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Questionnaire on the Specificities of Developing Cocoa Activities

This survey aims at analyzing the perception of farmers regarding the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats (SWOT) of developing cocoa activities in their farms. This questionnaire will
be implemented in all the different areas concerned by the survey and focuses on the cocoa
producers who are beginning or developing a cocoa production within their farms.


04 05 2021
Day Month Year

Information’s about the farmer

First name of the farmer Second name of the farmer

Respondent Code
AP-LU 01 02 02 04 05 02
Respondent names Plot # District Code Enumerator Code Day Month Sequence

The questions should be asked directly to the farmers and the interviewer matches the
corresponding answers. If there are no answers corresponding to what the farmer states, the
interviewer can fill the open response with short words.

1. Why are you interested in cocoa production?

1) It was advised by cocoa trading company, local government, fellow farmers, or other
2) A ready market for cocoa
3) Regional trend
4) Benefit from the higher returns from cocoa (high price and high demand)
5) Diversification of incomes
6) Diversification for security
7) Willingness to try a new crop
8) Legacy for children
9) I have idle land/land availability
10) Availability of planting materials
11) Availability of extension service support
12) Open answer:

2. What are the main advantages of cocoa compared to other cash crops, like coffee?

1) Higher price of cocoa

2) Benefits from development programs (distribution of seedlings, extension services, etc.)
3) Land availability
4) Low risks of the crop
5) Low investments required
6) Low work needed
7) Production all year long
8) Grows well with other food, trees or cash crops
9) Is more suitable for the local soils and climatic conditions
10) Resistant to pests and diseases
11) Open answer:

3. What are the main constraints of cultivating cocoa compared to other cash crops.

1) lack of farming/practices knowledge

2) Lack of extension services
3) Susceptible for pests and diseases
4) Lack of seedlings
5) Takes long to mature
6) Competition with other crops
7) Lack of buyers in the area
8) Plant not adapted to climate and/or land
9) Open answer:



4. What are the main risks when you plant cocoa.

1) Pest and diseases

2) Climate and low rainfalls

3) Price fluctuations

4) Lack of buyers

5) Food security

6) Theft of cocoa in the farm

7) Open answer:




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