnetic fields

C : light waves

D : electron beams and magnetic fields

D : Decrease, Decrease

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Answer for Question No 1. is d

Answer for Question No 2. is c

Answer for Question No 3. is b

Answer for Question No 4. is b

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is a

Answer for Question No 7. is a

Answer for Question No 8. is c

Answer for Question No 9. is a

Answer for Question No 10. is b

Answer for Question No 11. is b

Answer for Question No 12. is a

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is b

Answer for Question No 15. is a

Answer for Question No 16. is a

Answer for Question No 17. is b

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Answer for Question No 18. is c

Answer for Question No 19. is d

Answer for Question No 20. is c

Answer for Question No 21. is a

Answer for Question No 22. is a

Answer for Question No 23. is d

Answer for Question No 24. is b

Answer for Question No 25. is b

Answer for Question No 26. is b

Answer for Question No 27. is a

Answer for Question No 28. is a

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is b

Answer for Question No 31. is a

Answer for Question No 32. is a

Answer for Question No 33. is b

Answer for Question No 34. is d

Answer for Question No 35. is c

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Answer for Question No 36. is d

Answer for Question No 37. is d

Answer for Question No 38. is b

Answer for Question No 39. is a

Answer for Question No 40. is c

Answer for Question No 41. is a

Answer for Question No 42. is c

Answer for Question No 43. is d

Answer for Question No 44. is b

Answer for Question No 45. is b

Answer for Question No 46. is d

Answer for Question No 47. is c

Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is c

Answer for Question No 50. is c

Answer for Question No 51. is c

Answer for Question No 52. is b

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Answer for Question No 53. is a

Answer for Question No 54. is d

Answer for Question No 55. is d

Answer for Question No 56. is d

Answer for Question No 57. is a

Answer for Question No 58. is d

Answer for Question No 59. is c

Answer for Question No 60. is d

Q.no 1. The ability of a material to exist in more than one crystal structure is known as

A : Polymorphism

B : Allotropy

C : Polyhedral phase

D : Lattice

Q. no 2. Arrange the following in terms of increasing severity of quench P.Oil quenching

Q.Water quenching
R. Water quenching with agitation
S. Brine quenching

A : P<Q<R<S

B : Q<R<P<S

C : P<Q<S<R

D : Q<P<R<S

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Q.no 3. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 4. Chilled cast iron shows ------ structure at the surface and ------ structure at the centre.

A : Gray, White

B : White , Nodular

C : White , Black

D : White , Gray

Q.no 5. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043

D : 067

Q.no 6. One of the following is the transformation product of Austenite

A : Austenite to ferrite

B : Austenite to ledeburite

C : Austenite to martensite

D : None

Q.no 7. The super saturated solution of carbon in iron BCT structure is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 8. Gibbs phase rule for general system:

A : P+F=C-1

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B : P+F=C+1

C : P+F=C-2

D : P+F=C+2

Q.no 9. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber

Q.no 10. The original grain size characteristics, however, can usually be restored by ……

A : Etching

B : stress relieving

C : Welding

D : Cold working

Q.no 11. Eutectic product in Fe-C system is called as….................... ?

A : Pearlite

B : Bainite

C : Ledeburite

D : Martensite

Q.no 12. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 13. On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

A : shape of the irradiated object

B : chemical composition of the irradiated object

C : number of electrons ejected

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D : size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the
number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

Q.no 14. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

Q.no 15. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q.no 16. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 17. at room temperature, hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact strength all …… with …….grain size.

A : Decrease, Increase

B : Increase, decrease

C : Increase, Increase

D : Decrease, Decrease

Q.no 18. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

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Q.no 19. A 0.2 wt.% plain carbon steel sheet is heated and equilibrated in the inter-critical
region followed by instant water quenching. The microstructure of the quenched steel sheet
consists of

A : fully martensite

B : proeutectoid ferrite + martensite

C : martensite + pearlite

D : martensite + austenite

Q.no 20. Reaction in which one solid gives two solid

A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 21. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

D : Purity of materials

Q.no 22. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 23. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

A : Ferrous

B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic

D : Wood

Q.no 24. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

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A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 25. Transformation of austenite to bainite starts from the nucleation of at

austenite grain boundary.

A : Ferrite

B : Ledeburite

C : Martensite

D : Cementite

Q.no 26. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 27. A specific body of material or a series of alloys with the same compositions is/are
known as

A : Component

B : System

C : Alloy

D : Solute

Q.no 28. The boundary line between (liquid+solid) and (solid) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 29. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

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B : Sub zero treatment

C : Plastic deformation

D : All

Q.no 30. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q.no 31. Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

A : electron beams

B : magnetic fields

C : light waves

D : electron beams and magnetic fields

Q.no 32. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for ….?

A : Thick

B : Porous

C : Thin

D : Heavy

Q.no 33. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 34. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten
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Q.no 35. Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the

A : Transmission Electron Microscope

B : Scanning Electron Microscope

C : Compound Microscope

D : Simple Microscope

Q.no 36. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 37. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 38. Following are the characteristics of martensitic transformation

A : It is diffusionless transformation

B : It has BCT structure

C : The cooling should be faster than CCR

D : All

Q.no 39. In the homogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate is maximum

A : At freezing point

B : Above boiling point

C : Below melting point

D : At room temperature

Q.no 40. In which type of cast iron the carbon is available in combined form

A : White Cast Iron

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B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Chilled Cast Iron

Q.no 41. Match the phases of steel in Group I with the crystal structures in Group II GROUP
I GROUP II P. Martensite 1. bcc Q. Cementite 2. fcc R. Austenite 3. bct S. Ferrite 4.

A : P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

B : P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

C : P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

D : P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.no 42. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 43. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase

C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 44. ...... is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?





Q.no 45. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases
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D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Q.no 46. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Q.no 47. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

B : 0.3 to 0.6

C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

Q.no 48. If the cooling rate is fater than CCR the transformed product is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 49. Homogenous nucleation is:

A : The first step of any crystal growth.

B : Always leads to crystal growth.

C : A process that can lead to crystal growth.

D : A process that leads to crystal growth if paired with

Q.no 50. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 51. The hardness of white cast iron is in the range of

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A : 150 to 300 BHN

B: 350 to 500 BHN

C : 500 to 700 BHN

D : 800 to 900 BHN

Q.no 52. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding

A : Cr

B : Ni

C : Al


Q.no 53. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 54. How many types of nucleation process are there and what are they?

A : 2 and (fusion and fission)

B : 2 and (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

C : 2 and (Heterogeneous and fusion)

D : 4 and (fusion, fission, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

Q.no 55. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

A : Continuously

B : Interrupted

C : Isothermally

D : None

Q.no 56. Below the critical radius the tiny particles are and are called

A : unstable, grains

B : stable, grains

C : unstable, embryo
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D : stable, embryo

Q.no 57. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions

C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 58. What is the melting point of pure iron?

A : 1500°C

B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C

D : 1605°C

Q.no 59. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening

C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

Q.no 60. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Answer for Question No 1. is a

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is a

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Answer for Question No 4. is d

Answer for Question No 5. is b

Answer for Question No 6. is c

Answer for Question No 7. is d

Answer for Question No 8. is d

Answer for Question No 9. is d

Answer for Question No 10. is b

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Answer for Question No 11. is c

Answer for Question No 12. is b

Answer for Question No 13. is d

Answer for Question No 14. is b

Answer for Question No 15. is d

Answer for Question No 16. is b

Answer for Question No 17. is b

Answer for Question No 18. is a

Answer for Question No 19. is b

Answer for Question No 20. is c

Answer for Question No 21. is d

Answer for Question No 22. is b

Answer for Question No 23. is a

Answer for Question No 24. is d

Answer for Question No 25. is a

Answer for Question No 26. is b

Answer for Question No 27. is b

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Answer for Question No 28. is b

Answer for Question No 29. is d

Answer for Question No 30. is b

Answer for Question No 31. is d

Answer for Question No 32. is c

Answer for Question No 33. is d

Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is b

Answer for Question No 36. is c

Answer for Question No 37. is a

Answer for Question No 38. is d

Answer for Question No 39. is c

Answer for Question No 40. is a

Answer for Question No 41. is c

Answer for Question No 42. is a

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is c

Answer for Question No 45. is c

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Answer for Question No 46. is a

Answer for Question No 47. is a

Answer for Question No 48. is d

Answer for Question No 49. is c

Answer for Question No 50. is d

Answer for Question No 51. is b

Answer for Question No 52. is a

Answer for Question No 53. is a

Answer for Question No 54. is b

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is c

Answer for Question No 57. is a

Answer for Question No 58. is b

Answer for Question No 59. is c

Answer for Question No 60. is b

Q.no 1. Gibbs phase rule for general system:

A : P+F=C-1

B : P+F=C+1
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C : P+F=C-2

D : P+F=C+2

Q. no 2. Arrange the following in terms of increasing severity of quench P.Oil quenching

Q.Water quenching

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R. Water quenching with agitation

S. Brine quenching

A : P<Q<R<S

B : Q<R<P<S

C : P<Q<S<R

D : Q<P<R<S

Q.no 3. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber

Q.no 4. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 5. Pearlite transformation starts by the nucleation of ………...

A : Cementite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 6. Martensite obtained with carbon less than 0.6% is

A : Lath

B : Plate

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 7. In SAE designation of steel , last two digits indicate the …..................

A : The average percent of carbon in the steel

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B : The average percentage of Ni in the steel

C : The average percentage of Fe in steel

D : The average percentage of Cr in steel.

Q.no 8. Nitric Acid and Alcohol is used for etching of ............. Material?

A : Plastic

B : Composite

C : Non-Ferrous Metals

D : Ferrous Metals

Q.no 9. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

A : Chilled Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 10. On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

A : shape of the irradiated object

B : chemical composition of the irradiated object

C : number of electrons ejected

D : size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the
number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

Q.no 11. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 12. One of the following is the transformation product of Austenite

A : Austenite to ferrite

B : Austenite to ledeburite

C : Austenite to martensite

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D : None

Q.no 13. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 14. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 15. According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than

A : 05

B : 0.15

C : 0.35

D : 0.55

Q.no 16. The boundary line between (alpha) and (alpha+beta) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 17. A solid + a liquid result in a solid up on equilibrium cooling during


A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic
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Q.no 18. Flow line are observed in which of following manufacturing process?

A : Casting

B : Welding

C : Forging

D : Forming

Q.no 19. The ability of a material to exist in more than one crystal structure is known as

A : Polymorphism

B : Allotropy

C : Polyhedral phase

D : Lattice

Q.no 20. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q.no 21. The temperature (in oC) of peritectic reaction in iron-carbon phase diagram is?

A : 1539

B : 1492

C : 1400

D : 1147

Q.no 22. Eutectic product in Fe-C system is called as… ................... ?

A : Pearlite

B : Bainite

C : Ledeburite

D : Martensite

Q.no 23. The free cementite and graphite flakes both are observed in the microstructure of

A : White Cast Iron

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B : Molted Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 24. The super saturated solution of carbon in iron BCT structure is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 25. What is the crystal structure of austenite upon heating?

A : Body-centered cubic

B : Face-centered cubic

C : Hexagonal closely packed

D : Body-centered tetrahedral

Q.no 26. The original grain size characteristics, however, can usually be restored by ……

A : Etching

B : stress relieving

C : Welding

D : Cold working

Q.no 27. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043

D : 067

Q.no 28. Above the following line, liquid phase exist for all compositions in a phase diagram.

A : Tie line

B : Solvus

C : Solidus

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D : Liquidus

Q.no 29. Chilled cast iron shows ------ structure at the surface and ----- structure at the centre.

A : Gray, White

B : White , Nodular

C : White , Black

D : White , Gray

Q.no 30. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

Q.no 31. Which one of the following is not the purpose of full annealing

A : refines grains

B : induces softness

C : removes strains and stresses

D : produces hard material

Q.no 32. The cast iron containing graphite in the form of flakes of graphite is …..

A : White Cast Iron

B : Chilled Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 33. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 34. The dissolved oxygen from the melt is completely removed by the addition of strong
deoxidizing agents in

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A : Killed steels

B : Rimmed Steel

C : Semi-Skilled Steel

D : Tool Steel

Q.no 35. What is the highest magnification on an optical microscope?

A : 300 X

B : 1000X

C : 1500 X

D : 2000 X

Q.no 36. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 37. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 38. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Q.no 39. Below the critical radius the tiny particles are and are called

A : unstable, grains

B : stable, grains

C : unstable, embryo
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D : stable, embryo

Q.no 40. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 41. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 42. If the cooling rate is fater than CCR the transformed product is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 43. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions

C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 44. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 45. Following are the characteristics of martensitic transformation

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A : It is diffusionless transformation

B : It has BCT structure

C : The cooling should be faster than CCR

D : All

Q.no 46. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 47. The hardness of white cast iron is in the range of

A : 150 to 300 BHN

B: 350 to 500 BHN

C : 500 to 700 BHN

D : 800 to 900 BHN

Q.no 48. Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the

A : Transmission Electron Microscope

B : Scanning Electron Microscope

C : Compound Microscope

D : Simple Microscope

Q.no 49. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening

C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

Q.no 50. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

A : Continuously

B : Interrupted
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C : Isothermally

D : None

Q.no 51. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 52. How many types of nucleation process are there and what are they?

