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A Framework for Simultaneous Message

Broadcasting Using CDMA-based Visible Light
Yan-Ann Chen, Yi-Ting Chang, Yu-Chee Tseng, Fellow, IEEE, and Wen-Tsuen Chen, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—IoT applications are fast growing recently. One of Lighting Range Intersection Region
the “things” that has a lot of potential is the lighting equipment
D1 D2
since it is widely used in our daily life. Recently, the technology of
visible light communication (VLC) has been widely discussed. VLC
has several advantages, such as freedom of license, line-of-sight
security, and less health concern compared to radio-based sys-
tems. In addition, the rapid progress of light emitting diode (LED)
technology by solid-state lighting allows VLC to be easily deployed
and integrated with existing lighting infrastructure at low costs.
However, VLC, when integrated with lighting infrastructure, is Control
usually for one-way communication and is highly sensitive to Host
external interfering light. Thus, transmitting or broadcasting
Lighting Device
multiple messages simultaneously over a visible light channel
without any preprocessing may result in serious collisions. In User Device

this paper, we propose a framework to tackle these problems by

optical code division multiple access (CDMA) for VLC. With our
approach, a VLC receiver can enter an environment without any Fig. 1. The networking scenario of our system.
prior configuration and can be designed with simple hardware.
Even a mobile device with a high-resolution photodiode sensor
can be used as a receiver. We demonstrate an application of
indoor positioning by querying the location service provider on the main choice for indoor lighting due to its advantages of
Internet with the IDs decoded from the received light signals.
The prototyping results reveal some communication properties energy efficiency, longer lifetime, smaller size, and robustness
of CDMA-based VLC and its potential for indoor positioning compared to incandescent and fluorescent lighting. Since SSL
applications. has fast switching time, a VLC system can be easily embedded
Index Terms—broadcast, CDMA, IEEE 802.15.7, localization, into an LED lighting source.
pervasive computing, visible light communication. Message broadcasting is an important function for indoor
VLC applications including positioning, navigation, and adver-
I. I NTRODUCTION tisement. For example, in a shopping mall, the lighting devices
of a region can periodically broadcast advertisements of nearby
Among the many “things” in the IoT world, lighting equip- stores. So customers can get localized advertisements. The
ments have a lot of potential because they widely exist in main challenge of message broadcasting in indoor VLC is
our daily life. Recent developments of the light emitting diode the interference problem. Although the interference caused
(LED) technology by solid-state lighting (SSL) have led to lots by ambient light may be eliminated by real-time calibration,
of interests in visible light communication (VLC). VLC is also the interference caused by other lighting devices is hard to
a kind of wireless communications with great convenience. A eliminate. This is particularly true because these may not exist
transmitter sends data through an optical source, e.g., LED, by return channels for mobile devices to report collisions. So
modulating light intensities or colors. A receiver interprets the simultaneous broadcast from multiple lighting sources over a
received signals through an optical sensor, e.g., photodiode, by common VLC channel without any preprocessing may result
demodulating the signals. If the modulation of light intensities in serious collisions. Recently, several solutions have been
is fast enough, no flicks of light will be perceived by human proposed. Reference [1] presents a TDMA-like mechanism to
eyes during transmissions. More recently, SSL is considered prevent interference among VLC networks. References [2], [3]
Y.-C. Tseng’s research is co-sponsored by MoE ATU Plan, MOST 104- exploit frequency shift keying and rolling shutter mechanism
2221-E-009-113-MY3, MOST 104-2218-E-009-009, Academia Sinica AS- of CMOS camera to achieve small data transmission via smart-
102-TP-A06, ITRI, Delta, and D-Link. This work was also supported by phones. Reference [4] utilizes OFDM modulation to achieve
MOST, NTU, and Intel under Grants MOST 103-2911-I-002-001, NTU-ICRP-
104R7501, and NTU-ICRP-104R7501-1. broadcasting at a high data rate in an indoor environment.
Y.-A. Chen, Y.-T. Chang, and Y.-C. Tseng are with the Department of References [5], [6] use optical code division multiple access
Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, 30010, Taiwan (CDMA) to design VLC networks for the access of multiple
(e-mail: {chenya, yitchang, yctseng}
W.-T. Chen is with the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, users. However, these works may need complex hardware or
Taipei, 11529, Taiwan (e-mail: heavy computation for signal and image processing.

