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Gateonlinex.com GATE - 2006 Time Allorved :3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks : 150 .20 Can 1. Solution for the system defined by the set of equa- tions4y +32=87 2v—-2 and 3x49) Sie (x= O;y £ wreoye ts =2 (a) nonexistent i 2% (x=ly= The differential equation a = 0.25 y* is to be solved using the backward (implicit) Euler's method with the boundary condition y = 1 at x=0 and with a step size of 1. What would be the value of yatx=1? (1.38 @) 1.67 (©) 2.00 (@) 233 ‘The necessary and sufficient condition fora surface tobe called as a free surface is @ nostress should be acting on it () tensile siress acting on it must be zero (©) shear stress acting on it must be zero (@) no point on it should be under any stress Mohr’s circle for the state of stress defined by 2 OT saa isa circle with 29 | MPa is a circle wit (@) center at (0,0) and radius 90 MPa (©) center at (0,0) and radius 60 MPa (© center at (30, 0) and radius 30 MPa center at G0, 0) and zero radius The buckling load P = P,, for the column AB in the figure, a8 Kz approaches infinity, become & 2 Er where a is equal to ¥ P a i |_— flexural rigidity, EF rerF One Mark Each @ 025 @) 1.00 © 205 (4.00 6 a torsional spring of stiffress Ky A long shaft of diameter d is subjected to twisting ‘moment Tat its ends. The maximum normal stress acting atits cross-section is equal to ier ) zero ou ar 6st on © If the characteristic strength of concrete fig is, defined as the strength below which not more than 50% of the test results are expected to fal, the expression for f, in terms of mean strength fy and standard deviation $ would be G@) fn ONGHSS (Hf, 1.6858 © fn (A) fog + 1.6855 ‘The range of void ratiobetween which quick sand condition occurs in cohesionless granular soil deposits is, (@) 04-05 08-07 © 08-09 (a) 10-14 Figure given below showsa smooth vertical grav- ity retaining wall with cohesionless soil backfill having an angle of internal friction >. In the ‘graphical representation of Rankine’s active earth, pressure for the retaining wall shown in figure, length OP represents 1 Mateseneipe Th 8 I . ‘Sana ne 10, u. 2 13, 44 (a) vertical stress at the base @) vertical stress ata height H/3 foom the base. (© lateralearth pressure at the base (@ lateral earth pressureat.a height H/3 from the base Which of following statement is NOT true in the context of capillary pressure in soils? (0) Waler is under tension in capillary zone @) Pore water pressure is negative in capillary zone (0 Effective stress increases due to capillary pressure (@) Capillary pressure is more in coarse grained soils A channel with a mild slope is followed by a hori zontal channel and then by a steep channel. What gradually varied flow profiles will occur? @ My Hy 5; © M,, By $, (0) My Hy Sy (@) My HS) To provide safety against piping failure, with a factor of safety of 5, what should be the maxirhum permissible exit gradient for soil with specific gravity of 2.5 and porosity of 0.35? (@ 0.155 ( 0.167 (© 0.195 @ 0.213 Identify the FALSE statement from the following: The specific speed of the pump increases with (@) increase in shaft speed (0) increase in discharge (¢) decrease in gravitational acceleration @) increase in tread For steady flow to a fully penetrating well in a confined aquifer, the drawdowns at radial dis- {anees of 7 and 7, from the well have been mea- sured ass, and s, respectively, fora pumping rale 0f Q. The transmissivity of the aquifer is equal to Q In ~ 4) 15. Todetertaine the BOD, of a wastewater sample, 5, 1and 50 mL aliquots of the wastewater were dj. uted to 200 mL and incubated at 20°C in BOD boitles for 5 days ‘The resulis were as follows, SI. No. Wastewater Volume,]initial DO,|DO Afters days, mg/L. mg/l, 9.2 69 91 44 50 84 oo 16. 17. 