A : 2 and (fusion and fission)

B : 2 and (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

C : 2 and (Heterogeneous and fusion)

D : 4 and (fusion, fission, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

Q.no 53. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

D : Purity of materials

Q.no 54. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase

C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 55. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding

A : Cr

B : Ni

C : Al


Q.no 56. Reaction in which one solid gives two solid

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A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 57. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q.no 58. Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

A : electron beams

B : magnetic fields

C : light waves

D : electron beams and magnetic fields

Q.no 59. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 60. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for ….?

A : Thick

B : Porous

C : Thin

D : Heavy

Answer for Question No 1. is d

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Answer for Question No 2. is a

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Answer for Question No 3. is d

Answer for Question No 4. is b

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is a

Answer for Question No 7. is a

Answer for Question No 8. is d

Answer for Question No 9. is d

Answer for Question No 10. is d

Answer for Question No 11. is b

Answer for Question No 12. is c

Answer for Question No 13. is d

Answer for Question No 14. is a

Answer for Question No 15. is b

Answer for Question No 16. is a

Answer for Question No 17. is a

Answer for Question No 18. is c

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is d

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Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is c

Answer for Question No 23. is b

Answer for Question No 24. is d

Answer for Question No 25. is b

Answer for Question No 26. is b

Answer for Question No 27. is b

Answer for Question No 28. is c

Answer for Question No 29. is d

Answer for Question No 30. is b

Answer for Question No 31. is d

Answer for Question No 32. is d

Answer for Question No 33. is a

Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is c

Answer for Question No 36. is a

Answer for Question No 37. is d

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Answer for Question No 38. is c

Answer for Question No 39. is c

Answer for Question No 40. is a

Answer for Question No 41. is b

Answer for Question No 42. is d

Answer for Question No 43. is a

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is d

Answer for Question No 46. is d

Answer for Question No 47. is b

Answer for Question No 48. is b

Answer for Question No 49. is c

Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is c

Answer for Question No 52. is b

Answer for Question No 53. is d

Answer for Question No 54. is b

Answer for Question No 55. is a

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Answer for Question No 56. is c

Answer for Question No 57. is b

Answer for Question No 58. is d

Answer for Question No 59. is b

Answer for Question No 60. is c

Q.no 1. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

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C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 2. A solid + a liquid result in a solid up on equilibrium cooling during


A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 3. Match the phases of steel in Group I with the crystal structures in Group II GROUP I
GROUP II P. Martensite 1. bcc Q. Cementite 2. fcc R. Austenite 3. bct S. Ferrite 4.

A : P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

B : P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

C : P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

D : P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.no 4. One of the following is the transformation product of Austenite

A : Austenite to ferrite

B : Austenite to ledeburite

C : Austenite to martensite

D : None

Q.no 5. On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

A : shape of the irradiated object

B : chemical composition of the irradiated object

C : number of electrons ejected

D : size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the
number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

Q.no 6. The temperature (in oC) of peritectic reaction in iron-carbon phase diagram is?

A : 1539

B : 1492

C : 1400
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D : 1147

Q.no 7. A specific body of material or a series of alloys with the same compositions is/are
known as

A : Component

B : System

C : Alloy

D : Solute

Q.no 8. Eutectic product in Fe-C system is called as… ................... ?

A : Pearlite

B : Bainite

C : Ledeburite

D : Martensite

Q.no 9. .......is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?





Q.no 10. In which type of cast iron the carbon is available in combined form

A : White Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Chilled Cast Iron

Q.no 11. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Q.no 12. What is the melting point of pure iron?

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A : 1500°C

B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C

D : 1605°C

Q.no 13. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

A : Chilled Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 14. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

B : Sub zero treatment

C : Plastic deformation

D : All

Q.no 15. The boundary line between (alpha) and (alpha+beta) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 16. In SAE designation of steel , last two digits indicate the …..................

A : The average percent of carbon in the steel

B : The average percentage of Ni in the steel

C : The average percentage of Fe in steel

D : The average percentage of Cr in steel.

Q.no 17. at room temperature, hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact strength all …… with ........ grain size.

A : Decrease, Increase

B : Increase, decrease
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C : Increase, Increase

D : Decrease, Decrease

Q.no 18. Gibbs phase rule for general system:

A : P+F=C-1

B : P+F=C+1

C : P+F=C-2

D : P+F=C+2

Q. no 19. Arrange the following in terms of increasing severity of quench P.Oil quenching
Q.Water quenching
R. Water quenching with agitation
S. Brine quenching

A : P<Q<R<S

B : Q<R<P<S

C : P<Q<S<R

D : Q<P<R<S

Q.no 20. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 21. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten

Q.no 22. Pearlite transformation starts by the nucleation of ………...

A : Cementite

B : Ferrite

C : Both
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D : None

Q.no 23. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 24. A 0.2 wt.% plain carbon steel sheet is heated and equilibrated in the inter-critical
region followed by instant water quenching. The microstructure of the quenched steel sheet
consists of

A : fully martensite

B : proeutectoid ferrite + martensite

C : martensite + pearlite

D : martensite + austenite

Q.no 25. The boundary line between (liquid+solid) and (solid) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 26. Nitric Acid and Alcohol is used for etching of ............. Material?

A : Plastic

B : Composite

C : Non-Ferrous Metals

D : Ferrous Metals

Q.no 27. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

B : 0.3 to 0.6

C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

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Q.no 28. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Q.no 29. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

A : Ferrous

B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic

D : Wood

Q.no 30. Flow line are observed in which of following manufacturing process?

A : Casting

B : Welding

C : Forging

D : Forming

Q.no 31. The ability of a material to exist in more than one crystal structure is known as

A : Polymorphism

B : Allotropy

C : Polyhedral phase

D : Lattice

Q.no 32. In the homogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate is maximum

A : At freezing point

B : Above boiling point

C : Below melting point

D : At room temperature

Q.no 33. Martensite obtained with carbon less than 0.6% is

A : Lath

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B : Plate

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 34. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 35. Transformation of austenite to bainite starts from the nucleation of at

austenite grain boundary.

A : Ferrite

B : Ledeburite

C : Martensite

D : Cementite

Q.no 36. According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than

A : 05

B : 0.15

C : 0.35

D : 0.55

Q.no 37. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber

Q.no 38. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

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C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 39. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q.no 40. Homogenous nucleation is:

A : The first step of any crystal growth.

B : Always leads to crystal growth.

C : A process that can lead to crystal growth.

D : A process that leads to crystal growth if paired with

Q.no 41. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 42. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 43. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for ….?

A : Thick

B : Porous

C : Thin

D : Heavy

Q.no 44. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

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A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 45. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043

D : 067

Q.no 46. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 47. Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the

A : Transmission Electron Microscope

B : Scanning Electron Microscope

C : Compound Microscope

D : Simple Microscope

Q.no 48. If the cooling rate is fater than CCR the transformed product is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 49. Above the following line, liquid phase exist for all compositions in a phase diagram.

A : Tie line

B : Solvus
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C : Solidus

D : Liquidus

Q.no 50. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

D : Purity of materials

Q.no 51. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase

C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 52. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 53. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

Q.no 54. What is the crystal structure of austenite upon heating?

A : Body-centered cubic

B : Face-centered cubic

C : Hexagonal closely packed

D : Body-centered tetrahedral

Q.no 55. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?
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A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 56. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions

C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 57. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Q.no 58. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding

A : Cr

B : Ni

C : Al


Q.no 59. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 60. The free cementite and graphite flakes both are observed in the microstructure of

A : White Cast Iron

B : Molted Cast Iron

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C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is c

Answer for Question No 4. is c

Answer for Question No 5. is d

Answer for Question No 6. is b

Answer for Question No 7. is b

Answer for Question No 8. is c

Answer for Question No 9. is c

Answer for Question No 10. is a

Answer for Question No 11. is a

Answer for Question No 12. is b

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Answer for Question No 13. is d

Answer for Question No 14. is d

Answer for Question No 15. is a

Answer for Question No 16. is a

Answer for Question No 17. is b

Answer for Question No 18. is d

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is d

Answer for Question No 21. is a

Answer for Question No 22. is a

Answer for Question No 23. is d

Answer for Question No 24. is b

Answer for Question No 25. is b

Answer for Question No 26. is d

Answer for Question No 27. is a

Answer for Question No 28. is b

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is c

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Answer for Question No 31. is a

Answer for Question No 32. is c

Answer for Question No 33. is a

Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is a

Answer for Question No 36. is b

Answer for Question No 37. is d

Answer for Question No 38. is b

Answer for Question No 39. is d

Answer for Question No 40. is c

Answer for Question No 41. is a

Answer for Question No 42. is a

Answer for Question No 43. is c

Answer for Question No 44. is c

Answer for Question No 45. is b

Answer for Question No 46. is d

Answer for Question No 47. is b

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Answer for Question No 48. is d

Answer for Question No 49. is c

Answer for Question No 50. is d

Answer for Question No 51. is b

Answer for Question No 52. is d

Answer for Question No 53. is b

Answer for Question No 54. is b

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is a

Answer for Question No 57. is c

Answer for Question No 58. is a

Answer for Question No 59. is b

Answer for Question No 60. is b

Q.no 1. The temperature (in oC) of peritectic reaction in iron-carbon phase diagram is?

A : 1539

B : 1492

C : 1400

D : 1147

Q.no 2. Below the critical radius the tiny particles are and are called
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A : unstable, grains

B : stable, grains

C : unstable, embryo

D : stable, embryo

Q.no 3. Chilled cast iron shows ------ structure at the surface and ------ structure at the centre.

A : Gray, White

B : White , Nodular

C : White , Black

D : White , Gray

Q.no 4. Gibbs phase rule for general system:

A : P+F=C-1

B : P+F=C+1

C : P+F=C-2

D : P+F=C+2

Q.no 5. A specific body of material or a series of alloys with the same compositions is/are
known as

A : Component

B : System

C : Alloy

D : Solute

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Q.no 6. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 7. The super saturated solution of carbon in iron BCT structure is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 8. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

A : Continuously

B : Interrupted

C : Isothermally

D : None

Q.no 9. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 10. In SAE designation of steel , last two digits indicate the …..................

A : The average percent of carbon in the steel

B : The average percentage of Ni in the steel

C : The average percentage of Fe in steel

D : The average percentage of Cr in steel.

Q.no 11. What is the melting point of pure iron?

A : 1500°C

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B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C

D : 1605°C

Q.no 12. How many types of nucleation process are there and what are they?

A : 2 and (fusion and fission)

B : 2 and (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

C : 2 and (Heterogeneous and fusion)

D : 4 and (fusion, fission, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

Q.no 13. What is the highest magnification on an optical microscope?

A : 300 X

B : 1000X

C : 1500 X

D : 2000 X

Q.no 14. The original grain size characteristics, however, can usually be restored by ……

A : Etching

B : stress relieving

C : Welding

D : Cold working

Q.no 15. On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

A : shape of the irradiated object

B : chemical composition of the irradiated object

C : number of electrons ejected

D : size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the
number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

Q.no 16. Which one of the following is not the purpose of full annealing

A : refines grains

B : induces softness

C : removes strains and stresses

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D : produces hard material

Q.no 17. ...... is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?





Q.no 18. Reaction in which one solid gives two solid

A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 19. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q.no 20. The cast iron containing graphite in the form of flakes of graphite is …..

A : White Cast Iron

B : Chilled Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 21. The boundary line between (alpha) and (alpha+beta) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 22. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

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A : Chilled Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 23. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 24. Match the phases of steel in Group I with the crystal structures in Group II GROUP
I GROUP II P. Martensite 1. bcc Q. Cementite 2. fcc R. Austenite 3. bct S. Ferrite 4.

A : P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

B : P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

C : P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

D : P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.no 25. A solid + a liquid result in a solid up on equilibrium cooling during


A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 26. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Q.no 27. Eutectic product in Fe-C system is called as… ................... ?

A : Pearlite

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B : Bainite

C : Ledeburite

D : Martensite

Q.no 28. The hardness of white cast iron is in the range of

A : 150 to 300 BHN

B: 350 to 500 BHN

C : 500 to 700 BHN

D : 800 to 900 BHN

Q.no 29. at room temperature, hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact strength all …… with …….grain size.

