Structural Health Monitoring

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Structural Health Monitoring

Experimental and theoretical analysis in impedance-based structural health monitoring with varying
Naserodin Sepehry, Mahnaz Shamshirsaz and Ali Bastani
Structural Health Monitoring 2011 10: 573 originally published online 21 December 2010
DOI: 10.1177/1475921710388338

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Structural Health Monitoring
10(6) 573–585

Experimental and theoretical analysis in ! The Author(s) 2010

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impedance-based structural health DOI: 10.1177/1475921710388338
monitoring with varying temperature

Naserodin Sepehry1,2, Mahnaz Shamshirsaz2 and Ali Bastani2,3

In the recent years, the piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWASs) are increasing as a measurement tool in structural
health monitoring techniques. In impedance-based structural health monitoring (ISHM) method, the electrical impedance
of a PWAS bonded to the structure is measured and served as a defect detection index of the structure. The principle of
this method is based on the electromechanical coupling effect of PWAS materials. As any change in the structure will lead
to a change in mechanical impedance of structure, the electrical impedance of PWAS could sense this change by the
electromechanical coupling effect of PWAS. Since the physical and mechanical properties of PWAS materials are
temperature-dependent, so the electrical impedance of PWAS will change with varying temperature. Consequently,
the changes in environmental or service temperatures could be detected in ISHM method as a defect. In this article, in
order to consider the temperature dependency of PWAS material properties, a temperature-dependent model is
developed for a PWAS bonded to an Euler Bernoulli cantilever beam. An aluminum (alloy 2024) beam was examined
experimentally by ISHM method in order to validate the proposed model. The comparison of theoretical and experi-
mental results demonstrates a good improvement in ISHM modeling where temperature variation is present.

structural health monitoring, PWAS, Euler Bernoulli beam, temperature-dependent model

determined. In this method, a PWAS is bonded to the

host structure using a high-strength adhesive and is
Impedance-based structural health monitoring (ISHM) subjected to a high-frequency (in the order kHz) elec-
using piezoelectric wafer active sensor (PWAS) as a trical current. Since the wavelength of the excitation is
sensor and actuator device has become a powerful non- small at high frequencies, this method is sensitive to
destructive evaluation (NDE) technique during the last detect minor structural changes. The impedance sensors
few years.1–9 The basic concept of this technique has are the small piezoelectric patches (usually smaller than
lied in the fact that the electrical impedance of PWAS 25  25  0.1 mm3), which are used to directly measure
patch is related to structural mechanical impedance by the local dynamic response.10 The principal advantages
the equation presented by Giurgiutiu and Rogers:2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of
Zstr ð!Þ
Yð!Þ ¼ i!C 1  231 ð1Þ Technology, 1591634311 Tehran, Iran.
Zstr ð!Þ þ ZA ð!Þ 2
New Technologies Research Center, Amirkabir University of
Technology, 1591633311 Tehran, Iran.
where C and ZA are electrical capacitance and imped- Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of
ance of PWAS, respectively, and Zstr the mechanical Technology, 1591634311 Tehran, Iran.
impedance of structure. 31 is the electromechanical
Corresponding author:
coupling coefficient of PWAS. Measuring the electrical Mahnaz Shamshirsaz, New Technologies Research Center, Amirkabir
impedance and comparing it to a baseline, structural University of Technology, 1591633311 Tehran, Iran
damage which has occurred or is imminent can be Email:

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574 Structural Health Monitoring 10(6)