We propose a framework for optical CDMA-based VLC, an important application of VLC.

which may incur lower hardware and computation costs, to Visible Light Communication. Reference [11] provides an
achieve interference-free message broadcasting. In this frame- overview of VLC and discusses some interference issues. It
work, we design a frame structure to coordinate broadcasting also points out some potential applications. Reference [12]
messages from different light sources while carrying essen- describes various VLC modulation methods, flicker mitigation,
tial information for receivers. By exploiting the information, and dimming support. References [13], [14], [15] consider
the receiver can realize how to decode broadcast messages turning VLC into commercialized products. However, these
with almost no pre-configured knowledge when entering a works only focus on data transmission, and the interference
VLC network. It makes our system very easy to use. In issue is not well addressed.
VLC, the modulation and demodulation is usually achieved In a VLC system, the transmitter could be the LED light and
through intensity modulation with direct detection. Since the the display screen. Then, the receiver could be the photodiode
light intensity is non-negative, the VLC system is unipolar. and the image sensor. Several works [2], [3], [13], [14], [16],
However, the traditional CDMA for radio communications, [17], [18] utilize the image sensor, i.e., digital camera, as the
which is bipolar, cannot be directly used. Although there are receiver for constructing VLC. However, the image processing
some unipolar encoding schemes such as optical orthogonal is more complex than handling the received light intensity.
code [7], the code sequence of unipolar schemes is usually Since our goal is to focus on the approach with lightweight
larger and the cross-correlation of those schemes may not computation and low cost for IoT devices, we consider the
perform better. In this work, thus, we consider the bipolar photodiode as the receiver in this work.
encoding scheme and utilize unipolar-bipolar sequencing [8] For dealing with the interference problem of communica-
for conversion. tions, VLC system may exploit multiple access techniques
Fig. 1 shows our networking scenario. Multiple lighting such as TDMA, FDMA, and CDMA. By applying TDMA-
devices cover an indoor environment. Each user in the envi- like mechanism, reference [1] schedules the transmissions
ronment should carry a mobile device with an optical sensor. by tuning the beam width and beam angle. However, this
We consider white light LEDs to be the lighting devices. These approach cannot achieve simultaneous broadcasting. By ex-
lighting devices can be arbitrarily deployed in this environment ploiting OFDM, reference [4] implements a data broadcasting
according to illumination requirements. The common scenario system of VLC. The usage of OFDM does increase the data
which deploys the lighting devices in a grid manner [9], rate, but more complex hardware, such as dedicated DSP, is
[10] is also supported. Modulation is done through adjusting needed. Note that different from our goal, their broadcasting
light intensity. All lighting devices are connected to a control system is designed to achieve high-speed transmission. By
host, which can allocate CDMA codes to lighting devices utilizing CDMA mechanism, references [5], [6] design VLC
according to their overlapping regions. For example, in Fig. 1, networks with OCDMA for multi-user access. In their systems,
the range of device D1 intersects with that of device D2 , so an individual OCDMA code is assigned to one user for mul-
the control host must allocate different codes to them to avoid tiple access. However, they are not designed for broadcasting
the inter-device interference. Broadcasting messages are issued and cannot support location-based services. Our work assigns
by the control host and can vary from devices to devices due CDMA codes to lighting sources for achieving simultaneous
to CDMA. For instance, to support location-based services message broadcasting. Besides, in our application, the code
(LBS), each device can simply broadcast its geographic in- length is determined by the number of intersected lighting
formation or its unique identification. Since lighting devices sources, which may be much less than the case for multiple
normally cover almost everywhere in a building, this achieves access.
indoor localization at low costs. Indoor Localization with Visible Light. Indoor local-
The contributions of this work are as follows. First, we ization is an potential application for VLC. Several works
consider a approach with lightweight computation and simple compute the fine-grained location by analyzing the signal
hardware for achieving simultaneous broadcasting because IoT strength of the received light through a specific method
devices may only have limited capabilities. Second, we design such as the correlation method based on the Lambertian
the frame structure to carry system information for receivers law [10], [19], [20], frequency division multiplexing [21],
to join the network without pre-configured knowledge. Third, and time differences of arrival [22]. However, the digital
we introduce the implementation details of our prototyping for communications capability, which comes naturally with VLC,
fulfilling the simultaneous VLC broadcasting system. Finally, is either lost or not addressed. Our work will cover both issues.
we validate our results by extensive experiments through our For integrating the positioning system with VLC, references
prototyping system. [2], [3] exploit the rolling shutter effect of CMOS camera
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Related on smartphones to decode modulated beacons from multiple
works are surveyed in Section II. Section III introduces our light sources. However, the demodulation is computation-
framework design. Section IV presents our prototyping results. intensive when processing captured images. In contrast, our
Finally, Section V concludes this paper. work adopts a lightweight OCDMA mechanism. Reference
[23] utilizes bipolar and unipolar OCDMA codes to evaluate
II. R ELATED W ORKS the positioning performance. In their work, however, the codes
In this section, we first survey related works on VLC. Then used by lighting sources should be known by the receiver in
we review works on VLC-based indoor localization since it is advance. Our work utilizes a frame structure where the receiver

