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WHAT IS A CASE main character has to do—what his or her most

• A business case imitates or simulates a real important task is.

• A case must have four characteristics: CASE READING PROCESS
1- A significant business issue or issues • Ask these questions respectively:
2- Sufficient information on which to base 1- Read the first and last sections of the case.
conclusions about the issues What do they tell you about the core
3- No objective conclusion—in other words, scenario of the case?
no explicit or implied right answer 2- Take a quick look at the other sections and
4- A nonlinear organization the exhibits to determine what information
• A case is very likely to include conflicting the case contains.
information, which is consistent with real-world 3- Stop! Now is the time to think rather than
situations. read. What is the core scenario of the case?
• Cases can also include information that serves What does the main character have to do?
as noise to distract you and makes it harder to What is the major uncertainty?
distinguish useful information. 4- What do you need to know to accomplish
• Cases seem to have a logical structure. They what the main character has to do or to
have an opening section, a sequence of resolve the major uncertainty? List the
headings and subheadings, and a concluding things you need to know about the
section. Nevertheless, business cases are situation. Don’t worry about being wrong.
typically nonlinear, meaning the content is not 5- Go through the case, skim sections, and
presented in the most logical way. Information mark places or takes notes about where you
on a single topic is scattered among different find information that corresponds to the list
sections in a case. of things you need to know.
6- You’re ready for a deep dive into the case.
Carefully read and analyze the information
you’ve identified that is relevant to the
things you need to know. As you proceed in
your analysis, ask, how does what I’m
learning help me understand the main
• Techniques for making meaning from cases: issue?
1- Recognizing the main issue in a case that 7- Your ultimate goal is to arrive at a position
needs solving and the most efficient way to or conclusion about the case’s main issue,
go about investigating it. backed by evidence from the case.
2- Reading the case actively and efficiently to Remember, there are usually no objectively
provide a basis for your analysis of the case. right answers to a case. The best answer is
3- Following a path of analysis to arrive at an the one with the strongest evidence
evidence-backed conclusion about the backing it.
main issue. 8- What actions does your position support or
• Three core scenarios cases can illustrate are: require?
1- The need to make a critical ‘’decision’’ and
potentially persuade other characters in the ANALYZING CASES
case to accept it • In case study, analysis is the close examination
2- The need to perform an in-depth of the pieces of information in the case that you
‘’evaluation’’ that lays out the pros and cons think may illuminate the main issue.
or strengths and weaknesses of the subject • The case reading process and the identification
of the case of a case’s core scenario provide the initial
3- The need to perform a comprehensive purpose for your analysis.
‘’problem diagnosis’’ that identifies the root • The goal of case analysis is to investigate the
causes of a problem described in the case pieces of the puzzle and arrange them into a
• One of the best ways to identify the core picture of the main issue that makes sense to
scenario of a case is to ask yourself what the you.
• The outcome of analysis is information, • In case-based essays, most of your sentences
inferences, and calculations sufficient to allow will provide evidence.
you to take a position on the main issue. • Evidence comprises case facts, including
• Analysis should be methodical and focused. numbers; calculations based on numbers in the
• When you analyze a case, evidence is case; opinions expressed by characters in the
information that supports a position on the case; data extrapolated from exhibits; and
main issue. inferences made from any or all of these.
• The main issue is defined by the case’s core • Evidence can also be categorized as
scenario: a decision, an evaluation, or a quantitative and qualitative.
problem diagnosis. • Inference requires a brief explanation.
• Case evidence consists of facts, including Inferences aren’t stated in the case. They are
numbers; calculations based on factual statements that follow logically from
numbers and reasonable assumptions; statements that are stated.
inferences from facts; and statements by • In an essay, reasoning is carried out sentence by
characters in the case. sentence.
• Evidence has a characteristic that’s crucial to • An action plan has four elements:
the credibility of a position or conclusion you 1- It states specific goals.
advocate it can be independently verified. 2- It translates the key points of the argument
• Some evidence is more inherently reliable than into action.
other forms. 3- It consists of a series of specific action steps.
4- It puts the action steps in chronological
• Four things you should be concerned about • The general purpose of an action plan is to
when writing case-based essays are: improve the situation that is the subject of the
1- The question you’ve been asked argument.
2- How to read and analyze a case • Argument lays out your position and the
3- How to organize your writing about a case evidence supporting it. Action plan goals
4- How to write clearly, concisely, and describe a desired end state. So, an action plan
correctly is the bridge between the argument and the
• A case essay can be organized to answer three evidence.
simple questions: • All the actionable content in an argument
1- ‘’What?’’ Your position statement that should be included in the action plan.
responds to the question. • An action plan consists of specific steps to meet
2- ‘’Why?’’ Your argument that supports your the goals of the plan and incorporate the
position statement. actionable content of the argument.
3- ‘’How?’’ Your action plan detailing what • An action plan is not just a collection of steps;
needs to be done based on your position it’s a set of steps meant to be executed in a
statement and argument. specific order in time. Urgent steps come first,
• A sharply focused position statement at the less urgent ones come later, and some come
beginning of an essay answers the reader’s first much later.
question: What is your answer? Without one, • Action plans are easier to understand when
the essay has no purpose or direction as far as they’re divided into short term and long term:
the reader is concerned. 1- Short-term steps are urgent, easy, or
• To develop an argument, you need to have necessary for longer-term steps.
reasons to direct your selection of evidence. 2- Long-term steps are hard to achieve,
• An argument consists of a conclusion or complex, time consuming to complete, or
position statement, criteria or causes, and dependent on prior steps.
evidence. Each criteria or cause and the
evidence related to it contributes to the proof DECISION CASES
of the position statement. • Most common type of case is decision cases.
• Decision scenarios are generally easy to 4- What things could go wrong with the
recognize because the decision is stated, often implementation? What actions could avoid
in the first section. or mitigate these problems?