of the impedance approach compared to other struc- actuator dynamic model attached to structure as beam
tural health monitoring techniques are as follows:11 or plate in which the effect of PWAS has been implied
by the insertion of a coupled moment and force on
. The technique is not based on any model, and thus, structure (step 2). Finally, to integrate steps 1 and 2,
can be easily applied to complex structures; an effective structural stiffness has been calculated by
. The technique uses small nonintrusive actuators to step 2, which one is replaced to the extended related
monitor inaccessible locations; equations of step 1. Also, a comparison between exper-
. The sensor (PWAS) exhibits excellent features under imental and theoretical natural frequencies has been
normal working conditions, has a large range of lin- demonstrated.1
earity, fast response, lightweight, high conversion In this study, Euler–Bernoulli equations were used to
efficiency, and long-term stability; model a cantilever beam with temperature-variation
. The technique, because of high frequency, is very effects. The strain and kinetic energies of both the
sensitive to local minor changes; beam and PWAS considered as actuator has been cal-
. The measured data can be easily interpreted; culated based on a dynamic model of whole system in
. The technique can be implemented for on-line health which the mass and stiffness matrices of beam and
monitoring; and PWAS are integrated. The numerical results of dynamic
. The continuous monitoring provides a better assess- model have been calculated using Rayleigh–Ritz
ment of the current status of the structure, which can method. Then, the related equations of PWAS consid-
eliminate scheduled base inspections. ered as sensor have been implemented to obtain output
electrical impedance of PWAS. In these equations, the
As PWAS material properties are dependent on material property changes of both the beam and PWAS
temperature, any changes in environmental tempera- are considered with temperature variation. An evalua-
ture can have an effect on impedance measurement. tion board AD5933 is used in experimental setup to
Several studies are reported about the temperature var- measure the PWAS electrical impedance similar to the
iation effects on the impedance measurement.12–14 Park setup materials used in studies.19,20,21 An aluminum
et al.12 show that temperature would lead to a horizon- (alloy 2024) cantilever beam is selected as a test speci-
tal shift and magnitude change of the impedance peak. men on which the PWAS patch (PSI-5H4E) has been
Also, he proposed a method based on root mean square attached by a high-strength adhesive.
deviations (RMSDs) to compensate temperature effect.
Bhalla et al.13 also investigated the influence of the
structure–actuator interactions and temperature effect Theoretical model
on the impedance measurement. He developed a theo-
retical model for a spring–mass–damper (SMD) system
Beam model
when temperature was varied. Koo et al.14 shows The cantilever beam with attached PWAS is shown in
that temperature variation could shift the electrical Figure 1. Using Euler–Bernoulli theory, the kinetic and
impedance of PWAS vertically and horizontally. Also, strain energies of beam will be determined as follows.
in order to minimize the effect of the temperature Considering u, v, and w as cantilever beam displace-
variation on the impedance measurements, a cross- ments in x, y, and z, directions, respectively:
correlation coefficient (CC) after an effective frequency
shift (EFS) was applied. Few works were performed to uðx, tÞ ¼ zw0 ðx, tÞ, vðx, tÞ ¼ 0, wðx, tÞ ¼ wðx, tÞ
model the coupling effect of PWAS and base structure ð2Þ
in ISHM.1,8,15–18 The previously proposed theoretical
models for PWAS and structure have been developed
without considering the temperature-variation effect.
Bhalla and Soh15 calculated the mechanical impedances
of a 2D structure and PWAS, then using these mechan- Lp
ical impedances to obtain PWAS electrical impedance x2 hp
by Equation (1). Peairs et al. modeled an equivalent x1
electrical circuit to model PWAS sensor and used this
model to calculated PWAS output electrical imped-
ance. He considered PWAS as an actuator by insertion L
of a coupled moment in Timoshenko beam-related
equations.16 Giurgiutiu presented a dynamic model
for PWAS sensor as beam or plate without considering
the base structure (step 1), then he developed a PWAS Figure 1. Schematic of cantilever beam with attached PWAS.

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Sepehry et al. 575

The kinetic energy of the beam (Tb ) can be calcu-

lated by:
Poling direction
Z L X2
Tb ¼ Aw_ 2 ðx, tÞdx ð3Þ
2 0 bp
With hp
8  9
> @ ðÞ >
< ðÞ ¼ =
@t ð4Þ Figure 2. Schematic of PWAS with polarization direction.
: ðÞ0 ¼ @ ðÞ >
> ;
Under the beam shape assumption for PWAS, the
where  is the density of the beam with temperature general constitutive equations reduce to the following
dependency; A the beam cross-sectional area; and L simpler expressions:
the beam length.
Since, the objective here is to study the influence of E
1 ¼ S11 1 þ d31 E3
variation of PWAS and structure constants on struc- ð9Þ
tural response, so the variation of strains due to the D3 ¼ d31 1 þ "T33 E3
temperature changes is not considered here. Hence,
the related resulted strains based on (2) are: Equation (9) can be rewritten as follows:

xx ¼ zw00 ðx, tÞ, xy ¼ yy ¼ zz ¼ yz ¼ xz ¼ 0 ð5Þ 1 ¼ c1  dE3 ð10  aÞ
D3 ¼ d1 þ eE3 ð10  bÞ
For the strain energy (b ) due to the generated
strains, we have: where
1 1
b ¼ xx xx dV ð6Þ c¼ ð11Þ
2 V E
Z S11
1 L
b ¼ EIw00 ðx, tÞ2 dx ð7Þ d31
2 0 d¼ E
where V is the volume of beam; xx the stress; E the 2
Young’s modulus with temperature dependency; and d31
e¼ T33  E
I the second moment of area. S11