A : Decrease, Increase

B : Increase, decrease

C : Increase, Increase

D : Decrease, Decrease

Q.no 30. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 31. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening

C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

Q.no 32. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

B : Sub zero treatment

C : Plastic deformation
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D : All

Q.no 33. The dissolved oxygen from the melt is completely removed by the addition of strong
deoxidizing agents in

A : Killed steels

B : Rimmed Steel

C : Semi-Skilled Steel

D : Tool Steel

Q.no 34. Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

A : electron beams

B : magnetic fields

C : light waves

D : electron beams and magnetic fields

Q.no 35. One of the following is the transformation product of Austenite

A : Austenite to ferrite

B : Austenite to ledeburite

C : Austenite to martensite

D : None

Q.no 36. In which type of cast iron the carbon is available in combined form

A : White Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Chilled Cast Iron

Q.no 37. Following are the characteristics of martensitic transformation

A : It is diffusionless transformation

B : It has BCT structure

C : The cooling should be faster than CCR

D : All

Q.no 38. Pearlite transformation starts by the nucleation of ………...

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A : Cementite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 39. Homogenous nucleation is:

A : The first step of any crystal growth.

B : Always leads to crystal growth.

C : A process that can lead to crystal growth.

D : A process that leads to crystal growth if paired with

Q.no 40. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043

D : 067

Q.no 41. Martensite obtained with carbon less than 0.6% is

A : Lath

B : Plate

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 42. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 43. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode
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D : scanning generator

Q.no 44. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Q.no 45. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding

A : Cr

B : Ni

C : Al


Q.no 46. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 47. Flow line are observed in which of following manufacturing process?

A : Casting

B : Welding

C : Forging

D : Forming

Q.no 48. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 49. Pearlite is .

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A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 50. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 51. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 52. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 53. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

B : 0.3 to 0.6

C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

Q.no 54. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6
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D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 55. Transformation of austenite to bainite starts from the nucleation of at

austenite grain boundary.

A : Ferrite

B : Ledeburite

C : Martensite

D : Cementite

Q.no 56. In the homogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate is maximum

A : At freezing point

B : Above boiling point

C : Below melting point

D : At room temperature

Q.no 57. Nitric Acid and Alcohol is used for etching of ............. Material?

A : Plastic

B : Composite

C : Non-Ferrous Metals

D : Ferrous Metals

Q.no 58. A 0.2 wt.% plain carbon steel sheet is heated and equilibrated in the inter-critical
region followed by instant water quenching. The microstructure of the quenched steel sheet
consists of

A : fully martensite

B : proeutectoid ferrite + martensite

C : martensite + pearlite

D : martensite + austenite

Q.no 59. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber
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Q.no 60. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten

Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is c

Answer for Question No 3. is d

Answer for Question No 4. is d

Answer for Question No 5. is b

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Answer for Question No 6. is a

Answer for Question No 7. is d

Answer for Question No 8. is a

Answer for Question No 9. is a

Answer for Question No 10. is a

Answer for Question No 11. is b

Answer for Question No 12. is b

Answer for Question No 13. is c

Answer for Question No 14. is b

Answer for Question No 15. is d

Answer for Question No 16. is d

Answer for Question No 17. is c

Answer for Question No 18. is c

Answer for Question No 19. is b

Answer for Question No 20. is d

Answer for Question No 21. is a

Answer for Question No 22. is d

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Answer for Question No 23. is b

Answer for Question No 24. is c

Answer for Question No 25. is a

Answer for Question No 26. is a

Answer for Question No 27. is c

Answer for Question No 28. is b

Answer for Question No 29. is b

Answer for Question No 30. is b

Answer for Question No 31. is c

Answer for Question No 32. is d

Answer for Question No 33. is a

Answer for Question No 34. is d

Answer for Question No 35. is c

Answer for Question No 36. is a

Answer for Question No 37. is d

Answer for Question No 38. is a

Answer for Question No 39. is c

Answer for Question No 40. is b

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Answer for Question No 41. is a

Answer for Question No 42. is d

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is c

Answer for Question No 45. is a

Answer for Question No 46. is d

Answer for Question No 47. is c

Answer for Question No 48. is b

Answer for Question No 49. is a

Answer for Question No 50. is c

Answer for Question No 51. is a

Answer for Question No 52. is d

Answer for Question No 53. is a

Answer for Question No 54. is d

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is c

Answer for Question No 57. is d

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Answer for Question No 58. is b

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is a

Q.no 1. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Q.no 2. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 3. If the cooling rate is fater than CCR the transformed product is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 4. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 5. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

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A : Continuously

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B : Interrupted

C : Isothermally

D : None

Q.no 6. The super saturated solution of carbon in iron BCT structure is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 7. The free cementite and graphite flakes both are observed in the microstructure of

A : White Cast Iron

B : Molted Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 8. The boundary line between (liquid+solid) and (solid) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 9. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

D : Purity of materials

Q.no 10. The boundary line between (alpha) and (alpha+beta) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus
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C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 11. According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than

A : 05

B : 0.15

C : 0.35

D : 0.55

Q.no 12. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase

C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 13. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

A : Ferrous

B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic

D : Wood

Q.no 14. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

Q.no 15. Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the

A : Transmission Electron Microscope

B : Scanning Electron Microscope

C : Compound Microscope

D : Simple Microscope
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Q.no 16. Which one of the following is not the purpose of full annealing

A : refines grains

B : induces softness

C : removes strains and stresses

D : produces hard material

Q.no 17. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q.no 18. A specific body of material or a series of alloys with the same compositions is/are
known as

A : Component

B : System

C : Alloy

D : Solute

Q.no 19. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q.no 20. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 21. ...... is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?


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Q.no 22. How many types of nucleation process are there and what are they?

A : 2 and (fusion and fission)

B : 2 and (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

C : 2 and (Heterogeneous and fusion)

D : 4 and (fusion, fission, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

Q.no 23. Below the critical radius the tiny particles are and are called

A : unstable, grains

B : stable, grains

C : unstable, embryo

D : stable, embryo

Q.no 24. Match the phases of steel in Group I with the crystal structures in Group II GROUP
I GROUP II P. Martensite 1. bcc Q. Cementite 2. fcc R. Austenite 3. bct S. Ferrite 4.

A : P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

B : P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

C : P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

D : P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.no 25. On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

A : shape of the irradiated object

B : chemical composition of the irradiated object

C : number of electrons ejected

D : size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the
number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

Q.no 26. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for ….?

A : Thick

B : Porous

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C : Thin

D : Heavy

Q.no 27. Chilled cast iron shows ------ structure at the surface and ----- structure at the centre.

A : Gray, White

B : White , Nodular

C : White , Black

D : White , Gray

Q.no 28. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 29. In SAE designation of steel , last two digits indicate the …..................

A : The average percent of carbon in the steel

B : The average percentage of Ni in the steel

C : The average percentage of Fe in steel

D : The average percentage of Cr in steel.

Q.no 30. What is the crystal structure of austenite upon heating?

A : Body-centered cubic

B : Face-centered cubic

C : Hexagonal closely packed

D : Body-centered tetrahedral

Q. no 31. Arrange the following in terms of increasing severity of quench P.Oil quenching
Q.Water quenching
R. Water quenching with agitation
S. Brine quenching

A : P<Q<R<S

B : Q<R<P<S

C : P<Q<S<R

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D : Q<P<R<S

Q.no 32. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions

C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 33. Gibbs phase rule for general system:

A : P+F=C-1

B : P+F=C+1

C : P+F=C-2

D : P+F=C+2

Q.no 34. The original grain size characteristics, however, can usually be restored by ……

A : Etching

B : stress relieving

C : Welding

D : Cold working

Q.no 35. Above the following line, liquid phase exist for all compositions in a phase diagram.

A : Tie line

B : Solvus

C : Solidus

D : Liquidus

Q.no 36. Reaction in which one solid gives two solid

A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 37. What is the highest magnification on an optical microscope?

A : 300 X
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B : 1000X

C : 1500 X

D : 2000 X

Q.no 38. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 39. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

A : Chilled Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 40. The cast iron containing graphite in the form of flakes of graphite is …..

A : White Cast Iron

B : Chilled Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 41. The ability of a material to exist in more than one crystal structure is known as

A : Polymorphism

B : Allotropy

C : Polyhedral phase

D : Lattice

Q.no 42. What is the melting point of pure iron?

A : 1500°C

B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C

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D : 1605°C

Q.no 43. The temperature (in oC) of peritectic reaction in iron-carbon phase diagram is?

A : 1539

B : 1492

C : 1400

D : 1147

Q.no 44. Martensite obtained with carbon less than 0.6% is

A : Lath

B : Plate

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 45. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening

C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

Q.no 46. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 47. Following are the characteristics of martensitic transformation

A : It is diffusionless transformation

B : It has BCT structure

C : The cooling should be faster than CCR

D : All

Q.no 48. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

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A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber

Q.no 49. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Q.no 50. Flow line are observed in which of following manufacturing process?

A : Casting

B : Welding

C : Forging

D : Forming

Q.no 51. at room temperature, hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact strength all …… with …….grain size.

A : Decrease, Increase

B : Increase, decrease

C : Increase, Increase

D : Decrease, Decrease

Q.no 52. The hardness of white cast iron is in the range of

A : 150 to 300 BHN

B: 350 to 500 BHN

C : 500 to 700 BHN

D : 800 to 900 BHN

Q.no 53. Nitric Acid and Alcohol is used for etching of ............. Material?

A : Plastic

B : Composite
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C : Non-Ferrous Metals

D : Ferrous Metals

Q.no 54. Pearlite transformation starts by the nucleation of ………...

A : Cementite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 55. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

B : Sub zero treatment

C : Plastic deformation

D : All

Q.no 56. Transformation of austenite to bainite starts from the nucleation of at

austenite grain boundary.

A : Ferrite

B : Ledeburite

C : Martensite

D : Cementite

Q.no 57. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 58. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

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Q.no 59. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 60. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is d

Answer for Question No 4. is a

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is d

Answer for Question No 7. is b

Answer for Question No 8. is b

Answer for Question No 9. is d

Answer for Question No 10. is a

Answer for Question No 11. is b

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Answer for Question No 12. is b

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is b

Answer for Question No 15. is b

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Answer for Question No 16. is d

Answer for Question No 17. is d

Answer for Question No 18. is b

Answer for Question No 19. is b

Answer for Question No 20. is a

Answer for Question No 21. is c

Answer for Question No 22. is b

Answer for Question No 23. is c

Answer for Question No 24. is c

Answer for Question No 25. is d

Answer for Question No 26. is c

Answer for Question No 27. is d

Answer for Question No 28. is a

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is b

Answer for Question No 31. is a

Answer for Question No 32. is a

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Answer for Question No 33. is d

Answer for Question No 34. is b

Answer for Question No 35. is c

Answer for Question No 36. is c

Answer for Question No 37. is c

Answer for Question No 38. is b

Answer for Question No 39. is d

Answer for Question No 40. is d

Answer for Question No 41. is a

Answer for Question No 42. is b

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is c

Answer for Question No 46. is b

Answer for Question No 47. is d

Answer for Question No 48. is d

Answer for Question No 49. is c

Answer for Question No 50. is c

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Answer for Question No 51. is b

Answer for Question No 52. is b

Answer for Question No 53. is d

Answer for Question No 54. is a

Answer for Question No 55. is d

Answer for Question No 56. is a

Answer for Question No 57. is d

Answer for Question No 58. is c

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is a

Q.no 1. In which type of cast iron the carbon is available in combined form

A : White Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Chilled Cast Iron

Q.no 2. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

A : Ferrous

B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic

D : Wood
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Q.no 3. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 4. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

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B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 5. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 6. A 0.2 wt.% plain carbon steel sheet is heated and equilibrated in the inter-critical
region followed by instant water quenching. The microstructure of the quenched steel sheet
consists of

A : fully martensite

B : proeutectoid ferrite + martensite

C : martensite + pearlite

D : martensite + austenite

Q.no 7. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043

D : 067

Q.no 8. In the homogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate is maximum

A : At freezing point

B : Above boiling point

C : Below melting point

D : At room temperature

Q.no 9. Eutectic product in Fe-C system is called as… ................... ?

A : Pearlite

B : Bainite

C : Ledeburite
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D : Martensite

Q.no 10. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Q.no 11. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 12. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 13. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 14. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 15. A solid + a liquid result in a solid up on equilibrium cooling during


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A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 16. One of the following is the transformation product of Austenite

A : Austenite to ferrite

B : Austenite to ledeburite

C : Austenite to martensite

D : None

Q.no 17. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 18. According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than

A : 05

B : 0.15

C : 0.35

D : 0.55

Q.no 19. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase

C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 20. The free cementite and graphite flakes both are observed in the microstructure of

A : White Cast Iron

B : Molted Cast Iron

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C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 21. Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

A : electron beams

B : magnetic fields

C : light waves

D : electron beams and magnetic fields

Q.no 22. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding

A : Cr

B : Ni

C : Al


Q.no 23. The dissolved oxygen from the melt is completely removed by the addition of strong
deoxidizing agents in

A : Killed steels

B : Rimmed Steel

C : Semi-Skilled Steel

D : Tool Steel

Q.no 24. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

Q.no 25. The super saturated solution of carbon in iron BCT structure is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite
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Q.no 26. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten

Q.no 27. The boundary line between (alpha) and (alpha+beta) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 28. Which one of the following is not the purpose of full annealing

A : refines grains

B : induces softness

C : removes strains and stresses

D : produces hard material

Q.no 29. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

D : Purity of materials

Q.no 30. Homogenous nucleation is:

A : The first step of any crystal growth.