18, 19, Based on the data, the average BOD, of the wasle- water is equal to (@) 139.5 mg/L (©) 109.8 mg/L (0) 1265 mg/L (6) 722 mg/L The cumulative noise power distribution curve at a certain location is given below. 4 loo Percent of time greater than stated value 0 50 poise Level. aa 120 The value of Lyp is equal to (a) 90 dBA (8) 80484, (0.70 dBA (@) 604A A synthetic sample of water is prepared by add ing 100 mg Kaolinite (a clay mineral), 200 mg glu- cose, 168 mg NaCl, 120 mg MgSO, and 111 mg CaCl, to 1 liter of pure water. The concentrations of total solids (TS) and fixed dissolved solids (FDS)respectively in the solution in mg/L are equal to ©) 699 and 599 (4) 599. and 399 (©) 699and 199 (a) 699 and 399 If aggregate size of 50-40 mm is to be tested for finding out the portion of elongated aggregates using length gauge, the slot length of the gauge should be (@) 81 mm (0) 45 mm (:) 58mm (@) 90 mm Name the traffic survey data which is plotted by means of “Desire lines”. (a) Accident (0) Classified volume (©) Origin and Destination Gateoniinex.com 20. In case of governing e. 21 2. 23. 24. ‘uations for calculating using Westergaard's approach, the following statements are mace wheel load stresses 1 Load stresses are inversely proportio wheel load '¥ Proportional to Modulus of subgr: ir Mocs x sug ed reaction is useful for (a) Both statements are TRUE (#) Lis TRUE and Ilis FALSE (©) Both statements are FALSE (@ Lis FALSE and Ilis TRUE Q.21 to Q.75 carry two marks each 2-23 Foragiven matrixA=|-2 -1 6 |,oneofthe 1 2.0 eigenvalues is 3. The other two eigerivalues are (a) 2,-5 3-5 @25 @3,5 ‘The directional derivative of fix, y, 2) = 2x? + 3y? + z* at the point P: (2, 1, 3) im the direction of the vector a= f-2 kis (a) -2.785 (9) =1.789 (@) -2.145 (a) 1.000 A class of first year B. Tech. students is composed of four batches A, B, C and D, each consisting of 30 students. It is found that the sessional marks of students in Engineering Drawing in batch C have a mean of 6.6 and standard deviation of 2.3. The mean and standard deviation of the marks for the entire class are 5.5 and 4.2, respectively. It is decided by the course instructor to normalize the marks of the students of all batches to have the same mean and standard deviation as thal of the entire class. Due to this, the marks of a stu~ dent in batch C are changed from 8.5 to (a) 60 79 (© 80 (@ 9.0 2" degree polynomial, fix), has values of 1, 4, and 15 at x = 0, 1, and 2, respectively. The inte- x gral [ FC) dxis to be estimated by applying the ° error trapezoidal rule to this data, What is the or (defined as “true value ~ approximate value the estimate ? wie @-4 ® 2 (0 ag 25, Whatis the area common to the circles r= and. r=2ncos0? (@) 0524 at ©) 0.614 @ (© 1.047 a? (id) 1.228 26. Using Cauchy’s integral theorem, the value of the integral (integration being taken in counter clock- 2 wieaincin $2 6 de is any: x © Gena 3-6 an © a7 @ 22. There are 25 calculators ina box. Two of them are defective. Suppose 5 calculators are randomly Picked for inspection (i., each has the same chance of being selected), what is the probability that only one of the defective calculators will be included in the inspection ? 1 es o 2 lve 5 A spherical naphthalene ball exposed to the at- mosphere loses volume at a rate proportional to its instantaneous surface area due to evaporation. If the initial diameter of the ball is 2 cm and the diameter reduces to 1 cm after 3 months, the ball completely evaporates in (@) 6 months (9 9 months (© 12 months {@) infinite time 8 29, The solution of the differential equation, e Weare ), given that atx=1,y=Ois ix 1 My 1 @z @-2tyt RF 30. A simply supported beam AB has the bending moment diagram as shown in the following fig- ure. M Gateonlinex.com possibly under the action af follow- ing loads: (@ Couples of Mat Cand 2M at D () Couples of 2M at Cand Mat D (©) Concentrated loadsof M/Lat Cand 2M/Lat D (@) Concentrated