Piezoelectric actuator model The kinetic energy (Tp ) and strain energy (p ) of
PWAS assumed as a beam shape can be obtained by:
The electromechanical coupling effect of PWAS is
introduced by: Z x2
Tp ¼ p Ap w_ 2 ðx, tÞdx ð14Þ
 E T 2 x1
¼S þd E ð8Þ
D ¼ d þ "T E Z
p ¼ ð1 1  D3 E3 ÞdVp ð15Þ
2 Vp
where  and  are mechanical strain and stress, E and D
the electrical field and electrical displacement. Also, S
where p , Ap , and Vp are the density, area, and volume
is the mechanical compliance of the material measured
of PWAS, respectively; x1 the distance of PWAS first
at zero electric field and varies with temperature, "T the
edge from origin (Figure 1); and x2 the distance of
dielectric permittivity measured at zero mechanical
T PWAS end edge from origin (Figure 1).
stress and varies with temperature, d and d the
Using (10), (15) can be rewritten as:
direct and converse piezoelectric effect matrices and
varies with temperature. Consider a piezoelectric Z Z Zh
1 x2 bp 2þhp  2 
wafer of length Lp , width bp , and thickness hp , under- p ¼ c1  2d1 E3  eE23 dxdydz
2 x1 0 h2
going piezoelectric expansion induced by the thickness
polarization electric field, E3 (Figure 2). ð16Þ

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576 Structural Health Monitoring 10(6)

where 1 is the PWAS strain, replacing 1 ¼ zw00 ðx, tÞ function (qi ðtÞ), Lagrange equation can be applied as
in (16), we have follows to solve the modal functions. Lagrange’s equa-
Z tions without external load are:
p ¼ ðI1 w00 ðx, tÞ2 I2 E3 w0 ðx, tÞ  I3 E23 Þdx ð17Þ  
2 x1 d @T @
þ ¼0 ð26Þ
dt @_ri @ri
where ri are variables of the strain and kinetic energies.
h 3 2þhp Considering ri ¼ qi , results to:
I1 ¼ cbp  ð18Þ
3 h n Z
2 X x2
p Ap ’i ðxÞ’j ðxÞdxq€j ðtÞ
2 2þhp j¼1 x1
I2 ¼ dbp z ð19Þ
n Z
2 X L
þ A’i ðxÞ’j ðxÞdxq€j ðtÞ
I3 ¼ ebp hp ð20Þ j¼1 0
n Z
þ EI’00i ðxÞ’00j ðxÞdxqj ðtÞ
j¼1 0
n Z
X x2
Coupling of beam and piezoelectric actuator models þ I1 ’00i ðxÞ’00j ðxÞdxqj ðtÞ
The kinetic energy (T) and the strain energy () of j¼1 x1
Z x2
PWAS and beam are:
þ I1 ’0i ðxÞdxE3 ¼ 0 ð27Þ
T ¼ Tp þ Tb ð21Þ
So, (27) can be rewritten as follows:
 ¼ p þ b ð22Þ
Mq€ðtÞ þ KqðtÞ ¼ NE3 ð28Þ
For system discretization, Rayleigh–Ritz method
has been applied: where M and K are the mass and stiffness matrices of
system and N the moment vector created by PWAS
actuator. For M and K, we have:
wðx, tÞ ¼ ’i ðxÞqi ðtÞ ð23Þ
M ¼ Mb þ Mp ð29Þ
where ’i ðxÞ is i’s modal shape which must satisfy
boundary condition and qi ðtÞ is i’s modal function. K ¼ Kb þ Kp ð30Þ
Using (21), (22), and (23), we have:
Z where Mb is the mass matrix of beam; Mp the mass
n X
X n
1 x2
matrix of PWAS; Kb the stiffness matrix of beam; and
T¼ p Ap ’i ðxÞ’j ðxÞdxq_ i ðtÞq_ j ðtÞ
i¼1 j¼1
2 x1 Kp the stiffness matrix of PWAS, and are given by:
n X
n Z L
1 Z L
þ A’i ðxÞ’j ðxÞdxq_ i ðtÞq_ j ðtÞ ð24Þ
2 0 Mb ¼ A’i ðxÞ’j ðxÞdx ð31Þ
i¼1 j¼1