B : Always leads to crystal growth.

C : A process that can lead to crystal growth.

D : A process that leads to crystal growth if paired with

Q.no 31. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

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B : 0.3 to 0.6

C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

Q.no 32. Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the

A : Transmission Electron Microscope

B : Scanning Electron Microscope

C : Compound Microscope

D : Simple Microscope

Q.no 33. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

A : Continuously

B : Interrupted

C : Isothermally

D : None

Q.no 34. If the cooling rate is fater than CCR the transformed product is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 35. The boundary line between (liquid+solid) and (solid) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 36. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

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C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 37. Nitric Acid and Alcohol is used for etching of ............. Material?

A : Plastic

B : Composite

C : Non-Ferrous Metals

D : Ferrous Metals

Q.no 38. ...... is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?





Q.no 39. Pearlite transformation starts by the nucleation of ………...

A : Cementite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 40. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 41. In SAE designation of steel , last two digits indicate the …..................

A : The average percent of carbon in the steel

B : The average percentage of Ni in the steel

C : The average percentage of Fe in steel

D : The average percentage of Cr in steel.

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Q.no 42. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 43. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

A : Chilled Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 44. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber

Q.no 45. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q.no 46. at room temperature, hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact strength all …… with ........ grain size.

A : Decrease, Increase

B : Increase, decrease

C : Increase, Increase

D : Decrease, Decrease

Q.no 47. Following are the characteristics of martensitic transformation

A : It is diffusionless transformation
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B : It has BCT structure

C : The cooling should be faster than CCR

D : All

Q.no 48. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Q.no 49. What is the crystal structure of austenite upon heating?

A : Body-centered cubic

B : Face-centered cubic

C : Hexagonal closely packed

D : Body-centered tetrahedral

Q.no 50. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions

C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 51. Martensite obtained with carbon less than 0.6% is

A : Lath

B : Plate

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 52. The original grain size characteristics, however, can usually be restored by ……

A : Etching

B : stress relieving

C : Welding

D : Cold working
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Q.no 53. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q. no 54. Arrange the following in terms of increasing severity of quench P.Oil quenching
Q.Water quenching
R. Water quenching with agitation
S. Brine quenching

A : P<Q<R<S

B : Q<R<P<S

C : P<Q<S<R

D : Q<P<R<S

Q.no 55. What is the highest magnification on an optical microscope?

A : 300 X

B : 1000X

C : 1500 X

D : 2000 X

Q.no 56. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 57. What is the melting point of pure iron?

A : 1500°C

B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C

D : 1605°C

Q.no 58. On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

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A : shape of the irradiated object

B : chemical composition of the irradiated object

C : number of electrons ejected

D : size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the
number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

Q.no 59. Below the critical radius the tiny particles are and are called

A : unstable, grains

B : stable, grains

C : unstable, embryo

D : stable, embryo

Q.no 60. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening

C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

Answer for Question No 1. is a

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is b

Answer for Question No 4. is d

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is b

Answer for Question No 7. is b

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Answer for Question No 8. is c

Answer for Question No 9. is c

Answer for Question No 10. is b

Answer for Question No 11. is a

Answer for Question No 12. is d

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is b

Answer for Question No 15. is a

Answer for Question No 16. is c

Answer for Question No 17. is a

Answer for Question No 18. is b

Answer for Question No 19. is b

Answer for Question No 20. is b

Answer for Question No 21. is d

Answer for Question No 22. is a

Answer for Question No 23. is a

Answer for Question No 24. is b

Answer for Question No 25. is d

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Answer for Question No 26. is a

Answer for Question No 27. is a

Answer for Question No 28. is d

Answer for Question No 29. is d

Answer for Question No 30. is c

Answer for Question No 31. is a

Answer for Question No 32. is b

Answer for Question No 33. is a

Answer for Question No 34. is d

Answer for Question No 35. is b

Answer for Question No 36. is d

Answer for Question No 37. is d

Answer for Question No 38. is c

Answer for Question No 39. is a

Answer for Question No 40. is d

Answer for Question No 41. is a

Answer for Question No 42. is c

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Answer for Question No 43. is d

Answer for Question No 44. is d

Answer for Question No 45. is b

Answer for Question No 46. is b

Answer for Question No 47. is d

Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is b

Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is a

Answer for Question No 52. is b

Answer for Question No 53. is d

Answer for Question No 54. is a

Answer for Question No 55. is c

Answer for Question No 56. is b

Answer for Question No 57. is b

Answer for Question No 58. is d

Answer for Question No 59. is c

Answer for Question No 60. is c

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Q.no 1. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 2. The cast iron containing graphite in the form of flakes of graphite is …..

A : White Cast Iron

B : Chilled Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 3. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

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C : Both

D : None

Q.no 4. The ability of a material to exist in more than one crystal structure is known as

A : Polymorphism

B : Allotropy

C : Polyhedral phase

D : Lattice

Q.no 5. In which type of cast iron the carbon is available in combined form

A : White Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Chilled Cast Iron

Q.no 6. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

B : Sub zero treatment

C : Plastic deformation

D : All

Q.no 7. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 8. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

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Q.no 9. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 10. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 11. According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than

A : 05

B : 0.15

C : 0.35

D : 0.55

Q.no 12. Reaction in which one solid gives two solid

A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 13. Eutectic product in Fe-C system is called as… ................... ?

A : Pearlite

B : Bainite

C : Ledeburite

D : Martensite

Q.no 14. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling
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B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 15. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 16. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Q.no 17. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 18. Above the following line, liquid phase exist for all compositions in a phase diagram.

A : Tie line

B : Solvus

C : Solidus

D : Liquidus

Q.no 19. One of the following is the transformation product of Austenite

A : Austenite to ferrite

B : Austenite to ledeburite

C : Austenite to martensite

D : None
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Q.no 20. A 0.2 wt.% plain carbon steel sheet is heated and equilibrated in the inter-critical
region followed by instant water quenching. The microstructure of the quenched steel sheet
consists of

A : fully martensite

B : proeutectoid ferrite + martensite

C : martensite + pearlite

D : martensite + austenite

Q.no 21. A specific body of material or a series of alloys with the same compositions is/are
known as

A : Component

B : System

C : Alloy

D : Solute

Q.no 22. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043

D : 067

Q.no 23. Chilled cast iron shows ------ structure at the surface and ----- structure at the centre.

A : Gray, White

B : White , Nodular

C : White , Black

D : White , Gray

Q.no 24. How many types of nucleation process are there and what are they?

A : 2 and (fusion and fission)

B : 2 and (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

C : 2 and (Heterogeneous and fusion)

D : 4 and (fusion, fission, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

Q.no 25. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

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A : Ferrous

B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic

D : Wood

Q.no 26. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 27. Flow line are observed in which of following manufacturing process?

A : Casting

B : Welding

C : Forging

D : Forming

Q.no 28. In the homogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate is maximum

A : At freezing point

B : Above boiling point

C : Below melting point

D : At room temperature

Q.no 29. Transformation of austenite to bainite starts from the nucleation of at

austenite grain boundary.

A : Ferrite

B : Ledeburite

C : Martensite

D : Cementite

Q.no 30. A solid + a liquid result in a solid up on equilibrium cooling during


A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic
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C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 31. The temperature (in oC) of peritectic reaction in iron-carbon phase diagram is?

A : 1539

B : 1492

C : 1400

D : 1147

Q.no 32. Match the phases of steel in Group I with the crystal structures in Group II GROUP
I GROUP II P. Martensite 1. bcc Q. Cementite 2. fcc R. Austenite 3. bct S. Ferrite 4.

A : P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

B : P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

C : P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

D : P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.no 33. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Q.no 34. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for ….?

A : Thick

B : Porous

C : Thin

D : Heavy

Q.no 35. Gibbs phase rule for general system:

A : P+F=C-1

B : P+F=C+1

C : P+F=C-2

D : P+F=C+2
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Q.no 36. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 37. The hardness of white cast iron is in the range of

A : 150 to 300 BHN

B: 350 to 500 BHN

C : 500 to 700 BHN

D : 800 to 900 BHN

Q.no 38. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 39. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

Q.no 40. The free cementite and graphite flakes both are observed in the microstructure of

A : White Cast Iron

B : Molted Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 41. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

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B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q. no 42. Arrange the following in terms of increasing severity of quench P.Oil quenching
Q.Water quenching
R. Water quenching with agitation
S. Brine quenching

A : P<Q<R<S

B : Q<R<P<S

C : P<Q<S<R

D : Q<P<R<S

Q.no 43. Which one of the following is not the purpose of full annealing

A : refines grains

B : induces softness

C : removes strains and stresses

D : produces hard material

Q.no 44. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

D : Purity of materials

Q.no 45. Nitric Acid and Alcohol is used for etching of ............. Material?

A : Plastic

B : Composite

C : Non-Ferrous Metals

D : Ferrous Metals

Q.no 46. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions

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C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 47. What is the highest magnification on an optical microscope?

A : 300 X

B : 1000X

C : 1500 X

D : 2000 X

Q.no 48. ...... is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?





Q.no 49. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber

Q.no 50. The dissolved oxygen from the melt is completely removed by the addition of strong
deoxidizing agents in

A : Killed steels

B : Rimmed Steel

C : Semi-Skilled Steel

D : Tool Steel

Q.no 51. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten
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Q.no 52. Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

A : electron beams

B : magnetic fields

C : light waves

D : electron beams and magnetic fields

Q.no 53. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 54. What is the melting point of pure iron?

A : 1500°C

B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C

D : 1605°C

Q.no 55. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding

A : Cr

B : Ni

C : Al


Q.no 56. The boundary line between (alpha) and (alpha+beta) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 57. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

A : Chilled Cast Iron

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B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 58. at room temperature, hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact strength all …… with …….grain size.

A : Decrease, Increase

B : Increase, decrease

C : Increase, Increase

D : Decrease, Decrease

Q.no 59. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q.no 60. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Answer for Question No 1. is d

Answer for Question No 2. is d

Answer for Question No 3. is a

Answer for Question No 4. is a

Answer for Question No 5. is a

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Answer for Question No 6. is d

Answer for Question No 7. is a

Answer for Question No 8. is b

Answer for Question No 9. is b

Answer for Question No 10. is b

Answer for Question No 11. is b

Answer for Question No 12. is c

Answer for Question No 13. is c

Answer for Question No 14. is a

Answer for Question No 15. is a

Answer for Question No 16. is b

Answer for Question No 17. is d

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Answer for Question No 18. is c

Answer for Question No 19. is c

Answer for Question No 20. is b

Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is b

Answer for Question No 23. is d

Answer for Question No 24. is b

Answer for Question No 25. is a

Answer for Question No 26. is a

Answer for Question No 27. is c

Answer for Question No 28. is c

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is a

Answer for Question No 31. is b

Answer for Question No 32. is c

Answer for Question No 33. is a

Answer for Question No 34. is c

Answer for Question No 35. is d

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Answer for Question No 36. is a

Answer for Question No 37. is b

Answer for Question No 38. is b

Answer for Question No 39. is b

Answer for Question No 40. is b

Answer for Question No 41. is b

Answer for Question No 42. is a

Answer for Question No 43. is d

Answer for Question No 44. is d

Answer for Question No 45. is d

Answer for Question No 46. is a

Answer for Question No 47. is c

Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is d

Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is a

Answer for Question No 52. is d

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Answer for Question No 53. is c

Answer for Question No 54. is b

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is a

Answer for Question No 57. is d

Answer for Question No 58. is b

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is c

Q.no 1. According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than

A : 05

B : 0.15

C : 0.35

D : 0.55

Q.no 2. Reaction in which one solid gives two solid

A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

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D : Monotectic

Q.no 3. In which type of cast iron the carbon is available in combined form

A : White Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Chilled Cast Iron

Q.no 4. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 5. On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

A : shape of the irradiated object

B : chemical composition of the irradiated object

C : number of electrons ejected

D : size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the
number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

Q.no 6. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

B : 0.3 to 0.6

C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

Q.no 7. The super saturated solution of carbon in iron BCT structure is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 8. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

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A : Continuously

B : Interrupted

C : Isothermally

D : None

Q.no 9. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 10. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 11. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 12. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

B : Sub zero treatment

C : Plastic deformation

D : All

Q.no 13. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase
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C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 14. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening

C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

Q.no 15. Below the critical radius the tiny particles are and are called

A : unstable, grains

B : stable, grains

C : unstable, embryo

D : stable, embryo

Q.no 16. The cast iron containing graphite in the form of flakes of graphite is …..

A : White Cast Iron

B : Chilled Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 17. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 18. Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the

A : Transmission Electron Microscope

B : Scanning Electron Microscope

C : Compound Microscope

D : Simple Microscope
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Q.no 19. The boundary line between (liquid+solid) and (solid) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 20. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 21. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 22. What is the crystal structure of austenite upon heating?