load of W/L atC and couple of 2M at D 31. For the section shown below, second moment of the area about an axis d/4 distance above the bottom of the area is b a bd? 7 bd? ® oe 2a" ba? oe o> 32. Consider the beam AB shown in the figure below. Part AC of the beam is rigid while Part CB has the flexural rigidity EI. Identify the correct combination of deflection at end B and bending moment at end A, respectively. P A c B L L b-}———_+-*+—_4 PLt eu = oan (0) Sep’ 2PL ) agp PE SPL srl (op 2et @) Ser PL 53._A beam with the cross-section given below is sub- jected to a positive bending moment (causing compression at the top) of 16 KN-m acting around the horizontal axis. The tensile force acting,on the hatched area of the cross-section is , 15 a 50 +100 —4, 34 35. 36. 37. () zero (© 89kN (0) 59kN ld) 178 kN T-section of a beam is formed by gluing wooden planks as shown in the figure below. If this beam transmits a constant vertical shear force of 3000 N, the glue at any of the four joints will be subjected toa shear force in kN per meter length) of 30 ke 8 —* bok7s 4] +20 —4 (a) 3.0 O40 9 80 (10.7 Ia beam of rectangular cross-section is subjected toa vertical shear force V, the shear force carried by the upper one-third of the cross-section is wv 7 (@) zero o v Ms A thin-walled long cylindrical tank of inside radius ris subjected simultaneously to internal aS pressure p and axial compressive force F at its ends. In order to produce ‘pureshear’ state of stress in the wall of the cylinder, F should be equal to @ xpe (8) 2x p? fo} 3n pr (a) 4x pr? Vertical reaction developed at B in the frame be- low due to the applied load of 100 kN {with 150, 000 mmr? cross-sectional area and 3.125 « 10° rum* moment of inertia for both members)is av OF 100kN 8 —fo N internal hinge im c 1m (@) 5.9 KN (© 66.3kN () 302 kN (a) 941 kN 38. Consider the beam ABCD and the influence line as shown below. The influence line pertains to A 8 c interline” L i. pb te ai (@) reaction at A, Ry (®) shear force at B, V5 (©) shear force on the left of C, Vj (@ shear force on the right of C, Ve 39. Carry-over factor Cyp for the beam shown in the figure below is A s—_—~___—t B internal hinge L I, L 1 @ sy (b) 5 oz 1 40, Assuming concrete below the neutral axis to be cracked, the shear stress across the depth of a sin- gly-reinforced rectangular beam section (a) increases parabolically to the neutral axis and. then drops suddenly to zero value (&) increases parabolically to the neutral axis and then remains constant over the remaining depth (0) increases linearly to the neutral axis and then remains constant up to the tension steel (@ increases parabolically to the neutral axis and then remains constant up to the tension steel 41. As per IS: 456-2000, consider the following state- ments 1 The modular ratio considered in the working stress method depends on the type of steel used M1 There is an upper limit on the nominal she: yminal shear sess in bears (even withshear reinforcement) due to the possibility of erushing of concrete {in diagonal compression, IIL A rectangular slab whose length is equal to its width may not be a two-way slab for some support conditions. ‘The TRUE statements are @ onlytand it (6) only Mand Itt (@) I Wand ur 42. In the design of welded tension members, con- sider the following statements 1 The entire cross-sectional area of the con- nected leg is assumed to contribute to the ef- fective area in case of angles. Il Two angles back-to-back and tack-welded as per the codal requirements may be assumed to behave asa tee section. (© only Vand It IIL_A check on slenderness ratio may be neces- sary in some cases. ‘The TRUE statements are (@ onlyland Il (b) only Hand Il (Q onlyland itt = (@) 1, Mand I 43. Consider the following statements L__ Effective length of a battened column is usu ally increased to account for the additional load