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Gov/Econ- Vinson

Unit Two

The Republican and Democrat Party Candidates

Where They Stand
Use the web and the PDF file “Where They Stand” to answer the following questions:

1. Define the following terms:

tariff: a tax on imports or exports between sovereign states. It is a form of regulation of

foreign trade and policy that taxes foreign products to encourage or safeguard domestic

Obamacare: an informal term for a federal law intended to improve access to health
insurance for US citizens, affordable health insurance

incarceration rates: The number of inmates held in the custody of state or federal prisons
or in local jails, per 100,000 U.S. residents. It is a primary form of punishment and
rehabilitation for the commission of felony and other offenses.

DACA: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a United States immigration policy that
allows some individuals with unlawful presence in the United States after being brought
to the country as children to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from
deportation and become eligible for a work permit in the U.S.

2. The chart includes six categories. Which one is most important to you, and WHY?

I believe the economy is the most important to me. This is the most important because the
economy affects so much of our world including climate change. Another reason why it is
important to me because I am starting to grow up and learn more about the real world, and the
economy is what shapes our lives.

3. Which of the two candidates do you feel has a better stance on health care? Explain:

I believe Biden has a better stance on health care because he is favoring investments in health
care to fund covid-19. Trump is still trying to prevent Covid but he is more worried with the
economy. Therefore Biden has a better stance because he is trying to get the most help to
prevent Covid.

4. What are your feelings about DACA? Should our nation allow immigrants to stay in the US if they
were brought here as children by undocumented parents? Why, why not?

I believe our nation should allow immigrants to stay in the US if they were brought here as
children by undocumented parents because they are children. If the immigrants weren’t
children, it would be a different story but because they are children I believe they are allowed to
stay because they couldn’t really do anything about where they were born.

5. Are there other issues that are important to you that aren’t covered by this chart? Tell me:

No, I believe all the issues are covered in this chart.

6. Which candidate do you support, and what are your primary reasons? Give me AT LEAST THREE

The candidate I support is President Trump. I support him because he is a lot smarter than
Biden and knows more about how to balance the economy. His economical skills and knowledge
on the economy weighs out anything Biden could do for the economy. Another reason would be
the environment. This is shown how Trump is able to work around different parts of the world
by maintaining ties with autocratic leaders. Biden is unable to do that and he wants to work
around other countries to stop North Korea from making nuclear weapons. If Biden did this, it
would cause a war against North Korea because it would tick off Kim Jong Un. Trump having an
alright relationship with these leaders will decrease the chance of a war.

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