A : Body-centered cubic

B : Face-centered cubic

C : Hexagonal closely packed

D : Body-centered tetrahedral

Q.no 23. Eutectic product in Fe-C system is called as… ................... ?

A : Pearlite

B : Bainite

C : Ledeburite

D : Martensite

Q.no 24. If the cooling rate is fater than CCR the transformed product is known as

A : Ferrite
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B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 25. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 26. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Q.no 27. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 28. Following are the characteristics of martensitic transformation

A : It is diffusionless transformation

B : It has BCT structure

C : The cooling should be faster than CCR

D : All

Q.no 29. Homogenous nucleation is:

A : The first step of any crystal growth.

B : Always leads to crystal growth.

C : A process that can lead to crystal growth.

D : A process that leads to crystal growth if paired with

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Q.no 30. Martensite obtained with carbon less than 0.6% is

A : Lath

B : Plate

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 31. The original grain size characteristics, however, can usually be restored by ……

A : Etching

B : stress relieving

C : Welding

D : Cold working

Q.no 32. The ability of a material to exist in more than one crystal structure is known as

A : Polymorphism

B : Allotropy

C : Polyhedral phase

D : Lattice

Q.no 33. In SAE designation of steel , last two digits indicate the …..................

A : The average percent of carbon in the steel

B : The average percentage of Ni in the steel

C : The average percentage of Fe in steel

D : The average percentage of Cr in steel.

Q.no 34. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 35. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

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B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 36. Pearlite transformation starts by the nucleation of ………...

A : Cementite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 37. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 38. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 39. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q.no 40. ...... is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?




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Q.no 41. The free cementite and graphite flakes both are observed in the microstructure of

A : White Cast Iron

B : Molted Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 42. A solid + a liquid result in a solid up on equilibrium cooling during


A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 43. What is the melting point of pure iron?

A : 1500°C

B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C

D : 1605°C

Q.no 44. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions

C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 45. A 0.2 wt.% plain carbon steel sheet is heated and equilibrated in the inter-critical
region followed by instant water quenching. The microstructure of the quenched steel sheet
consists of

A : fully martensite

B : proeutectoid ferrite + martensite

C : martensite + pearlite

D : martensite + austenite

Q.no 46. Flow line are observed in which of following manufacturing process?
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A : Casting

B : Welding

C : Forging

D : Forming

Q. no 47. Arrange the following in terms of increasing severity of quench P.Oil quenching
Q.Water quenching
R. Water quenching with agitation
S. Brine quenching

A : P<Q<R<S

B : Q<R<P<S

C : P<Q<S<R

D : Q<P<R<S

Q.no 48. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Q.no 49. Match the phases of steel in Group I with the crystal structures in Group II GROUP
I GROUP II P. Martensite 1. bcc Q. Cementite 2. fcc R. Austenite 3. bct S. Ferrite 4.

A : P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

B : P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

C : P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

D : P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.no 50. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 51. What is the highest magnification on an optical microscope?

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A : 300 X

B : 1000X

C : 1500 X

D : 2000 X

Q.no 52. The hardness of white cast iron is in the range of

A : 150 to 300 BHN

B: 350 to 500 BHN

C : 500 to 700 BHN

D : 800 to 900 BHN

Q.no 53. Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

A : electron beams

B : magnetic fields

C : light waves

D : electron beams and magnetic fields

Q.no 54. Above the following line, liquid phase exist for all compositions in a phase diagram.

A : Tie line

B : Solvus

C : Solidus

D : Liquidus

Q.no 55. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten

Q.no 56. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043
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D : 067

Q.no 57. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Q.no 58. How many types of nucleation process are there and what are they?

A : 2 and (fusion and fission)

B : 2 and (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

C : 2 and (Heterogeneous and fusion)

D : 4 and (fusion, fission, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

Q.no 59. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber

Q.no 60. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding

A : Cr

B : Ni

C : Al


Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is c

Answer for Question No 3. is a

Answer for Question No 4. is a

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Answer for Question No 5. is d

Answer for Question No 6. is a

Answer for Question No 7. is d

Answer for Question No 8. is a

Answer for Question No 9. is a

Answer for Question No 10. is d

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Answer for Question No 11. is b

Answer for Question No 12. is d

Answer for Question No 13. is b

Answer for Question No 14. is c

Answer for Question No 15. is c

Answer for Question No 16. is d

Answer for Question No 17. is d

Answer for Question No 18. is b

Answer for Question No 19. is b

Answer for Question No 20. is d

Answer for Question No 21. is d

Answer for Question No 22. is b

Answer for Question No 23. is c

Answer for Question No 24. is d

Answer for Question No 25. is b

Answer for Question No 26. is b

Answer for Question No 27. is a

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Answer for Question No 28. is d

Answer for Question No 29. is c

Answer for Question No 30. is a

Answer for Question No 31. is b

Answer for Question No 32. is a

Answer for Question No 33. is a

Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is b

Answer for Question No 36. is a

Answer for Question No 37. is a

Answer for Question No 38. is a

Answer for Question No 39. is d

Answer for Question No 40. is c

Answer for Question No 41. is b

Answer for Question No 42. is a

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is b

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Answer for Question No 46. is c

Answer for Question No 47. is a

Answer for Question No 48. is a

Answer for Question No 49. is c

Answer for Question No 50. is b

Answer for Question No 51. is c

Answer for Question No 52. is b

Answer for Question No 53. is d

Answer for Question No 54. is c

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is b

Answer for Question No 57. is c

Answer for Question No 58. is b

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is a

Q.no 1. On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

A : shape of the irradiated object

B : chemical composition of the irradiated object

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C : number of electrons ejected

D : size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the
number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

Q.no 2. Nitric Acid and Alcohol is used for etching of ............. Material?

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A : Plastic

B : Composite

C : Non-Ferrous Metals

D : Ferrous Metals

Q.no 3. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 4. According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than

A : 05

B : 0.15

C : 0.35

D : 0.55

Q.no 5. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for ….?

A : Thick

B : Porous

C : Thin

D : Heavy

Q.no 6. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

A : Ferrous

B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic

D : Wood

Q.no 7. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening
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C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

Q.no 8. One of the following is the transformation product of Austenite

A : Austenite to ferrite

B : Austenite to ledeburite

C : Austenite to martensite

D : None

Q.no 9. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

Q.no 10. The temperature (in oC) of peritectic reaction in iron-carbon phase diagram is?

A : 1539

B : 1492

C : 1400

D : 1147

Q.no 11. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 12. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

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Q.no 13. The super saturated solution of carbon in iron BCT structure is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 14. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 15. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

B : 0.3 to 0.6

C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

Q.no 16. The boundary line between (alpha) and (alpha+beta) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 17. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

A : Continuously

B : Interrupted

C : Isothermally

D : None

Q.no 18. at room temperature, hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact strength all …… with ........ grain size.

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A : Decrease, Increase

B : Increase, decrease

C : Increase, Increase

D : Decrease, Decrease

Q.no 19. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

D : Purity of materials

Q.no 20. Which one of the following is not the purpose of full annealing

A : refines grains

B : induces softness

C : removes strains and stresses

D : produces hard material

Q.no 21. A specific body of material or a series of alloys with the same compositions is/are
known as

A : Component

B : System

C : Alloy

D : Solute

Q.no 22. The dissolved oxygen from the melt is completely removed by the addition of strong
deoxidizing agents in

A : Killed steels

B : Rimmed Steel

C : Semi-Skilled Steel

D : Tool Steel

Q.no 23. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

B : Sub zero treatment

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C : Plastic deformation

D : All

Q.no 24. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

A : Chilled Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 25. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 26. Gibbs phase rule for general system:

A : P+F=C-1

B : P+F=C+1

C : P+F=C-2

D : P+F=C+2

Q.no 27. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 28. In the homogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate is maximum

A : At freezing point

B : Above boiling point

C : Below melting point

D : At room temperature

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Q.no 29. Reaction in which one solid gives two solid

A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 30. Chilled cast iron shows ------ structure at the surface and ----- structure at the centre.

A : Gray, White

B : White , Nodular

C : White , Black

D : White , Gray

Q.no 31. Transformation of austenite to bainite starts from the nucleation of at

austenite grain boundary.

A : Ferrite

B : Ledeburite

C : Martensite

D : Cementite

Q.no 32. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase

C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 33. In which type of cast iron the carbon is available in combined form

A : White Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Chilled Cast Iron

Q.no 34. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?

A : cathode ray tube

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B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 35. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten

Q.no 36. The ability of a material to exist in more than one crystal structure is known as

A : Polymorphism

B : Allotropy

C : Polyhedral phase

D : Lattice

Q.no 37. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 38. Below the critical radius the tiny particles are and are called

A : unstable, grains

B : stable, grains

C : unstable, embryo

D : stable, embryo

Q.no 39. What is the crystal structure of austenite upon heating?

A : Body-centered cubic

B : Face-centered cubic

C : Hexagonal closely packed

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D : Body-centered tetrahedral

Q. no 40. Arrange the following in terms of increasing severity of quench P.Oil quenching
Q.Water quenching
R. Water quenching with agitation
S. Brine quenching

A : P<Q<R<S

B : Q<R<P<S

C : P<Q<S<R

D : Q<P<R<S

Q.no 41. The free cementite and graphite flakes both are observed in the microstructure of

A : White Cast Iron

B : Molted Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 42. A 0.2 wt.% plain carbon steel sheet is heated and equilibrated in the inter-critical
region followed by instant water quenching. The microstructure of the quenched steel sheet
consists of

A : fully martensite

B : proeutectoid ferrite + martensite

C : martensite + pearlite

D : martensite + austenite

Q.no 43. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043

D : 067

Q.no 44. Flow line are observed in which of following manufacturing process?

A : Casting

B : Welding

C : Forging
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D : Forming

Q.no 45. If the cooling rate is fater than CCR the transformed product is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 46. ...... is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?





Q.no 47. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 48. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 49. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q.no 50. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

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A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 51. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Q.no 52. The hardness of white cast iron is in the range of

A : 150 to 300 BHN

B: 350 to 500 BHN

C : 500 to 700 BHN

D : 800 to 900 BHN

Q.no 53. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 54. Following are the characteristics of martensitic transformation

A : It is diffusionless transformation

B : It has BCT structure

C : The cooling should be faster than CCR

D : All

Q.no 55. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode
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D : scanning generator

Q.no 56. The cast iron containing graphite in the form of flakes of graphite is …..

A : White Cast Iron

B : Chilled Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 57. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Q.no 58. What is the melting point of pure iron?

A : 1500°C

B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C

D : 1605°C

Q.no 59. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 60. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Answer for Question No 1. is d

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Answer for Question No 2. is d

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Answer for Question No 3. is a

Answer for Question No 4. is b

Answer for Question No 5. is c

Answer for Question No 6. is a

Answer for Question No 7. is c

Answer for Question No 8. is c

Answer for Question No 9. is b

Answer for Question No 10. is b

Answer for Question No 11. is d

Answer for Question No 12. is b

Answer for Question No 13. is d

Answer for Question No 14. is a

Answer for Question No 15. is a

Answer for Question No 16. is a

Answer for Question No 17. is a

Answer for Question No 18. is b

Answer for Question No 19. is d

Answer for Question No 20. is d

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Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is a

Answer for Question No 23. is d

Answer for Question No 24. is d

Answer for Question No 25. is c

Answer for Question No 26. is d

Answer for Question No 27. is b

Answer for Question No 28. is c

Answer for Question No 29. is c

Answer for Question No 30. is d

Answer for Question No 31. is a

Answer for Question No 32. is b

Answer for Question No 33. is a

Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is a

Answer for Question No 36. is a

Answer for Question No 37. is a

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Answer for Question No 38. is c

Answer for Question No 39. is b

Answer for Question No 40. is a

Answer for Question No 41. is b

Answer for Question No 42. is b

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is c

Answer for Question No 45. is d

Answer for Question No 46. is c

Answer for Question No 47. is d

Answer for Question No 48. is d

Answer for Question No 49. is d

Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is b

Answer for Question No 52. is b

Answer for Question No 53. is b

Answer for Question No 54. is d

Answer for Question No 55. is b

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Answer for Question No 56. is d

Answer for Question No 57. is a

Answer for Question No 58. is b

Answer for Question No 59. is a

Answer for Question No 60. is c

Q.no 1. A solid + a liquid result in a solid up on equilibrium cooling during


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A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 2. Above the following line, liquid phase exist for all compositions in a phase diagram.

A : Tie line

B : Solvus

C : Solidus

D : Liquidus

Q.no 3. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 4. The dissolved oxygen from the melt is completely removed by the addition of strong
deoxidizing agents in

A : Killed steels

B : Rimmed Steel

C : Semi-Skilled Steel

D : Tool Steel

Q.no 5. Pearlite transformation starts by the nucleation of ………...