on battens due to the lateral expansion of columns. IAs per IS: 800-1984, permissible stress in bending compression depends on both Euler buckling stress and the yield stress of steel. IIL As per IS: 800-1984, the effective length of a column effectively held in position at both ends but not restrained against rotation, is taken to be greater than that in the ideal end conditions. ‘The TRUE statements are (a) onlyland (2) only land Ill (© onlyland I = (@) I, Hand Ill Gateonlinex.com 44, When the triangular section of a beam as shown below becomes a piastic hinge, the compres: force acting on the section (with 6, denoting the yield stress) becomes hs » tts 2bho, a Os bho, bho, oy Oy 45. Consider the following statements: 1. The width-to-thickness ratio limitations on the plate elements under compression in steel members are imposed by IS: 800-1984 in or- der to avoid fabrication difficulties. UL, Ina doubly reinforced concrete beam, the strain in compressive reinforcement is higher than the strain in the adjoining concrete. Ifa cantilever -section supports slab construc: tion all along its length with sufficient fric- tion between them, the permissible bending, stress in compression will be the same as that in tension. The TRUE statements are @ onlytand I) only Hand Itt @ Land i ui (© only [and It 46. List —I below gives the possible types of failuce for a finite soil slope and List - Il gives the rea- sons for these different types of failure. Match the items in List ~I with the items in List ~ II List -1 List - It P Base failure 1 Soils above and below the toe have same strength, Q Face failure 2 Soil above the toe is ‘comparatively weaker R Toe failure 3 Soil above the toe is comparatively stron- ger () P1Q2R3 (by P-2Q3R1 © P2Q1R3 @P3Q2R1 47. 48. 50. For the soil profile shown in figure below, the minimum number of precast conerete piles 0f 300, mom diameter required to safely carry the loed for a given factor of safety of 2.5 (asstiming 100% etficiency for the pile group) is equal to 5000 KN Medium stiff clay ©, = 100 kPa 37 Stiff clay Cy = 150 kPa @ 10 O15 © 20 @ 25 Ina standard proctor test, 1.8 kg.of moist soil was filling the mould (volume = 944 cc) after compaction. A soil sample weighing 23 g was taken from the mould and ovendried for 24 hours al a lemperature of 110°C. Weight of the dry sample was found to be 20 g. Specific gravity of soil solids is G = 2.7. The theoretical maximum value of the dry unit weight of the soil at that water content is equal to (a) 4.67 KN/m? (0) 11.5 kN/m? © 16.26 KN/m? (@) 18.85 KN /m? A sample of saturated cohesionless coil tested in a drained triaxial compression test showed an angle of internal friction of 30°. The deviatoric stress at failuce for the sample at a confining pressure of 200 kPa is equal to (©) 200 kPa (6) 400 Pa © 600 kPa @) 800 kPa ‘The thickness of the laminar boundary layer ona flat plate ata point A is2.cm and ata point B, 1m downstream of A, is3 em. What is the distance of ‘A from the leading edge of the plate? @ 050m © 080m © 100m (@ 1.25m ‘The velocity field for flow is given by Vin Gr + 6y+72)/ + (6x4 5y + 92)} + (r+ 2y Male and the density varies as p = py exp (-2/). Inorder that the mass is conserved, the value of A should be (@ -12 )-10 @-8 @10 52, 33. 56. Ins cultivated atea, the soil has porosity of 45% and field capacity of 38%. For a particular crop, the root zone depth is 1.0-m, the permanent wilting Point is 10% and the consumptive use is 15 mm/ If the irrigation efficiency is 60%, what should be the frequency of irrigation such thatthe moisture content docs not fall below 50% of the maxienum available moisture? (@ 5d @ oa (6a W184 A hydraulic jump occurs in a rectangular, horizontal, frictionless channel. What would be the pre-jump depth ifthe discharge per unit width 2m'/s/m and the energy loss is Lm? @ 02m 03m © 08m (09m }- During a 3hour storm event, itwas observed that ail abstractions other than infiltration are negligible. The rainfall was idealized as 3one hour storms of intensity 10 mm/hr, 20 mm/hr and 10 mm/hr respectively and the infiltration was idealized as a Horton curve, f= 6.8 +8.7 exp (+!) (fin mm/hr and ¢ in hr). What is the effective rainfall? @ 10.00mm (9 12.43 mm @ 11.33 mm @) 13.63 mm A very wide rectangular channel is designed to carry a discharge of 5 m?