n X
n Z L Z x2
¼ EI’00i ðxÞ’00j ðxÞdxqi ðtÞqj ðtÞ Mp ¼ p Ap ’i ðxÞ’j ðxÞdx ð32Þ
i¼1 j¼1
2 0 x1

X X Z x2
n n
1 Z L
þ I1 ’00i ðxÞ’00j ðxÞdxqi ðtÞqj ðtÞ
2 x1 Kb ¼ EI’00i ðxÞ’00j ðxÞdx ð33Þ
i¼1 j¼1 0
Xn Z
1 x2 Z
þ I2 ’0i ðxÞdxqi ðtÞE3 þ I3 Lp E23 Þ ð25Þ x2
2 x1 Kp ¼ I1 ’00i ðxÞ’00j ðxÞdx ð34Þ

As it can be seen from (24) and (25), the strain and Z x2

kinetic energies of the system are one part functions of N¼ I1 ’0i ðxÞdx ð35Þ
electric field (E3 ) and other part function of modal x1

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qðtÞ and ’ðxÞ are the function and shape modal vectors And also, modal function vector can be calculated as
and are defined as follows: follows:
qðtÞ ¼ ½ q1 ðtÞ q2 ðtÞ . . . qn1 ðtÞ qn ðtÞ T ð36Þ q0 ¼ T M !2 þ C i! þ K N V0 ð46Þ

ðxÞ ¼ ½ ’1 ðxÞ ’2 ðxÞ . . . ’n1 ðxÞ ’n ðxÞ T ð37Þ

Electrical response of PWAS
The generalized coordinates are introduced into (28)
using qðtÞ ¼ TgðtÞ where gðtÞ is the generalized coordi- Recalling (10-b) representing the electrical
nates of system and T the modal matrix containing displacement:
eigenvector of system. By this transformation, (28)
becomes: D3 ¼ d1 þ eE3

MTg€ðtÞ þ KTgðtÞ ¼ NE3 ð38Þ Integration of D3 over the electrodes area Ap , yields
the total charge QðtÞ:
Pre-multiplying (38) by TT , we have: Z
QðtÞ ¼ D3 dAp ð47Þ
TT MTg€ðtÞ þ TT KTgðtÞ ¼ TT NE3 ð39Þ Ap

which can be rewritten as: Replacing (10-b) in (47) results in:

M g€ðtÞ þ K gðtÞ ¼ TT NE3 ð40Þ x2 bp
QðtÞ ¼ ðd1 þ eE3 Þdxdy ð48Þ
x1 0
where matrices M and K are M ¼ T MT and
K ¼ TT KT and are called as the generalized mass Replacing 1 in (48) and setting z ¼ , we have:
and stiffness matrices, respectively. The structural
modal damping matrix C is introduced into (40) h 0 
using the Rayleigh proportional damping as: QðtÞ ¼ dbp w ðx, tÞ þeE3 bp Lp ð49Þ
2 x1

C ¼ M þ K ð41Þ Using Rayleigh–Ritz method, we obtain:

where  and are the frictional and the structural h 0 x2 eV3 bp Lp
damping constants. Finally, the dynamic equation of QðtÞ ¼ dbp u ðxÞ qðtÞ þ ð50Þ
2 x1 hp
structure can be rewritten as:
Introducing (46) in (50), we get:
M g€ðtÞ þ C g_ ðtÞ þ K gðtÞ ¼ TT NE3