A : Cementite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 6. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions

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C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 7. What is the highest magnification on an optical microscope?

A : 300 X

B : 1000X

C : 1500 X

D : 2000 X

Q.no 8. A specific body of material or a series of alloys with the same compositions is/are
known as

A : Component

B : System

C : Alloy

D : Solute

Q.no 9. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

B : 0.3 to 0.6

C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

Q.no 10. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 11. The super saturated solution of carbon in iron BCT structure is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite
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Q.no 12. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q.no 13. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for ….?

A : Thick

B : Porous

C : Thin

D : Heavy

Q.no 14. Match the phases of steel in Group I with the crystal structures in Group II GROUP
I GROUP II P. Martensite 1. bcc Q. Cementite 2. fcc R. Austenite 3. bct S. Ferrite 4.

A : P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

B : P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

C : P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

D : P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.no 15. The boundary line between (liquid+solid) and (solid) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 16. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

Q.no 17. Eutectic product in Fe-C system is called as… ................... ?

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A : Pearlite

B : Bainite

C : Ledeburite

D : Martensite

Q.no 18. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 19. How many types of nucleation process are there and what are they?

A : 2 and (fusion and fission)

B : 2 and (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

C : 2 and (Heterogeneous and fusion)

D : 4 and (fusion, fission, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

Q.no 20. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

A : Ferrous

B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic

D : Wood

Q.no 21. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening

C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

Q.no 22. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding

A : Cr

B : Ni
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C : Al


Q.no 23. Nitric Acid and Alcohol is used for etching of ............. Material?

A : Plastic

B : Composite

C : Non-Ferrous Metals

D : Ferrous Metals

Q.no 24. Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

A : electron beams

B : magnetic fields

C : light waves

D : electron beams and magnetic fields

Q.no 25. Homogenous nucleation is:

A : The first step of any crystal growth.

B : Always leads to crystal growth.

C : A process that can lead to crystal growth.

D : A process that leads to crystal growth if paired with

Q.no 26. Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the

A : Transmission Electron Microscope

B : Scanning Electron Microscope

C : Compound Microscope

D : Simple Microscope

Q.no 27. According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than

A : 05

B : 0.15

C : 0.35

D : 0.55
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Q.no 28. at room temperature, hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact strength all …… with …….grain size.

A : Decrease, Increase

B : Increase, decrease

C : Increase, Increase

D : Decrease, Decrease

Q.no 29. In SAE designation of steel , last two digits indicate the …..................

A : The average percent of carbon in the steel

B : The average percentage of Ni in the steel

C : The average percentage of Fe in steel

D : The average percentage of Cr in steel.

Q.no 30. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 31. The temperature (in oC) of peritectic reaction in iron-carbon phase diagram is?

A : 1539

B : 1492

C : 1400

D : 1147

Q.no 32. On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

A : shape of the irradiated object

B : chemical composition of the irradiated object

C : number of electrons ejected

D : size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the
number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

Q.no 33. Martensite obtained with carbon less than 0.6% is

A : Lath
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B : Plate

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 34. One of the following is the transformation product of Austenite

A : Austenite to ferrite

B : Austenite to ledeburite

C : Austenite to martensite

D : None

Q.no 35. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 36. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber

Q.no 37. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

A : Continuously

B : Interrupted

C : Isothermally

D : None

Q.no 38. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

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D : Purity of materials

Q.no 39. Which one of the following is not the purpose of full annealing

A : refines grains

B : induces softness

C : removes strains and stresses

D : produces hard material

Q.no 40. The original grain size characteristics, however, can usually be restored by ……

A : Etching

B : stress relieving

C : Welding

D : Cold working

Q.no 41. The boundary line between (alpha) and (alpha+beta) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 42. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 43. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 44. Following are the characteristics of martensitic transformation

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A : It is diffusionless transformation

B : It has BCT structure

C : The cooling should be faster than CCR

D : All

Q.no 45. The cast iron containing graphite in the form of flakes of graphite is …..

A : White Cast Iron

B : Chilled Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 46. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 47. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

A : Chilled Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 48. In the homogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate is maximum

A : At freezing point

B : Above boiling point

C : Below melting point

D : At room temperature

Q.no 49. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043
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D : 067

Q.no 50. The ability of a material to exist in more than one crystal structure is known as

A : Polymorphism

B : Allotropy

C : Polyhedral phase

D : Lattice

Q.no 51. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 52. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 53. ...... is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?





Q.no 54. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten

Q.no 55. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

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A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Q.no 56. Transformation of austenite to bainite starts from the nucleation of at

austenite grain boundary.

A : Ferrite

B : Ledeburite

C : Martensite

D : Cementite

Q.no 57. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 58. The hardness of white cast iron is in the range of

A : 150 to 300 BHN

B: 350 to 500 BHN

C : 500 to 700 BHN

D : 800 to 900 BHN

Q.no 59. Chilled cast iron shows ------ structure at the surface and ----- structure at the centre.

A : Gray, White

B : White , Nodular

C : White , Black

D : White , Gray

Q.no 60. Below the critical radius the tiny particles are and are called

A : unstable, grains

B : stable, grains

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C : unstable, embryo

D : stable, embryo

Answer for Question No 1. is a

Answer for Question No 2. is c

Answer for Question No 3. is a

Answer for Question No 4. is a

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is a

Answer for Question No 7. is c

Answer for Question No 8. is b

Answer for Question No 9. is a

Answer for Question No 10. is d

Answer for Question No 11. is d

Answer for Question No 12. is b

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Answer for Question No 13. is c

Answer for Question No 14. is c

Answer for Question No 15. is b

Answer for Question No 16. is b

Answer for Question No 17. is c

Answer for Question No 18. is d

Answer for Question No 19. is b

Answer for Question No 20. is a

Answer for Question No 21. is c

Answer for Question No 22. is a

Answer for Question No 23. is d

Answer for Question No 24. is d

Answer for Question No 25. is c

Answer for Question No 26. is b

Answer for Question No 27. is b

Answer for Question No 28. is b

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is a

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Answer for Question No 31. is b

Answer for Question No 32. is d

Answer for Question No 33. is a

Answer for Question No 34. is c

Answer for Question No 35. is b

Answer for Question No 36. is d

Answer for Question No 37. is a

Answer for Question No 38. is d

Answer for Question No 39. is d

Answer for Question No 40. is b

Answer for Question No 41. is a

Answer for Question No 42. is b

Answer for Question No 43. is d

Answer for Question No 44. is d

Answer for Question No 45. is d

Answer for Question No 46. is c

Answer for Question No 47. is d

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Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is b

Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is a

Answer for Question No 52. is a

Answer for Question No 53. is c

Answer for Question No 54. is a

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is a

Answer for Question No 57. is d

Answer for Question No 58. is b

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is c

Q.no 1. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q. no 2. Arrange the following in terms of increasing severity of quench P.Oil quenching

Q.Water quenching
R. Water quenching with agitation
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S. Brine quenching

A : P<Q<R<S

B : Q<R<P<S

C : P<Q<S<R

D : Q<P<R<S

Q.no 3. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q.no 4. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 5. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

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D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 6. Reaction in which one solid gives two solid

A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 7. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase

C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 8. Match the phases of steel in Group I with the crystal structures in Group II GROUP I
GROUP II P. Martensite 1. bcc Q. Cementite 2. fcc R. Austenite 3. bct S. Ferrite 4.

A : P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

B : P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

C : P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

D : P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.no 9. The super saturated solution of carbon in iron BCT structure is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 10. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

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Q.no 11. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Q.no 12. The free cementite and graphite flakes both are observed in the microstructure of

A : White Cast Iron

B : Molted Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 13. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

B : Sub zero treatment

C : Plastic deformation

D : All

Q.no 14. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q.no 15. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 16. What is the crystal structure of austenite upon heating?

A : Body-centered cubic
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B : Face-centered cubic

C : Hexagonal closely packed

D : Body-centered tetrahedral

Q.no 17. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for ….?

A : Thick

B : Porous

C : Thin

D : Heavy

Q.no 18. A solid + a liquid result in a solid up on equilibrium cooling during


A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 19. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions

C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 20. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 21. Flow line are observed in which of following manufacturing process?

A : Casting

B : Welding

C : Forging

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D : Forming

Q.no 22. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

B : 0.3 to 0.6

C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

Q.no 23. Pearlite transformation starts by the nucleation of ………...

A : Cementite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 24. The dissolved oxygen from the melt is completely removed by the addition of strong
deoxidizing agents in

A : Killed steels

B : Rimmed Steel

C : Semi-Skilled Steel

D : Tool Steel

Q.no 25. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 26. A 0.2 wt.% plain carbon steel sheet is heated and equilibrated in the inter-critical
region followed by instant water quenching. The microstructure of the quenched steel sheet
consists of

A : fully martensite

B : proeutectoid ferrite + martensite

C : martensite + pearlite

D : martensite + austenite

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Q.no 27. What is the melting point of pure iron?

A : 1500°C

B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C

D : 1605°C

Q.no 28. Above the following line, liquid phase exist for all compositions in a phase diagram.

A : Tie line

B : Solvus

C : Solidus

D : Liquidus

Q.no 29. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Q.no 30. The boundary line between (liquid+solid) and (solid) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 31. What is the highest magnification on an optical microscope?

A : 300 X

B : 1000X

C : 1500 X

D : 2000 X

Q.no 32. Gibbs phase rule for general system:

A : P+F=C-1

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B : P+F=C+1

C : P+F=C-2

D : P+F=C+2

Q.no 33. In which type of cast iron the carbon is available in combined form

A : White Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Chilled Cast Iron

Q.no 34. If the cooling rate is fater than CCR the transformed product is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 35. A specific body of material or a series of alloys with the same compositions is/are
known as

A : Component

B : System

C : Alloy

D : Solute

Q.no 36. Eutectic product in Fe-C system is called as… ................... ?

A : Pearlite

B : Bainite

C : Ledeburite

D : Martensite

Q.no 37. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

A : Ferrous

B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic
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D : Wood

Q.no 38. One of the following is the transformation product of Austenite

A : Austenite to ferrite

B : Austenite to ledeburite

C : Austenite to martensite

D : None

Q.no 39. The ability of a material to exist in more than one crystal structure is known as

A : Polymorphism

B : Allotropy

C : Polyhedral phase

D : Lattice

Q.no 40. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 41. How many types of nucleation process are there and what are they?

A : 2 and (fusion and fission)

B : 2 and (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

C : 2 and (Heterogeneous and fusion)

D : 4 and (fusion, fission, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

Q.no 42. In SAE designation of steel , last two digits indicate the …..................

A : The average percent of carbon in the steel

B : The average percentage of Ni in the steel

C : The average percentage of Fe in steel

D : The average percentage of Cr in steel.

Q.no 43. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

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A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 44. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 45. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 46. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 47. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Q.no 48. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode
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D : scanning generator

Q.no 49. The original grain size characteristics, however, can usually be restored by ……

A : Etching

B : stress relieving

C : Welding

D : Cold working

Q.no 50. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber

Q.no 51. The cast iron containing graphite in the form of flakes of graphite is …..

A : White Cast Iron

B : Chilled Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 52. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten

Q.no 53. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

D : Purity of materials

Q.no 54. at room temperature, hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact strength all …… with …….grain size.
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A : Decrease, Increase

B : Increase, decrease

C : Increase, Increase

D : Decrease, Decrease

Q.no 55. Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the

A : Transmission Electron Microscope

B : Scanning Electron Microscope

C : Compound Microscope

D : Simple Microscope

Q.no 56. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

A : Continuously

B : Interrupted

C : Isothermally

D : None

Q.no 57. Martensite obtained with carbon less than 0.6% is

A : Lath

B : Plate

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 58. According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than

A : 05

B : 0.15

C : 0.35

D : 0.55

Q.no 59. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021
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C : 043

D : 067

Q.no 60. Which one of the following is not the purpose of full annealing

A : refines grains

B : induces softness

C : removes strains and stresses

D : produces hard material

Answer for Question No 1. is a

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is b

Answer for Question No 4. is d

Answer for Question No 5. is b

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Answer for Question No 6. is c

Answer for Question No 7. is b

Answer for Question No 8. is c

Answer for Question No 9. is d

Answer for Question No 10. is b

Answer for Question No 11. is b

Answer for Question No 12. is b

Answer for Question No 13. is d

Answer for Question No 14. is d

Answer for Question No 15. is b

Answer for Question No 16. is b

Answer for Question No 17. is c

Answer for Question No 18. is a

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is a

Answer for Question No 21. is c

Answer for Question No 22. is a

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Answer for Question No 23. is a

Answer for Question No 24. is a

Answer for Question No 25. is a

Answer for Question No 26. is b

Answer for Question No 27. is b

Answer for Question No 28. is c

Answer for Question No 29. is c

Answer for Question No 30. is b

Answer for Question No 31. is c

Answer for Question No 32. is d

Answer for Question No 33. is a

Answer for Question No 34. is d

Answer for Question No 35. is b

Answer for Question No 36. is c

Answer for Question No 37. is a

Answer for Question No 38. is c

Answer for Question No 39. is a

Answer for Question No 40. is d

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Answer for Question No 41. is b

Answer for Question No 42. is a

Answer for Question No 43. is c

Answer for Question No 44. is d

Answer for Question No 45. is a

Answer for Question No 46. is a

Answer for Question No 47. is a

Answer for Question No 48. is b

Answer for Question No 49. is b

Answer for Question No 50. is d

Answer for Question No 51. is d

Answer for Question No 52. is a

Answer for Question No 53. is d

Answer for Question No 54. is b

Answer for Question No 55. is b

Answer for Question No 56. is a

Answer for Question No 57. is a

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Answer for Question No 58. is b

Answer for Question No 59. is b

Answer for Question No 60. is d

Q.no 1. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 2. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 3. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening

C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

Q.no 4. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

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Q.no 5. Below the critical radius the tiny particles are and are called

A : unstable, grains

B : stable, grains

C : unstable, embryo

D : stable, embryo

Q.no 6. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 7. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 8. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

A : Chilled Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 9. Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

A : electron beams

B : magnetic fields

C : light waves

D : electron beams and magnetic fields

Q.no 10. Homogenous nucleation is:

A : The first step of any crystal growth.