Senders s1,s2,…,sn VLC channel Receiver rix

s1 uses c1

X1 1 1 X1 1 1 0 Code
c1 Conversion
c′1 ri xuses ci ci
Data1 Signal x
Signal Datai
X2 1 X2 1 0 0 Conversion

-1 -1 si uses ci
ci Conversion

X1+X2 2 0 X1+X2 2 1 0 Datai

sn uses cn
cn Conversion

Fig. 2. Comparison of signals in radio communications and VLC.

Fig. 3. Workflow of our optical CDMA for VLC.

can extract the code assignment and system parameters to
generate orthogonal codes in an online manner.
Senders s1 and s2 VLC channel Receivers r1x and r2x
s1 uses c1=(1,1) ࢉ૚ ᇱ =(1,1) rx
uses c1=(1,1)
ࢉഥ૚ᇱ =(0,0) 1

c1 Conversion
c′1 (1,2,1,0,0,1,1,0) c1
This section proposes a framework to achieve interference- Signal x Signal
Data1 Data1
free message broadcasting over a CDMA-based VLC net- Conversion
work. Our networking scenario is as shown in Fig. 1, where (1,2,1,0,0,1,1,0)


s2 uses c2=(1,-1) ࢉ૛ ᇱ =(1,0)
light sources are fixed and controllable, but their illumination ࢉഥ૛ᇱ =(0,1)
regions may intersect. In our system, we use on-off keying c2 Conversion c′2 Mapping table

(OOK) to modulate the visual signals. For avoiding flicker Data2

r2x uses c2=(1,-1)

problem [24], OOK with Manchester encoding could be used c2

(0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0) (0,2,0,-2,-2,0,0,-2)
to limit the off period of modulated signals. Then, the lighting Signal Data2
devices and the receiver follow our proposed frame format VLC CDMA (0,1,0,1)
to transmit the encoded messages and decode the received (1,2,1,0,0,1,1,0) 2 2
1 0
signals, respectively. 0 -2
Mapping table
Below, we describe optical CDMA mechanism in Sec-
tion III-A. The proposed frame structure is discussed in Fig. 4. An encoding and decoding example of our optical CDMA for VLC.
Section III-B.

