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ne Bhosme 110yum tuka nd

Unit Tost MO. Of Rajdhani


aWite n.ate on. fvoluian of EPP

Eoluhoo of ERP
1960- foventoy
3ub copigo
the 0volutton of ERP 3YStem closely
folloLied the gpoctula deelapmenis in the fie1d o
Compute ERP
hardi07e g0FtLIane gysiem
Ihe10VentoGY COniTO 9YSHem based
An paoga.mmin.q angugge uch asCOBoLALGOL
6PORTAN CM0S Popular sofLIgO)

1970-Mateg equled plan0i0g

Infhe manufacttumng indugiy MRP
become he fundamenial Concept of poducian Man
oment6Contral iD the flid 19zo At this time Bar
CBill 0f Majeal )bich ig punchase 0rd@r Mang
ment haj nitHes Pant list Manag.mRDt 6Dani
deelopment Lios the pVOiling fgtnd
Master PTOd ue Hia0
oshedu le

Billof Toven f0Y

Matema 8tatusHle

OUput 6

1925 cose loop MRP

ID 1RP he ony PlaoDing of paoduclion 6contxal 1S tOke plare f Close oop
MRP pla.onin as HeLL Qs 1eedbock is 1ven fnorm
he cusmshop.keepe puschasing..depantment ResouTCe lanningcMRP TE)

MRP-HoTks.OD te o pants
O h a tit 2 Apalusis 6 Simulation facility
DRP-I LJ0TK an the MD
DMQeial ManpOte Manufa.ctume

61990-Enterpmse gesaunSe_ planning

he D10etioguDpreCed ent global
Hon Custamem focug61shorteNed ed poduct life
Cycles. Lo espand to hese dmandg
Couick)movinq mau
had to move fol/ands agil
HactuDg Pooduct C0ntDuo/S
mp0Vement pacesc
oeengioeëriNg. his cal1ed fo ID1egaation of
Manufactuning 11th otbeg functionalgneos C
accouDtingMant eting finance 6 buman
eSGuCe develapmeni

Fxten.ded fRPCE-FRP)
unth ex deveiapment_in the
DeSOuaCe planniDa 9ystem ConceptDave ledd to
based It salutor
evalution of fRp F-F RP) 0 eb
1hus F-FRDis developrment in the field
Has fe
bich invalveS he fechnalaqy Of Lnieonet
lide eb C LJLALA) fO falicita1e he funchon
b Hatid

OTqanLzatto.n aauDd be L/eb

post 110dep ERP

Poct M.odernERP 14 claud base f RP

GRD GOvenoment Resaurce planping

GRP HoNK far the publC3ector so
co l1ed aS GRP

bT the benitits Of fRP 2

Tangible 8enefits
protite incgeas e
MaintRn ce Reductian
pOrsooDe Red ucho0
Ovent0Y ReductiOD
I t C0St Réducion
TOcu meDt Cost RPduction_
TxaDsparta fion Cast Reducron_
On tiDe delvey imrov OMDL

fotangible Benefis
uStome 8atisfacticD
Infomatton ViSibili
CUS tamP RespansiveDSes
Iniega tion
NL impTOvpd pocess
Use of lategt 1echnoloqgy

hat an tbe t0sans behind failuoe af £RP

0L0dk c prape &toEE training
Lack af the ommitm.en om tap. managmer=
O. Lackaf esauxce in 1he 0%ganiz.ation
nteRnal esicta.nce by emplaees to.d.o J0T o
nel uStem
GHhe0 bottom.up appmaachis Used
LIbep clienl /uG.e dant pla0 the fulume 0xpenses
6Inability to paovidle imely Custamizgion
epbaDCmenL in he FRP by véndo
Lack ar proper Usge of Same depantment
Hrong packaqe &0lectian of FRP
Dnmedlighc xpechaicns Of the beDetits
unmealishc expectatian of ROr
A Pa0 fee betLeeN be 9OFMaO 6USed pacc

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