Maverick Kat Kuoy - Contemporary American Issues Cai 3

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Gov/Econ- Vinson

Unit Four

Contemporary American Issues

Find a news article about something relevant to current events. It could be about politics, the economy, health
care, the environment, foreign affairs, etc. Be sure to use a well-known, reputable source such as major news
outlets, magazines or professional journals.

Copy and paste the URL for your source here:

Provide a summary of the story here (in your own words, using specific details and quotes from the article):
The impeachment trial for Donald Trump isn’t about removing him from the presidency, it’s about
preventing him from seeking the presidency again in 2024 because his term ends on wednesday.
Several senators have noted that if they vote to convict Trump of inciting last week's attack on
Congress, they could then vote to bar him from future public office. House prosecutors would
need at least 17 Republican senators to join all Democrats in support of it. Many blame Trump for
this month's losses by two Republican senators in Georgia, defeats that cost the party control of
the chamber. Also, some said, Trump did incite riots designed to threaten lawmakers into
reversing the results of his election loss to President-elect Joe Biden. "Republican senators need
to protect the republic, public safety, and themselves – both politically and their actual lives,
which were seriously threatened thanks to Trump’s behavior," said Republican strategist Liz Mair.
Banning Trump from running again would be popular with most Americans, but unpopular with
those who consider themselves Republicans, according to post-insurrection public opinion polls.
“A majority (56%) of Americans overall believe the Senate should remove Trump from office and
disqualify him from running again, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released
Friday. Only 12% of Republicans support such a move, the poll said, and those are the people who
decide party primaries.” Conviction of Trump requires a two-thirds majority, 67 of 100 senators; a
vote to bar him from future office requires only a simple majority, 51 of 100. The Senate will soon
be split 50-50 between the parties, and a few Republicans have suggested they want to purge
Trump from the party.

Provide a personal reflection here. Why is this story relevant? How does it relate to our study of government
and economics? What might this mean for the future?
I chose to read about this article because it is very relevant with what is going on in politics right
now. President Trump recently is going through another impeachment to refrain him from
running in the 2024 presidential election. Also it’s important because the article talked about how
the president’s term is ending this wednesday, which is coming up. Hearing a lot about January
20th seems relevant because it’s happening really soon and no one knows what’s going to happen
and how people are going to react. This relates to our study of government because it is showing
us how our President’s term is ending soon and how we are going to have a new leader to lead
our government and country. This relates to our class because our government class has a lot to
do with politics and a new president is definitely going to have an impact in our government
today. This article shows what is going to happen in the near future if Trump is really going to get
impeached out of office by not being able to run and also it’s showing how his term ends this

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