3.conduct Research

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Conduct research

The survey approach can employ a range of methods to answer the research question. Common
survey methods include postal questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, and telephone interviews.
Postal questionnaires
This method involves sending questionnaires to a large sample of people covering a wide
geographical area. Postal questionnaires are usually received ‘cold’, without any previous contact
between researcher and respondent. The response rate for this type of method is usually low, ∼20%,
depending on the content and length of the questionnaire. As response rates are low, a large sample
is required when using postal questionnaires, for two main reasons: first, to ensure that
the demographic profile of survey respondents reflects that of the survey population; and secondly, to
provide a sufficiently large data set for analysis.
Face-to-face interviews
Face-to-face interviews involve the researcher approaching respondents personally, either in
the street or by calling at people’s homes. The researcher then asks the respondent a series of questions
and notes their responses. The response rate is often higher than that of postal questionnaires as the
researcher has the opportunity to sell the research to a potential respondent. Face-to-face
interviewing is a more costly and time-consuming method than the postal survey, however
the researcher can select the sample of respondents in order to balance the demographic profile of the
Telephone interviews
Telephone surveys, like face-to-face interviews, allow a two-way interaction between researcher and
respondent. Telephone surveys are quicker and cheaper than face-to-face interviewing.
Whilst resulting in a higher response rate than postal surveys, telephone surveys often attract a higher
level of refusals than face-to-face interviews as people feel less inhibited about refusing to take part
when approached over the telephone.

4.Develop a customer survey

From the customer survey it has been identified that the customers are happy with the service of
Ozhouse Clean however modification of the service and upgradation of the technology is needed.
Strategic development and implementation is also required for the sustainable quality service that can
make the staffs effectively perform the activity of the organisation.

1.Do you feel the service quality is up to the mark?

2.Do you feel the offers are ethically served by the company?
3.Do you think the staffs are well trained and mannered?
4.Do you get available slot for taking service?
5.Do you think the technological environment of the organization is up to the mark?
6.Do you think the service is cost effective?
7.Do you want to take the service again from Ozhouse Clean?
8.Do you compare the service of Ozhouse Clean with other company?
9.Do you share feedback with the company?
10.Do you think the organization focus on the required change?
5.Send an email to your assessor.

Dear assessor,

The investigation of the customer behavior and the staff’s quality assessment has been performed and
obtained that most of the cases it performs in a proper way.


Authorized person of Oz house Clean

6.Write a Customer Survey Report.


Dear team,
Good morning!

I write this email is to tell you that I have attached customer surveys analysis report to you.

Please see the attached file below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Dear Staff,
Hope this email find you well
Thank you for your attendance and contribution at the customer service strategy meeting. Please find
revised customer service strategy attached to this email.
The revised customer service strategy summarizes all the outcomes that we have agreed on at the
Please contact me if you have any further question.
Kind regards,

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