h 0 x2
The resulting electric field is assumed uniform over the QðtÞ ¼ ðdbp u ðxÞ TðM x2 þ C ix
2 x1
PWAS, so it can be given by:
ebp Lp
þ K Þ1 N þ ÞV0 eixt ð51Þ
V3 hp
E3 ¼ ð43Þ
V3 ðtÞ ¼ V0 ei!t is the harmonic voltage between the top The electric current is the time derivative of the elec-
and bottom surface electrodes. Replacing (43) in (42) tric charge, i.e.,:
results in:
IðtÞ ¼ Q_ ðtÞ ¼ i!QðtÞ ð52Þ
M g€ðtÞ þ C g_ ðtÞ þ K gðtÞ ¼ N V3 ð44Þ
With N ¼ ðThpNÞ
The voltage excitation is harmonic, the generalized h 0 x2  1
coordinates are in the form of gðtÞ ¼ g0 ei!t . IðtÞ ¼ ix dbp u ðxÞ T M x2 þ C ix þ K N
2 x1
Introducing gðtÞ ¼ g0 ei!t into (43), we obtain: !
ebp Lp
 1 þ V0 eixt ð53Þ
g0 ¼ M !2 þ C i! þ K N V0 ð45Þ hp

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578 Structural Health Monitoring 10(6)

The impedance, Z defined as the ratio of the voltage

Experimental setup
to current and can be calculated by: For impedance measurement of PWAS, Analog
Devices company has recently introduced a single-
chip impedance measurement named AD5933.22 This
single chip has become of particular interest because
V3 ðtÞ of its higher capabilities in impedance measurement.
Zði!Þ ¼
IðtÞ The AD5933 is equipped with a 12-bit 1MSPS A/D, a
1 maximum frequency of 100 kHz, and a fast Fourier
¼ 0    1
h 0 x2  2 
transform (FFT) functionality at the size of a small
B dbp 2 ’ ðxÞ TðM ! þ C i! C coin. The AD5933 characteristics all make this device
B x1 C
i!B C to create a self-contained, miniaturized, ISHM system.
@  1  eb L
p p A
þK Þ N þ This chip primarily records the magnitude and phase of
hp the impedance by which the real part of impedance in
ð54Þ ISHM technique can be calculated. Figure 3(a) and (b)

Figure 3. (a) Evaluation board with chip AD5933 and (b) Analog Device Inc. block diagram of AD5933 chip.22

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Sepehry et al. 579

demonstrates an evaluation board AD5933 and its beam. The theoretical analysis indicates that these fre-
block diagram, respectively. quencies should be almost identical with the basic beam
In order to validate the effectiveness of the pro- natural frequencies, as predicted by vibration analysis.
posed method, the experimental test was carried out Tables 1 and 2 show aluminum beam and PWAS con-
on a cantilever aluminum beam. The simple beam of stants, respectively, at 25 Q.
dimensions 340  20  3 mm3 made up of 2024 alumi- The theoretical and experimental results related to
num alloy (Figure 4) has been used as a test specimen. the first five natural frequencies for 25 Q are given in
The PWAS patch reference is PSI-5H4E with Table 3. These theoretical results have been calculated
20  20  0.267 mm3 size. A frequency range of by beam vibration theory A with PWAS integrated into
16.5–33 kHz was applied for the PWAS’s self-sensing the beam B without PWAS. Table 3 gives the differ-
actuation. In order to minimize the incoherent noise ences between theoretical and experimental results (see
components, the signals were acquired with some %, related error percentages) are inferiors while
repeated measurements and then averaged for applying theory based on integration of PWAS (case
different tests. A). As it was mentioned in ‘Introduction’ section,
Giurgiutiu proposed a vibration theory for a free–free
single thickness narrow beam assuming PWAS as an
Numerical solution actuator and replacing it by a couple of moments and
forces. He reported that his proposed theory was able
Ambient temperature to predict the first four natural frequencies of single
The analytical model was used to perform several thickness beams.1 The natural frequencies obtained by
numerical simulations that directly predicts the theoretical model in this article are in almost close
PWAS impedance during structural identification. agreement with experimental results; the error percent-
The numerical simulation is based on the structural age under 4% has been obtained similar to theoretical
vibration analysis theory presented in the ‘Theoretical results obtained by Giurgiutiu method. Figure 5 shows
model’ section. The numerical results have been calcu- the numerical and experimental results for real part of
lated for the flexural frequencies and mode shape of PWAS electrical impedance, respectively.
These results shown in Figure 5 indicate that the
predicted and measured results are in close agreement,
within the tolerance normally allowed in experimental
modal analysis. It was found that for the first two
modes of beam and the last three modes, the predicted
and measured frequency values are almost superposed.