A. Optical CDMA for VLC c′i , by replacing each ‘-1’ in ci by ‘0’ and keeping each ‘1’
VLC is a positive system where it uses ‘light on’ and unchanged. This conversion introduces the unipolar property
‘light off’ for modulating symbols 1 and 0, respectively. to VLC. For example, a code (1, −1) will become (1, 0), but
Binary CDMA used in radio communication systems cannot a code (1, 1) will remain unchanged. Then, Datai is encoded
be directly applied to VLC because a code in CDMA is a using c′i . So signal x is the sum of these modified coded
sequence of 1s and −1s. Consequently, we exploit unipolar- data. At the receiver side rix , the same code ci is used if
bipolar sequencing to ensure the cross-correlation property, it wants to decode the data transmitted by si . However, the
i.e., orthogonality. Fig. 2 illustrates the concept. received sequence x should go through a conversion process
Since VLC has no negative component (i.e., ‘-1’), the cross- before it can be decoded. The conversion is done by replacing
correlation property in bipolar CDMA needs to be redesigned each value k in the sequence x by a new value 2k − n.
for VLC. More specifically, we need to redefine the negative This process actually transforms x back to the bipolar system.
components in VLC to regenerate the orthogonality in bipolar Fig. 4 illustrates the workflow using an example. In the signal
CDMA. Observe the combination of x1 and x2 in Fig. 2. These conversion block, a VLC-to-CDMA mapping table is used,
relationships suggest a way to transform the received signal x which translates 2, 1, and 0 in VLC to 2, 0, and −2 in CDMA,
to a proper form. respectively.
Here, we describe a generic transformation method that Below, we explain the signal conversion process. The basic
works for any n sources. Note that in our system, the number observation is that when we combine m ‘1’s and (n − m) ‘0’s
of lighting sources can be directly inferred from a received in VLC, the result will be m · 1 + (n − m) · 0 = m. In the case
frame (refer to Section III-B). Fig. 3 presents the workflow. of CDMA, these (n − m) ‘0’s are (n − m) ‘-1’s, making the
Each sender si has a CDMA code ci , i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Here, combined result m·1+(n−m)·(−1) = (2m−n). This is why
we assume that these codes are mutually orthogonal. To we translate each k in x by 2k − n in our conversion. In fact,
transmit Datai , si first converts code ci to another code, it is not hard to see that the mapping is one-to-one (i.e., from

SF=1 SF=2 SF=4 SF=8 SF=16

Header Data Payload 1111111111111111
Window 11111111
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
1 1 1 1-1-1-1-1 1 1 1 1-1-1-1-1
1 1 1 1-1-1-1-1
1 1 1 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 1 1 1 1
1 1-1-1 1 1-1-1 1 1-1-1 1 1-1-1
PRE LSF DEL CNM CWD DPL END 1 1-1-1 1 1-1-1
1 1-1-1 1 1-1-1-1-1 1 1-1-1 1 1
1 1-1-1
PRE : Preamble 1 1-1-1-1-1 1 1 1 1-1-1-1-1 1 1
LSF : Log of spreading factor 1 1-1-1-1-1 1 1
1 1-1-1-1-1 1 1-1-1 1 1 1 1-1-1
DEL : Delimiter 1
CNM : Code notification map 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1
1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1
CWD : Code window delimiter 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1
DPL : Data Payload 1-1 1-1
Darkness Brightness Darkness/Brightness END 1-1 1-1-1 1-1 1 1-1 1-1-1 1-1 1
: End of frame 1-1 1-1-1 1-1 1
1-1 1-1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1 1-1 1-1
1-1-1 1 1-1-1 1 1-1-1 1 1-1-1 1
1-1-1 1 1-1-1 1
Fig. 5. The proposed frame structure. 1-1-1 1 1-1-1 1-1 1 1-1-1 1 1-1
1-1-1 1
1-1-1 1-1 1 1-1 1-1-1 1-1 1 1-1
1-1-1 1-1 1 1-1
1-1-1 1-1 1 1-1-1 1 1-1 1-1-1 1