/s per meter width. The design is based on the Manning’s equation with the roughness coefficient obtained from the grain size using Strickler’s equation and results in a normal depth of 1.0 m. By mistake, however, the engineer used the grain diameter in mm in the Strickler’s equation instead of in meter. What should be the correct normal depth? @ 032m 050m © 200m {@ 3.20m ‘The flow of glycerin (kinematic viscosity » = 5 = 10 m’/s) in an open channel is to be modeled in a laboratory flume using water (@= 10% m?/s) as the flowing fluid, Ifboth gravity and viscosity are important, what should be the length scale (ic. ratio of prototype to model dimensions ) for maintaining dynamic similarity? @1 22 @ 63 i@ 500 87. The mean sndoor airborne Chloroform (CHCL) concentration ina room was detcemined tobe 0's H8/m*. Use the following data: T = 293 X, P= atmosphere, Atomic welghts: C concentration expressed in parts pes billion (olume basis, ppb) isequal 1 (@) 1.00 ppby ©) 0.20 ppby (9 0.08 ppov The composition of a certain MSW sample and specific weights of its various components are (© 0.10 ppbv 58, given below. Component Percent by Weight [Specific Weight teg/re®) Food waste 30 300 Dirtand Ash 30 500 Plastics 10 65 Wood and 10 15 Yard waste Specific weight (kg/m’) of the MSW sample is (@ 319 az (@) 199 (@ 209 59. A subgrade soil sample was tested using standard CBR apparatus and the observations are given below. Load. kg Penetration, mm 605 25 805 5.0 Assuming that the load-penetration curve is convex throughout, the CBR value (%) of the sample is @ 65 O55 4a 39 60. A vehicle moving at 60 kmph on an ascending gradient of a highway has to come tostop position toavoid collision with a stationary object. The ratio of lag to brake distance is 6 :5. Considering total reaction time of the driver as 25 seconds and the coefficient of longitudinal friction as 0.36, the value of ascending gradient (%) is (a) 33 O48 © 53 @ 68 61. For designing, 2 2-phase fixed type signal at an intersection having North-South and East -West road where only straight ahead trafficis permitted, the following data is available. Data for 5% CBR value No. of Standard Axles, msa [Total Thickness, mm 20 620 63. (a) 2000 (©) 3000 Ata horizontal curve portion of a 4 lane undivided carriageway, a transition curve is to be introduced to attain required superelevation. ‘The design speed is 60 kmph and radius of the curve is 245 m. Assume length of wheel base of a Jongest vehicle a3 6 m, superelevation rate as 5% and rate of introduction of this superelevation as 1 in 150. The length of the transition curve (mn) required, if the pavement is rotated about inner edge is (@) 814 & 850 ©us @ 110.2 Using IRC: 37 - 1984 “Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements” and the following data, choose the total thickness of the pavement. No. of commercial vehicles when construction is completed= 2723 veh/day Analal growth rate of the traffic = 5.0% Design life of the pavement = 10 years Nehicle damage factor = 2.4 CBR value of the subgrade soil = 5% (®) 2500 (@) None of these g 25, 640 Parameter North South | East West 20 470 Design Hour 40 700 Flow (PCU/hr) | 1000 700 900 | 550 @) 620mm (8) 640 mm [Saturation Flow| © 670mm (6) 700 mm (PCU/hr) 2500 2500 | 3000 | 3000 65. The observed magnetic bearing of a line OE was found to be 185°. It was later discovered that sta- Total time lost per cycle is 12 seconds, The