Varying temperature
Temperature effects on the impedance signature of the
PWAS sensor were investigated. The temperature

Table 2. Geometrical and material properties of PWAS PSI 5H4E

Figure 4. Impedance measurement configuration setup with Property Symbol Value

aluminum cantilever beam.
Length Lp 2 cm
Width bp 2 cm
Table 1. Geometrical and material properties of aluminum Thickness hp 0:267 mm
beam Density p 7749:985 kg=m3
Property Symbol Value Compliance, in plane SE11 1:64  1011 Pa1
In-plane induced-strain d31 320:026  1012 m=V
Length L 34 cm coefficient
Width b 2 cm Dielectric constant "T33 "T33 ¼ 3800 "0
Thickness h 3 mm Dielectric constant in air "0 8:85  1012 F=m
Density  2699:99 kg=m3 Distance of PWAS first x1 24:5 cm
Young’s Modulus E 68:998 GPa edge from origin
Damping constant  0:001 Distance of PWAS end x2 x2 ¼ x1 þ Lp
Damping constant 0:0000001 edge from origin

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580 Structural Health Monitoring 10(6)

Table 3. Natural frequencies of system obtained by experimental test and theoretical models

(A) Theoretical with (B) Theoretical without

PWAS (kHz) PWAS (kHz) Exp (kHz) % with PWAS % without PWAS

1 17.44 17.50 17.129 0.34 2.12

2 19.68 19.94 19.160 0.34 3.91
3 23.20 22.37 24.129 3.71 7.86
4 27.39 27.34 27.663 0.18 1.18
5 30.95 30.37 31.027 1.90 2.16
A, with PWAS and B, without PWAS.



Real part impedance (W)







1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4
Frequency (Hz) x104

Figure 5. Theoretical and experimental results of real impedance of PWAS for cantilever beam (25 C).

variation in the range 25–50 Q has been generated by a axis can be calculated, which is given in Table 6; a 40
heater placed under the structure. Because of the small and 110 Hz horizontal shift obtained by theoretical
geometry of beam, only one temperature sensor is used results comparing to a 60 and 80 Hz horizontal shift
and installed near PWAS. Figure 6 shows the measured given by experimental results for 40 Q and 50 Q,
impedance data on the intact structure. This figure respectively.
shows a left shift in horizontal axis and decreases of
amplitude of real of PWAS with increase of tempera-
ture. For comparison of theoretical method and exper-
imental results, the constants of aluminum and PWAS The theoretical model, based on coupling of PWAS
varying with temperature are set according to Refs.23–25 and structure for in situ structural health monitoring
(Tables 4 and 5). Figure 7 shows theoretical and exper- using energy method has been proposed and applied
imental results for temperatures 25 Q, 40 Q, and 50 Q. for a beam. In contrast to the theoretical models pro-
These results show a good agreement between the the- posed in the literature related to ISHM, in the present
oretical and experimental results. Similar to experimen- developed model, there is no need to decompose the
tal data, theoretical results show a left shift and whole system in order to consider the mechanical
decreases of amplitude of real of PWAS with tempera- effect of PWAS as an actuator on structure by intro-
ture increase. Using CC method, a shift in horizontal ducing coupled moment and force and vice versa; the

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Sepehry et al. 581

80 36°C
70 48°C

Real part impedance (W)







1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2
Frequency (Hz) x104

Figure 6. PWAS real part impedance obtained by experimental tests for different temperatures (25–50 C).
Note: Combination of PWAS/structure effect.

Table 4. Material properties of aluminum beam varying with temperature

Property Symbol 25 Q 40 Q 50 Q

Density (kg/m3) 1 2699:99 2697:224 2695:38

Young’s Modulus (GPa) E2 68:998 68:605 68:343
 ¼ 0:1844T þ 2704:6 and E ¼ 2:62  107 T þ 6:9653  1010 .