Analyzing Decision Cases EVALUATION CASES

• The analysis of a decision scenario has six • A case with an evaluation core scenario
distinct elements: portrays a situation in which a deeper
1- Identification of the required decision understanding of a person, division, company,
2- Review or identification of options country, strategy, or policy is necessary before
3- Criteria selection any critical decisions or actions can be taken.
4- Criteria-based analysis • Evaluation cases often state criteria as
5- Recommended decision questions somewhere in the case.
6- Proposed actions • At the beginning of a case, be alert for the
• Decision criteria should be: words “evaluation,” “reevaluation,”
1- Relevant to the decision. “evaluate,” or “reevaluate” and similar ones
2- Relevant to the case evidence. such as “assess,” “reassess,” or “appraise”
3- Limited to the minimum necessary for evaluation cases usually have that.
making a sound decision. • An evaluation scenario always identifies a
specific subject.
Writing Decision Case Essays • When the main character has to make a
• Essays about decision scenarios have five judgment about the worth, value,
elements. They: performance, effectiveness, outcome, or
1- State the decision that needs to be made consequences of something, the core scenario
and any options. is an evaluation.
2- Recommend a decision option (i.e., present
a position statement). Analyzing Evaluation Cases
3- State the decision criteria. • The analysis of a case evaluation scenario has
4- Prove the recommended decision. six elements:
5- Present an action plan. 1- Identification of the subject
• The purpose of a decision action plan is to 2- Criteria selection
implement the decision as effectively as 3- Criteria-based analysis
possible. 4- Overall evaluation
• Some questions to think about when planning 5- Identification of contingencies
the action plan: 6- Recommended actions
1- What actions are essential to implement • The desired understanding or knowledge to be
the decision? gained from an evaluation is often the worth,
àWhat urgent actions must be taken? value, performance, effectiveness, outcome,
àWhat other short-term actions are consequences, or risks of the subject.
necessary, but not urgent? • Choose criteria that are relevant to the subject
àWhat are the long-term steps? of the evaluation.
2- Who should be involved in the • Evaluation has an important requirement: it
implementation? (And, possibly, who always needs to consider the positives and
should not be involved?) negatives of the subject.
3- What groups, teams, or departments are • Goal is to determine the positive or negative
necessary for successful implementation? “best fit” between the criteria and the
àWhat are their roles in the implementation? evidence.
àWhat groups, teams, or departments could • Only be concerned with a major contingency,
oppose or undercut implementation? What one that could have a significant impact on your
actions can soften or eliminate their position. A contingency isn’t required for an
opposition? evaluation.
Writing Evaluation Case Essays 1- Which of your findings can benefit most
• Essays about evaluation scenarios have five from action?
elements. They: àWhat urgent actions will result in the
1- State your overall evaluation (i.e., present a greatest benefit?
position statement). àWhat other short-term actions are necessary
2- State the evaluation criteria. but not urgent?
3- Prove the overall evaluation. àWhat long-term steps will result in the most
4- Explain and respond to any major benefit?
contingencies. 2- Who should be involved in the action steps?
5- Present an action plan. (And, possibly, who should not be
• The most essential element of evaluation involved?)
scenario essays is the criteria. 3- What things could go wrong with the action
• Criteria are derived from case content, your plan? What actions could avoid or mitigate
experience, and concepts, frameworks, and these problems?
formulas relevant to the content.
• Your essay should begin with an overall or PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS CASES
bottom-line judgment. It is your position • Problem diagnosis is used in many disciplines,
statement—the most important statement of from business to engineering.
the essay. • Problem diagnosis simply means that a
• An overall evaluation typically mentions the significant problem needs a causal explanation.
major positive and negative findings. • A problem can be an outcome, reaction, result,
• Keep two points about criteria in mind: or event.
1- the number of criteria should be limited to • A problem can be positive or negative.