cycle tion O had a local attraction of + 1.5°, ‘The true Iength (seconds) as per webster’s approach is bearing of the line OE, considering a magnetic a a an magnetic declination of 3.5° E shall be ® (@ 180° @) 187" {c) 87 (d) 91 {c) 190° @ 193° 62. On an urban road, the free mean speed was 66. A Bench Mark (BM) with Reduced Level ‘measured as 70 kmph and the average spacing, (RL) = 155.305 m has been established at | the floor between the vehicles under jam condition as of a room. Itis required to find out the RL of the 7.0m. The speed-flow -density equation is given by ‘underside of the roof (R) of the room using Spirit k Leveling. The Back Sight (BS) to the BM has been. =uy!1-£} and g=uk observed as 1.500m whereas the Fore Sight (FS) to v a Al aaa R has been observed as 0.575 m (Slalf held where U = space-mean speed (kmph); Uyy= free inverted). The RL (m) of R will be pean speec Semph)i E 1 enh Senne! (@) 155.880 © 156.230 = jam density (veh/km); q = flow (vel |. The maximus gee (veh/hr) per lane for this © 157380 (a) 157.860 condition is equal to 67. Consider the following figure, which is an extract from a contour map (scale = 1:20,000) of an area Analignment of a road ata ruling gradient of 4% is to be fixed from the point O and beyond. What ‘Should be the radius of the arc with Oas thecenter to get the point of alignment on the next contour “ Tv) a tom 50m {@) 0.025 em (8) 025em (Q 25cn @) 5.0em “68. Inthefiguregivenbelow, thelengthsPOOWCB:30° Jand QR (WCBS respectivelyuptoltveeplacee of decimal are rm Yaptotiveeplces 1 ({000N, 10006) P (1ooN, 2096) (@) 273.205, 938.186 (© 551.815, 551.815 (273.208, 581.815 (@ 551.815, 938.186, 69. During a leveling work along a falling gradient using a Dumpy Level and a Staff of 3m length, following successive readings were taken: 1.785, 2.935, 0.360, 1.320. What will be the correct orde* of booking these four readings in a level book ? (BS :Back Sight, IS: Intermediate Sight, FS : Fore Sight) (a) BS, FS, 8S, FS (©) BS,1S, 1S, FS (8) BS, 1S, FS, FS (@ BS, IS, BS, FS Common Data Questions Laboratory sieve analysis was carried out on a soil sampie using a complete set of standard IS sieves. Out of 500g of soil used in the test, 2002, was retained on IS 60h sieve, 250g was retained on IS 500q sieve and the remaining 50g was re- tained on IS 425 sieve. 70. The coefficient of uniformity of the soil is n. @09 (0) 1.0, one (12 The classification of the soil is @ SP (b) SW © oP «ow ‘Common Data for Questions 72, 73: For a catchment, the S-curve (or S-hydrograph) due toa rainfall of intensity 1 em/hr is given by Q=1-(L +N exp Et) (Finke and Qin m?/s). 72. What is the area of the catchment ? (2) 0.36 km? (@) 1.28 km? (9) 0.01 km? (2) 1.00 km? 73, What will be the ordinate of a 2-hour unit hour? hydrograph for this catchment at (@) 0.13 m/s (©) 0.20 m/s (6) 0.27 m/s (a) 0.54 m/s ‘Common Data for Questions 74, Ina rapid son filter, the time for reaching particle breakthrough (Ty) is defined as the lime lapsed from start of filter run to the time at which the turbidity ofthe effluent from the filter is greater than 25NTU. The lime for reaching terminal head toss (Typ) is defined as the time elapsed from the slart ofthe filter run to the time when head! Toss across the filters greater than 3m. 74, The effect of increasing the filler depth (while keeping all other conditions same) on Tyand Tris (@ Tpincreases and 7), decreases @ both Tyand Ty increase (©) Tydecreases and Ty increases (¢) both Tp and Ty decrease 75. The effect of increasing the filter loading rate (while keeping al other conditions sames) on Ty and Ty is (©) Tyincreases and 7, decreases @) both Ty and Ty increase (©) Ty decreases and Ty increases (@) both Tyand Ty decrease Linked Answer questions : Q.76 to 0.85 carry two marks each Statement of Linked Answer Questions 76 and 77 Consider a propped cantilever beam ABC under