{−n, −n+2, · · · , 0, 2, · · · , n} in CDMA to {0, 1, 2, · · · , n} in Fig. 6. Orthogonal code generation with spreading factor 2, 4, 8 and 16.
VLC). This also proves the correctness of our optical CDMA
Theorem 1. The code conversion and signal conversion in CDMA). |LSF | represents the number of slots in the LSF
procedures ensure that it is a 1-to-1 mapping between the field. Here, we assume that spreading factor is no less than
VLC-coded data and the CDMA-coded data. the maximum number of lighting devices that intersect in an
illumination region. Thus, through monitoring the length of
Note that the above derivation assumes that all CDMA
LSF, the receiver can compute the spreading factor of this
codes are orthogonal. When being applied, we only need
network. The 2|LSF | orthogonal codes can be generated by
to ensure that lighting sources with intersected regions use
the Walsh-Hadamard coding method [25]. An example of code
orthogonal codes.
generation is illustrated in Fig. 6. DEL (delimiter) is simply a
darkness slot followed by a brightness slot to specify the end
B. Frame Structure for Message Broadcasting of the previous LSF field.
Below, we propose a frame structure to support message The code window has 2|LSF | + 1 slots from which a recip-
broadcasting by LED sources. Time is slotted and a receiver ient can find the CDMA code being used by each transmitter
can enter the system without any pre-configuration except for that it can see. The size of CNM is 2|LSF |. For a transmitter
the slot length information. All needed system parameters, that uses the i-th orthogonal code, it simply sets the i-th slot
such as the number of orthogonal codes and the codes that are to brightness and sets the rest of the slots to darkness in
being used by the transmitters, can be automatically computed its CNM (code notification map). Since multiple transmitters
by the receiver after it monitors the channel for a while. may send their code windows at the same time, the receiver
Moreover, the receiver can eliminate external lighting noises may actually see multiple brightness slots indicating the codes
by measuring the designed period in the frame structure. The of these transmitters. Therefore, it should decode the data
control host should assign codes to lighting devices such that payload by the i-th CDMA code for each i-th slot that is
no two transmitters with overlapping coverage will use the bright. This potentially generates multiple messages from the
same code. Lighting devices should be synchronized so that frame. The CWD (code window delimiter) is a brightness
their frames are aligned over time. The synchronization could slot to specify the end of the code window. Finally, the data
be achieved by the control of the centralized control host. payload field contains DPL and END. DPL (data payload) is
Fig. 5 shows the proposed frame structure. For simplicity, the broadcasting message of the transmitter encoded by optical
we assume that OOK modulation is used. Here, darkness CDMA scheme as discussed in Section III-A. The length of
means that the slot is transmitting a symbol ‘0’ and bright- data payload can be fixed or specified by a payload length
ness means that the slot is transmitting a symbol ‘1’. If field. END is also a brightness slot to terminate the frame.
OOK with Manchester encoding is adopted, “darkness” and With the existence of END, we would expect that the
“brightness” here are mapped to light pulses from “brightness” preamble PRE will always be the longest continuous darkness
to “darkness” and “darkness” to “brightness” respectively. slots, which periodically appear in the beginning of each
Each frame has three parts: header, code window, and data frame. When a receiver enters the network, it should monitor
payload. The header has three fields: PRE, LSF, and DEL. the longest darkness slots that it ever saw. Once the receiver
Its main purpose is to indicate the beginning of a frame and recognizes PRE, it can easily decode frames. This is why our
the spreading factor used in the network. PRE (preamble) is scheme does not need to configure a receiver a priori before
a sequence of darkness slots long enough to distinguish the it enters the network. It remains to choose a proper length
beginning of a frame (i.e., all continuous darkness slots in of PRE. We recommend to set |P RE| = 2|LSF | + 1 (i.e., the
the rest of the frame should be shorter than PRE). Later on, spreading factor plus 1) where | · | means length. Clearly, there
we will discuss how to set the length of PRE. LSF (log of are no more than 2|LSF | consecutive darkness slots in CNM.
spreading factor) is a sequence of brightness slots such that However, in OOK, we should avoid using CDMA code that are
2|LSF | is the CDMA code length (i.e., the spreading factor all 1s and all -1s for its complement because they will generate

