Kindergarten 3 English Test (April)

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NAME: ___________________________________ K3___


_a Bb C_ Dd E_ Ff
Gg H_ Ii _j Kk Ll
M_ Nn _o Pp Qq Rr
S_ Tt U_ Vv Ww Xx
Yy Z_

Write the numbers in words. Choose your answer in the box.

one two three four five

six seven eight nine ten

6 _______ 1 _______ 4 _______ 2 ______ 8 _______

3 ______ 9 ______ 7 _______ 10 ______ 5 _______

Write the name of the colors.

pink red brown orange purple
blue white yellow black green

1. _______________ 6. ________________

2. _______________ 7. ________________

3. _______________ 8. ________________

4. _______________ 9. ________________

5. _______________ 10. _________________

Circle the correct answer.

1. Hello! I’m Molly. ( ,)

2. Hello! I’m Kenny. ( , )

3. Hello! I’m Corky. ( , )

4. Hello! I’m Daddy. ( , )

5. Hello! I’m Mommy. ( , )

6. Hello! I’m Billy. ( , )

7. Hello! I’m Benny. ( , )

8. Hello! I’m Ellie ( , )

Match the following picture.

Trace up, down and round.

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