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B : Always leads to crystal growth.

C : A process that can lead to crystal growth.

D : A process that leads to crystal growth if paired with

Q.no 11. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q.no 12. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 13. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 14. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding

A : Cr

B : Ni

C : Al


Q.no 15. A solid + a liquid result in a solid up on equilibrium cooling during


A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

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D : Monotectic

Q.no 16. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase

C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 17. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

Q.no 18. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Q.no 19. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q.no 20. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

B : Sub zero treatment

C : Plastic deformation

D : All

Q.no 21. Following are the characteristics of martensitic transformation

A : It is diffusionless transformation
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B : It has BCT structure

C : The cooling should be faster than CCR

D : All

Q.no 22. The super saturated solution of carbon in iron BCT structure is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 23. Match the phases of steel in Group I with the crystal structures in Group II GROUP
I GROUP II P. Martensite 1. bcc Q. Cementite 2. fcc R. Austenite 3. bct S. Ferrite 4.

A : P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

B : P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

C : P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

D : P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.no 24. The free cementite and graphite flakes both are observed in the microstructure of

A : White Cast Iron

B : Molted Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 25. ...... is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?





Q.no 26. The hardness of white cast iron is in the range of

A : 150 to 300 BHN

B: 350 to 500 BHN

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C : 500 to 700 BHN

D : 800 to 900 BHN

Q.no 27. The boundary line between (alpha) and (alpha+beta) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 28. The temperature (in oC) of peritectic reaction in iron-carbon phase diagram is?

A : 1539

B : 1492

C : 1400

D : 1147

Q.no 29. In the homogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate is maximum

A : At freezing point

B : Above boiling point

C : Below melting point

D : At room temperature

Q.no 30. Reaction in which one solid gives two solid

A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q. no 31. Arrange the following in terms of increasing severity of quench P.Oil quenching
Q.Water quenching
R. Water quenching with agitation
S. Brine quenching

A : P<Q<R<S

B : Q<R<P<S

C : P<Q<S<R
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D : Q<P<R<S

Q.no 32. Chilled cast iron shows ------ structure at the surface and ----- structure at the centre.

A : Gray, White

B : White , Nodular

C : White , Black

D : White , Gray

Q.no 33. What is the crystal structure of austenite upon heating?

A : Body-centered cubic

B : Face-centered cubic

C : Hexagonal closely packed

D : Body-centered tetrahedral

Q.no 34. On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

A : shape of the irradiated object

B : chemical composition of the irradiated object

C : number of electrons ejected

D : size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the
number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

Q.no 35. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for ….?

A : Thick

B : Porous

C : Thin

D : Heavy

Q.no 36. Nitric Acid and Alcohol is used for etching of ............. Material?

A : Plastic

B : Composite

C : Non-Ferrous Metals

D : Ferrous Metals

Q.no 37. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

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A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 38. Transformation of austenite to bainite starts from the nucleation of at

austenite grain boundary.

A : Ferrite

B : Ledeburite

C : Martensite

D : Cementite

Q.no 39. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions

C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 40. Flow line are observed in which of following manufacturing process?

A : Casting

B : Welding

C : Forging

D : Forming

Q.no 41. Which one of the following is not the purpose of full annealing

A : refines grains

B : induces softness

C : removes strains and stresses

D : produces hard material

Q.no 42. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

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C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 43. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043

D : 067

Q.no 44. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

A : Ferrous

B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic

D : Wood

Q.no 45. Martensite obtained with carbon less than 0.6% is

A : Lath

B : Plate

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 46. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten

Q.no 47. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

A : Continuously

B : Interrupted

C : Isothermally

D : None

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Q.no 48. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 49. A specific body of material or a series of alloys with the same compositions is/are
known as

A : Component

B : System

C : Alloy

D : Solute

Q.no 50. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 51. What is the highest magnification on an optical microscope?

A : 300 X

B : 1000X

C : 1500 X

D : 2000 X

Q.no 52. In which type of cast iron the carbon is available in combined form

A : White Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Chilled Cast Iron

Q.no 53. The boundary line between (liquid+solid) and (solid) regions must be part of

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A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 54. Above the following line, liquid phase exist for all compositions in a phase diagram.

A : Tie line

B : Solvus

C : Solidus

D : Liquidus

Q.no 55. The ability of a material to exist in more than one crystal structure is known as

A : Polymorphism

B : Allotropy

C : Polyhedral phase

D : Lattice

Q.no 56. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

D : Purity of materials

Q.no 57. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 58. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

B : 0.3 to 0.6

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C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

Q.no 59. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 60. How many types of nucleation process are there and what are they?

A : 2 and (fusion and fission)

B : 2 and (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

C : 2 and (Heterogeneous and fusion)

D : 4 and (fusion, fission, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is d

Answer for Question No 3. is c

Answer for Question No 4. is a

Answer for Question No 5. is c

Answer for Question No 6. is b

Answer for Question No 7. is a

Answer for Question No 8. is d

Answer for Question No 9. is d

Answer for Question No 10. is c

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Answer for Question No 11. is b

Answer for Question No 12. is d

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is a

Answer for Question No 15. is a

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Answer for Question No 16. is b

Answer for Question No 17. is b

Answer for Question No 18. is b

Answer for Question No 19. is d

Answer for Question No 20. is d

Answer for Question No 21. is d

Answer for Question No 22. is d

Answer for Question No 23. is c

Answer for Question No 24. is b

Answer for Question No 25. is c

Answer for Question No 26. is b

Answer for Question No 27. is a

Answer for Question No 28. is b

Answer for Question No 29. is c

Answer for Question No 30. is c

Answer for Question No 31. is a

Answer for Question No 32. is d

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Answer for Question No 33. is b

Answer for Question No 34. is d

Answer for Question No 35. is c

Answer for Question No 36. is d

Answer for Question No 37. is b

Answer for Question No 38. is a

Answer for Question No 39. is a

Answer for Question No 40. is c

Answer for Question No 41. is d

Answer for Question No 42. is d

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is a

Answer for Question No 46. is a

Answer for Question No 47. is a

Answer for Question No 48. is d

Answer for Question No 49. is b

Answer for Question No 50. is a

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Answer for Question No 51. is c

Answer for Question No 52. is a

Answer for Question No 53. is b

Answer for Question No 54. is c

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is d

Answer for Question No 57. is a

Answer for Question No 58. is a

Answer for Question No 59. is c

Answer for Question No 60. is b

Q.no 1. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 2. The dissolved oxygen from the melt is completely removed by the addition of strong
deoxidizing agents in

A : Killed steels

B : Rimmed Steel

C : Semi-Skilled Steel

D : Tool Steel

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Q.no 3. Pearlite transformation starts by the nucleation of ………...

A : Cementite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

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Q.no 4. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

A : Chilled Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 5. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 6. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber

Q.no 7. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Q.no 8. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q.no 9. The cast iron containing graphite in the form of flakes of graphite is …..

A : White Cast Iron

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B : Chilled Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 10. If the cooling rate is fater than CCR the transformed product is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 11. Gibbs phase rule for general system:

A : P+F=C-1

B : P+F=C+1

C : P+F=C-2

D : P+F=C+2

Q.no 12. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q.no 13. Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

A : electron beams

B : magnetic fields

C : light waves

D : electron beams and magnetic fields

Q.no 14. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

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D : None

Q.no 15. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

Q.no 16. What is the melting point of pure iron?

A : 1500°C

B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C

D : 1605°C

Q.no 17. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 18. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Q.no 19. In SAE designation of steel , last two digits indicate the …..................

A : The average percent of carbon in the steel

B : The average percentage of Ni in the steel

C : The average percentage of Fe in steel

D : The average percentage of Cr in steel.

Q.no 20. Homogenous nucleation is:

A : The first step of any crystal growth.

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B : Always leads to crystal growth.

C : A process that can lead to crystal growth.

D : A process that leads to crystal growth if paired with

Q.no 21. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 22. A 0.2 wt.% plain carbon steel sheet is heated and equilibrated in the inter-critical
region followed by instant water quenching. The microstructure of the quenched steel sheet
consists of

A : fully martensite

B : proeutectoid ferrite + martensite

C : martensite + pearlite

D : martensite + austenite

Q.no 23. Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the

A : Transmission Electron Microscope

B : Scanning Electron Microscope

C : Compound Microscope

D : Simple Microscope

Q.no 24. One of the following is the transformation product of Austenite

A : Austenite to ferrite

B : Austenite to ledeburite

C : Austenite to martensite

D : None

Q.no 25. The original grain size characteristics, however, can usually be restored by ……

A : Etching

B : stress relieving

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C : Welding

D : Cold working

Q.no 26. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 27. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

B : Sub zero treatment

C : Plastic deformation

D : All

Q.no 28. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

Q.no 29. Below the critical radius the tiny particles are and are called

A : unstable, grains

B : stable, grains

C : unstable, embryo

D : stable, embryo

Q.no 30. at room temperature, hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact strength all …… with …….grain size.

A : Decrease, Increase

B : Increase, decrease

C : Increase, Increase

D : Decrease, Decrease

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Q.no 31. According to Hume Rothery’s rules, size of atoms must not differ by more than

A : 05

B : 0.15

C : 0.35

D : 0.55

Q.no 32. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding

A : Cr

B : Ni

C : Al


Q.no 33. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening

C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

Q.no 34. A solid + a liquid result in a solid up on equilibrium cooling during


A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 35. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 36. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

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A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase

C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 37. Eutectic product in Fe-C system is called as… ................... ?

A : Pearlite

B : Bainite

C : Ledeburite

D : Martensite

Q.no 38. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Q.no 39. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 40. The super saturated solution of carbon in iron BCT structure is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 41. Following is wrong about a phase diagram

A : It gives information on transformation rates

B : Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions
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C : It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt

D : Solid solubility limits are depicted by it.

Q.no 42. ...... is most commonly used for measurement of surface roughness?





Q.no 43. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 44. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

B : 0.3 to 0.6

C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

Q.no 45. Degree of scattering in transmission electron microscope is a function of

A : wavelength of electron beam used

B : number of atoms that lie in the electron path

C : number and mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

D : mass of atoms that lie in the electron path

Q.no 46. Reaction in which one solid gives two solid

A : Peritectic

B : Eutectic

C : Eutectoid

D : Monotectic

Q.no 47. Martensite obtained with carbon less than 0.6% is

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A : Lath

B : Plate

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 48. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 49. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

A : Ferrous

B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic

D : Wood

Q.no 50. Flow line are observed in which of following manufacturing process?

A : Casting

B : Welding

C : Forging

D : Forming

Q.no 51. Which one of the following is not the purpose of full annealing

A : refines grains

B : induces softness

C : removes strains and stresses

D : produces hard material

Q.no 52. Following are the characteristics of martensitic transformation

A : It is diffusionless transformation

B : It has BCT structure

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C : The cooling should be faster than CCR

D : All

Q.no 53. The boundary line between (alpha) and (alpha+beta) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 54. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043

D : 067

Q.no 55. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 56. A specific body of material or a series of alloys with the same compositions is/are
known as

A : Component

B : System

C : Alloy

D : Solute

Q.no 57. The free cementite and graphite flakes both are observed in the microstructure of

A : White Cast Iron

B : Molted Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

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D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 58. The ability of a material to exist in more than one crystal structure is known as

A : Polymorphism

B : Allotropy

C : Polyhedral phase

D : Lattice

Q.no 59. Above the following line, liquid phase exist for all compositions in a phase diagram.