2|LSF | consecutive darkness slots in DPL when transmitting device to a coding set by applying an independent set al-
data bit 0. When such data bits are put together with other gorithm according to devices’ interference relationships.
data bits, there may exist consecutive darkness slots that are The lighting devices of the same coding set are then
longer than 2|LSF |. In the Walsh-Hadamard codes, as long as assigned the same CDMA code. The code assignment
we avoid using all-1 code, the longest darkness slots generated guarantees no interference among lighting devices in
by any two consecutive data bits cannot be larger than 2|LSF | the same coding set. Note that the code assignment
(We omit the proof here). With this modification, the spreading problem has been proved to NP-complete (by reducing
factor of the system should be chosen such that 2|LSF | − 1 to the graph coloring problem) [27]. So a heuristic has
is no less than the maximum number of lighting devices that to be used here. Many heuristics have been proposed in
intersect in an illumination region. For example, if there are the literatures [28][29]. For (ii), the bipolar codes are
4 lighting devices co-existing in a region, the spreading factor converted to unipolar VLC codes. After this conversion,
should be 8 since 4 cannot satisfy the above constraint. it sends these converted codes to the message encoding
Finally, we remark some designs of our proposed frame handler.
structure. First, the existence of ambient light in an indoor • Message encoding handler: The main task of this com-
environment may interfere data decoding. One possibility is ponent is to conduct the encoding process, by spreading
to measure the ambient light intensity during the PRE period each data bit to multiple chips according to their VLC
and then compensate this value when processing signals. codes. The encoded messages are then sent to the frame
Second, one usage of the CNM field is that the brightness handler.
slot can be utilized by the receiver as reference to measure • Frame configuration handler: The code settings deter-
each transmitter’s reference light intensity of symbol ‘1’. mined by the code handler are used by this component to
The receiver then converts the received light intensity to the decide some important frame parameters, such as length
combined values mentioned in Section III-A according to the of PRE, length of LSF, and content of CNM. Then, it
combination of these references. provides these settings to the frame filling handler.
• Frame filling handler: This component serves as the
IV. P ROTOTYPING R ESULTS interface between the control host and the light devices.
It is also responsible for frame construction. A frame is
This section presents our implementation of a VLC proto- constructed by combining the encoded messages received
typing system to verify the proposed concept. Fig. 7 shows our from the message encoding handler and the information
demonstration scenario, which is built inside a model room of received from the frame configuration handler. These
dimensions 1.2×0.8×0.3 (length × width × height) in meters. frames are then transmitted to their corresponding light-
Fig. 8 shows a demonstration scenario, where a user device is ing devices.
under two lighting sources, and the snapshot on the right shows
the decoded IDs of lighting sources. Fig. 9 shows our system B. Actuator and LEDs
architecture, including hardware and software components.
The system can be divided into three parts: control host, An actuator controls one lighting device according to the
actuator and LEDs, and user devices. Below, we describe each frames received from the control host. In our prototype, the
part in details. actuators are also implemented by NXP Jennic JN5148. The
modulation handler of an actuator modulates its broadcasting
frames by OOK modulation and propagates control signals to
A. Control Host the optical transmitter. The connection between an actuator and
The control host is implemented by NXP Jennic JN5148 its LEDs is through DIOs of JN5148. The optical transmitters
[26]. JN5148 contains a 32-bit RISC CPU with clock speeds of a lighting source are a set of white light LEDs as shown
4 ∼ 32MHz. In addition, there are up to 21 digital input in Fig. 7(b). The optical transmitters generate white light
output (DIO) ports, 4 12-bit ADCs, and 2 12-bit DACs according to the commands from the actuator.
in a JN5148. The control host contains five components:
broadcasting handler, code handler, message encoding handler, C. User Device
frame configuration handler, and frame filling handler. The user device, which is shown in Fig. 7(c), is an NXP
• Broadcasting handler: This component is responsible for Jennic JN5148 with a Si photodiode [30] as its optical receiver.
preparing broadcasting messages to lighting devices. The It converts received VLC signals into broadcasting messages
broadcasting messages for different devices can be set by and can forward the messages to any mobile applications.
the system administrator or an external application server. It contains five components: optical receiver, frame structure
When a message is ready, this handler forwards it to the analyzer, code handler, signal conversion handler, and message
message encoding handler. decoding handler.
• Code handler: The two main tasks are (i) assigning • Optical receiver: This component is made of Si pho-
CDMA codes to lighting devices according to their todiode. Si photodiode can perceive the received light
interference relationships and (ii) translating the codes intensity and convert it to an analog signal. We utilize an
according to the code conversion algorithm discussed in ADC converter in Jennic JN5148 to convert the analog
Section III-A. For (i), the handler classifies each lighting signal to a digital signal. Then the stream of perceived


Actuator Jennic module

White User
Light LEDs device

White Light LEDs USB interface

Si photodiode

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 7. (a) The prototype of our VLC broadcasting system inside a model room. (b) An actuator connected to LEDs. (c) The user device.