those that are critical for making the • A problem-diagnosis case will often open with
evaluation. an overview of the problem and introduce the
2- effective criteria can be broad or narrow, main character who has to figure out what the
depending on the case. causes are.
• The argument consists of presenting the most • Problems are the effects of causes such as
compelling evidence related to each criterion, actions, processes, activities, or forces.
showing how it supports your overall • Many problems in cases concern business
evaluation, and acknowledging evidence that pathology: managers who perform poorly,
opposes your overall evaluation. change efforts that fail to achieve their goals,
• An accurate evaluation needs to include and companies that violate laws and ethics.
whatever the criteria indicate about the • Problem situations can fall anywhere between
subject. the poles of complete success and total failure.
• Every evaluation is subject to contingencies:
current conditions or potential events that can Analyzing Problem Diagnosis Scenario Cases
have an impact on your overall evaluation. • Considering what the main character has to do
• In a case essay, you should acknowledge only can help you identify a problem-diagnosis
major contingencies—those that have the scenario. In some cases, the main character or
potential to change your overall evaluation. other significant characters know what the
• When you state a contingency in an essay, you problem is. Sometimes, however, the main
will be more persuasive if you explain how it character has little if any awareness of a
can be controlled or eliminated. problem.
• The goal of an evaluation action plan is to • A problem is an effect of a cause or, more likely,
improve the situation described in the case. several causes. Diagnosis connects the problem
• The best way to lay out an action plan is in to its major causes.
chronological order, short term and long term • The greatest benefit of a problem diagnosis is
(and medium term, if necessary). that it opens up the possibility of actions to
• Some questions to think about when planning solve the problem or mitigate it. Until a
the action plan: problem is accurately diagnosed, any action to
fix it is essentially arbitrary.
• The analysis of a case problem-diagnosis is to maintain and extend the positive outcome
scenario has four elements: or result.
1- Definition of the problem • Think about the following questions when
2- Diagnosis through causal analysis planning a problem-diagnosis action plan:
3- Overall diagnosis 1- How can the major causes of the problem
4- Recommended actions be fixed or, when the problem is positive,
• Diagnosis is an analysis that seeks to define the be supported and sustained?
major causes responsible for the problem. àWhat urgent actions will have the greatest
impact on the problem?
Writing Problem Diagnosis Scenario Case àWhat other short-term actions are necessary
Essays but not as urgent?
• Essays about problem-diagnosis scenarios have àWhat long-term steps will result in the most
four elements. They: impact on the problem?
1- Define the problem. 2- Who should be involved in the action steps?
2- Summarize the causes of the problem. (And, possibly, who should not be
3- Prove each cause. involved?)
4- Present an action plan. 3- What could go wrong with the action plan?
• In the essay, you need to define the problem. What actions could avoid or mitigate these
Without a problem, there is nothing to problems?
• You can broadly define a problem in a sentence
or two and then describe its major
characteristics or symptoms.
• In a problem-diagnosis essay, the position
statement has two parts:
1- a problem definition
2- a summary of causes
• The second part names the major causes of the
problem you have just defined.
• The complex problems featured in cases usually
have multiple causes. But a diagnosis that has
many causes is hard for readers to grasp and
complicates action planning. If you find that
you have a list of, say, ten causes, consider
whether you can consolidate them.
• The most logical way to organize your
argument is by cause, from most important to
least. Your burden of proof is to show how the
causes contribute to the problem. To do this,
you’ll need evidence from the case and
appropriate analytical concepts and
frameworks that you can apply to the evidence.
• Analytical tools serve two purposes in problem
1- They help you make connections between
causes and problems
2- They help organize the essay.
• The goal of a problem-diagnosis action plan is
to fix the problem.
• When the problem is positive (e.g., the
unexpected success of a new product), the goal

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