two loads of magnitude P each as shown in the figure below. Flexural rigidity of the beam is EI 76. The reaction at C is 5¥a SPO doumware (Fe (upwards) (b) [ar (downwards) Pa gra 2 upw: Fe (downwards) Sr upwards) a) BO a Gateonlinex.com at Bis (a) SEH (clockwise) ¢ He antictecvise) (9 FEE (clockwise) @ > = (anticlockwise) 16E Statement for Linked Answer Questions 78 and 78 In the design of beams for the limit state of col- lapse in flexure as per IS: 456-2000, let the maxi- ‘mum strain in concrete be limited to 0.0025 (in place of 0.0035). For this situation, consider a rec- tangular beam section with breadth as 250 mm, effective depth as 380 mm, area of tension steel as 1500 mm*, and characteristic strengths of con- crete and steel as 30Mpa and 250 MPa respec- tively, 82. ‘The depth of neutral axis for the balanced failure (@ 140 mm (©) 168mm At the limiting state of collapse in flexure, the force acting on the compression zone of the @) 156 mm (@) 185 mm 8. 79. section is, (a) 326 KN, (8) 389 kN (0) 424 KN {d) 542 kN, Statement for Linked Answer Questions 80 and 81 ‘The average effective overburden pressure on. 10 m thick homogeneous saturated clay layer is 150 kPa. Consolidation test on an undisturbed soil sample taken from the clay layer showed that the Void ratio decreased from 0.6 to 0.5 by increasing the stress intensity from 100 kPa to 300 kPa. (G=2.65) The initial void ratio of the clay layer is (} 0.209 (b) 0563 © 0.746 (@) 1.000 The tolal consolidation settlement of theclay layer due to the construction of a structure imposing 81. an additional stress intensity of 200 kPa is? 85. @) 0.10m (6) 0.25 mm (©) 035m (d) 050m Statement for Linked Answer Questions 82 and 3 ‘An upward flow of oll (mass density 800 kg/m?, dynamic viscosity 0.8 kg/m-s)'takes place under laminar conditions in an inclined pipe of 0.1 m diameter as shown in the figure. The pressures at sections 1 and 2 are measured as p, = 435 kN/mn? and p,=200kKN/m? ‘The discharge in the pipe is equal to @ 0.100 m/s © 0.127 mss © 0.144 m/s, @ 0.161 m/s If the flow is reversed, keeping, the same discharge, and the pressure at section 1 is maintained as 435 KN/m’, the pressure at section 2 is equal to (@) 488 kKN/m? 549 KN/m? (6) 586 kN/m? (@ 614 KN/m? Statement for Linked Answer Questions 84 and 85 A water sample contains the following dissolved ions. [Na*] =56 mg/L; [Ca**] = 40 mg/L; [Mg"*] = 30: mg/L; [Al*] =3 mg/L; [HCO 3] = 190 mg/L; [CI] = 165 mg/L; Water pHis 7. ‘Atomic weights: Ca: 40; Mg: 24; Al: 27; Hs 1:C: 12; 0:16; Na:23;C1355 The total hardness of the sample in mg/L as CaCOyis @) 484 © m2 ) 450 @ 225 The non-arbonate hardness of the sample in mg/Las CaCO,is @ 25 © 86 @ 156 Mo ANSWERS L® 20 3M 4@ 5H 6) 72 BA) a 10.) MD 120) BA). 12) 21) 22.00) 23.) Ala) 25.) 26.) 27.10) 282.30.) BL) 32) 31H) 35.04) 3637.1) 38H 38.) 40.8 41.() AB) 4) HLH) AK) BL) — 49.08) 50105) 51.(0) 52.(c) 53.) 5d) 55) BKC) BTL) 58.06) 58.(e) 60.10) 61.60) 62. (0) 63.44) 0) 65.) 65.67.) BLL) 69.(@)— TOLL) 71a) 72.2) 73) —7BLL)_—7LL)—HCa)— THD) 79.(0)— 80.08) 81 82.0) 83.4) BR) 85.LC) EXPLANATIONS Given, the set of equations, Ox +4y+32=8 Applying Ry—> Rs~2R,, we get 2x4+0y-12=2 20-112] 72 3x42y+02=5 023 : 2 5 \\¥ o4 3]fx) [8 oo oflz] [a 20 -1/ly|=)2 Rank of A # Rank of B 32 oflz] [5 {As incosistent, thus there is no solution, AX=B, where B= Argument matrix of A. Applying Ry > Ry— Ra we get o 4 ayry] [8 2 0-1] v{=|2 -32 0 ][2) LS Applying Ry <> Ry, Ry «> Ry we get 20 -1}/x] [2 32 0]}y|]=|5 oa 3llz] Ls Applying Ry Ry Sat, we get rie L 20 x] [2 02 y| =]? 3 fle} LS 3. Nostress should be acting on it. 300 4. Given, 0 30 where p,= 30 MPa, Px = S0MPe sroheele ‘0.0 and q=0 ‘Therefore diagram is -. Centre = (30,0) Radius = 0m. 5, Since, column B likes both end fixed, therefore c ta E EL dn? El PePye tes G Gateonlinex.com

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