Mobile device
IDs of the two
LEDs are decoded
User device

(a) (b)
Fig. 8. A demonstration scenario: (a) The user device is under two lighting devices. (b) The decoded IDs of the two lighting devices.

digital signals is sent to the frame structure analyzer for Control Host

further processing. Broadcasting handler

• Frame structure analyzer: Its main task is to extract Broadcast messages

Code handler
frames from the digital signals by searching the PRE field Converted VLC codes Code settings
of each frame header and to retrieve the fields of a frame Message Frame configuration
encoding handler handler
according to our frame format. For each frame, its LSF Encoded messages Network settings
and CNM are sent to the code handler. Then, the signals Frame filling handler

of the data payload DPL are sent to the signal conversion External application
handler. User Device Broadcast messages
• Code handler: From LSF, it first calculates the spreading Actuator & LEDs Broadcasting frames
Message decoding handler
factor. Then, from CNM, the user device can further Modulation handler
Code set Converted signal of DPL
Control commands n Signal conversion
calculate the number of sources that it can see and the set Optical transmitters
Code handler
of CDMA codes used by these sources. The set of codes LSF and CNM Signal of DPL
Frame structure Optical
that are being used by these sources is sent to the message analyzer receiver
VLC signals
decoding handler to decode the broadcast messages.
• Signal conversion handler: This component implements
the signal conversion algorithm in Section III-A. It recon- Fig. 9. The architecture of our VLC broadcasting system.
structs the bipolar signals, which can be processed by the
original CDMA decoding procedure. Then the converted
signal of DPL is sent to the message decoding handler
for further processing. room model. The system parameters for our experiments are
• Message decoding handler: This handler takes the con- listed in Table I. We define four types of errors (i.e., non-DPL,
verted signal of DPL and decodes it by each CDMA code chip, symbol, and frame) for realizing the influence of noises
in the code set provided by the code handler. The decoded to the proposed frame format. The non-DPL error means that
messages can be sent through USB or Bluetooth interface at least one bit in the PRE and CNM fields which are not
to any external applications. CDMA-encoded of a frame is incorrect The chip and symbol
errors are for evaluating errors in the DPL field. As discussed
in Section III-A, a data bit is spread by a code sequence.
D. Performance Verification We call the bits in the spreading code sequence chips. The
We conducted some experiments to understand the trans- chip error means that some decoded bits in DPL field are
mission errors under different conditions in our prototyping different from the corresponding bits in the combined signals.

