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Ana Monica V.


Activity 3. Cyberbullying

Cite an example of cyberbullying case in the Philippines and summarize how the Philippine government
addressed the case.

CHR: Student ended life because of cyber bullying

The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) in Negros Occidental said Grade 8 student Eric Hain
Demafeliz of Bago City ended his own life because of cyber bullying, investigation showed. The CHR
conducted the investigation in response to the request of Task Force Kasanag national commander John
Chiong. CHR-Negros Occidental investigator Vincent Parra said he visited the Ramon Torres National
High School (RTNHS) and talked to the teacher-adviser of Demafeliz who showed him pictures taken
from a social media site, showing disturbing messages accusing Demafeliz of stealing his classmate’s
computer tablet. The school adviser admitted that she escorted Demafeliz to the Bago City Police
Station, and reported that the victim’s social media account was hacked and he was not the one that
posted the pictures of the stolen item. The police, however, did not record the incident since cyber
hacking is not under their jurisdiction. The teacher also denied the allegations of Demafeliz’s mother,
Warlina, that the victim was “shamed” during a flag ceremony. She submitted her statement before the
Department of Education (DepEd) Division of Bago City, which is also conducting a separate
investigation. Atty. Rex Cabarles, legal counsel for the DepEd Division of Bago, denied that Demafeliz
was brought to the police over theft allegations. He said they went to the police to organize an
entrapment operation against the student.

Cyberbullying is a serious issue all over the world. Because of the victims' suicide attempts, it is
extremely concerning. Hopefully, the charges and consequences will be updated so that people are less
likely to engage in cyberbullying. Today's generation, in our opinion, needs to be educated on how to
effectively use technology and social media. It only takes a single message or video and a single click to
take someone's life. When using social media, a person's moral character must be demonstrated in
order for others to understand what is right and wrong. This needs to be addressed before it becomes
unstoppable and too late.

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