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Name: Shania Mae D.



1. Correctness
2. Courteousness
3. Coherence
4. Clarity
5. Completeness
6. Concreteness
7. Conciseness

This is my own perspective on the extent to which the 7 C's in Communication

significance. Correctness to me is the most important, simply because when it
comes to talking, all the bits of information we give and get must be right. If the
meaning is wrong, we are more likely to misinterpret what the speaker is doing,
and people will even not be able to comprehend what we are saying. The second is
courteousness. We must not hesitate to display courtesy in any discussion we
partake in. It's a way of expressing respect to whoever we're referring, and it's sure
to lead to a productive conversation. Next is coherence, so we need to be sure that
what we are thinking is coherent and integrated in speaking out our points and
make sure our meaning makes sense. The fourth would have been clarity. If our
message is still coherent, then we need to remain clear about it. Every word we
utter must be well known by one message at a time. The fifth of my list is
completeness. All information must be given during the communication process.
Next, would be concreteness. We ought to make sure that what we say is what the
receivers of the message want to know. After learning about a particular proposal,
the recipients of the message should be happy. The last thing on my checklist is
conciseness. It is important that we communicate the message as easily as
possible. The message needs to be right to the mark. This idea will save time by
eliminating needless and redundant portions of the message.

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