TABLE I of a lighting range than at center of a lighting range. Note

PARAMETERS USED IN OUR EXPERIMENTS . that the correctness ratios of non-DPL are still 100% since
signals of PRE and CNM fields can be easily recognized.
3) Varying the moving speed of user device: We measure the
Parameter Setting
correctness ratio while the user device is moved slowly
Frequency of LEDs 1kHz
Slot length of each frame 1ms
in our model room. Fig. 13 shows the experiment result.
Sampling rate of user device 5kHz The result indicates that the correctness ratios of data
Spreading factor 4 (except for experiment 4) payload (i.e., chip and symbol) will degrade as users are
Position of user device p1 in Fig. 10(a) (except for experiment 2)
Maximum lighting devices 4
in movement. The main reason may be due to the fact that
Data bits for lighting devices D1 :{10101010} the reference of ‘light on’ for each LED is unstable when
D2 :{01000010} decoding the combined signals. Moreover, the non-DPL
D3 :{01000110}
D4 :{01000111}
field has also a few errors in this experiment.
Transmitted frames more than 10, 000 4) Varying the CDMA code length: We choose different
CDMA code lengths (i.e., spreading factors) for eval-
uation. In this experiment, there are only two lighting
devices in the code length ‘2’ scenario and there are
four lighting sources in code length ‘4’, ‘8’, and ‘16’
scenarios. Fig. 14 shows the experiment result. We do
D4 D3 D4 D3
not plot the correctness ratios of non-DPL since spreading
P1 P3
P4 code mechanism is not used in the header and code win-
dow fields. The result indicates that correctness ratios of
D2 D1 D2 D1
symbols and frames will slightly decrease as we increase
the code length by the definitions of the errors previously
defined. We may consider to apply error detection or
correction code to the frame structure in the future.
(a) (b)
5) Varying the distance and toggle frequency of ambient
Fig. 10. Positions of the user device in our experiments. (a) p1 is at the light: We conduct an experiment to evaluate the influence
center of intersected region of the four LEDs and p2 is near the boundary of
two LEDs’ lighting range. (b) p3 is at the center of intersected region of the of ambient light. As we discussed in Section III-B, we
three LEDs and p4 is near the boundary of one LED’s lighting range. utilize PRE period to measure the ambient light for com-
pensation of signal processing. Fig. 15(a) and Fig. 15(b)
show experiment results with and without ambient light
The symbol error means that some bits in the chip sequence are processing, respectively. The ambient light is an LED
incorrect such that the original data bit cannot be recovered. light source without carrying any data and is fixed above
The frame error means that there is at least one error bit in a the rooftop. The rooftop of the room model is a clear
received frame. Below, we use the correctness ratio, which is acrylic sheet, where the ambient light can penetrate.
the percentage of correct data in the corresponding context, to Then, we vary the distance between the ambient light and
make comparison under different conditions. the rooftop. As shown in Fig. 15(b), a closer ambient
1) Varying the number of lighting devices: We measure the light would heavily affect the correctness ratios when
decoding errors of a static user device while increasing there is no ambient light processing. Furthermore, we
the number of lighting devices in an illumination region. also toggle the ambient light with a fixed frequency for
The user device is placed at p1 of Fig. 10(a). Fig. 11 evaluating the influence of the flickering light. Fig. 15(c)
shows the experiment result. The result indicates that the shows that the ambient light processing is hard to handle
correctness ratio of the non-DPL fields are all 100%. the flickering light since light noises vary in a frame
The reason is that there is no simultaneous transmission frequently. However, the flickering light is seldom in our
among lighting devices in the PRE and CNM fields. daily life and the sunlight is the major ambient light
As we expect, the correctness ratios of other schemes which can be handled.
decrease while the number of lighting devices increases.
Since all lighting devices broadcast their messages in the
data payload field, errors may occur when recovering
the combined signals from the sensed light intensity. In this paper, we have presented a framework which ex-
However, the correctness ratios are all above 96%. ploits CDMA-based VLC technique to tackle the interference
2) Placing user device at different positions: We place the problem among lighting sources. We consider using white
user device at different positions, p1 , p2 , p3 , and p4 in light LEDs as the optical transmitters and photodiode as
Fig. 10 to measure these errors. Fig. 12 shows the experi- optical receivers. So the cost to build such a VLC network
ment result at these positions. The result indicates that the should be quite low and, even better, the network can coexist
correctness ratio decreases when the user device moves with our illumination system. By using the CDMA technique,
to the boundary of lighting range. Thus, decoding the we have shown that VLC transmitters and receivers can be
combined signals may become more difficult at boundary designed with simple hardware and lightweight computation.

Non-DPL Chip Symbol Frame Non-DPL Chip Symbol Frame

100 100
Correctness ratio (%)

Correctness ratio (%)

99 95

98 90

97 85

96 80

95 75
1 2 3 4 p1 p2 p3 p4
Number of lighting devices Position of user device

Fig. 11. Comparison of correctness ratios by increasing the lighting Fig. 12. Comparison of correctness ratios when the user device is placed
devices in an illumination region. at different positions.

Non-DPL Chip Symbol Frame Chip Symbol Frame

100 100

Correctness ratio (%)

Correctness ratio (%)



70 90
2 4 2 4 8 16
Movement speed (cm/sec) Code length

Fig. 13. Comparison of correctness ratios by varying the moving speed Fig. 14. Comparison of correctness ratios by varying the applied CDMA
of the user device. code length.

Non-DPL Chip Symbol Frame Non-DPL Chip Symbol Frame Non-DPL Chip Symbol

100 100 100

90 90
Correctness ratio (%)

Correctness ratio (%)

Correctness ratio (%)

80 80
70 70 60
60 60
50 50 40

40 40
30 30
20 20 0
6cm 9cm 12cm 6cm 9cm 12cm 5kHz6cm 5kHz9cm 0.1kHz6cm 0.1kHz9cm
Distance of ambient light above the roof Distance of ambient light above the roof Toggle frequency and distance of ambient light

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 15. Comparison of correctness ratios by varying the distance of ambient light (a) with and (b) without ambient light processing and varying the toggle
frequency of ambient light (c).

The unipolar-bipolar sequencing for optical CDMA allows practical enough for real usage and deserves further studies.
the CDMA technique to be used in unipolar systems. We
proceed further by designing a frame structure that allows R EFERENCES
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