Table 5. Material properties of PWAS varying with temperature

Property Symbol 25 Q 40 Q 50 Q

Density (kg/m3) 1p 7749:985 7748:896 7748:17

Compliance, in plane (Pa1) SE2
11 1:64  1011 1:63  1011 1:62  1011
In-plane induced-strain coefficient (m/V) d31 320:026  1012 320:08  1012 320:11  1012
Dielectric constant "T33 3800 3800:1 3800:2
p ¼ 0:0726T þ 7751:8 and SE11 ¼ 5:5633  1015 T þ 1:6541  1011 .

dynamical response effect of structure on PWAS as a conditions. This further leads to reduce the costs and
sensor. Also, this theoretical continuous model based time of experimental tests in practice.
on energy method present the flexibility to be applied to In order to interpret the results related to varying
any classical mechanical structures including beams, temperature shown in Figure 7, the effect of structural
plates, membranes, cylinders, etc. Despite the previous and PWAS constants has been investigated separately
models, this extended theoretical model with integra- and presented here. Figure 8 shows only the effect of
tion of temperature-dependent mechanical and elec- PWAS constant changes with varying temperature
tro-mechanical properties of PWAS and aluminum obtained by simulation. These results allow concluding
could be used to predict the ISHM system response that the effect of this one remains very low on real part
with different structural shapes and environmental of beam structure impedance by the manifestation of a

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582 Structural Health Monitoring 10(6)

Experimental (25°C)
Experimental (40°C)
80 Experimental (50°C)
Theoretical (25°C)
Theoretical (40°C)
Theoretical (50°C)

Real part impedance (W)






1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4
Frequency (Hz) x104

Figure 7. PWAS real part impedance obtained by theoretical analysis and experimental tests for different temperatures (25 C,
40 C, and 50 C).

Table 6. Value of frequency shift obtained by theoretical and resonant peaks of the electric impedance. The vertical
experimental results shift of the impedance baseline is observed, in part due
to a change in the capacitance of the piezoelectric
Theoretical (Hz) Experimental (Hz)
40 Q 40 60 Finally, it can be concluded that the decrease in
50 Q 110 80 impedance amplitude observed by experimental tests
is principally due to the PWAS constant changes
during temperature increase, while the horizontal shift
decrease in amplitude with the absence of the horizon- of frequency to the left is totally because of aluminum
tal shift in each resonance frequency and an insignifi- constant changes with temperature increase.
cant vertical shift of impedance. It would be mentioned
that by increasing the temperature, this vertical shift
move toward bottom. These results are similar to the
experimental results (combination of PWAS/structure The main purpose of this study was to investigate the
effect) given in Refs.12,26 worked on a beam. In which, influence of variation of PWAS and structure constants
an amplitude decreases, a horizontal shift and without with temperature on structural response in ISHM. The
any significant vertical shift in each resonance frequen- theoretical model, based on coupling of PWAS and
cies was reported while for the complex structures, it structure for in situ structural health monitoring using
was reported as a significant vertical shift in Refs.12,14 energy method has been proposed and applied for a
Figure 9 shows the simulation results related to the beam. The temperature effect in this model is intro-
effect of aluminum constant changes with temperature. duced by considering the material property temperature
This figure shows that structure constant varying tem- dependency of both aluminum beam and PWAS. In
perature results to a left horizontal shift and a decrease support of this model, experiments were conducted on
in amplitude in each resonance frequencies, no vertical an aluminum beam (alloy 2024) with integrated PWAS.
shift for impedance has been observed. It was shown that the measured electrical impedance of
Also, the simulation results obtained for PWAS/ PWAS as a sensor around the structural natural fre-
structure constant varying temperature are in agree- quencies was almost in agreement with those calculated
ment with those presented in Ref.27, which were con- by the proposed model. The experiments depict that the
cluded by experimental tests: ‘The variations in proposed model could correctly identify structural nat-
structural impedance will shift horizontally the ural frequencies in the 16.5–33 kHz range. Upon the

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Theoretical (25°C)
Theoretical (40°C)
Theoretical (50°C)

Real part impedance (W)





1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4
Frequency (Hz) x104

Figure 8. Effect of PWAS constant change with temperature on real part impedance of PWAS.

Theoretical (25°C)
Theoretical (40°C)
Theoretical (50°C)

Real part impedance (W)





1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4
Frequency (Hz) x104

Figure 9. Effect of aluminum constant change with temperature on real part impedance of PWAS.

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