A : Tie line

B : Solvus

C : Solidus

D : Liquidus

Q.no 60. The boundary line between (liquid+solid) and (solid) regions must be part of

A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Answer for Question No 1. is d

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is a

Answer for Question No 4. is d

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is d

Answer for Question No 7. is a

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Answer for Question No 8. is d

Answer for Question No 9. is d

Answer for Question No 10. is d

Answer for Question No 11. is d

Answer for Question No 12. is b

Answer for Question No 13. is d

Answer for Question No 14. is a

Answer for Question No 15. is b

Answer for Question No 16. is b

Answer for Question No 17. is d

Answer for Question No 18. is c

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is c

Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is b

Answer for Question No 23. is b

Answer for Question No 24. is c

Answer for Question No 25. is b

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Answer for Question No 26. is a

Answer for Question No 27. is d

Answer for Question No 28. is b

Answer for Question No 29. is c

Answer for Question No 30. is b

Answer for Question No 31. is b

Answer for Question No 32. is a

Answer for Question No 33. is c

Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is a

Answer for Question No 36. is b

Answer for Question No 37. is c

Answer for Question No 38. is b

Answer for Question No 39. is b

Answer for Question No 40. is d

Answer for Question No 41. is a

Answer for Question No 42. is c

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Answer for Question No 43. is a

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is c

Answer for Question No 46. is c

Answer for Question No 47. is a

Answer for Question No 48. is d

Answer for Question No 49. is a

Answer for Question No 50. is c

Answer for Question No 51. is d

Answer for Question No 52. is d

Answer for Question No 53. is a

Answer for Question No 54. is b

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is b

Answer for Question No 57. is b

Answer for Question No 58. is a

Answer for Question No 59. is c

Answer for Question No 60. is b

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Q.no 1. What is the crystal structure of austenite upon heating?

A : Body-centered cubic

B : Face-centered cubic

C : Hexagonal closely packed

D : Body-centered tetrahedral

Q.no 2. The melting point of iron (in oC) is?

A : 727

B : 1147

C : 1490

D : 1539

Q.no 3. In the homogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate is maximum

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A : At freezing point

B : Above boiling point

C : Below melting point

D : At room temperature

Q.no 4. The austenite phase visible in microscope at room temperature is

A : Lower temperature austenite

B : Tempered austenite

C : weak austenite

D : Retained austenite

Q.no 5. The dissolved oxygen from the melt is completely removed by the addition of strong
deoxidizing agents in

A : Killed steels

B : Rimmed Steel

C : Semi-Skilled Steel

D : Tool Steel

Q.no 6. The hardness of white cast iron is in the range of

A : 150 to 300 BHN

B: 350 to 500 BHN

C : 500 to 700 BHN

D : 800 to 900 BHN

Q.no 7. Phases like bainite, pearlite & Martensite are transformed from …………..

A : Austenite

B : Ferrite

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 8. Pearlite transformation starts by the nucleation of ………...

A : Cementite

B : Ferrite

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C : Both

D : None

Q.no 9. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in TEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q. no 10. Arrange the following in terms of increasing severity of quench P.Oil quenching
Q.Water quenching
R. Water quenching with agitation
S. Brine quenching

A : P<Q<R<S

B : Q<R<P<S

C : P<Q<S<R

D : Q<P<R<S

Q.no 11. Nitric Acid and Alcohol is used for etching of .............. Material?

A : Plastic

B : Composite

C : Non-Ferrous Metals

D : Ferrous Metals

Q.no 12. On what factors do the intensity of secondary electrons depend upon?

A : shape of the irradiated object

B : chemical composition of the irradiated object

C : number of electrons ejected

D : size and chemical composition of the irradiated object, number of electrons ejected and on the
number of electrons reabsorbed by surrounding

Q.no 13. Transformation of austenite to bainite starts from the nucleation of at

austenite grain boundary.

A : Ferrite

B : Ledeburite

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C : Martensite

D : Cementite

Q.no 14. The critical nuclei radius is:

A : Proportional to the free energy

B : Proportional to the scattering vector

C : Inversely proportional to the surface tension

D : Proportional to the surface tension

Q.no 15. Scanning probe microscope magnification is range between?

A : 10-1 to 10-3

B : 10-2 to 10-5

C : 10-3 to 10-6

D : 10-7 to 10-10

Q.no 16. In which type of cast iron the carbon is available in combined form

A : White Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Chilled Cast Iron

Q.no 17. Chilled cast iron shows ------ structure at the surface and ----- structure at the centre.

A : Gray, White

B : White , Nodular

C : White , Black

D : White , Gray

Q.no 18. Which of the following are true for electron microscopy?

A : specimen should be thin and dry

B : image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen

C : electron beam must pass through evacuated chamber

D : specimen should be thin and dry, image is obtained on a phosphorescent screen and electron
beam must pass through evacuated chamber

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Q.no 19. Where do we obtain the magnified image of the specimen in SEM?

A : cathode ray tube

B : phosphorescent screen

C : anode

D : scanning generator

Q.no 20. In CCT diagram, cooling is done ………………

A : Continuously

B : Interrupted

C : Isothermally

D : None

Q.no 21. The temperature (in oC) of peritectic reaction in iron-carbon phase diagram is?

A : 1539

B : 1492

C : 1400

D : 1147

Q.no 22. Which one of the following elements is an austenite stabilizer?

A : Nitrogen

B : Molybdenum

C : Vanadium

D : Tungsten

Q.no 23. Homogenous nucleation is:

A : The first step of any crystal growth.

B : Always leads to crystal growth.

C : A process that can lead to crystal growth.

D : A process that leads to crystal growth if paired with

Q.no 24. What is the highest magnification on an optical microscope?

A : 300 X

B : 1000X
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C : 1500 X

D : 2000 X

Q.no 25. Match the phases of steel in Group I with the crystal structures in Group II GROUP
I GROUP II P. Martensite 1. bcc Q. Cementite 2. fcc R. Austenite 3. bct S. Ferrite 4.

A : P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

B : P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

C : P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

D : P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.no 26. A 0.2 wt.% plain carbon steel sheet is heated and equilibrated in the inter-critical
region followed by instant water quenching. The microstructure of the quenched steel sheet
consists of

A : fully martensite

B : proeutectoid ferrite + martensite

C : martensite + pearlite

D : martensite + austenite

Q.no 27. Gibbs phase rule for general system:

A : P+F=C-1

B : P+F=C+1

C : P+F=C-2

D : P+F=C+2

Q.no 28. Which of the following cannot be obtained using a phase diagram?

A : Melting temperatures of various phases

B : Temperature range for solidification

C : Equilibrium solid solubility

D : Purity of materials

Q.no 29. How many types of nucleation process are there and what are they?

A : 2 and (fusion and fission)

B : 2 and (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

C : 2 and (Heterogeneous and fusion)

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D : 4 and (fusion, fission, Heterogeneous and Homogeneous)

Q.no 30. What kind of solid solution is found in a Cu-Ni crystal?

A : Interstitial solid solution

B : Substitutional solid solution

C : Supersaturated solution

D : Unsaturated solution

Q.no 31. Which type of cast iron is used in road roller surface and extrusion nozzles

A : Chilled Cast Iron

B : Gray Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : White cast iron

Q.no 32. The hardness of quenched Martensite

A : increases with increasing carbon percentage

B : decreases as carbon percentage increases

C : first increases and then remains almost constant as the carbon percentage increases

D : first increases and then decreases as carbon percentage increases.

Q.no 33. The cast iron containing graphite in the form of flakes of graphite is …..

A : White Cast Iron

B : Chilled Cast Iron

C : Nodular Cast Iron

D : Gray Cast Iron

Q.no 34. Which of the following is used in electron microscope?

A : electron beams

B : magnetic fields

C : light waves

D : electron beams and magnetic fields

Q.no 35. AFM stand for …......................

A : Atomic Force Macroscopy

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B : Atomic Force Microscopy

C : Automatic Force Microscopy

D : Atomic Forge Microscopy

Q.no 36. What is the melting point of pure iron?

A : 1500°C

B : 1535°C

C : 1570°C

D : 1605°C

Q.no 37. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for ….?

A : Thick

B : Porous

C : Thin

D : Heavy

Q.no 38. Where does the solidification in a phase diagram start?

A : Liquidus line

B : Solidus line

C : At equilibrium

D : At freezing point

Q.no 39. In SAE designation of steel , last two digits indicate the …..................

A : The average percent of carbon in the steel

B : The average percentage of Ni in the steel

C : The average percentage of Fe in steel

D : The average percentage of Cr in steel.

Q.no 40. Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

A : Unary phase diagram

B : Binary phase diagram

C : Tertiary phase diagram

D : Ternary phase diagram

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Q.no 41. If the cooling rate is fater than CCR the transformed product is known as

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite

D : Martensite

Q.no 42. Pearlite is .

A : Diffusion transformation

B : Diffusionless transformation

C : Both

D : None

Q.no 43. Spark test can be used for sorting ……materials?

A : Ferrous

B : Non-Ferrous

C : Plastic

D : Wood

Q.no 44. Low carbon Steel is with carbon Percentage ….

A : 0 to 0.3

B : 0.3 to 0.6

C : 0.6 to 1.5

D : 0 to 2.1

Q.no 45. Fine grain size, usually, cannot be obtained during the following process?

A : Slow cooling

B : fast cooling

C : increasing nucleation rate

D : retarding grain growth

Q.no 46. Which among the following helps us in getting a three-dimensional picture of the

A : Transmission Electron Microscope

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B : Scanning Electron Microscope

C : Compound Microscope

D : Simple Microscope

Q.no 47. Eutectic product in Fe-C system is called as… ................... ?

A : Pearlite

B : Bainite

C : Ledeburite

D : Martensite

Q.no 48. Which one of the following techniques does NOT require quenching to obtain final
case hardness?

A : Flame hardening

B : Induction hardening

C : Nitriding

D : Carburizing

Q.no 49. Which is the most important thermodynamic parameter in Homogenous nucleation?

A : Free energy

B : Enthalpy

C : Entropy

D : Free energy , Enthalpy, Entropy

Q.no 50. Retained austenite can be eliminated by

A : Tempering

B : Sub zero treatment

C : Plastic deformation

D : All

Q.no 51. If austenite is allowed to transform i.e., cooled slowly at 727°C then the transformed
product is known as .

A : Ferrite

B : Pearlite

C : Bainite
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D : Martensite

Q.no 52. One of the following is the transformation product of Austenite

A : Austenite to ferrite

B : Austenite to ledeburite

C : Austenite to martensite

D : None

Q.no 53. Carban Percentage in Steel is up to….?

A : 01

B : 021

C : 043

D : 067

Q.no 54. The original grain size characteristics, however, can usually be restored by ……

A : Etching

B : stress relieving

C : Welding

D : Cold working

Q.no 55. Metallographic ......... is a chemical technique used to highlight features of metals at
microscopic levels

A : Mounting

B : Grinding

C : Polishing

D : Etching

Q.no 56. Phases that exist on left side of an invariant reaction line are called……?

A : Pro-phase

B : Hypo-Phase

C : Hyper-Phase

D : Eutectoid

Q.no 57. The boundary line between (liquid+solid) and (solid) regions must be part of
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A : Slovus

B : Solidus

C : Liquidus

D : Tie-line

Q.no 58. Pick the odd one in the following:

A : Isomorphous alloy

B : Terminal solid solution

C : Intermediate solid solution

D : Compound

Q.no 59. The secondary electrons radiated back in scanning microscope is collected by?

A : specimen

B : anode

C : vacuum chamber

D : cathode

Q.no 60. at room temperature, hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact strength all …… with …….grain size.

A : Decrease, Increase

B : Increase, decrease

C : Increase, Increase

Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is d

Answer for Question No 3. is c

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Answer for Question No 4. is d

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is b

Answer for Question No 7. is a

Answer for Question No 8. is a

Answer for Question No 9. is b

Answer for Question No 10. is a

Answer for Question No 11. is d

Answer for Question No 12. is d

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is d

Answer for Question No 15. is d

Answer for Question No 16. is a

Answer for Question No 17. is d

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Answer for Question No 18. is d

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is a

Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is a

Answer for Question No 23. is c

Answer for Question No 24. is c

Answer for Question No 25. is c

Answer for Question No 26. is b

Answer for Question No 27. is d

Answer for Question No 28. is d

Answer for Question No 29. is b

Answer for Question No 30. is b

Answer for Question No 31. is d

Answer for Question No 32. is c

Answer for Question No 33. is d

Answer for Question No 34. is d

Answer for Question No 35. is b

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Answer for Question No 36. is b

Answer for Question No 37. is c

Answer for Question No 38. is a

Answer for Question No 39. is a

Answer for Question No 40. is b

Answer for Question No 41. is d

Answer for Question No 42. is a

Answer for Question No 43. is a

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is a

Answer for Question No 46. is b

Answer for Question No 47. is c

Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is a

Answer for Question No 50. is d

Answer for Question No 51. is b

Answer for Question No 52. is c

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Answer for Question No 53. is b

Answer for Question No 54. is b

Answer for Question No 55. is d

Answer for Question No 56. is b

Answer for Question No 57. is b

Answer for Question No 58. is a

Answer for Question No 59. is b

Answer for Question No 60. is b

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