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Write a method named canPack with three parameters of type int named bigCount,

smallCount, and goal.

The parameter bigCount represents the count of big flour bags (5 kilos each).

The parameter smallCount represents the count of small flour bags (1 kilo each).

The parameter goal represents the goal amount of kilos of flour needed to
assemble a package.

Therefore, the sum of the kilos of bigCount and smallCount must be at least equal
to the value of goal. The method should return true if it is possible to make a
package with goal kilos of flour.

If the sum is greater than goal, ensure that only full bags are used towards the
goal amount. For example, if goal = 9, bigCount = 2, and smallCount = 0, the
method should return false since each big bag is 5 kilos and cannot be divided.
However, if goal = 9, bigCount = 1, and smallCount = 5, the method should return
true because of 1 full bigCount bag and 4 full smallCount bags equal goal, and
it's okay if there are additional bags left over.

If any of the parameters are negative, return false.


* canPack (1, 0, 4); should return false since bigCount is 1 (big bag of 5 kilos)
and goal is 4 kilos.

* canPack (1, 0, 5); should return true since bigCount is 1 (big bag of 5 kilos)
and goal is 5 kilos.

* canPack (0, 5, 4); should return true since smallCount is 5 (small bags of 1
and goal is 4 kilos, and we have 1 bag left which is ok as mentioned above.

* canPack (2, 2, 11); should return true since bigCount is 2 (big bags 5 kilos
and smallCount is 2 (small bags of 1 kilo), makes in total 12 kilos and goal is 11

* canPack (-3, 2, 12); should return false since bigCount is negative.

NOTE: The method canPack should be defined as public static like we have
been doing so far in the course.

NOTE: Do not add a main method to the solution code.

Write a method named getLargestPrime with one parameter of type int named number.

If the number is negative or does not have any prime numbers, the method should
-1 to indicate an invalid value.
The method should calculate the largest prime factor of a given number and return


* getLargestPrime (21); should return 7 since 7 is the largest prime (3 * 7 = 21)

* getLargestPrime (217); should return 31 since 31 is the largest prime (7 * 31 =


* getLargestPrime (0); should return -1 since 0 does not have any prime numbers

* getLargestPrime (45); should return 5 since 5 is the largest prime (3 * 3 * 5 =


* getLargestPrime (-1); should return -1 since the parameter is negative

HINT: Since the numbers 0 and 1 are not considered prime numbers, they cannot
contain prime numbers.

NOTE: The method getLargestPrime should be defined as public static like we

have been doing so far in the course.

NOTE: Do not add a main method to the solution code.

Write a method named printSquareStar with one parameter of type int named number.

If number is < 5, the method should print "Invalid Value".

The method should print diagonals to generate a rectangular pattern composed of

(*). This should be accomplished by using loops (see examples below).



printSquareStar(5); should print the following:

→ NOTE: For text in Code Blocks below, use code icon {...} on Udemy

** **
* * *
** **


***** 5 stars
** ** 2 stars space 2 stars
* * * 1 star space 1 star space 1 star
** ** 2 stars space 2 stars
***** 5 stars


printSquareStar(8); should print the following:

** **
* * * *
* ** *
* ** *
* * * *
** **

The patterns above consist of a number of rows and columns

(where number is the number of rows to print). For each row or column,
stars are printed based on four conditions (Read them carefully):

* In the first or last row

* In the first or last column

* When the row number equals the column number

* When the column number equals rowCount - currentRow + 1 (where currentRow is

current row number)

HINT: Use a nested loop (a loop inside of a loop).

HINT: To print on the same line, use the print method instead of println,
e.g. System.out.print(" "); prints a space and does not "move" to another line.

HINT: To "move" to another line, you can use an empty println call, e.g.
System.out.println(); .

NOTE: The method printSquareStar should be defined as public static like we

have been doing so far in the course.

NOTE: Do not add a main method to the solution code.

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